(2014/01) January 2014

Pyng, I'm first time MTB.. Haven't tried anything haha.. Also heard that PISA has stronger suction. Actually had set my heart to buy PISA, but then was talking to my friend using freestyle who said its more portable, and also that stronger suction power may mean more pain also. Since I want something portable, and kind of scared of pain, I decided to go with freestyle in the end.. But if you have used Pisa and are ok with it, then not an issue for you! :)

GBOB, I'm buying all my stuff now cos my mum getting worse.. Later months might not have time to shop cos taking care of her, :). You can shop slowly! Long way for us to go!

ic ic...in fact i have consider freestyle too as it light, portable and quiet. However, i scare i not use to it since i used PISA leh.

PISA is more for seasoned mummies, the suction is stronger than freestyle. but freestyle is more quiet than PISA.

Agreed lor so will stick with PISA...

ya pyng, i have a freestyle, but somehow i feel not strong enuff hahaha! So when my colli say her frd is selling away her PISA, i fast hand fast leg grab, :p somemore she is selling 90% new set so cheap
Baby321, actually what does suction not enough mean? Is it that freestyle takes longer to empty the boobs or not able to empty totally? I just hope I can tahan to bf my baby for at least 6 mth.
Yup tink my fren told me it's ard $300 too..ya since no harm n e possible 'good' tt it'll do, I'll b doing it too.. ;)

The more I read up, the more keen I am. Let's see what hubby say. At most, I use my own money for sake of beauty. Hehe... Hope there is group discount.
i only buy my own clothes too!! haven buy anything yet! waiting for confirm gender then buy yeah. but going window shopping for bb stuff really makes me happy!! :D
Hi hi, I jus joined this motherhood forum, my edd is 3rd jan but doc said might be in end dec. Waiting for 24 Aug detailed scan... this is my #1, so im quite excited and stress... ^_^
Have all of you already bought your baby stuff? I have not start buying.. thinking its still far away... and don't know what to buy first...
Gbob, so good you still can fit into most of your existing clothes! my tummy bigger le, most tops also cannot wear cos i like buying more fitted clothes with no elastic. suddenly feel like got no clothes to wear :( so gotta spend $$ buy maternity ones. so ex! and only bought stroller so far cos saw good deal. the rest all haven't buy yet.
Haha dear... Cos I kept wearing dress la. I got some "lung lung" dresses... My shorts n bottoms all tight can't wear le but I quite niao don't wanna buy yet... Hehe
GBOB, I'm buying all my stuff now cos my mum getting worse.. Later months might not have time to shop cos taking care of her, :). You can shop slowly! Long way for us to go!

Deary, hugs. I hope your mum will get well soon. My dad also same same but he shd b coming back home in two weeks time n I think I will b deprived of sleep. Currently I really abit at a lost at what to buy so I lazy lor don't buy first ba... C mayb after detailed scan I may ask ard for "donations" lolx

U must take good care of yourself in the meantime ok
Sweet moment, ligation is a minor surgery. If u doing C-sect, they will just do at same time. If natural birth probably can do later as day surgery. A clip is put on the Fallopian tubes, so no hormonal side effects like putting on weight cos its more like mechanical obstruction to ovulation.

I just bought my freestyle! Got a contact from gumtree.com.sg.. Apparently this lady selling a brand new local set for $550. Meaning local warranty. At first quite scared, not sure if its a scam., but it just arrived today in a sealed box, and everything inside looks intact and new. Also managed to register my warranty online at medela.com.sg.

But obviously I can't test it out now.. So just have to cross fingers n hope for the best when I get to try it out. I think that's the problem with buying stuff online. Although seems a bit cheaper but you are always a bit worried whether will kena conned or not..

Those interested to check it out can see here:

I'm going for normal unless need c-sect. By the way your pump is a gd deal!
joy, sweet moment, for ligation, my gynae told me can do it when u stay at the hospital after delivery or 6wks later, i am still thinking to do during my hosptial or 6 weeks later.
Tis also apply for normal delivery? Donno pain anot. Because aft birth already pain. Don't wish for any additional pain.
Have u tried freestyle? Is the pump suction same as PISA? I used PISA for my lst bb...but that was my sis in law one. So now intend to get a new set PISA as i used to it. Heard the freestyle suction not as strong as PISA.
I also hear a few saying freestyle suction not as strong as PISA

I don't use full power for my freestyle lei. U use full power for PISA ar?? No pain ma???
Wow... Is new to me to consume my own placenta. Visiting the websites that were recommended on the benefits, maybe I will consider. One question, if I m going to store blood cord, will I still be able to send my placenta to make capsules? Anyone has experience on this? Danlin: Me. I am going to store my baby's cord blood with cord life.
Re: Cord Blood Bank,

I recently just attend a health care workshop conducted by my own company. The trainer is a very experience agent. He mention about saving own bb cord blood. He say cord blood can only be stored for 21 years. If you have only #1 and #1 need to use cord blood due to sickness, eg leukemia, does it make sense to say that #1 own cord blood is also defect and not suitable to use?

He mention about storing it to public cord bank, they will store it and let who ever need it use the cord blood who ever is suitable for. Public cord bank is who ever needs it will use it first. We parents will not have any power over who can use my child's cord blood and who can't. We cannot make any decision.

Private cord bank is like cordlife, parents will have e power of who can use the cord blood of our child's or in another words, we can save it for our own use. *touchwood*

Initially, I really wanted to store both of my bb cord blood but upon listening to what he say, I feel also truth. If #1 needs to use the stem cell means the cord blood should also be defect as well Liao, isn't?

Guess I'll need to do more research on this area.

For those mummies who want to store your bb cord blood, maybe wanna ask the person more about this area as well.

Just my sharing in what I heard. :)
Exactly what I've been reading off the Internet. imho, I think it's not necessary
Re: Cord Blood Bank,

I recently just attend a health care workshop conducted by my ur own use. *touchwood*

Initially, I really wanted to store both of my bb cord blood but upon listening to what he say, I feel also truth. If #1 needs to use the stem cell means the cord blood should also be defect as well Liao, isn't?

Guess I'll need to do more research on this area.

For those mummies who want to store your bb cord blood, maybe wanna ask the person more about this area as well.

Just my sharing in what I heard. :)
Re: Cord Blood Bank,

I recently just attend a health care workshop conducted by my own company. The trainer is a very experience agent. He mention about saving own bb cord blood. He say cord blood can only be stored for 21 years. If you have only #1 and #1 need to use cord blood due to sickness, eg leukemia, does it make sense to say that #1 own cord blood is also defect and not suitable to use?

He mention about storing it to public cord bank, they will store it and let who ever need it use the cord blood who ever is suitable for. Public cord bank is who ever needs it will use it first. We parents will not have any power over who can use my child's cord blood and who can't. We cannot make any decision.

Private cord bank is like cordlife, parents will have e power of who can use the cord blood of our child's or in another words, we can save it for our own use. *touchwood*

Initially, I really wanted to store both of my bb cord blood but upon listening to what he say, I feel also truth. If #1 needs to use the stem cell means the cord blood should also be defect as well Liao, isn't?

Guess I'll need to do more research on this area.

For those mummies who want to store your bb cord blood, maybe wanna ask the person more about this area as well.

Just my sharing in what I heard. :)
ya pyng, i have a freestyle, but somehow i feel not strong enuff hahaha! So when my colli say her frd is selling away her PISA, i fast hand fast leg grab, :p somemore she is selling 90% new set so cheap

haha okok.
I also hear a few saying freestyle suction not as strong as PISA

I don't use full power for my freestyle lei. U use full power for PISA ar?? No pain ma???

Yes full power haha & in fact i like use full force so that can suck more milk out. Err..i dun feel pain leh :rolleyes: could be due to the pump machine is old so suction is weak.
Seems like alot of u started buying things alrdy hor.... I until now only bought one maternity jeans nia. No bb clothings or pram, stroller etc etc... Kekeke
Me too... me too.....

Is it too late to buy breastpump after bb is born? I scared no milk then waste money buy pump.....
Baby321, actually what does suction not enough mean? Is it that freestyle takes longer to empty the boobs or not able to empty totally? I just hope I can tahan to bf my baby for at least 6 mth.
is not as strong as PISA but for first time mummy, freestyle suction power is bttr, I know some frds of mine feel the PISA suction is strong even if it is not full power.

I use full power for freestyle, maybe when i get the PISA, don use full power at first bah.

Wont take longer time to pump out the milk, no worries.
Me too... me too.....

Is it too late to buy breastpump after bb is born? I scared no milk then waste money buy pump.....

You can loan the breastpumps from hosps or get manual pump first, once ur milk supply kicks in and you judge if you need to invest electric pumps or not. best get dual electric pump.
Actually avent electric pumps also not bad, i used before, the tube got cushioning, so your breasts will be more comforty when pumping milk, suction wise, they are not as strong as medela freestyle.
haha okok.

Yes full power haha & in fact i like use full force so that can suck more milk out. Err..i dun feel pain leh :rolleyes: could be due to the pump machine is old so suction is weak.
Wa your nei nei very strong lei. Wen I start to use I got sore nipple n I nv use full power lei. Slowly den adapt. Because previously using Avent. The suction not so strong n there's cushion for more comfort.
Me too... me too.....

Is it too late to buy breastpump after bb is born? I scared no milk then waste money buy pump.....
Gal u can always buy pump later. Because at first our milk only come like few days later. But that time because my baby got jaundice so need to stay hospital. I use my pump to pump milk n bring hospital for her.

But hor don't scare no milk. We are mother by natural will produce milk. Juz latch n the supply will kick in. Demand = supply. I once read an article, a woman adopt the baby n wanted to bf so much. She pump till there's milk. So lets have faith in our body :)

End of the day even if u nv bf don't feel depress. Fm is just as gd. Rem to enjoy motherhood n baby grow up healthy most important. Drink fm or bm also nevermind.
Wow... Is new to me to consume my own placenta. Visiting the websites that were recommended on the benefits, maybe I will consider. One question, if I m going to store blood cord, will I still be able to send my placenta to make capsules? Anyone has experience on this? Danlin: Me. I am going to store my baby's cord blood with cord life.
Cel: I am still discussing with my husband if we should store the blood cord. Among a few of our friends, only 1 stored it. If wana donate, i think need to go for counselling first.
Re: Cord Blood Bank,

I recently just attend a health care workshop conducted by my own company. The trainer is a very experience agent. He mention about saving own bb cord blood. He say cord blood can only be stored for 21 years. If you have only #1 and #1 need to use cord blood due to sickness, eg leukemia, does it make sense to say that #1 own cord blood is also defect and not suitable to use?

He mention about storing it to public cord bank, they will store it and let who ever need it use the cord blood who ever is suitable for. Public cord bank is who ever needs it will use it first. We parents will not have any power over who can use my child's cord blood and who can't. We cannot make any decision.

Private cord bank is like cordlife, parents will have e power of who can use the cord blood of our child's or in another words, we can save it for our own use. *touchwood*

Initially, I really wanted to store both of my bb cord blood but upon listening to what he say, I feel also truth. If #1 needs to use the stem cell means the cord blood should also be defect as well Liao, isn't?

Guess I'll need to do more research on this area.

For those mummies who want to store your bb cord blood, maybe wanna ask the person more about this area as well.

Just my sharing in what I heard. :)

wah strawberi_pie, thanks for the information... I also think of storing bb cord blood... update me if there is any finding okie?? thanks..
You can loan the breastpumps from hosps or get manual pump first, once ur milk supply kicks in and you judge if you need to invest electric pumps or not. best get dual electric pump.
I agree that best to get dual pump. N a gd pump is important if u intend to bf for long term. At first I also scare no milk etc. juz buy Avent single. I pump till I wan vomit. Like whole day juz sit there pump n do nothing. Finally set my mind to buy freestyle n I regret not buying earlier!
Cel: I am still discussing with my husband if we should store the blood cord. Among a few of our friends, only 1 stored it. If wana donate, i think need to go for counselling first.
Donating> I don't rem any counseling. I only rem need to do some paper work to authorize them to take your cord blood aft baby is born. N the paper work need to b done before delivery.
hey mummies, just wana ask isit normal not for tummy not to show when nearing 18 weeks? i realise mine will only get bloated after i eat and im pretty sure its not a bump, it seems to me previous weeks were bigger :( prenatal check up is around only a month once so im getting kind of worried.
Hi mommies...I've been a silent reader for a while. I just want to say hi to the mommies. I'm currently 16weeks and my EDD is January 17
Thanks baby321 and sweet_moment, tt abt allay my fears of having no milk or not being able to get a pump in time.

Raineraine, Im not showing much either but gynae says its ok. Mon very fast will come so try not to worry k. Do you feel baby moving? like bubbles in the womb?

Wa your nei nei very strong lei. Wen I start to use I got sore nipple n I nv use full power lei. Slowly den adapt. Because previously using Avent. The suction not so strong n there's cushion for more comfort.

lol lol...i only got sore swollen breast if there is engorement. Thinking that, i very scare coz really pain like hell!
I'm seeing him on the coming monday :( but just a little worried.

Is urs lst bb coz i do have bump leh and coming next tue 18 wks. Any fetal movement...if so dun worry k

Regarding on cord blood, my sis in law advise to diversify it like go to 2 different blood banks. I still thinking should i coz my lst was with stemcord.
hi fellow mummies, i just made a few purchases on ASOS recently and say to say, the sizes did not fit me. Hoping to sell here to fellow mummies at a discounted price. Both pieces are in size 8. The price which I have bought the dress at and the selling price are indicated in the thumbnails. do contact me at 98446512 if interested. Tks.


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    Maternity Skater Dress with Slash Neck an Capped Sleeve UP 43.35 SP 38.jpg
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    Maternity T-Shirt Dress with Lace Panel in Acid Wash UP 36.85 SP 32.jpg
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Thanks baby321 and sweet_moment, tt abt allay my fears of having no milk or not being able to get a pump in time.

Raineraine, Im not showing much either but gynae says its ok. Mon very fast will come so try not to worry k. Do you feel baby moving? like bubbles in the womb?

yes, i do feel it at times, but not often , like maybe once a day.
lol lol...i only got sore swollen breast if there is engorement. Thinking that, i very scare coz really pain like hell!

Is urs lst bb coz i do have bump leh and coming next tue 18 wks. Any fetal movement...if so dun worry k

Regarding on cord blood, my sis in law advise to diversify it like go to 2 different blood banks. I still thinking should i coz my lst was with stemcord.

Hi, yes this will be my first bb as my last was a loss
hi fellow mummies, i just made a few purchases on ASOS recently and say to say, the sizes did not fit me. Hoping to sell here to fellow mummies at a discounted price. Both pieces are in size 8. The price which I have bought the dress at and the selling price are indicated in the thumbnails. do contact me at 98446512 if interested. Tks.

gelobean, when you say don't fit you, isit too big? too small? do you usually wear size 8? cos i bought a couple of pieces from there in size 8 too, waiting for it to reach me now. i usually wear 8
hey mummies, just wana ask isit normal not for tummy not to show when nearing 18 weeks? i realise mine will only get bloated after i eat and im pretty sure its not a bump, it seems to me previous weeks were bigger :( prenatal check up is around only a month once so im getting kind of worried.

Think size of the bump is not really important. Some people's stomach are really small..especially if this is your first pregnancy. However if you feel any unease.. you can just drop by your gynea anytime..
Today come office.. my colleague went to Scholl Sales at Chevron..hmmm.. making me feel like wanting to go there to get some sandals... more money to fly away :(
hey mummies, just wana ask isit normal not for tummy not to show when nearing 18 weeks? i realise mine will only get bloated after i eat and im pretty sure its not a bump, it seems to me previous weeks were bigger :( prenatal check up is around only a month once so im getting kind of worried.
Raineraine.. I also felt the same! I'm only 15 weeks though, but saw this 4 months pregnant lady with a prominent bump.. I just look like I ate too many buffets. I keep wondering if bb is ok or not. MS also subsiding, and I can't feel any bb movement yet.. My appt is in 2 weeks time though.. Long long wait..

hey mummies, just wana ask isit normal not for tummy not to show when nearing 18 weeks? i realise mine will only get bloated after i eat and im pretty sure its not a bump, it seems to me previous weeks were bigger :( prenatal check up is around only a month once so im getting kind of worried.
U first time mummy?? It's normal for first time mummy. I only look preg wen I'm 5mths. But now I'm already like 5 or 6 mths :(
