(2014/01) January 2014

Lol..... I actually play on the phone, play until level 35, then say must ask friend to help unlock more levels, I stop playing already...

Gbob, I'm keeping my fingers cross that I won't get any of these symptoms. Hahaha. Don't want to be like my hb's sister in law. Pregnant already, the whole family must be her maid kind

Hopeful> I also same as u. In the eyes of my friends, I m super strong de. I also agree with u must learn to let go of our emotions but I just cnt leh. I only can let go totally when I'm drunk! N when I'm drunk, it's no joke. V scary one... Lolx....

Oreo, hope yr symptoms will b mild mild de
lol GBOb wah it seems like we both quite alike hor. i used to drink alot! lol no i stopped liao coz i wan healthy baby. lol those were the days...

now i lousy liao cannot hold liquor

Hey gal, saw your email
Replied you a while earlier..
Hopeful mum, just managed to log in. Sorry to hear about it. I'm no good in consoling but I think u will turn out fine. It will take a while and some diversion but you will be ok. I believed.

I'm hesitating whether I should try again. I'm already 43 and has been TTC for #2 for 1.5 yrs. i was just telling my friend in March that if another mc happen, i will just stop trying. I'm just worried recurrent mc will just happen coz my age. Anyway I'm going to do BT to see what is wrong.
Hi gals any recommendation for confinement lady? Has anyone started booking for confinement lady? Our confinement span across cny so quite tricky.
minnieluv ya im fine dont worry.
but currently u are fine right? dont worry if nothing is happening. u will have a healthy baby.

i think its impt to do blood tests. Is ur age consider a high risk pregnancy also? but i have ex colleagues who also have kids at that age and they are fine. i hope everything turn out well for u.

im 32 this year, so if i want to do ivf etc must do it fast so that its more effective.
Thank you, hopeful mum. I'm fine. Spotting and cramp are on and off. Like GBOB said its the mummy instinct, I think I'm quite prepared. By Thursday, I will get a more definite answer.

Btw, I'm not in SG. 43 years of age is considered high risk here. I do not know what is wrong since all our results are fine though I have low progesterone. I've search and found low progesterone and age is a factor for mc .
Just fear for another mc.

hopeful mum, you are still young so do try out all means to get BFP but need to be patient coz not always be smooth sailing. Dont worry you will get your BFP ultimately.
Minnieluv, do u have any symptoms? Cos i know cramping n spotting is actually quite normal in some pregnancies. In my case, cos i lost the symptoms totally for a good whole 10 days now...plus actually I had experienced a "chill" in the middle of the night sometime early last week plus I also had a horrible mc nightmare plus my hpt test line getting fainter thus my "mummy's instinct".... lolx... not necessary for your case u know dear....
thanks minnieluv. oh i do know in australia and usa, they do look at high risk pregnancy with urgency. Dont worry so much. i get what u mean.

Not sure if u are on dyphaston or utrogestrone. Both of these helps on progestrone.

thanks dear, i got bfp 4 times, now 3mc and 1 chemical. i hope the next time i get bfp is the time i deliver a healthy baby

all the best, dont worry so much. seeing dr on thur, same here. prayers be with u and ur little one.
<font color="aa00aa">Hopeful mum! Bear hugs! Sorry to hear bout ur bleeding..n u r indeed v strong! Do take gd care n remain hopeful for e next lil bub to come along!
N talking bout CL, yes our confinement will eat into CNY so e charges r a lot more ex..I'll definitely get one still, cos we haf to rest n recuperate during tt x, to me it's not so much bout e food, but e strain tt it'll put on me to care for a nb..esp for csec mummies..although sometimes MIL or even ur own mum say can help u do confinement, personally I'd rather not, cos heard too many stories fm frens tt things turned ugly when they dun help enuf la, or sometimes e way of caring for e Bb isn't e way u like..</font>
if i do confinement i confirmed cannot let my MIL do. i will faint, all her food so salty and i probably cant get used to the way she take cares of baby loh.

my mum will be fine. lol so i must hurry, else my mum getting older liao.. will be xin ku for her.
wah 1 day nv log in the thread become so far!!

hopeful mum: *hugs* try again. THe next time will succeed liao!! Take care. but mc also need to do abit like confinement leh.. to "bu" back ur health..

my confinement i insist my mum to do.. i also cannot accept my MIL's cooking. now i already got problem smelling the cook every morning. cannot take it. maybe just sick of the food la.. always repeated yet cannot hiam.. my mom at least i can complain etc... hee.. as usual...
GBOB: my symptoms also gone ar.. n the sore boobs also no more.. but after yst's scan, i felt more secure already. if yst nv scan, i also worry this n that.. just hope for the next visit to come soon~!~!~! but i think 3 to 4weeks later.. when is ur next appt?? faster go n see a gynae n stop playing the guessing game..
0re0: i think we both are the same.. no more symptoms now!! but get hungry easily. n when i get hungry, i start to feel nauseaous and jelly..
TT, at least u still got "get hungry easily" n if u dnt eat u feel nauseous n jelly. All these r symptoms ma. Lolx. Me totally normal like anything! For so long somemore... Abit odd right. Lolx. My gynae apt next week lor shd b next wed when I am exactly 7week. Was telling my DH if next wed got hear Bom Bom Bom hor, we can forget abt buying toto for the rest of our lives lah cos used up all our luck Liao!! Wakaka
TT what is jelly? this is so funnie, cracked me up.

no leh my mum says dont need to Bu even though she believes in this type. she just say afer i finish bleeding make some soup. up till today i still refused to meet my parents
sigh i so "bu xiao"

coz i dont want to answer any qns and dont wnt to be qns also. lol

here very nice, all give me BEAR hugs and big hugs! so sweet of u ladies.
GBOB: that's when i am VERY VERY HUNGRY.. haha..
i think 6 weeks + Can see something liao.. i think if you are really worried.. go n see earlier..

Hopeful mum: what is jelly? whole body jelly.. no strength.. will shiver kind..! i already had that twice! today i also very hungry but just tuck into the food at home..

but it's also good to bu abit la.. go n see TCM adjust your womb?? or probably after you stop working, u will get preg again!! like me.. -___-" haha..
oh... i thought what jelly mah. so cute.
lol i think i will try immediately.. no patience to wait for nuh to see me 1 mth later
no lah just let nature takes its course... actually pregnant again i will worry again.. probably will just not prevent.. then wait to go NUH
they have a unit for recurrent miscarriages. unfortunately we fall into the 1% of couple who has 3 or more recurrent mc.. so they can do tests on me to find out why and see if i need to do any precaution work.
TT no idea leh. That's I getting a referral letter from poly clinic before going there. Hopefully can get subsidised rates.
TT, initially when I was abt 4weeks I was like u lor! Jin Yao n can yao ka ma chiam can faint n jelly jelly. Now bo Liao Lo. Hehe. My previous mc hor cnt c hb at 6w+ n gynae ask me go back scan a week later so end up I paid gynae fees twice leh so this time round Ai ya just jit Tao wait till 7weeks then go lor. Anyway I m no longer worried already lah cos I already know the outcome. My "instinct" v zun one. Now I am "pathing" my road to next step Liao, that is, to c recurrent pregnancy loss clinic in nuh. Must find out cause b4 I embark on my ttc journey again.

Hopeful, u good la, u quite fertile leh. So fast can get preg again de. It took me 3.5years to get a bfp naturally (last year) n after the mc, it took me another 10months (now) then bfp again... Sigh

I think la SG only nuh have this recurrent pregnancy loss clinic that will investigate the cause n help to remedy it. Other hospitals ma chiam bo &amp; this professor mahesh is quite famous in this field.
Hugz hopeful and GBOB! Stay ard to chat if u dun mind ya.

2nd or 3rd time mummies,
Can ask how soon tummies will show? Need to prevent shocking ppl ard me.

I was easily tired and slping real early like 8-9pm. But this week siao leh, tired but cannot sleep. And energy and mood very low, anytime will cry and machiam prenatal depression. Scary siah... Do u think i can wit till next mon to c my gynae?
Thanks juju. Hope u can get some slp soon. I think the hormones making u more emotional. Don't worry I think it's normal
ill hang around
hoping to get preggie soon though. Then when u all on maternity I abt 6mths? Lol can still chat with me.

GBOB. Maybe fertile I don't know. But I was on clomid. And they say more fertile after mc. Just that I always tough to catch hubby timing. He will suddenly fly one. Like this time. Then hor man hor now not like young boys so active right. Lol. Must time it else he exhausted the chance also gone Liao.
Lol..... Yah. Maybe that's why most girls want their mom to take care of their child. Cos still can scold. U can't scold ur mil!!! Haha...

My mom don't know how to do confinement, but I can certainly use her help. Hopefully it's school holidays for her so she can help me out...

Ju.... Me too.... Last nit wake up in the middle of the night at 3am.... Damn tired, but just can't sleep
GBOB I really hope for a diff outcome for u.

Jia you. Next week comes very fast one. Just now hubby call back I told him abt the tcm.

Since u all say see once a mth only right? Lol okay lah I don't mind. For having a baby sake I think I'll try
I hope lor. Maybe wait till next mon then ask gynae.

I wake at least 3 times at nite to pee. I can go back to sleep, but frm 3 or 4am onwards, i will wake hourly to pee. Damn sianz. But now i can't even slp, so the 3 times will kill me. Tmr whole day meeting. Sobz...

Die. Now hungry and hubby sleep liao
Juju, ya I'll still lurk ard here
U pee alot at night ah? Try to dnt drink water before u sleep lor. Mayb will b better....

Hopeful, I heard clomid cannot take too many cycles cos will thin lining. That's what I heard dnt know if I'm wrong or not. I oso thinking of gg to c the marine parade TCM leh... Dnt know Ai kee Mai kee. Hehe I also hope got diff outcome for me but that would take a HUGE MIRACLE la... So I doubt so...
GBOB: haha... dun think too much.. pray hard for next week to come!!! den bo bian can onli wait n wait.. the next thing im waiting.. is waiting to start work.. too bored at home..!!
Jus 1 mouth else very dry. Then after i wake to pee, i nid to drink another mouth cos extremely thirsty. I do this every nite even before pregs, usu tahan till next morn wake up de.

Clomid cannot take for too many cycles also bcos it will cause the system to go haywire. Maximum 6 cyles at 1 time.
juju: im 2nd time mommy.. n my tummy fats.. haiz... dun wan say liao.. if i breathe out totally.. look like 4 5mths preggy!!! tmr im seeing my aunts.. not sure what will they say as i think some duno im preggy.. haha..
Same here. Else, if i eat full or hold bladder, i look very pregnant. Zzz... 6wks only, machiam 4-5mths
but i also read in some articles.. they say 2nd time moms uterus will expand faster and hence will be more obvious than 1st time moms..
TT, so u managed to find a job ah? Not bad wor. Yr employer know u preg n they willing to employ u ah? Then maternity how? They still give ma? Now till July still got abt three weeks nia, v fast de la. Meantime just rest as much as possible lor
Oh! I no gib birth b4 la but hor.... My tummy hor... Got pop before or not also no diff... Look like 4 month pregnant! Fat lor!
Congrats on the new job! U hv time to work 180 days before claiming maternity leave!
I also read we will show earlier but dunno how early.

Bcos of stupid insomnia and PND, i jus DL candy crush. Omg!
TT congrats on ur new job!

Ya so far my clomid take max 3 cycles pregnant. Then gone again. Lol.

My first pregnancy 2.5years back was first try. Wah stricke jackpot. Then mc. That was roller coaster ride! And during fibroid op gynae found out actually one tube was stuck. So I was like so lucky!! But the luck last for a few weeks.

My blood very black leh so weird. Not bright red. Think it's just the beginning process. Argh.

So far ppl go to the marine parade tcm I nvr hear bad things. Almost 100percent will strike. So I very tempted.
thanks.. i was very upfront during the interview. i told them i will due in Jan. so it's really up to them to decide and i dun wish to hide from them and when i start work den tell them im preg. even if i say i din noe.. still alot pple will doubt..

and yes.. this new job offer i accepted gave me 4mths maternity. but i can onli take 3mths straight and 1mth spread within 1yr. so if i start work in July, i onli work for 6mths..
U r very lucky to find such a nice employer.

Hopeful &amp; GBOB,
the only time i saw black in mc was my blood clots. U wanna call up ur gynae tmr to see if nid to get urgent appt?
