(2013/11) November 2013

sdluvct, i measure my waist line and weight every Sunday immediately after i wake up from bed. I kept the measurement i had during my #1 so i can compare. scary to see how much heavier i weight compare to then. my waist increase abt 0.5" per wk.

Mush: avent manual pump is good, I have used it, u have control on it but it is really tiring on hands... And feel it is faster than electric pump as I was able pump quickly.
mummychua, thanks for the advise! by the way, how often should we be sterilising our pumps? once a day? or we should sterilise everytime before we pump? oh no so i must also learn how to dismantle the various parts of the pump n put them back together correctly. like stress leh... =x

sdluvct: i dun measure my waist line leh.. finds it abit meaningless since i can't do anything abt the expanding waistline. will make myself more sad only. haha.. if i'm not wrong, during my last appt my gynae measured my baby's tummy area and from there estimate the weight of baby.
plush84, the name sounds the same but looks a bit different. i have not got mine yet coz delivery will be this Sat, so can't take pix for you yet. maybe you call Taka to check instead of making a special trip down? and hor, if baby fair at atrium don't have, can try Taka Level 4 coz i noticed the items at the atrium are at same sale price as upstairs so maybe upstairs have stock too.

xu4n, i sterilized my pump after every pumping but i also read tt can put pump in fridge for next pump if really no time to wash. i tried tt once in a while then but never beyond second pumping.
Hi Febie, not sure what u meant when u say they are awake.. usually i feed my sons and they will be drowsy and half awake. I will swaddle them and they will drop off to slp. no need to pat or rock them. if they are wide awake (esp night feeds), i usually will play with them a bit, wait for them to poo then feed them.. so far they get drowsy after a full feed so going back to slp is easy. If they are wide awake i won't swaddle because they won't like it at all. :)

I dun like Drypers.. used it a few times for #1 and i dun like the sticky tape.. used it again for #2 the cutting too small and kept leaking, even after changing every 3 hrs.. can't seem to hold a full load of pee and poo in 3hrs.. :(

Happy, wah sey u gain a lot! hehehe.. u have a gd appetite? I think i m gaining abt 1kg every 2 wks.. so gained abt 3-4kg from pre-preg weight.

Hi Fuzzybear, I was asking if you swaddle baby when they are awake ard 3mth time and you have answered me... :)
ya during #1 time, the tape from drypers always scare him... since drypers has change to Velcro, I might buy one to try. depending on what hospital has given to us.... :)

Fitti used to sell by carton of 6 packs, and at only $60, so I used to stock up a lot, can mix sizes too! now not sure how much they sell per carton, delivery inclusive too!

3xmum, me too... I ordered once or twice last time... hope they still have this... :)
I oso worried i dunno how to use e breast pump! If only e latch consultant can teach how to use e breast pump..so can bring e breast pump to hospital?

Got a qns, so mus sterlized e spare parts of the breast pump immediately after we pump? Can use those milk bottles steralizer? Or muz hot boil it?

I nv measure my waistline le.. so demoralising... jus leave it ba.. but i more abt abt e stretchmarks it appear!!! Recently saw alot on my thighs... argghz.. i shld have started apply on my thighs n butts much more earlier lo!! Cos i only apply on my tummy on 3rd mth...
xuan, to add on for the breast shells, it's also useful when you have sore or cracked nipples, as it allows it to "breathe" unlike breast pads which stick to your skin. I bought breast shells for #1 but end up never use and gave it away cos I just wear old t-shirts at home and don't care about leaks since there's only hb and my mum around lol

plush, I also saw info on the baby fair at the expo website, maybe a small scale one? Didn't see any advertising on it. If there's time this weekend, I may drop by to look look see see since my parents stay quite near to expo.

mush, agree on the compatibility, that's why I want to buy avent electric pump so I can reuse all my bottles and accessories :)

xuan, I usually wash and sterilize after every pump, then either leave it in the sterilizer or transfer to an airtight container until next pump. Don't feel comfortable about leaving it in the fridge without washing :p Try not to sterilize it just before you pump... very hot!

I don't measure my waist line too... just take my weight as and when I remember and when I go KKH. When my pants feel tighter, it means that waistline has increased lol

Weight of baby is an estimate based on the diameter of abdomen/head for average statistics, that's why it can differ a lot from actual birth weight as everyone's "density" is different.
haha what's the point of measuring waist line ah? definitely will increase with a growing baby mah. if you want to measure waist line, then you need to measure the circumference of your legs and arms all that too liao. Just keep a watch on the total weight gain can already lar. when you eventually lose weight, you will lose from all parts of your body.

initially i was also quite worried about now knowing how to assemble my breast pump. but it's really quite idiot proof. so dun worry so much!

mummychua, i measure my weight on a fixed day every week and fixed time (morning before breakfast) as well, so i can see what's the weight gain per week. haha.
Xuan and pinkloving, dun worry how to use the pump...
You will hav leaflet in the box when u buy a medela freestyle. I refer to that and just fix it and just trial and error... :)

mush, my friend will be passing me her medela harmony. (manual pump) cos I also worry my freestyle might give way half way.
Hope it be good and last me for 18mths at least... :)
This new interface really bad..... I cant link back who is who via e nick used..& e posting need to scroll back so many pages tt i cant rem who posted that! haha.

Thanks mummies for replying on e type of detergent, bb wash/lotion/dish cleanser to use! I roughly have an idea on e brands and next time will need to go supermarket to compare the price. See which is e lowest to get. Need to save abit here n there else v shiong le by having a bb!

Xiaober, i hope u r coping well. Dont b so affected by e work since is just a contract job. If is really affecting u tt much, i tink is better for u to resign? Rather den suffering from depression (TOUCHWOOD!!). Anything jus bomb this forum n we will b there to talk to u .. =)) Which natal class u gg on Friday?

Xuan, yes is me saying buy 2 pack of NB & 2 S size diapers cos we dunno how big is bb size. Later i scare stock up too many NB size will b wasted if bb outgrown it.

Hikaru, thanks for e info! I will call Mt A later to confirm abt e ward, ladies card & natal class!

Fuzzybear, oh, u wrap bb using e swaddle cloth till 20 weeks! Normally pple jus do it for e 1st month only. I wan to try the method u did. Hope bb can sleep thru out e night. Lazy mum dun wan to wake up during e night. hehe.. So means, everytime when i wan to put bb to bed, den i wrap him right. If he dun wan to sleep, but jus on e bed staring/playing den i not gg to wrap him right?

re: bb kicks
I in my 23 weeks!! Some day i feel v panic if nv feel bb kicks. Like wat he doing inside etc etc... Lucky, e next day, he kicks. So i guess shld b fine?

Hey pinkloving, ya i m feeling better.. cos the contract is ending soon also.. plus havent been working for 6 months so want to slowly adapt back to the working lifestyle also... i will make sure i wun get depression!! haah i find that quite sad for mummies to have depression because of hidden emotions, so i will definitely come here and bomb! hee hee.. i will be attending the class at AMK hub.. just submitted my form to register..
thanks all mummies for the advices on sterilising pump parts.

sei: ok will keep tt in mind, if i have sore or cracked nipples then will go buy a breast shell to try use. haha u see lah it's quite obvious i'm a noobie mum cos totally forgot right after sterilising the parts of the pumps will be hot! lol...

pinkyloving: the steriliser i bought can just throw the pump parts in to sterilise together with the bottles. hehe..
linxiaober, yes, it's better to let everything out so you don't have all the pent up frustrations! Just come here and bomb away!

JTS: for breastpads, kiddy palace is having a promotion. Pigeon 2 boxes of 36+6 (total 84 pcs) selling at $15, Avent (day) 2 boxes of 30 (total 60 pcs) selling at $10.50
linxiaober, yes, it's better to let everything out so you don't have all the pent up frustrations! Just come here and bomb away!

JTS: for breastpads, kiddy palace is having a promotion. Pigeon 2 boxes of 36+6 (total 84 pcs) selling at $15, Avent (day) 2 boxes of 30 (total 60 pcs) selling at $10.50

sei i saw the 2 for $15 pigeon breastpads too. that is a special promotion pricing huh? cos if it is i am thinking of buying more. if it's a all year round pricing then i won't rush to buy so much le.
Opps haha... actually i measured my waist cos previous has 2 miscarriages... so scare bb not growing but every week i measure i got scared by the increasing inches!

Tonighy can finally see my bb.. finally after 2months not seeing gynae...

Anyone given birth before in kkh... is it really difficult to get one bedded? And also do they give out freebies like tmc or mount a.... didnt see any decription in their webby

Thanks thanks
Ya. The taka price is nt bad but its nt the cheapest i have seen. Sometimes cold storage has promo 2 packs for $19.95. Even more worth but sizes oos v v fast.

If u buy those wet wipes or pigeon refillable bottle detergent in a bundle usually standard price. Like pigeon 6packs in 1 usually cost $19.50. Even u go metro 20% sales also wldnt have extra disc off $19.50. Pigeon bottle detergent usually 2 for $18.90 also no disc for bundle.

Yes, tats the risk of the beansprout pillow as it may somehow cover the face of the baby. So gt to be careful and always chk on baby. Gd the swaddle works for u =)

Welcome. U see which is more convenient to u ba. Nt enuff get ur hb to buy more or buy before discharge or buy too much then u try to sell it off. How many packs others buy is just a reference.
Yes we are neutral to having boy or gal so long as healthy =) i think also coz we have 1 boy and 1 gal already so we wan to have a surprise this rd. We guess is a boy =p
Knowing hw to use a pump/ bfeeding is nt foolproof. If u are using pump u nd to know how to operate it and make it work to draw out the most milk for u.

Re: manual pump
I hand expressed so i think its as tiring as manual pump. Once we get use to it sld be fine. I can clear my boobs in 20mins and get gd amt of bm too.

I did both my previous 2 maternity ps at 36weeks. Esp for my #1 i was already 42" by then but still can move ard pretty decently. I still prefer to do later coz the bump wld have "bloom" to the fullest by then. Lol.

Cld be also our body need more energy to pump more blood, carry the extra weight so crave for sweet food tat gives us more energy (and fats =p). So long as we dun overeat its ok la ho? Haha. I dun wan to gain as much as my #1's time!! So i am trying nt to touch durian but still am gaining quite a bit every week! Hope the weight goes to the baby =p

Gd to hear u enjoy ur trip. =) really carefree to go travelling w/o kid(s).
Is it the zapp?? Its nt tat flimsy as it looks.

I delivered both mine in kkh n this one will also be in kkh. Nt difficult to get 1bedded. No freebies like bathing tub but they will give a bag of goodies. I cant exactly rem wats inside. Even those diapers, maternity pads u use in hosp will also be charged to ur hosp bill. Consolation: a free small cake for u. Lol
xuan, think its a promo price... works out to 17.86c per pc. Taka selling the 60+12pc at $13.90, works out to 19.3c per pc. Sometimes the WTS will have ppl selling cheaper than that, but opened box.

sdluvct, sorry to hear that... hope this time everything will go well for u :)

My #1 was delivered in kkh 4 years ago. I stayed in C-ward, also got a big bag of freebies on discharge but came in normal reusable bag and not the nice ones like TMC. I think it included some magazines, diaper and mummies milk samples, teethers etc. All these things are sponsored, so what you get depends on what they have when you deliver.
hehe Val, we will also be looking forward to know the gender of ur baby.. ya really alot to learn on how to be a mum. feel kinda unprepared, but i also cannot practise pumping before i deliver. haha.. can only hope i won't go crazy. =P

sei: ya the mummies on fb are sharing the pricing at taka baby fair, after i saw the pricing at kiddy palace i also went to calculate the price of per pc to see which is cheaper. hahaha... ok i guess i'll go stock up on it soon. =)
Haha. Yes, alot of my friends are also eager to know the gender of my baby. Some even asked if i really duno or i just choose nt to say =p
Dun worry, we all learn as we go. Even tho i am a 3rd time mum i am also learning as diff preg n diff kids are diff =) any qnd just shot, am sure alot of ppl will help if they can. =)
For a start, just read up on how to assemble n operate the pump then get ur friend(s) to show u how to do it. At least some practise so u wldnt be caught offguard =)
hi mummies~ can i check with u all~ other den medela pump, is there any other pump which functions quite well too? medela is too high end for mi~~~ thanks in advance! :)
hi mummies~ can i check with u all~ other den medela pump, is there any other pump which functions quite well too? medela is too high end for mi~~~ thanks in advance! :)

Hi, i bought ameda at taka for $420, neva used before. i m a first time mum :) Fuzzybear mentioned before that ameda brand is quite decent.
Ameda is a gd brand. plus it is a closed system. Medela is an open system.

my mid back is aching.. so tired.. just came back from external meetings.. looks like i have to work late again.
Hi mummies using Freestyle, may I know what is the level that you set to? I remembered I started at level 4, but was afraid to level up does scared the suction too strong. Also, I used the personal fit funnel for my freestyle, I think size XL. For Avent manual, the funnel is standard size right? If so, then won't our boobs get stuck and cause abrasion? Everyone is telling me the Avent manual pump is good for resolving engorgement, but I'm worried bout the standard size funnel. Anyone had problem?
bunbymummy>> Yes, I think it will caused abrasion cos last time my sis's @@ got stuck n she got to pull it out and a few times it starts to bleed. She then change to PISA...

JTS: Finally saw bb today... gained 5kg from pre-pregnancy and bb weights 865g... now only 23 weeks.
Doc said bb abit overweight but still ok... luckily doc didnt ask me to cut down on my diet but my hubby said no more snack at night... so sad!

Actually, I just started to crave for durian(hinted him 3x time) but hubby said NO cos bb already overweight... *drooling
fuzzybear, u still in office? Yawns! I'm still at my quiet office.. my team all left... cant wait for my hubby to come man!

sdluvct, u gain 5 kg and bb aldy 865g? So good thing tt bb absorb alot! keke.. heard tt average weight for 23/4weeks is ard 600g i tink.. Ya u better stop snackin cos later bb overweight cannot natural delivery.

bunnymummy82, what personal fit funnel? I'm clueless abt it! Tot when we buy e FS package, inside shld hav all e stuff. U mean we have to get something extra? And there is a size oso? Pardon me for sounding so noob. =x

Jas, my fren got e ameda from OG at 300 plus! Cos OG havin discount... ameda is decent enuff...yup!

Xuan, so means i oso can throw e spare part of FS to my pigeon steralizer? keke.. save e trouble for me to hot boil it!

Re: prenatal class
I called Mt A and said the earliest they hav will b begining on Sept & is a THURSDAY!! And their class start at 6.30 lo.. i doubt i can reach on time. She said no weekend class aldy and Oct is too late for me. Oh man! I start to panic now.... And the hospital tour, they dun hab a slot for me on a MONDAY! I cant believe it. Cos weekday should hav lesser ppl man. Issit everyone crowded at Mt A? I will call TMC to check their prenatal class. But their class is more ex than Mt A cos im not a patient of TMC. hmmmmmm..... Or maybe i shall skip the prenatal class since i got a confinement lady. How ah... alamak! Blame on my laziness. Now cant get a slot...

Thanks Val. Ya will be stocking e pigeon wet wipes! Let me noe where got good deals ya cos i dun always go shop ard... lazy mummy here.. haha

the freestyle does come w a pair of comfort fit funnels which is of standard size. But if u r more endowed, the size may be too small for you. U can buy extra pair of personal fit funnels fr Medela which has sizes. In singapore, they sell it for like $30+ each. If buy a pair will be $60. I got mine from overseas spree last time, much cheaper. But if u r small sized, then dun need to worry.
Pinky, maybe u want to check out if the other hospital still have slot for weekend pre-natal class. I heard frm my frend NUH one is pretty decent too! I think for TMC, they still have weekend class but just not conducted by Wong BB coz i think her class overcrowded liao.

For Pigeon wet wipes, Chinatown hawker next to OG, 2nd floor r selling at $3/pkt. I think someone shared before polyclinic also selling that price or cheaper. Maybe u can check it out.

I'm going for my Gynae visit this sat. Hopefully, I didn't gain too much weight over the past one month. But I do feel I'm eating more sweet stuff as compared to pre-preg. Weekly, I'm craving for either french fries or cakes, fat die me!!

Btw, my lower back near my butt there is experiencing much pain after sitting for long hours in office. Any remedy to relieve the pain?

Ok, gotta knock off and go home have my dinner!! ;)
Bunnymummy, Personal Fit comes in mm sizes. what is usually banded together with the pumps is size 24mm or 27mm. I use size 30mm. I understand the Soft Fit funnels/ breastshields are no longer being sold. New FS pumps come with Personal Fit.


Pinky, i m working now from home.. my back is killing me.. my ache is not at the lower back but where the bra line is.. i need a lot of cushioning not to feel this pain. today while out for external meetings, the meeting chairs were really uncomfy.. hence my back really hurts.

FS pump comes with the funnels (they call it breastshields). but the size of the funnel does not always fit ur nipples. hence there are sizes for u to choose. as to how to choose, u can refer to the link abv. too small and u will get abrasions when u pump. too big u won't be able to get the suction!

Kris, no remedy for backache.. just gotta grin and bear with it.. try walking a bit more.. or sit on better padded cushions.
bunnymummy, I had abrasion when I was using the ameda pump, but avent was ok, maybe due to the softer silicone cushion instead of a plastic funnel. For the new avent comfort range, they have an optional larger cushion with wider funnel to cater for larger size.
fuzzybear, thanks for e link. Went to read up n it said tt e FS package include 24mm (M size) breast shield.

"To determine whether you think you might need a Large or Extra Large breastshield, look at your nipple as it is drawn into the tunnel of the shield during pumping." >>>> So means, i have to trial & error to test e breastshield when pumping den i would noe e correct size. Hm, looks like i cannot get e breast shield now. Like v hard to measure e sizes. It is only tested den would noe e sizes tt suit me right?

Oh, did u ask ur hubby to massage ur back? Recently, my calves r aching so i ask my hubby to massage... maybe i walked too much ba..

Xian, ya i went online to check Wong BB class but all r full. Wonder why dun hab weekdays class for Wong BB cos TMC weekday class starts at 7pm. Shld b able to reach. Hm.. maybe i give a call later. Told my hubby abt e Mt A class starts at 6.30pm, he is kinda confident tt we can make it if we leave at 5.30pm sharp. Dunno wan to risk anot... I dun wan to b late for class oso... Why u off work so late?

Bunnymummy, thanks... i tink i will buy online since is cheaper but headache dunno which size to get. My cousin told me she got every single size to try out. haha..
pinkyloving, my ameda comes with cooler bag, cooling elements & breastmilk bags. Does the one at OG comes with it?
I signed up my prenatal class with PWE. probably u can try?

Fuzzybear, what is a closed system?
pinky, does TMC or Mt A offer any free 1-2hrs course after delivery? if it does, i feel that pre-natal course is not necessary. cos for Gleneagles, there's a 1-2hrs course daily, so hb and I just attend during my second day stay after delivery. the LC was the one conducting the course and she will teach on bathing, changing diaper etc. I think it's good enough. It's FOC somemore. hehe.
Morning.. zombie today.. overslpt cos i was working till late last night.

Kitkat (I think that's ur nick Jasumine), here you go:

Basically all Medela pumps are open system, meaning there's no barrier btw the external env and your milk. Ameda is one of the few brands that have closed system. :)

Pinky, i had a couple of sizes of funnels too. that's why i think it might be gd if u ask the Medela person how to buy your funnels.

SN, ya! i sent my hb for refresher course in Gleneagles cos he said he can't rem how to bathe an infant when my #2 arrived. :p
SN, i know Eastshore (now known as Parkway East) has that! My #1 was induced that time and while waiting for contractions to come and cervix to dilate, i went to attend the free class at the baby ward too. but they only teach you how to take care of baby, not the comprehensive lesson including how to breathe during delivery, what to buy before delivery etc.

fuzzybear, refresher course for hubby need to pay or not? :p
Mummies, i have an Ameda pump, bought in 2010 and used for about 2 months (after which I changed to Medela). Full set with box, but I think you will need to get new spare parts for hygiene purpose. It is a local set which I bought at Robinsons. I am letting go at $150. I will get the pump checked at the service centre before selling. If interested pls PM me. Thanks!


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morning mummies!

xian: ya i also get those pains at my right hips/ pelvic area. i asked my gynae if there's any thing that i can do to ease the pain, he smiled and suggested tt my hub massage me more. haha! gynae also said the pain will continue to get worse. on the other hand, my friend who seems to be having the same problem was suggested to go swimming more n also soak in those mild n gentle jacuzzi. not sure if that works tho.

early this morning like abt 5am my left calf suddenly cramped! i think it was bcos i stretched my leg while slping n the muscle din work properly. until now i'm still walking like a penguin. gosh i hate cramps. n it's coming already!! =(
morning everyone... with tummy getting bigger, im getting more and more tired everyday. backaches and rib cage pain is back in full force despite of all the yoga i do every evening. haiz... so depressing. thinking of applying 1 day leave every wk till i delivery.

tummy measurement, actually i measure this just for fun, there's no meaning to it. i find it quite interesting to plot chart with my tummy and weight measurement. :) so now i can compare my measurement between my 1st and 2nd pregnancy. a bit bo liao...

xuan, im seeing dr phua this sat morning too. so maybe i can see u at his clinic. but hub wanted to change appt to today evening.

breast pump usage, actually it quite easy to operate a breast pump. the most challenging thing about pumping is getting use to the act of pumping and ur ability to achieve let-down using a pump. i started pumping 2x a day right after confinement so by the time my ML ends im pumping for almost 3 mths. so to say i should be quite good with it. but on the 1st day back at work, my output dropped by half. due to work stress and different pumping environment, i couldnt let-down as easily as what i can do at hm. so you see its not just abt operating the breast pump, its like a package. pump, ability to relax for let down....
me too having back pain and leg cramps since last night, i worked late too... i am damn lazy to walk around... i dunno if i end up c sec... so scary :(
mummychua: xian is the 1 having gynae appt this sat, not me. hehe.. mine is next mon. my appt from the coming mon's onwards is once in 3wks already, is that the way dr. phua works? by the way, wat does it mean by "let-down"?
eh so probably can buy the medela freestyle at taka fair already?
seems like medela is still the choice as compared to ameda..

fuzzybear so which one you're using leh?
and thank you for sharing all the useful info on breast pumps!

we didnt sign up for any pre natal course though..now like too late since Mt A ones seems full till sept..will it be a challenge for us not attending any pre natal class?
haha... paiseh. i blur liao...

when your due date get near, he will see you more often. i think by the 8th mth he will see you once a wk.

let-down is a tingling feeling you get during breastfeeding. when u get a let-down, your bm will flow out quickly. on breast pump like FS, they have the 2 phase expression. the 1st phase has a quicker motion to stimulate let-down. once you get a let-down, u can move to the 2nd phase where is suction motion is longer and stronger to extract milk quickly. some mummies gets very strong and quick let-down and their bb can get choke; some takes a long time to get a let-down, so either bb suck very long or bb get frustrated on breast.
Mommies having baby gal: any of u interested to get this romper from me? I accidentally bought 2 of it! Stupid me! It is size 6 mths and cost USD$5.32 before shipping. If interested i can give free postage. Actual cost will include shipping and actually credit card conversion rate. No profit for me.

Little Prince, no, don't need to pay but my hb was yaya-papaya lor.. he was the only 2nd time father there so was very confident to shower my #2. he said the rest of the dads and moms there were so jittery. he walked out of the class after the bathing part and was the only one asking questions like if diaper cream was necessary and asking the LC how to clean the cord without using alcohol swabs.

Xuan, u are still in pain ah.. have u tried swimming? As what Mummychua said, let downs is when the muscles in ur boobs (yes u have muscles there!) relax and let the milk flow out. when that happens it gets sprayed everywhere (like a jet!)! the muscles are affected by how relaxed u are and some triggers. for me i find it much harder to get letdowns than latching mommies cos mechanical stimulation by the pump is not as gd as baby's suckling. Some mommies get letdowns when they hear other babies crying or even when they have a warm shower.

Silver, i m using Medela PISA. Ameda is a pretty decent pump but prone to break down and parts are not as readily available as Medela. :)
Pinky: Working late coz I have too much backlog to clear off before I go on maternity leave. So no choice but to stay back late. No one to cover me!
Ya, maybe u try calling TMC to check it out lo. I think some of the gals here are attending weekend class under another trainer at Oasis Hotel.

Fuzzybear, Xuan: OMG! Then I gotta suck thumb and endure the pain liao. I'm already sitting on padded cushion. Maybe time to get a thicker cushion and see if it helps to improve the condition.

Xuan, I also get legs cramp when I sleep. But now, when I anticipate that a cramp is coming despite in my sleep, I will quickly get off the bed and stretch my leg when the cramp hits me! I can't stand the after-effects of the cramp!

The boobs "let-down" sounds so scary! lol
mummychua, my supply dropped by half when i went back to work too. but i took npl until my baby was 9 months, so at that time, i was not too sad about the supply dropping. This time, I'm thinking of taking npl until baby is 6 months cos i cant imagine my supply dropping by half even before 6 months is up. I did a calculation yesterday, after clearing all my leave this year and prorated leave for next year, npl will be about 2.5months. so ouch on my pocket.
wah fuzzybear, when i get a let-down, my milk drips down quickly but it doesnt spray like a jet unless im in the midst of a pump. If im latching on one side and the other side lets down, it's just drips down loh. hahaha. this shows you really got a lot of milk. lol.
cramps, when i wake every morning, i usually stretch myself out hard but these days, i don't dare to try coz i will get cramps on my right leg and its very painful. sometimes will forget and quickly stop just in time!

letdown, i loveee tt feeling. like very got man zu gan! haha! i didn't realize how a let down feel when i had #1 till i brought my medela to Eastshore to check coz i thought something was wrong with the motor, and when the lactation consultant told me to try the pump in their infant ward and many babies were crying, then let down came!

fuzzybear, you checked yr pump at service centre already? all ok?
lol i'm visualising/ imagining the boobs muscles contracting n relaxing, n milk spraying out as i read thru all the explanations on "let down". hahaha!! wah breastfeeding is still a very cheem topic. now realise got "mechanisms" also, not simply squeezing. lol..

fuzzybear: my hips/pelvic pains not so often n not as bad now. it kinda get better on its own, i still din go swimming. hehe..

xian: this morning was my 1st cramp, i hope it's the only time i cramped too. n cos i was slping i couldnt do anything but to wake my hub up. hahaha...

RE: kegel exercise
are every mummies here doing that now?
does any mummies know which US website is the cheapest to buy Freestyle breastpump?

Any mummies wana buy from US can tag along my order, if u wan

I always grab pigeon wet wipes bundle during taka sales or metro sales coz i cfm will go buy things so soon bian buy. Else other time will be at kiddy palace near my area. Coz i lazy to travel ard. Aft adding petrol, parking and time nt v worth liao. Bundle is $19.50/6 packs = $3.25/pack so to me is reasonable liao =p

The backache will get worst la esp as we proceed to the 3rd tri and get heavier. Try nt to sit for prolong hrs. Mayb every 30mins-1hr get up for a walk.

Me lo. I get letdown when having warm shower and i always feel so wasted!! Mine also jet kind and its really shiok to have letdwns =p if i am pumping or latching in sitting position at hm, i always standby another bottle and "kiap" with my other arm to "catch" the milk. =p
