(2013/11) November 2013

the old huggies ultra purple colour is the best in huggies range, can last for many hours, I find it very good for non babies stage, like around 2-3yrs old, I put on 1 in the AM, still don't feel damp in the early PM. for babies, because they poo so often, so maybe a waste of $, as ultra is not cheap.

I find the rest of huggies range is not as good.

I did not lose any weight since day 1, hehe, ms only 1-2 weeks, started putting on after 1st trimester, 6.8kg is from day 1 when I visit the gynae, around 7 weeks 4 days. Yes, I notice our EDD quite close.

the more economical ones will be drypers I think, but I am not sure if drypers is a good choice for newborn, as I am not sure the coverage, will leak or not etc, breastfed babies stools are watery.

#1 time, mt alvernia used pampers, #2 time , mt alvernia uses huggies ultra, not sure now

my baby girl will be named Faith. It is a name we already thought of 10 years back, my #1 & 2 are boys! hubby waited for a girl for 10years.
Just to check wif experience mummies.. roughly how many diapers will a nb bb used per week??

Thinking how much to stock up n is it true if bb weights > 3.5kg huggies nb diaper will be too small for them??

Thanks for sharing.
my personal experiences : both my 2 children are breastfed babies, they will used around 6-8 diapers a day. both of them weighed 3.34-3.36kg at birth, and they bodies are small, so they can use huggies newborn provided by mt alvernia hospital!

Don't buy too many packs if you are unsure, just buy enough for about 1 week, then you can ask someone else to go buy it, if not enough.
Hihi.. I am officially 24 weeks preg and I visited my gynae yesterday. Everyday I am only looking forward to seeing my baby on the screen.. At least I feel assured whenever I see him moving and kicking inside. Baby is on the bigger side weighing 731grams but I put on a total of 10kg!! ohmigod.. I have already cut down on my junk food but I drink a lot of soya bean milk. My gynae keep telling me to go easy on my weight and eat more healthy food. He says if this continue, I would have put on 20kg when I am due for delivery. Anyone put on the same weight as me??
haiz, i am down with flu since last Fri. got an annoying blocked nose and breathing through my mouth!

momnov, decided for my girl and will keep it as it is unless i come across something i like more!

mummies in FB, can someone tell me if i post something in our MTB FB page, will my normal FB page contacts also see the posting too?
I also brought huggies 2pk NB 2pk S & some small items.
thinking to get the cot & pump but hesitate leh, cuz scare if no bm how, if bb don't want to sleep in the cot (my gg bb cries every time she put her bb inside the cot... Both items cost not cheap wor.
Little prince, the FB grp is a private grp. anything post in the grp will not be broadcast to the rest.

momnov, both hubby and myself shortlist 3 names. guess we will decide nearer to the due date as we want #1 to play a part in naming his bro... :)

Guess NUH will still be providing Drypers. Might ask my hubby to go to the supermarket to buy after delivery. :)
happygal, i did some extrapolation of my weight till delivery and if i continue at this rate, i will put on 14kg at the end, which is the same as during #1's time. I was still hoping i could put on less. i find it harder and harder to control my sweet tooth craving as the pregnancy progresses. 10kg by 24 weeks is alot if you didnt lose any weight in 1st trim. if you are drinking those mommy formula milk, you might want to stop.
thirdtimemum, i thought huggies ultra is still more economical than mamypoko?

I find drypers very uncomfortable, only used 1 pack of it 2 years ago. Dunno if they have improved since then.
SN, drypers change their tape to something like velco last yr...
and since newborn only wear for 3-4hrs, guess as long as no golden backside ok.... :)
febie, oh i see. the previous tape is really lousy, it doesnt stick at all and the external material is like plastic. i heard Petpet is better and just as cheap. not sure. hehe.
Pet Pet is also tape right?? hahaha
I rem when newborn I used these. even premium fitti... :)
since need to wear for at least 3 hrs... that why I use cheaper one...
only after 1 yr old I start with pampers...
This time round I wanna follow your swaddle procedure up to 20 weeks so that no 2 dun wake up for night feed.
May I ask if they are awake, will you still swaddle them?
Hi Febie, not sure what u meant when u say they are awake.. usually i feed my sons and they will be drowsy and half awake. I will swaddle them and they will drop off to slp. no need to pat or rock them. if they are wide awake (esp night feeds), i usually will play with them a bit, wait for them to poo then feed them.. so far they get drowsy after a full feed so going back to slp is easy. If they are wide awake i won't swaddle because they won't like it at all. :)

I dun like Drypers.. used it a few times for #1 and i dun like the sticky tape.. used it again for #2 the cutting too small and kept leaking, even after changing every 3 hrs.. can't seem to hold a full load of pee and poo in 3hrs.. :(

Happy, wah sey u gain a lot! hehehe.. u have a gd appetite? I think i m gaining abt 1kg every 2 wks.. so gained abt 3-4kg from pre-preg weight.
I only used Fitti/Huggies Ultra/Huggies Comfort(don't know blue or red)/Drypers/Pampers before. I don't like pampers. Drypers before is really bad, the tape is super loud when you change diaper, sometimes will scare the baby, now it is almost the same as other brands. I heard Petpet is no good. I think its personal preference ultimately.

I always think ultra is expensive, maybe there are more expensive brands!

Is it really retailing at $16.+ for ultra? nyone know? the Taka price is $11.45 now for S onwards.
Fitti used to sell by carton of 6 packs, and at only $60, so I used to stock up a lot, can mix sizes too! now not sure how much they sell per carton, delivery inclusive too!
Haha, let me scare you all. At 26 weeks now, I've only gained about 1.5kg from pre-preg weight. BUT! I'm only 1kg away from full term weight of my first pregnancy! Man, I've really packed on the pounds over the years. No wonder my gynae is quite happy with my weight gain, since bb's growth is fine anyway. Lagi best, my family GP saw me last week and commented my tummy looked big for 25 weeks. Aiyo aiyo aiyo.

Happygal, can try to cut down on white carbs and sugary stuff. My weight gain mainly due to all the yummy breads from bakeries and 3-4 cups of daily teh. I seldom ate junk food, but yet still put on weight every year.
i also want to complain abt the new forum interface! still need to reset password, aiyoh so troublesome. n somehow, i have a headache after reading thru the past few pages. -.-

everybody's doing lotsa shopping it seems! i bought my steriliser+warmer bundle over the weekend frm isetan too. feels that the bundle is more attractive than wat the taka baby fair offers.

also went to my friend's place to take a look at the baby cot that she wants to pass down to me. she will also be passing me her bumpers, newly bought mattress, n lots of preloved baby clothes. hehe so grateful, think she helped me save alot. =)

reading all the above chats on diapers i'm getting indecisive. how many packs shld i get? cos dun want to overstock also. so 1 pack is good for 2-3 days? then y tt time got 1 mummy suggest tt i dun buy all 4 packs of nb size? aiyoh.. feels very confusing as a 1st time mum... =x
i don't like pampers also. Somehow it works better for gals but for boys, pampers tend to leak. so far, i have tried huggies (provided by hospital), pampers, drypers and mamypoko. The huggies newborn is ok but i recall there was one pack that we bought and the cutting is sooooo narrow, not sure if that's S or M or a different type of huggies range. so we gave up on huggies after that. after that tried drypers and pampers and then eventually mamy poko and continued using mamypoko since then. so far so good. doesnt leak at all.
Happygal: I am with you. I am 23 weeks now and have put on 11kg :(. Cutting down on my carbo intake now. So worried abt losing it after pregnancy!

Learnt so much from this form, I didn't know bottles must use special detergent to wash. Thought can use the normal ones.

Mummies, I need some advice here too. I ve not really feel baby kicks, or maybe baby has kicked me but I am not sure how it is suppose to feel like. ;p but I do get a lot of bubbles popping feeling in my tummy ESP in the night. Hahha and sometimes I will see right side of my stomach sticking up. Think baby is sticking out its leg or something?

Is this normal? I've heard from some friends they never feel very strong kicks through out their pregnancy as well.

Need advice on bottles. Can I confirm there is a difference between storage and feeding bottles? I thought they were the same! I ve not decide on the pumps to buy, so thought better confirm with u ladies before I take the plunge.

Saw this fisher price rocker on taobao going at sgd60! Dunno whether reliable or nt, it's scaringly cheap compared to retail price. But then again, a lot of these are made in china. What do u mums think?

I am Angie by the way

Thanks :)
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3rd trimester onwards. Coz baby will gradually have limited room to move abt so we need to monitor their movements to know if they are ok or nt. its v panicky when cant detect baby movements.

U mean to say #1 and baby sit in 2nd row and #2 sits in last row? I am ok so long as the driver do nt drive as if he is f1 or daytona driver. I cant take long dist bus nor sit at the back of the bus else sure motion sickness. Taxi rides usually gives me headaches. Other than tat, i am usually ok.
Wah! U swaddle ur kids for so long? Mine by 1st mth usually both arms already out! We usually remove and they are ok. Do u use beansprout pillows?
Ur weight gain of 500g/week is the standard. Gd!!

Actually i think the opp of u. Pram if buy gd one will be a gd investment coz its something tat can be use for a long time. Like mine, been in use for 5yrs already. May be ex but divide out by the # of yrs i think v worth =p and like u say, the kids will fight to use it. Like mine nw! #1 and #2 fighting over it. Initially wanna get a 2nd quinny but feel tat mileage may nt be as long as the current one and storage is a prob so kiv till we really really need it.
Get well soon!

Our edd n weight gain v close!! If count from pre #3 days, i gained 6.1kg. If count from 1st gynae visit is 4.2kg.
Huggies ultra at cold storage is selling ard $17.xx tats why when i see huggies ultra on sales i will stock.

Havent but we have shortlisted 2 sets of names for both boys n gals. As this rd we didnt wanna know gender of the baby till birth.

Re: sizes of diapers
Huggies nb is up to 5kg while size s is from 3-7kg. My boy's birth weight is 3.7kg but he was using pampers nb 5yrs back. As for my gal, only 2.7kg so she cld use nb size for a long while. I didnt stock up alot or nb size this rd as gynae commented baby is bigger than #2. Plus any left over from hosp stay we will bring hm so we will guage aft the birth if we need more nb size. If yes just get from hosp pham before discharge. Assuming we change diapers at 4hourly, will need 6diapers. Add on a few for poos so 6-8 as suggested by third3timemum is abt there. Sometimes they can poo right aft u changed their diapers.

Did ur gynae says 700+g is considered big? Coz my baby is 800++g at abt the same period and when i asked my gynae he says avg.

I also found my craving for sweet stuffs get stronger!! I calculated based on my last 2 gynae visits, if i cont at the rate, i will end up putting on 16kg! My gynae says 12-15kg is reasonable for me. Hoping to keep to 10-12kg.

Re: drypers
Totally hate this brand. Coz my #1 was using pampers and it was ex so we tried drypers and it gave him horrible nappy rashes! Nt to mention the tape is so noisy!!

Wah!! 1.5kg gain is v v minimal!!

It really depends on the baby size. Nb is up to 5kg while s is 3-7kg. Assuming ur baby is 3kg at birth, baby wld already be able to wear size s. and baby grow fast so nb size may outgrow v soon. Based on the price sold at taka fair, both nb n s size are the same price/pc so see wat are u comfortable with. For me, as #3 is already of bigger size than #2 and based on #2 weight's, i decided to stock more on s than nb. Plus will be bringing back the nb size from hosp if any leftover. Doesnt matter if u stock 2packs or 4packs, nt enuff just go n buy. I stocked 2packs nb, 6packs s. nt enuff nb just buy before discharge. If i overstock on nb, i will have to try to sell away or use them up.
This new interface really bad..... I cant link back who is who via e nick used..& e posting need to scroll back so many pages tt i cant rem who posted that! haha.

Thanks mummies for replying on e type of detergent, bb wash/lotion/dish cleanser to use! I roughly have an idea on e brands and next time will need to go supermarket to compare the price. See which is e lowest to get. Need to save abit here n there else v shiong le by having a bb!

Xiaober, i hope u r coping well. Dont b so affected by e work since is just a contract job. If is really affecting u tt much, i tink is better for u to resign? Rather den suffering from depression (TOUCHWOOD!!). Anything jus bomb this forum n we will b there to talk to u .. =)) Which natal class u gg on Friday?

Xuan, yes is me saying buy 2 pack of NB & 2 S size diapers cos we dunno how big is bb size. Later i scare stock up too many NB size will b wasted if bb outgrown it.

Hikaru, thanks for e info! I will call Mt A later to confirm abt e ward, ladies card & natal class!

Fuzzybear, oh, u wrap bb using e swaddle cloth till 20 weeks! Normally pple jus do it for e 1st month only. I wan to try the method u did. Hope bb can sleep thru out e night. Lazy mum dun wan to wake up during e night. hehe.. So means, everytime when i wan to put bb to bed, den i wrap him right. If he dun wan to sleep, but jus on e bed staring/playing den i not gg to wrap him right?

re: bb kicks
I in my 23 weeks!! Some day i feel v panic if nv feel bb kicks. Like wat he doing inside etc etc... Lucky, e next day, he kicks. So i guess shld b fine?
Gd morning... still cannot stand the new interface.. zzzzz

Val, yup #3 and #1 will sit 2nd row lor.. i need to sit right in front else i will be so nauseated and dizzy. :p no i don't use bean sprout pillow.. i used it for my #1 and he managed to get it over his face! so scary! swaddle really works well for me. sometimes when they are due for their long naps, i do swaddle them but usually i don't.. i differentiate naps from slping at night by letting them slp in the swing in the day and using swaddles and slping in the cot at night. so far it worked well for me. :)

Re: size of diapers
I do think the cutting of indiv diaper brands and the size of ur bb's thighs are impt too.. there's no hard and fast rule as to how many bags of NB diapers u should/ shdn't buy. don't over worry. if u got extra, u can always sell it off.

Pinky, eh actually if u read overseas webbies, many mommies swaddle past 1 mth old! just that i dunno why in SG the practise is not common. some say hot, some say bb struggle etc. i have found that though SG is warmer than temperate countries, our wombs are abt 7 deg hotter than our environment, so the baby is used to a warmer env. as for struggling, i also find that most parents don't swaddle their babies tight enough. like REALLY tight.
morning mummies! thanks Val n fuzzybear for the advises on diapers =)

Val: do u have any feeling/ guess on wat may be the gender of ur baby? heard mummy's feeling abt gender is usually quite accurate, esp since i think u're quite neutral be it baby is boy or girl. hee.. i think it's exciting to have an element of surprise!
Happygal: I am with you. I am 23 weeks now and have put on 11kg :(. Cutting down on my carbo intake now. So worried abt losing it after pregnancy!

Learnt so much from this form, I didn't know bottles must use special detergent to wash. Thought can use the normal ones.

Mummies, I need some advice here too. I ve not really feel baby kicks, or maybe baby has kicked me but I am not sure how it is suppose to feel like. ;p but I do get a lot of bubbles popping feeling in my tummy ESP in the night. Hahha and sometimes I will see right side of my stomach sticking up. Think baby is sticking out its leg or something?

Is this normal? I've heard from some friends they never feel very strong kicks through out their pregnancy as well.

Need advice on bottles. Can I confirm there is a difference between storage and feeding bottles? I thought they were the same! I ve not decide on the pumps to buy, so thought better confirm with u ladies before I take the plunge.

Saw this fisher price rocker on taobao going at sgd60! Dunno whether reliable or nt, it's scaringly cheap compared to retail price. But then again, a lot of these are made in china. What do u mums think?

I am Angie by the way

Thanks :)

Angie, must also consider the shipping costs, cos most agents count by volumetric weight for big items. meaning if the packaging is in a big box then they will charge by how big the box is. that can come up to quite an amount. maybe u can enquire on the estimated box size aka shipping cost 1st before consider. if adds up still cheaper than local i think no harm buying, just choose a buyer with good reviews n ratings.
Good morning! Yesterday I keep refreshing this page and was thinking why no new posting. Only realized now that it doesn't auto bring me to the latest post! Urgh...

Agree that the brand of diapers depends on baby... I used pampers NB for #1 as I liked the high cutting and indicator, plus it's less stiff and looks more comfortable. They used to have a lower priced range (think was pampers comfort) that used the same material but less material which I liked, since my #1 was quite slim, but they stopped producing it. Didn't really like huggies (ultra) as it gave her rashes and felt very hot. When she started full day childcare at 20 mths, we switched to drypers for day as it was cheaper, but agree the tape is really lousy. My favourite cheapo brand is pureen (red packaging, not the blue one), cutting is good and doesn't leak, and price comparable to drypers when it's on offer! This round, not planning to stock up any NB diapers as we will be using cloth diapers (even for night), will just use the pack from the hospital first if we need to bring baby out.

I saw this new bundle box for avent single electric at metro and kiddy palace, both selling at $229. Includes the pump (with 1 4oz natural feeding bottle), 10x via cups/lids with adaptors, 1 ribbon clip, 12/6 day/night breast pads, 2 nipple protectors, 1 nipple cream and a pouch. Seems like quite a good deal! Anyone thought of using 2 single instead of a dual pump? If I buy 2 sets of this, it's only $458, almost $100 cheaper than the Avent dual pump bundle deal from taka with more things!

hihi sei.. but how are going to use 2 manual pumps? u have to hand express wor.. then at one time u can only work on 1 breast, so even if u get two sets of manual pumps u still cant express both sides together??? I nv used a manual pump before, but it seems to be time consuming and ur hands may get really tired from all that pressing.. since the diff is only $100 more, i would suggest u get a double electric pump. At the very most, u are done in like 20 mins and u just need to position the pump on your breasts without any strength. :)
i rem when i had #1, i couldn't get my medela double pump to work properly initially (think i didn't know how to use it correctly), then panicked and bought an Avent manual pump online and free delivery to my place. Used the manual pump for a while before i got used to my medela again. Actually, i find the thing good abt manual pumps is you can control the pump speed and suction strength. but can be very tiring on the hands and i had water retention on my wrists tt time, and it was so painful.
Hi Felval - according to my gynae, my bb consider big. the avg weight for my bb during 24 weeks should be 600 grams. I signed up for the maternity shoot and even the photographer was telling me that my tummy look big even thou I am only 24 weeks.. haha.. actually wanted to wait until 32 weeks to shoot but I guess I will have to do the shooting around 28 weeks so I can still move around freely.

Hi Totorodino - I didn't lose any weight at all during the first trimester. I put on 3kg instead and I feel hungry constantly. Mellow down abit from week 14 onwards but once I hit week 20, I feel hungry again especially during the night time. I didn't drink any formula milk because I am allergy to milk but I drink a lot of soya bean. I guess it will be difficult to keep my weight gain to 12-15kg.

Hi tequila_sunrise - I guess both of us have to start working out now hahaha.. I cut down on my carbo too but I have very strong craving for meat and coke. ohmigod.. dun like to look at myself in the mirror nowadays.
kayliz, this is the single electric, not the manual. I noticed that the new design doesn't have the "manual" handle, so you just press "start" and then press the different suction settings. Looks like this:
Val, haha. yea, i dunno why i prefer sweet things so much more these days. Like for breakfast, i was at Four Leaves and i saw the ham, cheese chicken sandwiches etc, but decided to get the mini chocolate croissants instead. haha. sounds like all of us are doing an estimation of our final full-term weight. hahaha. aiyoh. really hoping to gain lesser than the first time. but i was thinking that the body is probably storing some fats for me to breastfeed later on. hahahaha excuses.
this qns occured to me while discussing abt pumps. will the hospital lactation consultant teach us on how to use the pumps correctly after we deliver? i'm afraid i'll use it wrongly, is it idiot proof or can be figured out easily?
happygal, haha. so you are one of those lucky ones who didnt have nausea in the 1st trim! hahaha. I didn't know that soya milk can put on weight too. maybe can drink lesser. hehe.
sei: oops i misread, paiseh!!! if u get 2 single electrics, got 2 sets of motors? is it heavy to bring to and fro work daily?
preggie weight, i put on 18 kg when i had #1.

for #2, i put on 2.5 kg by 4th mth at first, then lost 0.5kg when i had stomach flu like pains and lost my appetite. 2 weeks later (@ 5th mth), i gained another 3 kg (in 2 weeks!). last i weighed myself at home was last week and tt was another 2kg more (again in 2 weeks). next week is my check up (@ 6 mths) again, i think i probably hit 9kg in total by then???
the prob with 2 single electric pumps is that u won't be able to synchronise the pumps so u might have a harder time getting letdowns. :)
Any recommendation of manual pump? My freestyle working fine but its a little old, i worry that it it kong out on me. therefore thinking of getting a manual pump just in case.

weight gain, i have been putting 1kg every wk since 20wks! the weird thing is i havent been eating well. alot of indigestion, most night i will get little or no dinner. stopped drinking coke, tea and coffee too cos of indigestion. but still gain 1kg per weight. i now weight just 3kg away from my 40wk weight during #1. depressing sia...
Hi ladies, wah I really dislike this new interface. So troublesome to keep up with the latest post. Argh. Cant read swiftly when at work.
I had a gd time in the cruise over the wkend. I guess no more trips till I pop and then it's baby time! Haha.
I have been reading and catching up with all your posts. Most of u are so on with the shopping. I went to Taka fair on Fri afternoon before checking in for the cruise..
Was quite lost again as usual. Hubby and I liked the Quinny stroller that comes with the Maxi Cosi infant car seat. But when attached to the stroller, it looks rather flimsy. Any comments on that. Usual price is $1000+ but was $500+ at the fair.
I was looking for the Fisher Price rocker which I see many of you talking about but could not locate it strangely. Any pics and prices to share? What is the purpose of it?
Wanted to buy the Aden & Anais swaddles but hubby again stop me and said buy together once we decide properly.. guess he also not too keen to buy early? Haiz.
Also, looks like the Medela FS pump at Taka is a gd deal? Since, I saw somewhere above in the thread that it is a gd bundle compared to other shops?
Also, which is an economical and easy to use steriliser and food warmer? Is the Pigeon bundle at $168 at Taka a gd grab?
I was checking out Amazon last night and am lost on how to browse and order. What is the current offer craze that many mummies are shopping from Amazon?
What items are good grabs on Amazon?
Once again, 1st timer here super blur. Thank u all for all your sharing. :)
kayliz, the new avent motor is quite light so I think manageable... plus I drive to work :p Also, I will probably leave the motor in the office, as I still have my avent manual for use at home and planning to latch on when I'm home same as #1 :)

fuzzybear, there was a demo set at metro yesterday and me and hb were playing with it to see how we can sync the 2 motors (hb act as model whahahaha...) If I hold the 2 bottles with one arm/hand like a dual pump, then place the 2 motors side by side, then can press 2 together, but will have slight time diff. Think it will be like feeding twins lol...

mush, for manual pump, I think avent is the best! I was using my avent manual after the ameda dual pump died on me, can empty the b's very well, but very sng :p

weight gain: I think I reported 10kg weight gain at 24 wks, now at 26 wks, no additional weight gain although I've been eating well... not sure why, but baby growth is on track. I remember for #1, I also put on more weight in 2nd tri so maybe it's just how my body behaves.

soya milk: I think the culprit to weight gain is the syrup they add in... I've been alternating between anmum and soya milk too!
xuan, to answer your question on the pump use, it is better if you try and fix it up before delivery (test on your thigh). Bring it along to the hospital so the LC can show you the correct usage if unsure. I struggled for quite a while during #1's time as she came early and we were totally unprepared, plus I had to pump exclusively since she was still in NICU for 2 wks.
plush84, think tts the Quinny i bought. no leh, we didn't find it filmsy. it was ok for us and quite sturdy when we tested if it may not clip on easily. fisher price rocker was $159, i bought it too but i noticed only left a few boxes left when i took, not sure if they will replenish. they have one on display too, maybe ask the sales staff there? amazon, i tried to order some books yesterday but no free shipping to Sg so didn't order fm amazon.
thanks sei! it'll be good since we can seek advise from the lactation consultant, if not i also won't know if i'm pumping it the right way. haha..

by the way, breast shields vs breast pads: wat's the difference?
Actually LCs won't teach u how to pump in the hospital. Their job is to teach you how to latch properly because really, initially latching is the best way forward and not pumping. I do agree that latching is better but it is my nature to want to control things so much that's why i pump.

I actually go to ppl's house to teach them how to pump..

Xuan, breast pads are softer.. shells are hard.
littleprice, really ah? maybe I should go down again and check it properly.

as for the fisher price rocker, was it this one? Fisher Price Newborn to Toddler Portable Rocker

I came across online abt a baby fair at expo this weekend. anyone knows abt it?


  • Fisher Price.jpg
    Fisher Price.jpg
    16.3 KB · Views: 62
i will try latching first, but will still need to pump to empty them out even when we are latching rite? then eventually will switch to full pumping gradually to prepare returning back to work. haha fuzzybear u really is the breastfeeding spokesperson lah!

RE: breast pads
any recommendation on the washable types? thinking of using washable ones when i'm at home n disposable ones when outside.
How do the doc measure our bb weight?

Does anyone measure your waist line? Seems like i have been increasing 1 inch per week.. anyone same same?? Scary since i still have 16-17 weeks to go...

xuan, you can bring it to the hospital and get the LC to help. on the 1st few days i doubt you will be able to pump anything out. make sure you get the right latch before you discharge from the hospital. its free to consult LC during hospital stay so make full use of them.

breast pad, works like pads. absorb the leak bm. breast shells allow you to collect the bm, provided you sterilise it. at hm you can just put wash cloth, dont need special breast pads one. it all depend on how much u leak.

thanks sei, i will go and have a look at the it. was thinking of a medela harmony, cos it will use the same funnel and bottles as freestyle, so less spare parts to buy but it seems to have alot of parts. hate to assemble pump parts after sterilizing. it feels like my hands are contaminating them with germs again.
