(2013/11) November 2013

Morning mummies!!

A revamp to the forum.... no wonder i cant post over e weekend.... Now forum is more colorful! haha..

bunnymummy, I oso got e free bowl & set of cutlery! And all my loots bot from Taka on Thursday was delivered on Sat! hehe

ankh, i used to be bloated oso.. take ginger tea helps & i oso apply e "Ru Yi" oil on my tummy. U can try tt.. That's nice to get into ur old school. Ya i saw on TV, e parents seated there waitin for the balloting. So exciting! I think i will hav a problem when my kid grows up. E pri sch for both of us r closed down. haha... how lousy is our pri sch...

Hikaru, thanks for sharing e cost of e prenatal class. But i havent book a room w Mt A nor register for e ladies card. So if i call via phone to book e class, it wont b e member rate right. I tink i hab to make a trip down. So diff to get my hubby down on Sat cos he is working.

xiaober, i only cried when i stressed w work & sick tt time.. Felt so xin ku. Hm, maybe u can do something u like.. listenin to music, watching drama? I super like running man from Korea. Is soooo funny! And it makes my day! Maybe u can find something tt makes u happy?
Silver, i took out my magazine & realised tt e freestyle medela they selling at Mums&babes,Robinsons,mothercare Isetan does not include alot of things. It jus the machine, bag, 2 bottles for $699 until 31 August 2013. Come to think abt it, it is still worth getting from Taka. Maybe i need to go down Taka again to buy. haha..

Xuan, dun buy 4 pack of e huggies diapers all e NB size. U will nv use finished it. Mix w S size. Oh, i didnt noe must call to register for hospital tour. I tot jus go down to e hospital. I tink i will make a trip down 4 August, Monday, which is my gyne day! MC for tt day so i can go Mt A visit. Monday oso need to book e tour ?

re: Amazon
I realised alot mummies buying from Amazon. I'm a noob in online shopping plus preg stuff. Dunno what to buy nor how to buy oso. What r e stuff u all getting from Amazon?
re: bb stuff
I went mothercare yst to shop since their sales ending. And i realised i so NOOB!! i dunno wat to buy except clothes! LOL... Was looking ard.. fuzzybear n some mummies commenting on Aden swaddles. I saw it! And i bot e 4 pcs. Besides wrapping the bb in the 1st month, still can use e swaddles for wat purposes?
Oya...can u all share e loots (brands) u all bought except clothes. I need help~~!! haha

1) clothes detergent
Planning to wash e pass down clothes. Can we use washing machine? Wat brand of bb clothes detergent u all use?

2) bb dish liquid cleaner
I got a free gift from e pigeon bundle. what recommended brand u all uses?

3) wet wipes
I shld b using e pigeon brand. So this wet wipes is used to clean bb backside as well right?
4) Milk storage bag
Any recommended brand to use?
5) bb body wash/ powder/ lotion
I only noe J&J brand. but i heard e brand like not good due to the recent incident? I supposed it shld b e 3-1 kind of body wash rite...for hair & body. What brand u all buying?

6) Sanitary pads
I saw e maternity pads hav to tie somewhere. Seems uncomfortable. Can i just get those thick n long normal pad will do?

7) Safety pins for bb
Do we need to get safety pins? For what purpose? Cos we using diapers.. R u all using the cloth diapers? Shld we get tt? I noe cloth diapers is friendly to e bb but i dun hab a helper to wash all e cloths...
This is wat i can tink so far..... will post my noob qns if i tink of any... hee


Morning mummies!

Ya the whole layout changed! No wonder I can't post also..

Thanks for the advice.. I will try to keep myself happy for the last trimester.. So fast moving to last trimester..

RE: baby kicks
I heard from my friends that now we need to monitor on the frequency of our baby kicks? Sometime my baby kick so often sometimes he kick once in a while.. I also dunno how to monitor..

I going to register for the Friday class for the prenatal class.. Any mummies attending that?

Have a good day mummies!
not very used to the new format hor ..


1) clothes detergent i will likely use Kodomo and machine wash if there is full load, may get helper to hand wash baby clothes instead next time and my #1 and our own clothes machine wash instead
2) dish liquid cleanser, i would use Pigeon too.
3) wipes, i will use Pigeon as well, think must wipe from front to back
4) milk storage bags, i am thinking if bottles will be more economical coz can wash and reuse. can other mummies comment?
5) baby wash, i will use J & J shampoo and body wash separate. powder will use J & J. i think Kodomo brand also ok. what's wrong with J & J huh?
6) sanitary pads, i read and i think i used loop ones last time. its supposed to be better but i can't remember why. taka baby fair was selling but hosp will provide right?
7) safety pins, if use cloth diapers and the adhesive kind of stick ons for the diaper cover, no need to use safety pins. its quite dangerous to pin on too

lxb, just monitor daily to know baby kicks are not a lot lesser than normal days. but must monitor! i have a friend who forgot to monitor and by the time she went for check up and gynae asked her if she recalled baby kicked the day before, she realized baby didn't kick for many days and apparently, baby had no more heartbeat by then. she was so devastated then, already in 6 months pregnancy. but thankfully, she is now a happy mummy of 3 kids. i am quite paranoid over this incident so will make time to just feel and monitor.
Morning, mummies.
I think everyone is bzy shopping lol.
I went for pre-natal class in NUH on Sat. Quite interesting.
Also went Baby Hyperstore to buy perego stroller. They honor the price that was reduced during Taka sale.
Since I don't have Taka card, I just went Hyperstore. At least not so crowded, & better to shop around.
Fuzzy or anyone know the fisher-price rocker that is 4 in 1 with swing, is almost the same price $249 other than T aka sale.
Very reluctant to go Taka, esp over the weekend.
For diapers, I bought 6 packs NB & 2 packs S size, coz the sales auntie say agar 3 packs per week for NB.
morning mummies... a little disorientated with the new interface. took me sometime before i realised that i have to reset password. totorodino, ya now everyone knows that we are surfing forum but who cares.. lol...


1) i'm using a brand called country save, sold by bumwear. im using their cloth diaper.
2) i use to use pigeon but find it very expensive so i switched to a brand call idocare. http://store.idocare.com.sg/product/dishwashing-liquid
3) pigeon for wipes. can try huggies too, i like it cos it feels like cloth and its very thick but it tear easily.
4) i use milk trays so no comments on milk bags.
5) j&j products is found to contain carcinogen so i wont recommend them. for more natural bb cleaning products, can try california baby, buds, four cows but they are generally expensive. can consider pigeon too. i prefer products that doesn't have strong smells. the stronger it smells the more chemicals it contain? anyway that's my theory.
6) sanitary pads, hospital will provide a pk. i just use any maxi pad when i get hm.
7) safety pins, only when you are using the traditional cloth diapers, you will need the pin to hold them. the modern cloth diapers like bumwear wont require you to pin.

lxb, just agar agar count can liao. morning, afternoon, evening got kicks ok leh...
bluenosebear, 6pks nb?!?! might be a little too much. brands like huggies got very small cutting so even when they put the weight till 5kg, most bb got outgrown of nb within a wk or 2. some big size nb might even go straight to s.

i went taka on sat, its not very crowded, better than bb expo i think. but i didnt buy much, spend less than 100. small amt compare to most mummies here.
Hullo morning.. got a bit stunned by the new interface.. took me awhile to get the whole password thingy going.. stupid.

Pinky, my replies to ur qn:
1) I use Kodomo. do note ur machine too.. i realised front load might not be able to use liquid detergent so i used Pigeon initially if i don't wanna presoak. if i presoak i just dump the soapy clothes into the machine and not use anymore liquid detergent.
2) Use Tollyjoy for bottle washing... nice smell. Pigeon is decent too.
3) yes wet wipes to wipe ass.. :p u can use cotton pads with water too.
4) I use Lansinoh milk bags.. gd, thick and double ziplock. I think u won't be storing milk for the first 6-8 wks as most of ur milk will be needed for baby.
5) the J&J hooha was those made in India.. i have tried California Baby, Sebamed, Cetaphil Restoraderm and other baths for sensitive skin.. best is Cetaphil's Restoraderm. California Baby gave my sons rashes!
6) I use back my Whisper ultra long pads.. other brands make me itch.
7) I use safety pins for swaddling muslin cloth.. esp those normal small pieces of muslin.. if i used my Aden and Anais swaddle then i dun need it.

Xiaber, cheer up.. if u are hormonal now, wait till u pop.. u will be crying for no damn reason after that cos it is a huge adjustment to a new addition..

Oh i went back to the Taka fair on Sat! bought the Combi car seat for my #2.. had to go on sat cos hb is the one fussy abt such things so he needed to be the one deciding.. it is a lot more crowded on Sat so if can, just take half day to go shopping.
Good morning! Still trying to get used to the new interface...


clothes detergent: I only use Pureen ABD washing powder as I find it very effective in getting rid of stains and smells nice.
dish liquid cleanser: I used tollyjoy and pureen before, think they are all the same so I just buy whatever is on sale :p
wipes: the only one I will never buy again is j&j... it's always dripping wet! For poop, I always clean the mess with dry tissue first, then either use wet wipes or water to wash the bum.
milk storage bags: I think these are useful only if you plan to freeze ur bm. I didn't freeze bm for #1, so didn't get any. Just use storage bottles if storing in chiller.
baby wash: I only use Pureen baby head to toe for my #1. Tried j&j shampoo on her before (few months old), but it irritated her scalp and her cradle cap came back so I switched back. I don't use powder, but I do use california baby lotions and creams when her skin is dry or there are mild rashes.
sanitary pads: Hospital will provide 1 pkt of loop for use in hospital. For me, I just switched to longer sanitary pads for night when I went home.
safety pins: Don't buy! If you are using the traditional white cloth diapers, just get the diaper covers with velcro. Sometimes, I just pull some shorts over the cloth diapers without the cover, won't drop one.

I'm planning to head to taka later to take a look, hope I don't spend too much lol...
realised that the new interface now only shows the nickname and not the name. I'm SN btw. haha.

I use Tollyjoy for bottle washing too. It's thicker than Pigeon and smells nicer. Pigeon is too liquid, you will end up using more and one bottle will finish faster!

wet wipes - Pigeon cos it has the refillable container which helps to keep the wipes wet. but for wiping mouth when they start solids, i use J&J hand & mouth wipes.

Pads - I use my normal Whisper pads. cos the maternity string pads so troublesome....gotta retie whenever you go to the loo. However, on the first day after delivery, i will use the maternity string pad on top of my whisper pad. This is to provide some cushion for the episiotomy wound. haha.

lxb, i do get pissed more easily during this period and sometimes will get emotional if there's something bothering me. but other than that, i wont cry if all is going well. Is something bothering you? you might want to talk to someone.
aiyo, still have to reset password, den the interface is so much different. got to go to last page den can see the latest post..

bluenosebear, i onli bought 2 packs of NB. i just went to my fren's bb shower and she say her bb is wearing S size diapers now (3-7kg). her bb is on the small side somemore.

i just bought tollyjoy sterilizer at OG. original price: $77.90, got 20% discount. my fren say the sterilizer is good cos she can sterilize everything inside and its versatile unlike avent where the space is confined.
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fuzzybear: ya thats why i also kinda scare after that i will get into post natal depression.. so now trying to solve everything that is tired up.. hopefully i will get better..

SN: maybe these few days i got too tired from work so emotionally also not strong enough.. hopefully i will get better eventually.. :)

thanks for all the concern and advice!
bluenosebear: maybe can bring back and change? cos even when i went taka fair.. the aunty also tell me 2 bag is enough.. tell me to mix with S size one..
Bluenosebear, no lah.. i m one of those that bought 20 bags of NB diapers! haha end up i used abt 10-12 bags.. don't worry abt it.. i just keep using as long as it doesn't leaked. FYI my #2 is a big boy but still managed to use so many bags. that's cos 1 bag of 24 NB diapers will finish in abt 2-3 days. means 1 wk i need abt 2-3 bags! :)

Xiaober, what are u tied up with? u are working on contract basis? may be not used to working life after ur rest?
so irritated by the new forum format....
still so used to the old one...
Good morning mummies...

littleprince, no prob... just sharing what I encounter when trying to buy on Amazon.

pinky, my reply to your queries:

1) clothes detergent
I using Tollyjoy for my boy... prefer the smell too.. :)
2) bb dish liquid cleaner
I prefer Tollyjoy cos thicker but a lot of my friends prefer Pigeon...
3) wet wipes
Carlson or whatever I can get at John little...
used to have a supplier that deliver during my #1 time but now seems like he's not into business.

4) Milk storage bag
my first 1 I din really really buy milk bags but recently my sis went to BKK, so got her to buy for me boots cos highly recommended by a lot of mummies.

5) bb body wash/ powder/ lotion
I used sebamed for body wash...
powder not advisable by PD.
lotion: I using cetaphil, QV moisture for my #1 as he has eczema.
6) Sanitary pads
I did not use sanitary pads except the one they put on me after delivery... I prefer to use my sofy cos it has the longest one....:)
7) Safety pins for bb
unless you still wearing cloth diaper... then you will need this...
not advisable to make yourself so tired to use cloth diapers esp dec will be a mth of rain, harder to dry..
more over the poo for newborn quite toxic leh... harder to wash off the stain too...
and we need to change diaper like every 3 hrs. they sure pooed after milk for the first week.
lxb, cheer up... guess you might feel a little unwell thus easily emotional? muz always tell yourself to cheer up....
think of the little one in your tum tum you will feel better...
Morning mummies!!

A revamp to the forum.... no wonder i cant post over e weekend.... Now forum is more colorful! haha..

bunnymummy, I oso got e free bowl & set of cutlery! And all my loots bot from Taka on Thursday was delivered on Sat! hehe

ankh, i used to be bloated oso.. take ginger tea helps & i oso apply e "Ru Yi" oil on my tummy. U can try tt.. That's nice to get into ur old school. Ya i saw on TV, e parents seated there waitin for the balloting. So exciting! I think i will hav a problem when my kid grows up. E pri sch for both of us r closed down. haha... how lousy is our pri sch...

Hikaru, thanks for sharing e cost of e prenatal class. But i havent book a room w Mt A nor register for e ladies card. So if i call via phone to book e class, it wont b e member rate right. I tink i hab to make a trip down. So diff to get my hubby down on Sat cos he is working.

xiaober, i only cried when i stressed w work & sick tt time.. Felt so xin ku. Hm, maybe u can do something u like.. listenin to music, watching drama? I super like running man from Korea. Is soooo funny! And it makes my day! Maybe u can find something tt makes u happy?
Silver, i took out my magazine & realised tt e freestyle medela they selling at Mums&babes,Robinsons,mothercare Isetan does not include alot of things. It jus the machine, bag, 2 bottles for $699 until 31 August 2013. Come to think abt it, it is still worth getting from Taka. Maybe i need to go down Taka again to buy. haha..

Xuan, dun buy 4 pack of e huggies diapers all e NB size. U will nv use finished it. Mix w S size. Oh, i didnt noe must call to register for hospital tour. I tot jus go down to e hospital. I tink i will make a trip down 4 August, Monday, which is my gyne day! MC for tt day so i can go Mt A visit. Monday oso need to book e tour ?

re: Amazon
I realised alot mummies buying from Amazon. I'm a noob in online shopping plus preg stuff. Dunno what to buy nor how to buy oso. What r e stuff u all getting from Amazon?
re: bb stuff
I went mothercare yst to shop since their sales ending. And i realised i so NOOB!! i dunno wat to buy except clothes! LOL... Was looking ard.. fuzzybear n some mummies commenting on Aden swaddles. I saw it! And i bot e 4 pcs. Besides wrapping the bb in the 1st month, still can use e swaddles for wat purposes?
Oya...can u all share e loots (brands) u all bought except clothes. I need help~~!! haha

1) clothes detergent
Planning to wash e pass down clothes. Can we use washing machine? Wat brand of bb clothes detergent u all use?

2) bb dish liquid cleaner
I got a free gift from e pigeon bundle. what recommended brand u all uses?

3) wet wipes
I shld b using e pigeon brand. So this wet wipes is used to clean bb backside as well right?
4) Milk storage bag
Any recommended brand to use?
5) bb body wash/ powder/ lotion
I only noe J&J brand. but i heard e brand like not good due to the recent incident? I supposed it shld b e 3-1 kind of body wash rite...for hair & body. What brand u all buying?

6) Sanitary pads
I saw e maternity pads hav to tie somewhere. Seems uncomfortable. Can i just get those thick n long normal pad will do?

7) Safety pins for bb
Do we need to get safety pins? For what purpose? Cos we using diapers.. R u all using the cloth diapers? Shld we get tt? I noe cloth diapers is friendly to e bb but i dun hab a helper to wash all e cloths...
This is wat i can tink so far..... will post my noob qns if i tink of any... hee


Hallow.. I'm also a Nov mummy.. expecting #2 (boy) and with Dr B Tham at TMC.. I have been reading this thread on off.. but didn't really wanna post till pregnancy is stablized... :)

Anyway pinkyloving, for

1) Clothes detergent - I prefer to use Pureen ABD washing powder too.

2) BB dish washing liquid - currently still using tollyjolly for my #1 (who is going 3 years) and plan to continue using for #2

3) wet wipes - tried other brands but Pigeon still the best for me. Am still using it for my #1 though no longer to wipe bottom!

4) Milk storage - you can checkout online. I have used a few brands before, most are good. Am now standing by Farlin ones both in 120ml (initial supply will not be a lot so dun waste bigger milk bags) and 200ml - I will decide again later on what brands to buy depending on my supply. Generally if you have a lot of breast milk I recommend lansinoh.

Another mummy was asking whether milk bottles are good and help save $. I have tried both and I can only say, very tiring to keep it up in the long run with all the washing and sterilizing (I learned the hard way). Milk bags are faster and frankly not very expensive also lah. even my medela pump asscessories I stand by spare sets because simply too tiring to pump and wash then sterilize in the wee hours of the morning. I rather spend abit more in this area to buy more sleep and rest time.

5) baby hair and body wash - I used to use J & J 2 in 1 till I noticed my #1 developing cradle cap! argh.. such a pain getting rid of them I tell you (again I learnt the hard way haha). I switch to kodomo (yellow cap) shampoo for babies and separate body wash before I notice the problem getting better.

6) I used the normal maxi pads

7) I used diapers all the way. The only time I used safety pins was to fasten the sarong ends when my #1 was still sleeping in sarong. If you are using it for the same purpose, then baby safety pins with safety features are the way to go.

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fuzzybear: work is one thing.. cos my new boss abit dis-organized now with alot of things happening.. so end up she make me also very dis-organized cos her instructions keep flying over non stop.. plus now worrying who is going to help me look after my baby after full month cos both inlaws and parents are planning holiday trip in dec.. kinda worried that me and hub wun be able to take it especially with a new born.. but i cant say dun go also.. so i think mentally and physically tired ba..

febie: thanks! i will.. i think thats why my bb is kicking abit more recently.. to tell me i still have him.. :)

re: kicking during sleeping
i forgot to reply this.. haha i recently realise that my bb dun like me to put things on my tummy.. when i put bolster he will kick when i lie sideway he will kick.. left side right side.. hahaa end up i have to sleep on my back and my hubby say later part sure back pain.. cos have to support his weight also.. -.-''
fuzzybear: work is one thing.. cos my new boss abit dis-organized now with alot of things happening.. so end up she make me also very dis-organized cos her instructions keep flying over non stop.. plus now worrying who is going to help me look after my baby after full month cos both inlaws and parents are planning holiday trip in dec.. kinda worried that me and hub wun be able to take it especially with a new born.. but i cant say dun go also.. so i think mentally and physically tired ba..

febie: thanks! i will.. i think thats why my bb is kicking abit more recently.. to tell me i still have him.. :)

re: kicking during sleeping
i forgot to reply this.. haha i recently realise that my bb dun like me to put things on my tummy.. when i put bolster he will kick when i lie sideway he will kick.. left side right side.. hahaa end up i have to sleep on my back and my hubby say later part sure back pain.. cos have to support his weight also.. -.-''

Generally sleeping on back and right side not really recommended during pregnancy, read that it could suppress veins that supply nutrients and oxygen to the baby - as much as possible try sleeping on your left - if that is too uncomfortable, try elevating the right side of your body abit more to encourage blood flow to the left (also recommended by my gynae) - I sleep on my left side so much when pregnant with #1 I became a permanent left side sleeper after giving birth haha.

Some mummies swear by pregnancy pillows - you can consider investing in a good one. for me I "robbed" my hb of his "long time mistress" (his bolster) because it is old and can twist and bend to accommodate my changing body.
Xiaober, work will always be crazy.. i m sure a lot of FTWMs are also facing problems at work.. just have to learn when to let go and not let it affect u.. i always tell myself if i leave the company today, it will still be standing so why let work bug u so much when it doesn't really care abt u and ur well being.. as for coping and taking care of bb when he comes, i tell u one thing: we are A LOT stronger than we think we are. when the time comes, we will have to adapt and cope. crying, stressing and worrying do nothing but just make us tired and irritable not to mention they waste ur energy and time. So what if its just u and ur hb coping with the bb? this is part and parcel of parenthood. sure, ur bb might cry a bit more in that period, sure ur house might be a bit (a lot actually) messier, sure, u might look like a crazy woman all the time but the truth is, letting the bb cry doesn't harm him, housework is neverending and once u get the hang of motherhood, things will fall into place. Your baby will grow bigger, u will learn to cope and looking back, all these energy zapping worries are just trivial. That's why i encourage all first time mommies to make sure u and ur hb are on the same wavelength on child rearing, household chores and bf-ing.. also on inlaws and parental comments..

Hello Febie! Do u still need to repeat ur GD test?

Welcome Attigal..

Ankh, how are u feeling now? still having bad heartburn? i have it too cos i drink so much water.. like this icy feeling at the back of my throat.. not as bad as the burning feeling.. If u love ur curry rice and it doesn't give u heartburn then i guess that's ur diet for the rest of the preg! heheheh.. ya the P1 registration damn exciting man!
Morning mummies!
Welcome attigal!

BB Clothes detergent - I am using Pureen ABD washing powder too. Also handwash all bb clothes as I don't like to see new born bb clothes to have those round round bit thing (粗粗的)due to machine wash.
BB clothes softerner - Kodomo
BB dish washing liquid - Pigeon.
BB wipes - Tollyjoy or Johnson
Milk storage - Pigeon
Breast pad - Pigeon
BB bath - Gaia Natural Baby wash
Maternity pad - Madame
Diapers - Pampers for newborn coz got the urine indication. Nepia or mamypoko after S size onwards.

May I ask those mummy who comitted to Confinement nanny. What's the market rate now for Msian? Thanks!
Good Morning Mummies!
my damage at Taka on Saturday is $358, got the pigeon gift for $120(bought 5x 72pcs breastpads, some detergent, baby wash/shampoo, bottle wash), and Huggies spent $200, got the toy & 4 medela bottles & 2 denim caps, was there for many hours, since about 2pm+ - 6pm+, tired feet.

I also bought 8-9packs nb diapers liao, both my #1 & #2 are not big(they weighed 3.36 & 3.34kg at birth but physical size is not big), and this #3 girl, gynae 's scan always estimated a smaller baby then the actual weeks, so I think should not be big.

I estimated 6-8pcs per day for breastfed babies.

I bought 8 packs size S & 6 packs size M at Taka fair, bought the huggies wipes, as the new huggies wipes is slightly different from before, when you pull 1, the rest doesn't come up together, its natural,no chemical or soap, the sales staff was telling me there's lack of this material which was why it will tear easier than other brands, can't remember what it was.
U all really bought alot of stuffs at Taka.. i went on sat n i only bought swaddles n a nail clipper!!

My hubby was saying i m crazy, dun get clothes or milk bottles but buy nail clipper!

Just curious, why i m not so euth to buy baby stuff... :(

Mummies please motivate me! Hehe
hi mummies, all r busy in shopping... i had been to taka n spent nearly 300, on wipes, bottles, diapers, rompers, toys for #1, detergent, washing liquid... yet to shop more :)

i am still in confusion if i need to buy swaddle? we use swaddle when baby is still 1 month old right, just wondering it would be waste after baby grows... please enlighten on swaddles as i never used swaddle for my #1... do hospitals provide 1?
Actually swaddle can hv many usage. I usually used it as baby blanket after that. be it blanket to cover them in a pram while i'm shopping or at home while they're napping daytime. Or i even use it to lay over to any matresses before putting bb on it (at frd's hse)...etc etc
Mt Alvernia will give a hooded blanket, not sure about other hospital though. I think swaddle is just like a covering to keep baby warm, so it can be anything, even a towel, correct me if I am wrong, other mummies
Prefers the old forum! Easier to read n scroll thro archive.

Oh. Okok. Thot u interested in the maxi cosi bundle =p combi is gd. Compact and does it job.
Wat my friend did was to put her eldest's car seat on the 2nd row. The car seat is compact so easier for her to take it out and push the row. For me my plan is to put #1 and #2 on the 2nd row while baby and i will go to the 3rd row. Abit inconvenient for me to carry baby up all the way to the back but at least i can see wat the elder kids are up to rather than keep turning my head to chk on the one behind.

Wah!! So fast confirmed delivery booking le!! Tats gd, 1 thing lesser to worry abt. My gynae will only let us book 32weeks onwards. V fast lo, like less than 4mths to delivery!! I hope time will slow dwn abit.

Its the hormones at work. Try to take things easy. If crying makes u feel better go ahead and cry but dun dwell on it for too long ya =)

Nope. My gal is 2011 also but nt aug batch =)

Yes. I do feel baby kick at nite when slpping but nt sufficient to keep me up esp i am always tired =p

Looks like u had a great time shopping at taka =p we love maxi cosi pram too. V easy to manuveer ard and v stylish.

Its normal for baby to kick at nite. They have no idea wat is day n nite. If u experience sudden sharp pain from slpping on any side then turn to the other side. However my gynae recommends to slp on the left during the last mth.

Aft my kids refused to be swaddled, i use the cloth as blanket till they outgrow.
I forgot to buy cotton wool during the baby fair. Need tat to clean baby's face.
Can use washing machine to wash baby clothes but do nt mix with adults clothes. I personally handwash all my kids clothing, even till nw. I use kodomo baby detergent.
I use pigeon bottle detergent all along. No complains =p
I am actually a pigeon fan coz it doesnt disappoint. Wet wipes and milk bags also pigeon. Hehe. Wet wipes can be use to wipe butts and hands also. I have 2 packs in the bag; 1 for butt and 1 for hand/face
Can try sebamed/california baby for body/hair wash. Must be mild for baby. Btw, i do nt use baby powder at all.
Re: maternity pad
My lochia pretty heavy and flow for a mth. So i prefer to use maternity pad to prevent back flow also. Anyway, the pack u use in hosp is paid by u, so any leftover pls bring hm. I usually buy a few packs from the hosp phamacy before i discharge.
If u use cloth diapers, u must wash daily and standby alot of cloth diapers. Coz need to change often and yr end wldnt dry so fast. For convenient, disposable diapers wld b better.
Safey pins nt v safe. Nw they have those hook type, nt so sharp amd safer.

In the 3rd tri must have 10kicks at least per day.

Welcome to the thread =)
Aiyo.. The new interface is so confusing la! Totally lost man!

Everyone is busy shopping!

Re: Diapers
When in hospital, the 1st pack used, the brand will be decided by the hospital or we can bring our own and ask them to use? Coz was thinking if we buy our own brand & stock and in the end, bb sensitive to it how? And different frm hospital, will they get rashes from the one hospital used on them?
Hosp will provide the diapers. These few yrs i think most hosp use huggies. During my #1 time was pampers.
lxb: I agreed its difficult to monitor kicks.. Sometimes no kicking from bb, I starts to worried what happen.. Maybe first time mummy like me a bit too gan cheong!!

pinkyloving: U don't have to go down personally. U can download the form from their web and e-mail over. I have not book with Mount A previously so I didn't fill in the hospital detail . Then a lady called up and claim will reserve a place for me but will call again end of this month to confirm the hospital. If confirm Mount A then I fax in the ladies card application to enjoy the 10% discount. Maybe u can call to check first. The lady is v friendly.
tcf : Recently I feel bb kicking when I am sleeping too.. But I have no problem sleep.

Just wondering is it because bb is not comfortable with my sleeping position or is it normal. (I sleep on right side)

I do have problem getting back to sleep after going toilet in the middle of the night.

Hikaru0112: my doctor recommend to sleep on the left side too =)
Bluenosebear, no lah.. i m one of those that bought 20 bags of NB diapers! haha end up i used abt 10-12 bags.. don't worry abt it.. i just keep using as long as it doesn't leaked. FYI my #2 is a big boy but still managed to use so many bags. that's cos 1 bag of 24 NB diapers will finish in abt 2-3 days. means 1 wk i need abt 2-3 bags! :)

Xiaober, what are u tied up with? u are working on contract basis? may be not used to working life after ur rest?
Fuzzy-Thanks for the re-assurance
Can't get used to this interface too!!!!

Also went Taka baby fair last weekend, surprisingly the cashier queue was very short.

Bought Pigeon wipes, breast pads, and huggies diapers for the free medela bottles. I asked the Medela staff and they said must change the bottles and parts every 6 mths for hygiene purpose.
That means, i must replace everything liao...
lxb: I agreed its difficult to monitor kicks.. Sometimes no kicking from bb, I starts to worried what happen.. Maybe first time mummy like me a bit too gan cheong!!

pinkyloving: U don't have to go down personally. U can download the form from their web and e-mail over. I have not book with Mount A previously so I didn't fill in the hospital detail . Then a lady called up and claim will reserve a place for me but will call again end of this month to confirm the hospital. If confirm Mount A then I fax in the ladies card application to enjoy the 10% discount. Maybe u can call to check first. The lady is v friendly.

Ya! And if bb kicking vigorously me n hub will be trying to catch where he will kick next.. Instead of counting.. Hahahha
Wah, the new interface confused me this morning, some more my old email a/c has died. Re registered with new a/c. Yeah lor SN, I nearly couldn't 'recognize' you

Re: heartburn, pinky, fuzzybear, I've found a semi solution! Must, ah, evacuate the bowels daily hahahaha! Stomach will then have space to do its job and not push up the gastric juices ;p.

Re: pads used after birth in hospital - I used the ones with strings, and it kept shifting. Super uncomfortable. Kept wondering if i was staining the bed, clothes etc. This round will use any brand so long as it absorbs well and can be stuck on

Lxb, think tiredness contributing to our moodiness now. I haven't had a good nights sleep for whole of last week. Yesterday I was so grumpy and easily irritated, even really felt like crying just before bedtime. Don't worry about not being able to take care of bb after confinement without the grandparents help. I've been thru that, totally possible. Use all the shortcuts available like catered food, disposable diapers, washing machine to wash baby clothes etc. Of course hubby must pitch in when home. If hubby the type who cant really help out, then see if can get part time maid just for that one month. Unless finances really tight, please don't be a hero especially during the first few months.

Aiyo, like everyone has been to the taka fair. I haven't had the chance yet, must wait for #1 to get well enough to attend school before I can get my retail therapy
Hi Ladies~!

Hang in there, everyone! Monday blues is almost over~~

Bought quite a lot of stuff at taka fair too. Bought the Avent sterilizer & warmer set, Pigeon breast pads & baby shampoo/lotion set, blanket & towel, mini fan & hangers too! Got the xylophone for free coz spent above $350, good thing all paid by taka vouchers! :)
Then yesterday, went to Mothercare to buy Tommee Tippee ear thermometer coz last day sales & it was cheaper than taka fair. I love retail therapy~! :p

By the way, anyone needs to take blood test to test for diabetes? I'm abit worried coz i'm scared of needles! Gynae told me due to family history, i need to take the blood test. My next scan is 1 mth from now & i need to fast the night before , then take 3 hourly blood test starting from 8.30-10.30am. Duno how to tahan not eating & drinking for so long, scared that i'll start puking again. :( Any mummies got advice/experience in this? Is the blood test just a prick on the finger or is it the kind where they withdraw a vial of blood from the arm?
Re: baby kicks
10kicks per day at least over the whole day. Nt 10kicks at 1 shot ho. If nt no nd to do things mummies can just sit there and count whole day liao. When we are at tat stage, somehow we will rem to count n take note and start to panick when we cant feel any kicks.
Yaaaa i m so confused by the nicks.. cos we have 2 names attached to our account. one is the name we register with and the other is the nick.. we have all been using our nicks but now it is only showing our names registered! was wondering who is who lor..

Val, I can't sit behind at all. i get car sick very easily, even sitting in front. the only time I am ok is when i m driving.. i m gg to shift my #3 to the back, baby will sit in the 2nd row with my #1. cos at least #2 can climb and walk, i don't have to carry him in!

Oooh i recommen u guys to buy this: http://www.nuk.sg/products/dental_care/productdetail/?p=created_1334543458_unique&lty=m&lid=21 I use it to wipe my baby's mouth..

Ankh, haha u need to evacuate ur bowels! i m bleeding quite a bit when i poop.. sian man.. i drink close to 4L of water now!
swaddling, its a cloth used to bundle bb up so that bb won't frighten himself/herself when he/she moves. usually swaddle for 1 month only. IMO, the swaddling cloth is not a need, you can use other cloth like cloth diapers too (oldies will do that). the swaddling cloth sold outside are prettier and nicer material than cloth diapers so its up to individuals. i didn't intend to buy but happened that my gf passed it on to me yesterday (she hardly used it too) so will just settle with tt. if you buy it, you can still use it for other purpose other than swaddling but if you find it too expensive, then just use other cloth like receiving blanket or thin blanket or towel etc.

felval, actually feel like very extravagant to buy such an expensive stroller but hubby will be the one pushing it more often and we have kids at home that will likely fight to push the stroller (they fight to push supermarket trollies now :p) so we feel it is better to buy a more steady stroller. anyway, that was like the only thing hubby could make decisions on, the rest of the items were all decided by me!

eh, i don't even know who is who now for some of the nicks. how ah? will our MTB list still display nicely here? and it gets to the next page so quickly, very difficult to post and not miss out on replies!
Oh i forgot to reply on the swaddling cloth thingy.. I use mostly nappy cloth to swaddle but i find that it comes loose by the time my sons are 12 wks old. I swaddle all the way until they are 20 wks.. by the time they reached 14-17 wks, they slp through the night, i.e. last feed at 7.30pm and next feed will be 7am next morning. by 6-7 wks my sons were dropping feeds already.. last feed 7.30pm, next feed 2-3am. i attribute swaddling for making them slp so easily cos they dun startle and slp through very well. i tie them very tightly.. so tightly that they can't escape even at 3-4 mths old.. by 12 wks, i will swaddle with one arm free, at 16 wks both arms are free but still swaddle their tummies.. at 20 wks they slp without swaddle. :)

with anything u intro to ur kids, best to do it gradually. :)
aiyoh so confusing. haha ankh, at least your nick is still the same! I think my face is getting rounder. im so scared of the weighing machine now! plus last friday, my hb bought this chocolate cake from "chocolate origin" at changi village. It's so yummy, i couldnt resist eating a slice a day. totally afraid of the weight gain for this month.

taka baby fair, went there yesterday. didnt managed to trade in my old avent bottles cos i realised i could only purchase the "natural" range with the trade in. I have already bought so many teats and stuff that match the classic range, so i dont wanna get the "natural" range now. Also, i prefer the classic gold bottles cos they are "extra long lasting". haha. So ended up just buying the classic gold bottles and extra teats for 3m and 6m, without trade in.

we bought the Graco playpen. The price is so deceiving. It states 279 after discount. After we added the mattress and bedsheets, it became $400! wah lao. the mattress cost $89 cos it's anti-bacterial and machine washable. felt a bit cheated.

Also bought the huggies diapers with medela bottles. Maybe i should buy more hor. sounds like a good deal. I find huggies is ok for newborn, but when baby is bigger, mamypoko is better.

mummychua - i have been wondering since morning who is mush. hahahaha.
Yaaaa i m so confused by the nicks.. cos we have 2 names attached to our account. one is the name we register with and the other is the nick.. we have all been using our nicks but now it is only showing our names registered! was wondering who is who lor..

Val, I can't sit behind at all. i get car sick very easily, even sitting in front. the only time I am ok is when i m driving.. i m gg to shift my #3 to the back, baby will sit in the 2nd row with my #1. cos at least #2 can climb and walk, i don't have to carry him in!

Oooh i recommen u guys to buy this: http://www.nuk.sg/products/dental_care/productdetail/?p=created_1334543458_unique&lty=m&lid=21 I use it to wipe my baby's mouth..

Ankh, haha u need to evacuate ur bowels! i m bleeding quite a bit when i poop.. sian man.. i drink close to 4L of water now!

I like this too! Also used it for #1. but quite frequently oos, so I quickly stock up this time round.
I personally find the old huggies ultra(purple colour) quality seems to be better then this new green colour huggies ultra.
Total weight gain from day 1 until last sat is 6.8kg, today I am 26 weeks.

I emailed Mt Alvernia to ask about the processing time for the Ladies Card, they said once they receive application, considered a member, but the physical card will take about 3 weeks to reach us. When admitted to hospital, just inform them that we are ladies card member, will get the $100 off single ward & $80 off double ward.
thirdtimemum, what's the difference between huggies, huggies ultra and what other types of huggies are there? im tempted to switch to huggies for #1 (save cost) but there are so many different types of huggies, it's so confusing. haha. regarding weight gain, did you lose any weight during your nausea period? If i consider the weight i lost during nausea time, i gained a total of 9kg. If it's pre-preg weight, then it's 5.5kg. I'm 26 weeks 3 days. very close to you. heheh.
This time round I wanna follow your swaddle procedure up to 20 weeks so that no 2 dun wake up for night feed.
May I ask if they are awake, will you still swaddle them?

i gained around 8kg compared to pre pregnancy, i didn't loose weight in my first trimister... only in 2nd trimister i gained 6kg in past 2 months :( still 4 months to go, worried :(

btw, all of you have decided their baby names? i am just curious..
