(2013/11) November 2013

they share "tummy photos".. hehe.. then over the wkend some of them shared their purchases at the motherhood expo...

Xuan, just avoid going past the room lor.. dun think abt it.. i had to reno my house at 34 wks preg last time.. baby also came out ok..

Tummy photos! so who has the flattest tummy?
ya try lor.. but the room is beside the pantry n i have to keep refilling my water. haha.. better dun tell my mum. later she make me paranoid even more.

haha i nv compare their tummy lah.. by the way there's a pair of twin n a triplet in the fb group!

oh today finally someone noticed my tummy! think it's more obvious when i wear dress. irony is the colleague who notice my tummy only comes in once a mth, but the rest whom i see everyday still dun notice. haha..
Xiao ber,
Can get decaf tea. Sometimes i go hi tea with my friends i also opt for decaf tea but i also dun drink much coz i feel v dehydrated aft tat.

Welcome to the thread =) glad to hear all is well with ur gal. She will cont to grow well and healthy =)

No choice that u have to stop coz of ur condition. In fact for me my gynae advise me to stop in tri2 if possible coz it will be v taxing for my body which i am already feeling it.
Like u, i also gave my #1 ebm during my #2. This time round hoping to give both if nt #2 ebm as well rather than freezing.
Hahaha. I asked my hb if there is a choice to choose between the hb or the wife getting preg will he be keen to try? Straight away he told me no! 
Hope to see u joining the fb grp in time to come =)
xuan: hahaha so are you happy that they notice? my hubby always say me.. cos when ppl notice me i will ask him do i look very preggy? but when ppl dun notice i will ask him i dun look preggy meh? hahaha he will =.= and ask me wat kind of answer i was expecting from him.. :p

val: hahaa i try to limit myself also.. cos after that bf cannot drink tea also.. if not later my bb might be hyper active. so start to control from now better.. hahaha but i will steal few sips when i have a chance..
Just tell baby u got no choice coz u nd to work. Unless the smell gets overpowering mayb u wanna suggest to ur boss to work from hm?
My gal took the baby scissor from my vanity cupboard and went to my bed to cut her toe nail =.= i just tell baby sorry but jiejie duno and hope everything will be fine. Looking fwd to my detailed scan...
fuzzybear, i was also wondering whether im the only one left who is not in the Nov FB group. I joined the Oct FB group a few months ago and there are so many postings and comments that i couldnt keep track of them. in the end, i seldom check it also. I find it easier to track the postings on the forum here. haha.
i am still here too.. chatting on both ends.
i am so sleepy after eating a hotdog bread + milo.. but i feel like drinking milo again as i am like half full only. drink alot of milo ok ma? hehehe
linxiaober: same as me! before my tummy shows, i keep whining to hub how come i still no tummy 1.. now my tummy is showing, esp at nite it's very big! then i ask hub, is it too big huh? he cannot stand me also.. hahaha...

ya lor Val, i will tell bb it's not within my control.. hee. during my early wks, my hub forgot n cut scotchtape on our bed! my friend says can reverse by sticking the item back, but was speechless when i told her we cut scotchtape. hahaha!
Lynn! which 1 is u on fb? din see ur nick on the excel file.. haha.. *kpo*

think milo is ok to drink ba.. the other time my hub made me milo, he saw that there was calcium content. so he ask me to drink more milo if i dun want to take milk.
Hi Jasline, thanks for inviting me. However, when I click on the link, I am unable to join. They state the link is broken or the page is no longer available.
Val, ya i just have to make it up to #2 when i bf #3. i didn't bother freezing a lot when i was bf-ing #2. supply was so much.. i gave fresh ebm directly to #1. after feeding both of them then i freeze whatever is left.. bulk of it went to another mommy.. so when i had to stop bf-ing, my poor #2 could only drink EBM for another wk or two.

Linxiaober, bf can drink caffeine lah.. in fact some ppl say drinking bubble tea can boost BM supply.. :p the amt of caffeine in ur breastmilk is really very minimal.

SN, ya i saw the whole Oct thread disappearing! i m shy abt adding ppl I dunno.. i mean u get to see my whole profile, esp since i have a lot of personal info in my FB. What i do is i just restrict what ppl can see but that defeats the point of adding new frens.
fuzzybear: dun need to add all the pple in the group mah.. can choose not to add if u're not comfortable. i think it's ok...

my friend added me in those preloved baby items group also.. making me very busy on fb recently. haha...
Xuan, i don't usually add ppl.. ppl add me.. wahahaha.. really.. OMG! i m that dao on FB.. i m paranoid abt my privacy so i have multiple groups and layers.

I did join a few grps.. so just comment on whatever i m interested in.. otherwise i don't bother checking all of them.
Xuan.. hehe just made another 1 to fill my tummy.. BuRPPS.. me! - Emeline Alvin
ohh i fg to add in.. i wonder if i am the youngest here currently? i'm 25! so... alot of things still o.0?
haha i also have a few pple who added me, till now still pending for my request. moreover they are my hub's friends but i've nv ever seen them before. just pretend that fb screws up n i nv receive their friend invites. haha..

but i do enjoy seeing that i have common friends with pple that i've been chatting with.. hee..
Snake_bb, my gynae told me my placenta is considered a little on the low side, hence it could be the reason why I had bleeding during first trimester. Her advice was not to do vigorous exercise, don't carry more than 10kg, and gentle sex (this one ah, seriously not in the mood LOL!) I'm not sure what u meant by OS, but my first pregnancy also placenta a little low, and it eventually moved up as pregnancy progressed. So please be careful when handling your little boy since he's 14kg. Best not to carry him, just hug him while seated or lying down.

Re: caffeine
I made a pact with myself not to exceed more than half a cup of teh/kopi/atas coffee during first pregnancy. Had it nearly daily. To get around my own rule, I used to cheat by ordering the biggest cup I could get my hands on. #1 came out 3.32kg, still quite ok la. Nowadays though I keep to about twice a week and only max 1/3 cup since I'm not confident how much caffeine my uterus can handle now.

Someone commented on decaffeinated coffee? Unfortunately also best to keep this to a minimum as the chemical processing used to make it decaf is supposedly quite bad too. Oth, I've been drinking this quite a bit. Oh well.

SN, hope you're feeling better after the puking. Think I puked cos of my lunch ytd. Today appetite not so great, but at least way better than ytd.

Val, really ah u can tahan bf for 2 years! Standing ovation man. I forced my gal to wean off from me at 13 months cos couldn't take it any longer. From taking one hour to finish one feed to me becoming a human pacifier, wah....... I'll forever remember my maternity leave as my tvb period; used to finish one episode per feed.

Fuzzybear, ha, I'm still here. Haven't checked my FB yet. Hm, bio. Aiyo hated that in school. Shucks, was hoping u were at HSA. Had a friend there and she told us some very, very, very interesting forensics stories kekeke.
all the coffee and tea chat makes me crave for iceed milk tea from MOS burger... =x my fav milk tea.. but i cant take too much caffeine even before my preg.. coz everytime i drink, my heart beats very fast.. and always feel out of breathe.. so now preggy i totally cut that out..
to join FB, i need to use the email add that I used to set up the account right? sians... just realised that my hotmail account is now outlook? all my mails are gone.

Will it work with another email? anyone knows?
Hi, I would like to join yr.
I had been a silent reader.
Pregnant with 1st bb, 16weeks now. Seeing Prof Biswas in Nuh.
Conceive via ivf.
I'm also having low lying placenta & fibriods, thus on leave now.
Was having red spt on 13 weeks, which cause by the placenta & fibroids.
Hopefully next scan tis fri, show everything is ok, then I can go back to work.
Hi bluenosebear!

*wave*!! Glad to hear from you
Do take good care and rest more.. Since have low lying placenta, cannot walk much..
Hello mummies, everyone doing well?

Im so depressed about e flu medi,Clarinase, twice, took before week 12 after knowing thru fuzzybear n my frens tt Clarinese should not b taken during preg.

I went to bring all e medi including Clarinase to my gyne on my1st visit cos I taken it before I noe tt im preg. Is my gyne confirm tt is safe to take Clarinase. Becos of his confirmation, I took it AGAIN when I got a flu.

Im so upset tt my gyne tell me wrong info. I hav no medical knowledge n is my 1st time mummy. Of cos I will trust my gyne.

Now things turn out like tt, I noe is a small matter but it concern e professionalism n trust n care to me.

I told my hubby shld we change gyne but he dun agree.

I going to confront my gyne again when I visiting him next Thursday.

Just so depressed n worried abt e side effect to my bb.
Ankh, I have other interesting stories that do not involve dead bodies. Haha. One day will share with u all but not on this platform.

Winkle, sounds like u have caffeine intolerance like me. I can tahan a bit of tea but if I drink coffee I get heart palpitations, gastric churning and goddamn smelly pee. I get very hyper too!! Sometimes no choice but to take some caffeine and my frens will sit back and watch me embarrass myself.

Hello Bluenosebear, I have seen ur nick around. I think u (and all the mommies that underwent IVF) are super brave. Stay off ur feet for now like what I advised Snake_bb. No sex, no carrying of heavy stuff, no squatting and don't do activities that needs exertions of ur core muscles. When's ur detailed scan at NUH?

Pinky, calm down a bit. How many pills did u take? May be he overlooked it? Sometimes these antihistamines have very similar names. Did u read the insert of the meds? SL was saying that there's a warning in there. Nonetheless u have taken ur meds. I personally don't think it will affect baby as it is not a class IV mutagenic meds. If u like this gynae's bedside manner then stick to him. I dont think confronting him will help. At most show him the insert and the warning and see what he says. Don't let this affect ur pregnancy ok! Stay happy!

Gotta also rem most meds are not tested against pregnant women (since it is very unethical to do so). Most meds can only hypothesize that there's no effect on baby based on the known mechanism. But it doesn't mean they guarantee that there's no side effect 100% of the time.
hello ladies, busy to check forum today. so many postings. I find it very confusing to chat on both fb and forum so im sticking around here.

sei, i used to work in hospital lab but that's a long time ago. now im doing sales which allows me to run ard the island and sometime do my personal stuff during office hrs. haha... a very suitable job for a mummy. but why is ur treatment not subsided? 6 digit is alot to come out from pocket.

pinky, no point being upset. like what fuzzybear says it should not have a effect on bb. always visit a doc when you are sick. this apply even when we going to bf in future. i think clarinase cant be taken during bf-ing.

caffeine, fuzzybear im like u caffeine intolerance. but it only develop past 2-3yrs. i use to drink coffee like water. but cut down alot now because of the side effect. haiz old liao...

diet restriction, actually i nv really restrict my diet. i still eat as per normal, although i did try to cut down on coke replacing it with fruit juice. some ppl told me cannot drink cold drink during preg but the weather is so hot now, and i got to be out running ard most of the day how not to drink cold stuff. anyway i bo chap lah...

bf-ing, happy to see so many bf-ing mummies here. in my previous group most mummies stop nursing after 6months. few last past 1yr. so i got very paiseh when ppl ask me if im still bf-ing my then 2.5yr old, like she over age for nursing liao. so i just keep quiet continue nursing my #1 till i got preg with #2. actually bf-ing is not difficult once you got the hang of things, although it can be challenging for ftwm.
Pinky, just curious, who is ur gynae? Perhaps some gynaes are just more unconventional or he has personal experience of many mommies who took clarinese during pregnancy and were ok.
Wave to min, my buddy.
Fuzzy bear- thanks for the tips.
Detailed scan will be on 18 weeks, 21/6.
Coz during OSCAR scan, NT was 3.2, though blood test showed low risk, but Prof wants a earlier scan, due to NT, though the presence of nasal bone.
He also said kiv amino if anything, coz he know tis pregnancy is very precious & I had a miscarriage in 2011.
I can only pray.
fuzzybear: haha i just told my hubby abt it.. he erm.. rolled his eyes on me.. hahaha i will try again to convince him..

mawanab: i think just use the one that you commonly use should be fine.. if not just keep to this forum is also good

RE: travelling overseas
i posted this in fb but i think i should post here also for those not in fb.. if any mummies going to travel in the following few months.. please prepare the doc letter to verify that you are okay to take the flight.. because i was informed by my hubby's cousin (working in cathay pacific) that i need to prepare if not they have the right to stop me from boarding.. so i think to play safe just prepare regardless of which airline you going to take ba.. travel happy for babymoon!
Hi mummies! I joined the FB group, but I'm not very active in FB so I'm still following this thread!

mummychua, we were told that this is not standard medicine, so I wrote in to MOH to appeal, still waiting for their reply.

mawanab, I'm also using hotmail. The whole interface has changed, but my old emails are still there and I'm still using the same email address. Maybe can write in and find out why your emails are lost?

On bf, my #1 was bottle-fed with ebm+FM for first 2 wks in NICU, but total latch on for the rest of the 4 mths maternity leave. I find it much more convenient that way as don't have to pack so many things and worry whether there's enough FM while we are out. After I went back to work, she had ebm+FM during the day and I latched on in the morning and at night and on weekends. I only started to slowly wean her off the breast at 20mths. I feel the important thing is both mummy and baby must enjoy the process to persist
I have a question to ask experience mummies. Is it true that #1 will come out earlier Dan edd date? Cos my edd date is 1/11-3/11. If really will be early means my bb will become oct bb..
linxiaober>for my case it is not true, my #1 was overdue for 9 days, and still no signs, no show, no contractions, nothing, so gynae said go for induction, must not wait for too long. #2 came on the exact edd date, some said it will get earlier each time, for my case, you can say it is or it is not, depending on how you look at it.

Bluenosebear (bluenosebear)>do not be too worried, NT level will be thinner as the baby grows bigger, like in my case, during my 1st trimester scan, my NT level was between 2.6-3, but everything else is normal, nasal bone present, heartbeat normal etc, gynae suggested Omnio test at 16 weeks, but we declined, because we decided to continue with pregnancy. And at 16 weeks scan, the NT level is normal for that stage. Pray unceasingly.
Good morning, mummies.

Bluenosebear, my gynae also prof Biswas.Wat is ur risk ratio? I had 1:663. Prof request an early scan on Tue which is week 18. He told me no need amino test. He told me as long bb growing and no defect in the scan then no need do test. I also have low placenta and polyps. Just removed the polyps wk 15 due to heavy bleeding. I bled since week 9 - 15. Prof also mention i will bleed due to low placenta.
Hope we mummies can pull thru all the hardship.
fuzzybear, i was doing recruitment in my previous company and we mass recruit around 100 candidates per 2 months in a peak period. Alot of the candidates i recruited anyhow find me on FB and added me. Initially i added them but after that i either delete or put them on restricted mode cos some of them eventually got terminated by the company. so scary. i dont want to be stalked by them. haha. so i am very careful about adding friends on FB now. In my current organisation, I think I have only added 4 friends and these are people who request to add me first. During the GE and punggol election, I had alot of comments, so i decided to put these colleagues on restricted mode so i can air my views freely. hahaha.
morning ladies...

bluenosebear, i had a nt measurement of 3.1mm at 11wks, present of nasal bone, but i havent seen my gynae since then nor did he call to inform abt the result. so no idea abt the blood test. i was very worry abt it but not anymore. there nothing i can do so just relax and wait for the next visit on this sat. perhaps i should ask my gynae abt the early detail scan.

linxiaober, my #1 was overdue but just for a day coz i bleed and kana inducted. but most of the other mummies from my previous thread did have their bb early. i think by the time u reach 36wks, u cant wait to have the bb out of u.

sei, hope that you can get some positive answer from MOH.
Hi bluenosebear
Your risk added up is not that high since your doc did not suggest cvs or amino only detailed scan...
Btw at nuh.. do you need to go for heart defect test at ard 15-16 weeks?

I m from kkh... as mentioned previously due to my risk, I choose to do cvs and kkh also made an additional appt to check my bb heart to see any defects. DS bb have high rish of heart defects...

In any case, dont worry cos I think no ones risk is as high as mine and my bb turned out to be ok.
linxiaober: my bb was also induced.. no signs of labour at all. i went for my checkup on my due date and was told to induce that very evening since cervix was very thin. So my #1 was born on the exact date.

RE: Breastmilk
For my #1, i nv froze any BM.. i only chilled them and i will alternate between latching and giving EBM throughout the day. I heard my cousins telling me they latched the bb too often that it was hard to wean when they wanted to start on bottles. So i tried to bottle feed when bfing was established. Anyone knows when is the right time to start bottles? Also, my #1 used Avent bottles... i am tempted to try Medela/Pigeon/Nuk this time round. Any reviews?

Now, i read all about freezing BM and how some babies reject them due to different taste, and how mummies gotta prepare by mixing thawed frozen BM with fresh BM, wah! like so many things to learn!

I also had a lot of probs with BFing, i wonder why it seems so easy for some while i struggled with sore and bleeding nipples for months. I knew it was due to wrong latching position but despite paying to see LC thrice it didnt help. Only when bb turned 4 mths i could BF without pain! However due to my work environment i had prob with expressing milk regularly and supply dropped so much, my bb started to reject my breast at 6 mths old. I was sad that she would cry and struggle when she sees my boob. I guess my supply was too little and flow was slow. It dropped from 500ml per pump to less than 100ml per pump within 2 mths after i returned to work. So i decided to stop BF.. luckily bb had no prob with changing to FM.

Piggie: my gynae from my 1st preg had always encouraged me to "exercise" since 5 mths preg. He always wanted to make sure we dont gain too much weight although i was average sized. I would do more walking or climb the stairs at MRT stations. True enough, i did not have any prob throughout the rest of my preg or walking like a penguin. I was feeling perfectly like pre-preg except for the tummy. I gained 15kg in total and bb was born 3.23kg. During my labour, bb was out within 10 mins. For this preg, i'm getting lazier, but trying to take stairs often and going for swims (more like wading in the pool) with my #1.
Good morning Mummies.. Piggie - i started feeling heavy to work when i am only 14 weeks + . hubby got very worried as i still have a long way to go.. but i was thinking maybe due to my small built size..
Mummies who have #2 or #3 with the same gender as the previous child.. Is it just me, or there is really nothing much to buy? I feel very guilty that the excitement is not as strong as when I had my 1st child. And whenever i think about wanting to buy clothes, i would be like "hmm.. already got a huge stash of clothes from #1 and newborn clothes dont last long". I have no idea what to get, except bottles and diapers and new pillows etc. i feel so unprepared.

For strollers, is it recommended to get Twin strollers? My #1 super love to sit in it when we go shopping. Cant imagine if she starts to fight with her sister on the stroller.
Re: 2nd opinion for low fluid
Went to see Dr Yvonne chan for 2nd opinion, her views is exactly the same as my gynae and we can only wait and see to see if it's just temporary and if it will affect baby's growth.
so my follow up appointment will be this coming Saturday.
just that Dr Yvonne chan added the possibility of abnormalities in baby, often in kidney or bladder thus not producing enough urine or in heart.

Actually both gyanes did not officially classify me under the low fluid condition(oligohydramnios)
they just mentioned that my fluid is abit on the low side but it's not critically low yet to call for emergency.

Re: Detailed scan
and no I haven't done my detailed scan, only 18 weeks this week, gona check with my gyane if i'm doing detailed scan at his clinic or gotta go TMC and if there's a need to go Camden medical in my case loh..
morning mummies.. feeling moody at work today. maybe cos i woke up thinking it's already fri, or maybe cos i'm down with flu n i just recovered from sore throat. sigh.

kayliz: although this is my 1st baby but i'm also not shopping alot. also telling myself that newborn clothes dun last long, so i'm waiting to see wat my friends can pass down to me. or looking ard for cheaper buys. i feel a little guilty to bb, his mummy (me) is very stingy! lol.. i see my friends they seem to buy mountains of things but i think i want to buy carefully so that i dun end up with alot of unnecessary stuff.

silver: was ur oscar done in TMC? if yes, then detailed scan shld probably also be in TMC. for me they already charge me the package price of oscar+detailed scan during my oscar appt, n have made my detailed scan appt at that time too.
lynn, you started to feel heavy at wk 14? that's really early! hmm... I'm also very small built, im only 41kg pre-pregnancy. but during #1's time, I only started to feel the weight of the bump at wk20 and beyond. Even now at wk 19, I still don't feel the weight of the baby yet that sometimes i forget im pregnant (all thanks to the sayonara nausea).

Kayliz, I havent bought a single thing for #2 either. I intend to reuse everything. If #2 turns out to be a girl, i think it's ok for girl to wear blue but the reverse is not true. haha. boys cannot wear pink. I wont be buying a twin stroller cos it's so enormous and hard to manage. I will likely manuca the baby and have elder one in the stroller. or if the elder one wants to be be manduca-ed, also can lar haha.

As for breastfeeding. I was on npl for 5 months. So i total breastfed for about 9 months. Don't have much extra to freeze. but the few times i did, I had to mix about 70% fresh/chilled ebm with 30% frozen ebm to cover the fishy smell.

Once i returned to work, supply dropped immediately and my boy rejected fm. stressed me out. in the end, i started mixing 1 scoop of FM to my ebm and slowly increase the scoops of FM until it was 100% fm. the day he drank 100% fm, i was sooooo relieved :D my supply dropped to 200ml a day and i completely stopped breastfeeding. Oh, i fully pumped from 3months onwards cos my boy couldnt get a full meal from each latch and took more than an hour to complete latching, in the end, i just gave up latching. on hindsight, quite glad i pumped cos alot of my friends had difficulties weaning their babies off the breast.

not sure for #2, should i re-attempt latching fully, or straight away pump fully. hmm. latching will be more convenient but i like the routine and certainty of pumping. hahaha.
piggie, i was quite active and fit during #1. 2wks before due i still can go isetan pte sale follow by taka bb fair. a bit siao then. but i dont think i will be able to handle that now. since i had #1, i dont get much time exercising. so as long as u are active, dont put on too much weight, it should be quite ok even during late pregnancy.

kayliz, i still dont know my bb gender but im hoping that it will be a gal like my #1. like that i can reuse everything. gal cuter lah and they stay cute for a longer period. lol... my mil will be very upset if this one is another gal.

depending on the age of ur #1, my gal loves her stroller too. but at 3yr old, we try to encourage her to walk more. unless we are going for long trips or she going to have her nap outside otherwise i avoid bringing stroller. unless u have very close age kids or twins if not i find twin stroller very bulky eg. may not fit some escalator. maybe can get those standing broad to attach to ur stroller? she can take turn with sister to sit in stroller.
Hi Pinky, I did a check for you.


Clarinase is considered category B, so it's safe.

I have also included a link to the different pregnancy categories. Essentially cat A is veryveryvery safe, for example panadol and cat D has risks but pregnant mothers can take if benefits outweigh potential risks. And category X is absolutely contra-indicated.


Don't worry!!

On a different note, regarding breast feeding, I read that it's possible to do exclusive BF for 6 months then supplementary for 1-2 years. Which I intend to do. I bought the Ameda breast pump from Amazon as I found Mendela exorbitant!!! Hope I can see BF through for at least 2 years.
WRX: ameda is 1 of the recommended brand by my friend who is a mum of 3. i am interested to get an ameda also cos i find medela too exp, plus i dunno how long i can bf. on the other hand, worried if ameda is not user friendly, i have to spend additional to get a new medela. abit indecisive now.

can share wat makes u decided to get the ameda set?
Xuan: Because my friend used that too and she liked it but she did say that it's very noisy. Mostly importantly, the reviews on amazon were good.


I saw it at 400SGD at Robinson's, but only 190USD on amazon so I got my relative to ship it over. United Square also sells Spectra brand pumps at 200SGD, and amazon reviews were good for that too. But I decided on Ameda as it's more tried-and-tested.

Can somebody recommend a cot bed brand? Or is it too early to buy?
xuan: i used Ameda for #1, i bought from Robinson's at $399 last time. Not sure if got newer model now though. They have this function that prevents outside air from contaminating the expressed milk. (i had to pump in handicapped toilet at work)

Unfortunately, the pump motor started to get very weak, i realized i couldnt fully empty my breasts. In the end because i cant wait and didnt want to spend so much on a new pump, i bought a second hand Medela.

Ever since i got the Medela, i nv thought emptied breasts actually feels so soft! I could get more milk and less lumps (from blocked milk ducts). So in my opinion, i should have gotten a new Medela right from the start. Of coz, it doesnt mean Ameda isnt gd, maybe i was just unlucky.
SN - yes, standing at 150cm only.. duno if this is affecting it.. i will need to bend forward sometime bcux i feel the aching.. but trying my best not to as i know if i continue like this. i will suffer at the later stage ~
