(2013/11) November 2013

WRX: Mine was this design without the bag.. http://www.amazon.com/Ameda-Purely-Yours-Ultra-Breast/dp/B003CL8ICQ/ref=sr_1_11?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1370487823&sr=1-11&keywords=ameda

Jasline: i didnt change any parts coz i was urgently in need of it, and didnt even know what were the parts until i went to the seller's place and she taught me to use it. Immdiately i went home to sterilize and used it. The mummy only used for a mth, the entire set and parts were very new so i didnt bother. lol.. she did give me some extra parts & boxes of breastpads and medela bottles.. all brand new so i belived she totally stopped BFing and her bb was only 2 mths old.
piggie, for #1, I only started to have difficulty walking in 3rd tri as my calves and feet were badly swollen due to water retention. I was quite active before that, and every week I went gym 2x, swimming 1x and jogging 1x. This time, I was doing pilates once a week before I tested positive.

kayliz... same... I didn't feel as much excitement at the Motherhood fair as I did when I was expecting #1... regardless of gender, I won't be buying many new born clothes as they do grow out of it quite fast. My #1 has already "generously" decided to give all her towels to baby cos she wants to use the new microfiber ones I bought *roll eyes*

We're not planning to get another stroller, I will use my sling and maybe get a manduca later on.

It's true that frozen ebm smells fishy, so as baby grows older, they may start to reject the smell unless you mix with chilled or fresh ebm. I didn't like to freeze my bm last time, plus not that much excess anyway. Whatever I pump during work, I will chill and baby will drink it during the next day. If it's not enough, we will top up with fm. I think latch on flow will be slower than bottles, where you can always opt for bigger holes in the teats to increase the flow. My #1 did have some confusion when I first went back to work - she will latch, then break away and stare and me, then latch back again. After a few days, think she figured out that she's ok both ways haha... maybe because she was a preemie, she preferred a slower flow and was always using smaller teats than what was recommended for her age.

I used Avent bottles for #1, so most likely will do the same for #2. However, I was also using glass bottles for storing ebm, so it means have to transfer the bm before feeding and there's some wastage. I like the wide mouth though, very easy to wash!
Morning mummies, when you all lie down, do you feel a fist size bump at your lower right abdominal poking out? it shifts when i lie more to one side. I am wondering whats that bump and if its serious..Its really prominent and hard to touch when i lie flat on the bed.
Xiao ber,

for my first pregnancy, I'm a Gestational Diabete. So I was asked to induce earlier by the gynae. But bb refused to pop out on the first day, thus on the 2nd day, gynae broke water bag etc to speed up the process but still took me 9 hrs to give birth.

Going for my glucose test next week. Hope this round I can be GD free...
heard from my other mummy friends say that babies also have different preferences for milk bottles, so even bottles i also not intending to buy too many. maybe just a couple, if baby is ok with it then stock up more.

usually for newborns, abt how many milk bottles do we need?
Arissa, i get that on n off also. i think it's just ur baby shifting his/her position. haha.. i always talk to baby n ask if that's ur head or ur butt? lol.. my "hard bump" is sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right, sometimes right in the centre of my tummy. hehe...
yes Sei, both myself and mum dun like frozen bm too.. too fishy to drink. My mum dumped all away. I so heartache. I nv tried to freeze again after seeing my mum dump them.
xuan, standby about 3.
That's how I prepared for my first one.
@ Xuan.. oh! thats our baby? :D because i always though our tummy is so big..our baby only so small below near pelvic area then my tummy must be all the poop, food and fats -_-....
Arissa: haha the bump also not say very big mah.. just like a hard lump only. but cute hor? if i'm not wrong is baby lah.. cos i'm also a 1st time mum. see wat the other experienced mummies say. haha..
Wah so active!!

I see a lot of bf-ing questions! I do help a lot of new mommies with their bf-ing problems and questions. Even to the point if setting alarms to wake myself up so that I can text the new mommies to wake up at night. If u guys (ESP first time mommies) are determined to bf, I will help u succeed. I have helped more than 20 mommies this way. Shortest period they bf-ed was 6 mths TBF. Most of them bf-ed past 1 yr and they attributed to my incessant nagging not to stop.

Most latching moms don't realize that u don't get letdowns as easy as when u are pumping as compared to latching. Pumps do not work the same way as babies. Ur boobs need to be accustomed to pumps before u can get enough milk out. If u are determined to bf, latching for the first 4 wks is the best. After which introduce one bottle of ebm a day for baby to get used to bottles (we'll come to bottles later). This also allows ur boobs to get use to pumping.

For the first 8 wks, I recommend to empty ur boobs every 3-4 hrs. Even in the middle of the night. It takes abt 8 wks for ur supply to stabilize though if u are really crazy u still can increase it as late as 12 mths!! 4 wks before going back to work u might need to start dragging the time intervals between emptying. If u are latching every 3 hrly, u have to find away to teach ur boobs to tahan 5-6hr intervals because I don't think u can pump that often at work. U have to drag the intervals 30mins at a time, so say u are emptying ur boobs every 4hrs, try emptying every 4.5hrs for 4-5 days. Then stretch to 5hrs for another wk, then 5.5 hrs for another wk. the longer the intervals the longer period u need for ur boobs to get used to producing the same amount per hr. this means it won't drop drastically when u go back to work. If u can do this, when u are back at work ur ss might just drop 100ml or so.

Re: bottles
If u are gonna exclusively pump, i.e. feed via bottle from the start, it doesn't matter what bottle ur baby use. Just stick to one type all the way through. If u latch more than the teat is more impt and u might find that for some babies, no matter what, they will reject all teats. This u can't prevent cos they just love ur boobs more than any teats u can find in the market. But most of my latching frens say Nuk suits them best.

Re: pump
Both Ameda and Medela are gd pumps. One thing gd abt Ameda is that it is a closed system. There's no way milk/ water go into the pump mechanism. The bad thing abt Ameda is that spare parts are not readily available. Medela can be bought everywhere. But I have to say medela suction is better and their pumps are hardier than Ameda. I received mixed reviews on Ameda. Most (4/5) frens who used it complained of pump breaking down. End up most changed to Medela just because the after sales service here isn't gd and they couldn't get their pumps repaired properly. It can be very distressing cos ur boobs are rock hard and u have no way of emptying it, ESP for exclusively pumping moms. U can buy medela overseas and have it shipping over. For Medela, get only these 2 models: Pump in Style Advance or Freestyle. Please don't get the rest like Mini Electric or Swing. They are crap pumps. If u ship a Freestyle over, it is abt SGD450-500. If u buy it in SG without sale it can cost $999. Usually I see it sold abt $799.

Re: latching vs pumping exclusively
This is a very hard question to answer. Latching is the best for both mom and baby. However most of us don't have the luxury of staying at home for the first year of baby's life. We juggle multiple roles hence I personally feel latching would not be able to help me balance these roles. I chose to exclusive pump for both my boys, reason being I needed to go back to work. I do not want a situation whereby my boys reject bottle and wait for me to come home to cluster feed (feed non stop from 7pm onwards). I know I will be very stressed if my sons were only taking 200-300ml while I'm at work, worrying abt dehydration. I also know I will be frustrated at night when I don't slp enough because of cluster feeding. Pumping allows me to control my schedule, anybody can feed my sons and bottle rejection is non existent cos they have been on bottle since day 4. I can give them more milk in the day so that they don't wake up as much at night to feed. For both my sons, they start dropping night feeds btw 6.5-7 wks. By 14-16wks, they stopped night feeds completely. I believe giving them more in the day via bottle helped me a lot in this area.

But more imptly, my boobs are used to pump so I express a lot each time. Latching babies extract a lot more milk than a pump so don't be dishearten that u have very little milk when u pump cos the pump cannot extract as much as a baby esp if ur boobs are not used to pumping. Lastly, I like it that my kids are independent of me. Like when I had to stop bf-ing my #2 immediately, there was no pain involved as my son did not depend on my boobs. I could stop as and when I want. Latching is not that easy cos baby will want to latch and only wean off when they are ready (>2 yr old when they can comprehend the reasons to stop).

Nonetheless the bad thing abt pumping is that u really gotta be discipline to empty ur boobs. No matter how tired u gotta wake up to empty. And the sheer amount of washing is horrible!! That's why spare parts are so important if u choose to pump. Latching is gd ESP if u are a heavy sleeper. Can just latch and slp! No need to wash, no need to carry bottles of ebm or ice pack or hot water out!

Haha what a long post! There are some other things I wanna reply to but will do it after lunch on my comp! Texted this whole thing on my phone so pls forgive me if there's spelling mistakes cos of the stupid autocorrect!
Good morning Mummies,
For my #1 & #2, I had a Medala single electric pump and Avent manual pump. I used both but prefered Avent manual pump as it really empty our breast. I had given away these pumps since. Now, trying to get a new pump and tempted to get back the Avent Manual but many review rave about Medela... anyway, I think I can only bfd for 6 months the most :p

I didnt froze my BM during my #1 & 2, just chill it. I did latched and bottlefed on alternate feed.

Arissa, I thought that fist size bump is our womb? :p When I lie flat and lift up my butt i can see and feel it too. When I lie sideway at night, can see the bump row to the side :D

Have a wonderful day ahead!
Xuan, if u latch u don't need a single bottle at all. However if u exclusively pump like me, I prepare 8 bottles (1 full day of feeds). So at any one time in my fridge I have 8 milk bottles and abt 2-3 storage bottles. Even if u choose not to bf and give formula, u might want to prep a bit more bottles so that u don't have to keep washing and sterilizing. Can be very tiring. May be 4 bottles so u just need to wash and sterilize twice a day.

Arissa: that's ur baby. Haha. Right now ur uterus is almost touching ur belly button. At 20 wks the top of ur uterus will be at ur belly button.

Linxiaober, my #1 is overdue. Had to be induced. Nobody can predict when the baby will come out. As long as past 37wks baby is safe to come out. So just be prepared 37 wks onwards.

Febie, Sei, I don't bother freezing either. Fbm stink like mad. I can train my sons to drink it but why force them to drink it if I have so much fresh ebm? Better just to feed both my kids. Save on milk bags too. Anyway i dump my milk until my heart no feeling Liao. Gave 120L away this time around so not as bad.
Fuzzybear, for Medela pumps - where and we purchase from overseas or theres an online shop to purchase?

I think my sister one was medela pumps.. she mentioned she used to get it from a person do do regular sprees to bring in bulk shipment.. but now no longer doing so and have to get somebody from overseas to buy it for us.. I believe there should be a more easier way to purcahse medela pumps?
@ Bless, Fuzzy bear.. I am not too sure what was the dump.. read online and somebody mentioned about fibroid -_- freaked out when i saw that, so might as well ask experience mummies here.

Glad that is my baby ;)
wow fuzzybear! i dun mind ur lengthy post cos it's so informative! n u very wei da to be waking up in the middle of the nite sending reminders to other mums to pump bm. hahaha... thanks for making the effort to type out ur experience in details! really helps for noobs like me. lol...
Afternoon, sistas.
Wah, fuzzy bear- very gd info.
I was playing on the medela & Avent breast pumps in expo.
For me one breast is semi-inverted nipple, so I'm not sure I k latch on that breast.
Now market has swing maxi- which is twin pump & the new Avent comfort pump.
I quite like avent but hoe, they only come with anthr diff breast shield so abit headache if nipple is too big for this.....
Arissa: u can try the bulk purchase or spree section in smh. i've seen some of them. but pumps purchased from overseas do not have warranty, need to pay for servicing if there's any problems with it.
Fuzzybear>thanks for the sharing, I was just wondering which of Medela pump is good, since there are so many models.

Btw, do you also know about Avent pump?I am considering Avent SCF334/04 BPA Free Comfort Double Electric Pump. The good thing about this is the milk will not get into the tubes, and the compartment can keep the tubings tidy.Just not sure how is the suction, so far, for my #1, I latched fully for 6 months, then went back to work, so I bought a manual avent, was happy with the suction, just tiring .I bought a 2nd hand Ameda double electric from a ex colleague, but the suction is not good for me, I think not used to it, because I resold it to another mummy, and she could express a lot in a short while. Managed to breastfeed #1 for 10 months.

For #2, I also latched fully, so continue using the manual pump, surprised it is still working after 8 years, just got spare parts. only express when baby misses a feed, or if I go out without the baby(will return to express). I was working from home then, so I managed to breastfeed #2 for about 2 years.

For this baby, I want to get a electric double, but unsure what to get, don't have big budget.
looks like for the 3rd time mummies, we really want to spend the minimum :D I'm also looking for steamer. Used Pigeon also given away since. any idea what is good at the moment?

@fuzzybear, salute to you for so helpful! I used to have a group of bfd mummies to exchange text with during my #1. Indeed it's very helpful to keep the spirit and to encourage one another. I always believe we woman do produce enough milk for our baby, it's just that sometime we do not have the 'preserverance' & give up too easily.
have a question to pop :

I am not able to lie flat or sideway and sleep since 10 weeks. Hence, i have been sleeping with a below behind my back and head , more like a 45 degree resting position and sleep.. anyone experiences that as i read from forum, we are advised to sleep on the left side. i tried but i felt so uncomfortable.. hmmm..
Bless>I really think my avent manual is very good at emptying the breast, but super tiring on the hands, not sure if the comfort double electric works like the manual one

Steamer, do you mean sterilizer?I think avent is good,now they have more compact models too!automatic stop etc. can wait for taka fair, think got 20% off.

Oh your detailed scan is pretty early.. Mine currently scheduled at wk 22.. Hope to get it rescheduled to wk 21 when i see Prof next wk.. Don't worry too much abt the NT scan k, many of the mummies have shared that they have the same experience and all's ok.. All the best for ur scan tmr! Maybe you'll find out the gender too


Thanks for the wonderful info on bf-ing!
Planning to invest in a Medela freestyle cos of the rave reviews though it's really exp. Maybe that can motivate myself to persevere with bf-ing.. hehe.. Planning to start wk 3 mths after delivery so will probably need to rely lots on pumping.. Do you know if bb goes to infantcare, are we supposed to pass the fbm to the staff to feed bb?
Fuzzybear, thanks for the info! Your info is veri veri informative! I going to copy in word and print out all yur comments on bf!
Can i ask if Medela Freestyle is too bulky to carry to office?
Arissa, ya Leng Leng used to do the overseas spree for Medela pump but she has since stopped. a few of my frens bought from her after I recommended. Like one of the moms pointed out, what u buy in USA does not have warranty. The warranty is only valid in SG for sets that have been brought in by the sole authorised distributor, Moms and Babes.

Can try Amazon or http://www.mybreastpump.com/. If u have frens there, can easily get it at Target!

As for ur lump that u saw, it can't be a fibroid! why would it be when u have a baby inside u? haha so cute.. plus ur doc hasn't seen any fibroids before. :p what likely happened is that u had a Braxton Hicks contraction, hence tightening the womb and showing ur bb's outline more clearly. heh..

Bluenosebear, wanted to reply u abt ur previous posts. I hope the detailed scan clears everything! my gynae only trusts Prof Biswas to look at the ultrasounds so he sends his patients to NUH for scans, even his own wife was seen by Prof Biswas. i met him before.. very nice guy.

As for ur inverted nipple prob, U can try using this product: http://www.philips.com.sg/c/avent-baby-inverted-nipple-solution/32069/cat/ u need to start using it before ur baby comes out.. prob need to use it soon to slowly draw ur nipple out.

Third3timemum, sad to say the reviews of Avent pumps i had were pretty bad.. except for the manuals. the electric ones, the pump died very frequently. a few of my frens that used Avent had their sets completely change (one mom had 2 new sets) but they keep dying. not sure if it was a batch fault or what. after that a lot of moms stopped using Avent. I am not sure abt the latest pumps though. for the Avent pump u mentioned, i went to see it but i don't think it is a closed system. not many pumps are closed (meaning the suction is completely separated from the milking parts). they didn't say it is closed too.. another feedback abt Avent is that the milk tend to backflow but again it might not be this model. I see that it is being sold at $799! a Medela would serve u better. I do like the petal massage funnels though. hehe..

Xuan, Bless, i had a very very tough time bf-ing my first baby. i was very determined to bf.. bought books way before i pop to read and prepare. however my #1 was a poor latcher, plus my CL gave him water and this led to nipple teat confusion at Day 5. he couldn't latch, my nipples were bleeding, and seriously i went 36hrs without slp cos i was so afraid that he woke up to cry. i had blocks at day 4 that the LC who cleared it told me it was very bad, then blocks again at 3 mths (cos i was too tired to empty my boobs) that took 2 different senior LCs from 2 hospitals to clear it over a few days). luckily i didn't develop mastitis. i had very gd frens who encouraged me to try different methods and a bunch of moms who cried together over bf-ing probs.. in the end we started sms-ing each other at night to keep our spirits up cos really, it was very lonely to be up alone at 3am pumping while ur kid and ur hb slp.

Because i know bf-ing is tough, i strove to help as many moms as i can. a support network is impt, be it virtual frens like me or ur family support. my parents were very supportive of me bf-ing to the point that they took turns to take days off to take care of my son in the day while i slpt. i did night pumps and feeds mostly so some nights i slpt only 2hrs.. if u have a gd support network, u will be surprised how many frens are gg through the pain u are gg through.. and how many people have different solutions to overcome the problems. u adapt and u learn and find what's the best for urself. slowly u will be more confident and i bet u, when u decide to stop bf-ing, u will feel a twinge of regret but a heap of accomplishment.

I am not scaring u all, ur lives do change and u cannot imagine the magnitude of change until it happens. u can't even slp longer than 2-3hrs at one go and that's if u are lucky. u cannot imagine how broken slp can affect u.. neither can u imagine the guilt (even though u did nothing wrong) when ur baby cries.. ur hb might not realised how much support he needs to give u. i m lucky that my hb was very very supportive of me bf-ing.. he knew that when i chose to pump, it means he has to be the one doing night feeds when baby wakes up for a feed while i'm in the middle of a pump. he knows that if i take all the night feeds plus pump, i m prob comatose in the morn hence he has to bathe, feed and entertain the kids singlehandedly. I am not saying my hb is great, in fact, it took a lot of quarrels and heartache before this came abt. All i m saying the adaptation to a new bb is big and i am advising u all to start talking to ur hbs on what u both mutually expect. like how supportive is he on bf-ing? what abt if ppl comment? MIL interfere? How u want to bring ur baby up? do u believe in caning etc.. how abt housework? who will do what for the baby? all these things need to have a common understanding btw u.. if u can't come to one now, what makes u so sure u can settle it when u are both slp deprived?

Lynn, u might wanna consider getting those maternity bolsters/ pillows. my fren shipped it in from US and it helped her slp better cos it supported her bump.
Fuzzybear: Tks for your long post, so informative and helpful for a 1st time mummy like me!

I'm feeling so blue today, no appetite to eat, dunno what is wrong.. haiz!
fuzzybear, you are a wonderful friend. I admire you gg all out to support mummy bfg.

Yes I also make it a point to pump every 3 hrs during the first 2 mths. So basically I lost weight evening during confinement. hahahaa... too tired to eat.

It's really great to know you. I salute you.
SN, detailed scan depends on the machines and what stage of development the doc is interested in.. as the baby develops some organs become clearer on the ultrasound, while others get obscured by the growing tissue. for some congenital abnormalities, doc needs to catch the tissue/ organ growth at a specific stage. In NUH, they have better resolution machines than normal gynae clinics. perhaps Prof Biswas wanted to catch certain things before Bluenosebear's baby grow any bigger since her NT scan was thicker.

But yes, in most cases detailed scan is 20-23 wks. NUH needs u to be a min of 21 wks to do it.

Min, try not to freeze ur milk. give fresh as often as u can. freezing means u need to waste on milk bags (or glass bottles but u rare find them nowadays cos hospitals are not allowed to feed formula free of charge (it used to be free in the past but HPB said to encourage bf-ing, every bottle has to be charged). plus because of the enzymes in BM, when u freeze it, it will breakdown one of the component that causes FBM to stink.

What i recommend u to do is to get another cooler bag (ur pump usually comes with a cooler bag and ice pack) and prep the amount ur baby will drink. say at 3mths, likely ur baby will be drinking 120-150ml per 3hrs. so prep that amount in feeding bottles (say 3 bottles to cover 9hrs while u are at work). the infantcare teacher just needs to take 1 bottle out at a time. i don't recommend giving one big bottle of EBM and expect the teacher to pour out the correct amt each feed. more likely they will just spill it or contaminate the big bottle! I do that (prepping individual feeds into indiv bottles) when i bring my sons over for my parents to take care.

Kitkat, Freestyle is very small and portable. def gd for bringing out to pump. the only thing i dun quite like abt FS is that it relies on battery. even if u wanna plug direct into socket, the battery has to stay inside. so there's a tendency for u to accidentally fry the battery. Also they prefix the pumping time for u unless u press the letdown button again. meaning in a fixed cycle, u pump only for 30mins.. and that means the amt of milk u can squeeze out is more or less the same. PISA is much bigger and heavier. if u carry a full bag with ice pack etc, it will be abt 1.3kg or so. suction wise, PISA is slightly more powerful however, powerful suction doesn't necessary mean u get more milk out or takes less time. it just stimulates ur boobs to letdown more. PISA is direct plug into socket, so i don't worry abt the battery dying on me. More impt for me, i can pump as long as i want. sometimes i have to pump an hr to clear my boobs cos of blocks.

Anyway when the time comes I can teach u guys what to eat, what to drink, how to massage to get more milk.
Its ok la. Even if u had frozen bm left she may nt wan to drink coz of the smell.
U dun have to add any of the mummies into ur personal fb, we can just chat in the grp =)

Me! I was the one who suggested decaf. Didnt know its nt gd either. Lucky i only drink once in a while and nt alot...i cant drink much coz the few times i did, i ended up with a headache and puked aft tt.
Ya, can tahan altho sometimes c tired but i think of the benefits and i persisted =) thanks! I am nt the longest on bfeeding, one of the mummies in the fb grp bfeed for 30mths!!

Welcome to the thread. Pls rest well ya.

Chill. U bought over the counter med? Gynae may overlook at times coz aft all they may nt rem all the general med as their speciality is nt in tat area. If sick, better to see gp ba. 

Same here, also took alot of cold drinks for all my pregnancies...coz easier to tummy than plain water. 
Woohoo!! U are the one tt mentioned u bfed for 30mths on the fb grp right!! U are gd! =) my hb prefers me to stop at 1y coz he feels overaged for the kids to cont aft tat. So i told him my target is 2y and i wldnt change my mind. Either he supports me or he keep quiet since i am helping him to save $$ on fm! Lol.

My #1 came out 3days before edd. #2 exactly on edd. I have a few friends whose #1 overdue. 

I have a policy: nv add boss or colleagues on my fb page. Even like my friends' hb wanna add me i will reject if i am nt tt close to the person. 

I feel depends on individual and how much u gain. For my #1, towards end of 2nd trimester i already feel v big and heavy. For #2, i cld still bring my #1 to indoor playgrd on my own last few weeks before i pop.

I also havent bought a single thing for #3. Nthing much to buy except for small milk bottles, diapers. The rest of the things i already have. 
My #1 fights over the pram with my #2 now coz he lazy to walk but we dun wanna get twin scroller. Too bulky.

Ok for boys to wear pink la. Hm clothes nobody sees. Lol!
I will latch and then pump the excess. I prefer latching coz more convenient. Pump out for the older kids to drink.

Cant rem the brand of the baby cor we bought but can be converted to toddler bed which my #1 is currently using. I think its still abit early to buy unless the place u buy from allows u to keep at their warehse first and deliver later to u else u have to set it up now (and collect dust) or takes up space in ur storeroom.

Re: pump
I invested in a medela swing previously. Totally no gd. So ended up i hand express all the way =)

Re: Bottles,
I prep 6 bottles, to store chill milk. If u dun wan to constantly sterilise them can get more bottles.
If u wanna bottle feed, suggest u get small bottles for a start as big bottles means more air inside and baby may end up sucking more air if u dun fill up the bottle fully.
and for those who wan to give fm, aft adding fm to milk there is a way to swirl the bottle in a circular way rather than shake it up n dwn. Alot of things to learn n take note.

Tt like bump is ur baby =) mine is on my right most of the time, if nt all the time?

U are so onz! Set alarm to sms them to wake up!!
Yes, u r right. Swing is a crap pump! Coz of it i resorted to hand express! Also, When i went back to work aft my ml for my #2, she had a hard time drinking from bottles. At most 50ml!! Gd thing with baby drinking from bottle is that, others can help to feed, like the daddy or the grannies and the mummy can sneak out for a short while. When latching i constantly have to bring baby with me everywhere i go. 

I think pigeon is gd. It has been with me since my #1's time! Value for $$ liao. Hahaha.
Hey guys, don't make me out like an angel leh.. i m doing what my frens did when i had probs bf-ing #1. i wished that all the moms i helped will go forward to help their frens and promote breastfeeding. Many of them are already paying it forward and ultimately both new moms and their babies benefit.
In fact i m sure many 2nd and 3rd time moms here will also help and share info and knowledge to any moms that asked for it. May be when the time comes and i nag at u incessantly, u might find me irritating instead of helpful!

That said, we are all educated mommies. don't be intimidated by ur MILs, ur moms or ur CLs. time has changed and more and more info are readily available out there. don't listen to old wives tales blindly.. read up and equip yourselves ya? with more knowledge u will be more confident too. make ur hb read too!!

Febie, ya i usually lose all my weight before my maternity even finishes.. cos u are so tired being a full time cow.. plus if u have an older child, u have even less time to slp!
Fuzzybear, very informative post u have there. Not just for the 1st time mummy, I benefited from ur post too.

During my #1, I total latch for the 1st month. Started bottle training from 2nd month. I will stimulate as if I'm back at work. 3bottle feed a day and I pump twice but I will make sure that I pump enough or more than what my #1 take from bottle. It was a big struggle giving her bottle back then as I'm the only one at hm so I had to bottlefeed her which obviously she cry like crazy refusing bottle. Nv once back down with her cry, so afterawhile my gal also give up crying start taking milk either from breast or bottle. haha. Im a evil mummy.
hehe thanks in advance fuzzybear! alot of bf theory can be read online, but i feel experience definitely helps more! it will def help greatly if u can help me along the way with all ur bf experiences when i get to that stage. hehe..

ya me n hub have been talking abt how we want to raise our baby in future. even tho most of the time he will reply nonsense n not serious, but i will let him understand my preference, good thing is we usually agree with each other. just hope that we can preach wat we say. haha..

actually i am more concern abt the interference from my parents, cos we are still staying with my parents. my dad will just spoil the baby, n my mum is quite stubborn at times. but i guess i'll talk to them before i pop, n have to just see how it goes. hoping for minimal conflict. =x
Actually during my #1 time, i didnt slim dwn fast. Coz i was snacking on famous amos cookies while pumping to keep myself awake >_<
Val, it's not me, I didn't join the fb group. I nursed for 34months. Stop because of this pregnancy. Very proud of what I have done but sometime a bit Paiseh abt it too. Coz by the time my gal reach 1yr old everyone ard me keeping asking when I will stop bring a cow. To make it worse I still pump in office and in the afternoon when I'm out visiting customer, I will be carrying my cooler bag along coz the car can get very hot. So not just my colleagues but all my regular customer knows me as a crazy cow.
Val, y can't we shake the bottle up and down when making FM?
I worked in my previous company for almost 7 years, many colleagues have become friends so im ok to add them on FB. but current company only 1 year plus, so I'm still wary of who i add. haha.
Snake bb scan also at 18weeks bah, think is quite standard for any difference when during Oscar scan.
According to sonographer, is a norm tht if NT is high they will do detailed on 18 weeks, also to c the hearts &amp; organs.
Agree with fuzzybear also, dun let others intimidate u. Most of the old ppl prefers fm to bm coz they "feel" baby will cry less and nt feel hungry so fast. Esp nite feeds. If u insist on bfeeding or giving bm, dun let them tell u otherwise.

Its gd u and ur hb have already started talking and sharing ur preferences. Most impt is to have one another support =)

Oops! Sorry, i thot is u =p 
Nt paisay! I feel proud for u too. =) Its nt easy to bfeed for long esp u nd to move ard. I have alot of friends who says they dun stay at desk for long as need to move ard and stop bfeeding v v soon. 

If u shake the bottle up n down, the process will intro more air bubbles into the milk and baby will be sucking the air in and causes wind in the tummy.
U can try tat at hm, swirl the bottle in circular motion vs shake up n dwn. U will see tat the latter has more air bubbles.
Thanks alot fuzzybear... I will pop by mums and babes shop to take a look.

Yes I agree breastfeeding requires alot of emotional support.. especially for first time mummy like me and I don't intend to get a CL.. as I step into the sleepless night club..all information and support will come from mummies advices here...very appreciative of all the Bfing advices shared.. really very information with your experiences.. sometimes reading from website is not convincing (with personal touch) enough...

@ Val.. yes! my bump is also usually sloping to the right when I lie down.. hehe
Val, quite paiseh if i m chatting with u and u add me on FB then i don't accept ur invite right? I mean i foresee we will be chatting a lot.. I think when i m more comfy with all of u, i.e. u know me better and i know u better, i will join in the FB grp. also whatever i type here will benefit mommies that are silently reading.
in the meantime i dun wanna scare u all with my ugly face! wahahahaha..

Mummychua, i salute u for bf-ing so long.. i dun think i can pump for 34 mths.. my hb would have divorced me by then.. again not many moms are determined enough to intro the bottle cos they cannot bear seeing their babies cry.. that's why they continue to latch and latch even at night, resulting in comfort latching and tooth decay. in fact i think 80% of my latching frens' babies have poor slping habit. they wake up every few hrs just to suckle even though they are not hungry and this goes on even when the kiddo is 2-3 yrs old! Seems like u are the same type of mommy as me.. strict disciplinarian.. i also trained my sons to slp in different rooms from me since young.. no carrying/ rocking to slp. at most i sit beside them while they cry their eyes out until they are so tired they just slp. also i make sure they finish every single drop of my BM. haha.. my frens call me the nazi mom cos even left 10ml i will force my sons to finish. i want them to drink enough so that they don't wake up at night to drink. i m happy to say ppl who criticise my way of parenting are still struggling with making their kids slp through without waking up for feeds. i believe a gd and complete night's rest is very very impt (more impt than sending kids to enrichment classes) to a child's development. my baby slps at 8-8.30pm my 5 yrs old toddler slps before 9pm.

Mummychua, u are in pharma sales?

Xuan, u might want to start looking out for bf-ing articles for ur parents to read. esp ur mom.. if u die die wanna bf, u need to educate her on the pros of bf-ing.. is ur mom chinese ed? if she is, when u go to TMC for ur prenatal class, can ask Mrs Wong for those chinese pamphlet on bf-ing.
since u staying with them u gotta rem that u are in their house.. yet u and ur hb are the one responsible for the childrearing so u have to be united too.

SN, shaking up and down introduces microbubbles. becos in FM there are a lot of additives like DHA etc, these compounds can easily trap bubbles.. i m not sure if the additives are fragile or not but vigorous shaking might break the components. so best to swirl.. in fact i use spoon to stir!!

Ya i dun like adding ppl i barely know.. i know that there are some very kaypoh ppl that would actually go through my photo albums and start liking photos that i posted 6 yrs ago!! OMG lor.. why need to see until like that? that's why i restrict like mad.. i add my cols and bosses but they are on different list as my close frens.. when i post something i can determine which list can see it. :p
Arissa, nah http://www.mumsandbabes.com.sg/ u can start shopping now.. wahahaha.. yes i can expound on all my bf-ing experiences but u need to go through it urself to comprehend the pains and the joys.. words cannot describe it (the pain included) wahaha..

What Val raised abt giving FM so that baby slps longer at night is true.. FM makes bb slp longer because it is harder to digest. and really how much longer to they slp initially? at most another 30min or 1 hr.. u still gotta wake up to feed. if u are pumping, even if u bb slps u still gotta wake up to pump.
so to me no difference at all.. when u wanna wean baby off BM to FM then it is a different case and at that time i will nag u to tell u to continue to bf..
Fuzzybear, I muz really learn from you. With one tod now and another arriving in Nov, I wonder if I can survive.

Just think about the money spent on FM, can benefit more on other area, I dun mind being a full time cow. hahaha... My mum after seeing how I bf etc, she has been quite supportive. MIL dare not say anything incase I very KL dun let her see her grandson.. Muhahahaa...

Yes dun bother about other ppl comment. some parents, in law really not supportive, but rem, here in our thread, many mum very pro BF one. hahaha...

I was telling my tod that it's so troublesome that he still wake up for night feed. next time he shall help me drain my breast... hahaha
Ya I got my pump from Lengleng too after one mummy tried to con me. Lengleng is really a trustworthy source.
kitkat, 2 of my friends, 2nd time mum both preferred manual pump for their 2nd pregnancy.

During our first pregnancy, we are all medela freestyle supporter.

ya lor fuzzybear, since staying together i also dun want to act like an obsessive mum. really gotta be firm on our stands. my mum is ok with me either bf or giving fm, but when baby starts to cry non stop cos not enuff bm, i'm not sure how supportive she will be, as our parents' generation are still not very pro bf. will see how it goes, but have to make sure no matter wat happens my hub stands on my side, n not succumb to my parents' naggings.
