(2013/11) November 2013

Thanks Jasline.

I'm in.

Pinky, cannot take Clarinase.. strange that ur gynae said can.. both my GP and gynae said no.. only can take Zyrtec and Piriton.

Winkle, oh dear.. that's sad.. i did have a fren who couldn't conceive for 6 yrs after she gave birth to #1. she went for IVF and was successful on her first try and had triplets. yet out of the three of them, 2 of them had learning disabilities. kinda sad..

Guess what? i m having ear ache now.. OMG.. i m having so many problems in this preg!!!

Is fine to do medi & pedi. I did mine too when i'm having my previous 2 kids. But try not to do gelish one which I guess e chemical is quite strong.


Hang it there and have more rest. U will be able to pull it thru.


Heard the next Taka fair is from 25 Jul to 11 Aug. Look out for it...
HI Mummies,

I am having backache today.

Was wondering anyone has gd experience with delivery at Thomson or at NUH? Comparing TMC & NUH.

oh i do experience pain in the wrist & arm.i am able to see so called veins pumping.scary!anyone having the same problem?

Min81: I thought of pedi & mani too.Called my manicurist.She told me its ok to do but double check with your gynae first if you want to do gelish(afterall its chemical).Alot ppl still paint & do gelish even though they preggy. Guess up to individual.

Miwanab & Min81: Ya i thought of changing hospital & gynae.hmmm....

I'm having backache too... Seem like v early during this pregnancies. Not sure why. Btw I brought a ginger cream from expo fair. They say can use to ease the backache... Not sure how true as I have not try it yet.
mummychua, fuzzybear, both of you are in the medical field? The treatment cost will work out to be a 6 figure sum as there's no subsidy... but besides that, I will need to be warded weekly as it takes a few hours each time, and there are side effects that can be quite severe. There should be no harm to the baby, so we were prepared to go ahead with it if the blood tests came back positive for antibodies reacting against hb's platelets. Even the doctors have mixed opinions, one told me it's a 50-50% chance, another told me 100%.

On gender, I dreamt that I was having a 2nd girl last night and I felt disappointed in my dreams haha... I guess everyone will have a preference somehow but boy or girl, we will fall in love when baby is born

Naz, my hb drinks a lot of coffee, loves meat, and was very stressed at work during my last pregnancy... and #1 is a girl! So we shall see what happens this time haha...

On maternity clothes, I have been wearing my maternity bottoms since about 8 weeks, with normal tops. Planning to dig out my maternity clothes from #1 after 20 wks for "variety" lol...

mummies that are having flu and cough, you can try adding 1 or 2 slices of lemon to hot water to drink. I had a very bad cold during the first tri and I found that the lemon water helps to keep the throat dry and less irritated and I recovered within a week. I usually just put 2 slices of lemon with hot water in a thermal flask, and refill with hot water throughout the day. Nicer to drink than plain water and have vit C too!

jasline, can you add me to fb too? My email is [email protected]. Thanks!
Welcome back from ur trip. Sounds like u had a great time shopping. Lol!! Did u buy alot? And yes, can shop till 2-3am v power!! U nt tired?? Mentally n physically??

Welcome back from ur trip =) did u have fun? Ohhh, wat did ur boy do on the returning flight? Ya, hate the laundry part after returning from a holiday. The mountain of clothes, gosh!!

Yes, wonderful feeling of feeling the flutterings and kicks. This is the thing i will miss the most aft i pop. Same here, since the weekend can feel the movements getting stronger. And crazy me, i already start to tap my tummy hoping baby will response. Lol!
Great u havent see the brown, hope it will cont to shrink further. Hows ur appetite and ms?
Our #1s same yr, which mth was ur boy born in?

Welcome to the thread =)

I chose hosp based on speciality. Especially if u are expecting complications then its better to find a hosp with the speciality to take care of it right from the start. Coz if u go to 1 w/o the speciality, eventually u will still nd to be refer/transfer to another hosp which can handle ur case, u will end up wasting precious time during the transfer. If preg ins can cover the cost then its nt a prob. If preg ins doesnt cover, public hosp will be the obvious choice la. 
Tts the case for me - my boobs shrank n sagged aft bfeeding!! I bfeed both my kids for 2yrs.

Coz still early la. Wait till closer to edd or when ur kid comes along u will hooked. Lol. All of us who buy already got kids so easier to buy sizes also. Also buying for my hb. He benefits too when i spree for the kids. Hahaha.

U went back to work yest? Everything alright? Try to walk slowly n nt walk too much ya.

Xiao ber,
Hows ur trip?
Actually nw baby's kicks and movements are nt painful. It cld be due to womb stretching.

If skin is itchy ard tummy it sld be tummy stretching. Dun scratch but try to apply moisturing cream/oil.

U are very courageous to have #2. Jia you! 
I think some ppl opt for csect coz they are scare of the pain involved in natural birth. I have a friend who is sooo scare of pain that she opt for full body GA for all her deliveries.

I havent start on my maternity wear this rd. instead, i went to buy a few pieces of non maternuty dress with slightly stretchable material that can accomodate my tummy. Better mileage since this gonna be my last preg. Will wear the old maternity clothes till i cant no longer fit into my normal clothes.
I just wear my normal bikini to the pool. Hahaha.
i dun dare to take off the rack medicines now.. so even if minor sore throat i also go to my GP, just to make sure the medicine is safe to consume. if not i will end up paranoid. haha..

SL: did u check ur email? the fb group invite link is sent to ur email.
Fuzzybear - yup when i asked her any reason she say no dont have. only told to bed rest and dont walk to much, dont get too tired..

hmm. my bleed happens only everytym i go toilet when i wiped.. first 2 days like bright red liquid like day 3 or 4 of period . den 3rd and 4th day became browish and stopped den suddenly 6th day bright red again for once with a small blood clot and it stopped. not even brown . now normal discharge le.. i so scare to go toilet now
Winkle, hope your youngest nephew recover soon.
It's really a torture to see your kid suffer.
Guess health matter most than gender.

Sandra, I opt NUH for child birth as it's nearer to my place. really hate to travel too far for check ups etc. so far my experience with NUH has been wonderful.
Hi Jasline, I just PM you my email. Can add me to FB pls?

fuzzybear, kinderbueno, thanks for enlightening me about gynae visits in the later stage of pregnancy. I shall ask gynae why cannot change scheduled meeting a week earlier, and still consider it as part of package.

Val, you breastfed each child for 2 years? you are an amazing mum!!! i hope i can persevere for at least 6 months..
Bless/SL>For me, this is also my #3, however, the bump seems smaller than those 2 before, not really showing in the day time, am now into week 19.

Pinky>hubby and myself "planned" for this baby to be a girl, using the ovulation method, like you said, female ones will survived longer than the male ones, so the theory if you wanna have a girl, have sex a few days continuously before the ovulation day, and stop 1 day before your ovulation, so that only female ones will survived until the ovulation day. If you wanna have a boy, then have sex on your ovulation day(this seems harder,if there is a fast female "swimmer")Now that I am having 80% girl, I think the method works.

Naz>yes, this is truly the awkward period, no one in church ask if I am pregnant, so I guess they must be thinking I put on weight lately.

sei> I once dreamt that the baby is a boy, but now gynae told me 80% girl

fuzzybear>glad to hear you are better today

I feel some movement these days, so I tried putting my hand over tummy to see if I can feel it,but she didn't move after that.

I still remember #2 time, he kicked and stretched so much, that I can "see" his fist
Sei, haha no i m not in the medical field, nonetheless i do have some knowledge in this area. 6 digits for the IgG treatment! OMG! that's scary.. i guess u can't buy those pregnancy insurance either right? poor u. even in KK, the NICU cost can go up to quite a bit?

Val, yes i m also tapping my tummy to get a response.. sometimes i can feel the movement through my skin but other times it is very faint.. makes me paranoid! keep telling myself baby still small so not all movement can be felt. :p I am seeing a slight tinge of brown. haizzz.. but it is to be expected.. until the blood clot disappears i dun think i will stop bleeding just like that.

Lynn, sounds like u discharged ur clot hence no more bleeding. do take it easy ok? don't walk a lot, don't carry heavy stuff.. till now i dun walk a lot.. i don't even take the public transport (unless its a cab).

Mawanab, haha if ur gynae is like my first gynae, he will say cos he fixed the rules.. :p i think they calculated properly that they can make $$$ even when they have a package. those problematic cases type they sure lose money. anyway why do u wanna move ur appt earlier? everything ok?

Third3timemom, i m smaller than i was with #2 but bigger than with #1. can see my bump but looks like i m just fat.. haha..
so bloated after lunch.. ate big meals today.. i look like 6 months pregnant now... :<

By the way mummies, what do you usually eat for dinner?
mawanab - i was told that for our package, we shld go for appointments as scheduled, but its ok to change appt (as long as its not last min like 1 day or the day before), it would still be considered as part of the package..do u want to check again? coz there was once after i saw the dr on 8 may, he scheduled for me to be in on 22nd, as my hubby cldnt make it.. on the 9/10 i called and changed by appt to 27th...i didnt have to pay for my consultation when i went on the 27th..
hello mommies! my first day back at work. Gosh. all the emails! and some people are so buay zi dong. kept asking you to reply their emails when theirs is not the only urgent email I have.

fuzzybear, did you ask your insurance agent whether you can still buy the insurance plan for the fetus? i think should be still ok to buy, they might just exclude the existing condition that you have. the rest of the items can still cover. Btw, you working at HSA? hahah. cos you seem to be very well versed in medical and scientific knowledge!

val, on flight to copenhagen, my boy fell asleep at take off and slept all the way till they serve breakfast. it was a miracle! on the flight back to singapore, he fell asleep at take off again but woke up after 1hr! my hb and I stared at each other in disbelief....... after that he watched krisworld for a while and got bored with it. kept wanting to walk walk and then i dont really have strength to bao bao him too much too. and he doesnt want my parents to entertain him at times...... and all the stickerbook and colouring book i bought were not enough to keep him entertained. in the end, after throwing a big fuss and crying after i beat his backside, he fell asleep finally at 330am......he slept all the way till our taxi reached home at 8am. i was so glad to be home.

i did gelish and permed my hair before i tested positive. I did suspect that i was pregnant but didnt want to believe it cos I wasnt prepared for #2. The irony is i already bought the test kit that day, just havent used it. I tested positive on the very same day I permed my hair and did gelish, so i had been quite paranoid about it, kept wondering if the chemicals could have harmed the sac (5 weeks or so). But I prayed abt it and will trust God for his protection. so far, baby has been growing well. however, i wont be doing any of those things again till i give birth.
and oh, yes, i started feeling the fluttering since week 16-17. but somehow #2, i dont feel as excited as during #1's time. very bad of me...
fiona, i thought that should be the way! i'll clarify with my gynae.

fuzzybear, tks for asking. everything is fine, i hope. just realised i have a meeting that morning so tot i shld change my appt. also wanted to check on bb earlier. I am also finishing my fish oil, thought can go earlier to buy more.
your first gynae must be v good to say he fix rules. hahaa....

anyone knows where else to buy Natal Care Triplus fish oil? checked NTUC unity but they don't sell this brand. only have another brand for pregnant ladies.
Val: yes very tired.. but coz i joined a group tour, there was limited time for shopping. thus we made use of every chance to explore after we went back to hotel. at 1 point i was so sleepy i felt i was dreaming when i browsed for clothes. End up i got scolded by hubby for forcing myself.

i also feel bb kicks now. very light tapping.. but like SN, not as excited. But i do miss this feeling!
SN, my agent is away right now.. will ask her when she returns from her overseas trip.
my biggest fear is placenta abruption leading to premature birth or even death of the baby. it is one of the few conditions covered by the policy. guess need to ask her.. anyway no harm trying.. if they reject me then so be it. at least i tried. Haha why do u think i work in HSA? :p i work in a very niche field but i have always love biology. i love reading medical journals and deciphering the results of different studies.. i m a scientist so i guess i m naturally interested in such things.

Ankh, oh dear.. u ok? did u eat something that triggered the puking?

Mawanab, ok hope u manage to change it.. Ya my first gynae very yaya papaya... that's why i m no longer with him mah.. can't stand his attitude.. i was a first time mom, so naturally kan cheong abt a lot of things.. but he brushed my worries aside (including bleeding red and having a SCH at 5.5wks) and tell me i m a worrywart. at first told me brown spotting is normal.. but when i have red blood he told me it's nothing. :p

Nv seen this brand of fish oil before. I use to take the fish oil (Neurogain) sold in the pharmacy.. some of the moms here are taking it too. No harm taking it if u really can't get ur pills in time. I am now taking Dextra. apparently the concentration is different!

Yes be guai ok Lynn? And if u can, get the insurance too. I didn't get for both my previous pregs but i m def gonna get for this preg cos it is full of problems!
piggie (rainbowpig)>my gynae very accurate leh, but I think boys easier to tell, unless girl placed their fingers at the genital area which seems like little penis.

SL>are you the thin/slim type to begin with?I am "ba ba"(hokkien)type, so maybe got a lot of rooms still.

SN>long time no "see", welcome home. Do not be too worry. When I was tested positive with #1, I was taking slimming pills just before I went to the gynae, and #1 was fine.

As for #2, I had my hair coloured before knowing I was expecting him, but #2 came fine too!

Fuzzybear> I think because you are slim, that's why more obvious.
fuzzybear, yaya papaya gynae not very empathetic ya. how can say you are a worrywart. glad u changed to your current one who sounds quite good. you are in good hands.
hope you'll be able to get the insurance coverage for bb.

Neurogain - ok, i'll go check it out! thanks!

I'm those middle size 1... But my first and second pregnancies tummy also quite big. Didnt expect this to be bigger.
Was dozing off at my desk and suddenly felt an electric shock! Baby kicking me to wake me up lol...
Yes, bfed my kids for 2yrs each. It all started with #1. I felt obligated to bfed #2 for 2yrs as well to be fair. Coz i really feel that bfed babies are more healthy n dun fall sick so easily.

Ya, looking forward to those waves and mega kicks on the tummy. The kids will be so amazed! I rem during #2 time, my #1 saw the movement on my tummy and he actually tried making his tummy moved. V funi! Lol.

Ya. I know this is also the stage whereby we start to worry if we dun feel any movements. We now rely on these movements to know whether baby is "ok or nt ok". 
Dun worry, since its shrinking (altho slower than u wish for) but it will eventually go away. Bear with it for the time being. Hope u and ur baby are fighters =)

Re: tummy size
My tummy was the smallest when preg with #2 with #1 pregnancy being the biggest tummy. Anyway, #2 was born a very small baby also. My gynae already pre-empt me that but coz my #1 was born bigger than expected i was caught off guard with the weight of my #2, nt to mention disappointed. At the same period, my net gain for #2 was 0kg at this stage but nw i already gained 3.5kg. =\

Oh. He wans u to carry instead of walking up n dwn on his own? If he wanna walk on his own at least less tiring. At least its returning flight and its end of tour.

Aiyo. U ah. Wan shopping dun wan slp liao. Hehe. Did u manage to catnap in the coach when travelling from place to place?
Fuzzybear- ehh!! Cant take clarinese?!! My gyne said is safe when I told him I took them when I didn't noe I was preg which was ard 4-5 weeks. And becos of gyne assurance, I went to consume it again when I was week10? Oh man.! I got a shock yst when my GP told me cant take. He giv me chlorphenirine n pandelol to eat.

What's wrong w my gyne? Gosh.. now im so worried tt I consume stuff tt r not safe. =(

Manawab- I took e same fish oil as u. Natal care. KKH pharmacy got sell. If not u go bck to ur gyne to take? Do u find this fisb oil v smelly n hard to digest? After hours, my bloated stomach still let out tt smelly air. Arrghz.

Sei- ur bb so cute.. ask mummy to pau attention working. ..
fuzzybear, haha. i was wondering which agency require scientific employees, so thought of HSA. maybe DSTA and A*star also need. not sure. hehe.

thirdtimemum, thanks for the assurance!

val, my son has always been closer to me but in the recent 1-2 months, he has been closer to hb. suddenly during the trip, he decided to switch allegiance and wanted me to bao bao him most of the time. haha. wonder y the sudden switch.
fuzzybear, for #1, lucky she was almost full term and lungs were matured so she didn't need the icubator, plus she had a good birth weight of 3.4kg! I think her bill was less than 5k, fully medisave deductible. The good thing about staying in C ward was that it only cost $50 per day so I stayed an extra 2 nights so I could be near her :p

mawanab, haha... yalor, I jumped in my seat! Lucky no one noticed.

jasline, I got the email but can't join... do you know why?
Pinky, KKH pharmacy got sell that fish oil ah... i should have checked it out last sat.
i think this fish oil is smelly and slightly difficult to swallow. choked on it a couple of times and almost puked. but thankfully, no smelly air... once swallowed, it's fine.
Mawanab, ya my fren went n check for me n is cheaper than what my gyne sells. So intend to go there buy oso.

I always psycho myself tt this is honey sweet!!!! Haha..But e smell came out from my burp always make me wan to puke. .
Wow! There is a lot of replies for one day.. Hahaha

Val: my trip was okay.. Went desaeu with hubby n his friends.. Basically it was a r&amp;r trip.. They spend most of their time looking for food... Lucky my weight didn't increase much after the trip...

RE: sharp pain
Hopefully it's nothing serious.. Cos I only get it in the morning.. Shall monitor some more n see how...

RE: medication
I also dun dare to take much medication... Try to keep myself as healthy as possible to avoid taking medication. Abit worry that it's not good for my bb.. Haha kiasu mummy...

RE: maternity wear..
I also trying to wear my normal clothes as much as possible.. Lucky is I used I buy loose size clothes.. So now still can afford to wear but I think at most 2-4 weeks can't wear already.. Trying to find cheap maternity wear cos I prefer to spend the money on nursing bras... That is more important for me I feel...

Re: movement
This is my #1... I really can't wait to sense the movement.. But I read up for #1 maybe up to 20-22 weeks Dan can feel the movement.. So now waiting for my scan on the 20th to see my bb again...

RE:dying hair &amp; mani pedi
I want to dye my hair so much!!! But my stylish refuse to do for me.. Cos she is a mum herself and she feel that shouldn't do.. But my hair has two color now cos I dye my hair for CNy.. And now it's really quite ugly..
I also want to do mani pedi... But again I scare I can't tahan the smell in the shop.. So still trying to think if I should..

Jasline, I just PM-Ed you my email...

Coffee n chilli
I want to ask if taking coffee or too spicy stuff will cause any problem with the bb? Recently got so tired that I need coffee to last for the day... And I also keep craving for spicy food... Haha I joke with my hubby next time my bb can take small chili padi Liao... He worry for my bb... So checking with those mummies with babies if its okay anot..
Lin xiao ber (linxiaober)>I am still drinking black coffee every morning, and like yourself, I also crave for spicy food,like nasi lemak chilli, mee goring etc, think without chilli very tasteless.I also want to find out if spicy food will be harmful to baby, although I am a 3rd time mum, but I have no clue
SL, thanks a lot! I've already the Taka Fair dates in my calendar.

Sei, all the best! I hope you'll have a 好! 加油!

Third3timemum, your #2 is so cute. Kick and stretch till he can see his fist. I hope for the day when baby can react to the taps on my belly. Hubby is jealous that I can sense fluttering but he doesn't feel anything when he places his hand on my belly.

Val, you bf your baby for 2 years. Hear from other mummies that it takes a lot of determination. Some can't even do it once they're back at work. Silly question, were you bf #1 when you were preggy with #2?

Xiao Ber, my colleague was advised by her gynae to limit caffeine intake to 1 cup of coffee per day. As for chilli, some say its ok so long as you don't get heartburn from it. Some prefer to avoid it as they think it'll cause jaundice in babies. My gynae didn't stop me from taking chilli and Tom yam, so I guess taking in moderation should be fine.
lin Xiao ber
I dyed my hair but I told hairstylist to not color near the hair roots so I had still abt 2cm regrowth black hair but I was happy anyway bec I feel I looked better
otherwise cant dye now then when baby is born cant dye bec breastfeeding then I don't know when I can ever do it anymore
Third3timemum: wash.. Black coffee? I only drink latte.. That's like the max that my hubby let me drink.. And sometimes he even share with me Cos he dun like me drink too much... So I need to check and assure him...

Naz: thanks for telling! Duno why recently I like to eat so much chili.. After eating I feel so guilty cos I scare my bb can't take it... Hahaha

Hael: did you use chemical free dye or normal dye? I just spoke to my hubby and he finally agree to it.. But cannot touch roots.. So I must action fast before he change his mind...

Silver: ya can I know where you did your hair too? Thanks!
Jasline: I receive the email but when I click join group.. It leads me to the fb page that states the page is not valid.. Any idea why?
I did my scan yest and is a boy.Gynae says I have low placenta and this will cause bleeding.Lynn,did u check if ur placenta is low?Any mummies w low placenta?Any thing to avoid?
Hi mummies,

I'm selling pre-loved "yaolan " at $60. Used less than 3weeks. Suitable from newborn to about 12kg. Portable and comes with safety belt. 

Letting go bumbo chair with tray @ $20. This is very useful to train babies to sit n strengthen their back. Can use from 4mth old. 

Walker selling at $50. Used about 2mths cos I bought it late - when my daughter was 1year old. Less than 2mths later she started to walk pretty well so she had no use of the walker. The plaything on it's tray is not working though. When we first bought it realised the lights didn't light up but were too lazy to change. 

The pics are still too big to be uploaded despite after resizing.  Email pics to ur email acct can be done upon request. 

Self collection @ Yio Chu Kang Rd (near AMK Ave 4). Pls pm me if you are keen. Thx!

Lin Xiao ber
I went to this salon at toa payoh, but actually now a lot of salons also have chemical free, organic colour.
which area you staying? perhaps I can help you check out? as one of my friend supplies some of the brands to salons.

Re: low placenta
when I was googling sometime back I recall for low placenta, better to abstain from "bed activity" also avoid carrying heavy things?
did your gyane caution you against anything else?

actually from ultrascan are you able to see your placenta clearly?

cos I was told my placenta is a bit bigger than normal plus with low fluid it's taking up space from baby, when I try to look at the scan again I figured out, can't be that huge chunk of thing in the middle leh, that's humongous liao not just slightly big...
