(2013/11) November 2013

ankh, i just read you puked yesterday. I also puked last Sunday, after i came home from the flight. I figured it was due to the horrible food on board (I always dislike airline food) and being confined for 12hours. I felt really horrible to be puking again. but as i didnt eat much airline food in the first place, there was nothing much to puke out. I drank a cup of water this morning with an empty stomach. Now feel like puking too. sian.

Regarding coffee - my gynae says 1 cup a day max as there are studies to prove that caffeine can stunt the growth of the fetus. however, my hb doesnt even allow me to drink that 1 cup a day. anyway, i dont really need caffeine in the morning, just that i really really crave cokeeeeee and the occasional ice mocha from coffeebean or starbucks.

Spicy food - gynae says no issue.

Naz>very soon your hubby will be able to "see" bb's movement on your tummy, especially at night, when the surroundings very quiet, you will feel more. Hubby & #1 saw #2's movement. I can't wait to "see" this baby's, not sure if girls are as powerful as boys

Lin xiao ber (linxiaober)>since about 2 years ago, I changed my kopi c kosong to black coffee as the calorie in black coffee is the lowest(I was trying to lose weight then), And I know those instant 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 are not good, high in transfat, so I continue to drink those dried freeze instant coffee powder type of coffee, just add hot water. I asked gynae before anything to avoid or eat, he said just as usual, even said to continue to exercise, so now I am still line dancing once a week, but stopped my Zumba, as it is really vigorous.

Welcome myMelody1 (mymelody1) & new mummies to be.
lin Xiao ber,

You can try to go to bee choo. they used Chinese herbals to colour if i'm not wrong. search the web and see if u can get some info. they have a website.

I also enjoy having spicy food. So far my number is fine but at the age of 3, he still cant take spicy food.

Good morning mummies/mtb.
snake_bb, since you have low placenta, try not to walk too often. I rem a mummy has the same issue. try to opt for cheaper ward at hospital. Likely your gynae will ask you to deliver early.
Hi everybody!

I have rather inactive so I will just reintro myself again. I am a first time mom, and also working full time. My EDD is 3/11/13, so I am into my 19th week. I am with Prof Tan at SGH.

I tried to google online, apparently the American Pregnancy Association and experts from Babycentre.com say there's no real evidence against hair dying, and advise just 1 cup of coffee a day but I suspect most of us are kia-su and don't want to incur our in-laws or husbands' wrath.

Anyway, I am still nauseous, and have been on maxolon and ondansetron but the drugs are giving me side effects ! ARGH. I want a second child in the future but the thought of going through all this nausea again is daunting, very.

My baby starting kicking last week. I had to really concentrate to feel her. Felt like gentle taps, and they usually occur at night when I am resting.

Am going for my detailed fetal anomaly scan in 3 weeks. Am really hoping it's okay. The idea of a mid term pregnancy termination is scary.
Haha. Mayb he wans ur maternal comfort. Or ur hb too bz with inflight entertainment so he switch his attention to u =p anyway, glad it was still a gd trip =) did u do much shopping?

Xiao ber,
R&r trip is gd. At least wldnt feel so rush and tired =) gd le, eat but didnt gain much. Hope all the weight goes to the baby. Hehe.

Re: coffee & chilli
Personally i avoid coffee but some gynaes are ok with 1 cup of coffee per day. Or mayb u wanna try chicken essence? 
As for chilli, i ate alot of chilli and durians during my #1's time. No prob so far. Gd complexion still coz alot of old ppl say too spicy bad for complexion etc etc. No sensitive skin or ezcema. 

Yes, bfeeding requiries alot of determination. I wasnt bfeeding my #1 when preg with #2 but i am bfeeding #2 when i am preg this rd. lol.
With #1, i was still working. I requested for the use of a storeroom to pump during work twice a day, lunch time i tabao in to eat (and work at the same time) aft i am done with my pumping when others go for lunch. 

Welcome to the thread =)

Congras on knowing gender of ur baby. Low placenta u have to avoid carrying heavy stuffs. In some cases, the placenta will readjust itself higher along the pregnancy.

Feeling under the weather today. Woke up with a headache, feeling weak and nausea. Haiz...it gonna be a longggg day ahead....
Mymelody1: hi! Welcome here!

Silver: I m okay with Tao payoh.. Do you mind sharing your salon name? My stylish die die dun want to do for me.. So I dun want to make my relationship turn bad with her.. Rather go somewhere else to do it.. Thanks in advance!

Sn: really? I having it like once cup a week.. Hmmm Dan I think my hubby wil stop me drinking coffee... Ya! I also crave for coke too! But I heard that due to the fizzy hing in the drink might not be good for the bb growing bone.. So I restrict myself to drink.. Sip like 2 mouth when my hubby buys.. Normally I dun get to drink.. I got quota on sweet drinks too cos my gynae say drink too sweet bb will grow faster.. Hubby immediately put red tape..

Third3timemum: oh no wonder.. Actually I m not a lover for coffee.. More of a tea lover.. But again.. Caffeine high in tea got restricted... Hahaha my gynae said nothing to avoid also.. Just preempt abit on sweet stuff.. Still can do line dance? I only continue my swimming routine.. To reduce the pressure on my knees n back...

Jasline: no problem no problem.. I m a late sleeper thats why i still playing around in fb.. I tot just need to click join n I will be in.. Hahhaa I just checked I m in the group already! Thanks!

Febie: is it? I usually tot Chinese herbs are like those DIY dye that my mum buys from Chinese herbal shops and dye on her hair kind.. Hahhaa I shall go find out as well then.. Thanks!
Snake BB - can see placenta during scan? why my gynae nv tell me anything one or bcuz i am on 14 weeks at that point? she is more focusing on the bb everytym we went to see her.. and ofcuz everytym saw bb, i practically fg to ask..

wow most mummies felt bb kicking le.. for #1 usually when then can feel? i didnt feel anything now.. waiting waiting..
seems like alot of our hubbies are more gan cheong than ourselves in terms of our diet? haha.. my hub also the same. but after awhile, he sees that i'm also putting effort to improve my diet (like start drinking milk, eat more fruits n vege etc, cos i wasn't usually so "healthy" pre-preg), so he will usually nag abit, but still let me eat/drink watever i want. he will say "u know ur limits hor... abit only ah" or "control hor" those things only. hehehe...

RE: baby movements
i was able to feel fluttery movements since abt 2 wks ago. hub can feel it too.. recently i start to feel wat it seems like kicks/punch once or twice at nite. although alot of pple says 1st time mum won't feel baby's movements n kicks till later but i believe every mum's experiences are different. so i chose to believe it's my baby being very active, cos it's definitely not my stomach growling. hahaha... =P
Good morning mummies!

On caffeine, I used to have to drink 1-2 cups per day, but I cut down to max half a cup of instant coffee 2-3 times a week. Instant coffee has less caffeine than the coffeeshop coffee or Starbucks coffee. Caffeine is "bad" in the sense that it restricts blood flow to the fetus, and and result in lower birth weight so my belief is moderation, drink if you have to

snake_bb, for low placenta, don't stand for too long, try to sit down as much as possible. Sometimes the placenta will move up as the pregnancy progress!

On spicy food, I didn't take spicy food during #1 time but she loves spicy food! Although she always drinks lots of water while she's eating. This round, I also have cravings for spicy food lol...
Good morning mummies

Afraid to join this group beforehand...
1st time mum here... due in 21Nov...
Yesterday just gotten my cvs result and glad that my girl is doing well and have no chromosomes abnormalities... my oscar result is really bad 1:3. So here I am giving hopes to other mums who have poor result but did not choose to do any invasive tests.
i drink a cup of cuppucino once every 2 days. i deceive myself that coz about 50% of it is milk, the coffee content is not a lot. hahaha.. if u take coffee, try not to take the instant 3-in-1. it's not very gd for health whether we r preg or not.

welcome WRX & K.T.. congratulations!
linxiaober (linxiaober> yes, our dances are mostly relaxing, beginners - intermediate, not the advance ones, so still ok

During my 1st trimester scan, gynae also told us our bb could be DS, because the NT level is thick, but the nasal bone is present, heartbeat normal, and we could see the limbs are quite long, so we declined the Omnio test at 16 weeks, because we don't feel the need to do it, since we will continue with the pregnancy, and also think our baby is normal, and guess what, at the 16 weeks scan, gynae said the NT level is normal now, and everything else is also normal.
Jasline: I face the same problem as linxiaober.. aft clicking the link and click join group,it says fb page is not valid.. how huh?
third3timemum >> That is good news! + you are 3rd time mum so chances are actually very much lower.

I have 2 unsuccessful pregnancies previously (not due to DS) and my hubby didnt want me to go through the giving birth again if result is not good if to wait amino test at 16 weeks... so we decided to take the test to have a peace of mind but really glad result is good!
1:3 rate is really high, I tried to google in forum and no one got such bad result... even our doc suggested us to do cvs immediately don't wait...

Now got to wait for another month to do the Detailed Scanning.
Like every mum.. we just hope bb is growing up healthy and strong!

Jiayou all mummies!
Xiaober, go google the page.
they have lots of treatment using herbal and at affordable price. you dun see advertisement like 101, yunnam.

Any mummies doing preganacy exercises like yoga or zumba?? I wanted to try zumba.
Hi all,

K.T; congrats on ur good CVS results. My first preg ended in M/C and i was really paranoid for the second one.. didn't want to believe that i was a mummy till my boy was finally in my arms.. But I guess we can only try our best to take care of ourselves and think positive. Things will turn out fine this time!! Jia you!

On caffeeine, i'm not much into coffee but really really miss drinking my thick milk tea from the Indian stalls! and not to mention bubble tea! I'm trying to tahan till 3rd trimester.. nothing scientific but just psychological thing that somehow baby will be stronger by then to withstand bit of caffeine.

Jasline - Not sure if u received my PM yesterday.. can add me to the FB pls? I'll PM u again.
Hi mummies, i did my FA scan yesterday due to my DS risk is 1:600+. The report stated my placenta reaching at OS. Gynae then informed me my placenta is low. I didnt do any "bed activity" since Im having polyps. Sometimes will carry my boy who is 14kg now.
K.T.>Congrats for your good results. Yes, waiting for the detail scan on 27/6 which gynae said is very important.

Febie> If you are already doing Zumba, then it maybe fine to continue, however, if you have not done it before, it is better not to start, as Zumba moves are mostly vigorous, and the big crowd, tend to bang into one another, I was doing it until I was about 7 weeks, but put a stop to it, as I am not sure if it will cause miscarriage.

But yoga should be safe I think.
Febie: zumba can meh?? i only know yoga and pilates can.. but gotta be prenatal yoga & pilates.. nver heard of prenatal zumba.. =x
Hello mommies! heh i usually come in after lunch cos morning busy with my 2 boys.. get them ready to send them over to my dad.

Snake_bb, i had low placenta for #2 but the placenta wasn't covering the cervix. Just touching it. in the case of low placenta, any exertions will tend to push the placenta slight out of the cervix, leading to bleeding/ spotting. Likely u will be unable to deliver naturally unless ur placenta moves up as ur tummy expands. like what other mommies have said no sex, no carrying of heavy stuff, try not to squat and do anything that will exert pressure on ur core muscles.

Re: Placenta
By 12 wks ur placenta will already be taking over the duty of nourishing ur baby. u can see it on the scan actually.. i could see mine cos my doc was worried abt my placenta detaching. luckily this time my placenta isn't low. during the detailed scan, the sonographer will make a note to indicate where ur placenta is (anterior, posterior, low or normal). don't worry abt it now.

Re: caffeine
One cup a day is ok.. but it also depends on how strong the coffee is! like 1 cup of coffee with 2 expresso shots is not the same as one cup of normal coffee! recommended intake is abt 150-300mg of caffeine. what is known is caffeine lowers birth weight and some studies show double the risk of miscarrying while other studies don't. i think taking a cup a day is ok! my mom took 3 cups a day when she carried me and my sis.. both of us turn out to suffer from caffeine intolerance. I do drink tea, esp bubble tea but not more than 3 cups a week. it's fattening anyway.

As for spicy food, it is fine for the health of our baby.. just that as we get bigger we might suffer heartburn more frequently.

Welcome KT, mymelody and WRX! Sorry to hear abt ur previous losses KT but congrats on the gd results from ur CVS! i had two prior miscarriages before so i completely know how u feel.. plus each of my pregnancy has bleeding/spotting, i nv stop worrying until the baby is in my arms.

SN, nah i m not working in HSA, nor A*star nor DSTA.. there are scientists in other agencies just that we are not really well known. :p i like my job (just not the ppl i m working with). being one of the few ppl in this area means i m pretty much limited to who i can work for.

Ankh, SN, me too! I just vomited out my lunch.. it is better for me.. puking abt once a wk instead of daily but most of the time i m controlling not to vomit.. so tiring.. Winkle, are u still puking?

Val, completely agree with u abt bf-ing.. i wanted to bf my 2nd one for at least 18 mths.. but due to this preg, i couldn't. was spotting off and on and had to be on hormonal support so doc said to stop bf-ing since my baby can't take my milk anyway.. took me 4 torturing weeks to stop.. when #3 comes, i m gonna make it up to my #2 by supplementing #2 with EBM. i supplemented my #1 with EBM for 10 mths when i was bf-ing #2. I do feel that i shortchanged my #2 cos i bf-ed #1 for 14 mths.. only had to stop to complete my studies else i would just continue.
Hi Mummies,

I'm selling the following BN items, pls PM me if interested. Thanks.

1) Lansinoh HPA lanolin Nipple Cream 1.41oz - $10 (original price $16)

2) Thomson care Nipple Cream 30ml - $14 (original price $22)
fuzzybear: i no more puke liaozzzzzzz!!!! yeahhh!!! but if my stomach is empty i'll feel nauseous as usual lor.. so muz eat n eat n eat...lolz.. and can't talk too much.. my throat very itchy.. talk too much will choke...
febie: have you tried it before? i just checked the website they seem to do hair treatment and not dying of hair.. maybe i will go down and ask them.. i only go swimming.. but my hubby encouraging me to go do prenatal yoga.. i feel that i will fall asleep half way.. hahaa

fuzzybear: haha can you help me tell my hubby that 3 cups a week is okay? now he limit me to 1 cup a week.. best is if i can totally dun drink but i really like to drink bubble tea.. even without pearl or anything.. just like the taste but we will always end up quarreling over it so i gave in..
linxiaober: my fren drank bubbletea very often lolz..don overdo it la.. but nowadays bubbletea problematic one lei.. so endure for awhile lor..
@Snake bb.. my gynae also told me that i have low lying placenta and have advised me to stop teaching yoga as soon as possible. I will see hows my placenta during my detail scan in 2 weeks time.. currently I am still practicing yoga 4 times a week but cutting down on my weekend teaching (whereby i need to exaggerate my postures).

During my korea trip, I will walk alot but was very mindful of being overtired.

You can still do physical exercise, this will also helps in your posture during third trimester phase and assist in your delivery .. but those activities involvement jumping, twisting from abdominal area, inversions and compressions to your tummy area is not allowed. Squatting should also be minimized.
If you have not been exercising regularly prior to your pregnancy, you can only do very light physical exercise - i think swimming is the best option for this case.

I always keep in mind not to push my luck..because being very active and body conscious before my pregnancy, I really felt uncomfortable in with activities reduction and significant food intake..but all these for health of my baby - its worth it.

Winkle, i recall you really wanted to do prenatal yoga.. did you speak with your gynae if you are able to do so now?

@Coffee and Spicy food.
I had withdrawal symptoms when I stop coffee due to pregnancy..it really helps me to poop (prunes or fruits whatever does not help for me)..although doctor say 1 small cup per day is ok but i only limit myself to 1 cup per week to help me clear bowels..

Spicy food - This is my super crave during this pregnancy.. I keep drink sour and spicy food.. haha.. anyway i just eat if i can in moderation if it really makes me feel uncomfortable then will cut it off - enjoy while i can

Fuzzybear, think we are pretty much in similar field if you are also within the clinical/biotech Industy.. My day job is in Clinical Research Industry in the private sector.

Any mummies also taking TCM as part of your prenatal care?
Arissa: yes i want to do yoga.. my gynae said ok le! but the prob now is.. im feeling very tired after work everyday.. donno got energy anot..haizz..
winkle: ya.. so now with the problems all the more he wants to stop me from drinking... haha but i will limit myself by not drinking cos i also dun want my bb to suffer in future...
Hi mummies

I have been reading the posting but couldn't find time to post.

Welcome new mummies to the thread.

I went for my 3rd gynae visit at 16 week last Friday. Finding out the gender of my baby was very exciting as it would determine whether I could shop a lot of baby things or not. I brought my 7 yrs old girl along as she was also excited to know whether she will have another didi or a mei mei. I was also worried whether my girl will feel disppointed if baby is not mei mei, even though she said if baby is didi she is also happy. Gynae showed us there is something in between the legs, so it is going to a boy. If it is a boy, I don't need to shop liao. I can use back my son's baby things.

My past 2 pregnancies, I only got to know the gender of my baby during the 20 week details scan. I am quite doubtful whether my gynae ultrascan equipment is able to scan the baby gender accurately. I am so looking forward to my detail scan which is 3 weeks from now and it seems like very long wait.

Re: Hot and spicy food
I didn't like hot and spicy food before pregnant as well as during my past 2 pregnancy. Somehow this pregnancy I enjoy hot and spicy food, maybe bcos my taste buds is very bland most of the time. I try to control from taking hot and spicy food so I tends to have diarrhea.

Re: coffee
I read too much caffeine intake is not good for baby development so try my best to reduce or limit as best as I can. I used to take 1 cup of McDonalds Hot Latte every morning, however I stop taking since I know I am pregnant. I also try to limit my intake on caffeinated drinks like bubble tea, Ya Kun Teh C, Indian Teh Tarik, Teh Halia and Hong Kong Ice coffee or Ice tea during lunch time. I am wondering decaffeinated coffee or tea are ok to take more than a cup everyday.
Winkle, that's great news!! i m waiting to see when i finally stop man.. u can do yoga on wkends? i do find it helpful cos i have very loose joints.. i didn't gain a lot for the pregnancy too.
once u have the basic knowledge, u can do it at home for subsequent preg or on wkdays evenings at the comfort of ur own home.

Linxiaober, haha that's btw u and ur hb.. my hb nv dares to interfere with what i eat or what i do when i m preg. cos i m the one carrying the baby.. i dun think he has the right to interfere cos he doesn't know how horrible i m feeling. in fact he has offered to buy me one cup of bubble tea daily cos it seems like the only think i can stomach.. :p

Arissa, nopes, i m not in health care at all.. nor biomed.. i m in a weird field that is very outdated.. studied classical biology..
Winkle: Yay!! Happy for you!
Hmm.. ya.. I also feel tired and sleepy after work.. most of the weekdays night I have late calls also.. so i just drag myself to the yoga center... no choice coz I have been eating alot! If I not workout abit, I will surpass the 2kg monthly weight gain limit very soon - my gynae will sure nag.
Lol Fuzzybear - I like your statement on ur hb nv dare to interfere what you eat and do during preggy! Does your hubby also cook for you during your pregnancy/after?

My friend's hb is borrowing some cookbooks on confinement diets and is intending to cook for her! *Envious*
although i dont drink tea or coffee or coke at this point, i do eat chocolates and mostly dark chocolates. I find milk chocolate quite repulsive cos of the milk content. I'm not sure what is the amount of caffeine present in chocolates. Maybe scientific mommies like fuzzybear can advise? hahaha.
hi linxiaober, sure thing the salon name is A.J Hair studio, the stylist who did it for me is called Jenny.
the address is blk 186 TPY central #01-422
Tel: 6356 8241

I must say she's quite good with her hair cut especially for short hair, cut a nice bob for me...

re: detailed scan at 20 weeks
i'm very paranoid about mine as well man..especially I have low fluid and the gyane I went to see for 2nd opinion actually suggested 50% of causes cld be due to abnormality with the baby =(
also cos of this, I've restricted myself from buying most baby items even at expo fair..
Where's everybody? all at FB chatting ah? Pls don't abandon me... am I the only one that has not request to be invited to the FB page? somehow i feel more comfy chatting here. :p

Arissa, erm correct mah, hb isn't the one carrying the baby.. seriously if it was the guys carrying the baby, i m sure we will hear them whining non stop lor. they won't be able to understand how bad we are feeling.. hb asked me once how is it like puking and having no appetite. i had to remind him how he felt after his last stomach flu.. except we suffer for weeks.. that shut him up completely.. now what i wanna eat he gets it for me.. last night he went to get me MacD but i only ate like a quarter of a burger.

SN, dark choc don't have as much caffeine in them compared to a whole cup of coffee.. but u might be ingesting a lot of milk fats.

Silver, u went for a 2nd opinion? the doc confirmed that the water level is low in the amniotic sac? i haven't read abt chromosomal problems causing low water level but i did read that it could be small leaks in ur amniotic sac. Hang in there.. when's ur detailed can?
No leh i find it so quiet that i m falling aslp hahaha..

How's it like in the FB grp? a lot to chat about?

Snake_bb, haha high tea during our maternity leave.. i dun think u and I can take anymore days off! :p
FB group not say very active also.. see whether got topics anot lor. but i guess sharing photos can be quite interesting.. haha..
oh no! just heard that 1 of the office room will be undergoing reno for 3 wks! suddenly rem my mum's pantang beliefs.. cos she refused to let us mount our tv as it required drilling of the walls. now i abit paranoid leh... @_@
silver: thanks! i will call in to check on the rates... actually i also abit worried abt going for checkup every 4 weeks.. maybe cos i cant feel my bb kicking so i duno if my bb is growing well.. :s hope everything will be all right for you and your bb!

febie: i just called bee choo.. the lady confirm they only do treatement and not dye hair... so for mummies interested to do some treatment can go there and give it a try.. the lady told me they use chemical free products to do treatement..

ha got u guys to chat with me.. i can't really do much working from home cos i need to be at the site.

Just ate some ang ku kueh.. omg now i feel like puking again!!

Xuan, what kind of photos are u all exchanging? hahaha i shy to join the FB..
