(2013/11) November 2013

ankh, melben's butter crab and crab bee hoon is nice, thus many ppl willing to go despite service not that wonderful.
They have another outlet at ECP. do make reservation before you go and see if service is better.

Mummychua, if you want can try owen seafood - pumpkin stew crab. I swearRRRRRR that it taste FANTASTIC esp with the gravy - i pour the gravy on my fried rice or ee fu mee.. (sorry i sound very sinful here).

ankh - Melben seafood is nice.. but service really cannot make it.. no choice if you want to eat their food..but now i always go to owen seafood..much cheaper and cooler there.. services also good, plus we can bring our own alcoholic drinks (they will supply us wine glasses).

Inxiaober - fishes are still good.. yup like what you say.. select fishes carefully.
stingray has mercury? i din see it in the list of food that has mercury content.. i was craving for sambal stingray leh! but my gynae always say can eat. even sharksfins he also tell me ok to eat. i guess the keyword is still "eat in moderation" haha.. who will eat sharksfins everyday anw?

ankh: i haven't try melben seafood before but i feel it's overpriced. my friends are also telling me to try melben when i had cravings for crab but their pricing really exp leh!! i heard abt their bad service also, so until now not very eager to try. haha..
can go for master crab too...
But dun go to the one at Ghim moh outlet.
Cos they have minimum order of 2 crabs.

Yes Arissa, where's owen seafood?
ankh, their crab are really nice, cant say the same for the other dishes. and i normally tabao. hate their bad service too but since i takeaway dont need much service from them.

arissa, melben is alot near to me than owen. owen not bad but i still think melben is better. even my 3yr old enjoy their crab bee hoon. my gal is a fussy eater so great for me, dont need to force her to eat.

eat fish till brain damage? that sounds bad. is that possible?

out of topic, anyone got plumper to recommend? i need to clear a choke toilet. got a plumper down but he's charging me 200 just to clear. crazy price
Good morning mummies! and big welcome to the new comer! heheh.. we've mummy expecting #3 on board again! Yay!

eh... dont like that lah, I've been eating Stingray
... 3rd time since preggie ley.

I believe we can eat everything lah, but just don't OVER eat! Have been drinking coffee too but from full cup reduced to half cup each day. Control little by little lor :D

I had tried to arranged for malay massage. Realised the recommended one are all fully booked in Nov... Really HOT !!

Strange dreamt last night. Dreamt that I'm 2 days away from my labour and my hospital bag is still empty!!!!! Eeeek! What a dream..

TGIF preggie babes! :D
morning mummies!

Thanks fuzzybear for all the sharing on bf and pumps. will definitely bear them in mind when buying pumps and attempting to bf.

i love the sharing in this thread. so will hang around here for a while longer. not in the FB group yet.

was off ytd and went shopping with hubby. tot we could beat the crowds and get some deals during the GSS. didn't get anything though...but will definitely try to get a bed and pram this GSS.

mummies, is there any stuff for bb that we can buy from australia that is cheaper? friend is coming back end of the month and hope to get some stuff.
linxiaober: better to call and make apt before you go down ok? the salon not very big, quite small and not the atas looking kind, you know la very heartland kind of pattern and I was surprised by how the hair style turned out also, wasn;t having high expectations initially aahaha.

re: crabs
wow thanks mummies for the reassurance...my hubby agreed to let me have crab ahha..if my friends are free then will go ghim moh for master crab.

else hubby say will bring me to Melben at toapayoh sine we stay there..
but the last time we went food not as good, of cos service sucks as usual..

so melben is actually known for butter crab? hmm maybe should try butter crab tonight then...
with crab beehoon!!1

and ya where's owen seafood?
Arissa: I second that! I am a fan of the pumpkin crab at Owen!! Wooo.. makes my mouth water just thinking about it~! Hahaha

Febie: Master crab also my fav!!! I go to the Ghim Moh branch. Always super crowded but service still ok. Walk further down still can have Ab-Balling and Lao Ban tao hway for dessert.

Piggie: Yes stingray cannot eat. The rest i dont know also but the fish that we usually cook at home should be fine?
I rem when i was in korea, they had this sashimi set meal with hotpot. Poor me stole 1 slice of raw salmon to eat but threw the rest into hotpot to cook.
silver: ya i just called to make appointment.. haha i am trying to keep my expectation not high also.. cos after listening to all those cannot dye bb suffer and everything i also kinda scare of doing it.. crossing my fingers..

RE: crab
maybe i should ask my hubby.. wahahaha

RE: stingray
i heard from my other mummy friends.. they say can eat but cannot eat too often cos that one the mercury content is high.. basically i just try to avoid or if i really want to eat (cos its like my fave dish) i just eat a little bit.. my hubby will control me for such dish.. suffer now better dan bb suffer..

RE: melben
hmmm.. i dun really like their crab there.. cos the service really quite bad.. i went to the one in amk before and i think because the queue there quite long.. so we went early but we still had to wait for like 1.5-2 hrs.. tried once and never go back again..
Haha. Ok, when u are ready, join us in the secret grp ho =p
1 thing i dun like abt this forum is its too public. Everyone can see and there is no privacy so must be extra careful wat i share. 

Nt to scare the mummies but sometimes there are tears involve in bfeeding. U will feel frustrated, tired, in pain and feel like giving up. Its all part n parcel. Once u can cross all these, sure to succeed. Everything is harder for a start but it will get better and u will see result =)

Its gd to be stern when needed. The kids will nt take parents for granted!

Dun worry, u sure can survive =) motherly instinct will kick in then to help u cope n survive gradually =) 

One of the thing u can do is to latch the baby asap once u delivered. The midwife/nurse will ask u whether u wanna bfeed and once they clean the baby up they will encourage u to bfeed by latching. Also try to room in with ur baby so its easier to bfeed. Baby sucking reflex is better than a pump so latch on demand. And empty the boobs if u still feel full. Massage before latching/pumping. Drinking lots of fluids. Papaya fish soup, eating lots of fish and oatmeals help for me.

Totally agree with ur pros on bfeeding. The most impt is their health. Bm babies are healthier and parents will also end up saving on medicial fees too. Its nt cheap seeing pds at all. I see friends whose kids are nt even 1 or barely 2 and they end up having bronchitis and always seeing the pds. Nt only the kids feel miserable being sick the parents feel the heartache and tiredness too.
Mine! Belly button Semi popping out on the top!! All 3 pregnancies popping out belly button.

Strongly urge u nt to buy medela swing. I had tat and like fuzzyear mentioned, its a crappy pump. Dun waste ur $$ on this. Get something better if u wanna invest in a pump. 
Ya, i also avoid antibiotics as much as possible. Rest n slp more, ur body needs that.

Welcome to the thread =)

Welcome here n congras in ur twins =) how old are u?
Mummies, Owen seafood is at The Grandstand - formerly known as Turf city @upper bt timah.

200 Turf Club Rd, Singapore 287994 - Level 3. I think they are under the Unique seafood management. Quite easy to make bookings (they have indoors and outdoors seatings) - they open all day - so sometimes i am even there at 3pm to eat crabs.. haha.. the must order for me is either salted egg crab or pumpkin crab, bamboo clams with mince garlic (this one always very fast sold out), lobster stir fry with their special sauce.

They have indoors and outdoors seating. Parking also easy to find.. if you can go there.. good to walk around the grandstand also..alot of children shops and enrichment classes. They have the new Pasar Bella (Grocer traders market) if you want o walk around..

Ok i am hungry now.....grrr
@ Kayliz... yah!! nice right! First time me and my husband's frens were all skeptical about pumpkin crab.. but we just order to try (we were quite sick of chilli and black pepper crad already)...after the first try, the whole pot was gone within 5 mins.. haha...
melben at ecp close liao. its nowwhere as good as melben at amk.

Just visited my gynae ytd and he say its 80% boy! but he say better dun announce yet cos bb cross legs, so not really sure. keke
Arissa: yes!!! and sometimes the crab was served last, we purposely dont finish the rice just to drizzle the pumpkin sauce on it.. wahaha! we will order the salted egg crab also, aiyo.. u remind me of the crabs now i super want to go there and eat liao!
wah... tgif's topics abt crabs n good food ah! can go feasting over the wkend already! i'm planning to go shopping this wkend also.. hehehe...

strange but this morning till now i still dun feel hungry. in fact, i'm getting less hungry during morning time as i go thru my 2nd tri...
all these crab talk is making me hungry!!!!
hmm sounds like the pumpkin crab at owen is a must try...hmm if 2 person eat crabs only got limited dishes to order, shall try to psycho more friends to go owen together..ahahha..
Mummies who want to know more about mercury in fish, this link doesn't seem too bad, just looooong:

General guideline is the smaller the fish, the less the mercury. Stingray is quite big, that's probably why mercury level is higher. Unless eat baby stingray?

Val, ah, so belly buttons popping out is normal now. Just find it strange haha. Hopefully bf-ing really helped my gal from developing serious allergies. Hubby and I had/have asthma, eczema and sinus. We went thru four PDs and four rounds of antibiotics when she was two. Money aside, it really was physically tiring. At least she shows no sign of asthma or eczema, but looks like she'll inherit the sinus.

Er, are crabs so nice to eat? Suddenly like all the crab devotees out in force lol.
Jus woke up n see so many replies. Keke

Mummies!! Stop saying crabs..make my cravings more severe. . Haha... I always go melben amk branch eat crab mee boon n butter crab. MY FAV!! gonna make e effort to reach there at 5pm to avoid e crowd. E service not good. But can't b bother cos I like e crab.

Silver- ya call more frens go so can hav a wide variety of crabs!

arissa- nv been owen before. Maybe shld go. Keke.. sound so yummy!! Is cod fish high mercury? Read from somewhere is good to eat cod fish but my fren say high mercury. I went to eat tuna once as I was craving tuna subway badly. =x

Kitkat- Congrates, is a boy! I prefer boy 1st den meimei. . Kor kor will dote his little sister.. hee..

Val- yes I oso wan to avoid antibotic too. Ya now see whether got any online or spree selling freestyle. Else e mrt sell 799, is too steep for me.
@pinky..once its ok..sister ate a 1-2 tuna sandwich from subway also for fast meal during her last trimester because she was too busy taking care of her first girl who was ill...i think cod should be fine..but have to also take note of the spieces of the cod..
too much of a bother, so i just skip those fishes from deep sea..those nasi lemak fried fish i really like them..hehe
Medela overseas spree: http://singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/5213838.html?1370581326

All the talk abt crabs! yum yum.. i have been to Melben recently (and puked out all the lovely crabs) cos it is very near my house. The crab really very fresh and succulent. Been to Ah Yat recently too. crab was lousy. I like the crabs at Big Eater too..

Re: mercury in seafood
Actually if u take the fish in moderation amt, even taking fish with higher chances of mercury contamination is ok. say tuna, cod, salmon, mackerel, swordfish, these are not ur everyday fish. taking it occasionally like once or twice a mth will not increase any risk to ur baby. One mommy mentioned that the bigger the fish, the higher the mercury content. this is not strictly true. it is more like the higher they are in the food chain (whether they are the top predators or not).

Crabs, squids and stingrays are not apex predators.. in fact they are at the bottom of the food chain so their mercury content is very low. u can eat them safely.. again not everybody eats these things everyday. eating it once a week is fine..

Like i said, everything in moderation. at this time and age, u hardly hear of congenital probs due to diet because AVA keeps pretty strict checks on such things. our imports are all ok to be consumed.

Kitkat, congrats on ur 80% boy!! wahahah

Ankh, yes bf-ing does help a lot.. actually Asian babies are quite allergenic to cow's milk. i personally have allergic rhinitis and eczema, I am also allergic to many different food. my hb has childhood asthma and eczema.. my #1 had multiple reactions when we intro solids to him. bad enough for us to send him to a paediatric allergist and do prick test. thank goodness i bf-ed cos when i switched him to FM at 14 mths, he had bad nappy rash for 6 wks!! same reaction for fish too.. luckily my #2 only reacted to bananas.. ate already, his eyes swell, body rash. that's why i strictly insist on bf-ing.. even if my sons are not allergic to cow's milk, they might react to all the additives inside the milk!

Who is asking abt belly button? mine is getting shallower though for my boys, it didn't pop out..haha.. i also think i m carrying this baby different.. my tummy was super pointy last time.. from the back nobody can tell i m preg.. this time tummy seems flatter..
I just read the archive.. welcome new mommies! Twins some more! COngrats.. do come and chat with us more often..

Pinky, have enabled my PM. sorry.. i didn't check it.. BTW we have a table with our particulars in it.. Think SN has the copy.. in it we share our gynae's name and EDD.
Yes ur pump, if u store it properly, ur pump can still work. who knows, u might get preggie again sooner than u think. AND YES, if u are diligent and follow our advice, i m sure u WILL have milk. I just don't like those mommies who say they wanna bf then complain they can't wake up or no time or no energy to empty their boobs. bf-ing takes effort and if u are not serious abt it, then just go and give FM immed.. don't even think abt buying a pump now.

Mummychua's point on not buying 2nd hand pump is very true. even my own PISA had cleanliness issue after storing abt 2 yrs in btw my bf-ing career. u dunno if they handled the pump correctly or not. and really, even if u buy $800 set, this is just the cost of 4 mths worth of FM. i really think it is worth it.. Most ppl baulk at paying upfront cost, but u are literally saving a lot once u establish a regular supply. don't think of it as an expensive item. think of it as helping u save money. Plus once u have a pump, i think it will spur u on to succeed cos u already spent that amt right?

Third3timemom, if the pump is new then I won't have much info on it. Partly cos i usually recommend Medela so most of my frens are either on Medela or Ameda.. currently, none of my frens are on Avent. I do have a fren who is due end of the mth that bought an Avent.. will let u know how she fares.
oh dear.. i love fish so much and i eat almost everyday. generally i avoid tuna. i eat alot of fish soup and fish from cai fan and etc etc. is it safe?
I think its normal. Mine top part pop out like in 14 r 15w.
I had childhood asthma too and have sinus. So my boy has weaker respiratory. Gd thing i bfed him till 2yrs. For sinus, i realised tat so long as we dun slp with aircon its ok. We hardly slp in aircon now unless really cant tahan the weather at nite. If slp with aircon next morning the nose will act up.

I do take codfish but its like once every forthnight and small quantity so sld be ok.

Thanks but i am nt getting any pump =)
I know of a mummy who gives up on bfeeding while still on ml. The reason was coz she feels tat bm cant puff up her baby up as well as bm so she dun think tat bm is very gd.

Frankly if bm is nt gd, WHO wldnt recommend exclusive bfeeding for 6mths.

I know some mummies cant bfeed or gives up for watever reasons they have but to say bm is nt as gd is something i cant understand.
Kayliz, after my first crab session last month at Master Crab, ah balling closed liao... but I tell myself I muz go have ah balling there. I like this kind of traditional food.

Oh ya Fuzzybear, I forget to comment that you are good. You dare to tell off the kids. I usually turn and smile at the kid and tell the kid muz eat then on and off check. Some kids just like to listen to other ppl. But the mother really no control over her kids which is really bad.

Val, mother instinct very strong.. but dunno got energy or not. this week ald killing me. Hubby works irregular hours and this week my mum travel, I gotta cook and wash clothing etc. super tired. and need to play with the tod else he refused to slp. been sleeping at 11.30pm for the past few nights and I know it's bad for his health. Really appreciate my mum for cooking dinner for us every nite.

Arissa, I muz go Owen one fine day and try the pumpkin crab... :p drooling.

For those mummies who wants to try melben, rem to call to make reservation.

Fuzzybear, my #1 has eczema too... inherit from the father. I have been bringing him to TCM and also skin centre. Now skin centre is open date. So I truly understand how bfg benefits them.
Xuan & fuzzy bear- thanks for e info on e spree. I wonder hav u all bot from them before? Are they reliable? Me v ma fan, wan buy a cheap but scare later no good.

Val- I take cod fish once a week whenever I go bck mummy hse for dinner. .maybe ask my mummy dun cook cod fish weekly. Scare become over moderate aldy. Haha

Fuzzy bear - muz show ur post on crabs to my hubby. Psycho him to allow me eat crabs. Haha..

Oya hor!! Actually I provided e details on my gyne, edd etcin much much earlier post to SN. Hahah... forgetful mummy. So I guess everyone noes my gyne aldy.
All e crabs discussion is making my crave for it. But i have been restricting myself to cave in to the craving!

But I had it on my mum bday b4 I tested positive :p

Sometimes it gets really on my nerve when my friends keep commenting this cannot eat, that cannot it. Actually i think as long in moderation should be fine!
Val, yeah i have heard all sorts of excuses not to bf before.. the most ridiculous one was "my boobs will sag if i bf". stupid or not? Your boobs WILL sag even if you don't bf.. that's called gravitational pull.. haha.. that said i have mommies who TBF their kids but their kids kept falling ill.. dunno why though.. nv go childcare but always sick.

BM has even more nutrients, microvitamins, minerals than FM can ever have.. in fact there are a lot of compounds found in BM that cannot be synthesized by humans. Only those we can synthesize are added. plus those artificially synthesized additives usually are not as stable so they conjugate it with other chemicals to tahan the freeze drying, and rehydration. FM fattens up the baby cos caloric content is so much higher. if u don't let ur kids eat sweet or food in high sugar if u can so why give FM when u can feed BM.

There are babies who cannot take BM. i personally know of a few who had very bad reaction to BM. they had to take special formulas. those cases i can understand lor.

Febie, its me lah. by and by u will know i m the very frank type.. i dun say anything that i don't mean.. if i m not happy i will say it out.. i have no tact.. haha.. i really cannot stand kids that misbehave and worse, their parents just sit there and allow it to happen. make my blood boil.

Melben don't take reservations on wkends. Best u go there at 5pm to get a seat.

Pinky, Kris, think of it this way.. crabs, fish etc all break down to amino acids.. these are the basic building blocks of life.. they are absorbed and reshuffled to build different things.. there's no reason to restrict ur food. just eat everything in moderation!
i do have a friend who did not even want to try Bfing. Just right away give FM when she delivered.. she said she wanted to have a gd nite's sleep every night as her hubby will tend to the baby at night.
She told me it doesnt make any sense for her to wake up regularly and express milk, store milk, latch and so on when FM can solve all the trouble..
Her child is now 4 yrs old, and had been in childcare since 18 mths. I've nv heard her complaining her child falling sick, at the most it is usually the common cold or cough that occurs very rarely.

Another colleague of mine has been Bfing her child for almost 2 yrs and counting, she is the health conscious type who only feeds her child organic food if she cooks.
Yet her daughter falls sick frequently and been hospitalized a few times due to high fever, bronchitis etc.

To me, i still enjoy Bfing for the convenience, save $ and the bonding that i share with my baby.
Sometimes when the in-laws visit for too long and refuse to let me have my baby back, Bfing is a very gd excuse to tell them to hand bb back to me.
Then i can also hide in my room to almost an hour without disturbance. Haha!
fuzzybear, good. straight forward is good... working life change me. I used to offend ppl last time. hahaha... but now I just sit back relax... actually I wont they wont feel paisey with all eyes on them when their kids misbehave meh?? I will lor. I told my boy if he ever dare misbehave in public, we shall always stay at home...

I have a friend who can't bf. Not because she dun have BM. She suffer serious hormones changes and suffer extreme itchy skin that her gynae ask her to stop. bad eczema during pregnancy too though she dun have eczema.
Kayliz, ur story reminds me of a fren who did the same, except it isn't her hb that takes care of the baby at night, it is her MAID! she didn't wanna bf cos she wants her slp. say bf-ing is torturous.. so she and her hb farm her daughter out to her maid to feed. they dun even wake up to check on the maid. in the day, they leave the baby with the poor slp deprived maid too. If that's the case, why have a baby? at night they party, go out for drinks while the maid stays at home with the baby.. the ironic thing is that they are so proud of their parenting method. Show off their video cam at home to frens, say they dun need to be there yet can see their bb.

Febie, i told my #1 if he throws a tantrum in public, we go straight back to the car and head on home.. when he was younger we did that a few times.. after that he knew that we were serious.. so far i have to say he has not melted down in public before. but hor i foresee my 2nd boy will be tougher.. he is more stubborn than my #1 and is really a screamer.
Kayliz: Good idea to hide away from in law! shall keep that in mind! crossed fingers & toes will in law will leave me alone to bf. Coz I dun like them to begin with yet i'm staying with them till my bto is ready at least 3 yrs down the road!
fuzzybear, you got cane in the car? hehe..last time my ex colleague bought a few canes and plastic long snakes and kept them in the boot..when i ask her whats those snakes for..she say she use it to scare her children if they misbehave. ..hilarious la!
fuzzybear, my boy is a "huaka". He loves it when we bring him outside. So far so good. Quite sensible for his age. When I get angry and he knows I meant business, he knows that we have to go back. guess if we set it straight they will get it.

Think when your #2 become more sensible as he grows up, he will know he cannot sabotage his korkor for not being able to go out. How old is no 2 now? screamer also has his weakness, muz try observe and see. jia you and do share how u cope ok? I know all kids are different and forsee I dun have such good life or so lucky to have 2 sensible kids.

My mum used this method on us too. If we say we want to buy toys when outside, it's a straight away go home method too... hahaha... my bro tried it once and he nv dare to do it again. :p
Kris: absolutely! initially my MIL will watch me BF. On the day I delivered, she very funny leh. watched me BF and commented about my nipples being so dark, and asking whether bb got drink or not, why look like she is struggling, etc.

When bb was brought back home, she continued to watch me BF in my room, sometimes i felt like a cow, coz after bb had her milk, she will quickly snatch bb from me and leave the room even before i dressed myself. i was like just a feeding machine lor. in the end i complained to hubby. So my MIL stopped! hah!
Jasline: ya, she not auto one.. even when she already divorced with FIL for so long and no contact, did not even have the courtesy to give my FIL and me a moment of privacy to talk when he visited. Simply took the baby in her arms and listened to our conversation. My FIL then felt so awkard he left within 10 mins. Sorry, talk abt MIL, i go off topic again. oops.
wah kayliz, you are nice, I will not let my mil watch. will sure ask my hb to chase out... hahaha...
eh actually ya..I cant imagine if my mil sit there and watch me breastfeed loh..doubt she'll do that though..
kayliz so your mil just continue to sit there like nothing happen like that when u r breast feeding?
Febie, my #2 is abt 13 mths. can see he is a screamer.. more bad tempered than my #1 who was a very sunny baby. I know he cannot comprehend now but can really see the difference in personalities. even know when I scold #1 he smiles it off after a bit.. #2 will sulk and cry for awhile.

Arissa, i dun believe in smacking my kids in public. i think these things shd be done in the privacy of ur home. Unless it is something really bad, like smacking of other kids, then i will beat his hands. go home I will do it again. if it is tantrums, i just remove him from the situation. also sometimes u need to see if the kiddo is too tired. some parents can go out the whole day, and the kids become cranky and tired. that's not really their fault since they are tired.

Kayliz, eeeeee she still dare to comment ah.. OMG.. my MIL also tried to have conversations with me when i m mooing. i am not too particular abt it cos i have what she has. but nonetheless i dun like it if she stands there to see my milk dripping out. duh.. i usually answer her pressing qns then tell her nicely if not urgent can wait for me to finishing mooing then talk. she gets the hint and leaves lor..

winkle: no idea! initially coz the lactation consultant drew the curtains to watch me BF to make sure i was doing it right. MIL continued to sit inside the curtains and i had no chance to ask her to leave. So from then onwards she assumed i was fine with her watching.

Febie: yes.. eventually that was what i did~!

silver: yup! she ever told me before when she gave birth to my hubby, straightaway she asked for the pills to stop milk supply as she did not want to BF. So i think perhaps she was curious?? but sometimes i wonder how come she is not sensitive enough to sense that it is not so nice to watch or know when to excuse herself in certain situations?
