(2013/11) November 2013

We searched online, and found that usually down syndrome babies(abnormal fetus), the nasal bone will be absent, and down syndrome babies usually have heart problem. But gynae also said there are cases of thick NT, however, babies are born normal.

That's sad to know... I din know that down syndrome babies may not survive thru teenage years. Think on the bright side, there's 99% chance tt ur baby will be normal n healthy. Will pray for u!

Actually if my baby has high risk we will also still go ahead with the preg.. That's y initially I was quite hesitant to do Oscar test.
Gynae said because of the thick NT, there is already high risk of DS baby, so no need to waste money to do the First Trimester Scan, he only did the Antenatal screen and ultrasound scan, I am confused too, because when it involve checking of nasal bone, and NT level, means Oscar Test as I found online, but then Gynae said no need the test to check for DS.But suggested Onmio test at 16 weeks to confirm is the baby is DS.
piggy>thanks for your encouragement! Actually was quite fearful seeing the thick NT, and Gynae's explanation, but after hubby checked out about NT level, he found online a lot of cases, NT level are as high as over 4cm, and normal range from 2.5 - 3.5cm, so not as worry as when I first saw the measurement.
thirdtimemum, oscar scan is not very reliable, that's y my gynae doesn't require us to do it. I read from Oct forum that alot of the mommies went to Dr Ananda at Camden for second opinion when their oscar result was poor. You might want to consider that. As for the age, my mom gave birth to me at 38 years old and I am fine as well! there are many women who give birth above 40 these days and their babies are all healthy!
third3timemum, jia you!

hi mummies, am feeling sleepy today. drove home to nap for 40 minutes before returning to work again. :p

anyone's belly button showing on the tummy?

i have decided to order tingkat for my dinner with DS, been taking longer to cook (like do anything also a lot slower) and by the time we finish dinner and go through DS' work, its past 10pm. ordering tingkat will allow me to get started on his school work earlier and he can go to bed earlier.
littleprince, which tingkat are you ordering? I've thought of ordering too, since I stopped cooking after I tested positive. Can't stand the smell of food cooking...
But haven't got down to ordering.. so am eating packed food everyday. Very unhealthy. But that's the best option...
littleprince>thank you!hubby says to stay positive and have faith, mummies emotion affects the fetus.He says my 2nd pregnancy was a "happy" one, that's why now my #2 is very active, happy and loving child
I am 14 weeks this Friday and not showing either...the only way for people to guess that im pregnant is from the fact that I have been wearing flats. some clothes just don't match flats. so sian.

my colleagues said that buying chap chye beng is better than ordering tingkat cos at least you get to choose the dishes and it's still warm. been considering the tingkat option too.

ankh, i found a really nice and famous chap chye beng stall, in the market near bugis street. it has photos of the channel U food variety show. the dishes are really nicer than other stalls.
mawanab - i am ordering from Kim's Kitchen. http://www.kimskitchen.com.sg/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=69 My dept orders packed lunches at times when we need to lunch in for meetings, we have also tried their buffets before, the food is quite nice so i am giving it a try.

Same like you, i can't seem to cook anything i am interested to eat but my DS needs to eat proper meals so decided to resume tingkat (we used to order 2 years back before i started cooking daily after work).

SN - i eat mixed veg rice quite often these days too coz can choose a mixture of veg and meat, feel its healthier than ordering other food alone. but some of the dishes put me off after i taste them too.

third3timemum - i am a firm believer that when we are positive and strong, our child will be the same too. my #1 is also like this, never grouchy. so, your hubby is right!
actually, not showing is good too, at least still can fit most clothes. showing is a headache, need to keep shopping for clothes. argh!
my reason that im not showing coz i'm still having bad morning sickness

i dint put on any weight from day 1 till now.. terrible..
Third3timemum, my friend said her sons' temperaments so different because she was so worried for her #1, so #1 always frowning, but she had no worries with #2, so #2 came out happy. To me her #1 seems like any other kid, but her #2 really smiling and laughing ALL the time. Come to think about it, her #1 also gave very bad results for OSCAR, so she went for amnio. No DS issue. Some more she was about 30 yrs old then.

SN, haha, thanks for chap chye ben recommendation. Was thinking of getting it with curry cabbage. Craving la.

Littleprince, I ever ordered dinner tingkat from kims kitchen before in 2008. Wah, so early will deliver. Think 3-4pm already arrive. Check with them what time they arrive in your area. If not still got to heat up.
ankh, i think delivery time will depend on area? I don't mind heating up, can use microwave (i asked for microwaveable containers, just eat and throw!). the only thing i dislike is if they don't hang properly and drip at my doorstep. how did you find their food? nice?

weight gain - i gained about a kg btw 1st and 2nd checkup. actually, i don't have a good appetite but i am always hungry and its very frustrating.
littleprince: im also always hungry.. but whenever i eat i will throw up =x.. thats very frustrating too.. symptoms always worsen in the evening.. by right i should feel happy to knock off..but now whenever i knock off i'll feel very sianz coz i'm scared i'll either puke in the train or in the cab...
hi third3timemum
your blood test result also come back no good? anyway jiayou! since you mention you'll still keep the baby no matter what so it really depends on yourself to seek a 2nd opinion not.
but yes the rest of the mummies were right, Oscar tests may give false negatives and most people ended up with normal, healthy babies in the end.

i'm about 13weeks and my tummy is showing le..one of my colleague commented cos she had other colleagues asking her if i'm preggie...maybe i'm already fat to begin with la..then suddenly got tummy there..so look more obvious?
I put on about 2 kg in the first trimester though half the time I puke the food out but still put on weight...=(
I lost 3kg and gained back 1 kg. Net loss is still 2kg. haha. but am glad i could keep my food down even though sometime the feeling of nausea is like lurking somewhere nearby. Ever since week 13, i have been telling myself that my nausea is over over over since that was the time the ms ended for #1. Think by wk 14, i should feel better.

I saw one tingkat guy in my lift one day and i happened to see the sticker on the plastic bag, it says food prepared at 3pm, to be eaten by 730pm. It was 645pm when i saw the delivery guy. so even if the guy delivers your food at 6plus, it is already cooked by 3pm and just sitting in the van, waiting to be delivered only. but then again, chap chye ben also cooked since many hours ago right?
Hi Mummies, who have just passed wk 13? I started to announce slowly cos my tummy is getting bigger. I feel hungry easily too. Now b4 dinner, I will try to puke so that I wont puke after dinner. At least not disgusting.
since my last gynae vist, i gained 400g, lately cannot weigh cos the weighing scales at home no more battery liao. haha. if i gain weight, its cos no exercise at all. but i neva eat snacks, just eat 3 meals normally.

anybody heard of baby plus prenatal education? i bought a second hand one at $80. can onli start at week 18.
silver>thanks for your encouragement!sort of decided not to go for any more test, just carry on with pregnancy and wait for my baby to arrive

snake>I completed week 12, today into week 13
thanks third3timemum. me and hubby started talking to our baby weeks ago. hopefully our baby can hear us talking. keke.

third3timemum> i m not doing oscars. will just b doing detailed scan in week 20.

I m 10 weeks now! jiayou mummies! we have to b positive!!!
Littleprince, that time i got their tingkat was in 2008, only have impression that it was oily, and taste wise, so so? Stopped after one month cos I think I didn't Iike the oiliness. Maybe now years later it's different.

SN, the popular chap chye ben stalls at my market usually got their food heated by hot water under the food containers, so cook beforehand also I think not an issue. The other ones where the food looks like out for too long and no hot water heating the food, I siam nowadays. Coincidentally, they have no queues!

Snake_bb, recently i also had to vomit a few times before eating. Think because I either ate something either not too fresh or too sour beforehand. But curry seems to give no problems! Even had curry puff just now
Tummy for now seems happy.
Mummies.. I went for my Oscar test this morning n it was horrible! My clinic told me that my appt is at 9.30am but when I was there they say they dun have me in their appt list. If take me as a walk-in patient I will need to wait very long, at least till afternoon for my turn. In the end after talking to my clinic's staff, think there was some miscommunication, the tmc person told me she will slot me in an earlier slot.

She told me to be at the waiting area at 11.30am. But my queue number was only called at 1pm. Bb position was not good, so they ask me to go for lunch n I went back at 2pm. Finally left tmc at abt 3pm. More than 6 hrs spent at tmc!!

Was quite pissed with my clinic's staff. Felt that it was their fault that made me waited so long.

For other mummies who were told to walk in, I will advise u to go get queue number 1st thing in the morning.
silver, i too gain abt 2kg liao. 10wks only. i no ms plus im hungry all the time so keep eating. but these few days i need to keep my meal portion small otherwise my tummy feels very bloated after a regular sized meal. although im a avg sized woman but i think need to control weight gain. i dont want to become plus size after delivery.

tingkat, after i delivery my #1, i tried ordering tingkat but give up after half a yr. i think i tried abt 3-4 companies. most of the time the food will be stone cold, the soup is normally tasteless and the veg is normally undercooked. there is a couple of times the food turn sour before i could eat. i heard mom's cooking is good but they are the most expensive. well... you get what u pay.

Confinement nanny, i think i give up on getting one. called 4 CL but they are either not free or the charges super high. i got one quoted me 2.5k! now a CL can earn more than a fresh grad. i hope that confinement tingkat will be better than the regular ones. any to intro?

sore boobs, anyone having sore boobs? my ones hurts like crazy. i stopped breastfeeding my #1 since march so now im confuse if the soreness is due to preg or is there block milk ducts. there's no obvious lumps but breast certainly feels more dense. mummies who just stopped nursing, any similar experience?
ankh, i didnt notice that there are stalls that use hot water to heat up the dishes! I shall take note the next time. I think vegetable curry is nicer than chicken or pork curry. But still, I don't really like curry right now. however, the other day, my in laws cooked dry laksa and i ate it happily, without any nausea. haha.

mummychua, maybe you try to massage your boobs? It could be some residual milk blocking the ducks? I only notice my boobs a little bigger but they arent sore.

morning everyone!
Good morning mummies...Many things to do in office but super lazy and no mood... only looking forward to lunch after that looking forward to go home.

Any mummy experience backache? I have been having backache on and off for the past 2 weeks.

Xuan: 6 hours spent for the OSCAR test was terrible. Wondering whether there were a lot of walk-in patients there.

Will be going for my OSCAR test this Friday so excited to see my bb. I'm worried about the waiting time as my gynae's clinic couldn't book an appointment for me which means I have to walk-in and join the queue.
Wenny.. i popped over my clinic yest n they explained that it's actually not their fault. TMC is just overwhelmed with appts n they cant cope. she told me that many of the patients were told to walk in. the patients walk in as early as 8.30am, only to be told to come back later at 3pm for their scan. alot of patients were pissed, cos it's not like we stay very near tmc, n the wait is really very long.
Morning everyone! Bled again ytd and am at gynae's for a check. Sighs... hopefully nothing wrong with baby, and just irritating polyp acting up...
hi morn mummies..

I lost 6kg initial due to MS and severe diarrhoea 2 weeks ago. Once i hit 12 weeks, surprisngly i stopped puking and now i just gained back 4kg! too fast for me. I'm 13 weeks today and still have not announced my preg to in laws yet. hahaha.

Kept having headaches recently, still trying to avoid panadol if possible because i really hate to pop pills. I'm going for my next gynae appt on Thurs for my OSCAR results, so anxious at the same time.

mummychua: i have sore boobs since pregnancy but yours sound more like blocked ducts? i feel better when i am braless at home~
Xuan omg sounded like you have a terrible experience. your clinic cant do the scan? that's a super long wait. I was lucky I had mine done at my gyane so even though bb position not good, the gyane actually poked and wobbled my tummy to make bb move..so the whole scan took about 20-30mins. he was patient and tried ways and means to get bb into right position.

wow seems like a few of us entering into 13 weeks le...
i'll be 13 weeks in 2 days.
but right now most of my symptoms seemed to be gone except for getting up in middle of the night to pee, no more sore boobs and occasionally feeling bloated, stopped puking already.
my boobs stopped feeling sore at about week 8.
not much pregnancy symptoms left also make me worry lolx...

I guess for some of us even though we aren't eating a lot but still gaining weight is due to the water retention and the sac increasing in size?
Xuan, u make me feel very lucky about my OSCAR appt! Whoa, 6 hrs, super boring in that hospital.

Wenny, lab at TMC also caters not only to OSCAR, but also to mammograms, detailed scans, dunno what other scans and blood and urine tests etc. So strange, 5 years ago I did my OSCAR within my gynae's clinic. It doesn't feel any cheaper to do it at the hospital's lab this time round.

Kayliz, ooooh, good for u! I'm still puking on off, sianz.
Hello mommies! Me feeling really lazy and nauseated. I'm already wk 12 but still puking like crazy.
when is this gonna stop? I have no appetite either. Can't finish my meals. The only gd news is that I have stopped bleeding.

Yay to u mommies that passed ur Oscar. Third3timemom, since u made up ur mind to keep the baby no matter what, I think it is a wise choice to skip amnio. Like some mommies said Oscar scans are notorious for making mommies worry needlessly. Since u can see the nose bone, it is a gd chance that baby is normal. Hang in there.

Re: weight gain
I lost 4kg and haven't gained anything back. Think I lost some at HK cos their food really doesn't suit me. Plus their hospital food really suck! It is when I'm overseas do I miss how efficient SG is.
silver, my clinic can't do the scan.. so have to go tmc. but the person there assured me that for my fa scan on wk20, i just come at my appt time, wont have to wait long.

i waited till i turned stone lor. my hub came at 11.30am, thinking can watch my scan, he kept cursing n swearing n complaining beside me, i think tt made me feel worse. -.-

i think my mood also made bb gave attitude. the person who did my scan also poked n rubbed my tummy to make bb change position but bb refused to budge! just lie face down n show the butt only. hahaha... 2nd attempt to scan my hub cant stay to see le.. he gotta rush back for another work appt.

i haven't received any calls from my clinic yet with regards to the oscar result. impatient leh... =x
Booked my Taipei trip then consulted the gynae today. He discourage me to go bcos of bird flu + travel risk. Now half hearted.
sian. Should have consulted him 1st.
oh yes Wenny i'm starting to have backaches too..
always go back at night and stretch my back.

Hi Xuan
What is FA scan?

any mummies start losing your symptoms too?
cant help but worry if bb is doing alright..the 1 month interval between next appointment seems like a long long wait for me!!!

Silver: FA scan is also known as the detailed scan.

i am so sleepy now... 2.5hrs more. like so long..... sigh.
