(2013/11) November 2013

Fuzzybear, hope u will be better after today.
ankh, I do routine w him like after dinner will have story time then play doh w him. just don understand why sleep middle of the night will cry for jie jie. Last night also the same. so piss off, carried him and passed to jie jie and i walked back to room. since jie jie treat him well, let jie jie hanlde the night duty. Jie jie told my mum bb this age cry at night v normal. need to carry to sleep. my mum told her u like then hope every night my son will cry for her.

fuzzybear, oh dear, you must have got a bad shock. but thank God, baby is still swimming happily inside. hope it's nothing wrong.

I'm planning to go Denmark/Sweden in May. Pray that everything will go smoothly.
fuzzybear, hope everything is fine for u.. must have been quite a scare!

had trouble walking back to office after lunch just now. suddenly very giddy but forehead was cold n breaking out in sweat.
Snake_bb: I have 2 kids (7 yrs old & 21 months), I don't have a maid. Heard too many horror story about maid, prefer to have my privacy and not wanting to increase financial commitment, hence I don't want to hire a maid. Due to the distance of my work place, I have to leave the house by 7am to go to work and will only reach home after work at 7pm. In the morning, my hb has to shower my elder kid and make milk for my younger kid before sending them to his mum's place and goes to work. He will fetch them home after work. Even though my kids spend more time with my mil, somehow they will know that hb and I are their parents. They will want to look for us.

Is your son sleeping with the maid in the same room? If yes, could it be because is it easier for him to reach out to your maid since your maid is accompanying.

Fuzzybear, please take care and rest as much as possible. Do keep us updated after your gynae visit tomorrow. Pray everything is fine for you.
Wendy, my boy is sleeping same room with me after confinement.since im preg W #2, he refuse to sleep bb cot at night and no choice my hb has to sleep in study room and my son sleeps with me.My mum told me my maid will pray after she up and before sleep. she is a Christian but i try to rule out my maid does something to my son.
Hi Silver, yesterday I saw baby waving at me.. so so happy. However, doctor didn't let me hear the heartbeat again. I think he do not have the device. Bb now measure at 3.32cm.

I will be doing my Oscar test next 2 weeks when I reach 12 weeks. Hopefully everything will be fine.
Fuzzy - ayo ayo.. I hope everything is fine.. something burst sounds really scary! *Hugs*

Happy - so fun - how come my ultrasound is not so fun one.. no waving no nothing just show me heartbeat nia.

Xuan, I have this as well - find somewhere sit down for a while, take something sweet. I get it quite often, sometimes stomachache until cold sweat..

I want to ask all the 2# 3# mums in here, the CDA for babies can use to pay for childcare is it? If I really end up with 3 babies and means

$1200 (approx) for infant care
$600 subsidy
$600 from CDA (means govt pay $300 i pay $300)

If like this I think I can survive my triplets pregnancy already. Otherwise I think I'm gonna have to eat grass with soy sauce.. LOL
Fuzzybear>Take care and rest well!
Cheryl Lim>my #2's CDA I used to pay for childcare fees, we deposited $6K + Govt $6K, but used it also for Pediatrician's fee, so only lasted for short while
Snake_bb: Maybe can assign your maid to solely do the housework, while taking care of your boy can be shared between you, your hb or your mum. You take the less physical work like just spending time to play or read with him, etc. Hope your boy will not stick to your maid most of the time.

Cheryl: I used my #2 CDA to pay for my #2 cord blood banking for 21 yrs and to pay for medical fee for both of my kids. Hopefully enough to pay for my # 2 kindergarten fee from next year onwards.
regarding cord blood banking, i saved my #1's cord blood. wondering if there's a need to save #2's cord blood too? in case of emergency, i heard sibling cord blood can be used right? hmm.
Wenny, my mum cant assist me cos her physical is limited. Infact my maid is the one that take care my son when we are working. my mum is the one that prepare meal and help my maid in the chores like washing.
Thanks mummies to cheer me up. I hope this is a phase and hope this will over soon. I do read up some forum related to kids closer to maids. Nothing much we can do as kids have the right to choose who they feel best for them. Happy evening
SN>Yes, baby's cord blood can be used for sibling, it will be 50% match, and for parents, its 25% match, not sure if I used the correct terms, but definitely can be use, so no need actually to save for the next baby
Hi Happy!

I just had a scan today & it's so much joy to see baby waving & dancing! I'm at my 10th week & baby is 3.88cm which is supposed to be 11th week size!

Think I'll have a big baby! Lol..

I'm also going for Oscar in 2 weeks time! Feeling nervous & excited!
Hi mommies, thanks for all ur concern! Have just got back and feeling really nauseated. Still bleeding red but much lesser. I can't wait to see my doc tmr though I can feel baby moving (I think).

Part of me is scared that I will lose the baby.
bleeding isn't gd cos it can trigger contractions. I did feel contractions immed after it burst. No pain but like Braxton hicks.

Happy to hear everybody is doing well and that all ur babies are healthy! Yay for passing ur Oscars!

Mikiko, sorry to hear abt ur D&C. I had 2 miscarriages and won't ever wanna wish it upon anybody. Take care of urself and try again soon!
Fuzzybear : Rest well. Update us tmr.

Cheryl : I am using my #2 CDA for both the kids school fees.

ankh : I will remember to threaten the nurse to call my gynae early. Haa... I just hope my #3 can choose a nice date. Avoid jie jie's graduation and P1 orientation date. :D

I am going for Oscar on 15th May. Can't get a slot. So gonna walk in at 8am.
morning mummies!

I heard from my gynae tat now TMC does not accept appt for oscar. have to walk in.

fuzzybear, how r u today? have you seen your gynae? rest more okie?
thirdtimemum, thanks for the info. did you save the cord blood of your #2? are you gg to save for #3? so the match is not really 100% hmm.
Hi mommies! Back from gynae. Baby is all well. Bigger than expected too! What likely happened to me was that my placenta detached slightly hence caused the bleeding. Because I'm on aspirin it sort of made the bleeding worse. Still can see old blood in my womb and I'm expected to spot for a wk or 2. There's no precautions to take and it can happen again.
sigh. Right now doc wants me to take things easy. No heavy lifting or excessive walking.

My doc also measured the nuchal translucency though his machine isn't very gd. He did an estimation and said it is very thin and can see baby's nose bridge which is a gd thing. So likely baby is healthy. But still going for a more detailed scan on 9 may. A bit worried that baby might be too big by then cos today baby measured 5.2cm already.

Thanks all for ur well wishes.
I couldn't tell many of my frens because I haven't told them abt the pregnancy. So u guys were my listening ears!
kitkat - appt for Oscar must be booked in advance at TMC. when i was there for my first gynae visit, they already booked the date for me first. we were told we can book the date first and cancel later if we want to.
Morning ladies,
My Oscar scan is schedule on the 10May at TMC.. Pretty nervous... But looking forward to see my Lil one..

Anyone of u having mild MS? Mine this time round having mild MS.. So most of the time can eat well but little.. Hope everyone is coping well.. Counting dwn to 2nd trimester and hope to feel baby kick soon.. Though uncertain whether I already feel it or wat cos at times can feel tickerlish feeling.. Or is my stomach stiring.. Anyone experience the same as mine.. I'm 10weeks+... ;)
fuzzybear, good to hear that bb is doing well! but kinda worrying that this incident can happen again, somemore no precautions to take... just hope that it wont happen again. did your gynae say y ur placenta may suddenly get detached slightly?

re: Oscar
i tried to call 2 days ago to change my Oscar appt, n the person told me they are full till June already. but she said i can just go earlier than my appt time cos they go by queue number, if i din hear her wrongly. my guess is that u still need to make an appt before going down, but maybe they only take a certain number of appts per day...
hmmm, my gynae and the asst nurse gave me a form and told me to go down directly between 14-21 may for oscar. go ard 8am and queue.

wad can we see during oscars? can see the gender and can see baby features more clearly?
Morning mummies!

fuzzybear, it's great to hear that baby is well! have a good rest!

Kind of depressed today cos hubby went for a holiday with friends, a trip which i was supposed to go, but decided not to due to pregnancy. They went Vietnam to trek, which is not suitable for me to go...

Btw, is it true that hanging clothes on poles may affect baby? Hubby told me i should not wash or hang clothes while he's away...
fuzzybear - happy to know bb is safe and sound. Rest well and do not carry heavy things.

I am thinking whether I can announced my pregnancy to my closed friends. They have been asking me out but I have been rejecting them because some of the activities are not suitable for me. Do not wan them to feel that I have changed or I am avoiding them. Still have 2 weeks to go before I reach 12 weeks.
fuzzybear - good to hear everything is ok. do rest well during this period!

kitkat - Oscar scan is to check baby and make sure he/she is healthy but fm those mummies who have shared about their Oscar scans, should be able to see baby features more clearly but don't think can see gender yet.

mawanab - hmmm, i hung clothes on poles and sun outside during 1st pregnancy and am still doing the same now. so long as don't hang too heavy stuff should be ok? if wait for the men to wash/hang clothes, don't know must wait until when leh. :p
mummies, most of your bumps should be showing right? some of my colleagues already suspected so for those who came to ask me, i will say yes.
actually, these are myths and if you don't believe in such myths, then its ok to announce.
fuzzybear, good to know that you and bb are ok. take good rest, get ur hub to get some good food for you. compensate for the trip. ;p

talking abt traveling, my boss asked me to travel to bangkok in the middle of oct for a meeting. i checked middle of oct i will be 34wks. my boss still dont know abt my pregnancy. i dont know how to tell him now. email?

so for oscars, we got to take blood test and a scan rite? blood will be taken from doc office scan got to go tmc? but cannot make appt?
i only gave very obvious hints to my close friends n when they guessed it i can't deny also. haha.. so that's how they know. none of my office colleagues are suspecting me, they are still commenting that i'm losing weight.

Happy: if u're worried n not comfortable abt announcing openly yet, maybe just drop them hints? i think they will get it. =)
mummychua, i heard from my friend that both scan n blood test are done in TMC. the blood test done in doctor's clinic is for a different purpose if i'm not wrong. dr phua made me come see him at my wk11 so tt he can help me book oscar test. he hasnt helped you book yet?
xuan, not yet, u earlier than me. i will only see him next sat, i should be abt 10 or 11wks then. didn't do oscars during my #1 so a bit blur now.
mummychua.. think he will ask u during next appt if u want to do oscar test. if u want then he will ask the nurse to help call tmc for an appt. my wk11 appt he also draw blood to test for HIV, n dunno wat other blood disorder. maybe he will do the same for u also.. =)
littleprince: so far many ppl suspected i'm preg but no one asked yet. so i will only admit if they asked. But this morn, for the 1st time i was offered a seat on MRT. Guess I'm already showing..

Emily: I still go for my monthly facials. in fact i do diamond peel every session. my gynae said it is fine but to avoid retinoic acid.
hi all
my Oscar is next week. quite excited ..
my gynae is away from 8-20th may so i m thinkin of going BKK for short 4D3N hol then but kindda undecided bec when i asked earlier on gynae was not keen on me going hol. sigh

i still go facial but i think when tummy is larger may be uncomfortable to lie on back? i was reading Xiaxue post and she said she went for facial & hair scalp treatment before she went in to give birth! hers was C-section so she could even curl her hair etc etc before big day! lol
so far no one asked if i a preggers yet .. lol but i don't think can hide too long. just day before yesterday i went paragon and some lady told me - "hello aunty, you can consider our spa Navel Candling treatment, its for reducing the size of your tummy!!" hahaha
-- i just smiled & walked away
Thanks littleprince for your views on hanging clothes
hahaa... i agree with you that if wait for men, they'll take forever!

Shall wash some clothes when he's away.

As for looking preggy... nope. Don't think anything is showing yet. Coming to 9 weeks only. Maybe that's why. But my colleagues have commented that I've been eating a lot more frequently.
Fuzzy bear: glad all is well. Do keep us updated.

Kayliz: i do diamond peel too. But what abt retinol A in moisturizers ? I thought that such small amt shouldn't be affecting the bb?

Pregopeg: I went on trip last mth.. It was good to be on holiday. I had appetite and no ms. But when I came back ms is back again . I'm gng to bkk in 2 weeks time. Heard the bb stuffs is cheap.

Anyone did oscars at kkh? I didn't do oscars for my #1. Not sure if I should do it for #2
fuzzy bear, happy to know baby is all fine!

thirdtimemum, oh, your #1 is 13, hahahaha. some of my friends saved both #1 and #2's cord blood.

had bak chor mee sua for lunch. feel sick now. i think it's either the vinegar, or the chilli or the oil. Gosh. i think i should just eat chap chye beng next time. 13 weeks tomorrow! tummy only shows if i wear certain types of clothes. most clothes still cannot see tummy. anyway, if anyone asked me, i will admit. i find it weird to deny cos it's like denying the existence of the little one inside you. so far no one has asked but i have already told my close colleagues and boss since week 5.
P.T: yup, very uncomfortable! when i was still having MS, i would puke after my facial session coz i laid straight for almost 2 hours and got up feeling super dizzy.

yes! xiaxue even did eyelash extensions! but she different la, coz got media taking photos ma..
actually I was thinking of going secretly off for holiday but sort of feel guilty since gynae didn't exactly okay it. so sianz. but yes baby stuff I heard are much cheaper!

what do you need to do for cordbanking? is there any additional person to collect blood from company when we deliver & do u need to inform them u are going to give birth when its happening? I m thinkin of doing cord blood banking but some of my frens said the cord bank is usually quite comprehensive etc etc ..

yah, she was hilarious in her video just before going for delivery - she showed all e pic of Zoe tay and said she must also look good too! lol and she went in with full makeup!!
P.T. i ever considered putting makeup during delivery. but i scared i cry or sweat and my makeup all smudge like mad woman, lol.

i donated my #1's cord blood and would do so for #2.. for my case just need to inform gynae. after delivery gynae will draw blood from the bb cord (after it is cut i think) then ok liaoz. but the mummy need to do blood test before hand.
i havent really gave much thoughts to the cord blood bank thing. been lazy to start on the research n readings..
