(2013/11) November 2013

hi xuan...ooh I see...=)
my next one is in a month's time, at 16 week, duno can see gender anot.

oh yes I wanted to get that too! thought of popping by mothercare later to explore, duno if they have demo set for us to try anot cos I heard some dopplers very difficult to pick the heartbeat one...
hmm.. actually my hub can actually feel bb's heartbeat by placing his hand on my tummy. we were quite surprised also, cos i din know it's possible. but i think alot of my friends think that i'm imagining it. my mum also din really believe at 1st, until we let her feel it last wk n she was quite surprised..
could it be your own heartbeat? cos there's an artery close to our tummy too..sometimes I feel pulsing there but not sure if it's the baby?

then I read somewhere it could be our own heartbeat..heh try to count the heart beat? if it's very fast close to 160-180bp then should be the bb!
Hi ladies,

I'm in 11th week & whatever I eat or drink, I throw up (on avg 6x a day). Currently at TMC on IV drip for the 2nd time in a month. It's such a relief to stop puking & to keep food in.

Hope this irritating MS goes away by the 12th week. Haven't been putting on weight as mostly puked it all out.

This morning my stomach feels and looked lopsided for a few mins. I wonder if its baby moving inside. Haha. I can't feel the heartbeat. Around 13w now
Does anyone have any idea about prenatal insurance? Could only find prudential and axa got cover, but seems limited. More for in case bb come out got complications. My insurance agent can only tell me I'm covered for pregnancy complications, didn't tell me about prenatal insurance. Dunno he blur or what. Some more will be father soon duh.
Dunno is it just me or what but realized some relatives also preggy, ard same time as me.. However I feel stressed because people super love to compare, from tummy size during pregnancy, till the babies size when they are growing up, to the schools and enrichment they are attending and maybe even results when they are older. I know I shld not let these affect me but somehow I just have this fear. Am I weird or what?
kayliz: just be positive about your own child and yourself. Nobody understand better than yourself. health n happiness are more important.
My M inlaw used to compare my no.1 with her colleague's grandchild in the 1st year. Just hear n forget it, don't pressurize yourself n the child unnecessary.
good morning mummies, so boring to come back to work after a holiday yesterday. :p

jean, take care and rest well.

ankh, my insurance advisor told me the prenatal insurance can cover pregnancy complications and baby is also covered upon birth (normal insurance policies need baby to be at least 1 mth or 3 mth old to be insured). you can take up the insurance once you have reached 18 weeks. if you need more info, can let me know and i will give you her contact details. she is fm Prudential and i think the prenatal insurance is fm her company.
Morning Ladies..

Jean - Take care. Another miracle will happen to you soon.

I am planning to buy the baby Doppler too. Anyone knows how much it cost? I am really paranoid at times and maybe listening to the heartbeat will put my mind in peace.
take care jean, eat well and rest well.

morning mommies. so tired.

kayliz, the comparison is not just with relatives with the same age babies, but in childcare, sometimes we cant help but notice that the other kid is talking much earlier, so and so is walking already etc etc. somehow, im not really affected by all these, each child grows up and learns at his own timing. comparing will only stress the child out. in laws or parents who want to compare, i just one ear in and the other ear out and at the same time, give them a really pissed expression, they should get the hint.
SN, year end kids like ours will likely be slower than others who are born in the beginning of the year. it is not a fair comparison so we should just ignore.
Good morning mummies

Third3timemum: Oscar scan is not 100% accurate. My Gynae told me he had a patient with possiblility of DS bb is 1:3 but her bb is perfectly normal.

Jean: So sorry to hear that. Take care and rest as much as possible.

So looking forward to see my bb during the OSCAR Test tomorrow. Any mummy going for OSCAR test tomorrow at TMC?

No mood to work in office especially with so many things to do that requires thinking.

Every child is different, so just ignore those comparison comments.
jean: so sorry to hear about your loss, things happen for a reason, I lost my first baby too. the heart just stopped beating during my 10wks scan. and I believe it's better then than bb having health problems when it's born later on.

hi happy
I've done some research those fetal Doppler avail at Robinsons and mothercare cos about $100+++ online can get cheaper at about $70 but not sure the reliability of the product, thinking of going to mother care to take a look, not sure if we can try first..haha

Hi SN, just try to take it easy first? my sister in law is preggie too, she's 1 month earlier than mine...and I never thought about all those..i guess can use it as a gauge but babies and children developed differently at different rates.
hahaha, no no no, think silver and little prince got confused between me and kayliz. I was just replying to kayliz, no point worrying about comparison between kids. personally, i don't feel stressed about it cos there's no end to such comparison.
i agree it's annoying when parents or older pple like to compare the kids, although we ourselves know that kids learn n grow at different rates. i personally get irritated whenever my dad likes to say things like "y my niece 2 yrs old already still dunno how to call him yeye or dunno how to talk". i usually scold him off before my bro or sil says anything. fact is my niece knows how to call yeye n gugu, but she just doesnt want to call us when we want her to. then old pple will always say "aiyoh y so old already still dunno how to call" -.-
Hi Jean: sorry for your lost. you will have another healthy & bouncy baby the next round! be positive..

Hi Silver: i've read reviews that the doppler mothercare is selling is not good.. im planning to get Sonaline B Fetal Dopller from ebay.. also $100++.. you can go youtube and see their desmonstration video before deciding..
Yeah.. i agree. Actually i dont really care about who is growing more or who is faster or etc, but sometimes their comments are really annoying.

Fetal doppler: very tempted to get one too but it's quite pricey.. i will try to endure for a couple of months more.. when we start to feel baby kicks, then it should be a good assurance.
Good morning mummies!

Wenny Koh>Thanks for your sharing and encouragement!We will not go for omnio test and will have faith and wait for baby's arrival
Finally it's Friday ladies..

Going for a swim in the evening and been waiting to stretch myself for so long. Going to week 12 in 4 days and I believe swimming is still consider as a safe exercise.
went for my checkup yesterday.. BB is about 7cm+ long at 13 weeks. risk for DS is low. My gynae said "well done, mummy". made my day!

was looking at breastpumps and my pump has not been in use for 2 yrs. any way to check that the motor is still strong?
Morning mommies! 14 weeks today! Finally 2nd trimester! woohooooo! No more nausea (except in smelly toilets or when i come across horrible smells of food or detergents/handwash etc), but still no craving for food. Eating is just to fill up stomach only. Seems to be very different from #1's time, when i just love to eat eat eat. maybe this time round, i will gain less weight.
kayliz, see? gynae already tell you "well done!" so no need to worry about what others comment yeah?
i think can just plug in and test the suction with your hands? mine was bought 9 years ago, don't know if still can work or not. your Oscar over?

SN, congrats!
Hi winkle...oooh thanks for the feedback for fetal Doppler..hmm i'm abit sceptical buying online though.
wonder if we can try the set over at mother care? ahaah...think i'll just pop by mothecare at harbourfront later to look see..

Wow SN, congrats you're in 14 weeks already, officially 2nd trimester liao..
I still have 1 more week to go...but most of my symptoms went away already other then feeling bloated and still waking in middle of night to pee..

mummies who start to lose your pregnancy symptoms, how would you know if bb is ok and growing well inside? i'm so paranoid my hubby cannot tahan me already ask me go see gyane and scan loh instead of worrying and waiting for the next scan...
Hi ladies.. I'm at week 11th gg to 12th soon. Still having MS & every morning just after I woke up, I will puke gastric juice. I will snack in the middle of the night coz I feel hungry but still I feel my gastric juice is overly productive.

Anyone experience this? Any solutions? So sick of MS... =_=
littleprince: thx! yup i did my oscar last week and yesterday reviewed the results. everything is fine. my friend asked me to test the pump on my butt. faint.. =.=

silver: at 12 weeks+ i already started losing MS symptoms. MS slowly waned off and i started to feel better each day. i only have sore boobs until now. once u hit 12 weeks, the risk of m/c will go down. so dont worry so much! as long as no cramps, no blood, just tell yourself everything will be fine. i had an m/c before and was very paranoid during initial stage too. but once i hit 12 weeks i start to chill.. dun worry too much as its not good for the bb~~!
Mummies,just saw my gynae.The DS ratio is 1:663.Gynae wants me to do an early scan again to decide to carry out amino test.
To him this is not consider low risk.
Any idea?
snake_bb, my gynae advised tat 1:500 den considered got some risk. But the threshold is up to different gynaes ba. i m not planning to do oscars, so cannot advise.
ate char kuay teow for lunch. finished the whole package by myself. yumz. seems that my appetite is picking up. bought soon kueh and rice cake from the same market to stand-by for tea break. but now still very full from the CKT. hmm.
snake_bb: is this the recalculated risk??? i know got 2 results. one is risk based on age. mine was 1:809.. but recalculated risk based on blood test & scan is 1:14000+.
hi all

my edd is 3/11 and i just got my oscar result and wished i didn't do it in the first place.. my risk for ds is 1:157. at 38 and having my 3rd child, husband and i have decided to forgo the amnio due to the mc risk. we might consider genetic scanning instead.

snake bb and kayliz: your results seem fine threshold for my doc is 1:300 and above for my age group.

praying hard that our lil ones will be healthy and normal.
Im 33 this yrs. Base on age, my risk is 1:300+ but the recalculated risk is 1:663.
Kayliz, ur risk is v v v low.
Millie, what is genetic scanning?
My gynae bring forward my detail scan from wk 20 to wk18.
Snake bb : genetic scanning is a very detailed scan to look for ds markers eg kidney or heart defects...think its also called level 2 scanning...my doc said that if i want he will refer me to a specialist at tmc dr tc chang at 18 weeks for this scan. Its different from the 5 mth fa scan. Will cost about $200+. However, we may also seek second opinion with specialist at camden dr anandakumar who is anti-amnio and also offer thisgenetic scan. He waz highly recommended in by the oct mummies though he charge ard $300+.

Actually dun feel like going for further testing..however, genetic scan can reveal underlying possible problems with the bb which fa scan cannot detect even if its not ds related.
Hello all, I am first time mummy and have been viewing this forum for the past week. I finally completed first trimester and my edd is 13 Nov 2013
.. Next Tuesday I will be doing Oscar test and I am all jittery even though I am considered young mum - 28 this year... Hope everything turns out fine for my first baby.. Been going to guan yin temple to pray for healthy baby...
millie (milfoo) > I'm 39 and 3rd time mum too! Gynae said my risk is 1% for my age, the NT(the fluid at the back of neck) is 2.6-3cm(he said it's a little thick, normally below 2.5cm), but the nasal bone is present, fetus has long limbs, and very active, so hubby and I decided not to go for Amnio, but will pray for a healthy and normal baby, and wait for the baby's arrival. But he have patients who have thick NT but have normal babies, risk is not definite, that's why he suggested Amnio
Hi Arissa!

We're bt the same! I'm 28 this year too & gg for my Oscar next Wed! Quite nervous & excited! Can't wait!!

All the best for your Oscar! =)
