(2013/11) November 2013

My only craving is iced water!!! Plain iced water! Lolz... I've been drinking alot of iced water n feel guilty about it.. I'm not sure if its good for the baby.. But did a research online and it seems fine... But ppl have been telling me to stop doing that....

Arissa: ur EDD is 13th Nov and u completed your trimester 1? My EDD is 3rd Nov and I'm still at Trim 1.. How do we calculate? I'm confused liaoz...
Hello winkle, which week are you now? If you are over week 12, then you should have already pass your first trimester. Did you ask your gynae about the safe date to classify yourself as passing first trimester?
Don have lei... I'm using iPhone app to calculate.. It says I'm still trim one.. At 13 weeks plus going 14 le...
Winkle.. You have already pass 1st trimester for sure.. My friend her edd is 30 Oct and she already pass her first trimester 2 weeks ago~
Hahaha! Yeah!!! I'm still behaving like trim 1! Thanks Arissa!
But I hv abit of complications.. I have subchorionic hemorrhage and low lying placenta.. Was thinking of signing up for prenatal yoga but gynae forbids
Winkle, have you been doing yoga before? If you have been an active person then you can ask the studio if its ok with your current condition to go for prenatal yoga and then ask your gynae when is a safe week for you to do prenatal yoga.
I myself have been practicing hot yoga for 5 years and have been teaching children yoga during the weekends.. During first trimester, I do measure my temperature to make sure I don't get over heated since I am practicing hot yoga... Gynae will always give advices on the safe side.. Hence you can do your research first and ask your gynae for clearance once you are stable enough
Nope..I'm totally new to yoga.. So thinking of staying active during pregnancy.. Gynae said she will access me in another Month's time.. If all is well she will approve.. So well.. *fingers crossed*
i think some calculate 1st tri until wk12, some says 1st tri until wk13... my app also says i'm still in 1st tri tho i'm in wk13 now. but i'm happily thinking to myself tt i finish 1st tri already.. haha... =P
Millie,u see the dr from Camden?Hb also ask me to seek 2nd opinion.My gynae doesn't offer the genetic scan.The 18 weeks is the FA scan.Not sure if nuh have such scan too.
Winkle, I thought ur SCH not serious that's why u were thinking of doing yoga. Yeah la, play safe for now. Hope as ur pregnancy progresses the placenta also moves up.

See quite a few mummies already nearly done with ms, envy! Past two days I've been trying NOT to make friends with the toilet bowl again
. sigh, I'm week 14 this Sun........*insert emoticon crying torrential tears*
ankh: gynae said don worry too much but maybe just to be safe lor.. So wait for another mth and see how..

Me still merlion-ing too and going 14 Liao.. Gained 800g since day 1 till now..
Snake bb: heard of dr ananda from the oct mummies. My dr wants to refer me to tmc for level 2 scan instead. If i seek 2nd opinion than might as well go to a different doc who may have a different perspective. Anyway, cos your risk not that high maybe going for detail scan earlier not a bad idea cos they cantry to find for specific markers at the same time do fa.

Winkle: during 13week scan, thought we saw a boy part but doc said dun go shopping yet...haha..for my last two babies doc said nothing between legs so prob girls and they were bb girls..anyway i am just praying for a healthy and normal bb now
my next scan on 25th may at 16 weeks..hopefuly can see gender by then leh..
ya loh from what I observed, usually boys easier to spot and will know gender earlier!
Dear mummies>I am using Baby Centre's pregnancy calculator and week 14 is start of Trimester 2
Millie>did your gynae did the NT level measurement for your bb?is the nasal bone present?these were done during my week 12's scan btw.
Hi third3timemum, nt scan was fine at 1.7mm and nasal bone present. It was my biochemistry risk of 1:33 that pulled the adjusted risk down to 1:157 for trisomy 21..the rest trisomy 13 and 18 were fine
morning mommies!

2nd trim starts from week 14 onwards.

winkle, yup, I know the gender of my baby at 10 weeks 4 days. Most likely boy.

my office email network is down. haha. no emails coming in.
Gd morning mommies. Back to work after 2 wks rest. My office network also down. Can't even log in.

Yup, 2nd trim starts at wk 14 so u guys still got a few more days to go.

Winkle, congrats on knowing ur baby's gender!! Can start shopping Liao. Hehehe

Ankh, I also still puking. Very demoralizing. Haizzz when will this stop? But good to hear that SN has stopped puking.

Who was asking abt pump? If it's medela u can get it serviced and cleaned. I recently stopped bf-ing my #2. Was using my old pump but the tubings and diaphragm keep getting moldy!! Must get it cleaned before #3 comes.
fuzzybear, where can we send our medela pump for servicing? How much is the cost of the servicing?

I think once you pass week 14, the nausea somehow disappears as well. Jiayou everyone!
morning mummies.. it's the start of another wk again. =x my next checkup is still 2wks away.. feeling a little impatient.. haha..
I think there's a Medela service centre at Toh Guan. But not sure how much they charge for cleaning or servicing.

My next checkup is 1 mth later.. envy those who knows the gender. I'm going Korea end of the mth & too bad I cannot shop for anything for baby.
omg, first trim ends at week 14 ah? i m still at week 11, feeling veri terrible for the past two weeks! had migraine over the weekend. going to c my gynae this week, hopefully he can give anti nausea pills.

congrats to all who can c gender liao!
SN, yes like Kayliz said, the service centre is at 81 Toh Guan Rd East, Setcom Building. The cleaning is free. servicing is $100. my fren wanted to service her pump before the arrival of her 2nd baby, brought the pump there and let them check. they said it was working well and didn't charge her a single cent. just cleaned it thoroughly for her. she didn't have the fungus prob i had! i was changing my tubings every 2 mths.. spent abt $100 on new tubings.

Yes Kitkat, sorry to disappoint you but first trim ends at the end of wk 13. 2nd trim ends on wk 27.
i know how u feel. i m week 13 and still feeling so baaad! hopefully this is the last wk for me.
morning mummies, it's the dreadful Monday again..arhgh..

hi 5 xuan & kayliz. my next appt is like less than 3 weeks away on 25th. seems forever to me loh..
morning mummies.. just checking if childcare / pre-school has a right to choose to ask a student to leave if they are hard to handle? for eg, the kid is only 2.5years old?
morning to all mummies. yup... dreadful monday
how i wish that im still in bed.

how everyone weekend?

had my visit last sat, good to know that bb is doing well. saw it waving and turning during ultra scan. my next appt will be at 16weeks so i got to wait a total of 5wks. but will be able to start package by then so push appt to a wk later. haha very stingy of me.
Fuzzybear: which model are you using? I'm using the PIS advance and didn't have fungus problem (not sure how it looks like now, haven't took it out for 2 yrs).
But there are times when accidentally the milk goes into the tubing and i gotta wash, takes me ages to dry out the vapour inside!
For me the prob is the membrane, gotta change frequently coz i always tear it.
I also changed the shield to soft shields, it tends to turn yellowish or peel after prolonged sterilizing so gotta keep buying new ones.

how come the tubings so ex?? i always buy the parts from the BP here. it's much cheaper..

I'm thinking of getting a Medela Freestyle coz it is lightweight but it i was told the suction is not as gd as PIS and there are more parts to wash.
Wonder if i shld change? I also have an Ameda but i find the suction not gd. I had mastitis when using Ameda that i had to go thru surgery. i almost gave up breastfeeding until i got my medela!

Silver: Mine on 3rd June! sob..
I'm using PISA too! I love my pump! I have the fungus problem as well, i think it's cos i dun wait till all parts are dry before using. so the water gets inside the tubing and caused the fungus to grow?

fuzzybear, maybe we are working in the same XXXXX sector. I heard that the network is down across the entire sector.
winkle, a good childcare centre should know how to handle a problematic child. It is irresponsible of them to ask the child to leave.
Kayliz, i m using PISA too. i nv had a prob with my PISA with my #1. bf-ed for 14 mths (i m an exclusively pumping mom). with my 2nd boy, i changed new tubings before i started but it got moldy. i flush my tubings to get rid of condensation before and after EVERY pump but it is almost impossible to get every droplet out. Suggest u check lor.. the break btw mt #1 and #2 was 2+ yrs.

I don't have problems with the membranes.. only tore it once for the 25 mths i have been pumping. i don't use soft shields.. i use personal fits. i don't change the funnels but i change the connectors cos the milk tend to get dry inside and cannot be removed properly.

Tubings selling on BP ranges from $22-25 per pair.. i changed 5 pairs!! FS is gd if u don't drive to work. i think the suction can be adjusted but i dun like relying on batteries.. very scared they die while i m mooing which will kill me cos i don't latch at all. a few of my frens had prob with FS's battery.. had to get new set cos they burnt the batteries (left the batteries in while they plug in direct to pump). PISA is better in the sense i nv need to worry abt batteries.
just need to find a socket.

SN, i heard the same.. almost every agency is affected.. *twiddle thumb* early lunch perhaps?
Haha, I for one am so happy it's Monday. Hubby n #1 fell sick over weekend, spent last two nights monitoring my gal for fever. Packed her off to my in laws so I can snooze. Just thanking my lucky stars this didn't happen any earlier during first trimester. And miraculously, seems to be no more nausea! I'll just keep crossing all fingers n toes that it doesn't come back. Week 14 now.
SN: yeah i thot so too... they told my sis in law her son too active.. they can't handle him..ask her to bring him out of the school! *goodness* tot they are supposed to be trained to handle pre-school kids?

P/S: he did not bully any kids in the school..
winkle, 2.5yr old should be able to adapt to sch life. actually sometime i hope that my #1 sch will ask one of the boy to leave. he's super hyper. so one of the teacher will be needed to provide close supervision at all times. the worst is my gal always kana hit by him. complained so many times. told the parents but no improvement on his behaviour. hope that we wont be in the same class as him for the next yr.

kayliz, i used a freestyle. super love it. managed to pump for 1.5yrs with it. always manage to empty breast with it. nv have any batt problem. i pump in a toilet at office (no other space available), so its good that freestyle is so small. just that its a bit noisy in a small toilet.
mummychua same! as in i also pushed my appt from wk15 to wk16 to save on 1 consultation so that i can just use the package. hahaha... but it's a long wait...
xuan, dr phua package use to be much cheaper during my #1. now increase $100. but i think he still cheap compare to other dr. he's delivery charges also increase a few hundreds. everything more expensive for #2 now. got to be more stingy.
fuzzybear: thanks for the info!! yup the prob with FS is that they use rechargeable batteries. so they need to put in the batteries even when it is plugged to socket because the pump runs on the batt power and the socket charges the batt. if no batt, the pump cannot work.. but there are gd and bad review about it. i thought that the small size and the hands free function was appealing. and many of my friends who used FS managed to breastfeed for very long, close to 2 yrs so i thought it must be good! although my only complain about PIS is the bulk.

mummychua: my PIS is also kinda noisy. I will need to pump at the handicapped toilet too because there is no room for me to express at work. all the meeting rooms have glass doors.
mummychua: i think all gynaes sure will increase their charges over the years.. can't avoid.. but i agree his charges are still considered cheap, yet his professionalism is not compromised. that's wat me n my hub like so far.. =)

but i get quite unhappy with his clinic staff sometimes.
ooh my gyane side I can use the package after 12 weeks..no need to wait till 16 weeks..hehe
but I just wait patiently for my 16 week appoint loh since gyane suggested 16 weeks..
if we're lucky, hopefully can see gender!
I think FS is a decent pump.
i only advise mommies to buy either PISA or FS. I m also tempted to buy a FS for portability sake cos i m sick of carrying so many things around. I have frens who bf-ed very long with FS too but there were recently a lot of problems with batteries of FS for one batch. i personally know 3 frens who fried their new FS!! had to pay to get a brand new set.

Ya PISA is damn noisy! haha but still better than Swing or Mini Electric. New mommies do take note. Not all pumps are built equal and if u are determined to bf, a gd pump does help. to me it is 50% will power, 50% gd support and equipment. even if the child can't latch, u can always pump.

My gynae has no package.. so far i think i have already spent 3-4K seeing him with all the injections and medication..
ehh... i'm a 1st time mum so very noob when it comes to bf. what is PISA, FS, PIS etc? are they brands of pumps? i only know medela, pigeon n avent so far. haha..
xuan, his clinic staff quite nice to me. perhaps im a long time customer so they all recognise me.

PIS= pump in style, FS= freestyle. these two are all medela model. u can find those US import from bulk purchase which is usually cheaper than the local shops.
orh i see... thanks mummychua!

so far i only particularly dislike 1 of the clinic staff, the rest still ok i guess. but the "no call means good news" policy i still cant quite fully accept. haha..

ok lunch time already! feel like eating laksa! shall see which stall appeals to me later.. hehehe... =P

You mummies are so lucky to be able to sign package so early! I was told for my gynae it starts at week 20! =(

How much are your packages?
