(2013/11) November 2013

good morning mummies! one more day to fri!!!

haha fuzzybear u very funny! true! we are in the loo ourselves who will know what we do inside!!! hahahaha

btw, do you all plan to wash hair? i really dilemma dunno shld follow the myth or not

Morning mummies...

Another two mummies just popped! I realize most mummies are giving birth early... Waiting for my turn now turning 38 weeks already...

Fuzzybear: true also! Lol! I m thinking how to go abt doing it.. Hahahha

Flogal: I will wash my hair for sure.. Though I cut short but I still can't take it if I dun wash.. But I limit myself to two times a week.. If not I also scare the dirt from the hair drop to bb when feeding..
Good morning mummies!

Wow! Congrats to SN and Sei! Great to hear that everything went well and smooth!

Have been busy preparing the P5 and P2 for SA next week. Am pulling my hair coz the above neighbour chose to drill during this period!!!! Argh!!!!!

Littleprince, glad that you'd settled your maid issue.

Fuzzy, do u really time your BH? Actually I find it quite troublesome to time it. the moment I started.... it may just ended. Or after I started, kids approach for help and I just forgot to stop it.... argh! getting really impatient each day.

Oh ya, what herbal bath did you ladies got? Was it the Da feng something??
good morning mummies! one more day to fri!!!

haha fuzzybear u very funny! true! we are in the loo ourselves who will know what we do inside!!! hahahaha

btw, do you all plan to wash hair? i really dilemma dunno shld follow the myth or not
I already washed my hair for my last pregnancy while staying in the hospital!
Attigal, cannot do with PT maid coz need maid to cook our dinner too else #1 will hv no dinner. Eh, me 1 day before pinky's edd! :)

Mumagain, not yet settled la. Find new maid again lor. Me on leave tdy too to coach #1 for SA next wk.

Flogal, I cannot don't wash hair. Cannot stand it.

Eh, I can't link whether the mummies in FB who gave birth are the ones here. Am lost ..
ya me too! i cannot dun wash hair, my hair will be super duper oily but i just scared my MIL gg to nag at me :(

mumagain - i think any chinese medical hall will sell? my frd told me to get from bugis ( si ma lu ) there, a shop called long ma. i have yet to buy too.
U guys will be so tired from the lack of slp and adjustment with the new addition. why make urself uncomfortable and dirty by not showering? U increases ur chances of getting an infection at ur boobs and at ur cut down there if u do not clean yourself regularly. and can u imagine offering a dirty boob to your baby to suckle? These old myths make no sense and deep down all of u know it. Why be pressurized by somebody who isn't going to bf your baby or take care of ur baby throughout the whole day? They are not the one in ur shoes and should not be making decisions for u.

If all else fails, i usually retort back to say, "it's my choice to shower/ wash hair/ drink plain water/ not eat certain herbs and I will take responsibility for it." come on ladies, you guys are educated. make the best judgement base on scientific facts and evidence!

Blessmum, yes i time my BH cos they are painful. very distracting when i drive!

Little Prince, lucky she nv throw any tantrum! and ur boy is so cute! hahah such a softie.. my boys dun really care one.. they will just take it in their stride that we change a maid.

SN shared her baby's photo on FB! :) the other 2 mommies that pop today are not active here i think.
Wow, mummies beginning to pop left right center!

Littleprince, is your gf whose water broke the one we met at expo?

Akamak, hygiene factor aside cos of episiotomies n c-sec n messy lochia (yucks), pls wash hair n shower during confinement for your own sanity. At least shower daily! I gave birth to #1 in mid -dec still perspired buckets. Sticky sticky sticky. Even had nights where I wiped myself with damp cloth cos of all the perspiration. Unless switch on aircon 24/7 maybe can get away with the crazy rules, but will still surely STINK. Think by then the wounds would hAve festered. Skali end of confinement find new microscopic species somewhere on your body :confused:
ya me too! i cannot dun wash hair, my hair will be super duper oily but i just scared my MIL gg to nag at me :(

mumagain - i think any chinese medical hall will sell? my frd told me to get from bugis ( si ma lu ) there, a shop called long ma. i have yet to buy too.

Hi fogal, I don't think I can go si ma lu now.... caught up with the 2 monsters back home to get them ready for SA nxt week. Does Fu Hua sell the same thing? I've also yet to get the chinese herbs for confinement food and drinks.... plannig to go Fu Hua and get it on shot. I think it's going to cost me another bomb!

this few days the weather is super HOTTTTTT!!! Argh!!
Attigal, cannot do with PT maid coz need maid to cook our dinner too else #1 will hv no dinner. Eh, me 1 day before pinky's edd! :)

Mumagain, not yet settled la. Find new maid again lor. Me on leave tdy too to coach #1 for SA next wk.

Flogal, I cannot don't wash hair. Cannot stand it.

Eh, I can't link whether the mummies in FB who gave birth are the ones here. Am lost ..

Hahaha.. at least get rid of the problem one. You've 1 to coach but I've 2!! Is really not easy manz! especially boys. They just chose to mature later!
Hi mummies,

Hope I'm not too late to join in. I'm 33 weeks now. Edd 30 nov. 1st pregnancy and having a girl. Baby girl weight was 2.4kg at 31 weeks so doc said she is a big baby. I might need c sec coz I got partial placenta previa. Can you add me in fb? My email: [email protected]

Thanks :)
Hi fogal, I don't think I can go si ma lu now.... caught up with the 2 monsters back home to get them ready for SA nxt week. Does Fu Hua sell the same thing? I've also yet to get the chinese herbs for confinement food and drinks.... plannig to go Fu Hua and get it on shot. I think it's going to cost me another bomb!

this few days the weather is super HOTTTTTT!!! Argh!!

Mumagain, not sure if Fu Hua have the bathing herbs but no harm try asking.. I think one mummy posted on FB she bought the herbs frm Fu Hua and spent close to $300 after member discount.

And i do agree with you the weather is SUPER DUPER HOT!!!!! I'm holding my portable fan wherever I go..!
i think most shops selling those chinese herbs one will sell? i also havent stock up but lucky i have 1 nearby.. so will most prob buy when i go give birth..

the weather is really hot.. i am keeping myself under the fan.. no moving anywhere else..

having all kinds of craving now and i still need to keep bb on right weight.. last week at 37 wk he is at 3kg already... =.='' high chance come out is 3.5kg..
3rdtimemumies, me too... i had a hard time shifting my position when sleeping. My tummy so heavy tt i got problem changin to left or right side. And my pelvic bones seem to loosen up recently which cause aching whenever i shift position... I can wake up a few time during e night... yawns.
We are all on the same boat. getting up from bed is soooooooo xin ku. :( we must hang in there!!!!
i am going with my aunt to buy the confinement stuff next Sunday in Bugis, will update you all what i bought! :)

fuzzybear, i was also hoping she will accept it amicably, hate to handle such situations (i sacked a staff last week too!). hb was also saying if we were kind of bad but i told him if we don't do it, we are going to suffer together with baby next time. but honestly, i am so happy today to be at home without maid. i feel as if my place has been tortured and i am scrubbing many things clean today. LOL! am wondering if i should hire another maid again (though my mind is telling me i need to lor). my boy is very zhong gan qing wan, will feel bad for other people. what's SN's name in FB huh or what is her baby's name?

ankh, not her, its my another gf cum ex colleague! my tt gf whom we met at expo is still waiting for delivery at home! her edd is tmrw and if no signs of delivery, she will be induced on Monday!

i am boiling barley for #1 today .... gonna make sure he is in good shape for his SA exams next wk!
mumsagain, mayb u can update us after your purchases at fu hua .

little prince, u gg to which shop at bugis? it is the long ma shop? pls update us too!
Littleprince, just occurred to me, ur boy will make for a very nice hubby! Now u just got to watch out for sweet girl for him :p
Re: herbs
Fu Hua is really more ex than those wholesaler. i think the price can be up to 20-30% more. if u really have the time, going to a wholesaler will be better. My mom goes to Hong Kong St to buy them for me.

Little Prince, SN's gal is the one that is 2.55kg, born yesterday. Think another mom popped yesterday too. today got 2 mommies that popped. Ya it is gd that ur maid took it well. else sure a lot of issues. ur son is really sweet.. I think Ankh is thinking of matchmaking him with her gal! hahahaah

I m feeling really crampy today.. a lot of pains and contractions.. urgh.. plus my 2 boys are sick.. so tired!
i'm having mixed feelings... on 1 hand can't wait to pop n meet my baby.. but on the other hand, i know i will miss her in my tummy for sure. :confused:
haha cannot leh attigal.. we have plans already. hope to buy our own hse 1st before having 2nd baby.. tt will take abt maybe 2 years... which will prob be a nice age gap btw #1 and #2. then again, no guarantee my 2nd preg will be as smooth as this 1.. *touchwood* =P
hahaha xu4n i know your feeling! i was telling my friend.. i see so many mummies popped with their little one in their arms i also wish i can pop soon.. but i should be happy that my bb is still growing as much as he can in my tummy.. really conflicting emotion.. :p
Fuzzybear, haha, how u know I'm on the lookout for nice young chaps for my gal? Unfortunately I can't say much for the 'sweet' part for her. We can have shouting matches at home. Unbelievable, K2 only. Uh, all the cramps not a sign of labour coming too soon issit?

xu4n, yep, absolute no guarantee subsequent pregnancies will be same as first. Just go ahead and hv the kids u want when u can. Delaying too long can lead to other issues.
i dunno what's happening Ankh.. it gets really painful and frequent, then stops for like 20 mins, then go back to 6 mins apart. zzzzz knowing my gynae he will want me to go in to monitor but whenever i go in, the contractions die down.

Hahaha.. ur gal is so cute.. u need someone calm to match her temper mah.

Xuan, sometimes it is better not to plan and see what comes. if u are blessed with a 2nd one then take it in ur stride. this is coming from me, a planner.. i planned so much for my #2 that when the 'correct' time came, we couldn't get preggie and it really affected the marriage.
Re: herbs
Fu Hua is really more ex than those wholesaler. i think the price can be up to 20-30% more. if u really have the time, going to a wholesaler will be better. My mom goes to Hong Kong St to buy them for me.

I m feeling really crampy today.. a lot of pains and contractions.. urgh.. plus my 2 boys are sick.. so tired!

Ya. I read it from FB too.
Evelyn AngJane. Its is indeed more expensive. Practically the sales personnel took out a slip of paper for confinement long list of stuff needed to buy. Luckily I din follow thru. Ended pocket bleed.
I merely bought some of the necessity like 28 packs of herbalshower satchet da feng ai, black and white fungus, pearl powder for baby in case colic. 10 Premix herbal for soups, 2 box dried longan, 2 box red dates etc....
Only to find out that the premix herbal for soup is so much cheaper selling@ ntuc... haiz...

Guess got to go elsewhere to get. Don't want to be the carrot head!

Fuzzy, hang on there!! realised we're getting more frustrated at this stage of our life. I lost my temper over little things coz the bump is really huge & always out of breath.
true lah fuzzybear.. for our #1 we just leave it to fate cos also worried plan too much, later when we want we can't get. but cos we still dun have our own place now so we hope we can prioritise that 1st before #2 comes...

by the way i'm feeling a little frustrated with my replacement staff. maybe my expectations are too high. argh. anw i make sure my part of handover is properly done, n i wanna slack le. i tell myself tt the performance of others is not within my control. just hope she dun create a mess tt i need to clear when i come back from ML.

fuzzybear: ur bb playing pranks with u ah? haha ur contraction intervals can differ by so much!

mumagain: yest i volunteered to go tcm shop to buy those red dates n longan stuff. cos i super scared tcm shops psycho my mum to buy alot of herbs insisting that they are good for confinement. they are really horrible, kept nagging at me. i can't imagine if my mum was with me, i sure jialat 1. then bought a pack of those da feng ai for bathing, but like wat fuzzybear says, wat we do in the bathroom no 1 knows also. haha.. i just buy it to pacify my mum. =P
i dunno what's happening Ankh.. it gets really painful and frequent, then stops for like 20 mins, then go back to 6 mins apart. zzzzz knowing my gynae he will want me to go in to monitor but whenever i go in, the contractions die down.

Hahaha.. ur gal is so cute.. u need someone calm to match her temper mah.

Xuan, sometimes it is better not to plan and see what comes. if u are blessed with a 2nd one then take it in ur stride. this is coming from me, a planner.. i planned so much for my #2 that when the 'correct' time came, we couldn't get preggie and it really affected the marriage.

agree. I'm also a planner.. end up took around a year to conceive #1, and another year to conceive #2. both took longer then planned.
Hello mommies,

Yesterday after waking up from GA, i was in great pain, nurse said they gave a medicine to contract the uterus, and the painkiller was already in the drip, n i even had a suppository painkiller before they woke me up. I think epidural probably more effective a painkiller cos for GA, once you wake up, there's no effect already... But cos of the risk of bleeding during the op, my gynae prefers GA for placenta previa major cases.

I rem thinking to myself yesterday that i will choose natural delivery any day over c-sect and those who opt for c-sect without giving natural a try, must be mad. Seriously, after delivering my #1 naturally, i could walk around the very same day. This time round, i spent the first day in bed, sleeping, in pain n no mood to bf baby at all. This morning, felt better n plucked up some courage to get down the bed..... Gosh i feel like an old grandmother walking. Maybe my pain threshold v low, but fuzzybear wasnt exaggerating when she said previously tt c sect was really painful.

My #1 will visit me later, hope he takes to meimei well.

Just now in laws came n i was getting quite exasperated that i just closed my eyes to rest n they got the hint. Mil said she wanted to come again tonight cos her nurse friend works night shift! I immediately told her tt visiting hrs stop at 8pm! Wah lao. Then the aunty suggested tt she comes again tom instead.... Wah lao! I wanna rest loh!
Hello mommies,

Yesterday after waking up from GA, i was in great pain, nurse said they gave a medicine to contract the uterus, and the painkiller was already in the drip, n i even had a suppository painkiller before they woke me up. I think epidural probably more effective a painkiller cos for GA, once you wake up, there's no effect already... But cos of the risk of bleeding during the op, my gynae prefers GA for placenta previa major cases.

I rem thinking to myself yesterday that i will choose natural delivery any day over c-sect and those who opt for c-sect without giving natural a try, must be mad. Seriously, after delivering my #1 naturally, i could walk around the very same day. This time round, i spent the first day in bed, sleeping, in pain n no mood to bf baby at all. This morning, felt better n plucked up some courage to get down the bed..... Gosh i feel like an old grandmother walking. Maybe my pain threshold v low, but fuzzybear wasnt exaggerating when she said previously tt c sect was really painful.

My #1 will visit me later, hope he takes to meimei well.

Just now in laws came n i was getting quite exasperated that i just closed my eyes to rest n they got the hint. Mil said she wanted to come again tonight cos her nurse friend works night shift! I immediately told her tt visiting hrs stop at 8pm! Wah lao. Then the aunty suggested tt she comes again tom instead.... Wah lao! I wanna rest loh!

I wince just reading your entry! But at least you have a beautiful baby girl to show for your pain :). rest well (though I know its hard with your mil around) and have a speedy recovery!
yea SN i can feel ur pain just reading ur post.. i hope i dun have to go thru c-sect after hearing ur description lor. find comfort that ur bb girl is well n healthy! hope u recover soon... =)

by the way, no comments on ur mil. haha! *roll eyes*
for mummies who do not wish to wash hair during confinement, you can try the dry shampoo which is in powder form which you put on your scalp...I tried it for my first one and the powder really removes the oil in my scalp, and not itchy. One bottle actually can last for a mth for me (with short hair). I have bought an extra bottle, so anyone interested can get it from me.

littleprince & Mummychuas: I just finished my maternity cum family shoot with Yong En (from Bambini rite) too...my boy was crying and cannot sit still...but luckily she gave him some biscuit which my boy likes and start munching away, then I & husband are able to take some intimate shots w/o my son...hee..
actually can quote my name as reference, or my email [email protected], then both of us can get 3 extra 5R prints.
Hello mummies!

It's been an exciting day in FB. All those cute baby pix...

How has everyone been? I've not visited Forum in a while due to work. So busy.... go home at abt 9pm almost everyday the past week and this week. My event is tomorrow. After that, I'm going to take it easy liao. Incidentally, it's my wedding anni tomorrow! So happy :)

Littleprince, when will you get your replacement maid? aiyo... i'm keeping my fingers crossed that my maid will be ok... expect to come in early Nov. u and pinky gg to see Dr Tham on the same day again! how nice... i'm gg on 29 Oct.

fuzzybear, are you due anytime soon?
SN, oh dear, sounds so painful.. its ok.. you will forget your pain when you see your beautiful baby girl. speedy recovery!! and ignore tt mil!! (*hugs*
welcome wenhui1981! our EDD is one day apart! mine's on 29 Nov. seems like a long way from the rest of most mummies here.
mawanab!! so long nv see you here!

happy wedding ani tomorrow! you can let your hair down and relax after your event tomorrow :)

no chance to bump into you againn.. i just went to visit dr tham today.. next visit is on the 24th!
Hi All,

sorry for joining late!! i am in my 36wks now. has went thru 2x miscarriage previously. This time i finally made it to the final lap.. :)
gynae commented that my baby was slightly bigger @ 2.9kg during wk35 scan.. I really hope i can deliver naturally...
Hello mommies,

Yesterday after waking up from GA, i was in great pain, nurse said they gave a medicine to contract the uterus, and the painkiller was already in the drip, n i even had a suppository painkiller before they woke me up. I think epidural probably more effective a painkiller cos for GA, once you wake up, there's no effect already... But cos of the risk of bleeding during the op, my gynae prefers GA for placenta previa major cases.

I rem thinking to myself yesterday that i will choose natural delivery any day over c-sect and those who opt for c-sect without giving natural a try, must be mad. Seriously, after delivering my #1 naturally, i could walk around the very same day. This time round, i spent the first day in bed, sleeping, in pain n no mood to bf baby at all. This morning, felt better n plucked up some courage to get down the bed..... Gosh i feel like an old grandmother walking. Maybe my pain threshold v low, but fuzzybear wasnt exaggerating when she said previously tt c sect was really painful.

My #1 will visit me later, hope he takes to meimei well.

Just now in laws came n i was getting quite exasperated that i just closed my eyes to rest n they got the hint. Mil said she wanted to come again tonight cos her nurse friend works night shift! I immediately told her tt visiting hrs stop at 8pm! Wah lao. Then the aunty suggested tt she comes again tom instead.... Wah lao! I wanna rest loh!

Ow toto, I feel for u!....you're so brave ley.... C-sec is something that I really scare off! Rest well !!!!

Welcome peilee!
Happy Ani Mawanab!
Hang in there SN.. i think the pain is the worst in the initial 10 days.. just take ur painkillers so that u can function well and bf well. :)

Manawab, Xuan, ya she is playing with me.. the pain is again different from Sunday's pain.. Sunday was the first time i had backaches with the contractions. today i have this pain radiating from the bottom of the uterus to the top plus backache. but now like gone again.. damn sian leh.. had 3 contractions in 40 mins.. at 3pm it was once every 6mins.. my c-sec is on 31st oct.. by then i shd be 38 wks+

Manawab, u need to rest.. hopefully u get some after tomorrow's event! miss chatting with u.

Xuan, just take one step at a time lor.. haha.. dun over think or over planned.. say so easy but it is soooo hard!
Hello mommies,

Yesterday after waking up from GA, i was in great pain, nurse said they gave a medicine to contract the uterus, and the painkiller was already in the drip, n i even had a suppository painkiller before they woke me up. I think epidural probably more effective a painkiller cos for GA, once you wake up, there's no effect already... But cos of the risk of bleeding during the op, my gynae prefers GA for placenta previa major cases.

I rem thinking to myself yesterday that i will choose natural delivery any day over c-sect and those who opt for c-sect without giving natural a try, must be mad. Seriously, after delivering my #1 naturally, i could walk around the very same day. This time round, i spent the first day in bed, sleeping, in pain n no mood to bf baby at all. This morning, felt better n plucked up some courage to get down the bed..... Gosh i feel like an old grandmother walking. Maybe my pain threshold v low, but fuzzybear wasnt exaggerating when she said previously tt c sect was really painful.

My #1 will visit me later, hope he takes to meimei well.

Just now in laws came n i was getting quite exasperated that i just closed my eyes to rest n they got the hint. Mil said she wanted to come again tonight cos her nurse friend works night shift! I immediately told her tt visiting hrs stop at 8pm! Wah lao. Then the aunty suggested tt she comes again tom instead.... Wah lao! I wanna rest loh!

Hi gal..I am planning for my 2nd c-sect on 30 Oct 2013..hope will not be painful....my gynae ok with epidural even for my placenta previa...I rem for my 1st c-sect...i keep bending n holding onto my wound...n walk like a old lady....took me so much time to walk to the toilet..n got difficulty to come down from the bed...

but did the nurse put a binder for u...it will help tremedously...

wishing u a speedy recovery...btw try not to carry your #1 or heavy things for a month as e wound might spilt...n take fish essence for better wound recovery...jia you...
haha ya fuzzybear.. easy to say but hard not to plan, esp cos i'm a control freak. lol... at the rate of ur contraction can u still hold till 31st oct for c-sect?
Xuan, u see me.. i let fate decide when to have #3 and i kena barely 10 mths after my #2 was born.. :p nv planned at all yet strike.. made my previous attempts (we were about to go for IVF) seems so trivial and stupid. i m also a control freak.. super control freak.. all my personality tests say the same thing..

I dunno if i can tahan. i m trying not to go to my gynae. cos i dun wanna cry wolf leh.. pain then stop, pain then stop!
Hi mawanab,

Oh so only 1 day difference. But I might deliver earlier. If can I don't want c sec too coz i gone thru 3 operations before I can conceive. I know the pain after the op. But as long as baby healthy.
fuzzybear, we let fate decide n after 3 mths we kanna le. lol.. but ya lah some things are not within our control also. hope ur baby can hold on a few wks more! seems like many nov babies are all coming early... haha..

Hi mummies,

I'm new here, tho i have been silently following this thread :). I'm currently at 35 weeks 3 days but my baby weighs only 2kg.

Is 2kg too light for a 35 weeks baby? Kinda worried. :(

Can someone add me to the secret fb page? my email is [email protected]. Thanks in advance.
