(2013/11) November 2013

SN, here's wat my friend did to train her tbf baby to feed fast as taught by her LC: unswaddle before each feed. major disturb her to keep her solidly drinking. limit feedings to 30min on one side only. her bb was doing 30 min the first week only. 2nd week 20min n there after 10 min per feed. Her baby is the one who came out at 2.5kg.
Seems even LCs giving lots of different advice, so just do wat you're comfortable with first. Furthermore my friend is a sahm, so she concentrated on direct latching.

Fairyland, yes some babies may have slower growth at end of third trimester. Just go according to your gynaes advice. Can drink maternal milk powder too, if u can tolerate the taste.

Fuzzybear, I can only say, kudos to u, strong woman.

Yogini: I eat cheese too and also drink Friso mum. Am trying to eat durian too. Trying to beef up bb's weight although gynae never ask me to eat more. Subway egg mayo and turkey wrap seems yummy. Will try to eat that too!

Attigal: Yeah saw fuzzybear's posted here that she has delivered. But too bad am not yet been invited to secret FB group so cannot see all the cute babies' pictures. Thanks mummy for the cordlife referral!

Pm me your email? I see if I can try to invite.
I find that FB is good for sharing pictures but forum is still easier for sharing updates.

Ankh, thanks for asking ur friend.

Last night was quite a nightmare cos i think baby didnt drink enough during the day, she was sleeping most of the time. hence she was v hungry throughout the night. She drank 100ml ebm in total from 12mn to 430am. Poo-ed many times too. Hope tonight would b better. This is another reason y it would have been easier to feed ebm than latch, at least i know the amount she is drinking. I latched n pumped the whole day today.... Felt like i didnt have time to spend with #1, cos im either latching or pumping....sigh... Breasts feel very heavy despite latching n pumping. I wonder when i will have the fully emptied breasts feeling. LC said initially is like that, but i recall during #1's time, i only felt engorgement on 4th day leh, thereafter pumping n latching could empty my breasts.

Fuzzybear, so funny u.... U can withstand contractions but not unwashed hair! If ur doc is on leave today, did any replacement doc visit u? Is he gg to charge u for today's attendance fee? Haha

Sei, wat a blessing in disguise for u that the gynae on duty did a better job than ur own gynae.

I had my c sect at ard noon and i got down from bed to walk the following morning. I just forced myself to do it cos i know im the type that will think n think until i eventually succumb to my mental fear. My pain lessened greatly by the third day and i could walk with relative ease. I stopped my painkillers today (5th day). Now, instead of physical pain, it's the emotional challenge of lack of sleep n managing two kids. I cried without any reason yesterday, just couldnt stop crying. Hormones! Urgh!
SN, my hb said the gynaes on duty at the labour ward can do csec better cos they do it all the time like butcher lol...

I'm still taking the painkillers once a day, planning to stop tomorrow as the wound will take about 1 week to heal. Looking forward to taking off the dressing too and have a real shower!

Do you have any help? Try to get some sleep during the day as well to recharge and you will feel better.

I spent one night fully pumping as baby was discharged one day later due to jaundice... and it felt so tiring assembling the pump, pumping, washing up and sterilizing again... then doing the same thing 3 hrs later! Plus the electric pump didn't work well for me, so I was using my Avent manual pump. Last 2 days I was very tempted to pump after latching too to empty the breasts, but too lazy, plus baby need to drink more to lower the bilirubin, so I just force her to stay awake and latch 2 sides every 3 hrs... today is day 7 and I don't feel the engorgement that much, so hang on!
So happy that SN, Sei and fuzzybear popped! Congrates again! The babies so cute but sei nv post ur bb pic... U 3 r ard the same time, can motivate each other while mooing! I still got 1 mth to go to my D day.. cant wait to see my own bb but at the same time dun wan the time to come so fast. Contradicting!

fuzzybear, u so funny, nv cry on the contraction pain. Glad to hear tt ur bb, being a premmie, is doing well. Are you discharged aldy?

SN, dun feel bad to ur #1 due to ur latching & pumping. Is really tired and time consuming. Is not easy to juggle w #1 at the same time. Maybe can ask ur hubby or ur mum to spend some time w #1 on ur behalf? Dont think so much okay. BIG HUGS for u! Take ur fav dark choco!! Helps to brighten ur day. Dun cry okay.

For the latching hours, e midwife told me during lesson that average latch is 20-30 mins. Always empty one breast 1st. Latch for 1 hr is too much ba and we will get sore nipples. That is even worst right. Sore nipples diff to latch lo. Ya, i heard tt muz pump if breast nv empty completely. Now having second thought, would it b better to fully pump? So i dun hab to waste 30 mins on latching. The whole bf session is so tiring!

Sei, is a blessing tt your wound turn out to b recovering well despite is not ur own gyne who doing e job. So does tt mean, ur gyne dun earn e fee? haha.. Why the electric pump doesnt work well for u? Is ur 1st time buying tt electric pump? I only bought electric pump and hab no manual pump to standby. If cant work, i tink i gonna hand express liao.. Hope my electric pump dont fail on me!

fairyland & yogini. fresh milk will put on more weight than the low-fat milk.

littleprince, be prepared that tml will be having swap test which i understand from those mummies in fb.

Val, yesterday i handwash my bb clothes... gosh..for tt one compartment of toyogo drawer, it took me 2 hrs to complete the whole job! And it was super aching on my legs, back and arms!! I wonder how u do that when u handwash e clothes all e times. Salute u power mummy!
Gd morning! So funny hor? I m usually quite calm and collected but I really wanted to have my hair washed before baby came. That really made me cry. Haha. Come to think abt it, it's really funny. Hehehe.

SN, I told u 2nd time milk will come in faster and more. U have to pump more regularly (count from start of one pump to the start of the next pump and not end of one to the start of next) to empty. This time around it won't be the lack of supply that is the prob but ur time management. My doc has 2 colleagues that would cover him so one of them just came to check on me yesterday morning. Doc just came and see me in fact. My drainage tube (to drain the wound) is leaking blood out so gotta be removed soon.

Sei what model of electric pump u using? Manual pump very siong leh!

As for me, this whole thing reminds me of how much I hate latching!! I really REALLY hate latching!! My nipple and areola is quite big but my bb's mouth is so small so she keeps clamping only on the nipple. I have been latching her an hr in the hospital already (30 mins per boob) and she can still cry for more after which leads me to think she isn't latching properly. I can't wait to pump!!
good morning, mummies! hope everyone had a good weekend!

mine was tiring coz #1's exam starts this week so was busy doing last minute coaching. i dreamt last night that i had a show during office and woke up late this morning! rushed like mad to get ready and wake #1 to send him to sch on time. i also attempted to pack a little more of my hosp bag but didn't have the energy to bring more baby stuffs out to wash, will probably do it later tdy coz going for gynae checkup in the early pm. oh, i went to the Puku (sp?) shop at Yishun on Sat. their prices are similar to outside but there is a discount ranging from 15%% to 25% for different brands. Bought what i needed and for the rest of the misc ad hoc items, will settle it at Kiddy Palace and thats it. Now, i need to unpack and organize all the loot i bought over the last close to 9 mths!

fuzzybear, good la now that baby is born. do you need to do handover of your balance office work since you went into labour at the last minute? eh, so you are supportive to pump more than latch? for #1, i pumped more previously coz i started late to bf (only when #1 was abt 2 weeks old) and not convenient to latch at ex MIL's place. this round, am not sure if i am gonna latch more or pump more, got to play by the ear depending on baby's needs. but its good to hear 2nd time milk comes in faster and more, hopefully bfg will be a breeze for me this round.

SN, jia you jia you! you will get adjusted to new schedule after a short while and will be able to manage including spending time with #1.

pinky, update me abt your checkup hor. ya, i know must do swab test today ... and must check cervix during next checkup on 37th week (sob!!). btw, i like fresh milk better than low fat milk after being pregnant this round but i think after giving birth, i better switch back to low fat milk else gonna grow fat.
Morning mummies.. Over the weekend saw a few more bb photos.. All healthy n good! :)

The weekend is tiring for me man.. Friday night had "pre contraction" feeling.. Thought I was going to labour soon but the contraction feeling lapse the next day, leaving the hardening of tummy on and off... Only managed to catch like 3 hrs of sleep that night.. Next day still have a indoor ps with sil n her friend.. So tired after the session n KO at night... Last night had very strong And sharp pain at the V area.. After googling.. It might be due to cervix dilation.. And now the pain went off also... Think my son is giving me chance to practice and feel the different kind of pain that I will have to got thru during the real contraction.. -.-" but it's super energy draining man... Really salute to all mummies who have popped.. you are all the best mummies to go thru the pain for 9 months and the last lap before giving birth.. Now I having mixed feelings..

Little prince: all the best to ur #1 exam! Dun worry the swap test is quite fast.. Is the cervix test that I dun like.. Haha the feeling is just... Uncomfortable.. Did both when I was at 36 wk..

SN: I believe very soon u will be able to have time for your #1.. Maybe slowly adjust I guess.. :) jia you!
Fuzzybear, can rent pump from hospital to pump instead of latching? U still haven't discharge right?

Little prince, I finished my appt! Phews, was lucky tt I went earlier cos after I came out. Gyne went to labour ward liao..think e rest of e appt will b delayed. E swap test jus insert a long cotton bud stick. Still acceptable. Uh.. cervix check sound pain! Using fingers issit? Oya! So funny jus now. I weigh myself and I tot I gained weight. After I open my appt book n see my last appt weight, I then realised I lost 500g!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable and so I went to weigh 2nd time! Lol... At week 35, bb is only weighing 2.1kg which is slightly under e average weight. =( Gyne asked me to eat more this time. Last round asked me control diet and now asked me eat more.. very hard to strike a balance.

Re: lump at underarm
I got a lump at ard 5 cent coin size at e beginning of preg. Now, it grew bigger. Not sure issit breast issue. So asked gyne abt it and he referred me to breast surgeon at Mount E. Worried abt e lump and money. Wonder how exp e charges will b like. Feel like gg polyclinics to check n get referral instead. What do u tink? My hubby said better to do it "under one roof" since gyne refer and also easier for him to get e updates. Hm...
Little Prince, ya I'm an exclusively pumping mom. Saves me time and I can plan my life around my pumps. Dun have to be on standby for bb to latch. Hate the waiting feeling. I prefer detached parenting, partly cos my life is soooo busy already with work and my boys. Hard for me to be attached to my kids. Pumping allow my hb and my parents to feed the baby while I spend time doing other stuff like spending time with my boys.

Bunny mummy, nopes. No latching for me. My areola is very big (I use 30mm funnels) and my bb's mouth so tiny. So hard to latch. She is clamping down on my nipple too. The nurses latch for me until they stress. Cos can't get her to open big enough. I latched at least an hr now in hospital! Even the LC said was a bit long.

Pinky, nah won't pump here. Cos of hygiene reasons. I prefer to use my own pump. Anyway just tahan 1 more day. My milk is in already.Dripping when I latch her. LC also quite amazed. But I think it's because I stopped only recently.
morning! so many mummies popped. those mth end mummies to be can only dream abt our bb...

i finally got bb wardrobe organised. all i have to do now is to get my ikea cot assembled, get my confinement herbs, a set of my pump parts and a set of new mitten and booties for bb for his discharge outfit. yeah... looks like im more or less done with preparation. so tired being pregnant.

SN, i cant imagine handling 2 kids as well. try to rest as much as possible since u got CL. after confinement, you really have to take care of 2 kids on your own.

fuzzybear, congrats again on the birth of your bb gal. tough on you for this pregnancy. drama till the last moment. when will you be hm? you r one of the few mummies who prefer pump over latch. is it true that bm kick in faster for 2nd time mummy? it will be nice to have milk this soon. at least CL wont be nagging that you dont have enough milk and insist on getting fm.

pinky, perhaps it will be good to see the one your gynae intro. easier for doc under the same organisation to coordinate. do have it check asap. you dont want it to affect you bf-ing bb.
Fuzzybear : The bathing part is real funny. Human can really do anything out of desperate but I will b funny when u think back!!

Lxb : Seems like u going to pop soon..

Pinkyloving: Maybe u go consult the doctor and c how. Going to polyclinic might take along time. If the fees are acceptable just get it done at Mount E bah.

Any mummies tried induce? Yesterday one mummy from FB undergo c –sect after 3 induces. And the induce process sounds painful .
hello mommies.

yesterday, my girl did it again. She woke up every 1hr to drink milk from 12am-4am. She drank a total of 120ml ebm and 30ml fm in the short span of 4hrs!!!!

on the contrary, she sleeps extremely soundly in the day. Don't tell me she is nocturnal! I sleep so early during pregnancy loh. I suspect it is because she latches during the daytime and so didnt drink enough milk and kept sleeping. Come night time, she suddenly realises how hungry she is and so did cluster feeding. This happened to my boy as well when i latched him during the day. I intend to bottle feed my ebm the whole day today so that i can monitor the amount she takes and see if she sleeps better tonight.

Fuzzybear isn't the only one who prefers to exclusively pump. My #1 thread has a couple of mommies who pump exclusively too. For me, although i decided before giving birth that i will pump exclusively too, after latching in the hospital, I do enjoy the bonding process during latching. But I have to pump after latching so it takes up a whole of time. I am still rather hormonal, so I am kinda sad whenever I give a bottle to my daughter when she roots for the breast. But, if i really think rationally, pumping frees up a lot of time for me and I can plan my day, plus now I have to divide my time between 2 kids. At the end of the day, all kids have to wean from the breast, the longer you latch them, the harder to wean them in the end.
lxb, thks! i am ok with swap test but i dislike the cervix check very very very much!

pinky, i weighed myself during the wkend, i shld have gained 2kg i think but shucks, the appt is now 3 weeks once so now weight should be limited to less than 2kg? argh! later i see what he says abt my baby. you eat more la, can eat durians again. hb bought 2 boxes of durians for me on Sat but i only ate 1 box, intending to feast on 2nd box tonight. hehe! :p errrr, my appt is at 2pm so likely will be delayed? :-( Cervix check is done by gynae inserting 2 fingers (i think) into vagina all the way in to your cervix. eh, call to check abt the charges for the lump review first before going? or can go to review after delivering baby? any concerns that you must go to review it now?

fuzzybear, good to know you are doing well! keep us updated on your adventures with baby!

hikaru, my #1 was induced for delivery. the induce process is not painful actually but i think we need to learn to relax (i cannot!). so if there is a need to ask for epidural earlier to relax this time round, i will. not sure if epi can be administered before bursting water bag coz the other way round will be more painful.

SN, keep us updated if feeding ebm will be more manageable ok? for me, i will latch if it can boost my supply more but if i have lots of supply, i will probably prefer to pump too so that other people can help me to feed baby.
hikaru0112: I think so too.. Mixed feelings abt that.. Hopefully it wun be too bad..

totorodino: Hmm so pumping out would be a better idea? Because I am considering between the two but pumping seems to be more troublesome if i intend to go out.. latching is like a better idea?

littleprince: Yes! Me too.... i also dun like the check! Especialy when my gynae always say i dun relax.. how to relax?! =.='''
Mummies in case anyone missed it in fb, I post that regular priced pigeon items are on 20% off at kidy palace. Open to all customers.
fuzzybear, oh..jus bear with it and soon you can go home start e moo-ing career!

SN, i very lazy. Was thinkin of latching den pump the extra out to empty the breast so as to boost supply. Really like double work. Takes out alot time oso. Summore im tink most CL prefer bottle feed so they dun have to carry e bb to us. Like you say, maybe at hospital when i latch, i might attach to my little one.

littleprince, i heard my fren saying insert fingers in for cervix checks. i was like 'UHHhhh". Cant they use some tools or wat? I dont hav weighin machine at home so i depend on e clinic machine. Hm.. ya trying to take more now cos i reallly feel tt 2.1kg for 35 week bb is v small size. Oya, i shld call e clinic to check e charges 1st before i go. Lucky u reminded me. I nv tot of tt. Thanks!

I feel like waiting for bb to delivered aldy den check but at the same time i scare what if is cancer den might as well detect early. Okay, i being negative. Like mummychua said, dunno will it affect e milk flow anot.

attigal, 20%! if is kiddy member, will there b additional discount? Do you noe e sales will last till when?
pinkyloving, dont worry about bb being 2.1kg at 35w.. mine was 2kg at 35wk..i felt it was small also.. at my 37th week appt.. bb was 2.5-2.6kg
so i guess they really gain abt 250 /300g on an average. or maybe coz i have been eating more den usual.. more red meat (beef), more milk.. and i whacked durian also.. mummy gained 2kg in 2 weeks though.. :( wonder where the other 1.5kg went to!!
Lxb, for us if we are tense hor, dilation may be difficult too. Hopefully my this round is better than #1's time.

Pinky, me at clinic now, morning patients all cleared! Phew! Cham! I gained 3kg in 3 wks, later cfm kenna nagged. :-( when is yr next appt? Cervix chk is done using fingers wan but of coz gynae will wear glove. Bo bian! Maybe you can ask dr tham if can wait till after delivery or must check quickly? Btw, how long for swab test results to be out?
Gynae just called and informed me that the swab test is positive, but asked me not to worry, and that antibiotic will be given when I go into labour.
pinkyloving, dont worry about bb being 2.1kg at 35w.. mine was 2kg at 35wk..i felt it was small also.. at my 37th week appt.. bb was 2.5-2.6kg
so i guess they really gain abt 250 /300g on an average. or maybe coz i have been eating more den usual.. more red meat (beef), more milk.. and i whacked durian also.. mummy gained 2kg in 2 weeks though.. :( wonder where the other 1.5kg went to!!
Last scan at 35w I also put on 2 kg in 2 weeks, gynae said :" goodness! "
3xmum: hard to maintain the 500g/week anymore.
how's mummy and baby doing?
baby still on schedule to come out on the 4th?

littleprince, i think depends on gyane?
mine only inform me of my results on my next appt (which was 2 weeks apart.. i did the swab test at 35w.)
3xmum: hard to maintain the 500g/week anymore.
how's mummy and baby doing?
baby still on schedule to come out on the 4th?

littleprince, i think depends on gyane?
mine only inform me of my results on my next appt (which was 2 weeks apart.. i did the swab test at 35w.)
Fiona, last Friday scan with GBS test on Virginal & Rectum, and Cervix Check. Gynae said cervix still not ripe, closed, he only asked if my previous 2 labour early or late, but never say if this one will be late or not, but I got a feeling she will come late like my #1, late for 9 days, still no signs.
GBS test result out , gynae just called, now after reading online about positive GBS results makes me worried, although gynae said not to worry as antibiotics will be given when I go into labour, there is also risk that baby will die, if antibiotic is not given sufficiently and early.
3xmum : baby in the womb, hao shui hao zhu, dont wanna come out yet :D
dont worry so much, believe in ur gyane and you would be in safe hands..*hugs*
im sure they will administer the antibotics early and not risk mother/baby's life, so dont think so much on that.
now just relax and not think of anything else
have your prepared most of your stuff to welcome bb home yet?
how heavy is bb now anyways?
Congtats Fuzzybear!! wooo! you gals are super woman! Great to hear you're doing well! I was laffing reading your cry over bath part. :D ... Your princess is really huge and chubby!

Toto! hang on there! breasfeeding sounds stressful to my ear now :confused::confused: ... i have to really recall what should be done in the hospital and at home.... "very regular latching in hospital to stimulate the breast" is important.

Littleprince, I was induced for #2 too. Gynea broke my water bag and I remembered epi given after that but the pain was still beareable.

For those not yet pop. Have your gynea finger check your diliation yet? I'm going for a check tomorow and I know finger check sometime will speed up the contraction too.
3xmum dun worry too much. Usually gynae will pre-empt you too.
Think on your due date if bb show no sign of arriving, gynae will ask u to go for induce.

Fuzzybear, just read abt the ordeal on bathing. Bed bath? They really bed you into the shower or
transfer you to the wheel chair?

Everything ok? Can be discharge today?
back home from gynae appt, baby only put on 400g in 3 weeks (@ 2.2kg) compared to ME putting on 3kg in 3 weeks. :eek: gynae commented baby's weight is pretty good but told me to watch MY diet lor. swab test was ok, results will be notified by nurse calling me in a week's time, didn't really feel anything and ohhh, gynae said he won't do cervix check for me unless i exceed 40wks or have any other pre labour symptoms (yayyy!!). i also asked if i need to be induced, can give epidural first before breaking water bag, he said ok no issue. he said we can make requests like that (I didn't know lor during #1's time).
Hi all, my edd is 2 nov and this is gonna be my no 3.
Hv started my leave and therefore hv time to join in ur chit chat. So exciting to hear few bbs popping out, guess my turn will b soon!
Am strep b + tip his round too but gynae said its common and nothing to worry as long as we get to hosp wo delay once water bag burst.
little prince is your gynae dr tham? haha

i did the swab test and he only told me the result at the next visit. he said bb is on the bigger size, 2.8-2.9kg at week 37 for my height (1.57am) so he said might need to induce if reach 3.5kg :(

anyone know the risk of induce or got what side effect?
pinkyloving, I didn't realize that I never post photo lol... I posted on my wall though, will post a photo in the nov FB grp later!

fuzzybear, pinkyloving, I use Avent for both electric and manual... I find the electric suction too gentle for me. Using manual, I can massage and press on the lumps and time the pressure and interval of the pump but electric is too "auto" for me and very hard to get let down, mei gan qing lol... so using manual is actually faster for me even though have to do 2 sides separately... and I can see the milk spraying out when I get letdown :D Since I'm planning to take 6 months off, will decide which to use when I go back to work :p

I love to latch my baby actually... so unlikely to do exclusive pumping unless baby cannot latch for some medical reason... I have big nipples too, and baby couldn't latch on very well the first 2 days but with each session, she got better. I agree that for #2, there should be no problem with supply if you bf your #1, partly because you already know what you are doing and how to guide baby to latch, unlike first time both mummy and baby blur blur lol... I think baby is the best pump once she gets the hang of it... the moment her mouth touch my nipple, the letdown comes! Plus it's more convenient when we bring her out, don't need to bring all the barang barang :) The cons is that you won't know how much baby is drinking exactly, but for me it's enough to see her wet wet diaper... I don't need to know the exact volume :p

SN, I think there are all nocturnal at birth by nature... just like when they are in our tummy, the daily activities lull them to sleep but when it gets quiet at night, they wake up and kick lol... so just have to keep waking them up during the day to make sure they feed enough and not keep waking up to cluster feed at night.

littleprince, I posted a msg on the puku shop some time last week, not sure if you saw it? I was planning to go back and get some misc items this week but never made it haha...
3xmum : baby in the womb, hao shui hao zhu, dont wanna come out yet :D
dont worry so much, believe in ur gyane and you would be in safe hands..*hugs*
im sure they will administer the antibotics early and not risk mother/baby's life, so dont think so much on that.
now just relax and not think of anything else
have your prepared most of your stuff to welcome bb home yet?
how heavy is bb now anyways?
Hospital Bag almost packed, except for those toiletries which I use everyday. Clothes all washed. Diapers/Wipes , pump, nursing pads bought. Cot/changing table more less set up, but will only put bed sheets when baby returns. Baby estimated 2.7kg at 36weeks 5 days, actually those bb measurements ranges from 2.4 - 2.9kg, so gynae usually take the average he says, and he think that based on my tummy size, bb will not be 2.4kg, neither is so big as 2.9kg.

I was crying away earlier when I was sharing with hubby that gynae called about the GBS result, so he also read online about positive GBS but reassures me that Faith will be fine, initially we also faced the risk of her being DS, and now she's so active and everything seems normal, so she will be fine.
Congtats Fuzzybear!! wooo! you gals are super woman! Great to hear you're doing well! I was laffing reading your cry over bath part. :D ... Your princess is really huge and chubby!

Toto! hang on there! breasfeeding sounds stressful to my ear now :confused::confused: ... i have to really recall what should be done in the hospital and at home.... "very regular latching in hospital to stimulate the breast" is important.

Littleprince, I was induced for #2 too. Gynea broke my water bag and I remembered epi given after that but the pain was still beareable.

For those not yet pop. Have your gynea finger check your diliation yet? I'm going for a check tomorow and I know finger check sometime will speed up the contraction too.
Last Friday had the cervix checked at 37w 4days, it was really uncomfortable, and painful, and had some blood staining after that, felt sore until the next day, maybe because I was tensed, and the cervix is still not " ripe"
little prince is your gynae dr tham? haha

i did the swab test and he only told me the result at the next visit. he said bb is on the bigger size, 2.8-2.9kg at week 37 for my height (1.57am) so he said might need to induce if reach 3.5kg :(

anyone know the risk of induce or got what side effect?
My #1 was overdue for 9 days and show no signs of coming, so gynae induced me, so I am not sure if this is the same as induction done for your case of baby being too big. I don't see there's any risk, for my case, as my #1 is 13 now, and normal.
Lxb, for us if we are tense hor, dilation may be difficult too. Hopefully my this round is better than #1's time.

Pinky, me at clinic now, morning patients all cleared! Phew! Cham! I gained 3kg in 3 wks, later cfm kenna nagged. :-( when is yr next appt? Cervix chk is done using fingers wan but of coz gynae will wear glove. Bo bian! Maybe you can ask dr tham if can wait till after delivery or must check quickly? Btw, how long for swab test results to be out?

littleprince: hmmm okay i will try to relax.. haha at least for these few "trial" i still managed to practice my breathing and it puts me to sleep eventually.. hahaa so i hope it will help me also.. happy that your checkup went well!!

Hospital Bag almost packed, except for those toiletries which I use everyday. Clothes all washed. Diapers/Wipes , pump, nursing pads bought. Cot/changing table more less set up, but will only put bed sheets when baby returns. Baby estimated 2.7kg at 36weeks 5 days, actually those bb measurements ranges from 2.4 - 2.9kg, so gynae usually take the average he says, and he think that based on my tummy size, bb will not be 2.4kg, neither is so big as 2.9kg.

I was crying away earlier when I was sharing with hubby that gynae called about the GBS result, so he also read online about positive GBS but reassures me that Faith will be fine, initially we also faced the risk of her being DS, and now she's so active and everything seems normal, so she will be fine.

third3timemum: hugz~ dun worry so much okay? i believe if you stay strong your girl will also be strong.. :) and your girl is showing you that she is growing well! So stay strong okay? :) your gynae didnt induce you when your #1 was overdue? i am kinda worried that my gynae might want to induce me if my bb doesnt want to come out by 40wks.. maybe wed on my checkup i will ask my gynae wats the chances of inducing..
3xmum, i also felt soreness after cervix check, so normal la. Don't worry about the strep b results, better to have found out now. Good thing u posted about what u packed for hospital bag. I'd totally forgotten about toiletries!

Flogal, u see if can try natural. We're the same height, my #1 came out at 3.32kg. Now this #2 already 3kg at 37w5d.
Last Friday had the cervix checked at 37w 4days, it was really uncomfortable, and painful, and had some blood staining after that, felt sore until the next day, maybe because I was tensed, and the cervix is still not " ripe"

Eeesh!! must be painful!.... I will be wk38 day3 tomorrow for my regular check up.

Don't cry! She's faith! Everything will turn out to be fine. Jia you!!

For this time, I hope I don't be a kancheong spider like my first 2. Patiently wait for the real sign to go in hospital.

**pray for everyone here for smooth delivery**
3xmum, i also felt soreness after cervix check, so normal la. Don't worry about the strep b results, better to have found out now. Good thing u posted about what u packed for hospital bag. I'd totally forgotten about toiletries!

Flogal, u see if can try natural. We're the same height, my #1 came out at 3.32kg. Now this #2 already 3kg at 37w5d.

TMC provides me with a handbook which stated toiletries will be provided during the hospital stay. I thought all hospital practise the same?
flogal, yes my gynae is dr tham. you asked coz you read earlier or you guessed its him fm my description? :p he didn't do cervix check for you at wk 37 right? i asked the nurse how long to notify us on the swab test results, forgot to ask him. induce is common but i think some of the mummies were not successful to induce and had to undergo csect in the end. my gf who delivered tdy did not dilate enough and had to csect, baby is 3.69kg.

sei, i saw yr puku message but decided to go down anyway to see coz hb likes their bath tub for baby to shower in it. prices are quite ok since there is still a further discount. :)
littleprince: hmmm okay i will try to relax.. haha at least for these few "trial" i still managed to practice my breathing and it puts me to sleep eventually.. hahaa so i hope it will help me also.. happy that your checkup went well!!

third3timemum: hugz~ dun worry so much okay? i believe if you stay strong your girl will also be strong.. :) and your girl is showing you that she is growing well! So stay strong okay? :) your gynae didnt induce you when your #1 was overdue? i am kinda worried that my gynae might want to induce me if my bb doesnt want to come out by 40wks.. maybe wed on my checkup i will ask my gynae wats the chances of inducing..
gynae induced me when #1 overdue for 9 days, he said shouldn't wait any longer. thanks for your encouragement, guess I shouldn't be too stressed over the GBS result.
Eeesh!! must be painful!.... I will be wk38 day3 tomorrow for my regular check up.

Don't cry! She's faith! Everything will turn out to be fine. Jia you!!

For this time, I hope I don't be a kancheong spider like my first 2. Patiently wait for the real sign to go in hospital.

**pray for everyone here for smooth delivery**
Thank you!
TMC provides me with a handbook which stated toiletries will be provided during the hospital stay. I thought all hospital practise the same?
Yes. the basic thing like a small comb, tooth brush,. paste, maybe shower foam & shampoo. but I still need my glasses, my hair mousse, my hair band, deodorant, perfume , maybe contact lens & solution for day of discharge, some daily things like moisturizer, night gel etc, these I still use now, everyday, unless I pack into those travel container, if not, have to grab them only on the day I go to hospital. It's like a 3d2n trip to nearby!
fuzzybear, oh..jus bear with it and soon you can go home start e moo-ing career!

SN, i very lazy. Was thinkin of latching den pump the extra out to empty the breast so as to boost supply. Really like double work. Takes out alot time oso. Summore im tink most CL prefer bottle feed so they dun have to carry e bb to us. Like you say, maybe at hospital when i latch, i might attach to my little one.

littleprince, i heard my fren saying insert fingers in for cervix checks. i was like 'UHHhhh". Cant they use some tools or wat? I dont hav weighin machine at home so i depend on e clinic machine. Hm.. ya trying to take more now cos i reallly feel tt 2.1kg for 35 week bb is v small size. Oya, i shld call e clinic to check e charges 1st before i go. Lucky u reminded me. I nv tot of tt. Thanks!

I feel like waiting for bb to delivered aldy den check but at the same time i scare what if is cancer den might as well detect early. Okay, i being negative. Like mummychua said, dunno will it affect e milk flow anot.

attigal, 20%! if is kiddy member, will there b additional discount? Do you noe e sales will last till when?

Nope the member card cannot be used with promotions... still I think 20% is good savings! Btw, promo till 18 nov.
thirdtimemum, dun worry abt GBS, i was positive too during #1's time. I had a swap test during 1st trim n my doc gave me oral antibiotics to clear it up. A second swap was done upon completion of the oral antibiotics n GBS was gone. Doc gave me a second course of oral antibiotics at wk 35, just in case. If you r worried, maybe u can ask ur doc if it's better for u to start oral antibiotics now instead of waiting till labour then administer drip?
gynae induced me when #1 overdue for 9 days, he said shouldn't wait any longer. thanks for your encouragement, guess I shouldn't be too stressed over the GBS result.

Thirdtimemum, iirc, I had positive Gbs for my #1 too n my gynae give me antibiotics to take before I popped. Everything turn out ok, so don't worry!

Eeesh!! must be painful!.... I will be wk38 day3 tomorrow for my regular check up.

Don't cry! She's faith! Everything will turn out to be fine. Jia you!!

For this time, I hope I don't be a kancheong spider like my first 2. Patiently wait for the real sign to go in hospital.

**pray for everyone here for smooth delivery**

Hi mommies, how do you know "the real sign to go in hospital"? contraction how many mins apart? I also want to take a leisurely shower, meal before going hospital but everyone around me is saying go first once waterbag burst or contraction to monitor bb better...but I don't like to be tied to the bed too soon....very sian.

i ask doc, doc say anything just go hospital first and let nurse check, at most sent back only....lol

sorry for the noob question, first time mum here, thanks!
