(2013/11) November 2013

Hi Nov mummies,

I'm new here too...EDD 10 Nov, expecting a bb girl. Gynea: Dr Tham.

Hi deliriousdreams, my bb gal is abt 2kg @ 36 weeks. I was kinda worried too....Dr say ok but I still hope that bb will catch up in the last few weeks. My hb kept saying so long as healthy most impt so I am trying to keep positive abt it and keep telling bb to jiayou, gain weight and be healthy. So be positive and don't worry too much ya?
Hi gal..I am planning for my 2nd c-sect on 30 Oct 2013..hope will not be painful....my gynae ok with epidural even for my placenta previa...I rem for my 1st c-sect...i keep bending n holding onto my wound...n walk like a old lady....took me so much time to walk to the toilet..n got difficulty to come down from the bed...

but did the nurse put a binder for u...it will help tremedously...

wishing u a speedy recovery...btw try not to carry your #1 or heavy things for a month as e wound might spilt...n take fish essence for better wound recovery...jia you...

Hi, is ur placenta previa major or just partial? Partial placenta previa can do epi.
Attigal, hubby n I are both early nov babies. Our #1 is mid dec babe. Now #2 EDD is 3/11. Since hubby n I are Chinese, can only conclude CNY and subsequent month or so is prime bb making period within our families ;)
Morning ladies. Been days i chk here as i am lazy to read n reply =P

Heater water sld also do the trick? Since its warm water mah and we can adjust the temp of water as n when we wan. Boiled water sooo troublesome le and still must wait for it to cool. Olden days i can understand no heater water and well water is cool and weather nt as humid nw le. My parents are also ok with me bathing as hygiene is really impt Abd they trust me to know wat i am doing.

I think aft 6mths sld be ok la. By then basic jabs taken, ss established and with tbf, baby sld be healthy (most bfed babies dun fall sick easily but there are exceptions).
I find holidays with a baby pretty easy. U dun have to worry if there is food suitable for them as they will be on tbm. Even if u have started cereals, its fuss free. Just pour cereals out n pump fresh bm and mix and viola 1 meal settled.

Yes! Weather has been terrible hot but i will choose tt over rainy days as i can clear alot of laundry at 1 go. Lol! Rainy days mean my dirty clothes will pile up and i have yet to finish washing my #3 clothes!

Wenhui/peilee and all new mummies,
Welcome to the thread!

All the best to your boy for his SA exam =)

Ouch!!! I heard tt csect cuts thro 7 layers before reaching the baby. I rather go thro natural birth and suffer contraction pains than go thro csect! Pls take care of ur wound ya n speedy recovery!

Hahaha! Feb has a vday mah! A romantic mth for making baby. Kekeke.
Littleprince, aiya! missed it again.. i actually wanted a PM slot on Monday but hubby cannot make it. Nvm, we sure can meet one day or even after e bb is born! haha.. Dont have to feel bad abt sacking ppl actually. It will b even better to let them go rather den make them stay and u suffer.

fuzzybear, oh no. Your bb girl is testing you. ya, i agreed not to alarm e gyne 1st since not v sure. Must monitor regularly. Tell your bb girl b a good girl and come out on ur scheduled c-sec.

SN, your bb girl is such a sweetie pie! I saw her pic on fb...omg.. feel like hugging her! How i wish i hav a girl as well.. Can feel ur pain man... I oso hav low tolerance of pain. My cousin said she only recover after 3 weeks? But my fren said after she discharge, she feel not so pain le. I tink depend on individual. I noe is very hard to control e pain. Jia you! Try not to move ard so much else e wound v hard to recover. Keep looking at ur darling ya.

Val, maybe i can consider holiday somewhere near next year cos i really craving b badly for holiday!! Jus sit plane to KL i oso shuang! lol...

ankh, high 5! Me and my hubby r early Nov babies as well. And we conclude our family as November family!!! hahaha...

Xuan, same here! I was telling my hubby our next bb shld plan 2 or 3 years later. Maybe we can be the same mtb for our 2nd baby! keke...

re: Bugis wholesales
Last time there is this wholesales of selling herbs further down the bugis mrt, but now they shifted. My sis said get there is cheaper but not sure where it shifted to instead of getting from e Long ma at the Si Ma Lu there.
Attigal, hubby n I are both early nov babies. Our #1 is mid dec babe. Now #2 EDD is 3/11. Since hubby n I are Chinese, can only conclude CNY and subsequent month or so is prime bb making period within our families ;)

Woahahahah!!! Funny sia. My elder Nov bb too. My younger boy Sept bb. Both of them are hoping to welcome this little brother in Oct so that they can have Sep, Oct & Nov to celebrate birthdays. As we always make their birthday a special day.
good morning mummies! i finally received my new office laptop, its such a breeze to clear my work now compared to the previous laptop that kept lagging. yesterday was really a popping day, apart from a few mummies updating their deliveries in FB, 2 of my gfs delivered yesterday too! i am going to visit one of them at TMC later.

fuzzybear is currently in hosp due to her contractions yesterday, think she is not delivering yet but under observation to delay giving birth.

ankh, won't know if his character will change in future lor. but he kept asking me repeatedly abt why i didn't inform maid i am returning her till i told him last night not to ask me anymore since she is already gone. grrr!

SN, congrats again and rest well!

valenjo82, some of us took up the packages together with Bambini and already got the free prints included in our pkg. thks for sharing.

mawanab, aiyo .. only can get to chat with you once in a blue moon leh. i need to interview a maid today and if she is ok, probably 4-5 wks to come. agent said he will help me to expedite. after yr appt on happy anni!

felval, thks and i hope he will have lesser careless mistakes! can't wait for his exams to be over!!
LittlePrince, hope Fuzzybear is coping well with her irregular contraction.

Anyone know where to go for a good 拔罐 (cupping) and 刮痧? can recommend? I want to go after giving birth...
morning mummies!!

Yes yesterday was a popping day! Hahaha i felt so happy looking at all the nbs... cant wait to have my little one in my arms also.. going for my checkup later... got to ask gynae if my bb is in engaged position anot.. but these few days feel that my tummy is in lower position.. crossing my fingers..

just saw fuzzybear update on her contractions that it is now 30 mins apart.. good to hear that also..

littleprince: haha your #1 is so cute! He is really very heartwarming leh.. i seldom see kids really show so much concern.. unless the helper really worked there for a long time if not normally i thought they no feel one.. hahaha but sometimes this can be abit loh soh i know.. hahahaha

felval: i also thought heater water also should works.. cos sometimes when hot weather the water that comes out from the heater is even hotter dan boiled water.. but my mil say cannot... Sighhhhhh... Since she already say so i decide to guai guai listen.. hahaha i dun want to challenge old folks's belief.. cos later challenge i sure lose one.. dan i end up become the losing end.. hahaha and if they dun mind the extra cost of gas i also dun want to say le.. :) better dan nothing!

mummies, can i know how you handle the bb when you are on flight? cos when taking off and landing point how to prevent the bb from getting the ear block thingy? adults can take it but how abt bb? i also trying to plan a holiday in next year jun leh.. but my hub seems want to bring bb along.. but i am hesitating on that point..
Oh no.. hope fuzzybear contraction will go away soon...

Issit becos of the exam coming tt why pri sch no school? Cos these few days, the traffic was good, no jam near e sch area...
fuzzybear, saw on FB that you were warded ytd. hope everything is ok... update us!

twinnie87, on 24 Oct you will be how many weeks? did u start your once every two weeks visit with dr tham after 35 wks?

wenhui1981, why do you think you will deliver earlier? mummy's six sense? :)

littleprince, i will try to come in more often after the event this evening :) missed chatting with you girls too... FB is somewhat different. heh...
hope you'll get a suitable maid soon. will update all when my maid comes... hahaa... so looking forward to having someone to clean the house! my house is super dusty cos hubby don't want to let me clean... but he's always tired... oh well... just have to tahan a bit longer...
Oh no.. hope fuzzybear contraction will go away soon...

Issit becos of the exam coming tt why pri sch no school? Cos these few days, the traffic was good, no jam near e sch area...

cos now secondary sch no more exams already.. only left primary school having their exam.. so maybe thats why traffic is better?
mawanb, i would be 38 weeks on 24 oct.
after 35 weeks visit, dr tham will see you 2 weeks later.
after 37 weeks, he will then see you once a week.
hope Fuzzybear is ok.. Like Xuan said yesterday, I am also wondering how she wait till 31th Oct.. Be it early delivery or wait, all the best!!..
This week PSLE marking so no school for primary. Next week traffic will be as usual liao.
hello mummies...

welcome new mummies joining the thread... :) so many of you... :)

Was on MC yday. Bad heartburn that cause me to keep vomiting. been losing sleep over my heartburn too...
has to constantly be taking cold drinks to curb it but awful....

Little prince, your boy so sweet... give him a big hug from me...
dun feel bad abt sacking ppl or asking ppl to go... else you suffer even more...
think for yourself... :) cheer up...

fuzzybear, hope you can get discharge soon...
and hope that your 2 boys will recover well soon too...

SN, your princess so cute lor... try to move ard slowly... dun be too fast... c-sec wound usually quite painful.

think not necessary to go too far off to buy the confinement bath herbs?
try getting from those neighbourhood shops... I rem 3 yrs ago, my mum managed to buy at $1 each....
me just returned from TMC to visit 2 gfs who just delivered yesterday, 1 via csect and 1 via normal with epi. apparently, both did not manage to get the 1 bedded room they booked so 1 was given a 2 bedded (my gf has the room to herself, hb slept on the other bed) and the other gf got a premier room (both paid single room charge). my gf with normal/epi delivery stayed 1 night only and bill to pay by cash (after deducting medisave) was around $3K+. the other gf who underwent csect can only be discharged on Sun. my gf with Dr Tham was recc to purchase Fenugreek (supplement for bfg) though, am thinking if i should buy on my own first via iHerb then (I used to take this when bfg #1 too).

lxb, can feed water or milk when plane is taking off or landing for younger babies. for older kids, just give them a sweet to suck.

pinky, its PSLE marking week so no school.

febie, sometimes very angry with him sometimes find him very funny. but he is like tt wan, if you ask him which teacher he likes more, he will tell you he likes all of them. he has a very kind heart la but sometimes, can get cheated easily lor. yesterday, he told me he is glad i stopped him from going Bangkok for holiday with his daddy this week else he would have been in big trouble with his exams next week. initially, he was upset with me for not allowing him to go. i am not sad abt asking the maid to go la, but i wish i can manage everything on my own lor.
Hello mommies,

I just visited fuzzybear in her ward, i think her contractions r getting better n her dr wants her to tahan till wk37 i.e. next wed.

I feel so much better today. Finally, walking normally, only some pain getting off the bed. Phew. My dr told me confidently yesterday that the wound shouldnt hurt more than 48hrs, just some issue with getting on, off bed only.

Feeling engorgement today. Latched and baby kept falling asleep and so i tried to pump and only maybe 10ml of milk. Saw the LC and told her tt for #1, i gave up latching cos he latched for an hr and then slept for an hr and woke up hungry again. The LC said "thats's normal. Nowadays, women have help at home such that they can just concentrate on feeding themselves and their baby (ie latch the whole day)" i was thinking to myself, "huh?! I certainly dont fall into this category of women who have nothing else to do except feed myself and feed baby loh....-.-''''

My son saw meimei for the first time yesterday. He was so excited abt the present we got for him and even said thank you meimei for the present. Hehe. Then he kept wanting to see meimei close up but my hb was so scared that he will accidentally hurt meimei. I somehow feel that it is true when pple say "mommy's boy and daddy's girl". Hb v over protective towards meimei. Altho i know meimei is an infant and is v fragile, i am not as paranoid abt it and am alot more concerned over my son's reaction to meimei.
SN, good to know you are feeling better. i think it will be very tiring to latch the entire day even if we are very free? i am also not sure how i want to latch if baby keeps sleeping whenever i latch and wakes for milk when i want to rest. my gf whom i visited earlier said her #1 said "not mei mei buy wan, its mummy buy wan." when she gave her the pressie saying its from baby for her. LOL! when can you be discharged?
Hey guys checking in. Miserable man. My heart rate is abv 100 beats per min even after dropping ventolin to the minimal. Doc say can see my body cannot tahan the meds at all. I can't rest too cos hips so painful and the stupid ctg attached to me until I got rash from it!! My doc refused to get the baby out even though my contractions were very strong. He said I'm the best incubator for the bb which is true lah. I'm so uncomfortable now that I really want her out.

I drove myself to the hospital again cos I was confident that it was gonna be a false alarm. Haha. In the way there kena one or 2 contractions but it was more uncomfortable than painful. When I got to the delivery suite and was hooked up to the ctg the nurses were shocked that I didn't feel a lot of pain. Keep asking me if I feel pain or not cos the contractions were classified as strong. They immed told me this type of contractions need to be warded for 2 nights min. Zzzz start of my torture. Then told me within an hr of having ventolin the contractions shd stop but it didn't. That's when they told me there's a chance I might have to c-sec that night and that I shd call my hb (who was still at work cos I thought this was a false alarm).

SN, thanks for visiting me. U look really fab leh! Not like some one who just had a c-sec. Haha.
SN, whistle, can still look good after major op. Can discharge tomorrow?

Fuzzybear, I really dont know how how u tolerate the aches and pains and the boredom. I think by now I would've started throwing saucepans at ur gynae.

Littleprince, think ur boy's basic character quite formed by now. That's why must make sure he finds sweet girl hehe.

Just came back from gynae's. She told hubby not to go anywhere for last week of Oct cos most likely bb will be out by then. Still feeling very unprepared.
Haha, i thought i was looking crappy in my grandmotherly hospital breastfeeding gown and oily (not washed for 3 days) hair. Lol. Here's my pain rating for c-sect: 1st day - 99% (only 1% relief from painkillers). 2nd day - 70%. 3rd day - 30%.
Natural birth: 1st day - 30%, 2nd day - 0%.

Mommies who succeeded latching fully previously, did u latch every hour initially too? Where did u get the patience n perseverence for it? Im still thinking whether to latch or pump after discharge. Initially wanted to pump fully but now i kinda enjoy the bonding experience n the look of satisfaction on my girl's face after latching haha. But i have to pump after latching now cos she doesnt empty my breasts. Pump n latch is the most tiring combination.

Litprince, ankh, i will b discharged tom.

Aiyoh fuzzybear just said on fb tt her contractions went back to 5mins apart. If ur dr insists tt u tahan till next wed, u have to stay a week in glen? So ex!
SN, ouch about the c sec. I used to latch every two hours, each side 15-20min. Two hours counted as beginning of one feed to the start of next. Can't remember from which week it stretched past two hours at night. Maybe from the start? Baby will just stop feeding when full, so may not finish both sides completely. Just resume next feed from side not fully emptied previously.
i remembered before CL left I would pump one time out at night cos that's when the breasts were very full. U hv CL helping at home?
Hehe, perseverance was there because both hubby and I have/had eczema, asthma, sinus, so chances of our kid having one/two/three of them was great. Apparently babies fed fully on BM have lesser chance of developing such allergies, or at least hopefully not be so severe.
Yep, pump n latch most tiring. Either do so only if u hv someone able to help u, or that u hv bought gazillion milk bottles and teats to clean and sterilize only once a day.
Btw, I've ever fallen asleep while letting #1 latch on for nite feeds :p
Morning mommies..... V soon many of u will join me here at odd hours of the day, latching or pumping...hehe.. I look forward to ur company. Just latched 25min on one side n bb fell asleep. Pressed button for nurse to bring back to nursery n nurse asked me how long i latched, i said 25min n she said "only ah?!" Wah biang -.-" then she asked me to pump in case bb wakes up hungry again. Wah, i thot 25min is the norm n one hr is the inefficient latcher? How come these days nurses n LCs all say latch longer.... Latch too long will get sore nipples loh.

I think my girl is alr more efficient in latching than my son cos thruout the 25min, she was suckling n didnt fall asleep, so should b long enough wat.

Ankh, yes i heard tt 2hrs start from beginning of feed to start of next feed. So if u latch 30min, u only have 1.5hr left to rest. Aiyoh. But if u pump, u have 3hrs of rest (i cheated cos i count 3hrs from end of pump to start of next pump n it was ok for my ss. Haha)

My mom is my CL. So even if i have help, i also cant be in my room latching whole day whole night mah, #1 will b so neglected leh.

My son's classmate's mommy gave birth a mth ago n she shared w me that she spent so much time latching that her #1 grew v close to the maid n didnt want her at the end of confinement. Aiyoh so sad.
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Morning mummies.
Morning, SN.
Soon will be few mummies joining in at weird hours, LOL.
U will be bzy bonding with #2 & trying to spend time wih #1
SN, then my #1 considered inefficient hehe. Can train bb to drink faster. Let u know when I next see my friend. At young age her #2 fed fast. for now I thought the 15-20min each side quite good already right? Main aim to let bb get to hind milk. 25min per breast like quite long. Ur bb has good latch. More than half battle won.
Morning mommies..... V soon many of u will join me here at odd hours of the day, latching or pumping...hehe.. I look forward to ur company. Just latched 25min on one side n bb fell asleep. Pressed button for nurse to bring back to nursery n nurse asked me how long i latched, i said 25min n she said "only ah?!" Wah biang -.-" then she asked me to pump in case bb wakes up hungry again. Wah, i thot 25min is the norm n one hr is the inefficient latcher? How come these days nurses n LCs all say latch longer.... Latch too long will get sore nipples loh.

I think my girl is alr more efficient in latching than my son cos thruout the 25min, she was suckling n didnt fall asleep, so should b long enough wat.

Ankh, yes i heard tt 2hrs start from beginning of feed to start of next feed. So if u latch 30min, u only have 1.5hr left to rest. Aiyoh. But if u pump, u have 3hrs of rest (i cheated cos i count 3hrs from end of pump to start of next pump n it was ok for my ss. Haha)

My mom is my CL. So even if i have help, i also cant be in my room latching whole day whole night mah, #1 will b so neglected leh.

My son's classmate's mommy gave birth a mth ago n she shared w me that she spent so much time latching that her #1 grew v close to the maid n didnt want her at the end of confinement. Aiyoh so sad.

Its just a passing phase for your friend :) afterall, maid can replace, mummy cnnot!
first day back home, seems chaotic. my mom who is doing confinement for me, seems stressed. house so messy n when it was time to put #1 for his nap, no one remembered to make him his milk! poor boy! i was busy packing, hb played with #1 in his room waiting for his milk while my mom was busy in the kitchen. #2 slept like a sleeping beauty from hospital to home n now went back to sleep again after latching another 25min.

ankh, the LC says must latch ard 40min one side let, to fully empty breast..... aiyoh i will see how. seriously the baby won't rem the latching sessions when she grows up, n the longer one latch, the harder to wean off next time..... dilemma.
Hello.. Went for gynae check up just now and choose to induce on 24th Oct.. I'm graduating soon!!

totorodino: Your son v cute.. Its good that he love meimei so much!!
I went for mount A pre-natal class.. If i remember correctly they mentioned breast feed every 3 hrs and each feeding about 1 hr so can rest for 2 hrs. If 40 min one side then no need to rest liao!!
SN, congratulations on delivering your bb girl! So happy and envy that you can hold your girl in your arm. I am like some mummies here, can't wait to see my girl too in another 2 weeks!

Have seen gynae on Wed and bb's weight never increase much since 3 weeks ago. Only 50g :(. At 36weeks 6days, bb only weighing 2.3kg. Gynae said everything is ok and bb belongs to small size. Asked me not to worry. She said some bb will stop or slow down in growing at the last few weeks but I don't understand why. I thought at last stage, bb will grow very fast?
H ladies! Haven't been checking in in a while here, just reply occasionally on FB and whatsapp :p

I seem to be recovering from the 2nd csec much better than the first, not sure if it's because body condition improved after "bu'ing" during #1's confinement, or because the doc who did the csec has better skills? Since mine was a emergency csec, end up because I chose C ward in KKH, they didn't notify my regular gynae at all but the gynae on duty did the csec for me. Thank goodness everything turned out well! The csec was at ard 5pm on Mon, and I was off the bed and walking by Tues afternoon. Baby was sent to SCN for low birth weight - 2.2kg and because they had some difficulty getting her out and had to use forceps, but they ran tests and didn't find any issues so they sent her to my ward in the middle of the night and I starting latching her at ard 5am on Tues! Also, for some of you who remember my blood complications, her platelet levels were normal, which is a huge relief for us :)

SN, what I understand from the nurses is that first few days they will get you to latch as long as possible to stimulate your supply, and to train baby to feed at longer intervals. Baby roomed in with me in KKH, so the nurses will come by to remind me to latch every 3 hrs and record how long each feed is. Sometimes really can take 1hr cos baby keep falling asleep in between and have to wake her up hehe... I think the constant latching helps, my milk kicked in on day 3 and baby also started latching with more strength and skill. I only used the pump to clear the hard parts that baby couldn't clear... for me, the pump makes my nipples more sore than baby sucking so I prefer to latch :p
Hello, for those who don't know, I have popped already! Yesterday at 1137hr! Baby is 3.11kg for a borderline premmie which is a superb weight! Yesterday morning at 6am I was to start my ctg. if minimal contractions I can go home. But in the middle of the night I was woken up by 2 massive contractions but was too tired to tell the nurses. Anyway at 6am my contractions were 3 mins apart! Strong ones too! Gynae came at 7 and said likely to have to get her out because my previous c-sec scar was hurting, which might lead to it rupturing.

Tell u guys something funny, I was so insistent that I washed my hair before baby came that I broke down and cried! Cos I have been warded since thurs and haven't bathed for a few days! My gynae refused to let me off the bed so I called him to beg and beg. He relented so long as I do a bed bath. Haha. I really cried leh!

Anyway baby is doing really well for a premmie. Latching well too though initially her blood sugar level was low so PD insisted a feed of FM. By the time I could latch her it will almost 6 hr aft birth. So frustrating!

SN, hang in there. Takes awhile to get used to the 2 kid routine.

Sei, I haven't managed to get off the bed yet cos my gynae is away today plus I threw up last evening. Really dizzy from the spinal block. I really hate c-sec man. The whole experience sucked to the core.
Congratulations fuzzybear! Happy and glad to know mummy and bb are safe! Your bb girl really can't wait to come out to see her mummy hehe.

Since your bb is latching well means your milk supply already starts kicking in?

By the way, anyone of you can refer me to someone from cordlife? Jialat I left with 2+ wks to sign up. Don't know can or not.
Hello, for those who don't know, I have popped already! Yesterday at 1137hr! Baby is 3.11kg for a borderline premmie which is a superb weight! Yesterday morning at 6am I was to start my ctg. if minimal contractions I can go home. But in the middle of the night I was woken up by 2 massive contractions but was too tired to tell the nurses. Anyway at 6am my contractions were 3 mins apart! Strong ones too! Gynae came at 7 and said likely to have to get her out because my previous c-sec scar was hurting, which might lead to it rupturing.

Tell u guys something funny, I was so insistent that I washed my hair before baby came that I broke down and cried! Cos I have been warded since thurs and haven't bathed for a few days! My gynae refused to let me off the bed so I called him to beg and beg. He relented so long as I do a bed bath. Haha. I really cried leh!

Anyway baby is doing really well for a premmie. Latching well too though initially her blood sugar level was low so PD insisted a feed of FM. By the time I could latch her it will almost 6 hr aft birth. So frustrating!

SN, hang in there. Takes awhile to get used to the 2 kid routine.

Sei, I haven't managed to get off the bed yet cos my gynae is away today plus I threw up last evening. Really dizzy from the spinal block. I really hate c-sec man. The whole experience sucked to the core.

Not bathing for a few days is super awkward... i cannot stand my hair not wash for more than 2 days.. my face will also be oily slimy... super pek cek!!
SN, congratulations on delivering your bb girl! So happy and envy that you can hold your girl in your arm. I am like some mummies here, can't wait to see my girl too in another 2 weeks!

Have seen gynae on Wed and bb's weight never increase much since 3 weeks ago. Only 50g :(. At 36weeks 6days, bb only weighing 2.3kg. Gynae said everything is ok and bb belongs to small size. Asked me not to worry. She said some bb will stop or slow down in growing at the last few weeks but I don't understand why. I thought at last stage, bb will grow very fast?

Fairyland, My bb same weight as yours. 2.3kg at week 36...growth slowed down since week 33... So Gynae ask me eat more over the next 1-2weeks lo...hopefully my bb can reach 2.5kg when born...now i have to stuff myself with alot of protein... i would love to have durian, but sadly, no more mao shan wang during this period...

My daily diet now is as follows-:

1. Low fat, Hi Cal Marigold Milk (i cannot take milo.. too heaty for me) (as and when)
2. Greek Yogurt (Snacks)
3. Low fat kraft cheese (snacks)
4. Subway Egg mayo and Turkey wrap (apparently Turkey breast meat has higher protein content than beef o_O)
5. Gardenia Banana and Walnut bread with butter (breakfast)
6. Dinner- i just see what i can eat.

item 1-4 will give you quite substantial amount of protein already.. i am trying to whack as much as possible now.
Hi all, i hv been following this thread but only recently sign in as member. My edd is on 9 nov. Can anyone add me in our secret fb?
Hi all,

Is it advisable for new mommies in confinement to be visited by someone else? I heard from a friend that it might not be a good thing. Is it
Fairyland, My bb same weight as yours. 2.3kg at week 36...growth slowed down since week 33... So Gynae ask me eat more over the next 1-2weeks lo...hopefully my bb can reach 2.5kg when born...now i have to stuff myself with alot of protein... i would love to have durian, but sadly, no more mao shan wang during this period...

My daily diet now is as follows-:

1. Low fat, Hi Cal Marigold Milk (i cannot take milo.. too heaty for me) (as and when)
2. Greek Yogurt (Snacks)
3. Low fat kraft cheese (snacks)
4. Subway Egg mayo and Turkey wrap (apparently Turkey breast meat has higher protein content than beef o_O)
5. Gardenia Banana and Walnut bread with butter (breakfast)
6. Dinner- i just see what i can eat.

item 1-4 will give you quite substantial amount of protein already.. i am trying to whack as much as possible now.

Yogini, try taking beef or durian. I dunno where msw is still available but a good bet is geylang :) else if u r not fussy any kind of durian will help.
Congratulations fuzzybear! Happy and glad to know mummy and bb are safe! Your bb girl really can't wait to come out to see her mummy hehe.

Since your bb is latching well means your milk supply already starts kicking in?

By the way, anyone of you can refer me to someone from cordlife? Jialat I left with 2+ wks to sign up. Don't know can or not.

Hi fairyland I have pm you on the cordblood referral details. All the best!

Fairyland, My bb same weight as yours. 2.3kg at week 36...growth slowed down since week 33... So Gynae ask me eat more over the next 1-2weeks lo...hopefully my bb can reach 2.5kg when born...now i have to stuff myself with alot of protein... i would love to have durian, but sadly, no more mao shan wang during this period...

My daily diet now is as follows-:

1. Low fat, Hi Cal Marigold Milk (i cannot take milo.. too heaty for me) (as and when)
2. Greek Yogurt (Snacks)
3. Low fat kraft cheese (snacks)
4. Subway Egg mayo and Turkey wrap (apparently Turkey breast meat has higher protein content than beef o_O)
5. Gardenia Banana and Walnut bread with butter (breakfast)
6. Dinner- i just see what i can eat.

item 1-4 will give you quite substantial amount of protein already.. i am trying to whack as much as possible now.

Yogini: I eat cheese too and also drink Friso mum. Am trying to eat durian too. Trying to beef up bb's weight although gynae never ask me to eat more. Subway egg mayo and turkey wrap seems yummy. Will try to eat that too!

Attigal: Yeah saw fuzzybear's posted here that she has delivered. But too bad am not yet been invited to secret FB group so cannot see all the cute babies' pictures. Thanks mummy for the cordlife referral!
