(2013/11) November 2013

Fuzzybear, in the end hubby smart. Bought two types of choc cake, luckily one of them was what I wanted ie. no mousse. Just choc sponge with thick choc icing. But wasted money la. Oh dear, your appetite also still so bad. But can still eat a bit?

Pinky, wah, your colleague's hubby, with photo still can go wrong, ultimate win!

mummychua, we cannot let our hubbies meet!

Littleprince, Tracey has no smh nick. Think she only appears in FB LOL.

Morning mummies,
I am so sleepy.
Awake by nightmare & unable to zzz since 4 am....................
Lucky yesterday, nua at home & zzz alot.
Pinky & fuzzy, now yr make me crave for Gong cha & Koi:D
pinky, me on leave tdy and Thu coz coaching #1 for his exams next week. i can't wait for his exams to be over!!!

sleeping overnight - i rem back then when i joined forum while expecting #1, many of the mummies were busy going out for late supper but a few of us (including me) were sleeping early coz always felt tired. after delivery, we were the ones where our babies slept real early compared to the other mummies' babies where their babies slept very late every night. so, i believe its related to our sleeping habits during pregnancy. but this round hor, i am always sleeping and waking coz my hb sleeps late usually to watch soccer or play games so i will keep waking (am a light sleeper), hopefully baby will not be like me! i think if baby is of a good weight, there is no need to wake him/her up for night feeds. on the contrary, babies really grow well when they sleep well. my #1's looks and built changed almost totally after i sent him to nanny's place fm 6 wks onwards coz he slept well during the day (he refused to sleep when he was at home with me during ML!).

fuzzybear, you need to take care, sounds like you may deliver at any time with all the pains coming on and off. yarrr, i have a sweet tooth but not oversweet kind, so my BBT is 0% sugar wan. eh, i dreamt on Fri night that i have given birth but baby was only with me a week later coz she was with my ex-MIL (i must be traumatised by #1's delivery when i fell sick after delivery and #1 was taken care of by ex-MIL for 2 wks :p) and when i tried to latch baby, she didn't know how to latch despite my attempts. in the end, my nipples were bleeding but still couldn't get her to latch! scaryyyyy ... i really really hope i can bf better this round.

ankh, you were the mummy tt mentioned abt Britax car seat on sale in Robinsons right? did you buy in the end? i didn't go Robinsons coz had 3 kids in tow during the wkend and i had a slight flu so didn't really go anywhere much.
eh, mummies. i am thinking if i should change my current helper who will be here for a month by end of this wk. hb and i find tt she is lazy and does not take initiative, and not honest. for the lazy part, i am not sure if its coz there is nothing very much to do at our place at present (we are out most of the day and #1 is in sc, so she has nothing to do after completing basic chores). based on what i observed in cctv, she will be playing with her phone most of the day after completing her chores, or she will hide in the toilet for long hours (dunno do what) coz tts the only place where there is no cctv. for the does not take initiative part, her cleaning skills are no good, she doesn't wash things clean and when i ask her (e.g. toilet floor not clean), she said my brush was no good but i feel she should have asked me if i can get a better brush for her to clean? for the not honest part, in my last 2 shopping trips with her at supermarket, she will at times ask if i eat certain items which i realized its coz she likes to eat them. so if its not too exp or what, i will buy for her since she needs to cook her own lunch on wkdays. then in the shopping trip last Sat, i found out at cashier tt she added many items into my trolley without asking me first. there was also a pack of MSG! i asked her if she took that or it was in the trolley and we didn't notice earlier? she said she took it, so i told her MSG is so unhealthy, i don't use it in my household. and then i realized there were additional things that she took but didn't ask me (like Maggi stock cubes, chicken giblets, spring onions etc) if she can buy. i then told her she should be asking me for my permission instead of assuming i will buy all those for her. she then apologized.

after i shared this with hb, he doesn't feel comfortable to keep her but he is also worried it will be tiring for me if we need to wait for a new maid again. of coz its not a die die must hv a helper situation now, and i still hv a mth to EDD and also CL will be here (if new maid not here yet) + my 4 mths of ML. hb feels its better to change to someone we are comfortable with now then to chg even later. what do you all think huh?
Finally I can log in to forum...

Fuzzybear, dun give yourself unnecessary stress... but I think at MIL place we really dun feel good...
I will also have BH and no appetite to eat...

SN, I did something naughty last weekend lor.... purposely bring #1 out with me for lunch and ktv and only allow him to nap in the car when we on the way back to fetch hub to go mil pl... he was moodless for dinner and keep saying MIL cook not nice.. really not nice...
Hub heard it but not the mil but I still feel happy... end up hub dun dare delay and leave immediately after dinner to pack mac for #1 due to his request...
Thinking if MIL wanna provoke me every sat when we visit, i'm gg to bring my boy out every sat and enjoy and let him nap 1 hr the most...
and I think he really similar with me in term of taste buds... we cant stomach much at mil pl although the ingredient she used is good...

littleprince, I would suggest you change the maid... I think she has no basic respect and took your kindness for granted...
and if you and hb dun like her this behavior, long run, you will run into problem with her too....
she has all the time at home to clean etc... and she show no initiative to ask you if you can get something else for her to clean...
else she would look ard and see what you have... you have her for almost a month right?
better change now than later.
Little Prince, u are not the only one with maid issue.. although my current maid is very much cleaner than the old maid, she is also completely new hence much slower and also hasn't have a routine yet. My hb is spoilt by the old maid so expects this one to be as gd (he doesn't care abt the level of cleanliness). Old maid will rather sit there and play with my boys (so hb can snooze) while new maid does her chores diligently. one thing though, my new maid very fussy with food. and she has been making a lot of calls home cos she is home sick. Already asked us to lend her money so she can top up her SIM card to SMS her hb.. I have to say for me, it can be a bit frustrating too because she really doesn't know how to plan but we all can see that she is improving week by week.

As for ur maid, if she isn't able to do things up to ur standard now, she prob won't be able to do anything up to ur standard when ur bb comes. u dun want her to compromise on the way u want her to handle the baby right? that's a big no-no for me. plus that time u are really at her mercy cos she might take it out on the baby and it might be too late for any intervention after u view ur cctv. so change while there's still time.

Febie, wah u really gd leh! ur poor boy though..
Fuzzybear, my boy super one lah... he refused to nap and was enjoying himself at KTV etc...
Once step out of MIL place last sat, he happy and can walk and run...
waving happily goodbye... :p sorry lor but I find that if my mil bothers and care so much abt his moles and blue black,
why dun ask what my boy like to eat even better right?? when my boy young etc, I understand but at least ask if he likes noodles and we can have a change etc... rice with the same dishes every week super boring... and she really crazy lor... she should observe that me and my boy sharing less than an adult portion...
my hb was made to swallow at least 2.5 plate of rice... only he will entertain lah... so me and my boy dun care... let my hub stuff to the beam bah... hahhaa
febie/fuzzybear, i am concerned more on her sub standard in cleaning. it is very obvious tt her cleaning is no good and if she has so much time at my place tt she can use her phone often, the least she can do is to make sure she does her cleaning well. then last wk, she mentioned to me tt its her mum's birthday. i asked her if she would be calling home to wish her mum happy birthday, she said she had no money to call her coz her phone has no money left. i bought her a calling card in the end as i thought since her mum is sick, she should at least give her a call to wish her. maid was very happy when i gave her the card but last Sat, she asked me if i can bring her to 7-11 during marketing trip for her to top up her phone card. she has not collected any salary from me, how come she would have money to top up her card this wk when she did not have money last wk? i am baffled. for hb, he doesn't like it tt she is dishonest coz it means we must be very careful abt leaving valuables around in the house. he doesn't like tt feeling.

if i were to return this maid, i hv to return to the agent i took her fm right? shld i also get a new maid fm the same agent as well? else i will have to pay everything all over again with another agent right?
yup you have to return to the same agent...
in your contract they will state the number of replacement up to how many times etc...
honesty places an impt part I feel... if she's dishonest in the first place, no pt keeping her....
she has a bank account right?
try to get a no experience maid and train her slowly to your expectation?
Littleprince, yah I was the one who mentioned about the britax car seat. Turned out to be safe-n-sound, and looked so similar to what I bought 6 yrs ago lol. Didnt buy cos I was there more for barang I hadn't yet bought for baby.
If u intend to change permanent maid, can try part time maid in interim since u hv CL for first mth n ur #1 is ten already. Part time maid agencies may also need a few tries before you are satisfied with the maids' work, but at least negligible nonsense.
I am sorry I cannot relate your nicks and your profiles on FB :p
I am getting restless by the day. My hb asked me if I enjoy being pregnant yesterday. I replied,"no."
Maybe it is because of the aches and clumsiness now.
So confused thoughts now, want to see my boy soon, but yet want him to stay inside longer so that he could be healthier. LOL EMO la. :p
Yup go back to ur agent Little Prince.. if u really dun wanna take from the same agent then see if they will do any refunds but usually they give u replacement maids (new or transferred). Over time i feel that small small issues will balloon.. u get irritated by the same thing daily and sometimes after a hard day at work, u just dun wanna deal with this mess. best to nip in in the bud.

I m gonna go home later and have a talk with my maid too.

Safe and Sound is the name for Britax in Australia.. so they are one and the same.
Welcome to claval and joycelyn.

Aiyo. I hate puking. Alth i dun puke but i feel nausea more often nw. *hates it*

So sleepy on a rainy day. Oh. And finally i dug out the mittens n booties for wash. Too bad weather nt gd so there is no more bamboos to do my washing. Lol!
afternoon mummies!

yesterday spend the whole afternoon at the sea aquarium.. its quite fun looking at the big tanks and all the fishes but there was so many tourists there.. and they really dun seem to understand english.. when its stated there please off your flash lights, but they still keep taking photos non stop with their flash light on.. really speechless.. but i think yesterday walked too much until today my legs are so sour.. hahaha hope all the walking is helping bb to be in engaged position..

the night before when i was sleeping.. in the middle of the night i suddenly feel like a "dropping" feeling from my tummy down to V area.. does that means bb is in engaged position or was i just thinking too much? hahaha i felt that twice and tummy hardened each time after the "drop" feeling.. but after that everything was back to normal..

pinky: if you have the chance.. try to go to the pool a few more times.. i went two times last week and i feel so light in the pool!! hahaha plus it really helps in relieving the backache.. i feel so much better after walking around in the pool.. got do some exercise better dan never do! :)

fuzzybear: was it because of your experience in the early stages thats why you had the dream? dun think so much.. now that we are reaching the last stage already every thing wil be all right! :)

littleprince: I also think you should change your maid.. though i have no experience in having a maid but looking at friends around me.. i think to have a maid that is responsible and willing to learn will be a good thing.. i saw how my hub's friend almost went crazy with his problematic maid.. imagine last time with the maid, his wife stays inside the room and look after their nb while the maid sits outside and read newspaper.. lucky he insisted in changing his maid back then and got a better maid now.. still on off have some issues but at least he is more willing to adapt to the current maid.. dun give in to your maid and become the "maid" in exchange.. just my feel.. :)
Thks for all your advice! coz i was wondering if its me tts too impatient or what lor. if return, will likely hv to do it this Fri coz Sat is her pay day for 1st mth. will discuss with hb and see what he says. i am intending to just tell her to pack her bag and immediately send her bk, won't give her any advance notice.

fuzzybear, are you intending to change helper too?

swimming - eh, how to get out of the pool with our big tummy huh? I don't think i can do it. :p
For all my 3 pregnancies, i also had tat "dropping" feeling. This one was while i was walking and it actually stopped me in my tracks. Aft tat when i went for my gynae visit, he confirm baby has engaged. But i only felt it once la, nt like urs twice.

Use the stairs to get up lo. I love swimming when preggie also. Really takes weight off me when am in the water. And its the only time i can wear bikini and proudly show off my big tummy. Lol. U will see a big hippo swimming in frog style. Haha. Or someone floating in water with 3 humps. Kekeke.
So emo to be working on the eve of PH!! So happy over the weekend coz PIL are away on holiday, freedom at home to cook n do whatever I like :)

Looks like a number of mummies are popping in Oct instead of Nov, everyday on FB like watching stock mkt so exciting!!

SN, 2 more days to your C-sec!!!! So looking forward to the arrival of your little one!

Recently, I have been having menses-like pain, is this normal?

All the talks on chocolate & bbt makes me crave for one now..! But my ofc here too ulu to buy any of them :'(

Littleprince, I also feel u shd just change the maid since you already have doubts on her capability plus I think with the amt of time we are not at home, the least we need is a honest and trustable maid.
Thks for all your advice! coz i was wondering if its me tts too impatient or what lor. if return, will likely hv to do it this Fri coz Sat is her pay day for 1st mth. will discuss with hb and see what he says. i am intending to just tell her to pack her bag and immediately send her bk, won't give her any advance notice.

fuzzybear, are you intending to change helper too?

swimming - eh, how to get out of the pool with our big tummy huh? I don't think i can do it. :p

haha littleprince find those with steps de.. or slowly climb up the stairs.. but when i was walking out i almost went off balance cos i forgot after coming out from water i m the big fat pig again.. hahaha
For all my 3 pregnancies, i also had tat "dropping" feeling. This one was while i was walking and it actually stopped me in my tracks. Aft tat when i went for my gynae visit, he confirm baby has engaged. But i only felt it once la, nt like urs twice.

Use the stairs to get up lo. I love swimming when preggie also. Really takes weight off me when am in the water. And its the only time i can wear bikini and proudly show off my big tummy. Lol. U will see a big hippo swimming in frog style. Haha. Or someone floating in water with 3 humps. Kekeke.

felval: really ah?? hmmm cos it happened when i was sleeping.. haha so i duno if its really the baby into the engaged position.. now have to wait for my gynae to come back from his holiday/trip.. so must wait for 5 more days.. hopefully bb will be abit more cooperative to tahan awhile more.. lol!
I dun even rem abt the engage feel...
I have been bring #1 to the pool every week, so far ok but gotta be slow when getting out of the pool...
Val, whoo whee wear bikini... I hang up my bikini liao... hahaha...
too much stretch marks to prove first pregnancy....

little prince, ya just tell her on the day u want to send her to agency... just ask her to pack her stuff... dun give any warning etc since you mentioned she's not honest...
febie/fuzzybear, i am concerned more on her sub standard in cleaning. it is very obvious tt her cleaning is no good and if she has so much time at my place tt she can use her phone often, the least she can do is to make sure she does her cleaning well. then last wk, she mentioned to me tt its her mum's birthday. i asked her if she would be calling home to wish her mum happy birthday, she said she had no money to call her coz her phone has no money left. i bought her a calling card in the end as i thought since her mum is sick, she should at least give her a call to wish her. maid was very happy when i gave her the card but last Sat, she asked me if i can bring her to 7-11 during marketing trip for her to top up her phone card. she has not collected any salary from me, how come she would have money to top up her card this wk when she did not have money last wk? i am baffled. for hb, he doesn't like it tt she is dishonest coz it means we must be very careful abt leaving valuables around in the house. he doesn't like tt feeling.

if i were to return this maid, i hv to return to the agent i took her fm right? shld i also get a new maid fm the same agent as well? else i will have to pay everything all over again with another agent right?
Lil Prince, don't prepare her for the departure. Just tell her on the spot on Sat and send her off. Helpers can really be a big headache. The one at my sis place also patterns more than badminton... Worked very slowly, very forgetful, always do the wrong thing and has very strong pride. She will not admit her mistakes and worst of all, like yours, very dishonest. She's been secretly using my sis iPad to upload her sassy pics, using the master bedroom toilets, sleeping on our beds and declared no Hp but being found with one. Then she claimed its for viewing her daughter's fotos with no SIM card. But we had caught her using the phone every now and then. Last straw is today when she just left my toddler in the tub of water while busy messaging away. We had been giving her chance after chance but she has never changed. I had been buying her calling card to call home every week and she claimed that she is texting her brother who turned out to be her bf.

While u r not dependent on the helper and since she is not good, just quickly change. At the very least, u have a CL for a month to help out. Just do it!
Yup. Tts the case for me tat gynae chk n baby has engaged aft tt feeling. Of coz i duno if its coincidental or wat coz i didnt go to my gynae immediately la.
Talk to baby. It really helps in my cases. I kept telling my elder 2 to wait, wait n wait. Lol.

I rem the feeling coz its really a weird feeling.
Haha. Yes. Still donning my bikini for swimming. If nt aft birth with the orange skin tummy dun dare to wear le.
Tt day there were 3 preggie at the pool; 1 lady in long sleeve suit n long slack pant. Another lady whose tummy is smaller than mine n me the biggest in bright colored bikini. I must have looked like a walking exhibit...
hello mommies, wow so many postings today.

febie, your #1 is 4 yrs old? wow can go to KTV already. haha. so when he is in a sleepy/irritated mood, he will complain that her cooking not nice. haha. Was it your mom or mil who took care of him when he was a baby?

after sending #1 to school, hb and i went to eat tiong bahru Ah Chiang's porridge and the zui kuey. after that we went for a movie. came back home in the evening and I went into frantic mode as i havent washed or sterilized #2's bottles or my pump parts yet. spent almost an hr doing all that while #1 was trying to get me to play with him. screamed at hb "what are you doing?!!! cant you see i have so many things to wash?!" then he came out to play with #1....grrrrr. after that i had to sort out meimei's clothes and #1 tried to kpo and mess things up. i got irritated with him, but felt guilty after that. sigh. i should be spending quality time with #1 since it's the second last time before my C-sect already. suddenly felt emo and said sorry to #1, and #1 said sorry to me.....so sweet. sob sob. I really hope i still have time to spend 1-1 time with #1 after giving birth.
SN, you will hv time to make it up to #1. meanwhile, all the best for your c-sect and we look forward to hearing your good news soon! :)
hi all,
i am new here. finally started my waiting....
officially off from work from today.
am a nov mummy and edd is 3 nov.
really excited cos am a FTWM.
hmm... was surfing the net and came across this. find the topics that you all discussed relevant and close to heart.
hope that we can share experiences and go through this period of waiting together.
btw, my name is queenie.
I hope you dun find me intruding.
my email address is [email protected]
Hello Queenie!Welcome
Our EDD is very close, mine's 4th Nov, and this is my #3, I have 2 boys, age 13 & 5, this #3 is a princess! What about yourself? I am working with hubby, so I am still working, even though it's public holiday today, I have been working from home, after #2 was born.
Welcome queenie. I keep thinking I've seen ur nick before lol

I'm so freaking sianz n constipated n tired, then i look at my messy home feel even more tired. I suspect there is a soup container, with soup!, that I haven't opened for days. Dunno what horrors I'll find when I open it up to wash later.

SN, ur #1 very sweet, still know how to say sorry. It's ok, we'll hv opportunities to spend time w #1, just got to get thru last lap now.
Thanks ankh and litprince. Yah, i will have to take one step at a time. We went to T3 just now and while eating at Earle's #1 insisted to hold his own glass of water and then accidentally wet himself. He kept saying change new pants but i was so pissed, i told him, "see, told u to listen to mommy and not hold it." He then stroke my head and said "sorry mommy" awww. I gave him a hug. Sob sob. Have to go thru this last lap and adjust to the next stage of life from tomorrow onwards.

Haha, ankh, how did u manage to forget the pot of soup for days?!
Thanks ankh and litprince. Yah, i will have to take one step at a time. We went to T3 just now and while eating at Earle's #1 insisted to hold his own glass of water and then accidentally wet himself. He kept saying change new pants but i was so pissed, i told him, "see, told u to listen to mommy and not hold it." He then stroke my head and said "sorry mommy" awww. I gave him a hug. Sob sob. Have to go thru this last lap and adjust to the next stage of life from tomorrow onwards.

Haha, ankh, how did u manage to forget the pot of soup for days?!

My mum once told me, they also discovered a pot of soup in the kitchen, which has been left there for don't know how long, and found hundreds of insects in it, that they threw the whole pot away! And they were staying with my sis & brother in law, so there are 4 pairs of eyes, and no one notice, the kitchen is also not big!

When kids say sorry mummy, the heart just melted!
hi bunnymummy,

Thanks for the invite. I have accepted the join group.

Hi third3timemum, this is #1. It's a gal.
I am working for govt. so the leave system is very standard. I clearing my annual leave and then taking the maternity leave before the arrival unless my gal arrrives early.
Figured out should be enough as I have some leave from last yr to be cleared and also due to current state, din really travel anywhere in the earlier part of the yr. my hubby refused to go anywhere out of singapore so yup.... i am stuck in singapore since i know i am preggy

Hi ankh,
It's ok for the house to be messy. My house is also very messy as in no condition to clear the place. maybe will be clearing some stuff away before the baby arrival. sigh...... but got heart but no strength....
Tml is ur big day!! Jia you, safe and smooth csect ya! Keep us updated. We will be waiting for ur gd news =)

Welcome to the thread =)
Hahaha! I have also been stuck in sg since discovered i am preg coz hb kiasi dun wan me out of the country. Nt even to bintan/batam/cruise. The most is sentosa =.=
lucky i went for a long trip last yr but i am really itching for a trip!!!
All the best SN! really excited for u! update us ya?

Meanwhile try and slp early! last night of slping more than 2hrs at one stretch! hehe..
SN, my soup pot in thermal container, so I kept thinking it was empty. Lifted it today to store it, n thought it seemed heavier than normal, so most likely have soup! Been zombie since wk36 la.
Whooeee, finally the pre-scheduled first Nov singleton mummy on her way! Here's to u falling in love again tomorrow, with baby #2!

3xmum, I can understand how the soup container got missed out. I am the king of the kitchen, so hubby prob thot I just didn't bother putting the container back. He also won't touch in case get scolded by me ;p

Queenie, yah, the heart is willing but super hard to get the butt moving. Was forcing myself to pack up lots of nonsense today. Still not finished, but finally, finally my hospital bag has the essentials now.

Fuzzybear, see u everywhere tonite ya? FB, here, chat lol

Oh yeah, hubby bought wrong veg again today. Other groceries correct cos had photos smsed to his phone. His n my definition of green leafy veg quite different. Must take photos of veg I like before delivery!
SN, an exciting day for you today! Pray that it will be a smooth delivery for u and bb girl! Update us once you are awake ya!

How sei? I wonder is she okay after her water bag burst. There's no update of her..

ankh, haha..guys r guys... even w photo, there is a possibility to get the wrong stuff!

Val, i dun even dare to wear my bikini to pool. So pai seh w my fat thighs! And yes! I MISS travelling!! No holiday for me this year at all. Damn depressed when i hear my coll gg holiday or planning holiday this Dec. :( I asked my hubby can we go holiday next year and ask my mum to take care of bb for tt few days and he rejected me. Say wan go holiday muz bring bb go. Cannot abandon bb. If bring bb go, i tink i will hav a second thought. I dun like the idea to bring bb to go travelling until e bb is at toddler stage.

littleprince, sometimes getting a maid depend on luck. Some got a good maid some dun. But i tink since u will hab a confinment lady for tt month to help you, shld b okay to send the current maid go now. So, even new maid come after confinment period, also fine to you since u got a CL to help you.

Yesterday wanted to wash my bb clothes and the weather playing on me again. It was pouring early morning. Sighz. Everytime when i wan to wash bb clothes, the weather play on me. Super gan chiong, i jus wan to settle everything asap cos dunno when bb popping out. My hubby managed to clear the living room yesterday. As for our bedroom, he can only arrange like setting up cot when im in hospital. Kitchen is another messy place. haiz... The hse is really too small! Got no place to put all e stuff.
pinky, sei has delivered already. believe both baby and her are doing well so far.

hb made me mad this morning coz we wanted to send the maid back but could not agree on a date to do so. his schedule is always so erratic, even if we plan he may at times tell me at the last min that he can't make it, then on days that he tells me he can't, he will be free at the last min and end up sleeping late at home before going to work! then he proposed other dates that I cannot and in the end raised his voice and said why always must give in to my schedule? #!!%&(%$@#! I told him I am not even complaining abt his schedule lor, only trying to discuss the right time for both of us to send maid back to agent! then in the end, he said he will try to reschedule his work to send her bk on Fri PM. now that i just reached the office, he text me to ask NOW send maid back can or not? grrrr!!! he thinks only he needs to work and i don't need to, is it?
Good morning Mummies...

Bunnymummy, have you gave birth to your twins?

SN, it's finally your big day today...
So you had a wonderful day yday.
#1 is 44mths gg on to 4yrs old. so can bring him to ktv...
actually, # 1 not first time complain abt MIL cooking leh.... Just that none hear except me...
muz let the "dang shi ren" hear then shiok mah... come out from my mouth sure fight leh... :p

My #1 is being taken care by my mum... I was always telling my friends if he was taken care by my MIL,
I doubt there will be #2 and I will still survived today... muz have jump off somewhere in Sg....
and they totally agreed with me seeing my hb got serious attitude problems... esp those who know him... :p

Val, my bikini only can wear inside now... hahaha bought a lot of tankinis but not all nice...

welcome new mummies... :)

ankh, at least you bother to check before putting into the storage... else gotta trace back where the decay smell came from a few mths later...
Yay SN is already in the ward!! So exciting. Hehehe

Yeah Sei delivered her bb safety.. Think she is prob too busy to update.

Ankh, so u haven't open e thermos pot? Haha ya last night I was bored so went online to just surf abt. Slpt early too. I'm also constipation cos I haven't been in office and when I'm not I tend to drink less water. Plus I keep puking!

Oh dear Little Prince, then how? U can't send maid back alone? I had a heart to thwart talk with my maid on Mon. She requested to leave the house at 10.55pm to go downstairs to call her hb! Earlier that evening, we were out for dinner and while my dad and I were busy taking care of my boys and feeding them, she was busy texting away. I told her off if I ever see her using the phone before 9pm I will confiscate! After that I can see she bucked up a lot. Cos I told her I m employed her to take care of the house, not to worry abt her like another kid.

On leave again today. Dunno what go do. Prob just nua at home. 7 more working days for me.
morning mummies, its Wednesday but feeling like Monday. so blue....

Val, u very hip leh. i have got to the point where i feel very paiseh to wear my bikinis to the pool liao. although im quite lucky that i dont have stretch mark on my tummy but tummy size a bit too outstanding now. cant imagine all the attention on me when i goes to the pool.

SN, good luck with your delivery. update us k. just in the middle of Oct so many Nov mummies pop-ed. 34wks me still got a long wait.

pinky, yesterday i washed some bb stuff as well but no sun seen, so sad... finally get to arrange the kids wardrobe. aiyo my house is really small, barely got enough space to put bb stuff. lucky im not a shopoholic, so my #1 nv have much clothes or toys to begin with. and with bb boy i didnt get much too, since its so boring shopping for boy. just hope that i wont get too much gift set during the full month celebration.

littleprince, relax some man just cant seems to manage their time. just like their inability to buy the correct stuff for their wife even with pictures. but try to send ur maid back asap. at least one thing off the to do list. just to check with you, how long it took for photographer to get back to you with the pictures? they post the photos to you?

ankh, i can totally understand how u can forgot abt the soup in thermal pot. there are times it happened to me too. so now my hub will check on the pot every now and then. did u see how flooded our estate entrance next to the train station got yesterday morning? poor uncle got to sit on the table with the waterfall running pass him...
Littleprince, wah, like dat, can ur hubby send maid back himself? Better than u handling her yourself if your hub's scheduling keeps clashing.

Febie, you're right, good I discovered about the pot now cos the next time I use the pot will most likely be after confinement eeewwww

Fuzzybear, eh, haven't open the pot yet ;p. Will pluck up the courage after sending #1 to school. Do u know what time is SN's c-sec?

Mummychua, I was hiding at home during the downpour ytd. Sooooooo heavy! The poor uncle though.
Good morning!!

SN, it's ur D-day!! Waiting for the updates of your lil princess!

Spend ytd nua-ing away on bed.. Wanted to wash some hankies but the downpour put me off!

ankh, luckily you realized the pot now.. if thermal pot should be still ok la, no insects, just the stench.. maybe u can wear a mask or sth.. :D
good morning all!

hope totorodino have a smooth delivery. time flies! soon we'llbe discussing breastfeeding and sleepless nights. i have been busy packing hospital bag and washing newborn clothes, more or less ready to go.

about husband buyung wrong stuff, i can only agree. my hb can even order wrong dish for me at foodcourt when i already point out to him. i told him he better dun identify wrong baby at the hospital hor!
Hello mommies, im waiting in my ward now. C sect at 1130am. Got a shock when nurse told me i cant eat the whole of today and can only eat soft food tomorrow morning. Aiyoh, im so hungry, good thing i ate steak yesterday! Hahah.

Btw, the RFID tag is already included in the package la, it's not an extra $15, i just asked the nurse manager. The reporter really did Gleneagles injustice with his report.

There's this pack of chocolate cookies they gave to apologise for renovation works in the hospital....i can only see......cannot eat......
hello mummies,

i'm woahwoah08.. joined the thread very early but got v busy with work so i didnt log in to read. now officially on mc, waiting for d-day. my edd is 18 nov but my cervix is alr opened at 32 weeks.. so gynae advised bed rest. I was reading the thread and was hoping to be added to the fb group.. could i trouble any one of u here to add me too? actually i asked a few times but it prob got missed out... thanks!
