(2013/05) May 2013

Vi - I told my hb what you said i.e. dont see how bb come out from me then my hb readily said ok, he dont mind not seeing coz he scared he really faint. hahaha. But I asked my hb, if you dont see how bb come out, then you will think its v.easy to give birth to a bb...my hb say no, he will know how tough it is from the way I scream and scold him then. hahaha. My hb also dont want to cut the cord coz he says wait the blood all over him...haha suddenly all the men become like v.timid when it comes to delivery time.

switsunny - such a coincidence! my hb says he will bring all the notes to hospital when its labour time so he can remind me what type of breathing technique to use etc. hahahaa. btw, have you booked your room at Mt A? I forgot to ask my clinic's nurse if I shld book the room in advance...

charliebrown - haha, your hb v.funny lehs! help to hold your legs considered tough job. hhahaa! how come he didnt cut the cord?

I was quite worried thinking about confinement before i had #1. The thought of not being able to bathe and all frightened me. Not so much labour coz i didn't know what I was waiting for. But later on I tell myself, it's all part of the package. Just deal with it. Hehe. But i'm quite lucky lah, my mom is not too traditional and my massage lady is also quite modern in her thinking although she's an old lady. She allows me to bathe coz we need to keep clean. I washed my hair first thing in the morning after I delivered just in case I wasn't allowed to wash it later on.

My hubby said i almost broke his pinkie finger when I held on to it when contractions came. haha. He stood one side and I recalled he was so excited. He kept saying, I can see the head! I can see the head! And he was like the happiest man in the room when the baby was out.
pinktulip (ipanbaby) - oh gosh when i read ur sentence explaining hubby's excitement i nearly tear.. can imagine in labour room i will be too touched and cry.

Morning all!
2Ks: I also dun dare to watch those delivery videos..so I don't expect my hubby to look down while I deliver. I also scared la, although going to be second time delivering bb, cos each experience is different.

worried79: Mine will throw tantrums outside too, but not to the extend of rolling on the floor yet. At home, he would flip awhile. But cry very loudly! My sister told me before once we have toddlers, we must learn to be very thick skinned outside, cos dunno how our toddlers would drama mama outside. I agree with her.
2Ks - your hb really brave...i dont think i will force my hb to see how bb comes out unless he decides he wants to see it. scared i will scar him for life..hahaha! you v.funny, you talk abt your boy rolling at shopping centres like it is a stunt! hahahaha

- As we enter 3rd trimester and near the edd, i start to get nervous...about the contractions, pushing, sewing, recovery etc. i cant imagine a wound at such a delicate area......

Pinktulip - yup, at least the fairs are held when we still can venture out and shop for a few hrs! but also harmful on the pockets..haha
pinktulip: your hubby must be very touched and happy to see your bb! I think that time after my bb came out, I was in disbelief but I could see my hubby looking very curiously at the bb! Hahaha!

sleepyskies: We did not discuss about him cutting the cord at all. Gynae also never asked us too and he chopped chopped cut the cord!
Hehe, now that u mentioned it, I also felt a little teary. So emo suddenly. But for both my deliveries, all I felt was relief that everything was over & baby's out safely
I didn't cry at all! Stone-heart. Hehehe.

don't watch those videos lah. It's bloody scary! Haha. I never watched them. But after that, when I watch labour stories, I would still cringe.
good morning mummies~~

Yesterday went for childbirth education class and watched the labour video. I cringed as I watched the process lor. Dunno can tahan the pain anot. Still find it abit unbelievable a big baby can come out from there.

Mothercare Fair
Went in the morning around 10.30am. Waited for about 30mins to go in but got chair to sit not too bad. My hubby queued while I went Howards see see look look so time passes fast. Cashier queue was about 10-15mins. Aiya but I dunno what to get since I bought some loot from Expo liao. Only got Dry Mama nursing pads but very good deal for its quality.

Looking forward to the Taka fair. Going on weekend, hope still got good deals.
JC: i have gf that went thru natural and c sec before. all of them said natural better than c-sec. one of them natural no take epi never cry. but after c sec the anesthesia wears off, she cried cos its really painful.

babymaine: i also suspect i am having contractions also. but its not regular so i am not so worried about it. just sian that it comes so early.
yr gynae got give u medication or not.
in hospital also sian leh...but got ppl served u la.
but i hate it when the nurse keep come in to check temperature and blood pressure.
morning mummies... I'm on medication to reduce contractions... it's supposed to relax the uterus... side effects is I'll get hot flush and low blood... then now my daughter having high fever... I got to take care of her cos hubby on course and mil went shopping... haiz... so much for bedrest... anyway my appointment is 6 march... after that will go baby fair... I hope I make it to full term.. so scary... I started washing baby clothes already...
2ks - ya lor... that's why I chose to go home... cos come in and out check ctg check bp check temp... that time when I had Maine I was permanently strapped to the bp machine until my arm orh chey...
i didnt watch the labour videos too when i went for the course lor. but my hubby did. i was thinking labour so scary already better dont make myself more frightened.
so i didnt watch.

but my hubby really daring la...but hor...i dont think i can see any touched feeling on his face lor. kana sai...i pushed so hard leh...wahahahaha..
he cut the cords for both my boys though. he said like cut kueh chap la..
and no blood splashing la! lol

pinktulip: since ours is #3 hor...i always tell myself, okay la..last one already no more already. just tahan...but hor...when the day gets nearer still scared leh!

charliebrown: we mothers will understand if other toddlers outside misbehave la.
i ever encounter mums with their older kids. keep grumbling about noise when they are next table to us.
got once my son accidentally drop the menu on the floor, the mum like super buay song. and then scolded my son asked him to sit properly. darn pissed...
2K : ya..C-sec the recovery too long le. my friend tell me after 1 yr still pain abit when she carry heavy stuff and cannot eat seafood for 3-4 months..haha..

I never really have confinement / baby experience. Among my siblings, i am the first to have bb. My hubby got a nephew but when i pak tor with him, the nephew already 3-4 yrs liao.

So really don't know what to anticipate. Until now hoh, i don't dare to carry infant leh..hahaha..coz too soft liao.
worried79: now at their age is short term memory one. u scold him now later they forget already. so dont waste yr energy...lol

its a phase....soon...will grow out of it...soon...
babymaine: u check in to hospital or what? or strap to CTG machine at gynae there. then he detected contractions.
irregular one?
my hub in the ward totally no feeling i like in pain his expression like nothing. so is like a stone in the ward. LOL but he told me when baby is out he accidentally turn back and saw. then he omg. but didnt faint la. LOL

xuan/sleepyskies: i think 90% i will go for this carrier le.. wont be going for manduca. hehe http://list.qoo10.sg/g/407148345
Mummies..i have 6 small bottles from the Medela pump + 2 hand me down. Should be enough to last for the time being right?
2ks - I went delivery suite to check cos my doc not around... super uncomfy feeling man... check my below... and use those probe to open bigger... orh dunno what to check for dunno what... then do ve... wah kaoz... hate ve man... then she said "ur not dilated, but theres a small gap maybe cos u delivered before..." my face jitao is confused... how can have small gap?? gap = dilating right?? wah kaoz... from 11 to 6 I was therr... super long time lor...
jill - this week 31 weeks..

2ks - until this Wednesday nia... but I'm going back to see my doc cos I bumped into him when I was waiting for medicine... just nice got taka fair start liao... so can go after that...
2ks, thanks for the info... Hahas I guess I'll probably get 1 bedded since it's a $600 diff.. I don't plan to get epi.. Probably laughing gas and thigh injection as #1 since they both FOC.. Lol.. Ive a feeling that #2 delivery would be faster! But my #1 was induced at 39weeks+.. Waterbag broke at 7.30am, 11am+ gave birth already.. Hopefully I won't have to go through a traumatic experience for #2!

Haha my hb was feeling so nervous when he's slitting through #1 cord! He gave me a kiss on my forehead after I've bore #1 out. Wonder if he'll give me a kiss on forehead again this time round!!

Can Tmc delivery suite play musical cd?? I played canon in d throughout my delivery for #1! Kinda helped me a little.. If no cd player, I'll ask my hb standby his Hp and bring speakers for me... I still had lavender aromatheraphy oil on as mt a provides us with an electronic oil burner inside delivery suite!!

Btw, any gd LC or PD to lookout/request for at Tmc??

Worried79, I went to Mothercare fair. We went in in less than 20mins although the q stated estimated waiting time is 1-1.5hrs.
I didn't bought much stuffs as its messy/crowded and some stuffs that I wanted wasn't displayed.

My girl is going through T2 and at times, I'm having a hard time with her when we're out. She'll insist that she wants to walk when she's in Ntuc. And when we put her down, she'll run wild and play 'catching' with us. Wanted to hold her hands also can't. Wanted to carry her and she'll throw tantrum and throws her weight onto the ground. But I'll just carry her and bring her away... Was quite pissed off but I'll explained to her nicely outside that it's v dangerous and bad guys will catch and brings her away etc...

Re: third trimester
I'm into 32weeks this week. I can feel my cb so suan mans. Somemore I've been carrying my #1!! 12.5kg on my tummy! Not frequent carryings throughout the day but will carry her daily.
I do feel that my tummy is a bit low. My bb is around 1.5kg.. Not v sure if it's due to that bb haven't fattened up so my tummy is big but not 'high'.. But bb head is already below... Don't think engaged yet ba but I also forgot to ask my gyne.,

How I wish I'm at week20!! Where I can enjoy my second trimester!! Dread going through labour contractions, breast engorgement etc!!
Ya lor, I also still feel nervous although it's #3. Was it coz we didn't take epidural so we felt the full brunt of the pain? Some friends who took epidural said childbirth was totally painless.

Hehe, T2. My girl was wellbehaved at 2, but became nottier when she turned 3! Haiz, dunno coz she knows #3 coming also. Don't worry lah your girl will outgrow it.

My girl got this weird dislike - she doesn't like to pay for items she buys. I dont know why. It's as if she doesn't like the cashier to pack her items. But I dont care, will just take it away from her, pay first then give back. How to give in like that.
reddish: u experienced mum already mah, why u still need a LC...kekeke.
dr ang refused to go mt a to deliver ah??
my appt with him is next week. i am thinking of calling him to check whether can bring forward to this week since i am having irregular contractions.
eh...am not sure about the aromatherapy and musical cd.
the laughing gas make me so high that i dunno what or who is talking la...dont say listen to music..lol

u didnt see the city select? its $699 for a single. think the 2nd seat prob $300 or so. then 1k can get a brand new double stroller leh.

your girl run...u know what my boy did at ntuc.
he will be VERY NICE to bring down everything from the shelves to another side, then later help u keep back to the shelves...
then i also very busy help him put back the stuff he took down from the shelves...
pinktulip: i think so leh. cos the labour pain is like so familiar to us. and its deeply set in our mind i guess so.
now i am thinking about the sewing pain. i am going to ask gynae to give me the laughing gas when he is doing the sewing...dont care liao.
thank god. at least your girl is like my boy. real headache lor. he always want to walk and run on his own. run until very far then turn back to see if we r around...i also carry my boy..though my parents and gynae told me not to do so. carry for awhile should be fine lah hor? i m hoping he will go over this phrase soon enough lah, so sick and tired of scolding him at every outing liao
Pink tulip, hahas... Girls are so lovely yet so naughty. Whenever I'm angry I'll ignore her and she'll start calling me in a sweet sweet manner!!
Haha my girl is v Flickle minded. See new stuffs, she'll hug and hug. But after paying, she'll throw it away!!

2ks, I need LC leh... I didn't latch well for #1 cos my nipples were so painful till the skin peeled off. So I pumped bm out for #1.. I'm determine to latch on for #2.. Hope that I can bear the pain of sore nipples.... T-T
Yea I saw from the flyer yesterday that city select was at $699! But hoh, it's only limited to 8sets and it's sold out!! If I knew earlier, I would have gone to q during VIP preview!
Haha I super buai tahan when my girl took things off the shelves. I'll tell her nono cannot take and keep her away...
babymaine - try to rest more and jiayou!!

reddish - awww your hb is so sweet! he must be touched at how much pain you go through to give him a child...sure he will give you a kiss on your forehead for #2!
Mt A lets you play CD and burn aromatheraphy oil?? no experience...dont know if those will help me when I'm in pain. haha. Scarly end up distract my gynae only...hahaha

3rd trimester
- My below area starting to feel v.suan too...esp when I lift my legs up or shift legs to get off bed etc. Dont know if its the hot weather but also had fainting spells yesterday...my burping is back too. wah sians. its like repeat of 1st trimester except with a bigger bump!

Delivery/ Labour
- Mommies who took laughing gas and thigh injection before...do these help with the pain? I dont intend to take epi (hope can tahan) but if can have some form of pain relief, other than epi, even better lahs. haha
reddish: have to lun the pain lor...sigh..
please dont remind me hor...the down there pain, the lochia, the rough thread sewing feel, the pain nipples, the engorgement...oh well...women..

sleepyskies: personally, pethidine doesnt work for me. i only heart my laughing gas. nobody can snatch away from me hor...
but not everyone likes it, cos got a rubber smell plus it make u go into a daze, high high feeling
2Ks, sleepyskies
I took penthidine actually. For 2nd labour, I asked for it & midwive said, it'll take 10-15 mins to take effect. I didn't care, just took it. But baby was out within 10 mins! even before the penthidine kicked in. But i think perhaps that was why i didn't feel pain afterwards. Never felt pain during stitch up too.
Sorry, penthidine is the thigh injection?? I thought I saw from some earlier postings that doc usually will give injection before sewing?? Eecckkk, thinking of it makes me cringe. haha. I think I will ask for penthidine when I buay tahan...how long can I shot last??
Reddish: ya.. True.. The big wheels kinda look stylo milo but Gt its disadvantage too.. Haha.. R u planning to change your pram? Quinny zapp also not bad.

Bbkk: went to mothercare Ytd evening.. Didn't manage to see bugaboo bee.. But I showed dh and he seems to be quite interested.. However, like what you say, abit pricy if were to buy here. Thought wanna get it online thru the webby. Would that be cheaper? What do you think?
reddish - y u induce so fast de?!?! my #1 induce 17 hrs later then I pop... pain die me... and the stupid epi didn't work... this time im not going for epi cos im allergic to pain killers... so god bless me... I cannot take the thigh injection... how to tahan the stitching... =.= btw I bought the zapp extra 2013 model and maxi cosi cabriofix 2012 model... bought last baby fair from baby hyperstore... should be delivering by this week...
Countg dwn to the last few wks.. Cannot imagine what kind of pain to anticipate.. Wonder if i can tahan the pain cause dun feel like taking epi.. So excited yet scared..
Hi mummies!!

Re: Birth videos and hubby seeing live birth
I was surprised that my hb wasn't afraid to see my #1 come out of me! Totally wasn't afraid of the blood and everything. He looked amazed and was so touched seeing me push so hard. So he purposely upgrade me to single deluxe room that time hahahaa

Babymaine, please take care!

dian tang, oh gosh i haven't started washing the baby clothes leh! I haven't even dug out my #1's unisex newborn clothes.

sleepyskies, is this your #1? For me, laughing gas made me sleepy, high and dizzy lol. There's a technique with using it. Have to breathe it in deeply before the contractions come. So that when the contractions are at the peak, the pain is reduced. But have to keep looking at the contraction machine to monitor the contractions. I took epidural in the end. However, i breathed laughing gas just before the doctor put epidural for me so i didn't feel much pain when the big needle was pierced into me. This time round, i'm probably going to opt for epidural again! My labour was 14 hours for #1, i wouldn't have survived if i didn't choose epidural lol.
2ks - I think should be ok? I've been under GA for operation before... so I guess should be can ba and also for wisdom tooth extraction... what I dread is shitting after birth... I remember my first shit I cried... pee still not so bad cos I flush with cold water while peeing.... but the shitting part was bad man...
2ks, yea.. Here pain, there pain, everywhere also painful!! I keep complaining to my hb that my V area v suan so I cannot always squat down etc. but when it comes to washing my girl poo, I still have to do it! Don't know y men can't wash poo!!

Sleepy skies, haha the cd player works for me. Cos I switched off the tv once I'm in the suite. Closed my eyes hoping to preserve energy for lateron pushing... I think my gyne feels that I'm a bit Bo Liao to burn lavender oil inside the delivery suite! Hahahas

Shirley, yes! I'm planning to get city select for both #1 and #2 to use... Haha will probably sell away the buzz once I've gotten new pram...

Babymaine, hmm my gyne inserted the pill for me one afternoon before. Night time he insert another and did ve. Day around 1cm dilated. If by next morning don't have 2/3cm, then it'll be quite hard. I didn't feel much of cramps throughout or perhaps it's bearable to me. 7.30am poke waterbag and was on drip. Things were pretty slow until after 5cm, like bullet train speed and I was already having urgent urges to pee but in fact, I'm fully dilated and I'm 'pushing' unintentionally.
My gyne took quite long to reach, at least 20mins!

Zapp xtra is gd! But mine was a yr2011 design and upon closing and opening, got to fix up the pram. Both me and my hb was complaining about how mafan it's to fix it up so we changed to buzz after a yr+...
For mummies who had natural delivery more than 2x:
My colleague just returned from maternity leave today. She share with me for 2nd child will take shorter time to deliver, is it true?

I just brought out my #1 bb clothes over weekend. Haven’t washed them yet. Although I gave away quite a lot to my friends but I think its more than enough for my bb to wear. Plus some of them still new with tag which my #1 did not got a chance to wear. My #1 tried to wear her old bb clothes and she was frustrated that she could not fit in. So funny. Her sock can only fit half of her foot. Kept wanted me to help her to wear but I told her all these are for her little sister and she is big jie jie.

Dr Ang is from Thomson Women Clinic? My gynae oso from same group of clinic, hopefully he lets me deliver at Mt Alvernia. I really wanted to deliver there, had very gd experience there.
babymaine: i dunno u wanna try or not.
i recommend u this bottom spray.
earth mama bottom spray. spray at the bottom area when u pee, its cooling and kindof relieving.
and when u discharge from hospital, ask gynae to dispenses lactus syrup.
it will help with pooing...
the poo will be released easily (disgusting i know), then u dont have to push so hard...

i really feel u...
during #1 time, i had natural tear that is sooooooo painful cos i cant control my pushing and i failed in laughing gas.

#2 time, i used the laughing gas correctly and then i got this bottom spray that helps me alot...
griny: yes for my case. my #1 labour was 5 hours plus (induced) and my #2 labour was 2 hours (waterbag burst).
dilate also faster for my case.
so i think #3 i cannot wait if waterbag burst.
my gynae already told me it will be much faster...

haha....one hour?? LOL
reddish: i have a short stool in the bathroom for myself to sit.
and also easier for CL when she bathing baby la...
dont squat too much cos it add pressure to the V area. u might feel like something dropping.
and also during confinement NEVER squat hor.
Debbie: yep, this is my #1. totally no idea what to expect so hope that the pentidine and laughing gas can help..hehe. i know of ppl who swear by epidural and told me to immediately ask for it when i admit to hospital. then there are frens who tell me dont be scared...just bear with the pain and v.soon it will be over. so.......just cross my fingers i can tahan the pain then. haha

babymaine - yah, can buy those lactus syrup from pharmacy. it helps to soften the stools and will be more liquid form..haha. i think i will stock up on it closer to delivery date....

jill - i am wearing the uniqlo bra but i find their sizes abit limited lehs..few mths back am already wearing XL...nw stil can wear but if can get a bigger size even better coz abit tight ard the chest. am intending to order a few from autumz's website to try...not too exp and looks good.
2ks, sleepyskies - yup doc prescribed that... but I only pooped 3 or 4 days after giving birth... die die also didn't want to poop after giving birth... haha... so I told the nurse I own time own target go home then I eat... the spray can be bought at kkh? cos I'm delivering there...

oh another gross qn... anyone intends to process their placenta? cos I was thinking since last one liao... might as well make full use... any thoughts on this??
