(2013/05) May 2013

babymaine: BP got sell. agapebabies think got. i bought mine from iherb when i saw it on offer.
love the spray cos help to relieve my pain.

The uniqlo bra looks good. Will go and try next time. =)

2ks, the earth mama bottom spray where do you get it from huh?

I heard most asian women like us need epistomy, or suffer some tears... sounds really painful man. Haiz.

U feeling better? Mind sharing how much you paid for zapp extra 2013 model and maxi cosi cabriofix 2012 model? I'm so tempted! But I also have to remind myself I'm not into strolling my baby when they are younger. I'm more of a babywearing fan.

Good sunny weather to wash clothes last weekend uh. Esp sunday. My hb still hasn't taken out the box of clothing from storeroom. it's heavy and got stuff on top of it, if not i surely take out myself liao.

Thanks for the gas tip! I never succeeded at using it. Shall try again.
pinktulip: when take laughing gas no need to look at the ctg machine la.
when u feel pain, no time to bother already..just breathe!
u hv to inhale deeply, inhale as deep as u can go then let go...do it continuously for 5x. i guarantee u sure high...lol
2ks, thanks for the information! I will get from iHerb then. Since I will buy washing powder from there haha.

If use epidural do we still use the laughing gas? Need to practise also the breathing methods to control the pain...
chiro: i am not sure leh...cos for both pregnancies i never take epidural. but i think epi should have enough pain relief
Photography Bulk Purchase Promotion

Dear May Mummies to be,

Littlemissrabbit Photography is having a bulk purchase promotion for maternity and newborn photography. Up to $100 off + 10% discount if you take both maternity and newborn packages*.


*Min pax applies, for details, please contact:

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Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Littlemissrabbit-photography/207704205926205
2ks - I think kkh sells... will check it out this Wednesday... it's to numb the area and aid healing??

pinktulip - I paid $799... hubby pay half I pay half... lol... bought at baby hyperstore... we like the extra cos can full recline... actually I only wanna get zapp but hubby say zapp extra... and #1 also still can use... seriously becos of this stroller I considering #3... hahaha...
$799 with the infant seat is OK lah. Some strollers alone already $500! Haiz, baby items...so expensive yet sell like hotcakes.

Haha, I shall try the gas again then. I am pretty sure i sucked at using it.
chiro: with epi you don't need other pain relief. for some they try the laughing gas first then when cannot endure then go for epi. but epi will take some time to kick in and not forgetting it also take times for the doctor to come and administer the jab. for me, i very kiasi, so i go in immediately ask for epi already LOL.

2ks: wow the spray looks good! thanks for the recommendation. one thing I hate most after childbirth is when peeing cos below will pain pain.

babymaine: i took my placenta for #1. for this #2 I wanted to also but couldn't manage to contact the lady that helped to process my placenta for the first time round so probably won't take this time round. for me, the reason why I decided to take my placenta is cos my MS during 1st tri was super jialat. and that's the period when our body produce all the hormones to make the placenta which also make us so xinku. so it's kinda taking "revenge" lol. my gynae view is rather neutral cos no scientific evidence to prove it's benefit. I also not sure how beneficial it is but I notice that I feel much more energetic this pregnancy (other than 1st tri due to MS). Now at week 31, I can sleep very well at night, hardly fall sick, almost free of all the negative symptons of pregnancy as compared to my first pregnancy, even thou this pregnancy I eat rather unhealthily and nvr exercise hee hee. the placenta will be in capsule form so it's very easy to consume.
irene: u are welcome

its a must for me, i already bought it months back. not only peeing lor...the lochia, the aching pain, haiz...
hi mummies,

any1 interested in maternity, newborn or 9mth onward bb shoot? im cordinate every1 who is interested to get a better package price (spree).. i already post in our grp page... let me knw if u are intrested ... later on i will post e pricing...
I'm still considering placenta encapsulation. I wanted to engage this service but at Mrs Wong Boh Boi class she said placenta contains a lot of toxins, no benefits at all. Some people find it gross lah. Hmmm...

Then hor if we donate the cord blood can we still keep the placenta also?
Hi mummies,

any idea if our nipples will increase in size after childbirth? i think mine is considered small.. if they won't, then most probably i'll need to buy the shields for breast pump to make it smaller.
chiro: yes you can still keep the placenta even if you donate or store the cord blood.

vicvic: for my case the nipple itself nvr increase in size.
hi Mummies,
I had a pack of Summer Swaddles to let go. Husband bgt the wrong size few days ago and the shop do not allow us to exchange.

The pack comes in 3 pieces of pretty pinks in size S-M. Willing to let go at $40 (retail cost about $60+).
Ple PM me if you are interested.
Irene - I also wanna ask for epi straightaway haha. I heard there's 3 stages of labour, so I thought initial stage cannot use epidural yet.
chiro: when i went to hospital, contraction about 10min apart, dilation 3-4 cm and then shortly the doc came to jab the epi. think epi minimum need to be about 4cm dilated.
dian tang - I still have another batch of clothes to wash... and yhe nappy cloths, swaddling cloths, swaddling blankets, hankies, towels, mittens, socks... haiz... if only the maid can xome earlier... im so afraid mine won't arrive before I pop..
Ha ha.. So much to wash ! I also have to sun the baby mattress cos it was passed down from my bro . Do a little per week so not so much at the end.

Yesterday night i hit My highest record of pee at night ,5-6 times .
jill: not yet eh. You got lobang? HAHAHA! I'm busy the whole day today!! No time to check forum at all. Was rushing my assignment that is gonna due tomorrow @ 2359hrs and I'm not done. So dead. gonna take urgent leave tomorrow again. sian 1/2

Laundry: wah! u all so fast start washing liao ah. Think I have to get over my current and week's assignment then can start washing. My mil said still early.
Griny, yups it's him. He declined my mt a straight... So sad cos I kinda love mt a.. #1 was born there and till now, I'm still bringing my girl there to see her pd, dr Terrence tan. V nice guy.. Wanted to choose him as #2 pd upon delivery but................... Sigh

2ks,, I do have a ikea stool inside my bathroom to sit when bathing my girl. But I'm quite tall, so when I'm sitting on the stool, it's still quite xinku.. Can bend down to pick things up during confinement?? Sigh my girl will throw lots of thing onto the floor and when she's in a gd mood, she'll pick it up. But when she's in a angry mood, I can forget about asking her to pick it up. Else, I got to wait until her anger subsided before asking her...

Is the earth mama bottom spray v gd? I only bought earth mama baby bottom cream as I saw lots of gd review for it thinking that nb butt v delicate and prone to nappy rash...
Speaking of iherb, I think I'll place another order before I deliver. Stock up more supplement and snacks for #1...

Vicvic, my nipples became bigger after #1... Even the aerola area. Became so big until my hb laughed at it!! I think it's cos during bf, my breasts were engorged and there's quite a lot of milk inside. So as time goes by, my breast skin stretches and didn't shrink back after I stop bf.. Lol... I even had stretch marks on the right side of my breasts back then!
2ks: that spray is to spray our below is it? after we give birth natural? will it heal our below fast if using that spray? cus i remember my frd gave me a spray i use it actually makes me feel better. but is given from doc. not sure outside got sell. is it the same thing that u showing us?
Babymaine: the Lactus syrup u can ask ur KK gynae to prescribe during ur next check up.

2Ks: thanks for recommendation for the spray. Not sure what it is really for but believe it will come in handly after delivery.

Third trimester is no joke. Can feel difference. I really feel very tired and weak Liao. Like trimester one like that... Cant do much but got so much to buy
wai wai - I already have that syrup le... liquid paraffin... he prescribed to me in my 1st tri... disgusting syrup to eat... nearly puked.... anyone awake at such an hour?? heartburn like mad... every night I sure wake up around this time then only manage to fall asleep 1-2 hrs later....
Shirley, I think ship bugaboo from overseas is cheaper but not much saving. U can choose diaper.com or amazon. But I scared to ship in. Sg only red and yellow, dun have my bright pink. If u wanna ship let me know, maybe we do it together.
babymaine: u reminded me about the swaddles, nappy, hankies etc..
oh dear...
i havent order my cupboard leh...wash already no space to put already.
the korkor cupboard is already darn full.
I haven start washing..
Those who washed, did u all intend to wash again nearer to date or just one time. Is it kind of early?
hey..for those getting confinement lady, will you all be preparing a bed for her? err..i mean those mattress put on the floor + pillow + blanket okie a not? Or have to get a proper bed. I was thinkng of getting the seahorse foldable bed but i scare short change her leh..

the agency guy is coming later, going to pay deposit. Still thinking whether to get their herbal package a not. Anyone ask around from medical hall? Roughly how much?
reddish: the ikea white stool is it...ikea stool not suitable lor. its either too tall or too short...lol
i bought from outside. most important must have anti slip okay.
can bend down pick things, but the posture must be right. means body down, not legs bend. u get what i meant.

reddish/fabbie/waiwai: eh, commonly used outside the spray think is pink bottle or something. can get at pharmacy. but accordingly to my friend, its not so cooling type. some gynaes have it also, can ask. but should be more exp la. but then whatever la, as long can help with the pain.
this spray i wouldnt say it speed up the healing process. but it sort of give a cooling feeling to bottom after use, and u feel better u know. then it will like make down there not so wet and sticky due to the lochia.
i spray it everytime i go to the toilet. even change pad i also spray it. it make me feel better and less painful.
i never try the cream before, i scared oily.
bbkk: i intend to wash once only. keep inside box should be fine.
i dont want last minute things...i am getting more xinku so i wanna prepare everything in advance.
abit kiasu also, but after my cupboard arrive, i am going to pack my hospital bag too.

JC: i only prepared a foldable mattress for CL. existing bed my elder is sleeping and i dont intend to buy another one.
previously i shared on the herbs sold by agency before. their herbs are of LOW quality. give me $300 i can get better herbs outside.
i never seen such a skinny dangshen before when i look at the herbs that the agency sells lor.
2k: like this i hold the herbal package first and ask ard.

i planning to buy a mattress and throw away after she go, so i don't want to spend too much $$ -_- . maybe later drop by seahorse to see..sometimes they have offer for those foldable mattress, quite good quality 1 also
JC, those mattress put on the floor can le.

Oh I herb selling cheaper for the bottom spray. $11.95usd. Haven less than 12% disc.
JC: i think u should get. the mattress can also be used when u do massage.
try not to do massage on your own bed, cos got smell.

bbkk: that time i bought the bottom spray got 20% lor. plus the discount, its quite worth.
XuaN - u still studying ah... power leh. I googled saw a few... was thinking since we all stay hougang can share abit of feedback here and there. I felt that looking for a good PD very impt also and often we have to let Gynae know upon delivery right?
Jill: Yah, I'm doing my part time degree. 2nd year. I didn't stop. Probably will stop for one semester when baby pops. Really need a good rest!! I'm feeling easily tired even since I hit 3rd trimester. That's why like forever cannot complete my assignments!! Hubby always force me go sleep...Have to chiong! tonight is the due date. AHHHH! MADNESS!!
you got good lobang for PD let me know eh. now I no time to google. WAHAHAHA!

Sleepyskies: any response from the seller?
I'm also trying to figure out where to put baby clothings. the kids' room cupboard is super full already. I actually bought 2-3way opening storage boxes so that it doesn't look so messy when we open the clothing cupboard.

I can't imagine studying while pregnant! I got pregnant during the last 3-4 mths of my studies last year and my mood was down quite a lot. I had no mood to study and just did the bare minimum for exams. I'm so glad my studies is over! All the best to you. U have night classes too?

I'll just the ones gynae gives. One bottle can last me weeks. Actually I recall using it only for first few days/weeks. After that chuck one side.

I'm actually very amazed at you ladies who are hiring confinement ladies. I can't imagine being in the same house as a woman I don't really know but I'd love to have an extra pair of hands to help.
pinktulip: the boys cupboard definitely cant store meimei clothings lor. i only managed to clear a drawer empty nia. which is not enough. if wanna put towels already occupy half of the drawers.

if CL is good, the mother has sufficient rest u know. everything all taken care of.
like morning wake up, just do the milking duties, then breakfast will be ready.
then CL will bath baby, prepare water for bathing/wipe down for mummy. then CL will feed baby, prepare lunch. 12 noon lunch ready. 3pm teabreak ready, 6pm dinner ready and then tonics all taken care of.
red dates tea also prepared. baby wiped down in the evening.
all these mummy can have adequate rest, focus on bf, building up supply.
and the pain down there.

during #1 i survived few days without a CL, and it was so tough handling a crying baby plus a pain down there. and low morale cos milk havent come.

i rather tahan 28 days with a stranger.

I think I'm going to clear my drawers, give it a good wipe and put baby's clothes there. Just like how it began when I had newborns previously. Now it's just a matter of finding time to do it!

2Ks, Jill
Actually I'm Malay, and Malays rarely engage CL. I'd love to have one actually, it's just that, it's not common practice to hire one in the community. I doubt I can even find one!

Jill, I guess my mom will help cook some simple soups for me, or I could cook simple ones myself too. I'm not too particular lah, as long as not too oily or fried, I'll eat. Shouldn't be too spicy too since it'll affect milk taste. Survived #2 staying on my own so I guess I'll just hang in there.
