(2013/05) May 2013

shirley: don't buy big pram very hard to up the bus one.. if ya SAMH sometimes u go outing this n that when u go out alone big pram quite mafan. i like maclearn quest just nice. up the bus this n that also OK. hehe

Irene: i tout manduca don't need? cuss they have this small pouch there?

Xuan: ya have the box at least next time easy to sell hor. LOL but i can see the spree like getting dead like that bo lang order haha will see what my hub say lor. cus i felt my hub need to carry my no.2 cuss my no.1 very sticky to me now. LOL everything she wants is to do with me n her mei mei. so imagine if i carry her mei mei how she feel. confirm yiak n yiak like a auntie non stop lo! haha

SHirley mid march got aka fair huh? when is it har? expo will still have right? but that one is more for toyS?

Hi mummies..I've a set of Medela Swing..all parts still intact and sealed in original plastic bag..it's a gift from friend but I do not need it..am selling at $200..contact me at 83015800 if you're interested..thank you..~
gosh..time is passing so slow.

Office is so quiet as a lot of people went for some company event. Even boss also go down for coffeee. Really sleepy siah

Work too fast le today..haha..thought i want to faster do to leave on time for my gynae check
fabbie: manduca has infant insert but it's a built-in one unlike the rest. when don't need the insert can fold away.

shirley: from what I understand, for beco butterfly II, it comes with the infant insert. for ergo would need to buy seperately. the infant insert is only to use when bb still small. if you only intend to use the carrier when bb is older like 4-5 months old then no need for the insert.

taka fair 6-24 Mar: http://www.takashimaya-sin.com/events_promotions click on the baby fair.
2ks: I haven really set my mind into one pram yet. But there are few prams that are nice, bugaboo, strokke and another one. I can't remember the brand. I have yet to try them except reading them on reviews. Must go taka fair and ask ard..

Fabbie: Mar 6 - 24 Gt taka baby fair.. Expo one ended alr.. I not sire when when is the next expo baby fair. Can quest accommodate infant? I am looking for those can use from infant all the way till toddler. What pram you using for your #1?
shirley: just to let u know about stokke. single escalator it cant hor. only those wider escalators.
in sg...used escalator in shopping centres faster than take lifts...
those abled bodies like to snatch lifts with those really need to use one.

quest cannot use from NB onwards.
Hey mummies..

i'm back! managed to find time to login for a while.. been so super packed that i don't think my female manager knows how it is like being pregnant! it is very tiring!

briefly glanced thru some post.. i'm still doing all the housework minus windows

prenatal class: mummies who joined.. enjoying so far? i just saw the birth video on tuesday class.. omg man... i really salute all mummies who have gave birth before.. i really don't know how i'm going to manage it.. haha.. my hubby freaked out and say he sponsor me to go GA and then c sect to deliver the baby..

my last gynae checkup wasn't that good.. i gained 7kg so far.. baby is now 1.2kg... doc say slightly too big.. asked to go for blood test to test for gestational diabetes..

best part is my hub's dad is asking him to acc him to TW for holiday end March.. i will be left alone by him again! he went japan for co incentive trip in feb! argh!
fabbie: yah I think it's better to have with the box. The seller got reply me in email just that a bit slower. I will check my mail now. HAHA! your #1 can't wait to play with mei mei nah. hahaha. Last time when my SIL have #2, my elder nephew also everyday mummy here mummy there. LOL!

Manduca carrier: yah. the insert is inside. around 4-5months old if you don't need just follow away inside. you can go to manduca's website to see how they carry and insert the baby.

Next expo fair is 22-24 March.
Rach: I will be going for the 3rd session of my prenatal class this evening..still on exercise today I think. I hope they dont show me the birth videos coz I see how some of you saw it and was shocked....I think it will only make me more terrified come labour time. :S
How many wks are you nw? I am 28 wks and saw gynae today, bb only 1.06kg...although gynae says normal, I thought bb is abit on the small side? I also gained 7kg so far. Need to stay off chocs and unhealthy food...
Shirley: u can use quest from 3-6 months onwards i think. Anyway my 1st 3-6Months will be using sling won't be using stroller cus baby so light still bring a ting teh stroller for what? Haha. My no.1 I buy Capella ok for nb but damn heavy then I buy quest n use all the way le. Till now my no.1 still can sit quest. Pple say combi is good cus light weight. But I felt unstable lo.

Irene: thanks for the link!! Wah 6th march I told my mum lets go orchard!! She say huh? 6 march I'm going to John little 70% -....- now make me so tempted maybe I 7th march then go ba
Xuan lol ya lor! Best thing she keep saying mummy!! Daddy's birthday is coming already right!! I'm so happy!! Lol poor daddy haha cus she happy that after daddy birthday Mei Mei will come out Liao lol. Just 1 day after his birthday. Haha about the expo fair hor that u mention I see the brands like all toys one is it? If toys n strollers than I think will pass that fair
2ks: which pram were you using for your boys previously? The pram you posted on fb, do they come in single seater? Bbkk was saying that bugaboo bee is good. I might consider that.. Haix.. Now Gt few headache over pram and playpen..

Fabbie: combi seem abit smaller for some pram. I feel congested.. Lol.. Like as thou I am the one sitting on it like that.. Lol! When's is the promotion? 70% sounds good deal! Shopping I really our paradise.. Haha!!
fabbie: wah lao! so many sales? John Little got 70% sales??? I'm not sure about that fair eh. Now like so many sales!! I see until my eyes also blur (@_@) Don't know want to go which one. Pengz*
shirley: seriously if single pram i will recommend u peg perego pliko. its very stable and the seats is very wide. and very comfy. easy to keep also and lift up to car.
and the price affordable i find.

i used few brands before...peg perego is my fav for single pram.
the pram that i am using can be used as single or double. the 2nd seat can be taken out. but its for 6 months and above. thats why i bought a 2nd hand maxi cosi cabriofix to attach to the frame.

i wouldnt recommend you combi. and try not to get those reversible type of pram. cos usually its very light weight and then not stable.
combi i think prob bb 1 years plus outgrow already. its very cramped.
i rather u get maclaren if u want a lighter pram for travel.
john little got 70%? got specific outlet mah?.

like this really cannot buy finish.

mummies : if you go out alone than carry sling or carrier how to go toilet? Push pram also difficult right?
JC: when u more seasoned already, u can use the toilet when slinging baby...
i did that...

if push pram, usually will go handicap toilet. otherwise i push the pram until outside door where i can see the wheels then i quickly pee...i can pee real fast
haha, my poor boy still sitting in the combi.
was thinking whether to get a new one for him, but my husband was thinking best to train him not to sit in stroller and let us hold his hand, which is very difficult right now....
any solutions?
sleepyskies/xuan: i'm 28 weeks too! haha u attending wong bb class? 3rd lesson is showing birth video.. almost 30 mins long.. 20++ mins.. all the different birth method.. and the camera is on the birth canal lor.. omg.. natural birth, how epidural is applied, c sect, water birth.. i see already i really don't know how i will survive.. but i guess we will somehow.. haha..
2ks: ok.. I will go check it out during taka fair too.. You still remember how much roughly you paid for yours? I don't intend to get that cos I like big and spacious pram but of cos not so big cos like what fabbie say, hard to handle if alone.
2ks, haha dr Ang refused to go to mt a this time round cos of the parking issues!! Say #3 I can deliver back at mt a! Sooo sad...
Need to check with u on how much cash u fork out for 4bedded at Tmc. I've checked and the deposit required is 1.2k for 4bedded. There's auto upgrade to 2bedded.. The deposit for 1bedded is 1.8k.. So I'm thinking that if there's no additional cash fork out after everything, I might want to take 1bedded as the diff in deposit is 600.... My #1 can stay over for a longer period and have her nap when she's here..

Shirley, Erm got get big pram. Look nice but not nice to use! I'm using quinny buzz and the back of the wheels are so big that I have problem shopping when the spaces are too small inside the shops.. And I cant bring it up the bus.. Luxury pram can only sit car, not feasible. And small shopping basket..
Using quinny Zapp xtra previously before buzz. It's smaller but when keeping, got to break into 2 parts, also not feasible to carry up bus.. So can only travel by car... But nevertheless, both prams have gd wheels to be controlled easily..
Shirley, I am not working currently, can consider myself sahm.

You dun buy stokke, is very heavy. Thou is pretty.
I still like bugaboo best cos it is not heavy, easy to handle, u put heavy bag behind without bb, stroller also won't fall. Wheel small , 360 turn. Only thing is quite pricy.

Racy, I am 28 weeks also gain 7kg, bb 1.16kg. Dr say good leh. How come urs too big? Dun understand. Is it u one shot gain 4kg?
27 weeks @ 1kg. Doc say okie but again she ask me to control my sugar. My waterbag level is 7.5 than i think the limit is 8. We saw baby face..ask her take photo than she also one kind lah...pay for package but still charge us and end up say baby face cannot take coz the hand cover. No photo at all..kaoz

Anyway she reschedule my detail scan next week to week 32 since this week she scan me liao..no need to scan so many times..

Next time i going to ask my son be gynae also...earn so much money..
shirley: for John little members only on 6th May 1 day nia. heard mummy say 70% and that whole day not open to public. and yeah i felt combi is too light weight.. if ya things is heavier than ya baby the whole thing will toppled lor and infect in public i saw before. so scary.. and its quite pricy also.
hi mummies... I'm on total bedrest... my foot!!! still got to make milk for my girl change pampers clear my dog shit!!! doc ask me admit ydae cos of early contractions... option of going home for full bedrest... so of cos I chose to go home cos stupid hubby says he'll be home... but honestly there's no difference.. the med will make my bp low so I must lie down... grrrr... should have just listened to the doc!!!!
Hope you are okay... Take care...


Can i check something with you all?
How do i determine the size of the breast shield that i should buy? Does it co-relate with my cup size?

I have medela hand me down and was wondering about the breastshield size that i should buy.

Any advice?
BabyMaine: wah early contractions! hope ya okai. do update us ya.. if im u.. i willl totally ignore just lie on the bed.. ya hub wont leave ya gal alone to change pampers one la.. u just let him do everything.. my hub used to like that ask me do everything. then i start to get phek chek i ignore all the way.. then he starting to do slowly for my gal everything liao. and yes even clean dog shit.. wash milk bottles. LOL

fool4love: ya breast big? if no maybe get M size?
BabyMaine, do take care and have more rest. Leave the chores to your hubby, totally ignore. Watch tv and relax... haha thats what I doing now too. Scare of tightening of tummy again.
JC - hahah I agree! Gynae earns lots of money man..1 day see don't know how many patients, each time charge 100-200 and spend less than 15mins. Good lehs!

Babymaine - pls listen to the doc and have your bed rest at home! Just shut yourself in the room and relax/rest. I'm sure your hb will get it and start doing his part. Nw have early contractions v.scary so better rest more ok? Hope the contractions go away soon.

Xuan - manduca 2013 limited edition design came out liaos but not v.nice so I might just get silver lily coz that's the only design left for the 2012 limited edition series. Will let the seller know. She ordered your item liaos?

Rach - I'm attending the classes at Mt A..yesterday learnt abt signs of labour and the diff. postures & breathing techniques to use during labour. Haha I see those labour documentaries on Nat Geo also find it v.amazing how those mommies survive. Every time I think abt labour time, I get nervous. But I always tell myself so many women give birth before, if they can, so can I! Somemore nw got many pain relief options so it shldnt be that bad de...I hope. Hahaha
sleepskies: not yet eh. you confirm your order with her already? once we confirm she can order for us already. Have u confirm with her on your order??
Xuan - I emailed her my order le but no reply lehs. hope she replies me soon so can proceed to place our order. will let you know once she confirms my order!
Hi mummies,

new to this thread,

Wanted to ask those mummies attending prenatal classes.. they showing birth videos in class? My hubby got phobia of watching these kind of videos. I force him to go to the classes with me but he so scare lor.. haha. Usually in which class they show the videos??
yeah. they have a compare of ergo and manduca so maybe will get that lor. since its cheap and the review not bad! they have hipster version too! felt good lobang sia LOL
Babymanie, do take care......

Sleepy skies, I m also attending prenatal class at mt al...but is on sat afternoon.

I ask my hub whether he can take it or not, he say no problem...lol...coz he saw postmortem before.


But I heard some men got sex problems after watching the bb coming out fr vagina....hahha....so, better tell them not to watch the bb come out

That is advice fr my colleague...hahahha......
I ownself see the birth video also scare..i dont think will force my hubby to see below lah. As long as he physically there during the delivery i okie liao

He say if he didnt faint, he will cut the cord..haha
Im worried that hubby will faint in deliver ward too. Haha. Anyway he say will try to be inside if possible.

Btw im attending the mt a prenatal class starting 8 mar on Friday. Anyone in that class too?
hi mummies! anybody went to mothercare fair this weekend? we went tonight and still so crowded!

@sleepyskies: i think we're on the same ante-natal class in mt a. i just hope i remember all those things they teach us hahaha..see u again on friday =)
BabyMaine: pls take care and have complete bedrest. Don't do the household chores.

Think for hubbies who are going to the delivery ward with you, can advise them to stand nearer to your chest and not look down when gynae is delivery the bb. My hubby avoided looking down but was asked by the mid wife to help hold my legs while I pushed. Then after that he complained why he had such a tough job. He did not cut the cord too.

JTS: Saw that there is a minor bb fair at John Little at JP and at the NTUC Xtra over the weekend.
shirley: depending on models for peg perego. 1 year difference models can be of difference $100+
i paid my peg perego at lesser than $650.

reddish: i got to check my bill. i remember the other time. roughly cash is about $500+ (after deducting the deposit, i still have refund back).
but then cos i used the observation room for like less than an hour, delivery room for less than 2 hours hor.
and then nothing used except laughing gas.
no forceps, no vaccuum also.

1.8 deposit for 1 bedded i believe u prob wont need to fork out cash also la. should be enough to pay if u are not taking anything also.
my friend's hubby lagi cute...
he said he refused to eat kueh chap for many many months..will think of the cord...

my hubby was quite daring la...he cut and see the baby come out. when 1st time, he was beside holding my hand...2nd time he didnt though...was looking at how bb come out...he can even tell me slide out.

but then hor...as days come nearer, i start to panic again leh. start to get scared again. the pain the push the sewing...arghhhh....
hope i have a fast fast labour again
any mummies here went mothercare during the weekend? so silly. i went on sat, but saw the queue, so end up did not queue or buy anything. i thot sat not much ppl will go liao, but i was wrong. brought my #1 along with me, so no way i can queue for 45 mins - 1 hr just to get in. i not sure wat i want to buy too, just thot of going to take a look...wasted my time...
hopefully the taka fair this week will be better.

my boy really giving me a headache. now bring him out, always will throw tantrum one. and very scary one. he will just shout and shout or cry, will just ignore u one. even scold liao he still like that. my husband got to really scold and beat him, then he will take a while to settle down. these 2 weeks really a nightmare to bring him out.....
worried79: your boy still havent reach this stage roll on the floor when outside one rite...LOL
my boy can roll at shopping centre okay...
its a stage...bo bian...later will get better
i feel hoh..the delivery portion i can tahan lah. It is more of the recovery part. The thought of bleeding and pain below from the cut, cannot bath etc, i already quite scare.

delivery only just bear with the pain and push nia. If end up C-sec, i confirm depression. It's not because cannot natural birth but still have to take care of the wound.
he does roll at home. sometimes when outside, he will just sit on the floor, or almost want to lie down on the floor liao. omg, when will he cross this phrase. sometimes at home too, i thot of educating him by telling him its wrong to do that, but at that point of time, he wont listen. after that tell him, he will say ok, yes yes. next moment, forget again......

Take care! Hope u r better today. Is there anything u can take to reduce the contractions?

Yes I think now is the season for baby fairs. We're quite lucky in a way right. We get to shop before we deliver. Quite sian if the baby fair is held during the period we are in confinement. hehe.

