(2013/05) May 2013

babbiee: there is a infant attachment that usually comes with beco. i started using my beco (not gemini though) around 3-4 months with the infant attachment
Its a busy week for me.. Everything is over alr. Thanks mummies for all the information.. Appreciate. Back to work and Gt to mug on work again.

Sahm: as many of the mummies mentioned, being a sahm has it pros and cons.
my dh is very supportive of me being one. I guess I will consider this seriously. Say if I can't find a good infant care, I will quit and take care of baby till she is able to join the 18 mths group.
Xuan: see so much carrier till I gong Liao n I see n see like manduca is the best sia LOL

2ks thanks for the info ^^

Gals do u have like have slight gastric pains in tummy? I got eat leh but the pain is some how like abit gastric kind not sure is it due to pulling anot hmmm
shirley: i would say if my hub can support me as a SAHM i will be SAHM too
so i support u this if ya hub can support u like giving u money this n that haha
so many mums here keen to be sahm?
i took one year npl for my #1, and intend to do the same thing for my #2. i m not confident of my mil looking after my newborn...and i actually want to be with my bb for the growing up process. money is the only issue...
as mentioned by the other mums yesterday, its really a joy to see your bb grow up, and be there to see the milestones.
Fabbie, hahas not going back to that co that pok me la.. I mean look for a new job..

Any mummies still doing vacuuming/mopping the floor after 30weeks? I just vacuumed and mopped my house yesterday at week31.. Sigh after finishing, I can feel my V area super suan.. Think I've over exerted... Tried to ask my hb to take over next week but he asked me tO get part time helper in.. But hoh, this part time auntie I'm using doesn't do a clean job cos I could still see strains of hairs on the floor after she've mopping.. But I also paisei to tell her that it's not clean.. My hb said that I'm paying her to do a snobbish job! Sian... Should I highlight to her??
fabbie: haha! yah. Thou it's a little more pricey but still like it's comfy eh. haha.

sleepskies: did the seller replied u on the stock availability?
Shirley: Is very good your hubby supports you! You should be a SAHM and spend more time with your bb.

I think for my #2, cannot afford to be SAHM cos of the expenses..
reddish: My hubby is helping me with the mopping of floor once a week. I only wash toilet now and do simple household chores, I also feel very tiring.
Morning ladies...

jokingly told my hubbs that i want to be SAHM and he said "no."

The expenses are just too high in Singapore to have a single-income family.
Shirley, then u should take this opportunity to be sahm. I miss my girl growing up process when she is 4 mths till 18 mths. I am a weekend mum during that time. So sad and miss her so much.
Irene: Yes! Missed those period when we lugged our bbs to the music class. It was really fun!

fool4fool: you still can jokingly suggest to your hubby. Mine is confirmed "dun ever think about it this time round". hahha.
why weekend mum? you leave your girl with your in-laws?
i cant imagine not seeing my boy even for a day..haha. when i m on leave, and he goes to school, i will be waiting for him to come home. though its good to have some "own" time, i m very used to having him around liao, will feel very funny if dun hear his sound...

cant deny that expenses r really high. but i think i wont spend much on myself during that one year, mostly will be spent on bb and #1. during my last npl, i also never spend much on myself, always buying things for #1 only. just hope govt will give more money!!
U r so fortunate! My hb wouldn't even entertain the idea. My salary is almost the same as his, so if I don't work household income is slashed by 50%.

My sentiments exactly :/
But I really hope in our quest to provide for the family, we don't lose out in time spent with them.

I can't imagine being a weekend mum

To me bjorn was good! But i'm a baby carrier junkie. I think i won't mind paying for another baby carrier.

good, at least yr hb helps. Mine used to iron his own clothes lah. I appreciated that already.

get another PT helper? My PT helper is good! I like her a lot. I really appreciate her coming in once a week. I really hate folding clothes & ironing.
thanks sleepieskies and Chiro.. yea now i will not stand too long. i wonder those pregnant mummies stand long in mrt how? Haiz... hope ppl give seats to them too. Ya i think low blood sugar level.

Shirley *i envy u!!!!
Going to show him this text when he is back tonight.. See what all mummies wrote.. Haha!!! Thanks for all the feedback. I appreciate a lot. I hope I can cope thou. Its my first child. But I know I will get the hang of it.

Whose going to the fair tmr? Abt carrier, I bought pupsik baby sling. Saw from webby that there are so many ways of using it..

But I intend to get ergo when baby is slightly older. Read that baby bjourn not so good for baby hips. Don't know how true is this.

Bbkk: so you didn't get your bugaboo in the end? Going tnr to get it?
Jill: I will miss my own shopping once I stop working. Gt to be more thrifty too. Cos afterall its still diff. Own money is better den someone giving. I will discuss with his again tonight to work out what the best for baby. Haha.
Actually I think a little housework is also good for us, it's part of exercising. It might help when we are giving birth too. :D

How many months salary do you think we need to have if we want to stay at home for 6 months? If you say 6 months, then i can't make it already lor. So hard to save!

u so hardworking. I think i can't make it if i were to iron my parents place. def bigger than mine.
fabbie: oh ya! i missed out~!! LOL! But that's without the box. My current seller also taking her own sweet time like that. let me ask the bp seller u provide me. But this seller a bit fierce eh...LOL! she said:"All carriers are new and I will check through to see they are all ok before I send. That said, please be realistic not to expect 110% perfection. I will not do exchange or refund. If you can only accept your goods after personal inspection, I suggest you should get it from the shop instead."
Charlie, that's v sweet of ur hb.. My hb isn't a household chores guy right at the beginning. But I'm thankful that he've automatically bath my #1 when he's hm now.. In the past, no matter how and what I say, he die die also didn't want to bath my girl! Hahahas.. Sigh bo bian got to ask part time auntie come my place to do up vacuuming, mopping and washing of toilets....

Same, I also can't bear to not be with my girl for a single night. Have been with her every night since she's born. Even when she's hospitalized, I'm also the one with her 24/7 there...
But still, she still prefer her daddy over me... Hahahas!!
fabbie: their limited edition increase price to SGD195 liao. So like no difference from my seller who sells at SGD200 eh. mmmm...
reddish: same leh, mine prefers daddy over me now he is a toddler, but I was the one taking care of him all along since he was young!! but again, I read that they will have preference over one parent. So is ok loh. hahahah!
worried79: dont be too happy when govt gives u money hor...
like now, they reduced the maid levy by $50 right...
but then agency increased maid fee = the same mah!
if reduced $50 by salary increased $100, back to square one...
Shirley huang (shirvin)- True enough that u know u will miss the spending power but to be able to witness how ur baby develops everyday esp the early stage it should be precious moments too. Honestly, i had thoughts of doing that when i first knw i conceived baby. Spoke to hubby, he was okay with it too... Because i aint happy at workplace anyway. However due to Parents' side commitments i might need to drop this idea and hand baby to hands of my Parents in law during my working hrs. But good thing is im staying with Parents in law. So i guess i wont miss much just needa build up more energy when i come back from a day's work.

pinktulip (ipanbaby)-I bo bian leh... got elder brother at home not doing anything, dad discharged from Hospital.. i dont do no one will do and house would be in bad condition. But i do enjoy tidying up. :p
if it's therapeutic for you, then it's good! I actually enjoy mopping. Haha. But folding and ironing is bleargh. it's neverending!
Yes I am weekend mummy cos I left my girl at my mum place. Only some weekday will go and see her or carry over to my mil house to stay with her. My mil and my mum house very near. But quite far from my workplace. When she 18mths I am very happy to get a slot in childcare near my house so that can stay with me.

I didn't go and I think bugaboo do not have disc fr sales and for member. I compared the price, motherworks price cheaper than mothercare by $100.
pinktulip: i also hate ironing clothes! and i hate changing bedsheets also...
folding clothes still okay. i got my style of folding the clothes into sets, so its quite neat. easy to take out also.
same here! my #1 at one point prefers daddy over me, even though i m the one looking after him, and daddy is the one who always scold and beat him. i really dun understand lor. but these 2 weeks, he suddenly sticks to me and will always mummy mummy...makes me very happy liao
no weekend mummy for me. Sure cannot bear one.

my hubby helping out with the mopping and hanging clothes. I tell him ' i been doing for the past 4-5 years..these few months let u do bah'. he don't like to do ironing so i do for him.

okie lah..we only major clean 1 per week nia but vaccum everyday. My motto is can be dusty but cannot be messy.
yes, you always have your own methods one. U very good, should conduct seminar on surviving motherhood. Hehe.

Actually I think, there are devices that we can buy to help us with housework. eg, magic clean featherduster, magic kleen wipes (wet/dry). When too lazy, can just do a quick swipe lah.

Clean windows?! Fergeddit man. I do when I have mood, or do once a year during spring cleaning.
Clean fans also. I feel sorry for the PT Helper to do it so sometimes i just climb & do a swipe. She help me vacuum the dust away.
hahah...i already 'see open'. my house very dusty 1. Mop today, tomorrow dust come liao.

Maybe live in jurong, near the industrial area is like that. I heard that they do sand blasting every night at jurong island -_-
pinktulip: a machine that u can slot in the clothes then iron for us have or not...LOL
i have a robotic vacuum cleaner...but it cant clear the corners...so i usually will use magic clean also..
but then hor...magic clean cannot pick up small particles on the floor lor...
have to bend and pick still...sian..
I live in the east, but there are 2 roads beside our home. 17th floor, yet so dusty daily!

HAHA, well i think that machine is called a PT helper.

Magic kleen wet can pick up right. And they also have handy dusty with extra long & bendable some more. lol. very clever to make $.
Xuan - the seller just replied me this morning..both the colours (Grey Pattern Silver & Paradise Honey) i want also dont have.
am asking what colours still available now..she's taking awhile to reply. I saw your post on the other BP seller...shall see her reply..so far, I think limited edition only left Paradise Jungle and Silver Lily. Need to ask my hb on the colours...again. haha.

2Ks - i have the robotic vacuum cleaner too! i think it helps to a certain extent..at least i dont have to sweep/vacuum the floor everyday. my hse also pretty dusty so must at least sweep everyday. my hb nw helps to mop the floors and claen the toilets. i just wipe furniture and do the ironing. i cant stand a messy or dusty hse too..so sometimes nag at my hb until he buay tahan. :S
My hse is super messy lo! Seldom housekeep since preg. Feeling very lazy and tired everyday. I stay in Jurong area, collect a lot of dust everyday. Like 2Ks and sleepikies, I have robotic vacuum cleaner to help on the floor part every day. It will start working when I am not ard bcos its super noisy. Mop floor and wash toilet once a week. Laundry 2x a week. The rest depends on my mood. Sometimes can a few months dun clean the dust (eg: furniture).
they shd invent something that can suck out of the dust with the window/door close in minutes..hahaha or a ironing machine where you just hang the cloth, press a button than all nicely pressed.

no robotic vaccum for me, i prefer the bulky type. I am vaccum freak leh...i actually vaccuum to release stress. Everyday must vaccumm 1. New year 2 days no vaccum, my hubby say is heaven to him..haha
charliebrown/fool4love: LOL if i told my hub i wana be SMH he will say ok ok sure.. then when i really is he will just leave me there to survive myself one. so no point i ask my hub. say nia mah. everyone also can say ok ok . but supporting expenses really need to see whether hubby really can support anot lor and thats what i hate about my hub talk Only wont do. LOL trying to lecture him about this.. hahaha

pinktulip: haha shall discuss with my hub today then see what he say. i need someone can push me to decide. LOL bjorn i remember i got use. but when i have my sling i put my bjorn one side le.. LOL

weekend mum? 1 day i don't see my girl i will go crazy liao lor.. and my parents love to go gentling keep wana bring my gal go.. i told them no no no.. that time they bring once i scare liao. cuss i cant even sleep at all. from they start the trip i duno how many times i have bomb their hips. LOL

shirley ya back is quite pain when i use born but is easy to use. if i have to choose maybe will go for beco or manduca but im thinking will i use the sling more often or carrier.. Hmm cuss when they reach a stage i rather use stroller. so i can put more things inside hahhaa

XUAn: ya hor i saw n read.. but if its me i prefer the box. ya the seller now slow in reply is it? i tonight will ask hub see what he say.. he wanted to get a carrier that he can carry also .. so im thinking either manduca or beco gemini

gov money: happy gov give us money but its not even enff for us! haiz..

2ks/bbk: lol i hate to iron also..cuss i always iron n iron cannot straight one fed up hahhaa so if i wana iron i always push to my hub to iron for me.. he is the IRON MAN LOL
fabbie: yah lo. I prefer to have the box also. since it's just $5 difference. And I think the authentic seller only allow 4 orders per time eh. I saw a few seller also spree last time...max order 4 each time.

sleepskies: Maybe I will still order from the first seller. comes with box. more trustworthy. After all, it's baby using. don't want later anything happen to our darling's back or spine.
fabbie: after i sold my bjorn synergy I was using BECO gemini. Gemini min weight is 3.5kg. My friend who used gemini for her #1 is also using it for her #2 now. She started using and bringing her #2 out in gemini when #2 was about 2 months old. GEMINI don't have infant insert so you can just use it as it is. ERGO, Manduca, BECO butterfly II would need to use with an infant insert.

shirley: i got the pupsik too! althou i already got 2 baby carrier LOL.
Xuan - Yah, more assuring to get from the first seller. Just sians no colours left for limited edition except for silver lily...coz my hb wants bright colours for bb. haha. If the other seller has stocks for other colours then I will be torned...dont know get from who. haha.
Bbkk: even if you get hold of the membership, there won't be any discount? R u home working mum now?

Fabbie: agree with you.. I think over use of carrier, my back will be affected in some way due to baby's weight. I like those big pram.. Haha.. Will check it out at taka fair sometimes mid March.. Since they are there for weeks. So no hurry..

Irene: I like the material. Silky soft.. Like very comfy to be inside.. Haha.. didn't compulsory to get the insert if we were to buy the carrier?

shirley: so what pram are u looking at??

sleepyskies: i have a petunia bag which i bought 2nd hand...and i am itching to buy another. but i cant find any local shops that is selling petunia pickle bottom bags... sad.
got to ship from US...
