(2013/05) May 2013

I m 32 this yr
My first bb
My hub is worried that if the results r not good, I might worry throughout the pregnancy
That is why he ask me whether I really wan to go for the test.
I heard that there r lots of cases whereby bb r born healthy although Oscar results are not favorable. I dunno whether I wan to spend the rest of the pregnancy worrying of the bb
I was advised by my Gynae that the decision to do Oscar is a personal one but if we intend to keep the baby no matter how, then actually there's no need to do it. For my first, we went ahead to do it out of curiosity though we also knew fully that we will keep baby anyway. After spending so much and long hours doing Oscar, we kinda regretted so decided not to do it this time since we are pro-life anyway and been-there-done-that. Hope this helps!
hi everyone...

Just back from my oscar tests... All is fine.. =) But baby refused to move so cannot really check spine. But doc says it's okay. Low risk. No further tests needed.

Now waiting for my thalassemia test results
HI mummies,
sorry have been MIA..I read about all your stories on doing oscar. I will be in my 11 week soon so i tot of doing the test too. As mummy, sometimes i tend to anyhow think and the fear is that. Im not 35 yet but reaching in months times.. is the procedure painful?
Mother's love is really wonderful. I have been experience very bad neusea and feeling very very tired. Keep feeling hungry at anytime of the day, till sometime si get so frustrated coz i really dun know waht to eat..so mum;s love already started from the day you are pregnant.
baby_kk: Am okie! =) saw bb ler, finally! =) then next up's oscar next wk too.. =) Ya's? M measuring 10wks based on the crl.. then the next appt's 3 wks aft oscar.. now I understand why some 2nd time mummies can tear when seeing the bb moving on the screen, coz tis like finally can heave a sigh of relief that bb's doing okie inside etc.. Tis simply amazing.. =)

ahmei: Ya having twins right? Read tt if having multiples, the measurement for oscar may not be that accurate wor.. Ya wanna chk it out? oscar's not painful, tis taking of the bloods coupled with an ultrasound scan to measure bb's neck thickness and the nose bridge thgy.. then they'll analyse both and try to work out the risk..
Haiz finally can load, my wkplc network really like shit now even my phone date plan reception like shit
called in StarHub they keep saying no prob with their network, or could it be my iPhone having prob? Anyone of u encounter this where ur Frds also tell u they called u n it's deadtone? Its like donating my $50+ mthly subscription away lor

Wahh so many of u done Oscar , guessed I be one of the last few here coz this wk be my wk8+ when see my Gynae this sat

We same age!! I thought I'm the oldest here le

Gd to fatten up the baby but usually only take in 2nd or 3rd trim leh.
Hi Ladies!Wow so many mummies have done the OSCAR Test! My turn is next week , Wed.

However, my EDD is 11 May, is it too late to have my OSCAR Test by next week?? I little bit kam cheong now...
hi ahmei

The procedure is not painful at all la. Depending on the level of accuracy you want, you can opt for just a ultrasound test or an ultrasound test with blood test. So the drawing of blood may be the more painful part. But it's bearable la.

For me, i actually had to ask my gynae about it. It's not a mandatory test. But i just wanted to be prepared and to keep my mind at ease. So i went ahead to do it.

Nothing scary la. just additional money being spent. haha
yeah yeah bewildered, me havin twins. Maybe I better check with my gynea this week, seeing him on sat. Very kacheong leh..
I think for twins, the delivery poackage also more expesnive?anyone got experience?
Hello TSm, i dun think is too late. My EDD is 15 May and when i saw my gyna three weeks ago, the nurse there told me that my gynea will explain all the tests to me the next time we meet, which is this sat loh.
hi ladies!

was buzi d whole day. juz finish cooking dinner & waiting for my lil masters to rch home.

if down syndrome results are not good, next stage will be CVS or amnio. both are considered invasive. i did CVS before as my #2 d results were quite bad & i was only 24 then. so decided to go ahead & results came bk normal. now boy is healthy & super active. how come you worried abt bad results? any history of chromosome disorders in d family?

actually if results come out no good, i would suggest doing CVS or amnio. ive seen so many kids with chromosome disorders at my workplace & its really taxing on the parents. really gotta make a very careful decision coz its a lifetime commitment looking after such a kid.
Shirley: im not sure how big is my bb cus the result everything will be given me when i see my gynea. i think should be 1 week later i will see my gynea. maybe sat will call and ask can i monday go down anot lor. =) i heard they say 2nd trimester is 14 weeks. 12 weeks is our safe line ^^ btw congrats on ya bb oscar scan!

i would advice if u want to have a smooth delivery dont eat too much of durians haha must control.. cus if bb too big liao cant natural birth. but if C sect nvm. just whack LOL but if ya bb inside is skinny do eat more durians! ^^

yaya: 15 weeks sounds so long.... Zzzz

PigletBee: U will be fine!! dont worry! =) do update us ya! =)

VI: ya born in the year of monkey? Same as me! hehehe my hub also monkey so we all are crazy with my #1 who is a rat. i guess when my bb come out the Rat and SNake will make us go crazy hehehe..My oscar scan the lady day everything looks fine! so dont worry we are still young ya!! =)

fool4love: mine didnt move leh. mine was sleeping in a bowl like that the shape. and can see the bone clearly how ya bb sleep leh? but anyway congrats!

ahmei: procedure is not painful no worries! =)

nlimm: how old are u? u dont look old leh... duh~
fabbie: my baby just lie there... the doc tried to tap tap tap tap tap and got me to fake cough but my baby just simply lie there and only moved its little hand... haha! like saying "dont disturb me" =p
Tsm :
Oscar usually wk 11/12 my Gynae said as most accurate if I'm not wrong

Ya if Oscar result not gd better to do amino too. 1 frd of mine 2yrs ago refused to n wan to let nature takes its course even Oscar + bld test result is bad n she's only 23/24 then, then till 30 wks Gynae detects some abnormality in her scan then, & she need abort then hear le also heartpain lor

I 35 next yr le. I look young? Hehe thx for ur compliment ye

I guessed need pay more then wont be doubled ba except nursery charge in hospital since babies taking 2 beds
Bewildered: I was enjoying my durians Ytd.. Think I Gt abit heaty.. Gt ulcer..
going to stop eating.. Btw, do you have any idea if where to get fetus dopplers? I thought of getting it..

Tsm/wt81/babykk: many thanks! I can't wait for the next scan..
babykk, I did take beef.. Suddenly Gt craving for watami..
going to eat tmr.. Haha.

Fabbie: do update us with your coming visit..
I just took durian Ytd.. My baby is only 4.25cm at 11 weeks plus.. Today I am at my 12 weeks. Counting down to sec tri.. Can't wait..
Fabbie, yup....same yr...hahah.....

I do not haf family history...jus worried for the first bb.......worried that it will haf problems.....worried this, worried that....gosh
I sound sooooo old


I guess I shld be at the low risk group, but still can't help thinking of the what if.......
congrats shirley and all mummies with good results for their oscar. My gynae doesnt believe in blood test and he mentioned there are studies against the accuracy of blood test. If the result for oscar is ok, most likely it will be fine.

I have a friend who had a bad blood test result and did a CVS/amnio, cant remember which, everything was fine. esp if we are nearer the 35 yrs old age, higher chance for our blood test result to be bad

I m almost 12 weeks and not even scheduled for my oscar /detailed scan yet. My gynae will prob schedule for wk 14 i think
I also ate durian.. Think my bb like. Before pregnant, when I eat durian, I feel very heaty. Now, do not feel so. Weird!

Mummies, you all started getting maternity clothes? I picked up some at mummies's secret online.. Haven pay yet. Had never done online shopping.. Lol.. U ladies shop there before?

My Gynae visit is 5th nov. That will be my 11th week! Nov 12 is the Oscar test. Doing at TMC, will go early like some of mommies here. I dun like to wait too long ;) Anyone sign up for TMC discount card?
Hi mummies to-be, long time no see.. Sorry have been terribly busy at work n everything at home...

I have just done my Oscar too. Now at 13 weeks. At the Oscar test, I could see my baby turning n turning around non stop. We had a shock to see baby so active! Lol...

Question: will you guys go for amniotic test even if Oscar result is normal?

Piglet bee: don't worry. I m 35 now n my Oscar is normal. Think positive.

N good luck to all the mummies going for the Oscar!
Shirley: ok!

Vi: haha I'm like u. Always love to worried but I realize worried n not relaxing will hurt bb so try not to think so much. U are allow to worried but not too much ya! Hehehe

Kiringal: me! I got the sbi card le. $128 n the goody bag. If u haven't sign up, u should do before u going to Oscar so u can show them u entitled for discount. I apply mine by post Heng they mail to me I just nice can bring to TMC to show sbi and same time to there n collect goody bag.
Morning ladies!

Fabbie, Vi: Hi 5 my fellow monkeys. ;)

Wow so many mummies are done with their Oscar scan.
I'm looking forward to next Weds!

How's everyone doing? Can't wait for the second trimester!
Morn Mummies, for 2nd time mummies who's nearing or at the 2nd trim, can yall feel bb's movements or? not sure when to expect to feel movements..
Bewildered, u can feel it?
I can't feel it yet. I am at week 11.

Fool4love, maybe still early. Ms will usually stop around week 14. Jiayou!!
Morning mummies!

Bewildered: sometimes I feel fluttering in the lower tummy, but not sure is it my tummy gas or bb swimming around. lol

Have everyone informed your boss about your pregnancy? I informed my female boss last week (married, 50plus, no kids) but can sense that she is not very supportive and happy about it. She asked me to take 2 months maternity leave first, then spread the rest of the 2 months thruout the year. I told her is too short and will consider and get back to her.
Hello mummies... It has been a long time since I last logged in...

Did my Oscar test on Tuesday and everything's gd.. Saw my bb waving it's hands and legs..

Re: morning sickness
Whenever my stomach is empty, I'll have the urge to vomit and for the past three days, I've been vomiting on each evening... Didn't have much appetite in the evenings thus I'll always end up vomiting as I didn't eat much.. Haha already week 12 and I'm really hoping that I could starts my honeymoon period soon... All the good foods and cravings!
baby_kk/charliebrown: I cant feel it yet.. was at the gyn then saw bb moving but I din feel anythg, but yest night, aft a full dinner and downing lotsa water, tummy has some rumbling.. not sure if tis the food and water or bb.. searched online and seemed that for 2nd time mummies, some feel it as early as 13wks.. so just chking if tis really 13wks.. haha.. Ya can feel anythg?

wrt informing boss: I've yet to coz thinking of waiting until aft I've the oscar report etc.. am even thinking of dun inform, until they ask when they see the tummy.. heh heh..
Hi all.. waiting for my turn to do oscar. The clinic is very crowdd today. i went in just, but bb was doing headstands and refused to cooperate.
Buba, that's so cute, headstand....

It has been 2 nights that I throw up before my sleep. I dun know why, my dinner always so suffering...

Bewildered, I think fabbie can feel it.
buba: headstand?? so active ur bb!

Shirley: My gynae will advise me on my sugar intake next visit on next Sat. In the meantime, the nurse advise me to drink more water, cut down on sweet stuff, even fruits like oranges, cos I have abit of craving for oranges.

Bewildered: Yeah, also heard that 2nd time mummies will feel bb's movement earlier. Maybe we really feel it?
Gd morning mummies!

Charliebrown, my boss(male) know my pregnancy at my early stage.
For the maternity leave,I haven't discuss with them but my planning is to take 2mths 1st and the rest will be taken through out the year.
So I can take the balance of aternity leave instead of my annual leave to bring baby out for injection/visit doctor/do my some private errands.
charliebrown: heh heh, maybe tis really the movements.. but v hard to tell too... -_-

wrt caregiver for bb:

Can I just find out on who will be looking aft yall's bb when bb is out?

tsm: am hoping to take 3 mths then leave 1 mth for bb's jabs etc.. but there's no one to hlp me look aft, so considering infantcare, but bb'll get sick more easily considering the low immunity, so dunno to take shorter maternity and leave 2 mths just in case.. but if take 2 mths maternity, meaning, bb gotta go into the ifc at a younger age.. dilemma..
bewildered, I think I oso facing a same prob with u coz I hv no one to look after baby.
But dun think to send bb to ifc....., planning to look for a babysitter near my house to look aft bb.
tsm: yar, tis really a dilemma, send early, keep the maternity for future uses, but then bb gg into ifc so young, more chances to kanna germs etc.. also cannot bear to send bb in so young..

bbsitter needs recommendations wor, ifc got more eyes watching.. babysitter only 1 to 1.. helper at home's outta the qn coz if leave bb alone with helper, also bu fang xin.. hmm..
Ange: wah good to see monkeys here hahaha

Bewildered: I can feel a little at times. When bb moving especially in the evening. But not very often u can ask ya hub to hear n listen ya tummy. Hee

Bbk; poor u! My dinner always not very good too. So I eat very very little, on dinner.

Ms: I realize my ms starts to turn another way round like having more heartburn than feel like vomiting. Or maybe it's today nia: but my dinner intake is still no appetite. Sianz
Any mummies know the current market rate for a babysitter to look after a baby from Mon to Fri (7am -7pm)?
Found few babysiters near my hse area, thinking to contact them aft my 1st tri.....
Bewildered, actually I feel IFC ok lah. Still safer than new maid. If can get reliable nanny even better. Who is looking after ur first child?
baby_kk: my 1st child went to ifc at around 3 mths, then kanna bronchitis twice, so pulled kiddo out and placed with MIL for coupla mths, then back to cc once hit 18 mths..

kiddo will still fall sick every now and then, then the leave tt we need to take are usu urgent leave, wh's like nt so nice.. coz kinda disruptive to work.. so if I can save up more of the maternity leave next yr, will be better.. but tt means bb gotta go to ifc earlier.. -_- unless I can find a gd and recommended babysitter near my place who's fine with our timing, maybe drop off at around 7:30am and then pick up by 7pm etc..
Tsm :
U stay at which area? I'm looking for nanny too but I will take care at least for the 1st 4-5 mths

My Frds who sent BBs fall sick easily leh

Tt card only for TMC ?
Any mummies having constipation? I used to be able to clear my bowels on daily basis.. now wait for 2 days still no feeling.. haiz!
hey fool4love, you mean at week 11, when you do the oscar test, you already can see your baby turning?
I have been very lucky to have a super good boss who understands my sitution. I have very bad neusea and didnt slp well coz keep waking up in the middle of the nite feeling hungry. Sometimes i really feel lost that i have no appetide but hungry so must eat. So doc has gave me hosp leave to rest at home. And my boss is very encouraging. Asked me to est if need be..

iko0508, oic...
i hav tis prob during week 9then i eat banana, yogurt and apple, finally solve it.

oh ya...have to check with mummies who oledy done Oscar test, do we require full bladder b4 the scan? anything need to be prepared 1st?
and , no fasting needed for blood test?
