(2013/05) May 2013

hi Ah mei.

I did mine at 12 weeks + 1 day.

Actually, i cant tell whether the baby is turning a not... I can see it move, but not sure whether the doc turned the equipment or was it my baby turning. haha! It was quite fun to see it wave (or looks like its waving)...
i forgot to ask for MC...
so in the end, i had to take leave...

Cant wait for 6pm. so i'm always here. wahahhaa!
bewildered: yup.. but very very soft the hb. bb movements abit only.

nlimm: yeah only got TMC

iko: i cant 1 day poo.. i think to wait like maybe 2-3days later then poo wor.. eat prune can help also.

buba: wah... whats happening ya bb playing in ya tummy huh. hope the 5th time can scan properly =)
hi all, my oscar test result was out yesterday thou i just did it on tue! super efficient! glad that results was fine and hv scheduled for my detailed scan in dec!
Oscar finally completed. Fifth time. Was at clinic from 8 to 4. So tired. Radiologist says everything good. Phew. Naughty baby.
Iko: my ms still whole day long except when I have class.I guessed me constipation soon today tried very hard to squeeze out 1

Buba: WAHHHH y so long ? That's 8 hrs?!!!

Fabbie: what's the diff btw Oscar n detailed scan? I thought Oscar is aldy detailed scan?

Tsm: oh i stay jurongwest, we east n west . & how to sense?:p I usually feel right side abitbitttt pain at times not sure if the kick but can't be leh coz I'm only 8wks+ bb still small leh
Iko: I feel you! I am also into mac nuggets! And those fries.. Kept pester dh to get for me.. Bt super unhealthy.. So must try to moderate abit here and there..

Wt81: congrats on your good result!
so good! You and fabbie alr schedule detailed scan..

Tsm: I can't sense baby is which side.. Bt thru the scan, i think baby is in middle.. Cos the probe is on the middle..

And I just got my first reserved seat from a lady. And talking abt ms, its haven really stop.. On and off, I still Gt them like Ytd.. Puke my dinner out.. Ms only get worse if I am hungry.. So far, that's how my ms is like..
Nlimm: Oscar scan bone to see is baby doing well anot. If baby bone very thick meaning not good. They also check heart beat. Check nose got poke out anot, this n that. Detail scan is u can know the gender, and see bb fabby feet, bb hand and head measurements. Should be like that.
Iko/ Shirley:
Oh at least u 2 crave for nuggets mine fries worse wo

Oicc thankyou . I only rem for #1 I had a test ard wk12( shd be Oscar plus blood test) then at next appt I know my #1 gender so this is the detailed test u ladies mentioning .
Tsm: hi my edd date ard the same day as urs . I just did Oscar yesterday but got to wait for blood test results . There is a window period for Oscar , bet 11 weeks 3 days and 13 weeks , 6 days of pregnancy . So I think next week is still ok .
Nlimm/Shirley: I only love fries with lotsa salt.. Super unhealthy right.. I love sandwiches too.. ESP with ham n bacon n cheese.. Not interested in bland Chinese food.. I'm v 重口味 lately..
How are u girls on the holiday... my #1 on thursday suddenly high fever.. sch just called and ask us to bring her home now. i brought her to see doc. doc also cannot believe that she had a 39+ fever. cus doc tested 3 times different ear lor! and why she didnt believe it cus my gal was still as normal cheeky and playing which im less worried. haha

but the next day i realize which is today im done with flu i think! sighz keep sneezing non stop and i get emo.. do u gals feel that? like suddenly will cry one hor.. and dont feel good. haiz.. but im so craving for sze chuan now!!. omg.. la zi ji~

nlimm: haha infact i also forget le last time #1 got do oscar anot. but the process i have done remind me again yes i did oscar before hehe
Hi Ladies,

Can I join you mummies?

I just did Oscar test yesterday and my baby is fine...so touching..

However, I still don't have good appetite..What do you eat normally? I can only take salty and hot stuff lately....

Hope you all enjoy your pregnancy
So happy , back fr gynae appt. My angel is 8wks+ now growing well at 1.72cm now
Gynae said Iscar be only scheduled on wk12 for me .

Iko: try to do without salt? Since I had my #1 fries at Mac always without salt hehe

Fabbiee: hope ur ger is better now. My boy came back w 37.2-37.5 temp on thur too n a classmate of his with fever still in cc. I fast fast brought him home n bathed him n get him to drink alot water fortunately that night down to 36+. haha usually we will forget all after a while :p
Went to see Gynae earlier in the morning. I still can't see heartbeat. HaiZ, the ges sac has grow to 7w1d with a yolk sac visible on abdomen scan. Gynae didn't want to do v scan so not to irritate the v. Was schedule to see him next fri if still not heartbeat via tummy or v scan. Might has to schedule for d n c. By den shd be 8 week
hi everyone! my edd is on 23 May, onto my 11th week soon - 1st time mum-to-be.

Need to seek some advice - Read somewhere that preggie women shouldn't drink cold drinks. Can't survive without cold drinks nowadays, always feel so heaty inside.

Anyone drink cold drink in your previous pregnancies.... is it alright to drink like once a day?
Hi mummies!
Just did Oscar test today. Blood test results will be out this week. So far scan shows bb is alright. Thank God

CS, I also drink cold drinks. I just avoid cooling things. My gynae didn't say stop cold drinks. But I guess all in moderation. Tea only maximum 1 time a day.

I love babies, hello welcome! My appetite is bad. But I realise if I'm hungry, my MS will be worse. I drink lots of lemon water to ease ms and make my appetite better. Works for me.

Cheryl, Will pray for you. I only detected heartbeat when baby was 8 weeks.
Thks Debbie for the tip! Right now I am adding cold drink to "my list of not supposed to-do stuff" which at this point is one Kopi-O and one cold drink a day. Can barely survive the long hours at work without these two :/ feel bad that my bb has to suffer together w me.

I love babies, hihi! I love to snack on fritty stuff, but only health conscious thing I do is to have a 2 servings of fruits/day. Are u a first time mum too?
Fabbie n my angel is back....drinks lots of water too...
u haf to take care of the kids n ur self......

Cheryl, dun think too much...u will hear the heartbeat soon....

Cs, I haf secretly drank a can of coke...lol....got a scolding fr my colleague n hub

Hey gers, are we able to use cpf to pay for the consultation package?
I was browsing the some of the material my mum brought back for me fr mt al. Saw that we can claim 450 fr Medisave? Is it true?
Aiya I've been taking alot cold drinks too.. cuz my mouth has this weird taste.. so I'll have craving for sweet drinks like coke or cream soda.. but I'll avoid cooling or herbal drinks.. cuz I dunno What's OK to take.. I guess everything in moderation ba..

Actually I tot sth wrong with my browser.. cuz there were no postings for a long time.. I guess all e mummies r enjoying the long weekend in Sg..
Bb is very cooperative in korea! I am officiallu on insulin jab. Already super expert can jab in moving coach bus

Going to meet the diabetics specialist once i an bac. I realise bread and rice and late dinner is the killer. As long as i avoid them, i am able to keep my blood sugar within range.

Going to be a tough journey ahead
I did drink abit cold drink like juice n freshmilk but I left it for awhile b4 I drink .But I avoid Ice . Tea n coffee totally out though my Gynae said can but my CL n colleagues all said no so to play safe it's out of my list

Thxthx I'm trying to eat more fruit n fruit juice coz water make me puke too. Yest night I puke out my lunch but not dinner coz after lunch totally felt terrible n can't eat dinner at all

Congrat ! I still need wait afew wks for my Oscar

wahh u take coke! I also avoid though I really crave for it , at least for the 1st trimester I'm telling myself to endure thru hehe

Oh so ur Gynae start u on insulin jab ? How come rice
& bread will also up ur blood sugar ithought only those sweet stuffs like choco durian etc
JC: u can stick to a low GI diet.. And it will to keep the sugar level in control..Brown rice has a lower GI than white rice.. So if u can tk brown rice, u can switch to dat..
Carbo will turn into sugar..if body cannot produce enuff insulin, will affect bb..bb will grow big..etc etc..

Ya..it hard to follow low GI diet in korea now..they eat rice every meal. So i increase my veg n meat intake to feel fuller

Once go bac to sg, shd be easier to manage
morning ladies...

I continue drinking cold drinks cos the weather is really a killer. Surprisingly, my mil did not stop me from eating watermelon (though i think my mum will scream if she sees me eating it)...

i guess everything in moderation ba...

Any ladies here past 12-weeks and still having MS? I'm losing my appetite... so much so that i cant really eat anything much, and if i do eat anything, i will feel like puking soon after... I thought ms would be over by now...
These few days I also keep drinking cold drinks. I felt better drinking it...

My ms usually at night. Every nite before sleep sure vomit out. And my dinner always no appetite.
Fool4love, they say ms sometimes ended around week 14.

Does anyone still having sore nipple? My nipple getting more sensitive. I thought it should subside.
Jc: pls take care of yourself. Stay warm amenable fun at Korea! I missed Korea..
love their kimchi.

Fool4love: me me me! I am hitting 13 weeks soon and still experiencing ms..
I really thought I can get over with this ms thingy soon so I can really enjoy foods but its still comes and goes.. Having some difficulty putting on weight.
what abt yourself? R u able to gain weight?
Good morning mummies!

I also took sips of coke/root beer or cold water once in a while, but I try to avoid it. But my hubby likes to drink coke. It is so tempting. I am also still drinking coffee in the morning, once a day. I make the coffee myself and make it very diluted.

I am passed my 12 weeks, but still have abit of MS, especially in the evening. Hope it will pass soon.
Hi shirley: my weight has been flat for the past 3-4 weeks... i put on quite rapidly in my first 6-8 weeks (about 2-3kg), then after that it has remained flat...

No appetite le. If not, i would see things that i really want to eat but will just have a bite and dun feel like eating anymore... But i'm happy with the 3 kg thereabout... a colleague of mine only put on 3kg on her 16th week... i was sooo embarrassed to tell her my weight...
Morning gals! Just back from gynea. Blood test and Oscar scan all normal.
and next appt will be 26th nov!! Omg so long! I ask doc about my brown discharge n his replied to me it's normal. Lol I don't have to eat dup le. But I'm been constipated quite bad till doc give me med for that. I told him I had a terrible headache and say is ok to take panadol.

Shirley: today scan 12week 6 days baby is 6.6cm due date is 6 may. Ya edd is when?

Fool4love: I'm still having ms, but I realize I will vomit when I wake up very early. Haha

Bbk: ya mine too nipples are sore.. Wah u gals still got gain weight, my weight still the same -.-

Charliebrown: hahaha my hub sometimes also drink coke I ban him from drinking. If want to drink don't let me see! So sometimes he hid his coke in the toilet haha.
Good morning mummies!!!

Long holiday over. But I still got to wait for 2more weeks to see bb.

MS: my ms is getting from bad to worse rather than MS think I call it NS I only feel so nausea and feel like vomiting in the nite and a must to visit the toilet for the vomiting before going out for dinner. And thou feel hungry but because of the taste in the mouth really got no appetite. So tummy wan food, mouth reject. Duhz.

Watermelon: we can't eat watermelon? I had quite a few on sat leh.

Cold drinks: I've been haing cold drinks quite frequently one is because of the weather and the other reason is craving. Hahaha. But still I try to control maybe take a mouth or two.

OSCAR scan: I'm waiting for mine to be schedule, think shld be in end nov.

Weight: think I've put on 2kg. Oops. For my first and second preg I only put on a total of 9kg thru out the whole 9mths so hope this time round also same. Haha.
fabbie: god everything is normal.
u already done OSCAR le, me still in the queue lor. So ur bb is still may bb. Me too also constipated even after eating fruits, milk,vitagen. Wat med ur doc gave u for constipation?
M gg to see my baby tomoro, not schedule for Oscar yet, sld be end Nov, i should be on my 9th week this week....

really looking forward to see the baby...

Watermelon: basically, they say it is too cooling, nt just watermelon, bt anything that ends wif melon. bt i think in moderation is fine.

Dragonfruit, big banana are also some of the fruits that are told they are 'cold' fruit.

Btw, for those mummies, who want to BF, you sld start to wear non wire bra and ve very hot shower (this is told by the malay massage lady, those ppl who know Mdm Rokiah), she told me that.
Weight: I have not put on weight as yet. But for my first pregnancy, I put on a total of 13 kg. And till now have not lost all the pregnancy weight. The weight gain is very fast esp the third trimester. Cannot even walk properly.

Can ask if any second time mummies feel a bit sng-sng at the pelvic area while walking now? Last time i rem I dun feel so sng at the early stage.
fabbie: Can we buy the med tt ya's gynea prescribed for the constipation over the counter?

rejoy: for fruits, longans should be considered as heaty right? coz have taken a sudden liking to longan.. jialat..

charliebrown: Me!! I feel some suan-ness at the pelvic area, but tis like once in a while thgy, not particularly irritating but just sng sometimes..

baby_kk: when's ur edd? =)

hi all, i am in my 13th wk and still feeling occassionally headache and giddiness. appetite at nite is not so gd too. so far hv gained abt 1kg.

any1 knw when can we go for prenatal class and prenatal yoga? thking of taking up some exercise.
