(2013/05) May 2013

Back from gynae visit, my doctor say bb doing well. Grow from 9mm to about 25mm. I am 9th week now. Estimated delivery date 27th May.

Hear a while bb heart beat. My gynae did not comment much accept he say i should worry less as everything seems ok. *Phew

Going to visit again in 2 weeks time. Then he gave me the option of doing oscar test. Yup, we are going ahead. Hope is good!

Today, i have a little bleeding again. Strange enough, i did not take the 'd' medicine (as i finishes the medicine since my last visit), i felt like vomitting all day. Quite different experience from some of the mommies here. I spoke to doctor about it. He say that from my ultrasound, it seems that i have low placenta. Thus cos little bleeding.

I did not ask for any different medication or injection.
the man dont wan change here & there. troublesome. so if change, gonna stick to the dr if everything smooth smooth. im choosing A1. lol. my boys & relatives can be very noisy at times so single room better for us. if only im still working, lol, dont have to pay so much on my own!

oic. if inclusive of baby nursery charge, i think bill is around there.

any mummies staying in Tampines area? any gynae to recommend? =)
Fabbie: my Oscar is more like a more detail scan as compared to those normal scans we usually had.doc will scan every part of your baby to make sure that everything is growing fine and developingwwelll.. Eg, the facial features (nasal bone especially), heart, brain, limbs, fingers, legs etc.. Thru the scan he will explainand state if its developing well and what'd are we seeing thru the scan. Scan roughly takes 20 mins? Den proceed to blood taking. Blood result will ne out in a week or so.. Its fun seeing
Dear mummies

Can i join this thread? I am now into 13 weeks, first bb is 2 years old already

EDD: 1 May
Gynae: Dr Lee Keen Whye
baby # 2
Hospital: Gleneagles
NSEW: West
Ml83: if u choose TMC 1 bedded got discount leh if u got the discount card. I see paper stated is 100 bucks off. 2 bedded 50 bucks off

Shirley: thanks I just had my scan just now. Is nice seeing baby but too bad bb is sleeping.

Morning ladies just back from my Oscar scan at TMC. So tired! But it was quite fast dou. I reach there around 730. Waited about 8am they open the door dou they stated 830am. And when I was waiting there were already 4 couples Heng I'm the 2nd one walk in. So waited not long it's my turn. Saw baby in my tummy sleeping, doc measure bb bones, nose seems to be quite well! So after that took blood test I went home. I finish close to 9am Lo! Fast right!

After that I go toilet I started to have brown discharge haiz I duno why! Haiz I told my hub he say should be normal cus I'm like always spotting on n off which he get used to it and doc always say its normal arghz! what a topid answer but I don't feel comfortable when I see brown discharge sighs. Maybe I see how ba if keep have brown discharge then I go see my gynea tmw. Or anyone have brown spotting after doing Oscar? Cannot be right? Cus it's not v scan. But glad that Oscar scan pass! Now gonna wait for blood test result. Infact happy to see bb so cute, but I see my brown spot mood suddenly went down. Zzzz

Oscar scan TMC bill.
Package blood test + Oscar + detail scan = 428 + gst this n that n with discount. Total is 435 that I pay today. And my detail scan will be 6 dec! Oh ya my edd should be confirm 6th may. Bbk later help me update. Thanks
I m doing mine at the clinic
Not sure whether there are other charges

They mention that if bb not cooperative, cannot do Oscar? Is that true?
ive seen him before previously to confirm my other pregnancies. i heard feedbk tt he dont do 4th csect thou.

ooo. i yet to read more abt d fbi tingy. lol. veri forgetful. ltr i go read & ask hb how. keke.

ur oscars fast sia. package sounds reasonable price. =)

brown discharge? beta rest more. nua in bed & watch drama!
good afternoon mummies!!

been out for a few days cause whatever i eat, i throw up.. totally no energy to do anything but hide on my bed..

i'm also on utrogestan as going on holiday to HK tomorrow.. having taking sometimes good day sometimes bad until even my bile water comes out.. super er xin..

today just completed week 9.. gynae also told me week 9 will be worse.. so dont know if its over or what.. hope this first tri will be over soon..
hi all
for the oscar, i remembered for my no 1, my boy don't cooperate, I stayed there for almost the whole day. so, it really depends on your bb. they have certain criteria for the scanning. so i must say fabbie is very lucky, and bb is very cooperative
Fabbie: that's soooo cheap!!! Arghh.. but I can't possibly fly back Sg to Do it.. sad! One test down for u.. one thing off ur mind..
fabbie: your package is cheap! My oscar test plus blood test already cost me $400plus.

My oscar test measured the fluid behind the bb's neck, neck measurement, head circumference, etc but did not go into details like the fingers, toes. But gynae did check the nasal bone too. She said the other details like heart and organs will be done during detailed scan. This is my first time doing Oscar as for my #1, my gynae recommended me to do triple test.
Afternoon ladies!

Charliebrown: Welcome to the thread!

Fabbie: Do rest more!

Rach: Enjoy HKG!
Hope you have an appetite there to eat all the yummy food!
Vi: i think so.. cus when im doing my oscar scan doc did told me that baby is cooperative sleeping so easily can see the bone everything to measure.. unless bb inside jumping maybe its abit hard to measure lor. heee

ml83: im base on my SBi discount i see.. im not sure FBI is it the same.. they got a few things also got discount also. the goody bag also not bad leh.. hahaha yeah heng not that ex. the lady say its a package so pay everything and 6th dec go there for detail scan again. Haiz ya brown spotting and like sticky brown discharge. duno why leh.. si bei sianz. but i TRY not to keep seeing my gynea i think he can remember me liao. so peiseh T____T

worried79: maybe bcus mine is sleeping inside lol so easy to measure. haha

iko: yeah i cant wait for my detail scan! ^^

charliebrown: yours does not include detail scan? yeah mine also did check the blood vessels everything heartbeart everything. but fingers toes not yet ba. cus they just young still. hee

Ange: yes mdm.... lol i really hope i dont spot thru out my pregnancy its really so frustrating and scary.. sighz
Mummies, any of you still experiencing yellowish discharge? I am still having them.. Worried..
but no itch, no pain no smell.. Just that the colour is yellow
Dun worry la, my Dr says brown dc is ok, only come back n see him if it's fresh blood. So u shld be ok, mayb u were just tired running up and down in the om from the scans. You can b happy that bb was cooperative and scan was good. Cheer up k
Shirley, yup i have it..... yesterday & today but jz a little bit.
No need to worry abt tat...check with my gynae b4 she said is normal.
Tsm: did your gyne prescribe you with any med? I am still hesitating if there is a need to get myself medicated due to the discharge..
Shirley...no medicine given.
u hv a lot of discharge?
It so called vaginal infection if the discharge is green or yellowish, come with strong smelling or itching.
But since yrs is no itch/pain/smell, then shld be normal discharge during early pregnancy stage.
Tsm: no itch no pain no smell.. Just the colour is yellowish..
hopefully this will go off soon. Thanks for your prompt reply..
being the first time mummy is really paranoid over for the slightest thing.

Fabbie: so fast you schedule your detailed scan alr.. How big is your baby? You are in your 14 weeks alr?
hi ladies...

gg for my oscar tomorrow... hopefully baby will be co-operative. Was still thinking of taking half day. I think i better cater for full day instead...
Hello all!

Long time no come in chat liao. Tdy also went for oscar scan.
Had a fall yesterday but lucky all ok & baby is safe n fine! Cant wait for my gynae appointment which is mid nov. si bei sian.
fruitiloops: thanks for ya info! ya my doc also say that too! brown okai if fresh blood must see. but recently my brown spotting stop le. then come back again suddenly. so duno. hopefully everything will be fine. i dont wan keep seeing my gynea i think he can remember me liao -_____- hoe can ren till next week then see him with blood test result =)

shirley: no leh the lady scan for me told me im less than 13 weeks. LOL so im like back to 12 weeks i guess but she told me that my EDD should be 6th may. The lady in the counter book appt for me on the detail scan since its a package..

fool4love/Yvonne: u gals walking in? if yes please go very very early. so no need to wait till so long =) anyway enjoy ya scan! wil be fun looking at BB longer this time and hearing ya bb's heartbeat ^^

wt81: WAH so nice ya bb is awake! mine still sleeping wor when scaning haha

Yaya: Oh no.. but glad everything is fine! do take care ya! why need to wait till mid nov? for me after my oscar scan i need to see him 1 week later so that he can tell me my blood test this n that.
Fabbie, haha maybe ur gynae machine at SK was abit more calculated that's why it measured ur bb size too big to be more than 12weeks. So your Oscar shd be most accurate. So u are just 3 days earlier than ur edd.

So meaning on the spot during the scan, if dr says everything ok means ok right. We just wait for bloodtest result?
Mrg ladies

Can I ask u guys something?

If the Oscar results r not good, will u all proceed with the next stage? Ie the invasive procedure?

Mine is 15 nov
My hub n I hf decided that regardless of the results, we will wan to keep our bb.
But my hub is worried that I will b unhappy n not enjoy my pregnancy.
Doc also say that she doesn't recommend me to take Oscar if I haf no intention to take the next step.

Now in dilemma. Beside testing for down syndrome, what does Oscar also test? The detailed edd?
So nice! So many mummies have done their Oscar scan!! Fabbie, you r so lucky to see baby moving heheh . .

Can't wait for my Gynae to schedule me for my Oscar during my coming mon visit!
Wt81: its really amazing to see how he/she is doing right? I also can't wait for mynnext scan which is in three weeks time.

Fabbie: have you book your appt with docdfor the blood test? I don't know if mine need to wait toll 3 weeks later or thenurses will call me and let me know the result. I thought I wanna call and check but at the same time also scare.. How big is your baby??

To mummies who are going for Oscar, good luck and have fun seeing your little one kicking and punching.
do update us after the scan..

Re: second triemster
I think i am confuse over the start of second tri.. Some said the start of 14 weeks, some said on the 12 weeks. Mummies, any idea?

And randomly here.. Anyone took durians when they are at their 1st? 2nd? Or 3rd tri? And did baby came out really chubby?
Vi: Oscar mainly tests for down syndrome and it is not 100% accurate. This is also calculated against your age. so if you are 35 or older, the risk is higher, But that does not mean the bb will have down syndrome. This is what I know. Also heard of few stories that although results not good, bbs borned are of perfect health!

Shirley: I thought second semester is after 13 weeks..not too sure too. I have never taken durians during my pregnancy, even for #1. And just the last visit, sugar was detected in my urine, so I must watch my sugar intake. My next visit, my gynae will advise me on this sugar level..haiz.
Hi mummies,

Yeah, Oscar scan done.. I had appointment at 8.30am.. Luckily got appt cos a lot of people when I step out. E lady tat do scan for me was great, though Bb was turning she managed to capture e shots she need. Saw e tiny arms n legs.. Hehe reminds me of no. 1 scan
Wow! So many of u have done ur Oscar.. meaning u guys have crossed the first trimester!! Hooray! Mine still long way.. 7nov..

Vi: why u worried? How old r u? If it's me I will Do the 2nd test..
Dear all mummies, my Oscar result is out! Everything is great!! Low risk for down syndrome.
o really happy.. Can enjoy my long weekends!
Charliebrown: I went to search online, some say 12 some say 14. So I am also abit confuse.. If you have sugar, try taking those food with low GI. Helps to keep the sugar balance. What did doc suggest?
Shirley: I took durians during 2nd and 3rd trim and bb came out v v v chubby.. -_- but sugar content v high but heng did not get GD, else cham...

2nd trim starts fr 13wks, like what charliebrown said.. =)

Vi: If age's above 35, the chances of OSCAR giving the wrong results is relatively high, then the parents will worry unduly etc.. For the peeps that I know who's above 35, usu they do direct for amnio instead.. But if yall intend to keep bb no matter what, then maybe can skip the tests, depending on ur comfort level..
Congrats Shirley, so happy for you.
Yes eating durians bb will be v chubby. But if my gynae, he will definitely says it does not matter, mummy health more impt dun get too much sugar intake. He will prefer to ask me take more beef and meat. He says by eating meat and ESP beef bb will be very healthy and chubby. But no rice.
Fabbie, i am nt sure. Mayb i shd ask my gynae re schedule appointment. Cos package start 12wks n if i follow my gynae mid nov, then i will b 15wk then start my 1st session in package. Bo hua right?
Dear all, going for my oscar next tue so scared that the test result is not good due to my age im over 35 liao. it really give dilemma for further tests..sigh

I drank cold ice lemon tea, slip slip only. I feel so shiok after drinking.. Keep opening my fridge, haha..

So many of us going Oscar next week. Jiayou. Mine also next week. Can't wait.

Yaya, I also think Bo hua for u, u just call up say u wan to change appt date lor, I think ur nurse dun mind bah..
