(2013/05) May 2013

i realise the more i try to control, the higher my blood sugar level. Yesterday i indulge in a big bao & fried popian, end up my reading is normal.

The yoyo readings are making me very stress (and stress increase blood sugar!!!!)

hubby tell me to eat as normal..dun think so much..if reall have to go for insulin jab, than we go. I lost 3 kg so far (previously go on diet / exercise also never lose so much within 3 weeks)

He told me this baby is to come and save us. If we continue to eat like what we used to, we sure died early.

Morning everyone..

This week is my 11 weeks... Going 12weeks next week, am so happy..

So far actually I can count the number of vomit I have with food. Only 2 times, the rest are either vomit sound or vomit with salivia. Every time I go toilet, I sure gag one... I hope it can end my misery soon..
Jiayou everyone...

Nlimm, dr gave me 2 times twice the pill not because I am not working, so far 2 gynae told me to take that intake. But. Am goin to take just 2 pills at night that's it...

Kiringal, ok update us..

Shirley, will ur result out today??
worried79, hope ur fine now!

JC, don't pressurize yourself..eat normally but oso avoid those food/drink contain with high sugar .... some kinds of fruits oso have high sugar such as banana, grape, mango...and so on.
Oops...I oso like to eat banana and grape......i think have to limit myself to eat these fruits...

Jc, you may check this webite for yr reference...

Bbkk, me too !! I oso going to 12 weeks next week, haha....wil have my blood test and Oscar test on next Wed.
How abt u?
Ml83: think you should change your gyne since you're not comfortable with your current one.. Just stay strong ok? Don't think negatively.. When's your next appt??

Nlimm: that's a great idea.. Bring along your boy since he is so interested.. Let him learn and experience since mummy is having another didi or mei mei for him. I am sure he is more willing to go.. But sat schedule can be quite hot since majority prefer to scan on sat so as to save leaves etc..

Babykk: he just told me roughly result will be out in a week.. I am planning to give them a call this coming wed or thurs. praying hard that everything will be fine.. So far scan all these quite ok.. Your Oscar is coming soon right? 1 weeks plus to go?
Morning ladies!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

TSM: We're going for our scan on the same day ya? 31st Oct?
I love grapes this pregnancy but I suppose it's cos I'm averese to sweet stuff and I do need to get my sugar from somewhere.
Ange: Wow! yes, our Oscar test is on 31 Oct!
Where will u do the test? i will do mine at Parkway East Hospital.

I dun like sweet stuff before preg but changed now, i like eat those stuff i dun eat b4 such as candy...

Bbkk, yup it is long time to wait for the coming week...hope everything will b fine!
Tired day for me, keep coughing non-stop in the nite. Hope all the virus can get out of my body soon.

nlimm: not leh coz my appetite not very good so din really eat much. But today is better.

fabbie: ya it's the jiaoing feeling like wan to diarrhea like tat.

iko: enjoy ur short stay.

worried79: have u recovered? Take care.
esther: Hope you get better soon! If you cough at night, I recommend putting a towel under your tee on your chest to keep the chest warm... if you can tahan wear socks to bed... else just wear house slippers around the house.

tsm: still at Raffles. There's a doc there who does it. Not my gynae. After scan then gynae will analyse blood test along with scan results for me. Did my blood test last visit.
I also changed for this pregnancy. I used to like beehoon soup but now I hate it. I prefer prorridge and blend soup and food. I dun like salty food. Dunno why every time I eat I find all food salty.
Thanks all.
Fully recovered already. I was actually more worried for my bb than for myself. Was praying very hard that bb will be alright. It's really a bad experience.
Anyway, my gynae did mention that pregnant ladies will fall sick more easily, esp wif flu and cough. Thats why have to really take care
I am also suffering from very bad morning sickness. I vomit after each meal, can't drink and eat at or. It has been for almost a week le. I am going to see Gynae later, hope e has some remedies for me. I become so weak... No energy at or
so worry for bb
Why will urs get worst. I can't imagine mine greeting even worst I can't eat already. I have been taking leave I dun think I can't go back to work. I do not know what to do with myself .. Everyone try to feed me with food where I will vomit one after another
iko: yeah im like double shock! like flash eh. i finish my 1st trimster? but im still vomiting in the morning =(

nlimm: bring ya #1 go! my #1 saw that day saw then say baby cycling and baby like turn turn like in the washing machine -_____-

esther: its normal! haha i have that on my #1 alot.. then after the jiao-ing i will fart LOL
hello ladies!

i don hav veri good experience wif previous one as well coz i had pre-eclampsia & it was not detected till 2hrs before my op & i was onli informed 30mins before my c-sect. from planned c-sect to emergency in d middle of the nite. abit upset thou he is a veri nice dr. i changed to current one coz juz behind my pl so more convt & laz time i see gynae, all cover under my coy benefit. now pay myself so tot dont travel so far to kkh. hehe.

next scan on 29/10. my gynae not free till dec! pengz. gonna sms him ltr c can slot mi in anot. lol.

monitor ur intake. i did my glucose readings before for laz preg coz suspected gdm so poke myself every 2-3hrs. i cannot take mac cheeseburger, sure shoot up. end up took bee hoon soup for one whole wk. soupy stuff work for me. even if take fruits, only can take abit.
Just had a simple lunch of pork porridge cooked by my maid.
Loaded with lotsa pepper. Love it. Now lying on the sofa letting it digest. Holding a pomelo skin to my nose hoping it curbs the pukish feeling! Lol!
hi Esther,

about 2 wks ago, i was like u coughing non stop day n night.. it lasted for almost a month.. have been on mild medication till the doctor say.. no choice have to give me antibiotics to supress n cure it.. cos pro-long cough like my case almost a month le.. is not good for bb..

though i dont feel like takine e antibiotics but no choice.. now slowing recoving le.. have to be careful wat i eat in order not to trigger e cough n sore throat again
Afternoon everyone!!! I love this am I realised my baby love mon?! This am no ms during my 4hrs lesson fortunately but yest night was bad I zz fr 8+pm to 1+ am n up till 4am then zz & up again 630am to prepare#1 & myself for sch

Told Hb lor waiting for him to tell me if he can take time off to go on wkday if bring #1. Currently appt on sat am but #1 has class maybe I ask if have later timeslot but sat late am times lot always need to wait for an hr + even when I arrive in time or prior my appt time

Instead I like meehoon soup n porridge this round & veggiee but reject meat! So this one of mine maybe a herbivorous not carnivorous haha

Need fOr ur gd news, u shd be able to see ur bb today aldy right? U in which wk?

Maybe try take some fruits or porridge instead. Me bloated yest again though din eat much

Glad u fine now

Wahh how complicated is ur complicated ? My#1 at mt A planned c-sec at 2bedded was 6.9-7K
I'm sorry to hear about this
Hope you recuperate well.

Wow, 6.7-7K for a c-sect? I won't have so much $$ to pay to get my baby out of me!
ml83: wah 7 more days! but u seeing the same doc? or another new one? i think u go see another new one first better leh.. do u think so? see this week better since last week is ya appt le? ya gynea really go so long holiday!
csect at mt a so ex??? i tink my bill was abt 5.5k for all my csect at kkh. smmore all was emergency csect.

ya. next wk still same dr. coz now dono wan go where deliver. if go bk kkh, i rather c d previous dr & im sure tis round, he will die die ask me ligate. lol. #3 tt ime oreadi ask me & even before op he also ask if im sure don wan.

anyone has delivery experiences at tmc to share? coz tinking which dr & hosp i wana change to.
I just had the yummiest lemonade from Omakase Burger. Hahaha I realised I'm into these sourish drinks this pregnancy.
ml83 : ya...now is soup, veg and whatever that is plain. One day test 7 time till i meet with the specialist.

I never like sweet things so giving up on dessert and soft drink is okie. ..next time my baby sure drool alot coz mummy cannot eat her favourite zinger!!!!!!!
So far I have not drink with ice yet... After my 1st tri, I will drink it.

Ange, I like white bread now also.. Anything that is blend..

But why always I eat, my mouth got that aftertaste really very irritating.
Esther: r u sleeping in aircon room? Air-con tends to make e air v dry.. leading ur throat dry so will cough.. I alwiz cough at night too.. so sometimes I will turn on the humidifier to moist the air.. then drink warm water..

Bbkk: Yes! Sometimes I still take cold drinks or ice cream or yoghurt.. I tot we r at week 10? Ur Edd is 19may too right?

Ml83: switch to a new gynae?

Mami B: pomelo skin? Interesting. How Did u discover this? Hee!!
mayb once a wk only. hehe. dont really drink often.

need to scan next wk so maybe let tis current old scan 1st den i switch bk to my previous one. c wat hb says. coz this current one i need to deliver in tmc n i dono how is the service there.
bbkk: For me I get sourish aftertaste some days... and I attribute it to reflux... on those days.. eat also sour don't eat also sour... drink plain water taste sweet type lo.
Iko, yes 19may edd. So this week is 10 going 11 weeks.. I always count ahead. Haha...I can't wait

Ange, I always taste salty... Drink water must drink hot, if not I feel like vomit.
A-N-G-E : have to follow the 'serving' they recommend. Now i cut down on carbo and increase my intake on meat / veg to make myself more full.

tomorrow i am going to see the nurse again for the insulin jab. Hopefully they will let me monitor my diet first than put me on the insulin jab.
I always drink cold drinks, om i will have cold ribena a whole bottle from fridge or ice milo to keep my suger levels up.
Whole day i can take abt 3-4 times cold drink, i dun feel any difference after taking. First preg also i drink.

I just bot the belly belt from spring maternity and i'm wearing it now over my pants, it feels so good... really one of the best buys i think. Pants not tight anymore, usually was tight and uncomfortable after meals, now perfect, i can breathe w/o having to buy new pants/jean. I totally recommend it
That taste in mouth I also have. A few of us have right. Actually it was worse for me last week & 2 weeks ago. It's a bit better already now but still got that taste. Like A-n-g-e, I also like sour drinks. It helps a bit.

I just whacked a whole pack of twisties. Only salty stuff can make that taste go away (momentarily) :/
I also can't really take stuff like milk & soya bean. they'll leave a milky taste which I really dislike. Threw up soyamilk during my shower just now. I rarely throw up, just gag, esp when in toilet but really couldn't tahan just now. Urgh.
Pink tulip, I dun like salty stuff but I am ok with salty snacks tibits but not salty food... Lol

Fruitloops, occasionally ok to drink cold drinks bah. Cos before my TCM dr says my tummy always very cold to touch, ask me to reduce cold drink. But I think I still will take lah but I will control.
Ange: stop bleeding Liao. It's like discharge 1 patch of blood then later follow by 1 patch of brown discharge then no more. Really duno why also.

Ml83: I think u change gynea first ba then later decide see which hospital? For me I still like TMC. Food nice, price reasonable not ex but also not cheaper than kkh.. Got discount card also lol. Then u usually choose 4 bed room will upgrade for u to 2 bedded cus 4 bedded always full. n ya paying 4 bedded price still. I think should see this week a new gynea than ya old gynea giving u like so sian answers. This is what I think Lo.

Drinks w ice
I did drink cold drink but not with ice. Hardly drink w ice ever since I'm pregnant

Oscar scan
Gals who went before, will they straight away tell u baby is ok this n that? If no good will they tell u straight? Or u need to wait for 1 week later ya gynea then tell u is it good or not? Tmw I'm going to do my Oscar so scare n anxious!
Nlimm : 6.5-7k after deduct medisave?? Is it because the doc charged more exp?

Dunno if my theory is right, but usually is Doc's delivery fee + standard hospital fee(e.g 2-bedded) = the total amt we need to paid

Is it correct? E.g geneagle is exp also partly becoz the room is exp?
Hi mummies, really counting down to 2nd trimester..hates the bland taste and the bloated feeling... only sour drinks can help ease my queasiness...I find that having small meals help too.

regarding oscar scan... that is more like a detailed scan right? I remember for #1 going for 2 detailed scans. one at abt 14-16 weeks and other abt 20weeks. I recall the sonographer counting the % of abnormalities right away and provide you with a copy of CD.
Pinktulip /ml83:
I think partly also the fee of ur Gynae. Coz that total comes fr 2.5K(Gynae)+1/3 of 2.5K( anesthetist)+ rm & theatre charge( c-sec min package 4 days3 night- cant rem how much )+1.3K( nb nursery charge , plus my boy only use 1hr of the machine for his jaundice)+ (c-sec used forcep not sure any charge)= 6.9-7K

it's b4. Then after use medisave still need pay ard 4K+ cash coz they only allow certain percentage using medisave.

I drank 2 sips b4 only tts coz super thirsty beside this I din even drink cold drink without ice

Guessed u the 1st this round among us for Oscar wo

Having a tom yum noodles craving. The hubby is kindly going out to get me a bowl of myojo noodles. Hahaha

pinktulip: I drank soyamilk once b4 bed and the next day I nearly died from the sourish taste in throat and mouth. Way severe man. Avoided it like the plague after. I'm perpetually nauseous but the thing that made me closest to vomitting... and twice... was cold bird nest. I double boiled and thought I could save some for the next day who knows nearly threw up. So next time will only drink freshly double boiled birds nest. Hahaha

fabbie: Glad all's good now!
my gynae said will analyse results with me immediately after scan together with blood test results.
