(2013/05) May 2013

Bewildered, my edd is 19may. I hope can shift earlier.... Lol

Wt81, I also thinking og prenatal yoga but they said must do it after week 16. I think is time for u to source now.

baby_kk: heh heh, I also, coz the earlier the edd shifted, then the wait seems shorter.. =p

Canned longans? Have cravings for tt too, but coz we bot dunno hw many kg of longans from supermarts, so finished those first.. in fact, when I opened the fridge early in the morning to take my folic acid, I felt like eating those peeled longans.. then gotta restrain myself coz like early in the morning, first food's chilled peeled longans, sounds abit salah.. haha..
Esther: yeah still may baby! Hee I prefer that! Lol and ya heard people say watermelon is cooling so cannot eat too much I'm quite craving for that actually haha. Doc gave me paraffin liquid 3 times a day for constipation. I'm trying not to take that first maybe eat more fruits and see how first ba. Like my panadol I just took 1 pill first to see how is it. I don't wish to eat too much med scare will affect bb. Ya in TMC waiting for Oscar? Should go early early in the morning. Anyway enjoy ya scan! ^^

Bewildered: I don't think u can buy from the counter leh. That's for my gynea. Cus I remember I came out le I told the gal say aiya I forget to tell doc I need cough med. then she ask me to wait awhile I still need to go in and request myself. They won't just sell to u one Lo. But not sure for your side.ah u mention longang makes me wana eat haha

Wt81: is ya headache last like quite long? Like u move ya head abit ya head will be damn pain? Is like something inside your head is squeeZing! I duno is it the weather or is it cus of my fil smoke in the toilet till my room door is open all the smoke went in. When he came out from the toliet. Wah I wana get out of the room the living room still got the smell makes me so damn xinku till I start to get headache all the way till now arghz. Sometimes I really hate to have sensitive nose cus u smell things easily n strong for us.
hi fabbie, mine is giddy and headache in 1 pktg normally at the centre of my forehead. whenever i had it, i nid to eat smthg to curb it.
Bewildered, when is ur edd? I tracked back my ovulation date and gynae scan is the same date that I ovulated. If really that time, is boy cos very near ovulation but also did it 3 days before. Dunno which spermie the egg takes, haha
Esther /fabbie: me constipated too.. I've tried yoghurt n fruits.. haiz! I dun wanna rely on prune juice all e time..

Re: weight
I put on 0kg too.. lol.. I put on 15kg for first pregnancy..

Bbkk: me Hope can shift edd fwd too.. my Edd same as urs..
Wt81: oh different from mine. But recently I realize I sit on the sofa I stood up I will be very giddy one. So must slowly stand up like a old lady haha

Iko: one apple a day keeps constipation away! I think might help leh! My doc told me if my constipation quite bad then take the vitamins like 3 days 1 time. Cus inside got iron inside. But I will just try to eat more fruits n hope it helps
Hi Charlesbrown, yes i feel sng at my pelvic area. i also need go toliet so often cant hold any urine at all. need go toilet middle of the night...sian. every morning looks like panda bear! hahaha
fabbie: it is due to low blood? i worst now already have backache, stomach cramp...
decided this will be my last bb cos it just too much to endure and also lao liao...
Bbk, I have been drinking cold drinks too. Especially during the weekend when I'm out. Weather so hot. Cannot take it. Haha. My weight gain so far 1kg and my gynae say my weight gain is poor! He ask me to gain more weight. And I'm so scared to put on weight. First pregnancy I gained a total of 12 kg

Esther, my ms also in the evening. Always feel like vomitting in the evening before and after dinner
and when I feel hungry, feeling of vomiting is even worse.
hi ladies

just had my lunch and almost puked it out when i went to the toilet just now... it's always like this for the past few days. I will happily eat and then after that i will feel pukish... But i just feel it and nothing comes out
Fool4love, jiayou. I think you are getting better.

Do u all feel tired in the day? I really lazy to go out and just wanna lie on bed
baby_kk: Mine's 16 May... Will the oscar tell us or cfm on the edd again? When I told the gynae during the 1st appt on my O date and gave my guess on the wk tt I am at, turned out tt the wks tallied, so shld ovulate as per the clearblue monitor.. but dunno if will be girl or boy coz hb just cleared out the old batch the day before the big O.. -_-" But I've a hunch tt tis gonna be a girl.. heh heh..

Wrt gender: just like to find out, does any mummies here have an inkling or know the gender during oscar?
Oicc haha returned all my bio to my Cher :p

Cool, urs be one of the 1st few may babies.

Try take more juice ? I can't take much water thus been taking fruit juice plus now start to reject fresh milk

Weight gain:
Wahhb all of u gain so little for past preg?! My #1 I gained 25.5kg, jumped fr 47 to 72.5!!! I was like a giant then. But can't seems to get back to my 47, been hovering ard 55-57kg for past yrs .

Cooling de don't take too much ba

Can rest try rest home at hOme lor weather terrible, how I hope I have a bed or sofa to lie down

Guessed we r the last 2 for Oscar. Mine Gynae scheduled wk 12

Consultation Package:
Any of u started this ? I ask my Gynae nurse last sat, she said only fr wk16 then have wo
Bbkk: Me, I feel tired still, cos maybe got to work and take care of #1 as well, so everyday also tired. I also wake up at night not to pee, but just wake up, sometimes due to my boy making noise at nite...

Bewildered: I am not told of the gender during the Oscar test. The gynae who did the scan said cannot see anything yet. So normally they can confirm around 16 weeks or so. But I read some gynaes can give like 80% confirmed reading at early stage.
nlimm: my consultation package will start from this Wed (31/10), week 12.
Will pay S$700 for this package and it included monthly consultation, ultrasound scan and vitamin.

Weight Gain: I gained 3kg so far, my appetite is good, eat a lot and drink a lot.

Constipation: I eat apple everyday, and banana& yogurt twice a week. I drink a lot of plain water every morning woke up, so far it's help.
charliebrown: Oh, for my #1, only know during the detailed scan, wh's like 20th wk.. -_- then din show us her gender again aft tt, so tis like only tt v 1 glimpse..

But read tt some can tell gender quite early so just curious if can really see so early for certain gender etc.. if can tell at 16wks also gd, haha, no need to guess.. maybe this one will be the same as #1, only reveal once during the detailed scan and then hide again.. -_-
Hi Mummies, i just went for my check up on saturday .. EDD will be 27 may, bb now is 10weeks . Gained only 200grams of weight but i feel very full and fat .eat non stop.. scan shows baby growing well . I am thinking of skipping the oscar test .Didnt do it for my son that time as well.So relieved to hear heartbeat and see it grow !but somehow due to previous miscarriages i feel very paraniod keep going toilet to check sigh.. how can i overcome this?
Bbkk..i having sore nipples too. Now i must sleep face up. If i sleep on the side or ob my chest, will be pain

Hubby say breast abit bigger haha..the nipple part like swollen up

Is 3 months counting from week 13 onwards? I planning to tell my boss once bac from korea..especially i might have to see doc for the diabetics and gynae so often.
hi ladies
kindly help mi to remove my nick from this thread. bb stopped growing & hb gone when checked this morning at gynae. wish all a safe & smooth pregnancy. =)
Re: constipation
I dun hv this problem for my first pregnancy lo.. dunno y this time round will have.. I take fruits almost everyday.. does apple helps? It doesn't look like it contains alot of fibre..

Re: breast
I've sore nipples too.. hubby also say breasts became big.. hee!!

tsm: what type of bananas u taking? My mum said can only eat the smaller ones..
ml83, so sorry to hear that. Pls take care!

Iko0508, I eat the big one, buy from NTUC.
But now need to reduce taking banana le coz found it contain of high sugar.
ml83: take care...

tsm: i'm gg to try eating apples everyday.. see if it helps!!

yvonne: icic.. i heard the big ones will cause constipation too!!
Fabbie: ya me doing at TMC, hopefully my gynae side can help me make appt coz I have to send my boy to sch before I can go down. For the constipation med, think u can take it if really cannot coz the last time round it only works for me te first few times subsequently my body got used to it can constipation continues.

iko: if prune juice works for you it's better than taking med coz prune juice dun work for me.

nlimm: ya.
mine got no consultation package.

ml83: take good care of urself and rests more.
*nods* Counting down already.

By the way ladies, which week are you in when scheduled for Oscar test? I will be going in my early 12th week. And the clinic assistant already unable to make appointment, asked me to join queue at 8.00am. =/
Mi83: how many weeks r u? Have you tried to seek for second opinion? Did yourg gyne gave you any explanation? Stay strong dear..
I m still feeling my ms despite being in my 12 weeks....hope this feeling will ease soon.

As for gender, i remember for #1, my gynae confirmed the gender when i was around week 12..this time round, my gynae still cant see yet.
mi83: Sorry to hear abt tt..take care and nourish yourself during this period. Can try again in few mths' time if u r ready

Weight Gain: for my #1, I gained 19kg and lost 16kg via BFing. No time to exercise and I still ate normally including junk. So I think as long as we don't gain more than 15kg, should be quite easy to go back to pre-preg weight just by BFing alone. This time round, due to my nausea n initial poor appetite, I lost 2kg so now I'm one kg away fr my #1 pre-preg weight at 13.5 wks...hopefully won't gain too much this time so that I have chance to go back to my wedding weight haha.
Boobs: I BF my #1 exclusively for 7 months and partially till he was 12 months. I conceived when my #1 was 14+ months so my boobs have not really returned to orig size and started growing again. Just to share, Wong Boh Boi once shared that to prevent boobs from shrinking after stopping BFing, we should not cut out diet abruptly but should continue to eat carbo etc in moderation. I personally find it quite true cos my friends who diet really saw their boobs shrunk.
Hi mummies, i. Will go for my oscar test this week. All the best to me.
I see that alot if you emjoy cold drinks. Actually i feel the same..But i heard is not very good to drink too much cold drinks. So i try to comtrol. Also, i have been drinking h2o to replenish my fuild in my body, like dehydrate. Anyone drinking?
Anyone knows if we cam start taking chinese tonic sooup after 3 mths?
Captain piglet: I din go ln diet but boobs still shrank badly.. they became smaller than my pre pregnancy size lo.. then I heard need to go for massage back to shape.. anyone heard of this before?
Iko: Nm la now pregnant again chance for your boobs to have a revival haha! Maybe can use those clarins bust firming cream? But I have not tried before. My seniors were saying after BFing 2 kids, boobs really sag like mad...so actually I'm more concerned abt the sagging after #2 haha. But will still wanna BF!
hi mummies n mummies to be,

how are u guys so far?? been bz for me having exam for last weeks no time to log in pluz bz wif my #1 also. tired like mad!!!

my 1st pregancy gain alot 18kg!

seem like every1 going for their oscar scan. mind will be on e 5 nov! quite worry abt the scan coz my #1 result was not very good..
Captain piglets: hmmm worth a try!! Clarins pdt quite good.. Any idea when to start using? After bf? Ya I wanna bf too.. save fm money!!

Rina: What exam u taking? Studying during first trimester plus looking after ur #1.. must be super tired!!
Iko: bfing is good! i bf my son till 10 months. but hor once i stop bf i preg again! haha n silm down dam fast!
Im taking my diploma.
I only bf 4 months. This time I hope I can bf more than 6 months. I bf 4months and shed all my weight away.

My Oscar this fri. Really can't wait to see bb progress.

Yesterday I break record, I vomit twice. Once after dinner and once before I sleep. When it gonna end...
I bf for around 7-8 mths for my first one. Intend to bf longer this time round. Guess becoz its the first time, not sure what to do and not confident enough. Heard that its good to bf bb as long as you can.
Bbkk, i also vomitted last nite! Terrible feeling. Though I always have that bloated feeling, I seldom vomit. Dun know what happened last nite...vomitted out my dinner
Good morning mummies!

I bf for about 4 months too. I was so stressed during the confinement period that I did not have proper rest. Dunno how to juggle between latching bb, pumping and washing and sterilising the parts, etc. So wondering if any mummies doing without a confinement nanny this time round and just getting your mum or in law to help? and you do the rest?

Also, talking about bfing, I had bad experience with Medala Swing. Heard that Medala freestyle is good? Cos I wish to bf longer this time, but may have to bring a good pump to work to continue that.
Charlie, without CL and doing alone really not easy.
But if u get ur mum to help, I am sure ur mum also tired at night helping with the bb and end up u got to take care at night plus latching plus pumping. My friend nv engage CL, ask her mum to help end up see her mum so stressed end up she do everything so equally no confinement. At least CL, they can help to tc at night, u just concentrate on pumping, leave everything to CL to wash.

I am thinking to buy another medela too, either freestyle or Pisa. Previously I am using mini electric single pump and took up alot of my time.
Anyone can give advice which is good?
Is it true that you have to bf extensively for the first few days to ensure milk flow will be sufficent for bb? I did not do that coz after my c-section, I was in pain for the first two days. Then turn out milk flow not alot....Any advice?

As for CL, I agree with Bbkk. It's good to have a CL to help out. At least with the washing, cooking and looking after the bb at nite so that we can have enough rest.
I read that is best to keep on latching or pumping for first few days. I keep on trying only my flow came in on day 5-6.
My CL keep cooking papaya fish soup for me. And I eat frenugreek too.

i think that is where i went wrong. I did not latch for the first few days....so kind of haywire liao. Hopefully can do a good job this time round. I heard of papaya fish soup, but what is frenugreek?
