(2013/05) May 2013

tsm: i have.. im like 1 or 2 days can dont poo but i try to at least 1 day dont poo. is quite hard to poo everyday now. LOL

ml83: haha if come out both boys u all can buy 4D! ahaa mine little bump. but i eat will be quite obvious lol but i envy u leh. like that go mrt peope will let u sit liao haha

esther: welcome! ya #1 and #2 are boys? ya i feeling hungry but i just cant eat also!

worried_79: same here i also cannot sit for so long.. especially on the floor.

gals what u do at home ah.. wah im super damn boring only watch drama, sleep, play hp, eat thats all. lol whata about u all? lol
babbiee, I have tis prob from 8 weeks onwards. I can poo very easily before i pregnant, my hubby said I am a 直肠子,jz need a cup of plain water and then can clear my stomach immediately.

But now very hard to poo everyday...even though I eat a lot of fruits and drink water.
Fabbie: I only have 2hrs of private time (her napping time) leh.. I'll surf net or watch dramas.. other time entertain my ger lo.. sometimes will meet hubby for lunch then go shop after that.. but recently no mood due to ms.. just feel like nuaing on bed..
Fabbie, most of the time I am on bed watching drama, eat also in bed. Just nua in bed. My bed is my best friend now.
When my girl came back from sch I will spent a bit of time to guide her, read her books.
I had a pretty good day today... as in was up and about and got lotsa stuff done. Got piano lesson at 3.30pm. Waiting for my teacher to come. Hehe Yesterday was horrid. But that was yesterday so let's leave it as that. Hahaha
Ange, may b I will go Taka with my hubby this Sat, but not confirm yet.
Coz we have maternity tour this Sat morning then after tat wan go expo for the baby sales.
then u will see me missing from fb liao. hahaha. wont have any updates coz too busy.

i usually nap when bb nap. tired. then watch cartoons with him lor. hehhe.
today hv craving for KFC & softdrink. after drinking the cold soft drink, i start o hv cramp. haha... the first cold drink after so many mths.

esther: that is gift fm god.

Ange: I think too early still hv 8 mths to go. Early of the year should hv bb sales as well.

tsm: u gg which hospital?
ange: me eat is becoz of eating, juz had my lunch and now feel so bloated.

tsm: did some read up on bio oil think it works better on scars than stretch marks. To prevent is try to tahan and dun scratch. I got a lot of stretch marks when preg first one coz keep scratching. Now apply wat cream also useless.

Yvonne: mine 3yo and still carry and gotta carry up and down stairs somemore.

Reddish: u can try getting a small stool to step on when in office. I used to do tat last time and can prevent water retention on the legs.

fabbie: yup both boys now hoping for girl. But my sixth intuition tells me ths time round also boy. :D

Me not enough time to use, settle my 2nd one late afternoon nap gotta rush to pick my elder one. Then come back gotta clean them and prepare them for dinner. I miss the days on catching dramas and nuaing on the bed.

Maybe going expo on sun to see can get good deals on milk powder on my 2 elder one.

eil: definitely.
ange: maybe it's still too early the shopping crave have not kick in yet. Hahaha.

If this time round is boy, I got too any hands down clothing from the 2 kors kors.
Wanna check something have all mummies gone to gynae for checkup?

Initially my plan was tml but HB can't make it and next week is my sis's wedding and celebrating my #1 3yo bday. I tot of postponing to 19 Oct? Wat you all think? I've started eating folic acid since ytd.
hi Esther,

should b ok to postpone. unless u do not feel well or got spotting (touchwood), then u need to c gynae immediately.,
hi mummies I have a Que here.. I'm abt 10wks n having brown patches of discharge.. it started of with pinkish ytd. any1 of u experience it b4? it's my 1st n I'm kind of worried. =(
eil, I oso won't buy anything on this Sat baby sales at expo coz is too early to buy those stuff.

Jz go there for marketing survey and oso to have the idea of wat to buy for bb.

Hehe coz is #1, so everything bluz bluz...
esther: my second check up is 10th Oct. I'm excited to see the babe grow. Some people don't see gynae till much later. So again, it's up to you.
eil: maybe esther is right. Shopping crave haven't kick in. Afterall, morning sickness makes everthing suck big time! Hahaha
agne: gynae is full till the week after.. I'm suppose to go for my Oscar on 16Oct.. he did ask mi to monitor but I kan jiong..
Thank you mummies. Coz for my first 2 I actually go to the gynae as soon as I tested positive.

erisher: ya u shld give ur gynae a call and check. For my first one i actually encounter this in my 1st tri. And doc says there's a small piece of so call 'meat' and my doc had it removed.

ange: wooh 10th oct. excited!! I tot of getting my 2 boys involved in all my check ups.
i do bring my boys for my checkups previously if possible. hehe. they amazed to see their lil bro thru scans. lol.
Hi mummies. I went for my first appt yesterday. Doc did a scan and I saw the sac and yolk only. Is that normal for 5wk going 6wk? He also gave me this med to insert in cuz I have been spotting, saying it's threatened abortion. Hope everything is fine.

Erisher : do you have cramps? If without cramp then maybe you monitor first. If accompanied with cramps, better go to doc straight even if you don't have appt. Just walk in and tell them you need to see the doc.
tsm /agne : yeah... bb shopping kick not there yet. anyway I do some search, there will be different bb shows throughout the year. so no hurry.

today I m feeling not so good... wanted to go hm rest fast.
erisher : i was facing the same situation too that's why i brought forward my first appt. I think you better go to the doc and ask. The clinic can't possibly reject walk-ins right? Or call the clinic again and tell the nurse you're cramping and spotting.
BBK: LOL same leh.. but when my girl is back i cant really talk to her but maybe play with her.. cus i realize i talk alot i will vomit.. u watching what drama? korean? hK?

ml83: hahhahaa but i cant wait for ya good news ya! dou twins is tough but must be damn cute lor! hee give u more baby girl dust hehee

When u gals poo will u have like cramps? sometimes i have cramps = i want to poo. Hmm anyone experience it?

sunflower: i crave for KFC haha but i dare not drink coke. dou my best frd is coke. hehe this week i crave for popeyes!! haha but i guess need to wait till weekend then can eat.. Zzzz

Ange: LOL maybe when we eat 2nd trimester we all can go shopping liao haha but if my #2 is also gal i think no need to shop that much liao can reuse from my #1 lol

esther: wah 3yr old better dont carry isnt he heavy le ma? mine her coming to 4yrs old always ask me carry i say mummy cannot le.. mummy hug u okai. ask daddy carry ba. LOL i give u baby girl dust u give me baby boy dust hahaa but my gal told me is a mei mei.. so maybe she's right ha! esther u postpone till so long? im not sure leh.. if its me i will just go myself to see my gynea wont postpone ba.. cus i always cant wait for my appt i wana see bb soon hee. anyway im used to go myself liao for this #2 so haha no difference got hub or not.

erisher: yday pink then today become brown? u just try not to walk too much just rest more if u can. but is better to see gynea as soon ba. =)

Vickii: HB cant see yet? when is ya next appt? 5 weeks too early to see ba. usually people see 6-7 weeks =) Vickii u been spotting for how long le?
Vickii, when I went for my first check up during 6-7 weeks, I ask him today can see heartbeat? He told me if 5 weeks, cannot, 6 weeks 50/50, 7 weeks most likely can.
Maybe you are just early.

If I am you, I will go any of the woman clinic for a jab or take med support. Dun wait till tomorrow bah, if you think u are worried.

Haha seem like our #1 age quite close. Mine going 4yo next yr. I want baby boy dust too!! Hehe
I watch mostly Korean love stories. but difficult to catch the Chinese subtitle.. I am watching secret garden first episode today only. Dunno nice a not.. Hehe
Bbk, woah admire you. I wish I can be sahm. But hubby will nag at me if I don't work. Haha. So good can watch Korean drama!
my favourite!
BBK: yours is 2009 mine is 2008 hee.. yeah lets start collecting LOL..yours got guess is didi or mei mei? cus that time my gal guess my SIL's bb is a gal and its really a gal! So abit prepare its a gal this time.. hahahhaa Korean Drama got eng sub title leh.. Secret garden is nice! not bad! love the OST. quite long show le. u should watch Korean variety show. running man or we got married. quite funny! hahaha
hi all ladies..

i just test positive few day ago. since most probably i have to c-sect. there are chances i might c-sect in may. my #1 is via c-sect. this yr 4yr old.
i think my son can feel. last sun, he touches my tummy and say; "mummy, meimei or didi is inside ur stomach"
Fabbie, my girl told me is meimei ah... They say kids can sense it. Let's see ya. Lots of baby boy dusts please. But girl also never mind. I everyday pray for healthy bb.

Shirley, how are u? Never see u log in often. You are due for your appt soon right.

Cheryl, welcome here. Congrats to u.

Debbie, ya but it can be bored at Home too. Faster bb out then at least can buzy le.
erisher : take care. =)

fabbie : i spot a lil last week. Has been on and off since then. Then on Monday, it seems to get worse. Nxt appt on 15/10. Doc say most likely can see hb by then.

bbkk : yea, guess it's too early. doc say it looks fine but I'm just worried.. guess i should relax more. haha
I think I just step into my six weeks and I start to vomit. Oh gosh the feeling of vomiting out is much better but hungry again and no appetite to eat is terrible. Anyone has any remedies to share? Gald I vomit at home and not at office if not colz will start to ask and dunnoe how to reply them.
Vickii... I have spot on and off too. Now seem to be brownish and light. What do your doctor say?

Sunflower.. I also eat kfc.. i crave for junk food and outside food. Faint... Just eaten KFC crispy & spicy last night.. ha ha..

Vickii.. U got any medication or jab? I am taking medication 3 times a day n doing my own bed rest. Read from Internet that spotting can be normal in some ladies. Let's just Jia you..
