(2013/05) May 2013

Cheryl: congrats! oh ya #1 same year as mine too! ^^ u should ask him to guess gender see correct anot heehee

Shirley: my doc didnt even say about anything about Oscar =( and i saw some of the mummies already book for oscar scan le right?

sunflower: i think is cus of the coke too gassy and the KFC too oily ba.. so how ya feeling le?

BBK: Yes yes! i heard kids can sense it.. so ya i kinda admit is mei mei liao. if its a didi its a bonus. haha if its gal we can save alot of money also haha can reuse!

Vickii: on n off? hmmm u got work mah. did doc say is better to rest at home? worse as in? is it alot? u better get more rest dont up and down can le.. be good dont drink cold or anything dont stress... last time mine is brown brown then blood then later dark brown then gone. last about 2 weeks +/- then after i took the jab slowly no more le.. but on n off got beige color discharge. seriously i cant even tell the difference which is brown beige or light brown liao. arghz but since doc say its okai then okai ba. as long is not RED blood then okai le. i can medication 3 times a day.. that time i bleed i had a jab and after that i took 6 times a day. meaning 1 time i need to eat x2 then slowly better liao. did u get the jab too? if u get the jab. wah that time my leg so itchy itch n itch. doc say is side effect. =/

Morning ladies

My turn today... pee break at 6ish and can't go back to bed. Hahaha TGIF! Happy Children's Day to the little ones!
vicvic / kiringal / fabbie : haha...see what my crave for lunch today... omg pls don be so oily anymore. make me so sick last night. yeah i know is the gassy coke, drank only half cup felt some cramp already. so greedy...

Does anyone know if we can eat salad!! I was dreaming of salad last night.

Ange: welcome to my club, can't sleep after pee. that why I try to stop drinking much water now after 8.30pm. it helps to reduce nuumer of time to pee at night. Also try to sleep early.

cheryl: take care. mine #1 too. Today will be my first time during scan and seeing gynae.
Eil: usually my doc suggest me nt to eat the salad outside cause we do not know how clean the people wash the vegetables as they are eaten raw.

so when i craved for salad, i wld prepare it myself at home...

Cheryl: Congrats..

my going for my 2nd appt next week, hopefully i can hear the heartbeat, i would be in 7 weeks by then.

my #1 still young, 11 mths, so i do not think she is able to tell mi is a didi or meimei.

Actually i hope for a mei mei, then the # 1 got company. 3rd one then didi ba...

eil: I can't take raw veg this time around... I get lotsa wind... so much till tummy hurts... else I usually blend a mix of raw veg and fruits for breakfast to drink. Gona attempt again in second trimester. ;)
Good morning mummies!!! Finally its Friday!!! Happy children's day to those with children!!

Babykk: i am great! Except very bad constipation till I pass out blood. Scare me! I thought was spotting initially, went to gyne Ytd.. Den he checked on me, saying I might have torn my backside skin thus bleeding. Which means I have pile! Tmi.. Sorry.. He did a free scan for me too.. Manage to hear strong heartbeataand baby's limbs can be seen! So happy.. Bt he didnt measure how big baby is.. My Oscar is due on the 19 Oct.. Excited for it too.. Have you schedule for yours? When's your next appt?

Fabbie: how r u? I am due forget on the 19.. I think a handful of mummies alr schedule for Oscar.. When's your next appt? Probably for gyne will tell you more on your next round appt??

Who's going down to baby market today or over the weekends? Btw, any mummies here experience any backache? I realise that if I stand or sit abit longer, I will get backache.. Now I only feel like nauing on my bed but sadly Gt to work..
hi mummies,

my oscar is schedule on 24 Oct morning at Thomson. anyone same date as me?

didnt sleep well last night, as i have been waking up to cough so many times.. sigh//
Shirley, it is very common for preggy woman to get constipated. Drink lots of water, eat more fibre rich food or fruits... worse come to worse, like me, eat fibre pills prescribe by the doc everyday.

I would be going to the baby market over the weekend to see see look look for the elder one things as well.

I have backache when i carry my elder one too much...

Yvonne: have you seen a doc... wake up to cough so many times a day is not gd, nt enough rest...
Shirley: my next appt is coming Monday. Maybe by then will ask doc about it ba. I can backache too slightly below will ache or pain. Can't sit on the floor too long for me.

Sore breast
Btw u gals breast everyday sore? Or just sometimes? I used to have sore breast quite pain but now seems like cutting down leh is it normal? But it's not fully grown dou. Like those big kind.
Hi rejoy28,

have seen doc le,, third time already and changed doc to see le.. cough still persistent..

when i pregnant from 1st one also like tat, cough like mad for quite a while..

hope my cough will go off soon... sigh
Hi mummies & mummies-to-be,

I have this red-brownish discharge when I woke up to pee last night and its still there this morning. Didnt experience this before.. The discharge is like those last few days of menses kind - not bright red blood, but brownish-red and abit watery. Not sure if this is called 'spotting' and if its normal? Hubs and I are abit worried although it seems quite a common occurence here.

My hubs told me to call gynae but I am afraid they will ask me to go down today (my boss is on leave today and I need to cover him! feel bad to colleagues and dont know how to explain to them..it will seem like I'm trying to siam work.)

@Fabbie - my breasts are not sore but more tender. In the earlier weeks, they felt more sore but now much better le.
Rejoy- haha I'm going to Tmc for Oscar test on 23rd!

Re: salad
I still took though but only from sakae sushi... Took two big servings on two occasions and everything was fine.. Kinda enjoy their sauce! SlurpPp~

I've also been waking up during wee early. Not because of I'm awake but it's because of that my girl is awake! Awake talking!! And I told her off this morning that I'm v tired and going back to sleep! Turned my back off her and heng ah, she also zzz back...

Tmr is sat and I'm so dreadful of it!! Got to accompany my active monster to her GUG enrichment class alone! Hb is working and so I'll be driving his car there alone etc... I'm
Always so dead tired after her class!
i was coughing like mad 2 weeks ago too. now recovering already. i went to the doc 3 times. becoz we are preggy, they cannot give us those strong medication. my case is more so that the phlegm do not come out, so doctor gave me pills to clear the phelgm. hope u get well soon. i hate coughs!

i have backache too. posted this question yesterday. my back pain is more on lower back, and its rather pain when i try to sit down or stand up. even getting up from the bed is pain.....
Good morning mummies!
I not sleep well yesterday and very sleepy now, need taking a nap before my boss come in office.

I am going for my OSCAR Test on 31/10 at Parkway East Hosp.
Morning mummies

Am going for my gynae visit tomorrow? Should i be asking about the oscar test already? Or will the gynae will inform me?
Yvonne: have you seen doc for your cough? Try ti take lemon with honey.. Probably can help with your cough..

Rejoy: same here.. Doc prescribe me with fibre and the sweet med for constipation..has your constipation now? I thought wanna go on Sat to see some products for myself.. Now still early to buy l, also I scare Gt ban tang.. How heavy is your elder one? Ytd I tried to help my grandma up the stairs(those very high type) used a lot of strength.. Gt backache immediately. Hope little one is ok and doing fine..

Fabbie: same here.. I tend to get backache easily.. Don't know if its normalnnot.. I thinking can use those medicated patch not.. Like salonpas?? My breast is still sore.. But somedays won't be so sore.. Some days it can be quite sore..
Food4love: usually Oscar is done on week 11 - 14.. How many weeks r u now?? You can try to ask for it.. My gyne just schedulee without me asking.. Probably tmr he will let you know abt Oscar? If he didn't ask, den you might wanna ask him?
Wow so nice to know bb is growing. My next appt is next sat. I think by next sat he will let me know when is my Oscar bah, anyway my Oscar test is done by my gynae in his clinic so he dun have to book any appt for that therefore never schedule anything. But I guess should be 3 nov on my third visit.
kiringal & fabbie : Yea, i also read about that. I only got medication, but also not 3 times a day. Only once per night, have to insert it in down there. It's like a soft gel, so after I insert, I'll just lie on bed. The discharge is not really alot but is visible on panty liner. If still spot then increase to once in morning and once at night. My doc seems quite relax lei. Never order me to bed rest.. only ask me not to carry heavy items, etc and take good care of myself.
Re: salad
Try to avoid unless they r washed thoroughly.. may have certain degree of contamination if not wash properly.. I kena food poisoning during first pregnancy due to that lo..

Re: food to avoid
The gynae in hk told me to avoid bittergourd n papaya.. first time heard of it n tot I shd share with u guys..

Re: dreams
I dreamt of food every night lo.. faint!
Hi Shirley,

have seen doc le,, third time already and changed doc to see le.. cough still persistent..

when i pregnant from 1st one also like tat, cough like mad for quite a while..

hope my cough will go off soon... sigh

hi iko508.
heard that we ned to avoid papaya as the orange colour pigment will cause jaundiuce.. but for my 1st one, i got eat quite a lot of ripe papaya as it helps to relieve my constipation.. overall still ok. but do note to avoid unripe papaya as i read online tat unripe papaya can lead to miscarriage..
sleepyskies: hmm ya better got n see gynea soon even dou maybe its normal to spotting but still is better to see.. is it alot? is wipe then have or at ya panty liner? hmmm lunch time go and see leh? or how about after work or maybe off work earlier today? =) don stress ya!! and yes bb more impt. i guess ya boss and coll also dont wish to see u so worry u work also wont an xin de.. so is better go n see gynea asap =)

Sore Breast
okai.. cus i tout its not normal like suddenly stop.. so worried haha

Vickii; insert the thing i didnt hear before sia.. first time... if ya doc seems relax then u also relax have trust in ya doc. hee that time i also spot spot spot. then stop liao abit i ask doc he say OK fine not too bad. just that cannot go tour when i want to go genting. Sianz..

iko0508: yeah i heard people said cannot eat payaya when pregnant wor.. bitttergourd not sure. cus i dont eat it. haha

omg i look so nua at home today! haha
Bbkk: you alr know when is your third appt? I now can't wait for my Oscar test.. I actually thought of letting my boss know abt my pregnancy.. Hopefully can excuse myself with those heavy carton..

Any mummies here alr inform your company or superior abt your pregnancy??

Yvonne: try to take lemon with honey.. Lemon can help in cough and sore throat..

So nice to see your can nua at home.. I envy you all.. I wanna nua also cannot..
Vickii, the pill to insert is it called utrogestan a white colour pill? It can be taken orally or by inserting. But inserting better.

Fabbie, haha okok, I noted that will watch. I need recommendation too. Hehe

Few weeks ago I ate papaya. I know cannot eat but a fresh ripe papaya in front of me and I can't let go and ate it finally

I told my immediate sup. But i think my CEO knows as well cos we went for a function and i didnt drink wine... Haha! guess that was the ultimate giveaway... :p The next day, i was supposed to carry a huge frame from one meeting room to ano, and my CEO "pushed" me aside and told me not to carry. So i gathered he knows...
Morning ladies
Wow u ladies watches Kdrama. Currently I watching hedgehog and panda. I agree rooftop prince is nice..
Any mummies crazy with Kpop oso?
Shirley, cos I saw my gynae gave a letter on the visiting schedule. For first tri, visiting is every 3 weeks.
Second tri is monthly.third tri is every 2 weeks.
So after my second appt is next sat, I count 3 week later so shd be 3 nov. So roughly I know when is my date with my bb
Me also kdrama lover!! But I'm choosey one.. I must like the actress or actor first then I'll watch.. currently watching arang n magistrate.. it's still airing in Korea..
bbkk: yes, utrogestan. Doc say if taken orally, the effectiveness reduces by 50% as compared to when you insert.

omg i feel so nausea............. >.< Anyone here started taking fish oil supplement?
Vickii, yes my gynae also say insert more effective but I dare not insert myself. I chose to take orally. I ate twice in the morning and twice at nite. This pill if take orally will have giddiness. Must take until week 16.

I feel nausea everyday.. Very sickening. Make me can't stand up must lie down. I took fish oil from week 6
Re: Oscar

Is That a blood test? Or scan for down syndrome... I've been confused about this since number 1's time. I am scheduled for a blood test next visit and a scan month end.

Re: fish oil

My Gynae prescribed. She said just take if it doesn't worsen the nausea. But my gf's Gynae said fish oil is only good to aid conception. Shrugs. I just take la. Hehehe
Cheryl: Me me!! crazy about Kpop stars hahaha especially those singers

iko0508: hahaha im waiting for Faith and Beautiful to you finish then i watch! I cant wait to watch Lee Min Ho! should watch variety shows like WGM and running man! quite nice!

BBK: seriously SAME. if actor and actress nt pretty i wont watch.. example rooftop price wah.. i die die dont want to watch cus i dont like that man not yandao haha then kana force by so many people so i watch LOL and its really nice that i pull my hub to watch with me LOL i realize Korean 1st look not nice but when u see them longer u will tense to love them haha city hunter u watch? LEE MIN HO rocks! LOL

sunflower: aiyo cannot ask coll to help u carry mah? u should wor.. ya body more impt!
hi all,

i also told my superior le (though i still under probation) as i was on MC for 2days and i gave gynae so decided to tell first.

for Fish oil n calcium tablet, my gynae say let me take from 3mths onwards. so now i am only taking folic acid
dear all, I am a first timer and will be going for my first check next friday. I guess I am ard 5-6weeks pregnant.

I need precious advice please
I Have been drinking Frisomum milk for 2 days now. Is this the folic acid to take? cos the milk powder says it contains so. Or is folic acid some sort of pill that is pure folic acid?

Thanks all :D
Fabbie: ^5!! I love Lee min ho too.. I'm also waiting for Faith to finish showing.. I haven tried watching Korean variety shows before.. where Do u normally watch them?

Sobs! My girl is down with fever.. dunno what's wrong.. bringing her to doc ltr.. haiz! Bad timing..
ml83: ya sort of getting them prepared.

Vickii: usually will see the heartbeat at ard 7wks. So dun worry.

fabbie: ya the elder is 3yo, 15kg. Ai yah dun have the heart to reject him leh. I wanted to wait for hb s becoz I'll be bringing the boys along then since I'm popping folic acid so think shld be fine bah. I also eager to see heartbeat.

Bbkk: mine elder also 2009, urs is which mth?

Cheryl: congrats!!

Ange: the OSCAR is ado to check the fluid under the skin of bb's neck for down syndrome.

All mummies is either having their 2nd onsultation or have already scheduled for OSCAR and I have not seen gynae yet.duhz.

Korean drama: I'm not crazy over them but I only wan to wStch one which is secret garden. I like Xuan bin. Hahaha.

Me very Chinese, I like Mayday.. Any Mayday fans huh?? Hahaha.

food4love: u got a good and caring boss.

Toking abt KFC, I also got craving for tat. Hahaha.
