(2013/05) May 2013

Cheryl: dont talk about it le.. I got bigbang concert i give up my ticket T____T and everyone asking me about SMTOWN i say NO. lol cus 1stly too pack liao, seats limited cus its not indoor stadium and SM confirm the concert very long i cannot tarhan sit thru out and im telling myself if i go can i not get excited? nah.. i think i will scream will my lungs broke hahaha so negative not going.. u going mah?? this begining of the yr SJ concert i went! did u? kaka

Yvonne: so good.. so u only get 1 tablet per day? im like need to eat 5 pills per day lo. LOL but okai la for bb good healthy its worth! ^^

iko0508: i love his every drama! aiyo cannot take it haha usually variety shows i will watch here http://www.kshownow.net running man is the no.1 that u must watch de. me and my hub enjoy it from the beginning till now. hee cus its damn super funny! Aiyo hope ya gal will recover well!

esther: i know i know how it feels. sad sometimes i cant carry my gal.. haiz.. but try not to carry so much lor. must train them to walk! my gal always so lazy LOL and if i say a word stroller she wil scream i want i want stroller -___- u like hyun bin too! too bad now he in army.. cant wait for him to be out then act more dramas!! hehe

Fabbie and cheryl, hehe I just finish second episode of rooftop prince. At first very confusing, second episode so funny. Thanks for recomm. I put secret garden on hold first. Storyline very good.
I am not very craze over Korean star, if you ask me who is who I dunno leh. Only watch their drama only. But that rooftop prince actor quite handsome mah, I like him, hahaha.

Esther, my girl is march 2009 de.
How old is yours?

Big rice, you stil can take folic acid while taking the milk. Actually alot of food contain folic, so it is fine
hi fabbie,

ya. now only 1 tablet a day.. cos my gynae is not e kind to give lotsa of medicine to take. for him, calcium, iron and fish oil to take after 3 mths.

even tat time in delivery ward when i deliver my 1st one, my hubby saw a medicine list by gynae name that e nurses follow to adminster medicine. my hubby say my gynae give e least medicine
esther : i love mayday too!

bbkk : i feel nausea when i lie down. haha. must stand up then I'll feel better. I started to spot again just now. sigh. maybe tmr I'll increase the dosage to twice a day.
yes i am going. i super love SJ. hehe. their concert here i go sure one. hahah. i buy the tix liao. so better dun waste. by den shd be 11weeks liao..
Esther: I'm OK with mayday.. went to their hk concert in may this year.. last night went up to 39deg.. just now 38.. haiz!

Fabbie: I love hyun bin too!! I can't wait for his new dramas too..

Cheryl: just be careful at e concert n dun get too high Ya!! Havefun!!
fabbie: yeah got hooked after I watched the wo ai jin San soon (I know it's a darn long ago drama) hahaha. Ya his now in army. Ya I try to ask him to walk as much as he can and partly becoz his teacher feedback to me his leg still not stable comparing to his age coz sometimes when the other students push him very lightly he will fall.

Bbkk: mine is oct baby. Coming to 3 next wk.

iko: abit on e high side. U got brufen? Btw how old is ur child? U try to sponge her as much to let the temp go down.

Yeah Mayday fans here.

Cheryl: gotta try to control and enjoy ur concert!!
vickki- same! i cant sit well and i feel so uncomfortable sitting down! arghhh! how i wish i could faster knock off!

iko0508- try giving her more water or dilute her milk. else, can give some barley or ling yang.. i gave my girl ling yang when she's having fever.
Cheryl: OMG i very pei fu u! if they held at indoor stadium maybe i can consider. but this time they at floating stadium leh.. so ya going with who? wah u better not jump too much ya! LOL so SS4 u went too is it?? but sad lor lee teuk that time should be in army le.. u like who?? wait.. ya hub agree u to go? that time i say i wana go BB concert my hub keep screaming at me.. and somemore bb unstable so i be guai guai mummy stay at home watch YOUTUBE! lol

Yvonne: i remember last time i after 3 months than get fish oil also but not sure why this time pregnant liao must get fish oil.. but thats for my gynea la. heee

BBK: AIYO how can u throw away secret garden!! hahhaha Ya ya u will enjoy rooftop price the starting is abit boring then later not bad! heee

iko0508/esther: LOL u know Jin San Soon i just only watch NOT LONG only muhahhaha but i start to like him cus of secret garden =P then i watch back LOL
Wanted to go to Taka to buy stuff but I was so tired after catching The Snail and the Whale with my son I decided to come home after a quick tea break.
Re: Korean Dramas

I like to catch them but I only follow those on cable. Just done with Princess' Man. Hehe Not familiar with the names of the artistes though.
i going with my frens. they all crazy with sj one.. haha.. i went from ss2-ss4 haha... yaya sad teukie going army.
my favourite ryeowook. my hb agree, tat was b4 i knw i preg. but he oso nvr say anything LOL. i will be good sit there and see.. lolx...
Re: spotting/ red-brownish discharge

Gynae requested me to go see him this afternoon and so I did (waited almost 2 hrs coz he had an op to attend to halfway). Doc says bleeding could lead to threatened miscarriage (recall someone's doc also told them the same thing?) and there's no particular cause for the bleeding. Did a scan and saw baby still there. He told me can either apply vaginal cream or take injection 2x a week..I chose the latter. Was also prescibed Duphaston to take 3x a times.

Sigh...was really sian to hear that from the doc but really pray that everything goes well and bb be safe.
sleepyskies: I had the same thing with my first pregnancy. A jab and the meds plus bed rest sorted it out. So rest rest rest please. And stay positive!
Cheryl: VERY HARD the lor to be good and sit down somemore this is SM not SS concert hahhaa must try ya best to control hehehee. Oh alot of people like ryeowook but my frd say he quite dao one. but teuk is better very friendly will greet people when pass by. I like SIWON and Yesung more! hehehhehe

sleepyskies: u mean he suddenly call u and ask u to go and see him again? u got bleed meh i tout you only spotting nia. That time i was bleeding and even blood clots come out, btw i have 2 times blood clot came out 1 time is like 2 small blood clots then stop, the last one that happen is a big blood clot and i was given a Jab and take Duphaston 6 times a day till i stop spotting then everything stop le. he didnt even give me a choice to choose. but i guess this is the right way as im not spotting le =) U look at the bright side things will be good ya *hugs*
cheryl: me too! love his dance with donghae! haha

question do u gals tummy always making noise? like jiao-ing here and there. like inside ya tum tum stir n stir? i tout i was hungry but i eat already leh. still jiao-ing lor.. -____- anyone experience it?
Ange: the fish oil issit DHA? Tot eat after 3mths?

sleepyskies: most imptly have positive thinking. Dun worry too much.

fabbie: me facing the tummy sound all along tot was hungry leh but no appetite so juz let it jiao. So it's not due to hunger? This is my first time experiencing leh.
esther: i think last time my #1 my tummy also like that.. but i forget le.. so long haha. but this time i dont have leh.. only recently i realize the sound is getting louder n louder and more jiao. Lol
Wah this thread is moving fast! I feel bad towards my current bb inside as I'm so much more chilled as compared to my #1. For my first, I stopped wearing heels immediately, avoided coffee and normal tea for 9 mths, took adhoc leave to rest at home and avoided carrying heavy objects. This time round, I still wear heels on some days when I need to meet clients, still take coffee/tea occasionally, took zero leave to-date due to preg and continued to carry my #1 who is 13kg!!! I already tried carrying less but my boy sticks to me so it's quite difficult to reject him all the time.
I just pray that my little one inside is growing healthily!!
fabbie: could it be wind? Coz was telli g HB he say high chance is wind wor.

captain_piglet: me too same as u having the same feeling towards the bb inside. But for me is more on food intaje, for first one will avoid quite a number of food. As for heels I wear till I hit 7mths them change to flats coz only then my tummy start to show. As for leave, I'll get MC from doc.
esther: gynae said take if it doesn't worsen the nausea. I just take it on and off. Hehe

captain_piglet: for me, i feel bad as I'm nauseous alot and lie in bed alot, can't do as much with my son. My heels have been collecting dust since birth of #1. I only wear them out on date nights with hubby. Hahaha And most people I know have all become more lax in their second pregnancies.
Sleepyskies: stay positive and have a lot of rest. Everything will turn out fine. Jia you!

I have a lot of white discharge,, anyone experiencing the same thing? This is my first pregnancy and a sudden change in my body just made me feel so paranoid..
Min, I also have alot of white discharge, sometimes yellow. I google it is due to the hormones changes. As long as not green then is ok.

For me, I am more paranoid over second pregnancy than first one. First one, I Bo chap at all, happy go lucky even not scared of giving birth. Now I everything scared even scared going thru labour. I dun know is it due to miscarriage before or getting older Liao..
Had my scan today! Saw bb heartbeat n sac..measured at 3.2mm..

Tht my edd is june but doc said is 30 may

Doc say got sugar in urine. Will need to go for test next week
Bbkk: I had a gf like you. Very paranoid compared to first superchill. I'm definitely more chill this pregnancy hehe almost went bkk this weekend if not for violent objection from mom n dad.
Thanks bbkk! I got so worried, can't share with anyone and can't ask for advice at or.oh that my urine is very yellow too... I trying I drink more water.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Feeling better nw that I read how the pills and injections work for some of you. Hope my bb stays strong!

@Agnes - How long did you take the jab? the nurse told me usually start on injection need to take it twice a week till 12th week. Not sure if this is the 'standard' requirement.

@Fabbie - I called the clinic and told the nurse abt my discharge. The nurse spoke to doc and said doc wants me to go down immediately. I also thought it wasn't bleeding, in fact it looks just like those discharge at the last few days of menses kind - abit watery, dull red-brownish. but after doc examines with the intravaginal scan, he said there's bleeding from inside so must be careful. Don't know if doc is just being practical and don't want my hopes to be too high, he said he handled 4 miscarriages this week and all started with bleeding like mine. *gulp*
now i just hope the pills and jab will help stabilise bb. am also trying my best to stay at home more. hope all these help.

@esther & min - thanks babes.
will keep negative thoughts at bay and just focus on bb and myself nw!
@min - my urine also v.yellow. quite scary although I'm drinking alot of water liaos. and worse drinking so much water always make me v.urgent and visit the toilet many times. haha
morning ladies.
actually wanna wait till 18 den see gynae. but yesterday see tcm, she wan me to see gynae so tat gynae can give me 2 weeks mc to rest cos of m/c history. see gynae this morning. nothing can be seen aiyo.. i knw it normal tat cant see. cos only 4weeks + only. but gynae say no need for mc. just monitor.. hopefully at 18 oct, i can see something. pray hard.
Mummies wish me good luck.. today is my #1 birthday I hope I can entertainment my frenzy n relative.. hope no giddy spell.... pray hard...
My urine also yellow. It is due to the vitamins we took. Nothing to worry about.

Cheryl, you sure can see your hb soon. Talk to your bb.

Sleepskies, as long as jab and med, dun worry too much ok.

Rina, happy birthday to yout #1.
Fabbie: u r so slow!! I can't rem when I watched samsoon.. I think I watched like thrice!! I love him!! Haha!!

Cheryl: hubby so good.. my hubby dun let me go jolin concert during my first pregnancy lo.. he said too dangerous liao..

Re: carrying #1
yesterday I brought my ger to see doc due to her high fever.. measured her weight.. I'm surprised she's only ard 11kg.. I keep thinking she's more than that cuz I can't carry her for more than half a minute.. could I have gotten weaker? Oh dear..
I went for my first appt on Thursday. Saw the heartbeat. But the dating according to the size says I am only 5 weeks 4 days. Is this ok? By my IVF embryo transfer date, I was supposed to be 6weeks.

Doc gave me antibiotics and some other medicine as he was scare that I was having infection in my bladder. I was having difficulty passing urine though i kept feeling the urge to pee. He said infection in bladder can cause infection to uterus. I just thought it was so kiasu. Plus the liquid medicine was so yucky. Anyway, I stopped taking the 2 liquid ones and took only the antibiotics. Anyone had this bladder problem?
sleepyskies: Jia you and be positive...all will be well.

Cheryl: u should be able to see baby soon....just rest more and everything will be fine

Iko: me too my #1 weighs abt 12 kg and i will pant if i carry him ..maybe i m getting older so feeling weaker..

Happy weekend everyone!
Hello mummies!!
The thread is moving soooo fast!

I went for appt yesterday. Can someone help me update my EDD? Thanks on behalf! Or let me know how i can help to change the EDD?

EDD: 14 May

Finally at 8 week can see heartbeat! So happy. And got a bit of the limbs present le.
Thank God!

Memphissbelle, my #1 is also 12kg. And my room is on third floor, sometimes i have to carry him up to my room when he wants me to carry him. Pant and heart beating very fast when i reach my room. #1 very sticky to me..

iko, yes i feel that my #1 is also very heavy.. Carry for a while already feel tired and weak. We should try not to carry as much as possible. Heartache though.
is it okie to switch gynae halfway?
i choose out of convenience to go to this gynae as i want to confirm my pregnancy first.

this doc is from NUH, so far i don't know any friends who give birth there.

planning to choose 1 after i come back from my trip. By that should be about 11 weeks liao.
Bbk: same leh I'm like u also. #1 I bo chup a lot of things haha. Then now this one I start to paranoid due to mc previously. Always anyhow think de Lo. Sometimes think why I can't hear bb hb or is bb still there. When we can't hear cus bb too small le but It can be so frustrating Lo! But somehow u can feel bb is still inside me hehe have faith Lo haha

Iko; I know la but I catching up very fast ok hahaha

Cheryl: yeah too early to see hb le but u Wil soon see 2 more weeks! Jia you!
The thread is moving so fast....

Cheryl, I m same as u.
Thought I can see the hb. But the sac is only 2 mm.
Have to go back on 16 oct again
Sleepyskies, I m still spotting too.. So sad.. I feel alright, no cramps & everything.. Have not got any jabs yet.. My Gynae app on Monday.. Maybe I ask for it.. Yup, I will be positive too.. Everytime I go toilet, I am so scared.. If no spotting, I m happy. If yes, sian.. Like crazy lol

Babbiee & Sleepyskies, the jap painful?

Iko... Me too this morning MS, quickly lie down on bed n take deep breathe.. I feel better..
Hiiiiii everyone, not too sure if I belong here or June 2013.
You ladies based on LMP or imitate/ovulation date?
iko: how's ur elder? Fever subsided?

lovetohavekids: plus minus 2wks shld be fine.

I'm juz hoping I dun have MS if not difficult to take care of my #2. But come to think if it when preg with #1 I can only take very light taste food like fish soup all this but preg #2 I can't take fish but super crave curry and spicy food and this time round no crave.
By the way, today I went to the baby market at expo, not much of things to get. The milk powders are being sold by NTUC thou is cheaper than their U.P but I still find it expensive coz I got mine from medical hall.

9 Nov - 11 Nov there will be a parent hood fair at expo so I'm hoping to see karihome counter.

nlimm: ur nick is familiar to me. For me I've not see the Gynae yet but I used the online calculator base on LMP and was shown 28 May.
Esther: fingers crossed.. no fever today. Still dunno What caused her fever.. doc just said viral infection.. hmmm

Good night mummies!! Hope tml will be a better day!!

Nlimm: omg!!!! Congrats!! Ya back! When is ya lmp?? My imp is 30th July

Kiringal: I tout was pain but its not pain after took le next day have side effects that ya leg will itch. I jab on my thigh.

Cheryl: hope to hear good news from u!

Vi: next appt u Wil see the sac growing bigger cus they are growing very fast! ^^
