(2013/05) May 2013

Hi all
Have been a slient reader all these while.
I am around 7 weeks now, edd should be in mid May.
This will be my 2nd one.
Anyone experiencing very bad back pain?
Tum tum is your tummy!!

I am showing too. Omg, can't hide. Too obvious, sure people ask me am I pregnant, I Kenna already
HAHA! my tum tum is also showing. before preggy already have this small tum tum leftover from #1... lol
so i'm wearing dress to work everyday.. much more comfortable!

Worried79-do get more rest! back ache might be due to carrying of #1, improper posture etc..

I'm having pains on my soles.... at times, its so stiff and painful that i have to walk like a duck at home! peaks every morning/night and when im in office!

oh, improper posture? so u all do not have this symptom? it's getting quite bad and i have to move around really slowly.
anyway, my tummy also showing liao. just hope ppl won't ask me, won't know how to answer them.
Hahaha ic ic.
My tum tum is showing, but actually I am not sure whether I am eat too much and that is my 肚腩 or not....
Hi mummies
Times passes so slowly. Im counting down to my 1st gynae appt on next mon to see HB and hw my bb has grown...
My tum tum is quite obvious too even though im only 6wk. Mayb 2nd pregnancy tend to show faster? Aiyo kinda of difficult to hide lol…
hi ladies,

yes, for 2nd pregnancy.. tummy will show faster n earlier..

n i see for some cases, 2nd pregnacy tummy is bigger than 1st pregnancy leh..
tum tum will get more obvious with each pregnancy. i m looking like 5 months preg thou im only 6wks coz #4!
Tsm: High ^5. I have no idea whether my tum tum is bcos of baby or that i eat too much.

My gf says if i have been eating normally, it's probably water retention more than anything else
Still very uncomfortable.. Lying on bed the whole of yesterday. Then dinner very very hungry but no appetite and 9 plus ask my helper to buy noodles back and also ate less than 10 mouth. There it goes today!
Hi mummies,

Tested positive yesterday, last lmp was on 21 Aug so guess shld be joining this thread (tot was jun so joined in e end use the online calculator was may).

This is my 3rd, first 2 boys (3yo a d 1yo) hoping to be girl this time round.
worried79: I do cause I used to have backace problem. think gg to be worst as mth pass...

worried79 / tsm / ml83 /fool4love : i m 6 wk but everyone said that I acutally loss weight although I hv been eating alot! Was worry more of water retention then putting on weight.

As weeks passed, I felt more tired each day after work. After dinner, just want to lay down & sleep.
esther: welcome & congrats... u are so lucky to hv 3 kids. I m on my #1 only still a long way to go...lol
bbkk: really interested site... thanks. it will be fun & excited to see my #1 scan on Friday for wk 6
Re: tummy
Like What my hubby says.. its probably just fats.. reddish is right... leftover from 1st pregnancy.. but dun worry.. with 2 kids to handle in future.. sure can slim down v fast.. lolz..

Re: stretch mark cream
Yupz can only apply after first trimester.. n clarins is really good.. no marks from 1st pregnancy..
m only 6 weeks, i look like m at least 3-4 mths preggy, cant hide the fact tt m preggy.

My first is also quite big, before my 3rd mth, everybody know m preggy already...
Worried79- i do have occassional back aches. but not to the extend of severe ones. could it be due to insufficient rest? or that u've been walking more lately? there's numerous of factors that could results in bad back aches..

i'm not sure if its due to water retention building up that is causing such a pain to my soles... T-T
not too sure what is the cause. will just have to wait till my next gynae apptmt next week. meanwhile, will just have to bear with it. my boy has been rather cranky lately, always want me to carry him, it could be the cause too.
eil: actually the 3rd one was unexpected, both HB and myself find their age gap too near and I'm taking care on my own but nonetheless still very happy.

ml83: wow, 4th. Wat's ur kids age gap? mi and HB agree this is last to hope for a girl.

rejoy: mine first preg only starts to show when 7th mth, 2nd starts to show when 4th mth think this time round will be earlier. :D

tsm: me having constipation problem. Can ask doc give fybogel tat's wat I did for my previous 2.
no choice leh, he will hug my leg tight and cry if i dun carry him. now trying to make my husband carry him, but sometimes my boy refuses.
dont know is it water retention anot leh... lets say in office that if i stood up to walk after sitting down for quite some time, my soles are damn painful! so got to take each step slowly...
is this due to water retention? but my leg doesnt looks fat to me! lol....

worried79- hahas yes when im alone with my girl, she'll hug both of my legs and dont let me move! so got to carry her... but always, she also give me this pattern when im at the basin doing washing.. so bo bian, i got to shift myself left left right right to avoid carrying her cos im doing washing! else, i'll pass her a cup or etc to distract her..
my gynae says we should not sit in the same position for too long. should move around abit. maybe u should try that and not sit down for too long.
my boy has been pestering me to carry him just one week before I tested. and it has been going on till now. very heart pain also if he cries and I dun carry him.
ml83: wooh urs also quite near.

worried79/reddish: me too having the same problem and I have 2 worse. On days where my elder one is having good mood he is ok with the dad carrying. As for my 2nd one, as long as he sees me, I have to carry him if not he will tear the whole hse down. And on some days I gotta carry 2.

Reddish: dun think urs is water retention.
Re: carrying children

I still carry my boy on and off... cannot bear not to.. he's 14kg. My mom will be mad at me if she knows. She is against me carrying heavy loads. Hahaha
Re: food

I lose my appetite lots this pregnancy n yes hungry every 2 hours but wish I don't need to eat. Just wacked 1 whole pack of cheezels unknowingly. Lol n I dont snack prior to pregnancy. Super haywire.
I get hungry easily, but only can munch abit. Then after that no well. My face expression was never cheerful.

I stopped carrying #1. those with kids, please dun carry ok. Very bad for your back and pregnancy.
Ange: at least u are able to finish 1 pack, I can't, munch abit already feel turn off.

Bbkk: for me difficult, 2nd one learning how to walk so gotta carry most of e time. And no one else to help me.
esther: no loss not to munch on junk leh. Hehe

But cos I hardly ate dinner, and only drank soymilk b4 bed last night... i woke up with whole mouth tasting sour... think stomach was empty for too long... made me totally sick all morning.
bbkk: yeah, I try not to also.. but today poor boy was having a tummy ache and I do miss him koala-ing onto me. So carry lo. Hahaha
Re: carrying children

I still carry my gal.. going to 17mths now.. stick to me like sticky glue. if dont carry will cry badly..

can't bear to push her away..

esther- sigh! not water retention and yet its so painful! can't imagine when the water retention is there!

hahas i'm carrying my girl too! 11kg! cant bear not to carry her.. else, she'll feel that i do not want her anymore?? lol
