(2013/05) May 2013

sunflower: sighz.. do take care i know how u feel. im sorry to hear that.. do stay strong ya and take care of ya womb. *hugs tight* what did doc say? faded hb? or? after ya d&c u can try again after ya mense kick in. jia you!

Sama here !! Today over-ate sweet potato porridge coz too yummy bloated till now . Plus fr pm till now wanna puke 5-10 times le

Sad to hear that. Take gd care of urself & try again after menses back like Fabbiee said, chances of healthy baby is high
met with the nurse educator and dietician this morning. Bought the glucose monitoring kit and they ask me to monitor first. If still high, than i have to start on insulin jab.

but when i go to see the gynae this evening, she tell me why didn't start the jab immediately. My level so high mean before pregnant already got diabetics.

haiz....should i get a second opinion? should monitor diet first and test again right and not straight go for insulin jab right?
Hi mummies! So sorry for the so late update. Cos my Oscar was at 5.40.. Was the last patient. Now I know how Oscar is all abt. its practically checking the baby's nasal bone, the neck thickness, heart, limbs, brain, heartbeat etc.. Also there will be a blood test also.. Results will be out within one week.

I saw baby waving at me also! Like fabbi. susuper cute.. Baby very cute and curious. Kept touching his/her face. Hb beating at 171. Gt to wait for another 3 weeks den can see baby.m doc still can't see the gender.. Still early.. Probably hopefully the next visit..

Eli: what happened? Did you seek for second opinion? Stay strong ok? Things will be better.. Gt to take care of your health! Xoxo.
Hi, i m mamib n my EDD is 21 may 13. This is my 6th pregnancy. I had three miscarriages n two lovely kids. Wanted to encourage sunflower not to lose heart. U will succeed eventually.

My pregnancies are not easy. I suffer nine months of morning sickness. Puking even on the day i head to hospital for csec delivery. This time seems i m not spared either. I hv severe ms. Puking day n night.

I just woke up feeling super queasy again. Nothing new but i really find the pregnancy process v v tough. M on progesterone pills. At first four a day. Then i told doc i cant even function as a human being. Totally 24hr grogginess, non stop puking, extreme fatigue. I lie on the sofa fr morning to night. Like a piece of meat. Then he cut to two. N i myself decided one pill is enough. I was going into depression. I dont even hv bleeding this time round. Doc is being super prudent due to my mc history. Lets see how this goes. Jia you together.
Also Cheryl, i scan at 6 weeks also no heartbeat. Then doc ask me scan two weeks time. At 8 weeks then i saw bb grown alot n now look like bb. Hv heart beat also.
Hope this is the case for u at ur next scan. We didnt scan at seven weeks cos i ask doc, if 7 wks still no heartbeat, will u ask me wAit one more week n scan? He said yes. 8 weeks no heartbeat , he is 200% sure tt bb didnt develop well.
I was so prepared at 8 weeks scan that if no heartbeat , i hv to take bb out that afternn so i skipped food n water that morning. Cos i know if i took f&b , doc will schedule another day. I cannot wait another day cos i m being tortured everyday by the symptoms. So when i saw there was heartbeat, i told doc i can finally eat breakfast. He was amused n surprised.
Hi eil, sorry to hear that. But do u wana seek 2nd opinion? Coz i heard from friend b4 that for her case 2 gynaes cant c the hb.. Bt she refuse to gif up, she went to the 3rd, and finali found the hb..
Dear all, thanks i hv not drop a single tear until now. I gg to see another gynae now. Hopefully miracle happen.
I m so glad its saturday! this week had been a bad week for my ms..almost fainted and was vomiting like crazy on 1 day..didnt remember going thru that for my #1..guess age plays a part.

regarding bird nest, i checked with my gynae but he didnt say much just that he feels all these doesnt really help or matter in the pregnancy...heheh but i just love bird nest so i guess eat in moderation

have a good sat, mummies!
A bad day to start, having running nose tat us running like a tap tat cannot be closed, sore throat until no voice and coughing until chest pain. So called the clinic and managed to make an appt with the doc later.

Shirley: fun looking at how the little one moves and says hello to you. Ur bb very cooperative leh. I remember my #2 first time he not cooperative so they asked me to go for a walk one end bb still din turn to the position they wanted so they asked me to turn my body here and there hopefully bb got reaction but his too sound aslp so in the end they asked me to go get lunch then return again. Appt at 9amonly managed to scan at 2pm.

mami B: welcome and congrats. You truly is a strong and brave mummy.
Yes yes don't give up. I remember the previous mc I give up as my bb already have turn to 2 circles when my gynea scan n show me. So don't give up! Maybe Lil fighter still trying hard
Dear all, done my scan n check w another gynae. He cfm again so i just need to arrange for my surgery soon. Take care all. Hope to see u all soon.
Esther: yeah! Its really amusing to see what he/she is doing inside us.
baby very curious also. Touching the face and ears too. Dh, my sis and myself had a fun time looking at baby.. Can't wait for the next scan.. Its 3 weeks time.. Wait till neck long! When's your next appt?

Eli: stay strong.. I am sure you will get your bfp again. Do a .mini confindment to pu back all your loss nutrients.. Take a rest and jia you again for the next one ok? Sending you lots of hugs and kisses! Muack
Evening gals.... Haiz I'm so confuse today!
today is a happy day finally weekend we r going out. Cus usually we don't cus I tense to wana rest at home. N so I went to vivo! The moment I reach vivo I told my hub I wana go toilet. And I went.. N u saw a patch of blood! Omg... Is like again?!?!?! Sighz

And thank god doc woody is at sk in the late afternoon so we rush down there. :s backside not even hot we go back to sk again -.- cus sat afternoon he station at sk. So it's my turn I told doc I should be 11 weeks base on the previous scan he told me. Then when he scan he told me my Oscar got to push forward to next week n not end of the month! Why? Cus he say base on my baby size today my bb is 5.7cm and is 13w 7days! I'm totally shock. N see the scan like edd push to April. I'm super confuse I duno which is my actual week now
but he told me abt the bleed should be ok cus by now baby should be stable. So infact my dup is 1 day 2 times, doc told me to increase 3 times A day. I'm really very clueless why I'm bleeding is it cus I sprain my shoulder this morning then I like jerk abit. Cus it's very painful till I can't get up! Oh well n I'm abt to go home I bought food. While waiting wha suddenly feel giddy nearly fainted! Heng ah my table just beside me. After that I start to vomit -.- in the fast food res. so peiseh Heng I ring plastic bag. But it's only the vomit sound nothing is out.
Ok went to gynae hoping to get medication to stop my flu everything. Anyway juz now had a shock coz doc say cant see heartbeat, I was like "WAT". Then he say do V scan to reconfirm and yes the heartbeat is there and I'm only 6wks instead of 8wks if base on my LMP. So next appt is 3weeks from now which us 15 Nov. another long wait.

Bbkk: think I'll leave the EDD as it is until a firm EDD date is out. If not troublesome keep changing.

Shirley: u manage to find out ur EDD?

eil: have at least 2weeks of confinement food to build up ur body system. Now rest more and dun think too much. Hugz!!

fabbie: u feeling better now? So doc didn't find out wat cause the bleeding? So ur OSCAR scan changed to next week already? You take care and have more rest ya.
Fabbie: I am glad that everything is good and smooth.. Wow!!! 13 weeks and 7 days seem like you're at your 14 weeks. Second tri alr!!! Meaning your baby grow fast and steady! That's good!! I am still at my 11 weeks plus. Baby was measured at 4.25cm..

Pls do more bed rest and listen to your doc ok? Looking forward to your next scan which is Oscar. Yeah!!!

Esther: I am the same as you. Doc doesn't want to give me exact date cos he feels that edd is always not so accurate till baby is bigger.. So he only gave me rough gauge which is first week of May. Might be labour day. I will update again once I have the confirm date.. If not keep changing like troublesome only..
Thanks all. I m fine. Intend to brew chinese medicine after the whole issues ... thanks again. Take care all mummies.
Sunflower: take care too

Shirley: yeah good thing is baby is fine saw bb cycling just now lol and was quite shock that bb grew so fast! N yeah 2nd trims like that but I don't feel very happy cus I bleed duno why tout everything should be ok and I'm still vomiting!!
ms still kicking T___T ya now resting Lo n hoping Oscar scan can be soon. Infact Monday I can see but my hub can't take leave leh sian..

Edd: ya I also don't want to change my edd cus it's like jump up n down. But I think we should know our edd when we all went for detail scan.

Esther: thanks feel better after a sleep. he didn't say what cause bleeding leh but he say should be fine. Cus now I'm in my 13weeks. But to be safe my dup increase Lo. N if bleed again must go n jab.
Fabbie does dup make u feel very tired and puke more? Am taking progesterone and it really zaps me dead. Heartbeat v fast, super restless feeling so cannot sleep, head become heavy, whole body weak n no strength, puke alot more thru the day, feel like i wana die le. Doc ask me take four last time so two in the day and two at night. Really cannot. I couldnt function. Now i just take one cap at night. Within half hour the side effects kick in. But when i wake in the morning it wears off gradually and by afternn i m ok in terms of my mind n heart. Puking still continue. Just wonderin if i shiuld switch to dup.
Mophie: infact I did try before having dup n not. It seems like no difference. I ever did eat 1 day 6 times. Still the same leh.

Progesterone is for what? Is it the jab? If yes I took I do feel tried that day and my whole body will itch for a few days. Heartbeat fast normal ba? Cus I also have Hee. Why must take so much for yours?
So cool!!! Looking forward to my baby waving to me too but still have to wait prepare long I now wk7+ only

If u r not yet 8wks, maybe u can wait n see if ur bOdy reject it itself then to go d n c now. Maybe ur baby is late developer .

Hope u better now . Same here yest feverish n flu, drink alot water scare I overheat . Maybe u same as me, ovulation is later then normal, as my LMP same as u so I shd be wk7+ last wk but last wk Gynae said I'm only 6wk+ so this wk I'm 7wk+.u track ur intimate date ? Tt be accurate coz my Gynae diagnosis matches mine

WAHHHH 14wk+!!! Congrat congrat

ManiB/ Fabbiee:
ManiB, r u taking utrogestan? The progesterone hormones pills given to me is called utrogestan. It's to boost ur hormones level to support the baby. I'm told side effect is if u aldy naeseous, it will worsen coz body more progesterone . Then definitely weaker n more tired fr all these vommitting. But urs 4 pills a day that's alot. My is 2 a day at night only coz utrogestan cause drowsiness.
My weight dropped from 51.1kg (four weeks ago) to this morning 47.1kg. Wish i can slim down like this without being preg.
Couldnt sleep well last night (every night) after taking the pill.
Really tough. Toss turn... Feel pukish. Puked. Felt better. Drank water. Realised its a mistake to do so. Feel pukish again.
I am also taking utrogestan. No wonder I felt tired and nauseas too. But I know it will cause drowsy but dunno that if oneself is nauseas it will affect more. Dr ask me to eat 2 pills morning and night until week 16. I think I going to stop till week 12. The nauseas feeling really terrible. I am lying 23hrs on bed everyday...
Fabbie, could it be the machine at sengkang different from CCK one so that's why a bit not accurate?? Hehe, I guessing only... But congrats on getting ur 2nd tri.... We are here just can't wait for the day to arrive..
Good am mummies!!
I vomit every night once so far. Ms symptom still fine I think.

Realise cant eat too full else stomach feel bloated. Keep farting.. faint.. anyone has that?

Tummy can see a little, u think is baby or just fat? Faint..
Baby should be few cm yet only right? Lol

See gynae tomorrow, I should be 9.5 weeks. Hope to see what some mummies experiencing.waiving Or moving legs. Must be so exciting.

My spotting finally stop. I think is a good sign.

Am waiting to go into 2nd trimester quickly. Had been staying home most of the time. Really boring.

How you mummies spend your time?
Nami B & BBkk, I taking duphaston. Is it what u talking about? ItTake 3 tablets a day. My gynae did not give me jabs or increase dosage when I was spotting then. For this an tai medicine, I tot it reduce my ms.
Kiringal, I think duphaston and utrogestan is the same function. To support bb and give hormones boost. My gynae actually gave me dup but I told him I prefer utrogestan and he is ok with it.

Ladies, I do not have spotting right from the start ( touch wood) , do u all think I should stop taking ?
Yah dup and utro same thing. Different side effects apparently. My reaction to utro is bad. Am also lying at home everyday. But i have a sweet little gal who is turning 2 who accompanies me. So not so boring.
Babykk: I think take until when baby is more stable. Stop when you're week 12 onwards cos by den is your placenta holding and taking over the job alr.. Should be more stable to stop the support med. Just to play safe. My two cent worth..
cos I am also thinking to stop my Chinese tcm med.. Will be taking once a day instead of the usual two pack a day.. I am at my 11 weeks plus going 12..

Nlimm: its indeed super cute and heart warming to see.. Don't worry, by the time you know.. You will be seeing your little one actively moving!
hi ladies
hope all enjoying the wkend!

seen dr on thur & dr detected a low hb. told me to be prepared. haiz. fetus measures 6w2d instead of 8w. actually i also dono when will my edd be coz menses yet to resume afta i stop bf n tio. juz can onli agar agar from conception date. juz gonna let nature take its course n rest more. maybe my lil fighter is a late bloomer. everytime see tis dr is no good news. tinking if i shud go bk to my previous dr anot.

i tried the eye vein test! got a 'Y' on my left eye! *happy happy*

rest well k. can alwaz WA mi to chat if bored at home. =)

take good care k. sori to hear abt the news.
Today dunno wat happen to tummy keep having those tummy ache feeling but nothing wants to come out. Not too sure issit because of the breakfast. I'm hoping its not stomach flu. Me still having the flu symptom and my doc din prescribe me any med as he says i'm only 6wks. So juz ask me to gargle salt water to cure sore throat and drink redoxon to cure running nose.

fabbie: since doc say its fine then you dun think too much, so heed doc's advise and rest more ya.

nlimm: doc say could be due to my irregular menses asy menses can be late up to 1week. But it's ok lah as long as bb healthy I happy liao.

mami B: ur weight has a very big drop, is ur doc concerned abt this or could be due to the med u are taking? Take care ya.

kiringal: yeah me too can fart whole day, some will burp whole day. Haha. Is this ur first or second preg? If second the tummy will show earlier. Me too showing esp after meals.
Glad tat ur spotting has stopped but still gotta take care.
Me everyday bz taking care of my boy so for me time zooms off very fast.

ml83: me too at 6w5d (checked on sat). if you think u're not comfortable with the current one and u had a good experience with the old one why not go back to the old one since still in 1st tri? By the way why u change to the current one.
WAHHHH tts 4kg lost@-@ , mine for past 2 wks lost ard1-2kg since I started utrogestan my appetite getting fr bad to worse

Tts alot , mine 2per night only. Or could it be u staying home tts y ur Gynae give more? Y not u ask ur gynae if can stop earlier during ur next appt? I need work daytime I can't imagine feeling so drowsy in the day . Even now only 2 at night , I feel super tired i dread mon coz have 4 hrs classes back to back nonstop
These wkend is bad I tidy my cupboard to get my maternity pants as I ' outgrew' my normal pant n I sneeze non stop. And appetite is terrible my whole day intake less then a bowl of rice quantity. Trying to feed myself fresh milk to get the energy.

Tts gd! As for size, guessed its nOrmal To see lil tummy, mine is aldy very obvious tt everyone know I'm preggy, wanted to hide till end 1st trimester but difficult

Hehe ya looking forward to it, my next appt coming sat but #1 be having class. I'm thinking if to change to a timing which #1 can come along too. 1st appt he came along and he's so happy n curious to hear the baby's heartbeat , pondering if to reschedule to let him participate hehe

Ya shd be since urs irregular. Tummy ache - did u over eat? There's once I overeat coz my lil baby nvr reject as she/he tends to reject alot of food so I ate more that meal n felt slight tummy ache plus bloated thruout the day till its so uncomfortable that I can't eat my dinner. Flu- y not u take redoxon every day tts my daily vit c supplement if I don't take a few days flu will come to me so I force myself to take every am
MamiB, you really lost a lot of weight!
please take care. Do you have spotting? If not can reduce the pills?

Re: Duphaston
Actually, I stopped taking duphaston since week 6 with my gynae's permission. For me, duphaston makes me want to puke more and can cause migraines for me. Really make me suffer and cannot function normally at work. When I stop duphaston, so far nausea is controllable. Just feel pukey in the evenings and night. I think for utrogestan, side effects are similar and can cause drowsiness and may make ms more bad
I had no history of spotting but my Gynae prescribed me duphaston to standby when I went for my overseas trip in week 9-10. The instructions given was to take only if there's spotting cos it will cause nausea and vomiting. Fortunately I didn't have to take it in e end.
I am 12+ weeks now...one more week to end of first tri...counting down. But this is gg to be an ultra siong week for me at work...so let's Jiayou everyone!!
thanks nlimm ^___^

BBK; Thanks thanks hee sure yours 2nd trims will be here soon! but mine still no different im still like vomitting lol .. i duno leh.. maybe Sengkang too many patients liao so scan till sian so change machine? LOL but cannot be leh.. lol anyway oscar next week will see my actual EDD. hopefully! i prefer my baby to come out on MAY! lol

Kiringal: good to hear that! but still rest more ya!

ml83: thanks sure!! btw when is ya next scan? this time go to another gynea and see? hope everything goes well for u! jia you!!

esther: the feeling is like "jiaoing" in ya tummy? like turn n turn?
Hello mummies..
I'm in macau now!! Brought my ger along for a short stay..

Ml 83: I think u shd switch gynae n at e same time can get 2nd opinion..

Fabbie: Wow! U must be in double shock.. to see blood n to realise ur bb has grown so much!!
Hi.. I'm from the June 2012 thread

I've got an opened pack of Goon S52 to sell at a low price of $15. Only used less than 5 pcs as my baby outgrew it. Usual price is $21-23 so this is a great deal. Do PM me for fast deal. Self collect at Cityhall or Bedok.
Hi all
I "disappeared" for almost one week plus.
Was down with mumps!
So worried and scared. Luckily doc say will not affect bb.

Yesterday night vomit again.. lol. But for me, I feel better after vomitting.

Today is gynae day! Will update all mummies later!
