(2013/05) May 2013

Cheryl, maybe u can consider resting at home. Not sure at early pregnancy it is avisable to take the plane. U got check with kk doctor?

nope he is not. this one is oso another popular gynae. cant imagine he say tat.

ya the kk doc ask me to relax and enjoy in tw.

still got. on n off. but is very light brown.
Ah Mel, welcome, n congrats!

Cheryl, dun think so much.
I calculated the weeks, n I shld be in my 7th week, but when I scan, it is only 6weeks.. So it might b a case of u calculating wrongly.
6w is too early. My gynae think I too gan cheong... Enjoy ur self, talk to ur little one.... Dun worry, not gd for the bb
Cheryl: good that u seek for 2nd opinion.. i cant believe a such a gynae can be popular.. if u r still gg on the trip.. take care! did ur 2nd gynae give u any medication or jab?
Nlimm: I take lessons Thursday and son takes on Sundays.

Cheryl: Enjoy TW and bring us good news! :)
Good morning ladies! It's Friday again!

Kiringal: I was drifting in and out of sleep yesterday.
Very bad sleep. Now all stoned.
Cheryl, dun worry so much like wat other mummies say. 6w cld be too early.. When I went to do scanning at ard 5w4days also can't see heartbeat, then saw heartbeat ard 7w....

Good to seek 2nd or even 3rd view.. Bt can't imagine the doc wld juz suggest that at 6weeks...

Actually you can go see Dr Peter chew... He is really goodn my first child gynae bt abit ex though... Very experience doctor...
Cheryi, a u seening kkh? Which dr?

AMei - wow twin, congrats.

My-Angel-Is-Back: I taking HCG again, hopefuly tis week can heart a stronger heartbeat. My gynae wan me to do scan & blood test weekly till stable.
Cheryl: omg, i know ur problem. I didnt cry out cos I don wan the bb to know i m sad although i m really depress. i m on wk 8 but heartbeat is so slow. i keep telling myself i can make it.
Morning alllllllllll, today no work damn happy!!!

Sorry to hear tt, totally understand ur feeling.
Dont do d n c. 6 wks might still be early for some fetal who develop slower.
If really mc( TouchWood), ur body will reject it itself n within next 2 wks u will have contractions n menses flow type of discharge. My last round is at 7wks+ no hb ( which gynae said its possible too its late development for some but then for mine coz fetal aldy reached the 7 wks+ size so she just direct tell me chances of survival is very low if then the size is small then maybe have higher chance ) mine nvr ask me do d n c then, she just tell me lets wait n see if really mc my body will reject it n sadly my body rejected it then in a wk. At least we wont be the one who kill our own baby u see. U can do blood test to test ur hormones at 2 days intervals if u can't wait. I did it just to get myself prepared then & im those who need concrete facts to convince myself and the 2nd test amt if lower means definitely no hope but I still wait for my body to reject it then.
Flight: errr usually my Gynae will say no during 1st trimester. Mine this round I only tested positive in Tw so no choice , on my flight back vomit big time.
Discharge: Cheryl, if u errr don't mind seeing my previous discharge pic , u pm me ur contact, i watsapp u n see if same as what u had now. I still keep my previous mc discharge pics hoping I don't face it again this round.[ Sound disgusting paisey]

Bbkk: oops maybe tts y mine so ex coz with c-sec might use forcep too coz #1 too big tts y then Gynae asked me opt for c-sec if not natural end up might emergency c-sec.

Ange: Oicc I have lesson with my boy but I realised now after 9 lessons, theory wise he absorb well( need home reinforcement) but his fingering not there as hand too small though his fingers consider long for kids of his age. Now we into using pointer tallman & ringman on 3blackkeys , he need stretched his fingers real wide then can cover all 3 blackkeys together but can't hit all after each beat. Pondering if to continue with term2 now, shd i wait till hes 4 & hand bigger,next wk be term1 last lesson. Ur boy is 3 or 4?
Nlimm: no work on a Friday is happy news indeed! My boy is Dec baby... turns 4 this Christmas eve. I'd say since you started just continue. They will get better. Lotsa practise... daily if possible. I only manage about 4-5 days of practise each week.
Ange: Oicc so ur boy is 2008? Partly coz I can only leave at 4 to pick him up fr cc n by the time reach sch always just nice ard 450-5( class start 5) still pondering .

Fool4love: if nothin on don't take lor when nearer due then take? Mine coz I'm on Parttime , I only open to work mon to thur close my fri hehe

Confinement lady:
Ahhhh finally call n ask my CL price, in 2009 was $1.8K, now she quoted me 2.3K
Hb said get her for 2mths n she gave me 2.2K/ mth that's really ex!!! Gotta save more $ le. All of urs abt 2.2K too ?
nlimm: Yes 2008 baby. So imagine, he just turned 2YO in 2010 and within 1 week he is considered 3YO and I shipped him off to N1. Hahahaha He was such a baby in class!

I'm paying 2.3K and I booked her for 2 months too.
fool4love: If you're feeling alright today, then don't waste the leave. Just stay here and chat with us. Hahaha
I wan to rant stupid I can't see Gynae today coz the nurse say I did not make appt. I told her this is my first time on checking the preg how to make appt. in the end she told me no choice u have to make appt the earliest is next week tues afternoon. Appt shld be made after the first visit rite. From my #1 preg, which is 3yrs ago I've been to this doc then suddenly now change. Seriously shld anything happen that nurse is sure gonna get it from me. Have been hoping for today to come in the end such a big disappointment.

Haha! good idea... just quite sian of work...

I think my big boss knows that i'm preggie. There was once i presented, and there was some items which was kinda misrepresented.

He then remarked "why? too tired arh?"

Then i just kept quiet
esther: which gynae do u go to? probably your gynae changed rules and only goes by appointments and no walk ins? My gynae changed rules too... now no more antenatal package. All ala carte. Oh well. Don't let her affect your mood!
morning everyone!

this week has been terrible for me. only today felt a bit better and able to come to the thread.

cheryl: 6 weeks is too early. when I went for scan at 5+ weeks also no HB. so don't give up hope ya!

oscar: I nvr do oscar for #1 so to be fair I am also not doing for #2 LOL. But I will still do the blood test to check for the probability of the various syndrome like Down's.

Mt A ladies card: I got it for #1 and will be getting it again for #2. It's worth it especially if you are going for single bedder. Miss my stay at Mt A!

Maternity shoot: I didn't take for #1 and I plan to stop at #2 so will be going for maternity shoot this time round. Will be going for sean lau too. His studio did the shoot for my #1 when he was 1+ yo and we simply love it!

Gynae in Jurong area: remember seeing someone asked about this. My gynae is at Jurong east st 24. He's a male gynae. Not the TLC type but I am very comfortable with him. What I like is he can basically do everything at his clinic except for OSCAR. He is able to do 3D scan as well. What I don't like about going to gynae at some hospital is that you have to go to a seperate place for the sonographer to do the scan and then go to your gynae.

Weight: I have lost about 6kg since start and now in my 11th week. sigh....hopefully the MS stop soon. praying hard
Morning mummies.

Cheryl, dont give up hope.. jia you

Hi Ange, your gynae no package, isnt it gona be very expensive to pay per visit basis..

Confinemnt lady,
i also called my previous one who do for me in Apr 2011. did u all give deposit? she didnt ask so i kept quiet too. hehe.. managed to get $2k.
Yvonne: yup. Expensive. But I'm very comfortable with her and confident Im in good hands so will just continue since I plan to close shop after this. Hehe
Yes, I gave her deposit and she gave me a receipt for it.
weird hor snake yr also so ex! Then my CL said price up le won't down de( faint*) means next big jump be the next ox or dragon yr again?

Oh errrr...u have to call n make appt leh even if it's ur 1st appt unless ur Gynae don't have this practice . But even off peak hr ur Gynae also full for wkday?Mine all the while even 1st appt mean book appt de.

Irene: 6 kg !!!@-@

Yvonne: Wahh gd deal! My CL telling me rate outside easily 2.3-2.6K

Alvernia Card:
Finally have time to call in n enquire.
Quite worthwhile deal as member fee only $68 for 2 yrs.
Maternity package saving be $100 off 1 bedder,$80 off 2 bedder, others $60/40.
Health screening apply to everyone in ur family. 15% off
Clinic walkin:10% off consultation
& others

Sweet potato porridge:
A stupid qn here , can we eat sweet potato porridge?
Hehe found a jap sweet potato in my fridge, just scraped it n making sweet potato carrot minced meat porridge
Yvonne: nope mine I nvr give deposit . She trusted us. I think we one of those family she likes work in haha I allow her to read her newspapers n magazine n watch tv drama in pm when bb naps. To us as long as she cooked well n take care of our bb well we don't mind all these. In return she helps to wash my Hb clothing as well n clean n mop the house for us
irene: 6 kg is a lot. I just asked my colleague who's 16 weeks and she put on only 1-2kg.

I think i'm going towards my 12th week and i'm already minimally 2-3kg heavier...
Hi Nlimm n Ange,

my CL first time do for me was thru agency de.. before she left we exchange contact number .. after she finish she will still call me once a while to c how i m doing etc..

do u all think its ok she didnt take deposit from me?
Y not u ask her? Better leh coz later she said u nvr give deposit she nvr reserve for u? Mine not thru agency during my #1 n then I nvr give deposit .

Cooling or heaty ?! Old folks said cooling but my colleagues told me its consider heaty . Then I asked coz my boy cough n I'm thinking of feeding him watermelon. Yest I had a slice thinking is heaty but my frd just told me is cooling
My CL is $2300 and no deposit required.

Rach, if green better see doctor. It might be infection.

Eil, update ur scan later ya.

Shirley, how is ur Oscar today?
Rach; mine discharge some times is yellowish or dark yellow.. i told my gyena. he say okai. as long not bleed or brown =)
I'm shocked when my gynae told me the Oscar will be done at her clinic.. stunned! I keep thinking only hospital will have the equipment.. it is ard sgd 600 lo. I wanna faint!!
But I'm happy to see my little Teddy bear.. not a v active bb.. as lazy as me.. lol
Mummies do any of u encounter hands trembling. I dunno whether I'm hungry or wat but my hands are trembling so quickly went to eat some bread but now feels disgusted.

eil: dun worry. Keep us updated.

ahmei: Twins!! Congrats!!

nlimm: nope F not started on anything only sch coz HB wans him to have a fun childhood before he's loaded with lessons which will be starting from next year. :D

Cheryl: dun worry too much, usually heartbeat will start to show ard 7wks. Enjoy ur TW trip.

Ange/nlimm: all along my gynae's practice is call in the clinic take no. Then go down in the noon as morning he will always be busybodies his rounds in the ward. And according to my sis (recommended her to him as well), she's currently due for visits every month told me they dun accept phone call take no. have to walk in an queue. Ok if let's say they changed rules, then according to my record with them my last visit was last yr dec, how would I knw they changed rules. And plus the attitude of the nurse who ans the call is super rude. But anyway i'm still going to TMC later to visit my mum and bringing the bys for jab.

Yvonne: for mine I juz inform er didn't I've any deposit since she helped me on my first 2 so we work base in trust.

nlimm: read in the newspaper sweet potato cannot put fridge leh. Think better dun eat.

iko: good at least u get to see.
Iko, I rem my Oscar test during #1 also at Gynae clinic.

Haiz finished all the porridge le very sweet haha. Just googled ya shdnt put in fridge coz starch content will change to sugar, maybe tts y so sweet :p
As for ur Gynae appt, sigh over le at least next ties not too far away . Maybe she up at wrong side of bed ba don't let her spoilt ur mood

Y not call in ur Gynae n ask if u need go see her/him
Nlimm: I keep everything in the fridge if I can. Muahahaha used to bake sweet potato chips for my son as snack bites.
Ange: I forgot why, stupid me shld have cut out the newspaper article. I remember its from straits times- life section. Still got quite a few.

nlimm: haha. Me appetite not back yet. Nvm lah I got over it already for me juz rant out then ok liao.
I always eat sweet potato that is put in the fridge. Opps!!!!

Iko, when will u be getting ur result?? I can't wait or my turn but still another 2 weeks to go...

Does Oscar able to know gender??
My friend told me her times when doing, dr confirm is a boy. And really a little boy now.
Thanks Nlimm! No worries Esther. The only thing I noticed was with sweet potatoes from the fridge they don't crisp as nicely when baked. Din bother to find out the reason too. Hahaha
Ahhhhhh I nan de can stay home n can't even nap coz my Neighbour upstairs drillingggg away

Esther: glad u ok

Bbkk : sama here all my things in fridge even my potato

Ange: welcome
Bbkk: it depends but think for OSCAR 11-13wks they concentrate more on the fluid at the neck whereas 20wks scan then they check on the hand, legs, lips, nose etc.

You can try sweets, me also coz of the after taste keep popping sweets.

Ange: ok at least not something serious.

nlimm: try listening to music with ear piece. At least nice music instead of the drilling sound.
thanks mummies! it's very weird.. only in the morning once then no more.. if continues i will call in..

heading to hk next week! hope everything will go fine.. doc gave me an tai medicine to take..

i have the weird after effect taste in my mouth all the time when i'm not eating.. so horrible!

ahmei: congrats!! twinsssss!!
Bbkk: my Oscar is 3 weeks later.. I was just checking out the price..

Rachel: same here.. terrible taste in mouth.. I think there's no cure..
