(2013/05) May 2013

esther: Eng Seng black pepper crabs? ;) I'm allergic to crustaceans so I hardly take them. But during #1's time I did crave and ate about twice.

It's chicken macaroni soup for lunch for us! Cos I'm craving for chicken soup. Like a weekly craving man.

ange: yeah tat's the one. but now think they changed chef the taste is different compare to last time but still I like the crabs there.

seriuosly i'm so waiting for my crave to come back. nothing perks my appetitie now. duhz.
esther: I'm feeling better this week so managed to do some cooking. My son misses eating my cooking that even when I whipped up a simple pasta he was like so happy with it. Hahaha
ange: hahaha. ur boy is cute. fun to see their expressions and action. as for my boy he's in full day cc so lunch will settle in sch whereas dinner i will cook for him everyday except wkends. super tired. my boy very chinese - soup, rice, vege and fish. at most he eat's pizza only.
esther: My boy is typical canton and loves his double boiled soups. Soup not up to standard he will take a sip and say enough. But loves his Italian food as well, pastas & pizzas. But as he cannot take spicy he is anti Korean and Thai.
ange: our boys almost similar. but my boy got a very bad habit if we were outside dining together he wll refuse to eat his food. how old is ur boy?
esther: He turns 4 this Christmas eve. My son has a list of favourite restaurants... some places he goes so often they know him. Yup, it's cos of him they remember us. Hahaha
Ange: I think my symptoms are subsiding. My boobs not so pain alr and I didn't wake up to pee Ytd night too.. Nausea seems to get better. Though I feel better but not sure if its cause for alarm anot.. Ah yoooo.. Haha..

Esther: TMr is our scan.. Just a day to go.. Cod fish is good!!! I love cod fish but don't dare to eat cos not sure abt the mercury content in the fish if it ok for preggy to eat.. R u taking it? How many weeks r u? I think as the pregnancy progress, you will feel better.. Hang on there.. Jia you!! :
Shirley: I can't confirm for mine. I usually feel better towards the end of the week. So today is start of end of week for me as a new week begins Sunday. Hehe
Ange: woah still got a list of favourite restaurant. Its good so the restaurants can give u all better seatings. :D

Shirley: yeah 1 more day. Waiting waiting. Haha. Tml is my first time to the doc. Think this time round I super lax. Wait till now then see doc but I've been taking folic acid ever since the day I tested positive. According to the online calculator,y EDD shld be 28 may. But as I'll be c-sect so will definitely deliver bb 2weeks before EDD. Nope this bb dun like fish, cod fish worse cant even stand the smell. If u an stand the smell think its ok to eat in moderate.
esther; same here at night i can feel very very cold and suddenly teeth clattering one. so i everyday wear a jacket to sleep but recently i dont feel cold leh.. i didnt wear jacket to sleep. i feel hot actually -___- not sure is it normal anot.

Vi: yup i will pant easily even climbing up stairs. 1 floor i already bth liao.

Usually if i sleep late i wont wake up to pee in the middle of the night. arghz.. so how u gals do that?

sunflower: i did eat crab. but not alot.
fabbie: normal to feel hot, coz we've got bb inside and bb sure have temp so we'll feel hotter. I dun mind hot if cold I abit worry fever coz I'm having running nose now.

Me too there was a nite got woken up by my boy at 5am then super urgent in the end wat I did was to tahan faster slp back coz need to wake up at 7. So when 7 woke up first thing is run to toilet. Hahaha.
Gynae Package:
I rem mine also near to 1K type of price for my #1!!! From what u guys said mine also damn ex
Shall ask next wk when i see her again.

Delivery Charge:
Vi: So urs be ard $850+1300=$2150.
bbkk: urs ard 2K total, normal delivery?
Mine for #1 in 2009, i cant rem gynae package but my planned c-sec was 2.5K + anestetist fee[1/3 of 2.5K)+2 bedrm at Mt A (2K+ for 4days 3night/3days2night)+newborn charge(1.3K) = ard 6.9-7K. Is this very ex?

Iko: Ya i love their food and the nurses are nice.

Ange: Expensive baby.My#1 i eat alot beef also this one dont like .

fabbiee: me feel cold easily nowsaday i think not enough food

Subsiding Symptoms:
Im not sure, im into wk 7 my neaseousness from whole day to morning only is tt normal?
Ange: oh ya.. You mentioned that your is a tgif baby.. Finally its Friday tmr.. I am also counting down.

Esther: tmr is your which week? I like cod fish but I can't stand the frying smell.. My sis fried cod fish the other day.. I can smell the fish stench even after 20 mins after frying.. Usually c sect will be earlier..your #1 also via c sect? Continue taking your folic acid.. Is there any other supplements you're taking?

Fabbie: before I sleep, I will pee like 2 - 3 times.. Do you still visit the toilet frequently??

Btw, when can we start taking bird nest? IGt th urge to take it but still don't dare cos I am still at first tri.. If take ard 11 weeks, is that ok?
Shirley: I just double boiled on Tuesday. :p And I certify babe only likes it freshly cooked... I had leftovers and had them cold from the fridge Weds morning I almost vomitted. And I tried again at night and same effect. So yup no more overnight birds nest LOL. I pretty much eat what I feel like eating la... Just everything in moderation. Hahaha

nlimm: I tend to think it's cos I'm low in iron hence the desire for beef. Will know in 2 weeks when I get results of blood test!
Nlimm: r u planning to delivery at mount a? Heard from my friends that the foods is yummy..
I have Yet to check with my gyne regarding his package.. Think will ask him tmr..

Ange: having it fresh is good.. I love it warm also.. I think hock hua is having promotion for bird nest.. Going to see probably over the weekends..
Shirley: My friend taught me to cook more then can continue having it the next day... looks like that method is not working for me. Hehe
I'm feeling cold too!! I tot it's just me..
I can't wait for subsiding symptoms too..
My gynae appt is tml too!! Hope Edd can shift forward too..
hi mummies, can we use Axe Brand Universal Oil (斧标驱风油)?

I used it everyday every time, not sure is it harmful to bb?
Ange: your baby is smart.. Knows what good for him or her.. Hehe.. I am planningto eat soon also..

Iko: looks like many of us are having my appt in Fri.. I can't wait for tmr 5pm.. Took time off..

Tsm: not sure abt that oil.. But I am using yu yee oil.. The one for baby.
other thread mummies using it also.. Mayb you can try?
Had Tom yum maggie mee for lunch, think bb likes sour and spicy. Hahaha.

Shirley: I'm not too sure which week I'm at now. LMP: 21 Aug. no leh I only taking folic acid no other supplements. My #1 was emergency c-sect then #2 also c-sect coz only 2yrs apart so confirm this time round also c-sect.

I will only start eating bird nest ard 7 mths coz remembered reading somewhere as bb's lungs is developing if eat bird nest now bb can easily develop phlegm. But if taking in moderation shld be ok.

iko: me too. Counting down with Shirley, her's is tml as well.

tsm: think shld be ok bah, me using the vaporex got nasal congestion hoping to clear my blocked nose. Dun really wan to eat any flu medicine.
Shirley: oh yu yee oi...i like it too!
Mayb need to check with chinese pharmacies,
coz i like to use it before preg, then my hubby suddenly asked me last night whether I can use it during pregnancy.

I oso plan to eat it aft 1st Tri, heard b4 is better to eat aft 3 or 4 mths.
Ange: ya this kinda weather makes me lazy. How many times of piano lesson u give ur son each week? And wats the duration?
esther, i oso suffering from blocked nose recently.
I was on MC yesterday and doctor gave me some flu medicine ,but i dare not to eat it...
tsm: birdnest i plan to start after 3rd mth...

esther: but we need to shift the furniture to give way to the bb bed too. I was thinking to employ a maid to take care of the bb so need to shift some furniture away. maybe I should do it after 5-6 mths which suppose to be safer
esther: I'm taking lessons today. Hahaha My son goes to school in the afternoons. He takes lessons every Sunday.
dear mummies,
come across this to share

"I just found out that iherb now provides free international shipping to singapore, for orders above USD40, and weight not exceeding 1.8kg. No need to join sprees or bulk purchases any more to get your kids' favourite vitamins and supplements shipped to your doorstep. Hooray!

No idea how long this good deal will last, so make use of it while it's still on. To get further discount, can also use this code WUY181. it will give you USD10 off above USD40 purchase, or USD5 off below USD40 purchase."
fool4love,i oso not sure, coz most of the oils contains of Camphor which is no good during early pregnancy (checked on internet).

eil, then u must not at the scene when shifting furniture...
my glucose test came back le.
need to go to NUH tomorrow urgent...mine reading is 15 while the standard is 7

aiyo....very worry leh
tsm: yeah... the elderly ppl said oh can only shift after give birth!! But there are so many changes require to accompany additional family members.
Jc: How come u need to Do these tests? Dun worry.. I'm sure e doc has a solution for u.. most prob cannot anyhow eat liao..

Eil n tsm: I shifted to hk when I was preggy with #1.. my mum just brought me far away from the scene of action..
Today was so busy.. So many things to do :x

John Tee is ok, those chop chop kind all done. But when scanning, see bb, he talks quite a lot leh. We dont feel any repulsion with him, so i'm continuing with him..
First visit appt 3.30, i went in at 3.50.. Second visit appt 3.50, i arrived 3.35, went in at 3.45 :p

All this crustacean talks make me want to have chili crab ;)
JC, m sure it wld be fine, think maybe the choice of food n drinks ve to be selected carefully.

anyway, mummies, any good stretch cream to recommend?
that time go for urine test. Doc said got sugar in urine. So ask me to go for glucose test.

than the result show my level is high. I worry that it is gestional diabetics. tomorrow will go to see doc / dietician.
My gynae package is not $2000...
total is $1400 incl normal delivery, scan,vit, consultation visits.

Those taking Oscar test tml jiayou, you are the first to go I think. Update us k.
Tml is scanningn blood test day again i took leave n intend to rest more before gg for test. Pray hard mai.
Hi mummies,
Hope everyone is doing fine.
Im not new to the forum but new to this thread, will be delivering in May 2013, and I am expecting a twin

Anyone has craving for meesiam? i have been wanting to eat meesiam.

I have been feeling cold too. My mum has to boil some chicken ginger soup to keep me warm.

Has anyone of you all started shopping for baby stuff? anyone knows how to disinfect a second hand stroller? I have got it from a friend. Some parts of the mattress cannot be removed from the stroller, so how to disinfect before use?
Ah mei: Twins! Congrats! I thought I was expecting twins cos I had such severe symptoms this time around. :p Turns out it's just hormones. Hahaha

I've been waiting for mom to cook mee siam. I only wanna eat the one cooked by mom.

I haven't bought anything for #2. Lotsa friends wanna pass on stuff if I'm carrying a girl. But I am eyeing some stuff.
Ahmei: congrat !!!

Eil: what blood test you doing?

Bbkk: tts cheap !!!!! Normal delivery without epidural?

Jc: did u take alot of sweet stuffs? Hope everything is fine for you

Ange: abit confused. U teaching ur boy or u taking piano thur pm n ur boy taking on sun?
Esther: u started F? Next tues be m's 10th lesson thinking of stopping

I thought is during 2nd trimester or 3rd?

Esther: Ur 1st appt this sat ?

Ange: high chance back to MtA again , the last info I got my Gynae shd still be delivering at mt A. Coz during my #1, her clinic at paragon , now at gleneagles
today i really got shock at my gynae visit. not only i cant see heartbeat. the gynae even suggest d n c. i really break down crying. my hb almost follow wat gynae say and ask me go d n c today. tml we going tw. but i hesitate. hb den say go kk see another doc see how. at the kk 24-hr clinic, the doc say most likely i still early since it ard 6w1d. advise me to wait. come back from tw den see gynae again. kk oso do bhcg for me. my bhcg is 29,000 which the doc think it good result. now i really hope it just too early. pray hard
Nlimm, the package is not included epidural. Any epi, forcep or vacuum is another charge depending on the delivery day already. Any of it used, will top up during delivery.
During my first, I did not use epi, only vacuum so only few hundred dollars I think.

Cheryl, why ur dr suggest dnc. Should't dr knows it sill early. Some gynae will not cause alarm and ask to wait till another week. I dun like this kind of gynae leh. Trust urself, talk to bb, dun think so much ok. Since ur hcg is high, just give urself one week more and enjoy ur trip.
i oso duno y. i told him i test +ve on 30 sept. he say he consider tat as 4 week. but tat was dpo 11 for me leh. if count by +ve OPK. DPO 14 den is 4 weeks wat. he say i going to be 7 week and no heartbeat maybe it wont work out. but i am only abt 6w1d today leh
Hi Cheryl,6 w 1 day is really early. Sometimes, cannot really see heartbeat. Besides your hcg level is good, if it is increasing, then should be ok. Pregnancy is viable.

I had high hcg level in the very beginning but also cannot see anything on my 6th w. I was very worried. One or two weeks after that, everything is good. Do not worry.. seeking 2nd opionion is the right thing to do... Just come back and re scan. Enjoy your tw in the meantime!
Cheryl, yes when u tested early is actually 3week plus not even 4 week lor.. I tested +ve on 11dpo too and I rem is ard 3weeks plus lor...I really hate ur gynae.... Not supportive. Anyhow say and suggest remove is very cruel. Lucky u went for another dr... Is he the one delivered ur first child?

Ah meI: wow twins!!! Congrats!!! And welcome..

Cheryl: don't think negatively.. 6 weeks can be early and who knows if you o late and miscalculate your weeks? Give baby and yourself a chance.. Come back from tw den see gyne again.. Meantime,be careful at tw ok?? How's your spotting?
