2012 Twins

Hi Shiko,

Any advice for your csection recovery? I went through natural for my first one. It was a fast delivery, everything completed in two hours. Mine are identical girls with one plancenta, so Dr Wong suggests to go for csection to reduce the risk of emergency csection. Your baby birth weights are good. So 3 nights would be 5k plus cash. They went to normal baby nursery right? Did you latch them on the first day of the csection? Hows your position for latching them on?

I envy beautifulseeds! Made it through natural! =) Okay... Will try out black sesame seed, brown rice porridge and multi-grains.

Hi Skyanne,
Advise for csection recovery...have plenty of rest!! =P during confinement month, tho i didnt sleep alot but i never carry anything heavy, and also i wore e tummy belt which Dr Wong asked me to wear since day 1, it did help to reduce the pain when i move ard..Dr Wong also gave me a cream to apply on my wound, she said it was suppose to prevent scar from "floating"..

My babies were in normal baby nursery, the staffs there were very helpful and caring. I didn't latch them on e 1st day cos my lower body still feel numb so 1st day i just let them feed on formula 1st..i start bf from 2nd day onwards but supply not alot, so usually latch 1 bb each side for abt 10-15 min then if they still not full, nurse will top up with formula...the lactation nurses taught me 2 positions, i found the "football hold" position worked better for me when we were in hospital...but when we back at home, i actu found a new position is easier for mummies with csection wound, that is lying sideway..not sure if you understand what i am talking abt, but i rem i read it from e TMC booklets bf...all u need to do is let ur bb lying on bed with u, then u tilt facing bb and latch bb on with lying down position..hope i didnt confuse u...>.<
Hi Shiko,

Thanks a lot for you advice! What tummy belt is that? Did you have any inflammation? Were you able to carry the babies from the first day? Roughly how long later did the wound recover and you did your massage?

Yup, I understand the position you mentioned. Thanks!
Hi Skyanne,

i got e tummy belt from Dr Wong clinic which Dr Wong highly recommended, it's really easier to move ard with e belt esp e 1st time got off from bed!

my wound was ok, so far so gd, just that when hair start to grow back, would feel abit itchiness...i did carry my babies on 1st day but i was sitting on my bed and hubby passed to me...haha..cos 1st day i still couldnt get off bed yet..e wound actu feel better after a mth, but i still dont dare to use too much strength esp ard my abdomen area, that's y i havent did my massage yet...partly also cos i am still contacting e massage lady my friend recommended

1 of my friend actually said that if i didnt do e massage before 2 mths, it'll be useless i do after that...issit true??
Hi Shiko, I saw u engaged a lactaction nurse in TMC - may I know how much it costs n if any specialises in twins?
Are you also fully latching on or pumping? (tandem latching on sounds best in terms of time management but I wonder if it's sustainable)

Are twin mummies here working or stay-home? Right now i am still working but thinking hard

Does anyone have recommendation of what types of twin stroller is good (e.g. tandem or side by side)? Side by side looks cute but bulky. Any recommendations on brands would be most appreciated!
HI Grace Faith,

I have ordered the Bugaboo Donkey. Because it is high sitting and it has good wheels with suspension which is important. It is a sideby side stroller though as we have friends who feedback that for tandem, the one at the back will tend to kick the one in front as they get older. Also, it is pretty claustrophobic to the one at the back as they cannot see anything.

however, if you do not mind tandem, you can try iCandy or baby jogger.

Side by side, McClaren has also if you want a very light weight kind.
Hi Grace
i didn't specifically engage the lactaction nurses, but they were there when i tried to breastfeed esp during e first few times when i was still "learning". Subsequently, the nurses would just push e babies in and let me try myself, but can still call them in when i have difficulties.

Right now, i am pumping out fully so can make sure both bb get to drink breastmilk, and also to keep record of their feeding amt.

I am currently on my maternity leave, but considering if i should extend it by taking no-pay leave. Think most twin mummies who are working have to struggle of bb and work. In fact, my colleagues are guessing if i will be quitting after my maternity leave...haha...for me, i never tot of quitting YET, partly cos it might be a way for me to get away from the occasion "boredom" of taking care of bb, and also my job is quite flexible working hr while my hubby's job is home-based, and we hired a maid too, so trying to work out a way when bb can be well taken care of and yet both of our work are not affected. Afterall, expenses of twins is no joke...>.< how abt rest of mummies? getting any helper to help with ur twins?
The massage lady that I previously engaged for my first delivery advised to start massage after three weeks. Which pump do you use? My mom stays w me and helps out. We will be getting a maid before the babies come too. I hope to be able to return to work too! Yes, three kiddos is no joke.
Hi all

I am a mother of 5 week old twin boys and am trying to transit from mixed bf and formula to full bf. just wondering if anyone is fully bf your twins and how do you manage them in terms of single or tandem and duration of feeds? I'm having trouble coz I am still trying to up my supply and the boys are sometimes impatient w my slow flow.

hoping to perservere and fully bf but am worried that it will take too long and the babies will lose weight.

Hi Skyanne

I am using Medela Pump in Style. There are few types of Medela pumps, u can read up e feedback and compare =)
hi shiko, im getting a helper plus my MIL's help to help out with the twins...my elder one is in childcare already. dunno if they can cope since my MIL not the hands on type....i will work from home more after the delivery &amp; see how it goes...
Hi Shiko
Is pump in style good?

Btw, u do direct latching for bbies before? Wonder if one bb suck one side is sufficient for their intake or not?? Any advisor?

Yes, i engage maid to help but i dun trust her to care my bbies.. Only want her do hsework..;(
Hi Joanne,

I have only used pump in style so far, found it not bad. Heard that manual pump can really be a pain...but there are few diff models of Medela electric dual pumps, so do choose according to ur preference =)

I did direct latch on before but now mainly pumping out as 1 of my twins is not gd in sucking, so pumping can make sure both get to drink and also keep a record of their feeding amt...furthermore, 1 of my twins addicted to nipple for comfort sucking so i change to pumping totally now..but latch on does helps to solve engorgement, so what i do is i only let my boy latch on when i have engorgement, but since week 5-6 till now, i don't have problem of engorged breast, so now on full pumping
I on full pumping now too can feed one twin fully and the other 5-6 feeds a day the rest is formula. Using medela pump in style advance. So far so gd hoping to fully breast feed them but supply not enough. Anyone successfully did that? How did you go abt increasing your milk supply?
Hi mummies, sorry for interrupting..

I want to sell My Brestfriend Green Deluxe Twin Nursing Pillow, used twice only, at $80. Condition 10/10.

Collection at Bedok mrt. PM me if keen.
Hi All,

I have a pair of almost 7 months old twins and am selling my pre-loved baby boy and girl items:

1) 2 sets of mosquito net and stand. Bought @ S$50. Selling @ S$25.

2) Deluxe Baby Bather bought @ S$56. Selling @ S$25.

3) Unopened Pamper's active baby size Newborn @ S$5 each and S size @ S$10 each

3) Baby car seat bought @ S$199. Selling @ S$80.

And many other baby boy and girl items. Interested please SMS me at 9833 9315.

Thank you.
Hi Joanne, fyi, my twin's 15 days stay at KKH Special Care Nursery cost total of $17,800 and my 3 days staff in B1 is $6950. Can't use medisave to make full payment, still hv to pay cash abt $7,400 (include twins and mine).
Hi serene and Singapore toy rental,

How are you and your babies?

Im rather worried cos now with bed rest I also get a few contractions after shower or meals. Only 29 weeks at this point! At 28 weeks, the babies were measuring at 1kg each. Gynae says it's not as ideal as singleton 1.2kg. What are the rest of your babies weighing at? I tried protein powder by had rashes all over the body. Dunno what's the reason too. ;(
Hi Mummy and mum to be

Just want ask ....where can i buy maternity belt or support belt that support the back.

Hi sky
My bbies r weighing at 1.3 n 1.6kg at 28th wk.. Then at 30th wk, my smaller twin catch up n both at 1.8 n 1.7kg.. Gynea say all this is just estimation.. May not be accurate so no worries k..

Hi ling
How r u? Deliver??

Me intend to start bedrest fr wk32 onwards too n hope bbies can be in me till at least 35th wk.. Start feel kancheong n stress..

Btw all, hope to hear ur updates on at wht week u deliver n what is ur bbies weight n labour sympton?? Really hope bbies can discharge together with us.. Hope to hear fr all soon..

my babies aldy 3 months old. they were delivered by Dr June Tan at KKh.A very nice, friendly and helpful doctor. Had Csst that time bec was my 1st pregnancy. Currently im taking care the boys with a maid. Very tired and lacking of sleep. Having low breast milk. No idea how to icnrease. had 3 hourly pump during confinement but dun seems to have muchn improvement. only 10-20ml each pump.now busy taking care of babies had lower frequency of pumping. Some told me i eat toolittle for milk production. is that true? Can i say if lots food is needed for milk production, then breast feeding mummies cant realy lose weight on the 1st year after giving birth?
hi aries,
Its true that you must eat more than normal ppl. I was told that breastfeeding mummies must eat another 500 calories worth of food every day. Dun worry too much abt your weight. you can lose it all when u BF. For me, i regained my pre-pregnancy weight within 1.5 mths aft i delivered.
Hi everyone,

I juz went for my first scanning today and I'm at my 5th week.
And to my shock, I'm hving twins!
But the thing is one sac is smaller than the other one. Gynae can't cfm till I go bk for my 2nd scan 2 weeks later.

Can I ask u ladies, when u first scan for the sacs. Did anyone encounter the same thing as me? Or were the sacs is almost same size?

Right now, I can only wait till 2 weeks later to know more. Both excited and worried at the same time.
Hi Everyone, nice to meet all 2012 twin mummy.
I am having twins girl and will be delivering via c-section next month. My Edd is supposed to be 3rd Aug 2012.

I had similar situation as you. In fact, first appt with gynae, can only see 1 heart beat. through the pregnancy, 1 of my twins is smaller then the other. but both healthy weight at birth (2.4 &amp; 2.8 kg) so dun worry too much at this moment
Hi beautifulseeds,

Thks for yr reply and reassurance...

Yr 2 little bundle of joy's weight is so good! Each weighs almost the weight of a singleton!

Right now, I got to wait till 2 weeks later to hear heartbeat and see they are of good size anot.

Joanne, wa... 30 weeks and your babies are 1.8kg! So good!
I just hit 30 weeks too, only at 1.3kg. What do you eat?
I'm having identical girls, hoping csection in mid July (36 weeks). What abt you?

Dunno is it because I'm on bed rest, cant really eat the foods that I crave for. Sigh.
Hi Michelle,
How many weeks are you now? How are the girls?

Hello DHM!

Hey seeds,
How is your bf coming along?
Any tip on increasing babies weights?
I've returned to work. so only expressing 3 times a day. I'm giving expressed breast milk to my gals in the day and formula at night.
In the last month of my pregnancy, i was mainly eating home cooked food. my mum quited her job to take care of me and do confinement. My gals weight grew beyond 2kg in that mth. I think balanced diet is very impt, plus i drank anmum materna throughout my pregnancy. i guess that helps too.
Hi mummies i have 15-20 packets of ebm (1.5 month old- pumped in April-May) to give away. would be nice to receive nb diapers/boys clothes hand me downs if possible. self collect at kembangan. please email [email protected] to arrange.
Hi Sky
I think is due to our genes n not the food that i take.. My boy weight last time at wk34 is already 3kg.. Even steady..;) today went for checkup, bbies abit squeeze inside so cant scan well but both of their weight is at around 2kg now.. At 32wk.. Am abit worry as aftet two wks only gain 200g? Is it normal? Sigh.. Anyway, will start rest at home fr next wk onwards... Hope they can be in me till at least 34th wk n still hv space for them..;)
Hello ladies. It's been a while since i last posted.

Just passed my 31st week n started week 32. At gynae appt yest, was told tat babies weigh 1.8 &amp; 1.6kg, which is q ok. But also told tat cervix has shortened considerably since last visit (now below 2.5cm) so been told to hv more bed rest. Which is tough, cos i hv lower back n pelvic pain when i lie down, cannot get comfortable
. Any lady wif tips on how to survive bedrest, pl share....

Was also prepped for delivery in end Jun instead of early Jul. End Jun wil be jus past 34 weeks, keepin fingers crossed tat can delay at least to week 35.

Read some posts abt a support belt tat can be worn to support recovery after c-section. Anyone knows wat the belt is called or better still, has pix to share?

Would also like to hear mummies' experiences wif epidural/spinal. Is e process painful??

Tks lots in advance for advice...
Hi pooh,

31 weeks at 1.6kg and 1.8kg is v good. I had some brownish pink discharge today and was asked to walk in and do CTG scan plus checkup. My babies are 1.4kg and 1.5kg. Baby A is engaged already! Sigh... Stricter bed rest now. Like you, I'm also trying hard to drag.

I just lie on the bed. Used to still go to the dining room for dinner, but now it will be mainly lying down, toilet visits and sit up to eat at the bed side table. When I lie down, I also change sides or lie straight. I will either read, surf or watch dramas.

My ideal csection date is 17th July at 36 weeks. That's 5 more weeks for me... *fingers crossed*

We are in the same plight in this hot weather! It's an agony...
Hi pooh2 n skyanne
Think our edd dates r all very near.. Btw skyanne, how many wks r u now and did gynea advise why got pink discharge? Me at 33wks now n no more working since Monday.. Glad tt i stop work at the right time as when i go see gynea on Monday, he says i actually hv some contraction but i no notice as he say my tummy very hard.. So up my contraction pills to double dozes now.. At night, i can feel the contraction more obvious..after take the medicine, feel better.. Try resting on bed this wk but like u say weather too hot n fan has to keep blow at me else buay ta han the heatiness... Btw, do u all count bbies movement? Whats the correct way to count? Is it bbies must hv 10times movement in one day? I actually want c sec but gynea feels i can try natural.. Anyway, will see how then.. Me not greedy, bbies can tong till wk 35, i am contented as by then i think is ok for them to discharge together with me.. Else cant imagine the bill size if deliver in tmc early.. I just hope to give birth to them healthily..
So both of u r on strict bed rest now?
Hi Joanne,

I'm 31 weeks now. My bed rest started at 24 weeks. Still praying hard... I'm on anti contractions pill now too. 3 times a day. Are yours fraternal twins? That's why it's okay to try for natural. Mine are identical, they share one placenta so it's higher risk. Better to do csection... My CTG scan turned out okay and I wasnt dilated so gynae thought probably I strained myself that's why I had some brownish pink discharge. Thankfully we checked too, and found out that twin a is already engaged.
Is yours engaged yet? What abt pooh? I think I'm 31 weeks, she's 32 weeks and you're 33 weeks, right? Which gyane are you all seeing? At which hospital?
Wondering how the others are doing? This thread is rather quiet...
Oh ya... I never really count movements cos I find it tough to recognize who's who. Both my babies are head down. Just that when they hiccup then I know who's who. Twin a will be near the butt and twin b on my right.
Hows your helper so far? I'm getting one from mynamar coming in this week or next. Praying hard for a good one...
Hi skyanne &amp; joanne.

I thot this thread has gone dead.. I just passed 32 weeks n started week 33 today. Went for follow-up again this afternoon - babies at 2kg &amp; 1.8kg, both heads down. But my cervix length has shortened further, not surprisin as twin1 is lying really low n pressin against pelvic bones, sigh... As for twin 2, in jus one week, he changed fm transverse to head-down position, q amazing.

Takin a pill once a day to keep contractions at bay. Today also given steroid jab to help babies' lungs mature, one more dose tomorrow. The jab is painful....

M not on strict bed rest, gynae jus want me to lie down flat more often. E weather is bad enuf, but tat can still b managed wif fan n air-con. To add on to my probs, we hv a new neighbour directly above my unit who started renovation works today - lots of drilling and hammering! Think babies were initially startled when drilling started, it was deafening n they started movin a lot. Poor babies, I can only pray tat the heavy duty works end soon, how to rest like this
I dun count movements too, jus make sure tat I feel them both move every day. Like skyanne, I also find it difficult to tell who's movin - esp when they r still shifting positions. For e last few weeks, I thot all movements at the top belong to twin 2 as he has been above in transverse position most of e time. But now I realize tat in e last week, kicks at the top could hv been either twin cos both their legs r up!

I keep readin abt hiccups but I cant tell. Skyanne - how do u know when the babies r hicupping?
Hi pooh,

Wow... Congrats on hitting the 2kg mark. My gynae is also hoping that I can tahan till 34 weeks and hit the 2kg mark. Are yours fraternal or identical? You are delivering at Glens right?

I'm not sure abt the post csection belt, but my gynae says they have. Will let me see after delivery.

I didn't have epidural with my son's natural birth, so everything this time round is new. ;p Is this your first pregnancy?

When babies hiccup, it's a constant rythmn. Like a soft drumming on a spot for sometime. Hiccup is normal and it's good for babies, according to what I've read.

Which part did they jab you for the steroids for babies lungs? How much is it? I dunno if my gynae is going to do it for me too. Any particular weeks then we should get the jab? How did you feel after the jab? Also, is it through vaginal examination that you know your cervix is shortening?
Hi Everyone,

I have not been here for a long time. I am now in my 24 weeks going on to 25 weeks soon. Think I am quite far behind all of you. Hope to gain some experience from you all.

What are the chances of having natural birth with twins? I am very scared of csect.
Hi sky
How heavy r ur bbies now? My bbies weight at 32wk 5 days r at 2kg n 2.3kg.. Heard we need to minus away 200g fr the measurement thru scan as just an estimation only..
So exciting n we r all counting down.. Ya, mine is fraternal twin but i still worry if one come out n the onther one no come out then got to go thru two pain.. So might as well c sect to do it once for all..

Hi pooh2
Ya, weather super hot.. Me resting at hm fr wk 33 onwards.. Time pass so slow when not working...

Btw, r u gals taking double doses of medicine too? R u all taking nepidiz medicine?
Hi sky
My helper does things quite slow.. We dun mind since we hv nothing much for her to do now.. But if by the time bbies born n she still so slow, i may shout at her.. Hope u hv got a hd helper..

Btw, my bbies head not engage yet as of last check.. Maybe now engage as i keep feel bb movement below my bikini line area.. Do u gals feel tt too?
Sorry mommies to borrow your thread.

Have these authentic GYMBOREE Jackets to let go at good price. pls pm me for details. I have 2pcs, from my twins
Hi skyanne.

Yup, this is my first pregnancy so readin up a lot.

Dunno when e steriod jabs r supposed to b given, my gynae jus told me yest tat she wanted to me to take it yest in case babies arrive earlier. It's a painful jab tat leaves a burnin, achin sensation. E nurse says it's e medicine itself, but my GP used to tell me tat usually it's e injection technique tat causes e pain. Well, i'm gettin my GP to give me e second dose later, will let u know if it's any less painful. It's not expensive - one dose of 3 small vials cost abt $60 i think.

Joanne - I'm not on nepidiz. Wat is it for?
Oh skyanne, forgot to answer yr other qn: yes, my gynae measures cervix length via vaginal scan. She has been measuring almost every visit since end of second trimester.
Hi ariadne,

Mine are identical twins and they share one placenta. Gynae is worried that when one comes out and the placenta starts to dislocate and come out, the other twin might suffer from lack of oxygen, resulting in brain damage. Hence, suggest that I do csection for this delivery. Fraternal twins (two placentas) safer to do natural birth but also depending on case by case considerations.

Hi Joanne, yes, I felt bad pelvic pain for a few days and when gyane checked, twin a was engaged. These few nights I can feel her movements right below. I'm on nifelat too. Three times a day, one tablet each. My helper is coming tmr... Pray hard. Agency says shes from country side, so will be v unfamiliar with our appliances. Babies were at 1.4kg and 1.5kg when I went for my 31 week scan on Wed. Currently I'm not sure...

Hi pooh, where is the jab given at? Thigh? One dosage three vials meaning three jabs?

for those mummies who are expecting their twin babies to arrive, jiayou!!! don't think too much and just focus on resting, trust me...u all will miss it >.<
