2012 Twins

Hi singapore
Just curious, u start bed rest at wht week of pregnancy?
Think 3rd trimester is not easy for twins mummies.. Alot of bedrest require so we shd finish buy all stuff by 28th wk?

I feel abit crampy today.. Wonder is tt normal?

Take care serene n singapore..

think i am at the earliest stage. lol

1. Singapore toy rental 29 wks 2 boys 1 sac identical twins Kkh
2. Serene (shen0005) 32 weeks 2 boys 2 sacs identical twins Tmc
3. jolin2012 15wks (gender dunno yet) 1 sac identical twins MtA
Joleen, I think we are at the same stage!

1. Singapore toy rental 29 wks 2 boys 1 sac identical twins Kkh
2. Serene (shen0005) 32 weeks 2 boys 2 sacs identical twins Tmc
3. jolin2012 15wks (gender dunno yet) 1 sac identical twins MtA
4. Ariadne 15weeks (gender dunno yet) 2 sacs, fraternal twins Glen
My twin boys are 1.65kg and 1.75 kg at 31 weeks 3 days. Normal weight as singleton. Hoping they will overshoot 2kg soon. I also eating ice cream and drinking Ribena to make them gain weight. I haven been adding weight since week 29 but babies adding. Dunno if that's normal. I have gained 14kg so far.
Hi mummies, i am in dilemma now, see if any of u can help me...>.<

I previously commented abt my CL here, by then i was thinking left 1 more week just bear with her and try to learn as much as i can. However, more things happened this week which really pissed me off big time!

1 of my twin boys who is on full breastmilk threw up milk quite alot of times yest and were really quite a significant amt (merlion kind). We not sure issit becos we tried to feed him 1-2 times formula milk yest or like what my CL claimed that his stomach is windy....not knowing what to do, we reduced e feeding amt, hoping he can at least take in some milk. Then yest nite, worried my boys will throw up again at night, i reminded my CL and maid to be alert for night feeding.

Then at 5 am, i woke up seeing CL and maid feeding 1 baby each, as my CL has the history of mixed up e babies, i ask her who she was feeding to double confirm. And then she actually replied me she was feeding baby A when she was actu holding baby B who was not feeling well yest!!! and e milk bottle she was holding contained at least 100ml of breastmilk which neither of my babies drink that much now!! (1 drink 80ml while e other drink 70ml)

I really got so angry that i asked her y she made such mistake until now and if she has any idea how much milk has she already fed baby B...she started to give me excuses, saying she jus blur when i asking her Q and even blamed my maid for confusing her when she prepared e milk, then assured me that she just started feeding so baby B didnt drink any milk actually etc...i can close 1 eye for such "careless" mistake during normal days, but now my boy was not feeling well and she actually made such mistake which really worries me...i questioned her if she really take care of twins before, if she is as experienced with twins as she claimed, how come she until last week of confinement, still cant recognise my twin boys who are actually non-identical twins? (my maid can differentiate them within 1 wk)

My CL also not v happy with my remarks and started to blame my maid and my mum who was previously stayed with us for a week, she said cant blame her for not recognising them cos she take care of baby A most of e times cos my mum and maid always prefer baby B so she didnt bother to differentiate them...and best thing was she told me e twins she took care before were all 1 boy and 1 gal, and mine happened to be twin boys.................................how can she give such irresponsible answer?? so it become my prob that i have twin boys and not 1 boy 1 gal???

now i actually feel like asking her to leave immediately and thinking if i shd pay her e full amt since she does not meet e standard??
Hi Shiko,
To prevent further confusion, you can try labelling or putting different colour ribbon on the babies so ur confinement lady dun mess up both again. It's terrible if she double feeds one and miss the other.

Think your CL really too tired from taking care of the twins at night but dun provoke her too much cose she taking care of your babies. I think since you already confirm her also difficult to ask her to leave like that.
Selling my Brest Friend Twins Plus Deluxe Nursing Pillow, Green. Used less than 3 times due to unsuccessful latching. Anyone interested, pse pm me. Thanks.
Hi Serene,

Ya..like what u suggest abt my CL, guess i can only tahan till last day which is tml!! >.<

Anw, i heard eating red meat like beef can help babies gain weight too, i also drank alot of soya bean milk and full cream milk (those milk powder for pregnant mummies) during last few weeks before i delivered. My babies were abt 2.2 &amp; 1.9 during my last check up, after 1+ week when i delivered, they shoot to 2.3 &amp; 2.5kg respectively! (i gained total of 8kg only)
Hi ladies.

Would like to check wif ladies who are in later stages (28 weeks n beyond): How do u cope with the feeling of breathlessness esp at the end of the day when u hv taken all yr meals? I feel like all my organs r pushin up on my lungs and can't really breathe properly. N i'm only in wk 23...
Hi Shiko,
Try tapping bb stomach to hear if there's wind. if there's wind, usually it will sound like beating a drum. My gals at one stage also has a lot of wind &amp; also merlion their milk (due to me drinking too much soya milk and not taking enough ginger). sometimes they cry too much before taking milk, wind will also go in. I'll burp them before start feeding.

Abt CL, now is either u "close 2 eyes" dun pick on her anymore &amp; try to learn as much from her or terminate her immediately giving clear reasons that she has not met expectation. However, some CL would still want u to pay them full 1 month even if u ask her to leave earlier. My previous CL fed my bb till merlion and she still give excuse that it's because it's my breastmilk. so i fed up, took over taking care of bb at night.
hi shiko,

my advice is "LUN" n "REN". cos finishing soon. CLs are all the same , always blame mummies for their " incompetent breast milk" and babies. But i always tell her off...if its easy then why i employ you HUH.

So tats why 2nd time now...i learned already..know how to look after newborns..i am not taking chance..no more CLs. tot got help become more headache.
I also heard a lot of CL horror stories so I getting my mum and in law to help. Hopefully no prob. Furthermore CL charge much higher for twins and I wonder how one person can look after 2 newborns and a weak mummy.
Hi Shiko (shiko43),

I also will deliver my 3rd baby at TMC also. I choosing half sleep/epi, but my previous experience not very good. The epi dosage for 1/2 body is too much for me, it the end, my body numb until the nose, difficulty to breath also.

I will be going for th e c-section in mid May. Now already 34 weeks, sometimes laid down straight is more relax then the side way sleeping position. But now if wake up half way, difficulty on turning the body to left or right...

For my 2nd baby, i taken the injection to muture the baby lung, but when delivered out, he still admin to NICU due to
respiratory issue.
Thanks all mummies for e advises..=P

Anw, my CL left today and after that morning's argument, both of us just act like nothing happened. She still went PD check with us yest, and before she left this noon, even cook red bean soup and a herbal soup for me, guess we ended quite peacefully =P..Anw, this will be e 1st and last time for me to hire CL as i dont intend to give birth after my twins...lol...and tonight will be e 1st night w/o CL, hopefully my maid and 1 can survive thru!!! >.<

regarding my boy vomit milk that day, we checked with PD yest, she said some brands of formula might not be suitable for babies who are slow in digestion so she suggested other brands which are not as thick and heaty, and it seem to work well so far

I opted c-set with epi, everything seem ok, in fact i started to take in semi-solid food that evening after my noon delivery...
Hi beautifulseeds n singapore
Is destin cream for nappy rash good? As i oways use the normal pink packaging cream... Thk u..

Hi shiko
Hope u can handle all smoothly even without cl help.. R u still doing breast feeding?

Hi angelina
U oso having twins? U start rest at home already? Hv a smooth c sect this time..;)
Hi Joanne,

ya..right now still pumping every 3-4 hrs and let my boys latch on at least 1-2 times a day..i only alternate formula for 1 of e twins while e other is full breastmilk
Hi joanne,
desitin so far so gd for my gals. did not have any rash or redness. tried drapolene (pink colour packaging cream that u r refering to), not as effective. i also bought the desitin orginal (purple colour) to standby. this is stronger than the blue one. will use when there's really rash. heal very fast. but touch wood, so far haven't use the purple one on my gals yet. this cream was recm by nurses at kkh. i think most impt is to maintain cleanliness. change bb diaper regularly or whenever they poo. prevention is better than cure. i use cheaper diapers (drypers, pet pet) for day time, and better absorbent diapers (pampers, mami poko) for night time when my gals sleep thru the night. anyway so far my diapers are gifts from frens. very practical..
Hi beautiful seeds,

Your 6k delivery total charges is include medisave? Or all cash outlay? I think can claim 3950 for twins c sect.
Hi shiko
I see.. Jiayou on bf..;)

Hi beautifulseeds
I attend wong boi boi class n she say destin blue color is use if rash appear.. Else we can use avent bottom bump for daily use.. Wht u think? Avent bottom bump good also?? She oso say drapolene no gd n i oso not sure why no gd as my son had been using tt last time n he is ok...
diaoer rash cream: been using blue destin cream for my no 1 till he is ard 1 yrs old. I just sparingly after poo poo. I used the same too..cheaper diapers in the day and better absorbent ones at night like pampers.
Hi Serene,
Yup, the $6k includes medisave. Cash outlay is about $1.5k (as i rem we received a cheque for partial refund of the 2k deposit paid).

Hi Joanne,
i think different parent craft educator share different knowledge &amp; exoerience, no hard and fast rules. My fren attended mrs wong class has been using avent bottom balm for her 2 kids, no rash at all. Partly cos their skin is gd. My gals use avent bottom balm not so effective. so i stick to desitin blue. In fact kkh educator recm drapolene too but not effective at all. I think it often requires trial and error to find the suitable pdt for our babies.
Hi beautifulseeds
Last time my boy use drapolene... No problem too... Avent bottom balm quite ex compare to destin...

Hi gals who hv maids here
My maid just arrive n i am so tired these two days guiding her what to do.. Like no rest at all... Zzzzz... Anyone has a maid duty roaster that can share with me by pm to me pls? Lucky she came in now else at 3rd trimester, think no strength liao... Really perspire alot like nobody business.. Anybody same? No move oso sweat....
Hi Joanne,

u r lucky that ur maid arrived before u deliver, my maid only came 1 week after i delivered! >.<

but luckily i have CL to guide her...and is ur maid experienced kind? cos we purposely chose a maid who have kids herself as our main purpose of hiring is to take care of twins, so in a way, my maid is quite gd at handling kids. Even now CL is gone, she can handle babies as well as do housework, but of coz when both babies cry, we need to help her abit lo
hello all, I'm new to this forum. I also have twins and would like to check if maternity support belt helps to prevent early dilation. and any of ur gynae has suggested sewing up ur cervix when it dilate?
Hi celine,
I think normally wouldn't dilate unless got medical history like incompetent cervix or pre term labour. U have pre existing conditions?
Hi shiko
At least u hv things for maid to do.. Now i feel so tired to keep find things for her to do.. Zzzz..

Btw gals
If i am doing c sect, should i choose a gd date first? But go where to choose date? Any advise..
My maid does things kinda slow.. Maybe because i am kan cheong kind so really buay ta han.. My collegue say is normal n give them some time since they come fr slow pace country.. Wonder how long shd i give her to see some improvement?? Sigh... Really cant use having a maid.. Go out oso feel awkward to hv a stranger follow but yet not sure whether is safe to leave her at home alone now??
hi serene
I don't hv pre existing condition. but doc always examine n c if there's dilation which makes me worried, n since it's not like any single pregnancy, ours will be heavier. hence I was wondering if any of u has used the support belt before and how was the feedback.
Hi Celine
Since fr how many wks of ur pregnancy tt ur gynea start to check whether u hv dilation? N how many wks r u now?
Hi ladies! I'm a twin father to be and had been silently stalking u girls here for quite some time! Hehehe.....

My wife's edd is coming 17 Jul. currently in our 27th week? Very close to joanne? We had 3 miscarriages before this pregnancy. and this pregnancy is also not a very smooth 1 BUT , so far so good!

So hard to talk to friends who do not understand what we are worrying about but seems like everyone here worries about the same thing!
Hi Joanne
Aft my 1st tri, gynae has started to check. I was admitted to hospital at my 9th wks? due to spotting. now I'm approaching my 20th wk.
Hi ladies! I'm a twin father to be a had been silently stalking u girls here for quite some time! Hehehe.....

My wife's edd is coming 17 Jul. currently in our 27th week? Very close to joanne? We had 3 miscarriages before this pregnancy. and this pregnancy is also not a very smooth 1 BUT , so far so good!

So hard to talk to friends who do not understand what we are worrying about but seems like everyone here worries about the same thing!
For me, i did choose a so called "gd date" as old folks think it's better to do so, but i have consulted my gyane as e date we chose was my 37th week which we not sure if I could drag till then...ard my 34-35 weeks, gynae and us decided to give it a try as e longer we wait, e bigger babies weight will be, so we waited...and luckily, we made it till that date even tho my gynae told me i was 4 cm dilated and babies weight were quite ideal.

Hi Celine,
I too experienced spotting during my 1st tri and even once experienced gush of blood came out which we rushed to KK 24 hr clinic for emergency check..in e end i was given medicine and injection to "an tai" for my 1st 3 mth..I once read online that spotting is quite common among pregnancy during early stage no matter single or multiple pregnancy, but just to be extra careful..jia you! =)
Hi shiko
Any advise on how or where u choose the date?
How big are ur bbies at birth? So gd tt u can carry them to full term 37th wk..;) i just went for the Growth scan and bbies are at bigger size.. U still remember how big r ur bbies at 25th wks? I really worry they hv no space in my womb and result in early delivery..;(

Hi Celine
Oh.. Hope u r doing well now.. I hv spotting twice during my first trimester too.. Think is common.. But my gynea never check my cervix yet.. Hope all is fine.. U know ur bb sex already?
Hi all, I juz popped yesterday it's emergency c sect due to twin b cord being unable to function properly and fetal distress. Both twins in special care nursery at Kkh now. They were born 33 weeks 3 days at 1.65kg and 1.95kg.
Hi Serene
Congrat to u... May i know how ur gynea able to detect in time that bb has fetal distress? I worry too.. Glad tt they are born healthy... ;) rest well... Ur gynea is??
Hi Joanne
My mum was e one who went to ask ppl for e dates and i just followed, so cant really give u advises on this.

My bb were 2.3 &amp; 2.5kg at birth, cant really remembered their weights at 25th weeks but i think they were of smaller size initially.
Hi joanne.......wats ur bbs weight? ours r 665gm n 575gm at 24 weeks. Dr say the bigger 1 is angmo size. smaller 1 have single umbilical artery. tomorrow going for another visit , 27 weeks.hopefully the smaller fellow is growing well.
Hi raytcaz and shiko
Thks for ur advise.. As i understand bbies grow at a faster rate at 3rd trimester so abit worry abt preterm labour though i am glad they r growing well n big too..;) my bbies one at 805g
and one at 850g at 25th wks..what do u think abt this weight? They follow my hb gene as he is tall.. My elder son born at 3.8 kg at 38th wk.. Now I worry they hv no space only but they still can turn to breech position when i go scan yesterday.. Sonographer say still hv space for them..;) btw ray, did ur gynea say the weight difference of ur both twins are ok?
Serene, congrats!

Wow Joanne, they are really big but i thought big is good?

Celine, my gynae dont check dilation leh. I rather he check, then at least i dont have to worry about incompetent cervix.
I shld be the same stage with you,but u pop alrdy!hope babies can go home earlier.now I m also worried about pre term birth,last time'scan showed tt one of my babies head was at bikini line...sigh...Now i get v swollen feet, quite uncomfortable,u ever got this before the labour?
Abt babies weight,at 26 weeks'scan,one of my babies 's 930g,another one was ard 830g,it seems they r bigger than yrs,but doc didn't say anything,so I wasn't worried abt their weight
thanks Shiko.

Joanne, so far still okay, but my tummy feel so tight esp aft dinner, like no space for breathing. the thing is i didnt eat alot.
my detailed scan is scheduled next week. I'm excited!

Heartbeat, I think should be ok cos seems like I'm e only one gynae check on e dilation on each visit.
joanne, Doctor never say anything about the babies weight difference. I did ask him about it cos there was already a difference since the 1st detailed scan, but he assured the differences are within limits.

You should be glad that ur babies r such good sizes! Once they hit 2kg, u can stop worrying about NICU!

heartbeats, my wife's cervix is only 2.7cm during our 12 week scan. Our Dr wasn't concerned, Dr at NUH wasn't concerned too. since then, our Dr never checked. If i'm not wrong, they won't do anything unless u had a previous pregnancy with icompetent cervix.
Hi bonbon
Oh i see.. How heavy are ur babies now? R u resting at home already? Where u giving birth? U must be looking forward to carry them..;)

Hi Raytcz n heartbeat
Yes, i am glad tt they r growing well but at the same time, worry they got no space.. Lol..

Actually am quite confuse n hope someone can advise me.. Bbies goes to nicu only when they r under 2kg or if they r born before 37wks? So if bbies r more than 2kg but less than 37wks.. Do they still hv to go to nicu? Anyone can advise?
Raytcz, 2.7cm is normal? Wow, as a man, you know so much more than i should know! You are impressive! I rather gynae check cervix like once every month? Cos twins means more pressure? I really hope can hold them in there till at least 37 weeks if 37 weeks is considered full term for twins.

Joanne, good qn, i also confused! Actually i not scared they go nicu, i scared they need incubators and oxygen tanks then the bill can go up in hundreds of thousands, gotta sell house liao.

Hi all
Juz got discharged, they say my 1.95 kg twin can come home in abt a week while the smaller one should be two weeks. I'm glad they no need nicu. Juz special care nursery. Think after 33 weeks no need nicu if ok weight unless underweight.

My gynae is June tan from kkh. I went for normal 33 weeks detail scan then they saw one cord blood transfer was intermittent and they monitored my foetal heartbeat saw that smaller twin with cord prob heartbeat suddenly 180 suddenly 130.. Then they wheeled me in for emergency c sect. Was out in an hour and they were born 1 min apart.

I only have swollen feet after I gave birth due to the bed rest. So can't comment on the pregnancy swollen legs part. Meanwhile, all preggy mummies eat and rest well and hope Singapore can hold on much longer than me.
