2012 Twins

Hi skyanne.

The jabs r meant to b given IM - thru muscle tissues (as opposed to IV - thru veins). So my jabs r on my buttocks. One jab only each time, doc basically syringes out the contents fm three vials into one syringe.

Hi Skyanne,

Mine are fraternal twins and I really hope to have natural birth instead. Csect just seems so scary to me. Besides, I have no one to help me after the birth so do not really want to be bed bound.

Have anyone tried natural birth with twins here?
Hi Shiko,

Thanks! How are your little ones? Are they able to sleep and feed at the same time?

Hi pooh,

Buttocks at least alot of flesh... Haha. Not so painful hor.
Hows your bed rest coming along?

Hi Ariadne,

Beautifulseeds did natural w her twins. U can scroll up to read more in her previous posts.

Doesnt matter tat buttocks r more fleshy, it's not e injection itself tat hurts, it's e meds goin in, cos it's oil based i think.

Tryin my best wif bed rest, hope yours is going well..
Hi skyanne n joanne.

R u gals gettin as breathless as i m wif e babies kickin n squirming inside? I tell u, i can hardly breathe stimes, esp when they start nudging n pushing tog.

Dun get me wrong, i m extremely pleased tat i can feel their strength n activity, jus tat it is tough to bedrest when u hv two babies kicking vigorously when u lie down. Mayb it's worse for me cos their heads r down n two pairs of feet r pushing up agst my lungs/diaphragm...

Jus wonderin if u feel e same breathlessness....
Hi all, i only reached week 24 this week and i have experienced really aching pelvic bones for these few days.And I can feel pain when walking or sleeping on my left side particularly. comes to a point when even dressing myself up for pants,lift my legs also painful. Lower backache as well. Plus..not sure if one twin is down..when one moves..i can almost let out my pee...so uncomfy.

Sleep is sometimes disrupted as my twins love to party at night. Doc did say one twin is already head down..tat scares me as turn down so soon and i be having a little hardening of my tummy aka braxton hicks quite early this time. I hope to tell all these to my doc this friday and see wat he can do.

the heat is killing me. while my aircon runs at 25 degrees..my hub and son freezing..i am sweating...

hopefully i can tahan till week 34, also hope for natural although i got one placenta which is safer to do a c-sec but i have an elder boy so i hope i can recover faster.
Hi Joleen,

I am also having the same symptoms as you. I have just reached week 25 today. I also suffer pain in my pelvic bone as well as in my pubic bone region. Can no longer walk for long or sit for long.

Also, feel the pressure on my diagram. Apparently one twin is sitting high up near my lungs and the other is right down near my pelvi/pubic area. When I stand up, the urge to go toilet is always there. Seem like she is sitting on my bladder all the time.

It is really very hot recently. Too hot.

I hope I can hold on till week 37 though. And really hope to be able to go natural. This is my first pregnancy. So, am kind of afraid of child birth at this moment.
Hi pooh, I had that breathlessness for a few days. I know how uncomfortable it is. Cant sit or lie down. Dunno is it because one is already engaged, so the breathlessness didn't last.

Hi joleen, how old is your boy? I've a 23 months boy. Whos your gynae and where are you delivering? Your gynae allows you to try natural?

Ariadne and Joleen, I always note down my symptoms and report all to gyane on my visit. I started bed rest in week 24. Many mommies still can last longer. Cos my son was also engaged early and delivered at 36 weeks 5 days, considered early. My labour only took 2 hours. So my gyane is careful in case I go into preterm v early. So far hanging out there at 31 weeks 5 days now. *fingers crossed* you two jia you!!! Try to lie down as much as possible. Its really not easy carrying twins.
Hi sky n pooh2
I just realise today tt my leg is already very tired when stand for only 5mins.. Omg.. How can i pull thru when am only at 34th wk? I feel breathless after walk fr living rm to my rm too... Me feel like a pig now as rest at home so just eat, rest on bed n eat again.. Cant walk too much now as leg no strength.. At night sleep oso jialat, each turn i make is not easy n keep catching for breath.. Left right side cant sleep due to bbies kicking n feel so breathless when face up.. Think my weight had increase more since eat already n lie down.. Dun dare weight myself at my next checkup.. Last checkup, total weight gain is 7kg..
Me not greedy, bbies pop by wk35, am more than happy ler.. Count down, time pass fast pls..
hi ariadne,

i have pains at my pubic bone region too. and my twins are like having party in there all day...squirming and moving..super uncomfy but i do know tat they are ok.

Dun worry too much abt childbirth its not as drama and scary like in the movies. in fact, we are no where close..very planned and quiet hahaha. tats why hubbies can still watch tv, surf net and drink kopi read newspapers.

I am not insistent on natural. I let the doc decide wats best for me. no point die die want natural but to be safe c-sec is the way to go. I know i am in good hands.

hi skyanne, my boy is 19mths old. super duper active and sticky, starting to throw tantrums and wanting me to carry and climbing on me all the time. Its easier for those 1st timers as they can rest without worrying abt no1. I am with Dr Ho Hon Kwok Mt A. My gynae told me tat if conditions allow , he will go for natural but see how as there is only 1 placenta, the risk is there.

hi joanne,
walk slowly, now i also walk like duck and snail. But ur total weight gain so good, only 7kg, at 20 weeks i already 6kg gain hahaha.

i also wish i can lie and rest..its hard when i am a sahm with an active toddler. i have to still chase him for bathe, food, drinks, games and sleep.
Hi Joanne,

I totally understand. When I sleep on my left, left twin will squirm, move and tickle me. Same when I sleep on my right. Not possible to sleep facing up at all. It's hard trying to fall asleep each night. Day time I try not nap but it's also hard w the warm weather and lying down all day. I'm really running out of dramas to watch.

Hi joleen,

Alone at home is not easy. Towards the end you need to rest more. Any plans later on? I haven't carried my son since I knew I was pregnant. Gynae advised me against it. My son is also v cranky in the beginning. Now still of course. But I try to read to home at times during the day, lying down beside me. That's the best I can do.
Thankfully my mom stays w me. So she helps to take care of my son.

my 2 boys so far so gd, younger 1 previously have acid reflux for sometimes, but now is better..and both of them weighed 5.7 & 5.6 kg, last Sat just brought them to shave botak...haha

I am feeding them every 3 hrs, but hubby and 1 actually prefer to feed on demand, so sometimes 3-4 hrs per feed. Sometimes tho we feed them ard same time, but e next feed 1 may hungry first while e other still sleeping, so they dont really feed at same time..

nowadays we are trying to train them zzz longer at night, maybe they start to differentiate day/night, we found out that after evening feed, they would tend to zzz longer, so now we r trying to make them back to zzz even if they wake up at night by patting or give pacifier..cos gg back to work soon, hope can reduce night feeding...=)
HI Joleen,

Last night my twins start to party a lot and I just could not get to sleep. Now, I cannot even stand for too long as twin one is just sitting too low and kicking into my bladder or something. The feeling is like deep aching pain...

Do you know your twins gender yet?

I am not exactly insistent on going natural. Just much prefer to have it natural as the recovery will be quicker. Without help, I will need to be able to move about. Heard csect can take up to a week before you can really move about.

Skyanne, Your labour only took 2 hours? Wow, that is really good. I heard all my friends went through 24-26 hours of labour. My gynae still has not prescribe bed rest for me. Bed rest can be under hospitalisation leave right? I will be seeing my gynae next week again. Cannot wait to see the twins again. lol
hi ariadne and sky,

we knew our gender during our 20 week detailed scan. its gonna be 2 boys. not sure fraternal or identical..dunno why gynae say it can be either. I tot since i got one placenta and 2 sacs so maybe identical, he says can be fraternal as well. The previous scan shows my placenta is very huge and long spreading from my left to the right.

I got help in the day with my mum, i will go to her house and nearer to delivery and during confinement will be with my mum place. C sect, what i know with a binder, it is necessary to get walking so will heal faster but of cos not agressive type.

my first labour was induced so it took me 30hrs. But its just long winded, i was so bored, and tired , so eat and watch tv. i got epidural tat time.

shiko, you have done so well, bbs already put on so much weight. i think feed on demand better. its hard to train them to sleep longer at night. but its do-able. i am pretty lazy, i dun mind feeding my no 1 milk at night. Its still good to drink milk till 3-4 yrs old to me lah. Moroever my boy will just wake up ask for milk and i make and let him hold. Once he is done, he will just put beside him and go back to bed, he is 19mths old now. It doesnt distract my beauty sleep at night.Plus being a mother, i already expected and so used to night feeding and less sleep that sometimes my boy doesnt wake up for milk, i auto wake up and tot my boy sick or wat..how come never wake up for milk. hahahaha! To me, they will grow up, they dun drink milk forever so i really dun mind them waking up for milk at night. The more the merrier so can gain weight. As you go along, u will find they have food strike and milk strike so drinking milk at night is really good.
by the way, yesterday i was showering, i noticed that i have some droplets of colostrum leaking from one side. I never had such symptoms before during my no 1 and my milk let down kicked in only after 2 weeks delivery. This time i only in 24 weeks of twin pregnancy and i experiencing some leaking...is this normal?

wonder this time it be smoother to breastfeed..i had hell the first time over...engorgement and low milk supply.
Hi Joleen,

Wow! Congrats on the twin boys! I guess your gynae cannot confirm identical or fraternal as placenta might start off as two separate one but fuse together earlier on in the pregnancy to make it one. So, there is no way to tell for sure until birth.

I was told by 2nd day after csect, the nurse will force you out of bed to start walking. It will be painful to begin with but will slow get easier.
Hi Joleen,

I also had low milk supply and a bad experience w bf w my first one. Hopefully this time round will be better. I got a medela freestyle pump this and hope it will help me. I don't have colostrum leaking issue wor. Is it suppose to be a good sign for you? ;)

Yea, I'm using hospitalisation leave now. Exhausting almost all...

First time csection, I'm also full of anticipation! Wondering how it will be really like.

Just went for my check up yesterday. 1.6 and 1.7 at 32 weeks. I need to hang on! At least must hit 2kg each. How's pooh and Joanne doing? You two are more advanced!
Hi skyanne.

I jus got back fm gynae. 33 weeks 2 days today, babies ard 2.2kg each (minus 10%, actual wt shd b abt 2kg).

Guess wat? Will b deliverin next week - at 34 weeks! Gynae suggests not to wait anymore in case i go into labour n end up as emergency c-section. Cos one baby's head already engaged, she said she can feel his head when she puts in e vaginal probe. Plus cervix length has shortened further to 1.5cm, says i'm prob contractin already tho i cant really tell, n she's concerned i may go into labour if i wait further.

Much as i want to wait, i trust her judgement. So it's d-day next week, eeeekkksss!!!
hi pooh2,

so exciting for you, great weight for both babies. I also hope i can tahan till 34 weeks. I just back at 24 wks at gynae. Babies are weighed 716gms and 660 gms respectively. I hope they are of good weight at this point.

great that your pregnancy is almost over. I still need to hang on for another 10 weeks goodness.....
Hi pooh n sky
Wah.. Pooh is going for labour..so nice.. Wunder when is my turn...;)
Just went for my gynea checkup yesterday.. So happy to see my bbies again thru scan.. Bbies weigh 2.4 & 2.6kg at 34th wk.. Hope these weight r ok.. Oso do ctg yesterday.. Maybe lie there for an hr plus, when i throw a tissue in dustbin n it drop on floor instead, i try to pickup but maybe blood not go up my brain yet, i almost hv a fall n really scare my hb out.. He reprimanded me for not asks him to help..;p i hv a shock too.. Lucky didnt fall on tummy..Thank god ctg goes well.. Oh ya, rest at home these 2wks makes me put on 2kg.. Total weight gain becomes 9kg.. Oops.. Is it too heavy.. Gynea asks me to choose a date for csect fr 8th July to 11th July too.. But i doubt can i really wait till then for csect since inside very cramp ler.. Is 8th July a gd date? Any advisor? ;) anyone has any idea for emergency c sect at tmc, can hb goes in to the theatre too?

Gynae asked me to go clinic again for CTG this mornin cos she was worried abt my cervix. Her gut feel was accurate, in jus one day my cervix has shortened to abt 1.1cm. N ctg showed why - i was havin contractions tho i din feel much.

Gynae has brought forward my delivery to tomorrow instead as she's concerned tat e engaged twin is in an uncomfortable position - head v low she can feel it when she does physical exam. Plus e fact tat i hv lost 2kg in e last 2 weeks, which meanz i m not a v gd 'incubator' anymore.

So D-day is tomorrow!!! Wish me luck, tryin not to freak out...
All the best pooh2.. Soon u will see ur bbies.. Look forward to see u update us here on ur delivery process n bbies weight.. Take care.. Btw, do u feel anything right below since one bb is very low now? Whose ur gynea?
hi everyone,

I am new to this forum. I'm so glad to find this chat group to know that you ladies out there are sharing stuffs about twins.
i am also expecting my twin girls and am now 25 wks. I just undergone a cevical cerclarge procedure to prevent premature labour and am given bed rest till delivery.
Hope to hear more advise from you ladies.
Hi Pooh2,

Hope all is well with your delivery. It's so exciting! Do keep all of us update and hear from you soon.

I will be in for my 26th week check up coming Tuesday. Can't wait to see the twins again. Hope their growth and weight will be ok. I also hope that I can hang on for another 10 weeks so that the babies will not be too premature when born.

Welcome to the club, Raerae. How are you feeling now? May I know why do you need to have a cervical cerlarge procedure? When are you due? Congrats on your twins girls. What kind of twins are you having?
Thanks, Joanne n Ariadne! All e best to u for e rest of yr journey too!

Joanne - yes, I do feel some tingling sensation at e vagina area when my lower twin moves these days...
Hi all,

I just had a long weekend. I'm at 32 weeks and 4 days now. Dunno about babies weight since Wed when they were 1.6kg and 1.7kg. I experienced regular ten min interval contractions for three hours on Friday from 9pm till 12am. Then we decided to walk in to TMC delivery ward as advised by the TMC hotline. True enough, CTG scan showed that I was having regular contractions. Was put on Ventolin drip, given steroid jabs for babies lungs to mature. Spent a night in labour ward to stablise contractions and another night to monitor condition.
Contractions have stopped and I returned home on Sat afternoon. Now it's super bed rest and hopefully can tahan till babies are at least 2kg. Next gynae appt is on Wed for 33 weeks scan. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Hi pooh, is your csection today? Sunday? I envy you, at least babies are 34 weeks and more than 2kg. You and babies will do fine! Jia you!
My gyane checked on Sat and my muscus plug is loosing and I'm 0.5cm dilated. If another episode of contractions come again, I will have to walk-in to KKH already. My gyane has written a letter for me, just in case. Cos if it's too early, the NICU charges will be too great to handle at TMC.
Hi joanne,

You are hanging on well... Jia you!!!


I think your threshold of pain is high that's why you didn't feel the contractions as much!
I had to stitch my cervix cos my cervical length is too short and in case of contraction, my babies might be premature. So I am given bed rest.
Want to ask you guys, how does your gyane measure the weight of your twins? Im not 25 weeks but my gyane never mention about the weight of my twins, she only measure the AC.
Hi Rae,

I always have ultrasound scan every week. Gynae measures tummy of babies and the machine gives an estimate of the babies weights.

Is this your first pregnancy? You must bed rest well and eat well to grow the babies. It's not easy, but hang on!
greetings rae, welcome. We are all around the same week i am around week 25 day today. at every gynae visits, my gynae will measure either AC or tummy and then the computer will calculate the estimated weight of the babies.

Jiayou pooh2. You be fine and soon you will get to cuddle your babies.

I told my gynae about my aches and pains and some sensation at the pubic area, he just say normal as they are getting heavier. Sigh. But as long as he thinks everything is fine then ok lor.

usually the contractions will be bearable until up to 30mins before the pushing. for my no 1, i can literally go about with contractions for days and i can tahan almost 30hrs in labour for my no 1 until i exhausted 3hrs and need epidural before pushing. tats where the pain increases by 100 fold.

skyanne, do take care and take bed rest and you can make it. just a little while more.
Hi Sky
Dun worry.. Bbies at 33wk shd be ok too... N try bed rest more then u will be fine..;) me am at 35th wk now n counting down.. Praying hard tt both bbies r healthy when born.. Now feel more at ease tt i can deliver at tmc by my own gynea.. As before tt, i oso worry abt too early delivery.. Already set a date to do c sect end of next week..;)
Think my these 2wks bedrest does help but i not oways bedrest lah.. Weekend oways sit on sofa n still rush to young parent fiesta on last sat.. ;) n bought my son go see madagascar on last Friday after checkup before school reopen..;p

Welcome Rae..;)
Hi all. Today is my 3rd day after surgery.

Do try to hold on longer if u can. In e end, my babies' actual wt q diff fm estimated. Both est thru scan ard 2.2kg on sat, but one came out at 2kg n one at 1.8kg. Both in NICU - fortunately can breathe on their own so not hooked up to machines. But both learning to feed - bigger twin doing better so his feeds hv been increased slowly over e last 3 days; smaller twin still has not passed motion so doc more cautious, only increased once and stayed at that level.

Day 1 was spent in a daze, in bet hourly BP measurements n taking meds. Started to express some colostrum manually fm Day 2 wif e help of lactation consultant - pathetic amt, only abt 5-10ml each time. Enuf only for one baby, so all given to twin 2 since he has more feedin difficulty. V heartache, cried for e first time today when i saw him again, after things r more settled n the situation started to sink in... Milk startin to flow better today, managed abt 15-20ml at last try.

I got down fm bed yest (Day 2), eager to see babies. Do get the binder, it helps greatly. And cos i know i hv low pain tolerance, i asked my gynae for strong painkillers in advance so tat i can get off bed n move ard. So far so good, not much pain, jus discomfort.

As for e c-section itself - i chose spinal/epidural n had a traumatic experience thanks to the anaesthesiologist. I shall not go into details so as not to stress anyone, hope u'll hv a better experience than me...
Hi pooh,

Hugs... Will be praying for you. You must take care of yourself too, so that you will have energy to care for them. Thankfully they are breathing well, that's really a good sign. Feeding wise, I'm sure twin b will catch up soon as he matures through the days.

We are all desperate to keep them in for as long as possible. But sometimes really situation cannot be helped. Are you at Glen? I'm going to KKH cos we are worried over the costs. Did your PD say when the twins can move to special care nursery?

Do share with us your epidual experience. Also, when the babies are out, did you hear them cry? They go straight to nicu or we are allowed to cuddle them first?

Hang on there, babe! The twins will puff up v soon. Do let out your emotions if you need to here. We are all with you. Jia you!
Jiayou pooh & your 2 little ones.. talk to them whenever u visit them in NICU. What they needed most is mummy's support! Dun be too stress up with the milk supply. it will usually kick in ard 4th day. in fact mine only start to come in on 6th day.. most impt u must stay relaxed, ask ur hubby to give u gentle shoulder and back massage. my malay massage lady did that and it does help a little. if u r too stressed up, milk supply is affected..

epidural experience will differ from person to person. Personally i went thru natural labour twice, 1 at kkh and 1 at sgh. different experience. the anaesthetist at kkh asked me to lie on my side, which i felt very comfortable. whereas at sgh, i was asked to sit at the edge of the bed, which i could feel a little pressure on my nerve (but not painful, more of discomfort) when he administer the needle. so i immediately tell him how i was feeling, so he will adjust accordingly. i feel that what matters most is to maintain communication with the medical staff at all times.
Thanks, Skyanne!

I'm at Mt Alvernia. The babies cried shortly after they were delivered. It was only after hearin their cries tat i was slightly more relieved. After they were swaddled, e nurses brought them to me to see n hold them and take some pix. Tat was a beautiful moment. After tat, they hv been in NICU since n i visit them 2-3 times a day to talk to them n stimes cuddle them. Priority for me now is to pump as much as i can to get e milk flowin for them.

My neonatologist is v cautious n wil only release babies home when they r at least 35 wks, n can eat a full feed which i think is ard 25-30ml. Not sure if he will be lettin e bigger twin go into normal nursery soon but i doubt so, unless he achieves those milestones...
Thanks, beautifulseeds.

B4 i delivered, i also told hubby tat i will not stress myself over milk supply. But now, i find myself tryin v hard to start e flow n increase e supply in order to feed my babies, esp when twin 2 needs it as he was not takin well to e formula feeds given in NICU...

But both babies n i made progress today. Small milestones tat full term babies bypass, like finally passin motion for first time n increasin milk intake by a mere 2ml, are big for premies, i realised. Enuf to make me cry a few times today. So it's been a gd day overall

E process of puttin in e spinal/epidural was ok, e prob was e anaesthesiologist either did not give me enuf or gave it too late. But dun worry, i was probably unfortunate, countless women hv gone thru c-section wif no prob..
hi pooh2, welcome to mummyhood.

i will be at mt a too. I was administered epidural for my no 1. i laid sideways and did felt a burning sensationw when prick that i have to use the laughing gas for a while but after which i am already numb. My gynae called in the anaethesiologist really early almost 3-4hrs before actual natural delivery so i was practically numb thoughout, no pain at all.

really dun be over ambitious. 10-20ml a pump a day is normal. milk will only flow a week later esp for c-sec. colostrum is not much dun stress urself. When we say dun stress meaning even though u know and ppl ard u tells u that ur breast milk can help them more also dun bother. if not you will burden urself and pressure yourself unknowingly and end up with low supply. i got this for my no 1 and nearly at the end of my confinement i nearly got into post natal depression. cos lactation consultation says its good , mil says its good and confinement nanny says its good but i am not producing enuf and ppl blamed mummy for not producing tats why babies are not growing. Remember this, formulas are there to help babies too. Dun feel bad that you give formula to babies. if they cant take formula well, change to another type, there are plenty of brands ard and bound one to suit babies.

i am not here to discourage you abt bf, but in fact, i am here to remind you the dangers if ppl ard you start to give you unknowing pressure that you MUST breastfeed so babies will grow and its all your fault if u dun. Be cautious and stay away from those ppl. Stay relax as much as you can. a happy mummy will have happy healthy babies no matter what they drink.

our babies are premies after all, we can only go tiny steps milestones with them. cannot expect them to be like full term. Rest now and let the days go by and allow them to grow and get used to this big world with you.

enjoy motherhood.
hi sistas..new report here..I'm at my 16th week. Can I ask you which gynae are u seeing? Have been seeing a gynae at Mt E for first tri (for ivf too) but as he doesn't deliver, I've to look around. He recommended Dr Mary Rauff at NUH but she's full. The other doc he recommended is Dr Ann Tan at Paragon which I think will be very ex as she delivers at Mt E. I wanted to try Dr Ho at Mt A too but he's also full. I've just seen Dr June Tan at KKH twice. Anyone has comments about her and the hospital? Dunno if she's good with multiples and complications.

btw any recommendations for strollers?
pooh: congrats on your delivery...jia you!

good to hear about everybody's experience here so as to be mentally prepared. thanks all
Hi gals, been to gynea checkup n will be doing c sect on 1st wk of July at 36 wk plus.. Gynea gives me steriod injection today though not actually need it but he wants to play safe..
Gynea oso asks me to stop all prevent contraction pills n ustrogen 3 days before the c sect.. But my braxton hicks quite strong this wk so i feels my contraction will be intense if no take medicine.. Wonder how? Anyone got same eerience to share?thank god tt Both bbies weighing at 2.9kg & 2.6kg now..

Hi pooh2,
Is ur Steriod injection to mature bb lung given out in 2days? Total 6 small bottles of injection?? Is indeed painful at tt instance..

Hi biggly
Doc June Tan is gd for multiples in kkh.. U can consider her..;)
Thanks, Joleen

Yeah, i hv heard of such stories in e past - of women who feel pressurised into bf. For me, i do it q willingly up to now, simply cos my younger twin does not tolerate formula well n at e beginnin. PD cld not increase his milk level cos of tat, he has too much leftover in his tummy after each feed.

After takin my breast milk, he has been doin much better n his feedin level has been increasing consistently. He has even put on some wt altho newborns tend to lose some wt in early days. So i'm really motivated to bf. Plus i hv some engorgement now so if i dun express, i suffer too. Fortunately, my supply has been q gd. My last expression by hand, managed to get abt 90ml

Thanks for yr advice nevertheless, it's v sound n useful advice which i will definitely bear in mind. Post natal depression is v real, i think i hv some now cos t tear easily. I was discharged this mornin n when i went to say goodbye to my boys, i was tearing like a runnin tap, think i stressed e nurses, haha...
Joanne: glad to hear that dr jun is good...she seems a bit soft spoken...haha...guess I'll stick around with her....
hi pooh2, congrats that you are doing well on bf. yeah..i did hand pump and realised yield more too hahaha. yes post natal depression is v real , for the 1st two weeks i practically cry like a tap at every small issue. too stress lah.

hi biggly, welcome. i agree with the rest Dr June tan is good. I heard a lot abt her just tat i am all along with dr ho even for my 1st born so i am with him and rapport is already good.

hi joanne,
jiayou....so happy you are delivering soon. oh dear stop contraction pills can cause really painful bh. perhaps ask nurse or doc again.

so goooood....your babies are at an exceptionally good weight. can tell me how you did it. i am trying to put on as much weight so my twins will escape nicu. can tell me what you eat and how much weight you put on now.... I put on 8 kg liao...at 24 weeks bbs only 700grams and 650 grams. like not heavy enuf leh..but i am already aching badly at the pelvic and pubic bones. my waist now already 38 inches and i am pf petitie size of 158cm only.

Hi joanne.

Yup, 6 small vials for e steroids. It really stings n burns when e meds go in rite? Great tat u can hang on till 36 weeks, n yr babies will definitely b more than 2kg so tat's fantastic. Did yr gynae check cervix length n ask u to go back more regularly for ctg? For me, things progressed v quickly- on sat, ctg showed contractions at irregular intervals but cervix already onpy abt 1cm. Gybae worried tat i will go into active labour so sked me for surgery on sun. When i checked into hospital ard 3.30am, mycontractions were at 4 minute intervals n cervix dilated 1cm already. Fortunately i din feel much of e contractions, only light menstrual cramps.

The point is better to b monitored closely esp if u havin strong braxton hicks contractions, things can progress faster than expected.

Hi biggly.
My gynae is Ann Tan. She reluctantly agreed to deliver my babies at MAH, haha.. I must say i was more impressed by her experience n judgement only after i delivered. If not for her 'kiasuness' in askin me to go back for ctg e day after my regular appt, i wont know tat i was already havin contractions cos i din feel anything. I had wanted to stretch for 2 more weeks, cld hv ended up in active labour in e middle of e nite if i waited. But Ann Tan is expensive, esp for twins e.g. She charges for two scans, one for each baby, at every visit after 2nd trimester. So each visit easily $400+ after includin medication.
