2012 Twins

Wah..Ann's not cheap...actually I'm more concerned abt the hospitalization bill in case there's any complications *touchwood* think i'll stick ard with June first....

Btw any recommendations for strollers?


I totally understand. I also had a back-up plan to deliver my babies at SGH shd they decide to come way b4 week 34. The cost of NICU in pte hospitals is no joke, esp if babies r v premature n req level 3 support - in MAH, i was told level 3 NICU care is abt $1,000 a day excluding medicine costs.

We bought Maxi Cosy for car seats which can b fitted onto Quinny strollers. Not sure how gd they r cos no chance to test yet. We chose this as e car seat can fit onto e Quinny frame, so easier when they r infants, can jus take e entire seat out instead of lifting baby n disturbin him if he's asleep. Also e car seat snaps onto a Family Fix base which is attached to our car's back seat, so no need to struggle wif seat belts.
Hi mummies,

am advised by gynae for a growth scan of my twins n placenta after 26 weeks as part of a routine. This is in addition to the detailed fa scan at 20 weeks. My twins has been growing well n no issue so far.

Has any mummies done that?

hi winky,

my gynae didnt adviced me for an additional scan.


i didnt bother with double strollers as i have strollers for my no 1 and he hardly sits in it. So dun wan to waste money to buy 2 more. Car also cant get double strollers in.
Hi Winky,

Who is your gynae? I went for detail scan at week 22 and doctor schedule me to return for early growth scan at week 27. He said as twins, he want to monitor growth closely. Week 27 early growth scan is in additional to the standard week 30-33 weeks scan.

My twins had also been growing well so far. Guess it just depend on individual doctor how closely they want to monitor you.

Biggy, have you seen any double stroller you like yet? What are you looking for in a stroller?
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.

Selling MyBrestfriend Pillow for Twins. This is the twins version. $70, collect at Bedok MRT. Pls PM if interested.

Thanks & double congratulations!
I haven't eyed any strollers...not many twin ones available in the first place..went kiddy palace TPY and only saw one....I also heard mixed comments on twin strollers- passageways may be too narrow for twin and car boot may not be big enough..if buy two single..then both parents will be busy pushing the strollers..so a big confused...

Even for single ones..there r mixed comments on the heavy and light ones...Aiyoh!!!
Hi gals,
I hv pop today morning..;) my waterbag burst at 4plus am n i feel water gush out.. 7am do c sect.. All happens so fast n my bbies r deliver at 35wks 3days with boy weight 2.6kg n gal at 2.4kg.. Thank god no need nicu..;) i cry upon hearing their crying as doing half c sect.. What a touching moment as hv thru so much to have them.. Now i pray hard all their test are ok and i can put my heavy stone down which carry with me for 8yrs plus.

Btw for gals who does c sect at tmc, U start to walk around at 2nd day n lie on bed whole day on first day? Usually we stay how long for c sect in hospital? Btw, do all mummies take the metabolic screening test for bbies? I only took the hearing test first, u gals take tt too? Thk u..
Hi joleen, thks, am not sure if I would go for the scan.

Ariadne, u mean there is another scan at 30-33 weeks? but 27 to 30 weeks is not very far apart, y hv to scan so many times. I thought gynae have been monitoring the growth at each visit le, wonder what for.

Joanne, Congras, good weight for the twins.
Congratulations on e delivery of two healthy babies! Glad tat u made it to week 35 n babies dun need NICU care.

I know wat u mean, this whole week has been like a dream. E huge tummy is gone n in pl r two tiny babies (at least mine r tiny
), it's surreal...

First day was spent in bed, drowsy fm e drugs. Plus e catheter shd still b on rite, so u cant move ard anyway. U will not b able to rest a long stretch tho cos yr BP n temp will b measured every hour, plus meds will b served in between.

I came down to walk fm 2nd day, used e binder which helped greatly. Also started to get colostrum flowin fm D2, wif great help fm lactation consultant. After 1st demo in mornin, started to hand express e colostrum every 3-4hrs fm D2 onwards. Milk started to flow fm D3/4, n breasts got engorged on D4. again, tks to lactation consultant, cleared e engorgement n m expressin an ave 100ml each time fm D6 onwards. I stayed one more day to get milk for my boys n recuperate.

Hope this gives u an idea of what is to come
U hv a gd rest, our deliveries r so close!
Hi biggly,
i have both single and twin stroller.
I'm using the maclaren twin techno. So far so gd for me. serves my hubby & i well if either one of us has to pick up our twins alone from infant care. It's foldable and can fit into our car boot, but its not very light, i think about 9kg. It's easy enough to bring out when travelling by MRT (haven't tried taking the bus though). We r also able to use it in shopping centres and escalators. although its advisable to take use lifts for safety reasons. However, might be dificult to push ard if the shop's aisle is very narrow or the place is very crowded..

The single stroller will be gd if i'm just bringing 1 twin out or if we know we are bringing both twins out gg to crowded places. i will put one in single stroller and the other in my Boba 3G baby carrier. the boba carrier is gd use from bbs to toddler age (up to 20kg).
Thk u winky n pooh2..;)

Hi Joleen
I didnt do much except start rest at home fr wk 32 onwards..
Me gain 9 kg for my current pregnancy n bbies take up 5kg of the weight..;)
I dun eat alot just an extra tea break at ard 4pm.. My bbies r bigger due to genes ba... ;) rest well n dun walk too much is best...

Hi pooh2
Wah 100 ml each side or total fr 6 days onwards? Tts a lot..;)
U pump how frequent? Every 2hr? Ur bbies using bottles to feed? Is it enough for both twins?
How the LC clear ur engorgement?

Me at day 4 just start to pump abit more at around 20ml only.. Glad got some supply for bbies.. Hope to hv more for them..;) ya, what u say is right.. First day night cant rest well too as they keep coming to check this n tt.. Whereas no one come disturb u fr 2nd day onwards but cant sleep well as need to climb to toilet.. First day no worry, i just keep drinking since no need walk to toilet n so much easy.. Hee.. Btw, hows ur wound? Me can walk around slowly only on 3rd day onwards.. Maybe bec old liao..;) ya, we r quite close in delivery date so lets jiayou together..;) btw, how ur confinement? U got maid n got engage any CL? How u intend to celebrate for their full mth n when can ur bbies discharge? Take care..;)
Hi Joanne.

I manage abt 150-160ml since ard D7/D8 each time i express, still enuf for both babies as their feeds r jus 30-40ml now. It takes abt 45 mins tho cos i'm using hand to express, n i do it every 3-4 hourly. I found it frustratin to use my madela freestyle last week cos i got v little out even after pumpin 15 mins; hands r so much more efficient! But wil start tryin wif madela again soon since milk flowin better - bought e highest range (freestyle), a little silly not to use it. My boys r on bottle feed for now, PD doesnt want to start bf yet cos wants to monitor how much they r takin (plus suckin reflexes not v strong yet for T2).

Think e only way to clear engorgement is to massage - HARD. esp where there r hard lumps. It is extremely painful, jus gotta bear wif it. N also need to express regularly.

My CL came yest, thank goodness.... Things r more settled n m able to rest more now. E first nite we brought T1 home was tough. But glad tat e NICU already got him started on a 3-hourly cycle so we know when to wake up for next feed.

E only gd thing tat came out of their NICU is tat i had abt a week to rest n recuperate, n after tat 'try out' wif one baby first...

U rest well while still in hospital, wil b tirin once u r discharged since both babies goin home at same time. Hope yr CL will b there when u r home?
thanks beautifulseeds! I'll look around for that brand...hopefully the babyexpo in July will have more of such strollers.
Hi all,

I've popped on 27th July after holding the babies for five more days at home. Had a show in the morning and dilation came in fast and furious. I had epi/csection and babies were both 1.7kg. They've been in nicu for a week already.

How long did you bigger twin stay in hospital? On what milestones did they discharge him? What abt the smaller twin? How are their weight gain progress? Did you make any special taking care arrangement for the twins when they're home? I'm quite worried cos they're so small.

My twins are okay on breathing too. Thank god. It's the feeding now. Going on 30ml and alternating between tube and bottle feeding at the moment. After dropping some weight, they are still slowly trying to regain it.
Hi all,

I am currently with a private gynae who delivers at Mount A. If there are any pre labour complications or babies need to be in nicu, could I just walk in at kkh and be admitted there easily? If so, will I get a new gynae at kkh or my current gynae can still come over to kkh for observation? Thanks in advance ...
Hi Skyanne!

So u popped 3 days after me, n Joanne popped 3 days after u!

My elder twin who was 2kg at birth was discharged after 7 days in NICU. We didnt make any special arrangements in carin for him cos basically once baby is discharged, he shd b able to breathe n feed properly. His feedin was ok n his milk vol was increased steadily fm D1. On day of discharge, he was takin 35ml. Now up to 45ml.

E only thing i've done is enforce a 'no visitors' policy for now, since priority for baby is to eat n sleep so as to put on weight. No stimulation. Told frens n relatives to only come visit after mid-jul when he is 37 gestational weeks.

My younger twin is still in NICU, it's D12 today. He's already takin 37ml but stimes not able to finish entire bottle on his own - gets tired after suckin n nurses hv to feed remainin milk thru tube. Hope his suckin improves soon n he can come home, tho i m still not sure how we r goin to manage 2 babies...

U started feedin them breast milk? Try to, i think it's really gd for their devt. My babies were on formula one first 2 days, n e younger one's stomach was not digestin e formula well. He only started to poo smoothly after we got him started on breast milk.

So u r home already? Like i said, e only positive thing wif babies comin home later is u get to recuperate first. For me, we r learnin n settlin down wif one baby now, n gearin ourselves for e second one
Also, e NICU has already started them on a 3-hourly feedin schedule so it's easier for us to jus continue wif it.

I dare not think of e NICU bills tho....
Hi pooh,

Yup at least we get the chance to rest and heal. How long did you wear the binder for? Have you stopped your painkillers?

I'm pumping too but my supply hasn't been as great as yours! Still supplementing w fm... We won't be celebrating full month too, just giving out cakes and eggs. What abt you? How's your confinement?

It's day 10 in nicu for my twins. Weight gain hasn't been tremendous. Jiejie is on 32ml and Meimei on 30ml. They are still alternating between tube and bottle feeds. Yes... It tires them out.
Hi Skyanne.

I removed my stitches on D11 but m still usin e binder. Weaned myself off painkillers slowly n by D10/11, also not takin anymore. Still puttin on e binder tho not painful anymore, more to hold things in pl esp when i get onto/off bed.

No plans to celebrate full mth either except mayb to distribute cakes to those who hv sent me things.

Give yr babies some time. I tend to b anxious too for my younger son to come home but we must b patient n trust tat they r tryin their best to adjust to life outside - n always remember, they r supposed to b in e womb still
congrats to all of those great mummies who popped.

i am in week 27. totally down with viral gastric flu thanks to my no 1 boy. I am exhausted as my no 1 is admitted to hospital too due to the viral fever and dehydration. Babies are now 817gms and 821 grams. hopefully gained more although i am aching on my legs and feet and everywhere.
Hi pooh,
Did you bring your twins to see the pd for follow up? How do you know when to increase feed amount? Have you tried breastfeeding? How do we know if their growth is on track?
I'm still struggling w pumping. Each pump is 50ml now. I need more! ;p
Hi Skyanne.

Yr PD shd give u instructions upon babies' discharge - re when to bring bb for follow up n how much milk to increase.

My elder twin was discharged last sun n we were told to bring him to PD's clinic last wed- mostly to see if we r copin n whether bb has put on weight. He was also given hep b vaccination as his vaccinations were postponed..

We were asked to increase his feed by 3-5ml each day but upon hittin 45ml, we found tat he was not finishin his feed. PD says as long as he takes 35-45ml each feed, it's fine. We hv kept it at 45ml since, PD says to increase only when bb demands more...
Joleen, we r in same gestation week. I be going for the growth scan at week 32. My fraternal twins r 800 n 900 plus at week 26. I hv put on 13kg le.
Hi Winky,

Think I am also in the same gestation week as you and Joleen. :)

My twins at week 27 are at 1.12kg and 1.02kg though. Think they are on the huge side?

What's the gender of your twins?
hi winky,

i havent been having lots of food but i have already put on 8kg thus far. I think its because i am a sahm and i have to tend to a sick toddler and my family members including myself are down with the horrible viral flu. Puke till i didnt get to eat much for 2 days.

I am so hoping my twins hit 1kg plus by week 28. I think i really need to feast on durians. Mine is identical twin boys.
Hi Joleen,

Feast on durian does help. I had been having that occasional durian. Not too much though in case later gestation diabetes. Also, the weather was erectic so must be wary of sore throat too. Drink lotsa water when you eat durians.
thanks ariadne, i really not a fan of durians but no choice to get some down my throat just to boost the weight gain. I think i got to standby some cooling drink at the side as i tend to get heaty easily.

mummies are wei da...will do anything for kids
Hello wonderful mummies,
you are doubly blessed to have twins!

My one little girl is 4 months old now, and is thriving and healthy (7kg).

I have some frozen EBM from mid-may 2012 to give away, as my freezers are very full. They are packed in 200-250ml bags.

It must be very hard to feed 2 instead of 1, so if you need any extra milk, I'd love to have the excess milk be put to good use.

I've already given away 55 bags x 200ml in the last couple of weeks, but my freezer is still very full.

PM me if you'd like to have some, self-collect in central area.

Mine is fraternal twin boys. Looks like I really put on lots of weight, on myself n not so much on the bb. my pre pregnancy weight is only 44kg. I started to rest from work by week 26, totally exhausting to even talk.
mine is fraternal twin boys too! but i delivered in mid March, they just hit 4 mths old this week =)
anw, not to worry abt e weight gain, breastfeeding and taking care of bb really can make us slim down, i have been pumping since i delivered till now, my pre pregnancy weight was 51kg, now i am 43kg! and don't put urself on diet just because wanna lose weight, whatever u eat goes to ur milk, so u eat well = ur bb get sufficient nutrients!! jiayou!

I got my binder from my gynae's clinic and i saw e pharmacy at TMC level 1 selling too!
Shiko, at what week are yr twins when delivered? How long in hospital or nicu? Am concern that fraternal twins higher risk of early delivery due to double water bag n placenta really contribute to my super big tummy, no more room for further expansion!
Hi Shiko.

So yr twins didn't latch on at all, n u've been pumpin for them? My twins started off wif bottles in NICU, so I've also been pumpin out for them. Will try to latch them on next week, but wondering Wat happens if they refuse to suck - will I end up pumpin for the entire time I feed them breast milk?

Does the heaviness n soreness of the breasts ever go away? How long will it take to go away? They r my auto alarms now when it's time to pump every 3/4 hrs...

i delivered at 37th week and lucky for my twins, they weighed both 2.3kg & 2.5kg so don't need to stay in NICU, we discharged after 4D3N. My gynae actu said 37 weeks is considered full term for twins.
I think twins all likely to be premature so must have enough rest, i took leave and rest at home ard 7th mth onwards till i delivered, maybe it did helps to drag a bit longer. In fact, my gynae was quite surprised i could drag till 37 weeks, she was quite worried my babies would come out even earlier than 37 weeks due to my petite size =P

Hi Pooh2

My babies did try to latch on when we were still in hospital, but after back home, my younger twin couldn't really suck very well while my elder boy could. So what i did was let elder boy latch on maybe once a day to boost my supply, but pump out e rest for my younger boy too, so actually my boys drink from bottle more than latch on. And during 1st 2 mths, i woke up every 3 hrs to pump to maintain e supply, so since confinement mth till now, my supply maintained ard 1000ml +/- per day even i only pump every 5-6 hr now.

soreness only happened on me during first 2 mths, sometimes even engorged. When my breast were engorged, i got my elder boy to suck, and it seem that only baby sucking can ease the engorgement, no matter how i massaged also no use, but my boy sucked for ard 15 min, e engorgement was gone!

Now of coz i will still feel the heaviness when my breast are full, but no more soreness and engorgement and also no dripping like 1st 2 mths.

I know latch on provide fresh breastmilk for babies and also good for bonding with babies, but for my case, i couldnt let my elder boy latch on all e way cos i need to make sure my younger boy get to drink also! =P and bottle feeding actu helps when we wanna keep a record of their feeding amt. And my elder boy actu had nipple confusion for a while, so that was also why we decided to change to all pumping and bottle feed them.

hope my experience helps =)
Thanks, Shiko.

I'm wonderin how hard i shd try to get e boys to latch on. I'm pumpin on ave 150-170ml each time, n i do it every 4 hrs. Supply is suff for both boys n they r maintainin a gd schedule of feedin every 3 hrs.

M worried tat if i try to latch them on, their schedule will go haywire. I won't know how much they hv taken, n will hv to continue to offer them EBM thru bottle after each bf to see if they want more. Overall, may b more time consumin n tiring then expressin e milk for them like wat we're doin now.

Plus m battling v bad backache, hv problem even bottle feedin them now, relying v much on CL

So m seriously considerin jus expressin breast milk for them all e way n totally forget abt latchin them on.

Gd to know tat e soreness will eventually go away, it'l q hellish now each time the breasts r full....
Hi Pooh2,

Actually not to worry abt feeding EBM to babies, i do e same to my boys after 2nd mth and both of them are growing well. So since you have difficulties of latching on, just try change to pumping. Just make sure u maintain pumping at regular interval, ur supply will be there!

Currently as my boys are already drinking 130ml every 3-4 hrs and i have already back to work, i feed them half formula and half EBM, formula mainly for night feeding as it's easier and take lesser time to prepare esp when my boys crying for milk =P
Thanks, Shiko. You've been a great help!

My boys currently takin 45/55ml every 3 hrs so can still satisfy them both wif EBM. If they reach close to 100ml, think i will hv no choice but to supplement wif formula, doubt if my supply can keep up...
Np Pooh2,
btw, regarding ur backache, have you arranged for jamu massage already? i had massage after 2nd mth cos i feel my wound was still abit "fragile" =P

i had 7 sessions, the lady actu said i was abit late for massage but i dont really mind as i feel e massage help in ease bodyache also..i also had v bad backache in 2nd mth, but after few sessions, backache problem is gone...i actually thinking to get e massage lady come back again once a while...haha..
Shiko, need to ask u sthg again:

How do u manage to feed both babies AND pump milk in a 24-hr cycle? Do u do it all round the clock? Is there someone helping u wif the feeding? Do u feed both babies at the same time or stagger their feeding hours?
Really ah, the jamu thing helps for backache?

I din want jamu cos like u, afraid of my wound. Also, i hv v sensitive skin wif eczema, so worried abt gettin a rash or hive outbreak. Spoke to a malay masseur, she said can do a traditional massage for me focusin on my back to ease the backache. Think will ask her to co e next week, which will b after one month for me, wound shd b much better by then?
Hi Pooh,

sorry didn't make myself clear, i only fed 1 of the twins full breastmilk till 2nd mth while e other boy all along is half breastmilk and half formula. It was from 2nd mth onwards then i started feed both half breastmilk and half formula. But eg 6-7 feeding a day, i will feed them more breastmilk than formula, formula mainly for night feeding.

so during 1st 2 mths, when 1 boy was drinking EBM, another was drinking formula, so i could have time to continue pumping and stock EBM, and i pumped regularly for every 3hrs. I did let my elder boy latched on for sometimes, so when i was feeding him, my maid would handle the younger 1 with EBM.

1st mth when their feeding amt were little and they slept more, it was easy to feed them at same time, but as they grow older and feeding amt increased, we found very hard to feed them at same time esp when they tend to sleep longer at night. Unlike some who would prefer feed on time, hubby and i preferred feed on demand esp for night feeding.

but we found it's easier to adjust their feeding time at night, when 1 wake up but another 1 still sleeping, we would try to put e 1 awake to zzz by patting or give pacifier, so can stagger e timing abit so their feeding time wont be too far apart =P

but all and all, it depend ur babies habit, my babies during daytime are like alarm clocks, need to drink every 3-4 hrs, but after evening feeding, it's their "power sleep" time, they would sleep at least 4-5 hrs, sometimes could even last 6-7hrs w/o milk =P
Hi Shiko.

My boys r still on 3-hrly feedin schedule, both day n night. I dun hv a helper at home so m wonderin how to handle when my CL leaves end of this mth.

I wish my boys will sleep longer thru e nite too. Did u train your boyz for this eg. did u increase the milk amt for e night feed so tat it can last them longer?
great job shiko and pooh2,

its takes time. Even now as 2nd time mummy, i also forgot how i went thru the gruesome night feeding the first time around. I had the help of my hubby who really without fail and nags, woke up to feed my boy. Hope he does the same 2nd time round!
Hi Pooh,

Nowadays my boys sleep less in e daytime, sometimes we intentionally play with them to keep them awake esp before e evening feeding.

We tried delayed their "power evening sleep" timing by keeping them awake even after evening feed, hoping they can sleep longer after 10-11 pm, but ended up they woke up crying fiercely even b4 3hrs. And increase milk intake doesnt seem to make much difference also, think they like pacifier and patting more than anything else...=P
Hi shinko and pooh
Can share what you gals eat and do to hv so much bm for ur twins? Me hv been busy latching them since deliver but seems tt supply still not enough for them.. So envy tt u gals got so much.. How u gals does? Me latch one baby to one breast at a time (ie boy to left breast and girl to right breast in order to be fair.. Do u gals do that? How long u gals latch on each breast? Mid night do u latch on or pump out? Btw pooh, how much ur bbies drinking now as i remember our bbies r born around same week? Mine full mth soon..how abt u?

Hi Joanne

i got my family to brought a special chicken essence from Taiwan for me, it supposely helps in breastfeeding too...not sure if it really works but think regular pumping and feeding in 1st mth can helps too..

e chicken essence i took helped me alot for my twin pregnancy, i had low pressure since preggy and had few fainting incidents. And also due to my petite size, gynae actually worried that my twins will be premature and underweight, but after my friend recommended me the chicken essence, i took regularly and not only twins dragged until 37 weeks, their weights were quite ok also..i heard e chicken essence can DIY but abit time-consuming la
