2012 Twins

just went for my gynae review today. my gals r 2.8kg & 2.4kg now and 3cm dilated. Twin1 head down but twin 2 breech now. Dunno why at 36wk my gal still hav space to turn. But gynae say still can plan for induced delivery @ 37wk next wk..
Jiayou mummies!

Hi all twin mummies
R we advise to buy bb stuff at early of 2nd trimester (14th wk?) since we may be too heavy to move around at around 26-28th wk? Wun it be too early? At what wk u gals start to buy bb thingy?

Also, me thinking of engage PEM confinement nanny service, is it gd? Any recommendation of ur cl lady?

Headache now... Kindly advise... Thk u..

Hi beautifulseed
Congrat!! U r popping soon...;) hv a smooth delivery ya..
hi all twin mummies,

congrats to all mummies having twins.

thinking to engage day-time nanny help after my confinement month? can anyone recommend or advise?

thanks in advance.
Hi all twin mummies,

Im also expecting identical twin. i now in my 34th week. my gynae suggested for me to induce in the 36th week. do u think is too early?
Hi eabb
I think i prefer those powder form than detergent since it will cause patches on clothes if didnt dilute properly..

Hi aries
Think 36wk shd be ok... So envy tt u r coming to full term n seeing ur bbies soon..;) how much weight hv u put on now?
Hv a smooth delivery..;)
Singapore Toy Rental,
I didn't manage to latch them on, only expressed milk for them. I managed to total breastfeed both for 6mths. Couldn't catch up with their demand after that so stopped.

I didn't have enough milk for both initially, had to constantly pump and pump longer each time to stimulate. You can get help from lactation nurses in the hospital too. They will guide you to establish enough milk supply for the twins.
Hi twins mummies,
I'm finally back in action
just delivered my twin gals last Tue. Was induced at 37weeks. Very glad that I did not give in to c sect after trying to push my first gal for more that an hr. She was eventually delivered via assisted vacuum. My 2nd gal was breech earlier but turned by herself once jie jie was out. So I only gave 3 more push & she came out shortly after

Hi aries,
I think 36wks is quite ok. As my gals r not engaged at 36wk & I'm only 3cm dilated, gynae gave me option to induce next day or wait till 37wk where bbs lungs r more matured.
Congrats Beautiful Seeds on your delivery! I am also expecting identical twin girls, am currently in my 30th week.
Would like to check with you, who's your gynae and which hospital did you deliver at?
Am faced with a dilemma because my gynae is pro c-sec, so his advice to me is to undergo an epi c-sect at 37 weeks; However, my desire is to deliver the two girls naturally, more certain than ever when the two girls are already in the heads-down position.
Your case is a perfect testimonial that it is possible to deliver identical twins via the natural way! What an inspiration you are

Appreciate your advice on your gynae and choice of hospital!
Hi pebblestones,
I'm seeing Dr Yu Su Ling from SGH. She is a very experienced with multiples as she is also heading the IVF clinic there. She has also deliver single bbs that r in breech position too. She encouraged me to go natural as this is my 2nd pregnancy, so cervix should dilate faster. Is this ur 1st preg?
Thanks for the heads-up on your gynae and choice of hospital, Beautiful seeds!
Yup, this is my 1st preg, and your case of delivering identical twins via the natural way is indeed very inspiring for me
Thanks for the heads-up on your gynae and choice of hospital, Beautifulseeds!

Yup, this is my 1st preg, and I've been trying to find successful cases of delivering identical twins via the natural way, since my gynae feels that c-sec is the best way out. Yet, a large part of me feels that I would like to try delivering my girls the natural way.
So, I am in a state of dilemma now..hmm..
Hi Joanne: Thks! i have gained bout 18kg as for now in 34th week. feeling excited but still in dilemma whether to go natural or ceasarian as they advised that normaly 1st pregnancy are harder and slower in dilation.still bit worrying to have them deliver in 36th week.

Hi Beautiful seeds: Do u think 36th week is bit too early? The doc trying to assure me is mature enough but i just hope the baby can grow more. bec in my 32 weeks scan, the babies were 1.86kg and 1.65kg.
Hi beautiful seed, Congrats on ur safe delivery to ur gals!

Hi aries82, i just read a book about twins...they mentioned if u deliver ur babies before full term or 37weeks, as long as they weight more than 2.5kg then babies are fine...
when is ur next scan? i think their weight nw grows quite fast liao...
hi mummy,

my nxt scan is this friday. really hope the babies can grow well. bit worrying.not sure if they can hit 2.5kg.fron wat i read also 37week seems a more ideal week to give birth for twin. however our gynae keep assuring us tat 36 week is mature enough. eventhough 1 week wont make much big difference but as a mother to be, i would still hope the babies to be as heavy as possible.
To deliver naturally, the first bb head must b engaged. Otherwise u won't b able to push bb out. Perhaps u can talk to ur gynae again & ask if its possible to reassess ur condition at 36w? However, if u eventually opt for natural delivery, u still must b mentally prepared that u might end up w emergency c sect.

Moat impt is to have regular communication w ur gynae. My gynae did not tell me right at the beginning that I'll deliver at 37wk. She assessed my condition every 2 weeks whenever I see her. My sis in law deliver her twins at 36wk via c sect as bbs were both breech. They were both above 2kg at birth.
For now I think u should focus on eating well to give bbs the nutrition & rest well to prevent any early contractions.
Thanks beautifulseeds for the advice! I hope the girls would be able to stay inside till at least 36 weeks, than, I will discuss with my gynae again and see how it goes. Thanks alot once again!
Beautifulseeds: Hi thanks! will take note on this. will see how are the babies growth by this friday. tks
Hi aries, pebbles, beautifulseeds n other twin mummies
So envy tt u gals r either deliver or delivering soon.
As i need to find out more on some queries so need to seek ur advise.
For my first oscar scan, the sonographer say cant see one of my twin nosebridge and i was very worried.. I dun want to gothru amino test as dun want to put any risk on another twin.. Now waiting for the detail scan n hope can see bb nose bridge by then.. Do u all hv similar experience? Now i hope is due to bb still small when doing oscar scan..praying hard...
Also, did ur gynea keep asks u rest at ur later pregnancy by giving HL? If yes,at how many wk of pregnancy then u start to rest? Since we shd be very big at later stage.. I need to get a rough idea here..
For twins, how frequent is ur visit to gynea? Oso monthly or 3wks once?
At how many wk of pregnancy shd we start buy things since worry we may be too big to walk n buy at later stage? Need ur valuable advise.. Thk u so much..;)
Hi Joanne,

Not to worry too much. Sometimes scanning may not be 100% of actual fact. As for me, my husband and I opt out from the Oscar scan bec we had come to the decision to keep the twin babies even if they are down symdrom. So we dun see the point to go thru this scan since we will still keep the babies despite watever the result is.This is just individual decision.However for your case, u can talk to your gynae and understand the risk.I'm sure your gynae can advise u better on this.
My gynea didnt ask me to rest till i got contraction in my 30th week due to early contraction. I had my consultation in twin clinic at KK hospital so their usual arrangement for twin is every 2 week.

I would suggest for you to start buying things in the 2nd trimester. That is normally the honeymood period for most pregnant women. Starting 3rd trimester, most of the pregnancy symptoms come. i started to have edema ( swollen leg) and early contraction in my 3rd trimester, n now i hardly can move.diffrent woman different symptoms but i would stil think 2nd trimester is the best time. bec buying bulk items like bb cot and car seat etc need time to survey. better to buy whn u can walk.
Hi Joanne,
Don't worry too much. For my first preg, can't see NB at Oscar scan. Dr ask me to go back for rescan 3 wks later. Everything was actually fine.
I started buying bbs stuff in 2nd tri too. as for bb clothes to wear at hm, mostly were hand me downs from my sis in law who had twins boys. Expecting twins is very different frm single preg. You will feel heavy & tired even walking short short distance.
Just to share my experience, I delivered my twins at 36weeks + 6 by elective CS. I chose it as I felt really heavy and tired and wanted to deliver at the earliest, safe date possible. They were born healthy at 2.2kg and 2.0 kg. But if I were to choose again I'd try to hang in there for another week or two to let them mature a little more. They were hospitalized for high fever after their first 6-in-1 jab and I reckon being born "early" may have contributed to their vulnerability. Now I'm careful to factor in their borderline prematurity and give them more time to meet their milestones.
Hi beautiful seeds and aries
Thk u so much for ur advise..;) i will think positive n tell myself is bec bb still small so cant see nb yet and will see clearly in my next scan..;)

Btw Aries
U mean u hv been scanning every 2wks since first trimester?? May i know who is ur gynea in kkh? My gynea is fr TMC and i am wondering shd i go kkh to find a new gynea since worry bb preterm delivery n kkh has the best facility.. Hmm...

Oso may i know u prepare one cot or 2 Bb cots for ur bbies? Is 1 cot enough? Thk u...
Hi Mrs ang,
For me, it's likely that it runs in my hubby's family. His sister, uncle & cousin had twins. But it's also getting more common to see twins nowadays with fertility drugs & IVF. I recently visited an infant care centre, they alr had 2 pair of twins out the 15 infants they took care.

We prepared 2 baby cots as from my sis in law experience, her twins have to sleep separately as they will disturb each other when they cry. However, for my gals, they r fine sleeping side by side in the same cot as they kind of 'bo chap' one another. But I think in another few weeks time, my elder twin's legs can reach the wooden bar of the cot alr., so have to put them in separate cots. The cots that we bought can b convertible to junior bed which they can slp till 4 yr old. So I guess its quite worth it. Also now that they r both down with flu, we put them in separate cot in separate room.
Hi Joanne,

2 weekly scan at the end of 1st trimester. bec they refer me to twin clinic. my gynea is Dr June Tan. we got her bec she specialise in high risk pregnancy. however, we see her more often towards the 3rd trimester. during the 1st and 2nd trimester, we were seeing other doctors in the twin clinic. KK system is a bit different for twin pregnancy. but i think u can still see your gynea througout pregnancy in private suite.

we chose Kk partly bec we wanted the facility. feel more secure for high risk pregnancy eg twin. however as i know there is this gynea who is well known for delivering twin, Dr SF Loh i think is now in TMC. he used to be in KK, just resigned from KK n in TMC now.heard from my cousin tat he has many experiences in delivering twin.

your spotting is it brownish mucus stain? i got tat during my 29/30 week. went to see doc somehow and they said the spotting is due to contraction. so i was hospitalised for 3 days n given some pills and injection. i was discharged after the contraction is stabilised. in fact, i didnt even know i had contraction bec i thought was baby movement. now only i knew that the tightening tat i had so far is contraction. if is brownish mucus stain, then i think better to let your gynea check on it.better to be safe than sorry.

we bought 1 cot actualy bec my cousin also had twin boys, they are sleeping in one cot too so we just follow.we bought the bigger size one so can fit in two. we actually thought whn the babies grow bigger, one can sleep on cot and another on the mattress. not realy sure if this is the best way bec we also 1st time parent and babies not born yet.
Thanks beautifulseeds and aries
Hi aries, my gynea is indeed doc sf loh.. I follow him to TMC as he has always been my gynea and i really trust him..;) he says if required, *touchwood* he can go kkh to deliver for me but of course i want to deliver at full term at tmc...;)
Hi Joanne: Not to worry, u are in safe hand.
KK indeed has the facility bec is spore main centre for O&G. However, the gynea u having now has lots experiences. So not to worry.
Thks aries..;)
Last Monday in my scan, he say somehow can see my the other twin small nasal bone but still need detail scan to confirm.. I am very happy already as i think if by his experience, he say can see, shd be really hv right?
Hi twin mothers,

I am so happy to see a 2012 twin thread here for twin mothers to share their experience. I am pregnant with fraternal twins (1 boy and 1 girl) at 22 weeks.

My EDD is in June 2012 and I really hope to hang in there till at least 37-38 weeks.

I hope to breastfeed my twins for at least 6mths to a year. Would like to seek advice from experienced twin mothers who breastfeed their twins - how long did they breastfeed for and whether it's worthwhile to invest in a good breast pump or just borrow one that's available. How long can we use the breastpump for with the breastfeeding of twins?


Be positive. If he thinks detail scan to confirm then shall just wait for the detail scan result and see. not to worry.be bad or good news, the child is still a wonderful gift from god to u. no point worrying now, might as well stay happy which do more benefit for the babies.
Hi Aries,
thanks. mine is not brownish... its more pinkish to red... i'm going to visit my gynae tom so will check with him.

Now im experiencing very bad backache... sitting, lying, sleeping... all position are aching... cant find the comfortable position.

and babies are so active recently, their movement is much stronger now...
anyone have same experience as me and abel to hang on till 37weeks? i'm worried that not able to hang on till 37weeks...
Hi Mummy: You are in how many weeks now? yes better to see gynae on red spotting.

i can perferctly understand how u feel now. soemtimes u just feel so heavy tat u have no idea how to stay on till the delivery day. I have aching too. just cant sit or sleep comfortable. and eating with big tummy also very unpleasant.i have swollen feet and aching at my wrist too. I wil be in pain each time whn i need to get out from bed to toilet in the middle of the night. in fact i cant really sleep at nite bec need to go toilet seevral times. N i have itchy belly. no matter how much oil or moisturiser i use, still itchy.
Hi mummy,
Hang in there for another few weeks. I think almost all twins mummies experience all those backaches in late 2nd tri to 3rd tri, so u are not alone. I couldnt sleep much from 32 weeks onwards cos can nv find a comfortable position and need to visit toilet 2 times at night. But I still manage to hang on till 37wk. The strong bb movements are prob bcos bbs are growing bigger and they have space constraint in our tummy. I always feel very assured when i felt their movements cos i know they are active and it keeps me gg.

I also experience the itchy tummy like u. To an extend that my hubby has to stop me from scratching cos he said will have scars. But it was so itchy that i heck care alr. He then found a hairbrush (with soft plastic bristles) for me to scratch tummy instead. Haha.. mayb u can try it out ;P
I'm 33weeks today!
ya, my problem eating with big tummy is that my plate seems to be so far from me... i cant bend and end up always dirty my clothes... feels like borrowing the babies' bibs to use first... hahaha... :p
i'm abit luckier than you that i only wakes up once at nite to go toilet.
i have itchy belly too that i cant stand it but to gently scratch and it make my belly leaves alot of red, dark lines...so horrible...
hi beautifulseeds,
hows ur twin gals doing? u coping well with them? Btw, wats their weight when they were born?
yup, the babies movement is sort of my assurance too. yesterday mornign when there were no movements at all, i was so worried... but luckyly the movements are back again...
Hopefully my gals will be the same as urs..can hang on till 37week!
beautifulseeds: ya thks for ur suggestion. mayb i should try using soft brush haa.the itch is killing me. i woke up several times last nite bec of the itch!!now with lots red, dark lines..eesh'.sometimes worry i might hurt my babies by all the stratches but is so unbearable.

muummy: haa ya,whn eating i always dirty my clothes. feel like using bibs too, hehe.not to worry, sometimes babies do quiet down n get active again at some time of the day. stay happy
Hi mummy,
My gals are 2 weeks+ now.. Thay were 2.8kg & 2.4kg at birth. At 1 wk old, they reached 3.4kg & 2.7kg. Now they are on half expressed breast milk (EBM) and formula. Managed to latch them in hospital but once their apettite increased and my milk supply couldn't satisfy them, they were too impatient to latch. So had to introduced bottle to them. They want the easy way out.

When i was at ur stage, i also find it very difficult to have my meals too cos can't bend forward. So i usually eat rice and seldom eat anything soupy. Haha..
Hello ladies, congratulations to all twin mums2b!

I'm at 31 weeks and hoping to keep twins in until 37-38 wks. I just engaged a CL at $3800 due to intense pressure from friends & family so hopefully it'll all work out as this is my first pregnancy. That seems to be the going rate for CLs looking after twins. I'm also currently looking for a live-in helper as well so hopefully I'll be covered for support.

Been on bed rest for over a month now so 2 more months to go! It's boring but still sooo much to do with nursery but happy babies are growing at the precise rate for this number of weeks.

Wondering what mums used or planning to use for their newborn twins for sleep when they arrive home? Cots, moses baskets, bassinets, etc?

I've been searching for twin bassinets but they seem to only exist in the States, not here.

Further, did everyone buy 2 car seats for their hospital bag to bring home newborns or is there an alternative? I don't have a car & plan on taking a taxi...

Thanks for your advice!
Hello aries n the rest of twin mummies..
Am at only 16th wk but can start to see my tummy growing bigger fast.. Havent start on maternity clothing yet but i think soon.. At this rate it is going, i am worry whether how big will the tummy be at end of 2nd trimester? I already start to feel bbies kick n is a gd assurance.. At wht week do u start to feel ur bbies kick? Sometime can feel slight cramp below my tummy.. Am abit worry is this normal? Also hope i can carry the weight.. My first boy is born at 38th wk weigh 3.8kg so our gene may produce big bbies due to hb is tall..;p may i know do u wear anything like some special belt to hold the tummy weight?

Hi tweenies
R u working? Why r u resting at home so soon? Care to share?? Ur gynea gives u hl leave? U start resting at wht wk?

Hi aries
I agree fully on wht u say.. Bbies are a gift fr god so we must tressure them no matter what..;)
Hi all I expecting identical twin boys and edd is 5 June 2012. So 37 weeks is 15 may for me. Last checkup at 23 wk 5 days they are at 540g and 570g. Is that ok? So far I gained 12kg at 25wk 5 days. Really praying they will be fine.

My doc from tmc say normally c-sect for identical twins. So that's wat he recommends. It's my first pregnancy so really excited and hoping I can hold till then. Already experiencing all the rib pains on my left side.
Hi serene
Wah.. U already gain 12 kg at 23wks.. Me still no gain weight yet at 16wks.. I eat alot too so what i eats may all goto bbies..

Btw, anyone attend wong boi boi class before? Me thinking of attend but next available class only fr my wk 26 to wk 32 wks so am worry will be too heavy by then to attend class.. Anyone senior can share with me is it true tt we shd bed rest more by 30th wk of pregnancy since we cant compare with those mummy having singleton. Shd i attend? Delimma now..;( thk u all..
Joanne: i can only feel my babies moving at week 20th.u can feel at week 16th, that's good.

i'm not sure if shuld rest more by 30th week. but indeed i bedrest more since 30th week bec i had early contraction and spotting on that week onwards so is advisable to rest more. so is quite true in a way or coincident tat i have more rest since week 30th. if u think the class is useful, u can try. i'm sure some twin mummies can still move during the 30-33 weeks.
At week 16 I gained like 4 kg. Been drinking anmum milk every morning and night that's why my weight gain is pretty consistent. My gynae very particular about my weight gain. Once I stop drinking my weight gain fall behind. I very small size. Pre pregnancy weight 40kg. So I aiming to add 18 kg in all but like a bit difficult.
I read online that to establish milk supply for twins suggest start pumping within 6 hours from delivery. Maybe u all can try then see can hv enough to satisfy both not.

I read online that for twins suggestion is to start first pumping within 6 hrs from delivery. Maybe u all can try see really hv enough milk for both not.
