2012 Twins

Hi can find out where to get stroller connector to connect 2 single prams and can it be used on any prams or only specific models?

Hi Ladies,

Just to share. When I had my twins, the backaches started very early in first trimester and I wasn't sleeping well. Searched the net and found this bellybean pregnancy pillow and I liked the design. The wedge ones seem very hard, the long bolster-like ones seem very hot and take up space.

Anyway, once past first tri, I went Aus for hols, so had it ordered and delivered. http://www.bellybean.com.au/
It was a godsend! From that very first night, I slept well all the way to delivery. So, I'm sharing this for your consideration cos it really helped me a lot to get good rest.
hi Serene,
I saw the connector at Isetan Shaw and Kiddy Palace Tampines... i think abt $30+. It should be for any prams coz only hook on the handle...
Hi pooh2,
I used this Big Flopsy pregnancy pillow from first tri onwards. It contains micro pearls (like bean bag) therefore it can easily take the shape of our body or tummy. Bought it at Taka fair at a 10% disc. It's not cheap but i felt it's worth the $150 i spent. Now i'm using it to prop up my girls after their feeds if they dun burp.

I saw the connector at mums n babes too. can use for any stroller.
Got my stroller connector at The First Few Years (KKH/Paragon). Found it useful but used my Maclaren stroller pretty frequent too
Thanks Marisa n beautifulseeds. I bought e mothercare pregnancy pillow at the sale. Slowly gettin used to it, certainly better than not using one
Also usin a pregnancy belt now cos was startin to get some backaches. Feels better walkin wif e support...
Hi pooh2
How much u get the pillow n support belt? U get both fr mothercare sale?? Btw, when is ur detail scan? How big is ur wrist now? Tummy suddenly grow fast?
Hello All,

I will be having twins too! I need some advise from all of you.

We are currently looking for strollers for the twinnies. Is it better to get a twin stroller or 2 single strollers?

Also do any of you have recommendation for CL who is experienced with twins?

Thanks in advance.
Hi all...
i knw its abit too early to ask, has anyone thought of where or how to celebrate ur twinnies full month celebration?
i'll be delivering my gals next week by c-sect and wanna source out now in case after delivered no time to do all this...

i intend to do a buffet lunch but i have difficulties in finding the venue... i cant do it at my in-law house which i'm staying at now and my new house will not be ready yet...
anyone has any advise on venue to rent at reasonable rate?

hi beautifulseeds,
i believed ur twins gals are more than a month old now rite? care to share how did u do their full month celebration?
hi mumm2be,
Congrats! you managed to hang on till now

I organised my twins' full month party at my home and invited about 100 guests. Had 2 sessions (lunch & afternoon tea). It was quite last minute as we were busy with the bbs and only started planning for it 1+ week in advance. I also ordered the cake gift set from Sweetest Moments to distribute to relatives. It's very presentable and can customise namecard. http://www.sweetestmoments.com.sg/fullmonth/default.aspx
As for venue, perhaps you can consider Aranda Country Club? I had my ROM there in 2009. It's fully aircon and has 2 bedrooms. So at least if bbs are tired, can sleep inside. http://www.arandaclub.org.sg/Contents/index.aspx?id=ARANDA_EXECUTIVE_SUITE
hi ariade,
it really depends on your needs. I have 1 single stroller and 1 twin stroller. I think at some pt of time, you may need to bring the twins out alone (e.g. go shopping or marketing). I also think it's very cute to bring the twins out together. Plus you also get a lot of attention from neighours & passerby.Haha :p I bought my 2nd hand maclaren twin techno stroller at $250 thru the Twins Plus website (www.twinsplussing.com})
As for confinement lady recm, i think u can check out the forum thread on "confinement lady for twins".
Hi Beautifulseeds,

Thank you so much for your valuable comments. Initially we were thinking of getting a twin stroller too. But can't seem to find one that is good for used from newborn to toddler. Is your Maclaren twin stroller for toddler or can be used from birth?

because of this, we find that we might have to go for 2 single strollers. We also consider the fact that there will be times when we will need to go out alone with the twinnies but then how often will that be?

Will check out the other thread for confinement lady. Thanks so much.
Hi beautifulseeds,
thanks... ya hopefully my gals can hang on another week to my scheduled c-sect (37th week).
wow... u had 2 session in the same day? wouldnt it be tiring?
thanks for the advice on aranda CC but i just checked the date its fully book...
guess still have to keep sourcing...btw, which catering did u cater the food from?

Hi ariadne,
I have the same thought as beautifulseeds, to get 1 twin and 1 single stroller... it is cute to put them side by side in the stroller and get the attention...hahah. i bought my Baby Jogger twin stroller from amazon.com, it is around SGD500+... saw the same stroller at baby hyperstore (kaki bukit) selling SGD800 after discount. But still yet to get the single stroller... maybe after babies born then get the single one...
Hello Mumm2be,

We had the same thought initially to have a twin stroller. Can the Baby Jogger be used for newborns? Does it mean that they will be in the carry cot when newborns? Is that the side by side one? I have only seen the tandem kind from Baby Jogger in the baby hyperstore.
Hi mumm2be,
Make sure you take gd rest for the next one week to prevent any contraction or dilation of cervix. My hubby also talked to our gals every night during the very last week, telling them to only come out on the schedule induce date.haha..
For the full month party, we had too many guests so can't accomodate all 100 guests at one time in our home. I had friends who had 2 sessions too cos they prefer to have 1 session for relatives and 1 session for frens. We planned lunch 11am-2pm, afternoon tea 2-5pm. The tiring part is cleaning the house after the guests left. Do note that bbs may be tired out too. My gals couldn't sleep well that night cos i think they not used to so many ppl carrying them that day. We ordered food from a vegetarian catering, so may not be what you are looking for :p
If you have the budget, mayb you want to consider holding it at a small function room in a hotel?

Hi ariadne,
Mine is a maclaren twin techno. It is meant for newborn up to to 30kg. http://uk.maclarenbaby.com/toddler-buggies/twin-techno
I have alr brought my 5+ weeks gals out for short stroll and to supermarket 3 times alr ;) It can't be totally flat but i feel it's gd enough with the mild incline as my gals have started to be curious and want to see scenery..
Hi all
Just curious, is it a must to use two car seat (basket)for bbies? Can adult carry instead of use car seat?? Any advise? Thk u..
Hi Joanne.

Sorry for the late reply. I bought the pregnancy pillow from the mothercare sale. Think it costs about $128 or something after discount. The belt, i bought before the sale, costs $42. I find both very useful - help me sleep better and walk more at ease...

Re the car seats - yes, strongly suggest you get two for twins. Not sure about the law but it's for safety reasons. 'Cos in an accident (touch wood!), if you are carrying a baby, the baby may be flung out and crash onto the windscreen in a severe crash. Even during an emergency brake, the baby may end up being your 'airbag'...
Oh, Joanne, forgot your other questions:

My 2nd trimester detailed scan will be done next Thu. Dunno how big my waist is, but at my scan last week, gynae says babies are of good size (not small), each close to 300g. Can really feel the weight now and yes, tummy is q big already esp by the end of the day after lunch+dinner, haha...

i also think its best to get car seat for 2 babies. I got 1 for my son when he was a newborn. Its against traffic violations for babies or kids to be in a car without car seats/booster seats. Like pooh 2 said, i got it for the safety reasons, never carry babies in arms as accidents happen and babies will ended up being crushed and flung out of arms.And I have seen parents carrying infants seating in the front seat which is a big nono. Children and babies should all be in the rear seats as the air bags in front will suffocate the kids or babies if in an accident or kids / babies will be more severely hurt if in the front seat.
I only in my 10th week but my waist size balloon to 36 inches and i started off at 31 inches. Hard to hide to ppl as the baby bump can be seen
Hi , any experience twin mum here??? My twin not sleeping at nite keep crying one after another have to rotate feed milk carry , change diaper... Anyway to make them sleep nite not day and break their feeding time further apart?? Currently I feeding mix of breast milk and formula to my 2 weeks old twins.
hi eabb,
Congrats on the arrival of your twins!
The first few weeks usually not easy cos bbs are still adjusting to the environment otside of mummy's womb, plus they sleepy most of the time. I read from books that it's necc to have a schedule for babies,so that they know what to expect everyday. i followed it and slowly see that it's s working. Every morning my gals will bath at 10am, night time wipe body at about 8/9pm. So they know that once wipe body & change into pyjamas, drink milk then they need to sleep already. They can usually sleep till 1-2am for next feed. As they grow bigger, the stomach can take more milk, then can extend night feeding time longer. Dun rush into it yet cos they stomach still small. At night we will give formula cos more full. Now at 7 weeks, my elder gal sometimes can sleep for 5-6 hrs in a stretch. Also, i put my gals in 2 separate rooms to prevent one waking up the other. Or if we need to put both in same room, try not to put them side by side. We put 1 gal on our bed, the other in the cot.
I insist in not carrying my gals too much, else adults very tired. from the time they came hm, we train them to fall asleep on their own. We carry only when feeding, burping or when they not feeling well. I also try not to pat them.
Hi beautifulseeds,
How do u manage not to carry or pat ur gals when they cry? U just let them cry?
My almost a week old gals cry quite loud and they look so pityful tat I most of the time gave in to carry them. Especially in the middle of the nite, afraid tat their cries too loud to wake everyone...
Hi mumm2be,
I do carry my gals when they cry. But not respond to every cry immediately all the time. (read from tracey hogg's bk - baby whisperer). We first need to calm down, listen and observe what the bbs want (are they hungry/warm/tired, etc) Talk to them too. they can't understand what we say, but from the tone of our voice, they can feel our emotions. Of cos need time to discover your bbs' pattern and preferences. Every bb is different. What i meant by not carry so much is more like after feeding and burping them, i'll put them down on the rocker, let them fall asleep by themselves instead in my arms.
Dear beautiful seeds,
My bb with scream n wake up in loud cry we tell not to carry till he is non stop crying end up we can't put him dwn on cot. I'm still feeling weak after 2 wks not able to rest well as need to take care one of the bb till 5am. CL n maid both complaining not enough sleep. My bOy will shiver when he sleep is this norm or like CL said he is scare!!!!
Hi beautifulseeds
Hmm.. So is it really necessary to get two bb cots? Since they may flip very soon n like u say, u dun want the other to wake up another twin?? As i only prepare one cot so now not sure enough or not..

Hi pooh2
Hows ur detail scan today? Bb at weight??

Hi gals,
How do u sleep at night after 5th mth? I try sleep at my left n my twin 1 kick like protest.. If i sleep at my right, my twin 2 will kick too.. So now i hv to sleep faceup but now still ok.. Later stage may feel breathless.. So how huh?? Hope to hear fr experience twin mummies.. Oso, do u all Stay in single bedded room at hospital or double? If now they encourage breastfeeding, will they push bbies to stay with u most of the day? Then if c sect, how to cope at night if want breastfeeding?? So is it better to stay in single ward? Thk u all..
Hi Joanne,
I jus deliver 2 wks ago in kk in a 4 beded room to me it doesnt matter single bed or not if you wan bf will not have time to sleep. From morning dr check , lactation nurse , bb dr, nurse pushing bb 1 then after you done latching bb2 will be here it will go on all day. I got 2 cots but nw my boy refuse to sleep at nite so I hav to carry him till 4-5 am so not to disturb the other bb.
I sleep mostly on my right side now that I am 30 weeks as my left twin is higher and kicks my rib cage till really sore if I sleep on left. My right twin is lower so I guess it depends on what is comfortable for you. No matter which side you sleep they will surely kick but they are well protected by their sacs and our womb so I just ignore the kicks.
i also have only one cot from my no 1..perhaps one just sleep on the mattress and the other on the cot. I also tend to follow tracy hogg's book for my no 1. I do carry my boy (no 1) when he was newborn when he cry but not immediately. I will go into the room and talk to him first then find out what kind of cries it is then i carry him.

eabb: i have a confinement nanny for my no 1 too. Try to ignore their comments, sometimes it is totally uncalled for. My son tends to get shaken awake when he sleeps too. then my CL kept saying he is easily scared, maybe need to pray to "bed god" lah blah blah..then complain at night not enuf sleep. Anyway just dun bother abt them. It is natural that newborns wakes up every now and then, their routine are not established yet and they eat and sleep and poop every 2-3hrs. It gets better after a few weeks. I learned thru the hard way and get severely affected by the CL comments and nearly broke down when CL kept complaining my son was difficult to take care. But after CL was gone, i took over to look after for the next 1 yr...I was totally fine and my son was like any other babies, sleep well and play well and eat well. So ignore them. First month is like tat. You tend to get little sleep as everyone is still adapting and adjusting.
Hi joleen
Many say dun let bb sleep on mattress for first few mths as they will easy get startled by noise so is better to sleep high up.. Hence, i dun think i want one of the bb to sleep on mattress.. ;( perhaps really hv to get one more cot.. How many wks pregnant r u now?
Hi eabb,
These are some things we do to our bbs when they sleep. Mayb you can try it out.
1) Swaddle bbs so they feel more secure
2) Play soft music at night in the room. In the day time, turn on radio so that they will get use to noise. It does help as they dun get startled/woken up by noise so easily
3)leave a night light on so that bb won't be scared. Anyway, i start sleeping with a night light on during pregnancy cos got elder told me pregnant woman better not sleep in total darkness (superstition).
4) We put a pillow (with beads inside) on bbs tummy. Some ppl put dried bean sprout inside but i personally do not like cos bean sprout got smell and can't wash entire pillow if it get soiled. I just throw the beaded pillow into washing machine and no problem at all.
5) When they keep crying, sometmes we let bb sleep next to us. cos they can recognise our smell (esp mummy's milk smell, haha). they feel more secure can sleep better.
It's a lot of trial and error that i went thru. I was super stress & tired at the beginning that cried very easily. but it gets better week by week. now my twins are turning 2 mths next week, things are alot more managable. they now start to smile and want to play. You will get to this stage very soon. so just endure a little while more. Jiayou!

I bought 2 cots cos 1 bb sleep with my mum and the other sleep with hubby & I. But weekends both sleep in same room as us. We put 1 bb on our bed and 1 in bb cot. The cots can be converted to junior beds when they grow older.Can sleep till 4 yrs old. Our cots were from Baby Kingdom at kaki bukit. About $300 each including mattress & bedding set. We got white colour cots so that it matches our home furniture & colour theme. In the day, we use 1 of the cot as a changing area during bath time and diaper changing. (height is just nice, less chance of getting backache) Of cos your decision will also depends on whether u have space in the room and who takes care of bb at night.My SIL let her twins sleep on mattress together with maid as no space in the room to put 2 cots.

Hi Joleen,
I agree with your comments about CL. ALso had bad experience. The CL i engaged before told me my bb difficult to take care cos can't sleep well at night during the first week after birth.Come on, if newborn so easy to take care, why need CL. WHen I told her need to maintain cleanliness in the kitchen else cockroach come (cos she throw apple skin out of the dustbin), she can threaten me she want to quit cos my house new and clean, she very difficult to maintain it. Most CL have attitude problem! So mummies, please think twice & thrice before you decide to engage one. Make sure u find out more abt the person. I was fortunate to have my mum to help. cos she understand my preference, provide emotional support esp it can be quite stressful to care for twins. Then if neccessary, get part time maid to help with housework so we can focus on taking care of bbs.
Thk u beautifulseeds for ur advise..;) time flies for u tt ur bbies already coming to 2mths... R u still doing breastfeeding?
Hv two questions here..
1) which breast pump do u gals recommend? Some say medala freestyle not so strong so better to get medala PISA.. Wonder whts the difference n whether Pisa is bulky to bring to outside pump ie office..

2) if ur bbies r preterm delivery by 2wks.. Will u recommend CL to come when mummy discharge so tt can cook confinement food for mummy or shd CL comes only after bbies discharge? But wht mummy eat when mummy is at hm do confinement.. Hmm...

Thks for any advise..
hi Joanne: I just passed 12 weeks. Finally T1 is over. My son is a light sleeper he does get startled even when he sleeps in the cot, funny thing is when i moved him to the ground mattress, he is more at ease. Anyway we still bundled him up so he will not get startled easily. Its all about the individual babies actually. Then soon i realised my son actually craves for my physical contact, whenever i sleep close to him, he sleeps like a log.

For breast pump: I used pigeon first time and its sucks big time. This time round i change to Medala. But i not very insistent on breast feeding as i got severely depressed when i tried bf for my no 1. Now with 2, i want to be less stressful and go with the flow, can bf then bf, if cant dun force.

CL: I probably recommend u to wait till the babies are home then call the CL to come. confinement food usually are food with lots of ginger, vinegar and sesame oil, lots of fish and herbal soups. Some cooked with wine. And usually we all dun drink water, just drink longan and red dates hot drink all day.

Beautiful seeds,
I am not getting CL this time. Will go to my own mum for confinement and get confinement tingkat. Less stress.
I'm giving expressed breast milk via bottle to my girls cos they too impatient to latch once come hm from hospital as their demand increase very fast and my supply can't meet. So gave half formula.
I'm using medela PISA as i also read that it is more powerful (my priority is to get my supply up) than freestyle and the breast pump membrance part easier to clean. Of cos fresstyle more portable, but i dun want end up buying something that's nice to see but not useful.

When you want CL to come in will depends on what you need her to help you. My mum helped with confinement so i did not think abt this. But you would have to consider the following:
1) If CL come in early, what would you need her to help u with except cooking confinement food? but i think if there is someone else at hm that can help cook confinement food for you, then you might not need CL to come in too early. You can find confinement recipes online or ask ard. My mum first time doing confinement for me, so she asked ard. Plus i got a package from my chinese physician (Chen Mei Er) where she prepared those chinese herbs for me and have clear instruction which pack of herb to cook every alternative day. All packed into single portion and sealed to maintain freshness.
2) If mummy discharge befre bbs, u might be gg to & fro hospital to breast feed bbs or give expressed breast milk. would CL be following you or stay at hm? Cos i understand that for NICU, only parents are allowed to go in.
Beautiful seeds, hw u managed to take care them n pump every 3 Hr? I took over nite shift I'm so tired as my boy will cry now n then so I can't pump end up I will get engorge in the morning. Super tired in the day pumping both side onli gets 50 ml is tat too little? My twins dun latch on ask they get angry when they dun hav strength to suck on the nip. Could it bcoz they are preterm so they hard to handle ? I try your suggestion my boy is nt buying it so nw whole family is dwn ... Hubi flu, me sorethroat ... CL headache diarrhea
beautifulseeds: like you, i also gave half FM and half BM for my no 1..no choice..babies increase their demands way faster than what we can provide. My boy was drinking at the rate of 40-60ml per 2hr when he first came home for first few days and I can only supply 10-20ml per pump and thats with me after natural birth, i heard that caesarean birth takes even longer for the milk supply to kick in...so sickening..definately have to supply with FM.
I into my 31st week now, had bad contractions at 5 min intervals for half an hour. Went to gynae the next day and given medicine. So far under control but if get worse will need to take jabs to stabilise and mature lungs. Praying they stay in there till 37 weeks. Really worried about preterm cost as my gynae at tmc. Can tell me how much cash outlay for tmc c sect single ward for twins?
Hi serene
So glad tt u r at ur 31 wk already.. Can share how u feel these few wks? U really rest on bed alot n is ur tummy so much bigger that u have diffculty to walk? U still working??
Thk u as want to get myself more prepared.. As at my 22nd wk, my waistline already 40" so abit worry will my bbies hv no space in me? ;( how u sleep every night?? Take care n hope ur bbies can deliver at 37wks.. Ur questions is what i want to know too as i am wondering shd we go kkh or tmc for delivery?

Hi eabb
At wht wk of ur pregnancy tt ur bbies r delivered?

Hi beautifulseeds
Thks for ur advise.. Many say PISA is better too but is it too bulky to bring it out to office to pump milk?? I heard most say pisa got more things to wash n sterilize.. Is tt true?

Hi gals
My gynea still cant confirm my another bb sex at 22th wk.. N bec one is one wk slower than the other one. He wants me go for detail scan to check one of the bb blood flow again... Oso, my gynea prescribe me utrogen n nifedipine to eat today.. Wonder whts the purpose n r u gals eating tt at 22plus wk too? Any advise r welcome.. Thk u..
Hi Joanne,
I still feel ok as in can walk normally but feeling the weight in my tummy. I'm on bed rest and medicine now as contractions are bad but now much better. I not working already the gynae may want you to rest at home into the 31st weeks onwards and will keep asking whether u need mc not. My waist now is 37 inches for past 2 weeks. Babies at 1.4kg. I sleep on my sides.
Hi serene
my gynea prescribe me utrogen n nifedipine to eat today.. Wonder whts the purpose n r u or any gals here eating tt at 22plus wk too? Any advise r welcome.. Thk u..
U settle all ur bbies purchase at wht wk of ur pregnancy?
Did u wear any tummy support?? Wonder at what wk shd i wear?

Hi gals,
Btw, when i go for my scan yesterday.. Gynea say one of my bb is boy n i was shock as during DS, the sonographer say is two gals.. Then he says is very ambigous which not sure wht he meant as he oso cant confirm..;( then he asks me go for another FA scan with full doppler which suppose to do at 28th for singleton but want me to do at 25th wk for twins.. I was worried as thot we just do till detail scan so not sure whts the purpose of this scan again? Anyone of u got do it too?? Why at 22th wk still cant confirm bb sex? I dun mind any sex as long as they r healthy pls...
Really need some advise here fr all twin mummies...Thk u all..
Hi Joanne , I deliver at week 35 lucky both healthy 2.2 kg so no need for nicu.

Hi beautifulseed, my boy takin 80ml (3 scoop ) formula every 1.5 / 2 Hr is this norm or I giving too much?? They keep cry n mouth open big big should b hungry rite....
Hi eabb,
I didn't manage to pump 3hrly either. End up I only pump abt 5 times a day. I had 1 serious engorgement when milk came in on 6th day. Whole night holding on to ice pack on my chest. Had to get hubby to buy cabbage first thing the next day. Lucky my malay massage lady help me massage & clear blocked ducts. If u kept having blocked ducts, u shld try hand express instead. Cos breastpump can't clear them well. Do also note to choose the correct breastshield size.
http://medelamobile.com/tips-and-solutions/13/choosing-a-correctly-fitted-breastshield. The little 'holes' at our nipple muat open so that milk can come out. If bbs can latch & suckle is best, but my twins lazy to latch also plus newborn mouth very small, difficult to latch. They rather fall asleep & dun drink frm my breast, wait for me to give them bottle. I search internet, I soak my breast in warm water. It does help to open up the pores & milk can flow out better.50ml not too little for a start. I also slowly build up my supply. Now I only have enough to feeding 1 twin on total EBM. They r drinking 100ml each per feed since 3 weeks old. My gynae quite encouraging, she say gd enough, at least my bbs r both getting some breastmilk. Try to lie on bed & rest. My massage lady always will help me massage the shoulder & back area as she say the veins there affect milk supply. I think its quite true as I feel that milk flow better when I'm more relaxed.
U really have to take gd care. Once adult sick, very easily pass to bbs. If bbs get sick, they become even more difficult to take care. better wear mask when come into close contact with bbs. But can continue to give breastmilk as bbs will get the antibodies.
btw, is 80ml with 3 scoops milk instructed by Dr? cos usually dilution ratio is 60ml to 1 scoop? u may want to check ur Formula milk tin for the instruction.

Mayb u can go to shops where there's display set to see the actual pump. I know kkh pharmacy has a gd medela saleslady who's well versed abt their pdts. Or check out mumsfairy. It's a online store but can also see them at bb fairs. I personally think that pisa part easier to clean than freestyle.
Hi Joanne,
I think u can search the net to see what your medicine are for. I completed my baby shopping in second tri after 25th week as that's when they confirmed its two boys. I not using any belt now as I totally bed rest only go toilet and eat only get up. I not working anymore as I intending to be sahm for my twins. I went to this shop in tampines called baby's boutique and bought everything there as they have all the hardware like cots and strollers and car seats and pump and sterilisers and cheap too. They do delivery so I got them to send the stuff in my third tri.
Hi serene
U mean ur bbies sex not confirm during ur detail scan too and confirm only on 25th wk? Btw, how u monitor bbies kick?? Thk u for ur advise.

Their gender confirmed during 20th week detailed scan. Was told they were girls during 16th weeks though. No need to monitor they keep kicking every hour.
