2012 Twins

just visited my gyane, he said he will give me injection in the next visit in 2 weeks time. he mentioned that the injection will make the bb's lung matured faster... is this common?

and how does the maternity medisave works for twins? anyone knw and can advice?
i'm abit confused...
1. gleanegles has new package for twins...and the claimable medisave stated in te form is $3950(caesarian,2-bedded).
2. mt Alvernia charge the second baby separately... and claimable medisave is $3950 + $450per day for second baby.
So if we opt for glenegles, are we also eligible for the $450pre day for 2nd baby?

If I'm not wrong it's steroid injection. Normally given to multiples at risk of pre term birth so their lungs can mature faster.

i had steroid injection during my 30th week whn i had spotting n early contraction. the gynea worried i might have pre term birth so gave me the shot.
hi ladies, i am new here. I am in my 7th week preggie with twins. Just had my scan yesterday with dr. And he said its a monoamiotic twin meaning sharing the same placenta. I am worried as he started to prepare me on the facts on twins sharing one placenta.

And now its 5am and I cant sleep and start freaking out that if i am able to tahan my big belly weight by 34 weeks or more, and if i can look after my no 1 who is now ard 15mths old. I am a full time sahm. And worried abt the health of both fetus, and also worried that if i can cope. Yesterday told my parents and in laws, and my in laws started to nag abt confinement liao. I now breaking in cold sweat cos i had post natal depression even though i had CL tat time cos everyone ard me seems to nag a lot during my confinement abt eating and drinking and resting and breastfeeding. I am so scared of going through all over again and this time is i have to look after 3 kids all at one time with the amount of nags i get, i think i will go crazy!

I hope i can find some support here...
Hi joleen
You definitely need a maid.. Am glad My elder boy is 9years old but will still get a maid to help my mum who will be taking care 3kids in another half year time too...
I was hoping not to rely on maids. As maid also 1 person and i also one person. If my mum can help me to look after the kid then it be great with my own help. leaving after a maid to do a job is definately more inferior than i do it myself. plus i still have to pay for her and get loads of troubles if she is not the good maid type. I will ended up with kids who are not close to me and i slogged at work to pay for a maid. Plus my hub dislike having maids as he wants privacy and he also dun belief that maids are always the solution whenever parents cant cope. I agree too as in the past our parents also dun rely on maids to bring us all up at once.

Now is all about juggling the work between me and the two sides of the grandparents, as for housework, i have to outsource it out to part time weekend helpers to cope with it. Right now, just worry about this twin pregnancy, i am so new to having twins and after reading abt momo twins...the internet scares me, all the info sounds so negative.
Hi joleen,
I too totally freaked out when I knew I was expecting identical twins with one placenta and two sacs, worried about their viability and development as I'm really small sized at 154cm. But as the pregnancy advance and you go through the scans, especially the detailed scan, you will feel better and more confident. I even have negative thoughts initially but there's really nothing we can do but to pray that all will be fine. What we can do is to ensure that we eat as healthy as possible and often to give them the best nutrition we can now.
Hi Joleen,
Think on the positive side. I also went thru the same worries as my gals were identical with one placenta and two sacs. I managed to carry them till 37 wks and delivered them naturally. They were both of gd weight at birth 2.8kg & 2.4kg (now at 2.5wks old, they grown to 3.8kg & 3.2kg). They were also discharged from the hospital tog with me on 3rd day after only spending half a day at special care nursery. Most impt now is to make sure u eat well, be happy then bbs will be happy too
thanks all of you, i am glad i get to read positive news. I am also very small size at 158cm....as most of you got 1 placenta and 2 sacs, for me dr says he not sure can see 2 sacs yet as it is still too early. I am afraid that it will only be 1 sac and 1 placenta, thus making it even thougher for their viability. I am praying everyday now...
Hi Joleen
Yes, agree tt last time our parent can take care of so many kids themselves but now is different, our parents already no longer young like last time so we cant expect them to hv the same energy to take care many kids.. Especially last time pp dun give much attention to their kids but now is taking care of not own kids but kids' kid so will hv stress if didnt take care well.. If i am not working, of course with my help n mum help, no maid needed.. But i am working so hv no choice as standard of living too high in sin so i need to work to pay for my parents allowance too.. If only our mum alone, we definitely need one more pax help..we oso dun like maid but hv no choice sometimes... I will feel bad n heartpain to see my mum at this age still work so hard for 3kids n i cant help her..
Hi eabb
Can hb go into the theatre with us now if do c section? If at tmc hospital oso can?? If yes, will sure asks my hb to go in then he will knows our experience..;)
If I using epidural c sect I want my hubby to go in. But I prefer ga as I think too tramatizing for me to go through the doc cutting me up.
Hi Joleen: Not to worry too much. The medical techology is so advanced now. Whether is one sac or 2 sacs, i'm sure there is a way for it.

Eventhough maid is not to be trusted bec is a complete stranger to the family. However, if really no choice, maid's help is still needed. Sometimes 2 adults may not be able to handle 1 kid. Twin might be slightly more difficult, of course still depend on the child's behavior. It would be best if u have sufficient family members to help. If not, you may need a foreign helper.
thanks joanne, aries82. I have been chatting with my hub about maids too. If we really felt the challenge of not enough hands to look after, we really need a maid, plus my myself and probably one set of the grandparents. Its physically challenging to care for all 3 kids all less than 2.5yrs old.
hi serene: ihave taken the injection since 5 weeks ago. no side effect till now. as i know it is just to strenghten the baby's lung. if u have doubt, u can consult your gynea. not to worry.
hi aries82, how far along are u now? does expecting twins means we get really big???for my no 1, i wasnt that big and only gained 12 kg in total. This time with 2, really freaks me out, i am really small size at 158cm , i dunno if i will look bulky at 6mths..now barely 7weeks and i am already looking like 3mths preggie when i had my no 1.
The benefits of steroid injection outweighs the possible side effects that's why the doctor give it. I am currently at week 26. Tummy is 35 inches today was 24 inches pre preg. I still feel ok, can walk normally. Not sure how much bigger my tummy gonna get. But when I see YouTube video of those higher order multiples mummy, they can do it so can we. Other mummies can tell me how big my tummy gonna get at 30+ weeks?
Congrats to all who are preg...not ez to b preg for some of us really. I am a '5yr old B/G fraternal twins' mummy! Really breathless for a start but you will get the hang of it over time.
My thots :-
Confinement nanny - If u hv a maid/MIL, just tell Nanny that she is taking care of only 1 baby, not both as yourself/maid/MIL or another "nanny" will handle the other twin. Reason is you just want her to focus n not confused with 2 babies at the same time. It is really unnecessary to paid nanny additional $600 to handle both babies bcos these nanny are not 'super heros', just imagine both babies cries for attention at the same time, do you think nanny can pacify or feed both together? Then there are some of you out there who breastfeed..wow, 1 less task for nanny! $600 may as well used to engage additional help because it is a breeze to handle twins with as many hands you can find, eg. anyone who can come by every morning/afternoon during the day. My experience, with maid around household, maid will end up handling all hsework while nanny just cook (prep work done by maid also), boil red dates drink, herbal soup, bath baby, feed baby. It is better if maid can handle 1 baby from start ie, training for her while nanny is ard. This will ease your load when nanny leave bcos maid can help wif one while u take care of another. Nanny is temporary while maid is long term.
Oh, it is madness to nurse 2 babies at nite all by yourself, do remember to express or bottlefeed for nite so that nanny or maid can take over the nite feeding while you hv a good nite rest.
Hi coco
Glad to see u here share ur experience..;) may i know is it really necessary to get two bb cots or one will do? How many bottles r require? Is nursing pillow really necessary? May i asks did u carry ur twins to full term? R we suppose to prepare all in double? Thk u..;)
Hi Mummies and MTBs,

Congrats on your twin bundles of joy. I am mum to a pair B/G fraternal twins, who just turned 1 yr old this month and I also have another boy who will be 3 yrs old in April.
It had not been an easy year handling 3 young kids. There were times when my hubby and I were pushed to the limits of our endurance. We have a helper because our parents cannot help us. Like many of you, it was a difficult decision to make because we did not like the fact a complete stranger is sharing our personal space and that she also have to handle our kids sometimes, but as mentioned by one of the mummies, no choice, sometimes really need to enlist her help, especially with 3 kids.

We did however, kept her responsibilities towards our kids to a minimal. She is mainly focused on housework as with 3 young kids, we wanted a spick and span house. After confinement lady was gone, my hubby and I did all the night feeds and attended all the night waking ourselves (my parents used to tell me off for letting my helper sleep all night while my hubby and I panda-eyed!!) She used to rock my twin girl to bed but recently I have phased her out by sleep training my girl. So now, I tuck both my twins in myself. She only does a couple of milk feeds but soon I will also start my twins on sippy cups so that they can self feed.
The idea is that she is just our helping hand but we are not in a situation whereby we are totally reliant on her. She is one year into her contract now but if her standards drop etc, I can switch helper anytime.

Anyway, sorry for rattling on a bit.
I just want to say, take things one day at a time, and it DOES get better. We find that having realistic standards and trying to establish routine really helps.

Take care all!
Hi ladies.

I'm at 16 weeks now wif fraternal twins. I had some brownish discharge yesterday. Gynae gave me a jab n MC for 3 days. She said i prob walked too much over e weekend n was dehydrated, n these caused some blood fm e lower placenta to seep thru.

Does anyone have similar experience? It's only 16 weeks so too early 2b contractions. I dun feel tat i walked too much, dun walk beyond an hour straight these days. Could food be a possible cause? Startin 2nd trimester, been takin ginseng chicken soup like once a week.

Or could it b too much coughin/sneezin/nose blowin? I was doin these q often lately cos got stuffy nose wif lots of mucus.

Grateful for any advice to alleviate my concerns....
Hi Joleen: Not to worry. and is defitenily too early to worry now. different twin mothers have different experience. My cousin who had twin experienced backache during her twin pregnancy..however for me, luckily at week 36 now, i do not have any backache. of course i do feel heavy but is only around since week 32.in fact my height only 155cm. i still manage to enjoy the honeymoon period during the 2nd trimester. Mayb extra care and rest needed during 3rd trimester. So do not worry for your stage now. Might as well focus to eat well. A healthy and happy mummy wil have a happy babies. Since different women have different symtoms so not point worrying at this stage. Yours may nt be tat bad. The advantage of twin pregancy is u will deliver the baby not longer than 37 week normally.( shorter duration than singleton pregnancy) In fact, i wil have my operation this friday at my week 36.
Hi aries
Woah... So excited for u tt u r delivering soon..;) May i know how old r u? why u choose at wk 36? Ur gynea wants? Thot the later the better?
Btw, do all twin mummies at wk 30+ or earlier wear any support for ur tummy? As i worry due to gravity, is better to wear some support since our tummy will be heavy? Sometimes i feel suan suan feeling just below my tummy area, hope all is ok? Anyone feel tt too? Thk u...
wow so exciting, i really felt better having so much support here. as a new twin to be mum, it is so frustrating to read all the negatives stories on the web.

Wow you are delivering soon..so happy for you. and yes i have finally discussed with my hub abt a maid to help me out. So we will most prob get one when the time comes. Phew...at least i can count that the house cleaning and cooking will be contracted out while i try to focus on all the 3 kids..and yes..financially will be very tight. sigh...

i am trying not to worry after reading all of your positive stories. As i am only in the first trimester, it is where all the uncertainties are there...dunno if my twins can make it through..any complications..i try to focus eating now...but unfortunately...morning sickness is extremely terrible..compared to when i had my no 1. i had to take frequent small meals and some food scents and aromas really turns me nauseous immediately. So i now try to avoid cooking...i never had this when i was expecting my boy. Different pregnancy different symptoms. I like some of you said, it gets better once we get the hang of looking after the kids. I hope i can do so cos i have been a very hands on 24/7 mum all this while.

aries: so good that you can deliver at 36 weeks. my doc briefly told me that becos momo twins are more complicated, he is preparing me even earlier than 36 weeks..he is saying 34 weeks..which worries me too..cos not sure if the twin's lungs can be matured by then and if their weight is going to be heavy enuf.

and yes..i do feel expecting twins, seems like time is zooming faster than normal...we seems to be on our toes every 2-3 weeks..
Yes, focus is not too worry abt the logistics. Just enjoy this stage and have healthy babies!
Looking back, there were things that we shd hv done to get things easier but then again, life still goes on isnt it?

Morning sickness :
I had it throughout my 2 pregnancies, right till the day before I go to the ops theater and all day long :) i literally hold the bin at my office desk while i worked! 1 trick that my gynea gave me is to toast the bread for a snack, if u had problem drinking water, 100plus not chilled can help a little but remember once u can tolerate water, pls stop 100plus.

Baby cot - I bought only 1 baby cot and hv a child bed. It is ideal to have 2 cots but made sure it is convertible to a child size bed later on. I did not invest on another cot as I made do with 8 planels of haenim playyard (wif 2 doors) which made 2 cot size area enclosure when they were older plus it also became their play area when they were awake by combining 8 panels and removing the latex cot size mattresses.

Bottles - I had 6 (2x240ml n 4x150ml) at home and 6 at sis nanny place. I do half breastmilk n half formula till they were 10mths old, stopped when I got preg again :)
My experience, buy glass bottles (NUK mayb) for the 1st + year, afterall you will be holding the bottles not the babies and change it back to plastic bottles when they start to hold or toddler stage if you are not comfy. I had only changed to glass bottles when they were 3yrs old and educated them that they are not supposed to walk around with the bottles with explanation. Initially i used hankerchief and rubber bands over the bottles (mayb can source ard for bottle jacket). Ever since then I never look back...I used AVENT and spend so much on bottles, then these days they manuf BPA and charge more!!

Nursing pillow - A must for me as I nursed 2 babies (football hold) while on maternity leave, thereafter i still used it for 1 baby as I do not need to hunch my back and elevate my hand while nursing. To me, it is not alot to pay esp bcos I had lower back pain.

Diapers - Forget about using cloth diaper, I used pet pet, save up on all the washing. When they were much older, i swopped with washable training pants and diapers.

Socks and beanie - I bought many many pairs of socks and dozen beanie. A must as it keep baby warm. No mittens and booties tho'.

Rompers, sleep pants, hankerchief - I had 4 dozens at least ( carters rompers are good and durable)

Strollers and car seats - We bought a twin stroller and 2sets Zapp with maxi cosi car seats which we later swopped for Britax (well known for safety ) car seats which are for forward n rear facing and combi light weight stroller. My experience - invest in single strollers with a clip to interjoin and become a twin stroller. I carry one twin in my hotsling while push the other in a single stroller. at any one point that I need to fold the stroller, I can do it alone as it is a 1 hand fold stroller while 1 baby sits in my hotsling and 1 was hand carried by me.

Joanne, I had 2x c-sect at 37weeks :)
Just to keep some of you out there perky :)

Extract from website :-

There are many reasons for nausea.

1. Hormones make everything in your digestive tract SLOW DOWN. This immotility causes nausea. Eating cucumber (or other fruits/veggies) can help both the nausea and make the food move faster through your system.

2. Blood sugar levels can fluctuate during pregnancy. That can cause nausea and dizziness, especially in the morning.
Keeping crackers by your bed to eat in the morning before getting up can help this.

3. High hormone levels can cause dizziness and nausea in general.

My midwife told me that when you can feel the hormones (nausea), it is a good sign that your body is producing enough hormones to keep the baby in there.

This was also told by my gynae
Oh, please do not worry for those with no morning sickness okie :)
Pooh2, "Or could it b too much coughin/sneezin/nose blowin" - you may want to sit down while you are doing all these. :) I had morning sinus and I sit down when I need to blow my nose/sneezed.
Thanks, Coco. Fortunately no more discharge e last 2 days n my mucus is more controlled now so not coughin/sneezin so much now. Fingers crossed tat all will b well when i go back to work tom.

Btw did u use pregnancy pillow? I hv trouble findin comfortable sleepin position now, tryin wif exisfin pillows at home but not v successful...
Thks Coco for ur detail explanation.. It really helps us..
Btw, do u at wk 30+ or earlier wear any support for ur tummy? As i worry due to gravity, is better to wear some support since our tummy will be heavy? Sometimes i feel suan suan feeling just below my tummy area, hope all is ok? Anyone feel tt too? Thk u...
HiJoleen: I am 30 yrs old. Ceasarian at 36 week is suggested by my gynea. This is because the longer the MC twin in the womb, the higher chance of twin to twin tranfusion. babies are mature enough at 36 week.Partly i have taken the steroid shot ( to strengthen babies' lung) whn i was in 30 week. you may consult your gynea why he suggested week 34.

I had bad morning sickness during my 1st trimesterr. Was very bad. Same like you, cant stand the food aroma. Will vomit once smell it.So have to close all doors to avoid neighbours' cooking aroma and i may need to switch on fan to ventilate the food aroma away. definitely cant cook at home.avoiding shopping mall which also stink to me all time with food smell eventhought the restaurants are far away.

Not to worry, just bear with it. You will feel better towards the 2nd trimester. All u need to do now is to eat n rest well. Normally twin mummies need more rest than singleton mummies. Stay cheerful always. Music do help to ease the babies and mother. Good luck!
Hi aries
Woah... So excited for u tt u r delivering soon..;) May i know how old r u? why u choose at wk 36? Ur gynea wants? Thot the later the better?
Btw, do all twin mummies at wk 30+ or earlier wear any support for ur tummy? As i worry due to gravity, is better to wear some support since our tummy will be heavy? Sometimes i feel suan suan feeling just below my tummy area, hope all is ok? Anyone feel tt too? Thk u...

Hi eabb
No need two CL.. Some CL is experience in taking care twins so one will do.. How many wks r u now?
thanks ladies..i am 31yrs old....i will consult doc abt the 34 weeks , perhaps its a rough estimate at this time for momo twins. Still trying to tahan about 4-5more weeks to go into 2nd trimester...trying to get some food into my system...
Hi eabb
Then maybe u shd cancel this CL and look for another one who can take care twins.. Maybe can try the pem agency here in singapore?

Hi gals
For twins, is it too early to start buy bbies things at wk 17 of pregnancy?? Worry if wait longer, more diffcult to move? Any advise welcome..;)
Hi Joanne
Hw much is your CL charging ?
As for shopping depend if you have anyone that can help you get it incase you need bed rest lik me at wk 18.
Lucky for me is at wk 16 I have check out those big items lik stroller, car seat and cots. When I was on bed rest starting frm wk 18 I wasn't worry as I got my sis help to purchase
small items lik clothes etc and big item I just call they to order
they can deliver at COD. so all these was settle in wk 33.

Your CL knew you were expecting twins? How come she only inform you so late that she cannot handle? Did she quote you for 1 baby or 2?

Most good experienced CL should be able to handle twins if you have a helper or another adult around.


I think you're comfortably in your second trimester now and its not too early to start. Towards later stage, you will get very big very quickly and of course, more easily tired too.


I thought I would share this inspiring video which I watched while carrying my twins. The words at the end are especially touching. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

Hi Joanne.

Looks like we r at e same stage, i'm in wk 17 now. Also started to look for baby stuff until my spottin earlier this week, sigh... We're considerin buyin some things online e.g. E medela hands free breast pump- costs close to S$1k at mothercare but sellin for US$400 online in US. Guess e good thing abt startin purchases early is we hv e time to ship them in as an alternative..
Hi Joanne.

Looks like we r at e same stage, i'm in wk 17 now. Also started to look for baby stuff until my spottin earlier this week, sigh... We're considerin buyin some things online e.g. E medela hands free breast pump- costs close to S$1k at mothercare but sellin for US$400 online in US. Guess e good thing abt startin purchases early is we hv e time to ship them in as an alternative..
Hi eabb
My CL is charging $3k. Thats the usual rate for twins... May i know why u need to bed rest at wk18? Wht happen??

Hi Annika
Thank you... Think i will start buying after my detail scan at 5th mth...;) i hope to see the video but it says not able to open video... Not sure why?

Hi pooh2
When is ur edd? U start to feel ur bbies kick? My bbies kck not so frequent n that makes me worry.. Sign.. Early stage, no kicks n u feel stress for every scan.. Now can feel fluttering kick still feel stress when they dun kick frequent... Really hate myself why always stress...
Btw, why u hv spotting? Did gynea say why? Rest well...
Hi Joanne , 3k is cheap mine one pax is 1.8k
Bed rest at wk 18 coz I hav cervical incompetence problem. My cervix open 4-5 cm lucky I when in Kk in time n they manage close it with a stitch.
Hi eabb
Oh... U r soo lucky.. May i know how u manage to find it in time tt u hv cervix imcompetency?? Wht symptons u hv?
Hi Joanne.

This is my 1st pregnancy so not sure how e kicks r supposed to feel like at this stage. Since 1st trimester, I've felt a lot of funny sensations in my abdomen - aches, stretching, tightness, etc. My gynae says it's cos my frame is small/skinny - I can even feel my heartbeat n throbbing of blood thru my veins at my panty line!

Like u, I worry abt e babies all e time. I overcome this by goin for frequent scans- been doin my scans abt once every 2 weeks. Gynae said I had spottin cos I walked too much, so all e more I worry now.. M takin it one scan at a time, u try not to worry too much as well
hi joanne,

i have flesh red spotting but no pain one nite then went a&e dr did a internal check say cervix open membrane hang out so immediate admit n strict bed rest.dr also cant explain why jus say is rare case in SG.

Pooh2, no i did not use preg pillow. Like u, i tried using existing pillows, esp the very soft type...still it did not help tt much. Perhaps u may try getting someone to sew an elongated body pillow (2 pillow length), that may help.

Joanne, no i did not wear any support. I did not gain much weight as I was merlioning throughout my whole pregnancy, just a 11kg weight gain - TB was 2.185kg n TG 2.465kg. Its good to hv support tho'

Breastpump - please make sure the warranty or defective parts support are there if you intend to get from overseas. Some local company do not provide support for overseas set. You got to really think hard whether you shd be spending $500 on a set, it needs a lot of determination to preserve in breastfeeding :) (triedness is a contributing factor)

Btw, saw this post on breastfeeding pillow for twin, some of you may b interested n if you are not fussy - http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/6687881.html?1330483981
