(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

eskimo baby,good to hear everything is well.

since he give u some more HL, will be good to rest at home instead.

Sashamama and Miracles, all the best for your c section and induction tomorrow
Very soon the little darlings will be in your arms...
Wow, it's happening for Sashamama and Miracle tomorrow! All the best! Await ur happy announcement!

eskimo, glad to hear that ur scan went well. So happy to hear the heartbeats right?
Now everytime I do a scan, I try to spot the flashing of the heart first. Yeah, just stay home and rest since Dr Loh gave u HL. We can hardly rest in school!!

mc, think Sashamama made a list of items b4. You have to ask her to grant u access.

Am I the only lazy mummy who is not planning on doing any massage? LOL.
Sashamama, oh, massage breasts okay but avoid nipples? Okie, will take note in later stage. Thks!

Faithfully, how's ur BFg now? Going smoothly i hope?

Babyme, good practice to start on different side each time.
As mentioned by the sisters here b4 too, try to make sure baby gets to the hind milk. If u stop her too soon on each side, she might not have gotten to the hind milk which helps them gain weight. You'll be the best person to judge. Great job so far! Jiayou!!
Hi Gals, I'm very sad today. My baby can't go home. She has jaundice. Level 9.1 Just found out this morning. No wonder this early morning feed ard 3am. She only latch for 10mnts then slp 10mnts then latch again 10mnts, going on like this. Not her usual. Usually only take half an hour to feed her. This time took 3hrs. Tmr they will do blood test again n let me know if she can come home or not. Pray hard.
Dr Ang said bcos blood group incompability. So have no choice but to ask them feed fm for time being as baby under photo light will need to drink more milk.

Thanks Sasha, wish u all the best too! Jia You!

Tromso, I'm not taking fenugreek now. Maybe will drop by to see WBB tmr to ask further info on bf. At the same time, will feed baby too n see if can bring her home tmr.
I brought my bp, but didn't use it in hospital. I only checked with LC if the size suit me. But I will try to use it later to stimulate n collect some milk for baby.
Yes, I'm using the saltwater. Dr Loh will get it ready for us so no need to worry. The stitches are okay too. So far no pain n can walk around. My only prob is can't pass motion. Dr Loh has prescribed cream to apply n tell me slowly will be able too.

BabyPenguin, how are you today? All the best! You can do it, Gal! Jia You!

Coolangel, thanks
Mc007, I have a list of things too gathered from other mummies. I can email u if u want.

Luv, some gynae school of thoughts is no massage as they say it will weaken your pelvic floor instead of strengthening it. So really depends.

Baby, don't worry, your gal will be fine soon. Jaundice is pretty common now, but i know how it feels not being able to bring ur gal home together.
Yeah will take the hl
i thought by going back to work can take my mind off the ms but i also know i will regret not taking haha...

I'm very greedy nowadays, got all sorts of cravings n been taking cold drinks too... My motto now is eat now puke later kekeke
eskimo, I've long broken the "no cold drinks" rule!! Ever since MS hit, I tell myself that whatever can go in is good food/drink! So I've been drinking ice milo, even eating ice cream, hee...
Hi luvnhope, I am now feeding her in demand.. When I free I pump bf. not enough so will give fm too. Now her drinking pattern abit weird.

Hi babyme, my Vera jaundice was 9.9 when we discharge still 9.9 under light. But dr ang still discharge my bb. Why so diff? I am worry ab Vera too cos if her jaundice dnt kw still there or nt but every morn my hub bring her dw for some sunlight. Mon I hv appt with dr ang I will ask her regards to her jaundice.

Btw I am now dw with abit of fever.. Nt sure is my engorgement or I didn't sleep well. Who should I see regard to this? Wa is fenugreek for?
I have been really busy and so tired. Barely slept 3 hrs last night that's motherhood! Can only steal a few winks here n there. My baby managed to come home yesterday as her jaundice dropped! Baby me - dont be sad, I know the feeling - I crid at home when my gal was not with me for one day one night. I wanted to commute to see her daily despite a Cesrean which is not fun - until now I have problems walking upright getting off the bed or rolling to the other side of the bed.

The phototherapy in hospital is good - my gal was discharged after a day - she was at 11.9 then. Yr bb still wake up to drink for 10min - mine at 11.9 cannot be awaken despite we tried shaking, rubbing, patting, cycling her legs etc.. She just dun open eyes - v scary. My hubby n I n bb same blood group, still jaundice wor.

I bf every 3 hrs in hosp - total bf and no fm. My poor baby was so hungry at one stage when not much milk came in and I decided to give her fm once and also for the day she was still admitted. Came home I continue to bf and pump.

Faithfully, baby me : V V important to take note of yr breasts on day 3 to 4 - mine swelled and so hard like a rock on one side of 1 breast and some parts lumpy. Must get bb to latch as often as possible, pump and massage. Have to be diligent. So far it has subsided on day 5. I was so scared it will become engorged and end up mastitis. At one time when I went toilet n bend down to wear pants, the milk dripped..maybe called let down or whatever.. I find this so tough to manage..
Luv, Pierced, thanks
I'm really hoping her jaundice level will dropped.

Faithfully, I also not sure why Brielle not allowed to come home. But I feel better if she gets treatment first n make sure no more jaundice before she come home. At least no guessing game like why she keeps crying etc etc.
Since you are going down tmr, you might want to check with the LC there if you hv engorgement n caused fever. I'm sure they can advise you.

Tanny, according to Dr Ang, my hubby is AB, mine is O, if my baby is A or B will still have jaundice. Now she is A, if my 2nd baby still A, her jaundice will be worst. If B, will still have jaundice but not so bad. First time I heard about this, so not sure also. Thanks for your info on day 4 breast condition. I will take note n will continue to bf, pump n massage everyday.
Hi baby.
Did the doctor test your blood for antibodies before confirming blood grp incompatibility? Not to worry cos not uncommon. Take time to rest and look forward to feeding and diaper duties when baby comes home.
Miracle, I brought 2, but only use 1. Day 1 I used the hospital gown hehe. Try to bring those dress type with front buttons. Really easier when you go toilet n bf.
Baby, did you shower at hospital or just wipe body? Not sure if body will be dirty/ greasy after delivery...esp waist down.
Miracle, I bought from Robinson, lingerie section.

Tromso, my whole family, hubby n his family forbid me to take shower. So I just wipe everyday. But I wash bottom part whenever I go toilet. Wash hands n wash face too.

Ladies, do you know when we can stop to use the saltwater? Forgot to ask Dr Loh just now.
Baby me, i use salt water for 3 weeks. U must use until below is not sore. I really dun know what's tmc standard now. Elis has jaundice at 10.1 was discharged end I took a lot of Ginger and pork trotters until she had jaundice from bm and was warded. I understand how u feel... My gel was warded for 2 days 5 days after she was born....

Sorry... Who's having fever now? I had too and took the blue painkiller my gynae gave. Motherhood is juz tiring. Wait till u reach my stage now u need to play as clown to make bb happy... It's juz madness but v happy to c my gal Bo gay smile.

Luv, u must do massage. No matter what, u should not lose yr attractiveness or give up on yr figure. So what if u r a mother. Look at dr eunice chua, she has 5 kids, look so slim and attractive. She is juz my idol. I lost almost all my weight. Juz that my hips expanded a bit ... It's ok I m still working on it

Tanny, use bb milk bottle, fill with hot water and massage yr breast b4 u pump and when u pump, I tine that way milk out is faster,
Good idea to use warm bottle - easier to roll!

Oh dear I'm also dating a lot of ginger n had pork trotters today. Tmrw bb needs to go PD to test again. My boobs getting better now - no more as swell as yesterday. It swelled all the way to my collar bone and arm pit like a rock. Forced myself to wake up to pump at 3am. My CL is traditional kind - abt bf n pumping she doesn't know. She always try to bottle feed my bb with ebm which I tell her dont. Always wake me up. She still do the same even when I just napping during afternoon.
Tanny, tomo I am also seeing Dr ang. I hope her jaundice will be ok... Btw do u bb face turn red easy cos mine will. My breastaldo swell so I put cabbage in to cool it dw. And nw I an having fever and whole body aching... I cry for no reason too. I think becos I am sick and I hv to bf her. I dnt even date to eat med for my fever.
Catherine, haha... I'm not really a spa n massage person to begin with. Always tell my hubby he's lucky i'm low maintenance! LOL. I din do massage for #1 but luckily managed to regain pre preg weight n figure in abt six months to a year. Maybe cos I only gained abt 12 kg then. And think BF helps! So hoping will be lucky still this time round, hee... But yeah, like u said, hips expand liao! Hope they won't expand further this time round! Dun think can shrink back right?

I haven't met Dr Chua so far. 5 kids!!! Gosh!

Speaking of post preg figures, most of my colleagues come back from ML slimmer than b4! Wonder if they went for massage too. Shld ask them...

How old's ur baby now? U've lost ur weight in less than half a year? That's envious!
Hi ladies , I gave birth today le .. Suppose to admit myself for induce tonight one . But at 1.20 am the show came n a few mins later my water bag broke. 

We went to Thomson n Admit myself . The nurse did a VE and it was only 1 cm . But contraction is regular at 6 min. Dr loh had a delivery and came back did a VE and force the cervix to dilate to 3 cm. really pain he was so rough .. From then I asked for epidural and the dr came 1hr later. As I have GBS , was quite concerned that the water bag broke n I was administrated antibiotic 3 hrs later ..  

My dilation is so so slow . At 6am I am still 3 cm, at 12 pm I am only 4-5 cm and have the poo poo feeling . I was so stressed; that I am crossing my 12 hr mark since my water bag broke and I am not showing good signs of dilation . baby is still very very high .. The whole finger in and still cannot reach bb head.. 

Finally broke down and cried but the nurse is very encouraging. She came, stroke me and encouraged me.. It was then she found I am 8-9 cm dilated .. However dr loh is having a big op and was not available since when I last saw him at 3am .. Waited for him to come back at 2.30 pm . He checked and say bb is still very high .. Asked the nurse to help me push . He saw my situation and say there is no way bb can come out unassisted . However even If he wants to vacuum bb out I still need to push bb lower.. Wah .. really  devastated .. Dr loh went for more minor ops  and left thr nurse to help  me.. but I really cannot push out .. The Consipation feeling is really Terrible . To put my legs at the metal holder is really aching too .. 14 hrs le haven't give birth .. I want to give out le . Told the nurses I gave up.. Ask dr loh do c - section for me.. Dr loh came back and the nurses say must push .. Dr loh will help me .. But dr loh say even if he vacuum bb out it is still too high .. So the nurse encourage me and say lets do a final push.. Dr loh prepared the suction cup while 2 nurses helped me push my tummy down each at one side .. Really in a final 3 push bb came out le ..

She came out at 3 pm at 2.7 kg 48 cm..

Dr loh found a lot of blood clot and helped me cleared them. Lost a lot of blood and he asked the nurses to monitor me for 2 hrs every 30 mins .. Luckily things stablised and I was eventually shifted to my ward ..

Nurses say this morning 20 mummy gave birth .. Had a really Bz morning ..

Really appreciate the TMC nurses for their help and Dr Loh .. Without them I really would have gave up and go for c section .. 

Didn't know giving birth is so drama one .. But seeing my daughter I feel that all is worth it .. 
BabyPenguin, congratz on the birth of your princess. Thou it was a long labour, you made it. Good job! Good that the nurses and dr loh are v encouraging and did not give up on natural birth for you.
Seems like Dr Loh had a busy day today.
Bb penquin, u r a heroine!! Yes the nurse and gynae encouragement helps a lot!!!

Luv, I lost it all in 3 mths. How I lost? Dun know leh... Mayb cos I one person take care of my gal. V vv v tiring! My gal is turning 5 mths in 2 days. Dr Chua's room is next to dr Paul... U ask anyone at Tlc they sure comment dr Chua is v slim.

Faithfully eat the blue medicine. U need to get well to take care of bb... I was like u v stubborn I thought by one nap I will get well. I broke down in cold sweat... Told myself eat la bo chap if I can't take care of myself how to look after my gal? Dun cry ok... I always cry ESP after confinement. How to handle a bb.... ESP she is always so demanding and hungry. Still it's yr bb dun frustrate on her. FYI I did once on my gal and milk came out from her nose. I regretted since then
Congrats BabyPenguin! After seeing your baby out, all the pain is worth it. Lucky you didn't give up at all n go for c-sec. I had 24hrs long labour, but kept telling myself I want natural. Didn't even think of c-sec at all. We all can do it one for our precious baby. Enjoy your motherhood
Well done baby penguin!!

Aiya me also hope for natural but dr Loh suggested CS twice before I gave in - he must have thought it was a better option for my condition then. He din ask me to push or suggest vaccum. He could touch my bb head and says she is swollen at the head. I'm worse - just dilate 1cm to 3 cm after 18 hrs of inducing. Dunno is it really got dilate or is it dr loh widen it to 3 m! Baby penguin - no worries u will recover v fast for natural birth first. CS is very terrible lots of pain after op and I can't get off bed or turn or roll on bed even on second or third day after op. Now at home on day 7 also walk with somewhat pain.

I'm asked by CL to lie down to rest or sit down with backing else my back will hurt in future. First 2 days I was moving about as need to bf, pump etc. Din really lie/ sit rested for long and indeed today got backache...
Sashamama, thank God Sasha is ok. All the best for your delivery today!

Miracle, all the best to you too!

BabyPenguin, congrats! Rest well! When bb come out, do they straightaway put on your chest for latching or they go clean up first then bundle nice nice and carry to you?

Wow, these few days so many poppings! Who's next?

Angel, you done with bulky item such as cots, car seats? I am having headache over car seats. Seems there are very few models that can be used both forward and rearward facing and from birth till beyond 1yr or did i not look correctly, hmm~
Catherine, of course dr Loh gave painkillers! For me lots of stool softeners and fibre too! Faithfully is not under dr Loh lah.

Congrats to all the sisters who popped! Well done & enjoy motherhood!

Heartbeat, the nurse will take bb's weight n length first after bb is born. Then will carry bb to you to cuddle if u wan to... Bb n u will be pushed to ward together. Wash up is later.
Baby Penguin, so happy for you, congrats and hugs!! It's a very tough journey and the fruits of labour (real Labour indeed) is def the best gift ever
Rest well and take good care.

Baby Me thanks so much for answering my questions. Hope Brielle's can come home very soon, what's her jaundice level now. Have you started on post natal massage?

Sashamama and Miracles, I'll be rooting for you both today!!

Go to hear another natural birth, was getting bit worried about the number of csection, hubby even suggested to get a date fr geomancer in case needing csection...sigh... I'm seeing dr Loh this week, hope bb is all healthy and well and will get good indications on delivery timeline. Top part of tummy is quite painful these days, soreness within (not ribs), hope nothing serious. This waiting is really frightening...had nightmares twice last week already...
Oh wanna ask - how to bring ebm out with bb if gg out for a few hrs to PD? Pack in the cooler bag? And bring out hot water?
pierced...great if u can send me the list.

babypenguin...gratz...u will recover very fast from natural birth...well done.

sashamama and miracle...all the best for yr c section and induction today...jiayou...
Dear all,
I'm now getting ready to go TMC. Bringing so many things. Haha. Nvm, a lot of space in the car! 4 hrs left to see bb!

Dear baby penguin,
Congrats!!! Your persistence is so so worth it! How heavy is your baby? Confirmed the name? Wow, 20 mummies delivered yesterday! My hopes of a single bedded are dashed. Lol.

Dear miracle,
Wha time you reaching TMC? I think I'm reaching at 945 thereabouts.
Tromso, I'm going to see her later around 10am n will wait for her jaundice level result there. Post natal massage starting today afternoon around 3-4pm. Hopefully can have some relaxation hehe.

I also have few nightmares last few weeks. The waiting indeed very frightening. That's why that day when I went to see Dr Loh, he asked me to straightaway induce on that day, I agreed hehe.

Last two days, I still dreamt that my baby still inside my tummy n felt some movements haha. Silly me.

Now looking at my baby, felt like dreaming too.

Sasha n Miracle, all the best to both of you!
Hi catherine, dr m give me lots of painkiller which also hv the blue pills that look like Viagra. I thou there is other kind of blue pills. Now on my way to see pd & dr m.

Tanny, today is my day 6 still feel pain at the wound area. Hope it can recover soon.
