(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Tromso, hee, nope, mine is also girl girl. but i dun mind coz i prefer girl la.
But everyone thinks my tummy looks like having boy.
Think here angel is boy right?
kids are very sensitive, they can sense, so your niece also the same ah, so not just siblings. hee...

Totally agreed similac cmi la, somemore one of the more exp brands around. I always put in milo or my hot choc powder inside to mix into choc milk.

Faithfully, glad u and vera can discharge together.
You can also take down how much she drinks each time and the hour she drinks to help u take note.

heartbeat, hope ur UTI clears up soon, will it help to drink more water too?

Hi tromso, my bb was under the light for a day but the level still remain 9.9. Can I hv WBB no. Cos I wa to call her asking her abt bf & fm feeding.

TMC feed her 30ml of milk... We do that too but when we feed her after 3 hrs after her last feed she didn't drink all and when she drink it seem that she not that hungry. I worry she dnt put on wgt if this goes on. Cos bb wgt at birth was 3135g but nw her wgt is 2.8kg+.
Thanks gals, gulping water now. Haiz~ The KKH doctor also could not tell me why kenna but just said its common in pregnancy and important to treat it.

Sashamama, i think i saw you too! You were in blue top and black bottoms right? But i wasnt sure so didnt dare call out to you.
Faithfully, it's common for newborns to lose weight in the first week because they are losing the water retained in their bodies. They'll gain weight again afterwards.
Do u know what brand of FM TMC gave Vera? Maybe she is not used to the FM u use if it's different?
Luvnhope : my bb jaundice is 11.9 wor! So sad! I came home without her. When I tried to bf her for the last time today, I saw she is v yellow! And sleepy that I can't wake her up. Even ask the nurse for help also no use- she dun wake up at all despite what u do. So sad u know. I had to leave without feeding her. Nurse says jaundice bb are v sleepy and they prob feed better with bottle easier. Nipple they are too tired to suck.. Is there any difference? Can we call WBB directly if we hv any problem?
Hi tanny, mine also the same as urs. She dnt wa to suck my nipple she just sleep. Nurse also say bb with jaundice tend to sleep more. I also wa to call wbb for help. She dnt latch then hw am I going to produce milk for her. Now I try to bf her and top up fm.

Hi luvnhope, I request doc to give me enfarlac for her and I am also feeding enfarlac too.
tanny, yes, it takes more effort for baby to BF than to drink from bottle teat. That's why if we introduce bottle teat too early on, baby might reject the breast because they find it takes too much effort to get the milk. They need to coordinate their tongue and jaw action to BF whereas milk flows very easily from most bottle teats into their mouth. Not much effort needed on baby's part! Can try cup or spoon feeding first?

Faithfully n Tanny, if baby doesn't latch on now, try to pump more to keep up the milk supply. Not easy we know. Jiayou!!
Below 10 then can go home?

Hazel : I can't seem to find yr email. Can u send again?

My confinement lady came today but no bb now. Cant ask her to come later as I just knew my bb failed jaundice test. So only cook for me to eat only. Seems like nothing for her to do except wash some of my clothes.
It's common for newborn to lose a little weight at the beginning cos in the womb they r bloated up by the amniotic fluid so when they r out, they'll lose the water retention.

You were there too?
drink cranberry juice n yogurt really helps with uti.

I know it feels weird without the baby but take this time to rest. when baby comes home, you won't have time to rest.
Hi Ladies, just got time to update you all after my long labor. It's more than 24hrs since first tablet inserted. I just delivered my baby girl today at 3.16pm. Her weight is 3.25kg length 50cm. Dr Ang just checked her n said everything is ok. She will check again tmr n do all the necessary test tmr.

I admitted yesterday around 2pm, inserted first tablet, no cramp or contraction at all for 8hrs. Dr Loh came in to do VE at 10pm. Still no dilation. So he put in another tablet. From there I'm starting to feel slight cramp. At ard 3am, I can't take it as it was quite often n painful. Requested for epi. They brought me to labor ward (which I'm glad bcos no need to hear the snoring of my next bed which is very very loud).

The sent me to OT to have epi, from there my waiting time starting. Dr Loh came in again at 7am n found that I only dilated 4cm. He told me another 6hrs. Gosh.....
Ard 1pm he came back n check n it's dilated 10cm. He said it's time but also must wait till baby start to push too. Ard 1.30pm I felt the pushing, and it was quite pain, although I'm on epi, but still can feel it. Only ard 3pm Dr Loh came back n starting the pushing time.
My appt with dr loh was at 3pm today. When i arrived, he was about to leave to go for delivery so he was doing it for you... Congrats mummy
Thanks ladies for all your well wishes

Finally, I can get my premier single room today. Feel more comfortable.

Baby is also latching well. Latched two times already today. She can just find the nipples on her own. But nurse said, now no milk or colostrum yet. Just let her suck n make her use to it first. They said now actually the baby not hungry yet. She just want to suck. But only can let her suck 15mnts for one side, otherwise nipples will become sore n pain. Indeed when she is sucking, can feel the pain. Hopefully by tmr will have colostrum for her to drink.
Tanny, suck the colostrum into the syringe. Sane technique Like u draw Lucrin into the syringe. Drop by drop if need be.
Hi Faithfully, I've pm you WBB's contact. Actually it may be better to call the tmc breastfeeding helpline cos it's 24 hrs and will be answered by LC. Number is 9119 3502.

Tanny, FYI above too.

Faithfully, in the first week, baby may lose up to 10% of weight, so you can monitor closely. Then should gradually pick up in 2nd week. According to my textbook answer, first week is betw 30-60ml per feed for fm. Do if you bf too, baby may take in lesser fm. Hope Vera will get use to the new environment soon.
Congrats Baby Me
Baby is Latching well too, it's great. Bye bye to the loud snorer too

Was it hard to push baby out? I heard if epi is given too much, baby will take longer to come out but looks like your epi level is ok if you can still feel some pain.
Tromoso, I put the syringe with colostrum/milk in sterilised breast milk bag. Not any zip lock bag. So syringe n bag all sterilised. Put in cooler bag n brought to hospital for belle.
Pierced, I think niece has some idea about baby cos we've been telling her that and my mum has been saying to her not to be rough to her toys otherwise meimei won't get to use them. We've also bought a few gifts, will present to niece at hospital and when baby gets home. Hope all peaceful lol...

Good thing is that I haven't carried my niece since pregnant so she probably won't get jealous if I carry my baby next time. Hope niece won't get jealous of my parents taking care of baby.

For Megan, she is more sensible, I guess once meimei arrives, she'll probably be overjoyed with the new addition, then all her doubts/ confusions may be all water under the bridge then
Remember to prepare a gift fr meimei to her too heee...
Thanks Hazel. But in hospital, it's just normal zip lock bags is it? Or I should bring the bm storage bags instead?

Looks like lots more work when baby stays in hosp and mummy gets discharged first.
Although on epi, still can feel when baby start to push. Actually will feel a bit pain too, but still can manage type. So when baby start pushing, nurse will ask us to push too.
Thanks for explaining baby me. Just wondering if we need to give expressed instruction that we don't want to start baby on fm yet, although no colostrum. Or need fm?

I read that baby can go on just colostrum for first 3 days without fm, so just curious how tmc procedure is. Thanks
Congrats Baby! So amazing to Welcm a newborn. Just by seeing all the mummy comment in this forum can feel it's really touching n blissful. After All the pain n hard work I guess it's really worth It once you c a newborn
Baby, feel pain shld ask to increase epi dosage... I only feel pain when dr Loh sew down there.

Tromso, if u r in hospital, just pass the syringe to the nurse. They will know wat to do! Their fridge dun hv food item like us!
Tromso, if bb is in hospital coz of jaundice n mummy is home, mummy shld try to visit bb during feeding time n latch bb on directly. So, there is no need to express colostrum manually n store. Same also if mummy n bb are Both still in hospital. Just latch on directly. I need to express n store in syringe coz belle was in NICU. I can't latch her on at all.
The thing abt TMC is coz there is no place for mummy to rest in between the feeds if bb is still in hospital. I understand in KKH, there is parent's room!
Thanks Bbshower
it's indeed very touching moment when you hold your baby in your arms.

Tromso, yes need to let nurses know that u want to full bf. just now I asked the nurse again if my baby will feel hungry or not bcos today no milk or even colostrum for her. Nurse said it's okay. Unless I requested to give her fm, then they will give. But they all said usually first day nothing yet, not so fast to have colostrum/milk. Just let the baby keep latching to stimulate it.
I will go daily despite ceserean. Should be ok dunno why my sil and everyone else is saying I shld not n stay at home, let them feed fm. I went once but bb is so sleepy that she refuses to wake up at all no matter what u do. Btw do u let confinement lady n baby sleep in air con? My bb is not back yet and my confinement lady is so free.. Dunno what to ask her to do tmrw since I will go TMC with hubby to bf baby again.. I can only do 2 feeds the mOst. My mil is supposed to come my hm to oversee this confinement lady. Somehow my sil also know and both of them feel I shld just stay at home due to my CS and let bb be fed fm. She has mopped the floor wash the clothes. Tonight I need to wake up every 2-3 hrs to massage / stimulate my breasts as they r starting to be engorged. So tiring. Doing it alone...
Hazel, I didn't ask to increase epi as scared can't feel anything at all n can't push at all. When Dr Loh doing stitches. I can feel something happening down there, but no pain at all. Maybe I kept looking at baby n didn't pay attn to what's Dr doing hehe
Baby Me, congratulations!

J03, sorry I just read your post about the link. Thanks Bbjourney for sending it to J03!

The Baby Expo Fair is indeed smaller scale than Motherhood Fair. Here's my report. :p

If you like to get baby clothes, bibs, towels, hankies, caps, mittens, bootties, socks etc, there are quite a number of booths selling nice ones (Lotsa Carter's around) and in my opinion, generally more to choose from, better & cheaper than Taka Fair. I found quite a number of body suits with snaps in front for my boy.

Pigeon cleanser refill pack (expire in May 2014) slightly cheaper by $1.45 compared to that sold in Taka Fair (maybe expire later, didn't check). Btw, no Pigeon booth at Expo Fair.

Lansinoh breast milk storage bags and disposable nursing pads cheaper than that sold by Little Thinkies spree. Saw a few tubes of Lansinoh nipple cream, find it much more ex than spree but snatched out quite quickly.

I also checked out Mumsfairy booth. Just bought the snappies BM storage containers and colorful cute little snackies air-tight, leak-proof containers. Thought the milk tray looks interesting but didn't get in in the end.

Also went to Autumnz Booth to get a few nursing and sleep bras. The auntie can help 'measure' & recommend the size & cup. There's fitting room to try on.

As for toys, not much..tink only saw one booth selling rockers, activity mats..but discounts look tempting. Taka Fair has more toys slelction. There's also one booth selling LG & Parklon playmats, prices seem same as that sold during Motherhood Fair.

All in all, I only focused on small items as I am done with bulky purchase. Not much strollers, think i only noticed quinny..don't think I saw car seats and cots, except 3 cots on display for the booth selling bedding sets. There are only a few big companies around like Cordlife, Prudential, Avent. Oh and Huggies too.
Just nw Vera hv a long cry... We feed her around 11+ then she cry. We do wa we can. Change the swaddle, change her clothes cos the clothes is tie one at the ribbon is poking her neck. Then we try to bf her again and she really suck. But it was like 15 mins after I fm her 10ml of milk (we make 30ml but she stop drinking). Then after bf her she cry again this time give her fm and she drink another 10 ml. So tired man... Her drinking pattern like messy... I still dnt hv milk yet... I try to pump it ONI coloslum. I try to latch her if I can then always top up with fm.
Dear angelxuan n bbjourney,
Once again, it was really great seeing you two in person n thx for the wishes!!!

Dear Tromso,
Half my plans failed cos it's my Sasha's 13th birthday n I brought her to queens way for grooming (from Tampines) then did ctg n visited dr Loh, then go bugis buy confinement herbs n rushed back to queens way to pick her. I MIGHT go tmr and/or Sunday tho! Lol. 

Bb shower,
I take HL (cold) everyday, helps with my heartburn at night. And i took similac but not regularly. Heh. Note that u need to mixed the powder in normal room temp water, then it can fully dissolve, the u add some warm water if u like it warm! I didn't know this until the similac person told me during wbb's first prenatal lesson. When u just mix with hot water like how we usually make milo, it will be lumpy n yucky!

Dear Eskimobaby and heartbeats,
Yes it's me!!! I never notice the people inside Le! You saw me before or after I went ctg huh? Haha. I'm so recognizable cos of my ctg I think. Lol. 

Dear Tanny,
Sorry to hear ur girl has jaundice. You would be visiting her daily with expressed bm?

Dear baby me,
Congrats on your delivery!!! I reached dr loh's at 3pm to register before I do ctg. just right dr Loh rushed off to attend to a delivery. So it's you!!! Hehe. Congrats on successful latching too! I heard natural delivery easier to start breastfeeding than c-sect. 

Dear angelxuan,
Thx for the detailed report! Very useful. Make me gian to see the tops n hankies. I only have 14 hankies, 3short sleeves n 2 long sleeves button front, 3 long pants can use till 3 months. Can anyone advise if I need to get more clothes if clothes are washed daily? Thanks in advance!

Dear faithfully,
Did u latch bb on every 3 hours or on demand? Still no milk? Did you try to massage before hand, use some hot compress or drink a hot drink? Did you take any fenugreek supplements? I think these are all the methods I recall. Try reading this website too? http://www.breastfeeding-problems.com/

I found this chart too, very useful. http://www.beststart.org/resources/breastfeeding/pdf/breastfdeskref09.pdf. It's your 5th day after delivery now? Bb stomach is size of apricot only. are there about 6 wet and 3 soiled diapers? My friend helping me make a book to record times of feeding and baby peeing and pooing etc. will be very beneficial in tracking and answering pd's questions. 
I'm first time mummy, just sharing what I found, unsure of the actual experience though! Jiayou!!!
Dear gals,
My ctg n scan went well today. Bb at 3.07kg, adding 100g per week since 4 weeks ago. At 36 weeks plus now, Monday 36w5d. Bb head not engaged yet. Dr Loh v happy for me, finally delivering on Monday. He's been worried abt me throughout. Heh. Had my 2nd jab today on the butt to mature bb's lungs. Not as painful as last Friday's.

When I went to TMC ward fr ctg, every single observation ward's bed was taken! It's a very hot day for delivery! Mummy beside me (behind curtain) asked for epi, anesthetist reached abt 15mins later n administered. Hubby can't be with her during that but before n after, he was with her, talking to her, telling her to breathe when she felt pains. So sweet! I hear only also excited n anxious. Hehe.

I got the admission letter today. Blue color. Written as single bedded but I know no guarantee (fingers crossed). My c-sect 1pm, latest 11am report, I think I reach at 8am or so? Lol. Dr Loh says no food after 6am on Monday. Guess I can still eat something at 5am!!! I reminded him abt my preferred pd Ong woon hong, he wrote on the admission letter n said dr Ong wld visit me when I'm back in my ward but not in OT. He's confident my bb will be fine. Heh. I wonder if I should just call dr Ong n his staff to tell them too. Cos dr Loh wrote on my form n TMC staff will only see it n Monday itself Le. Hmmmm... Kiasu better.

From this list, he is the only one listed in Thomson area right? (scroll down). And a mummy here recommended good pd at Tampines. Is it the only clinic listed at the bottom for Tampines area? Pls advise, thanks!
Oh yes, just to share I visited a recommended herbal store by one of the mummies here - Lao ban niang at bugis block 270 #03-55. I looked for Helen, said I was recommended, passed her the list and she and her colleagues helped me pack everything. Took a good 20-30mins! Some she asked me first, whether I wanted best or 2nd best or average etc cos more ex. Everything cost $444 after some discounts along the way! I wouldn't know if it's ex but she really seems trustworthy n helpful. Even said I can call her anytime when in doubt.
so I'd replenish from her if I still need to. 

Also, I placed order from little thinkies for medela breast shields, medela bm storage bottles and a tube of desitin, transferred money on tue 2pm, paid $2+ more for registered mail. The package arrived today.
only thing is she didn't reply my 3 emails asking her for updates on whether the items are on their way to me as I'm deliverIng next Monday. Tue she said payment received and will mail out within next 2 days and will update me but no updates despite me emailing her daily.  Oh well, at least I got them in time n packed nicely. So still recommended. She sells lots of accessories etc. http://littlethinkies.blogspot.sg/. As for breast pump, I self collected from AMK by purchasing from beauty loft. http://mybeautyloft.multiply.com/
Dear all, I tried to hand express from 3am to now into an avente cup and like got 10ml!! Tmrw can bring for my little girl! I tried to latch but she can't even wake up, sooo sleepy. Hope the 10ml can let her drink by spoon. Hand express v Siong! So sweaty. The boobs so swelling and feels a bit pain.
Hi Faithfully and Tanny, what I heard fr diff people and sources is that, first 3 mths can feed on demand. Routine can start after 3 mths, of course no hard and fast rules especially if bb seems fine with routine shortly after.

Faithfully, bb crying when fed with fm...I read that if it's screaming mode and arches her back, could be reflux. You can refer to WBB's book, gives very gd descriptions and proposed remedies. Hopefully not reflux.

Baby me, thanks so much for explaining
Hope you are resting well there
Thanks for the links Shasamama, as always they are very helpful
The chart makes its so easy to read.

In addition, The wet/ soiled diapers info can also be found in WBB's book plus how much fm to feed daily for Day 1-6 and weekly fr Week 1 onwards. Fr there, we can attempt to adjust the fm level according to how much we bf. There is also info on weigh measurements, so we can monitor if baby is drinking adequately. If course these are guidelines only
Sashamama, I think your confinement herbs $$ looks fine. I spent about $360 on mine. The expensive item is really the dang sheng, as I took grade 2. I also bought ginseng power separately, gosh, that little quantity for $120
Hope body can absorb all the Bu efficiently.

Angel, thanks for the info on Baby Expo, sounds similar to previous ones. Hope you are close to finalizing your purchases

btw ladies, do you know where we can get those soft cups or spoons used to feed babies. I'd assume they need to be good for sterilizing, not just any cups/ spoons, correct?
Baby_me, congrats! So you were really the one Dr Loh rushed off to deliver! When he rushed off, i was thinking maybe its you, true indeed!

Eskimobaby, ya i was there before 3 pm. I was one of the those who seen him before he rushed off to do Baby_me's delivery. Dont think i saw you though cos i remember the patients waiting around me all have tummies bigger than mine so they should be quite advanced in preg already.

Sashamama, i saw you when you just walked in to register. Actually Dr Loh's clinic itself can do CTG right? But i saw another lady being strapped before you so maybe thats why you have to go the TMC one.

Tanny, Faithfully, no good advises from me as i havent gone to your stage but give you moral support, i can. JY and hang in there ok? Initially sure everything seems new and hard but can get by one. Btw want to ask, for csect, esp emergency csect, were your hb allowed inside with you?

If baby is still in TMC but mummy discharge, if you need some place 2 rest btwn feeds, there is a family waiting lounge at level 3. Can enter from Thomson PD clinic, walk down the ramp. There are about 20 sofas there. It's also used by expectant fathers waiting to go labour ward etc. So if planning 2 pump bring cover. There's a vending machine in there too.
