(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

If bb is on BM n totally latched on, yes feed on demand. If not, need a fixed routine. Every 2 or 3 hrs. Dun over feed bb, can result in indigestion n bb will only cry n cry coz of tummy discomfort.

Dear Tanny,
Great job for being persistent in giving bb the bm!!! I must persist too!!! Read that large-breasted wld hv difficulties. Am rather worried.

Dear Tromso,
I bought WBB's books but have not finished reading! My maid is the only one who finished, lol. I better at least browse thru n bookmark impt pages!!! CL didn't ask me to buy ginseng powder so I didn't. Is it very good? I'd ask her n consider buying. My hubby is supportive of a gd confinement
I'm too ambitious abt BF. bought medela storage bottles from little thinkies. Will use them for hand express bm if needed. http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/products/342/80-ml-breastmilk-freezing-and-storage-bulk-pack. It comes with a micro-steam bag good for 20 uses. So clever of them to tempt us to buy more stuff! http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/products/185/quick-clean-micro-steam-bags. Good for quick sterilizing at work if necessary. Or else might need to ziplock for 2nd time use? Or buy another set of accessories? Guess I'd play by ear when I go back to work next jan.

Dear heartbeats,
I tried ctg at dr loh's clinic before n end up felt so breathless cos ad to lie facing up, despite propped up with pillows. So the first time I did it 4 weeks ago, dr loh wasn't happy with how it looked n asked me to do again at TMC ward. Ever since then, I been registering, then do ctg at ward (cos bed bigger n can lie sideways, so comfy! Heh.), then go back for appt. heh. The TMC one can hold a device to click every time I feel movements. But the machine itself can detect too, just wanna see how many movements I can pick out. Pretty cool. Heh.

For c-sect if opt for LA (local), via epi, hubby can be with us n we can see bb a first moment. For GA (general - knock out kind), hubby can't. I think faithfully n Joanne had LA n Tanny GA.
Dear Ron,
Long time no chat!!! Thx for sharing that info! I didn't know! If I'm gonna stay 2-bedded which I hope not, hubby gotta find a place to rest n that might be it! How hv u been?

Dear Hazel,
Thx for tat advice too! I'm worried abt BF but will just try my best!

Dear heartbeats n Eskimobaby,
So u two saw me register alone n face quite black? Lol. Cos my sasha seems sick, some blood in her urine yesterday n it's her 13th birthday where I planned for grooming n spa for her. Just dropped her off at queensway's groomer reluctantly (as usual) n worried abt her. Later seeing vet. 2nd time like this. Previously it stopped after 2 days n some medication. N forgot to bring my 2nd round of jabs to mature bb lungs, hubby had to drive back to Tampines to get, so I was alone. Mood not v good, heh.

Someone ever told me before tat maybe my baby is here to 'replace' Sasha. I shudder n cry thinking abt that. What's even more coincidental: my ex contacted me (we've not met a long time) simply wanting to see Sasha suddenly n came to my place on thu (hubby was with me, lol, they were classmates). Then yesterday her 13th birthday (meaning 91 doggie years). And just before hubby dropped me at TMC, 93.3 played the song tat Ella sang in dedication to her dog Qiang Qiang. I wanna faint!!! Hopefully later's appt Sasha will be fine.

Been sashamama for 13 years. I can't imagine life without her. Long time no see chris_baby. Wonder how she's doing.
Hi Shasamama, I was told ginseng is good as additional Bu on top of the basics, especially if bleeding a lot and feeling weak. Actually I will hv leftover cordyceps too, so will be taking it. Can take ginseng powder daily. If you like, Cordyceps to start after 1 week or so, can take weekly.

Hazel, thanks for pointing out that fm feeding needs routine. I recall reading if feed fm prior to previous fm feed is digested, may cause colic. Will hv to make sure my mum knows this too.
Ron, thks for the info on the parents' room!

Tromso, the nurse gave my gal glucose water the night of delivery cos I was too tired to get up for night feeds n since I wanted tbf. Yeah, newborns have their own store of food for the first few days so no need to worry abt them going hungry.

Angel, thks for sharing! The fair at expo rite?

Btw the WBB books u all mentioned, does anyone have a pic? Wonder if they're the same as the ones I have. I have 3 thin books.

Sashamama, hope ur dog is fine. Stay happy for baby okie?
Thanks for the assurance Luv

It's the same 3 tmc book I assume, 1 on childbirth, 1 on childcare, 1 on pregnancy, I think they are in colors green, blue, beige/ brown.

Yes Ron, now I recall seeing the tmc resting/ waiting area with comfy sofa
Sashamama, oh i see. No leh, you dont look black face. Dont worry, your Sasha will be fine, maybe she also anxious cos she know your bb coming soon!

Ya hor, long time no see Chris Baby.
Haha all of u miss Chris... She is gd.. We chat daily.

Sasha... U can tell dr ong. He is ok... For yr confinement herbs... Dun worry she can b trusted. My parents always ask me to look for her. My parents always buy things from her.

Tanny, i understand how u feel... Elis was warded few days after she is born I juz cried non stop. Dun worry

Faithfully , Vera may not b hungry. Try to sing and talk to her. I din do that she is always with my mum.. Now she is still clingy to my mum N hubby.
ah, TMC don't have parents room for us to stay over?

For my #1, when she was warded for jaundice at KK, I booked the parents' room to stay over too, so can latch her whenever needed. The nurses would call me and I will go down to the nursery to latch her in the empty ward. Then if she hungry still, they will just top up with fm.

This means if this time round, will not be the same.

Sashamama, hope your dog is fine. Stay happy and positive for baby too okie!
Hi Gals, those in 37wks or coming to 37wks, remember to start massaging your breast daily to stimulate the breast n milk duck so after delivery the milk flow will be better. LC just told me this as I never do that before so it's a bit blocked. Today I'm starting to massage every 3hrs n must force till the colostrum out. It's painful, but no choice. At least my baby has
Colostrum to drink. She is latching well today. Very happy for her.
Hi Baby
Congrat to u!! Thats a long labour but glad u make it..;)

Hi Sasha
Your dog will be fine as it need to welcome your new member too..;) wah.. Soon will be ur turn to deliver.. U must be so excited ya..;) enjoy the moment when baby born..;)

Hi hazel
I remember u ever say tt if your maid no gd, u will send her home.. I think she may feel more happy to go home, isnt it grant her wish since they may hv miss home? Whereas, if we send her to agency, she needs to go to another new employer n work for another 2yrs, then she going to delay further going back home which she may be more scare? Btw, do u let her sterilize ur bb bottles and asks her make milk? Her cleanliness can be trusted?

Hi Gals
I went to taka yesterday.. Oh gosh, few mths no shopping n i am so happy to go out but i am still weak..;( after walk half round of the fair, my back start ache n wound start feel hurt.. So we quickly make payment n go hm.. My CL says as this period, our bone still loose so need time to recover.. For me, i think thks to epidural tt my spine ache so much.. So after i go hm n lay down, feel shiok.. Actually i thot got many things to buy but am wrong.. The wipes not much cheaper at all n we only spend less than $50 there.. Zzzzz..Just 1 hr away fr home, i already miss both of my darling so much.. Cant imagine when go back to work.. Sigh..

Hi hazel, catherine
Will start my massage tomorow with nadia, can share with me ur experience? Is morning time better or afternoon better to do massage? How long after a meal then we can do massage? What oil she uses? Will it easily go thru the towel n dirty our bed as i intend to do on my master bed tomorow so wonder is it ok?
Also,how long must we wrap then can go bath? Abit blur on what she will do so need some advise fr u gals.. Hope my little tummy will be gone after the massage..hee.. Time to pamper myself.. Thk u gals for ur advise..;)
Luv, yes massage breasts when preg can bring contractions n hence labour. 37 wks onwards bb is full term, can deliver Leow.. Guess that's why no worry if massage breasts

J03, maids come to SG to work coz they need the money. They only start earning money after they pay off their loan abt 8 mths later. So before that we can't send them back home unless we / agency write off the loan. So if we send the maid back before the loan is paid off, agency will pay us the remaining loan we paid upfront n then look for another employer for the maids coz they owe them money now! After 8 months, we can buy an airticket n send them back. But that means if they wan to come again, they need to borrow again, ie take loan. Hey, how come u dunno all these ESP when u also engage a maid?

My maid will wash milk bottles, sterilise and prepare the milk power amt that belle drinks per feed in the milk container compartment. So, is easier for me to make milk n feed her, i just pour the milk power into the bottle will do.. As for cleanliness, every maid is different. My is ok does not mean urs is ok right? Every maid is different. U got to do ur own checks n monitoring before u can conclude if ur maid has hygiene issue n if u wan her to wash / sterilise bottles, etc.
Thanks for sharing about massaging the breasts Baby me. What I've read in the WBB book is, it's ok to massage before 37 weeks (avoid nipples) but not to massage breasts at all after 37 weeks for fear fr inducing labour.

So outta curiosity, I called the TMC breastfeeding Helpline. The LC says massaging breasts after 37 weeks is 'controversial' hmm....she later advised against it for fear of inducing labour, esp for those with pre-term experience. She also advise against it for pre week 37 preggers.

Actually, I find that this method is indeed 'controversial' as a gf of mine also advised me to massage breasts (not nipples) prior to delivery to facilitate bm. Personally, I don't dare, but like what Baby Me says, if wishes to induce labour, can try
Give it 1 more week and I may try heee....
J03, for massage, is the same as other normal massage lah, must wait at least 1hr later after food then can do. Also post natal massage involve wrapping the tummy to be effective. So is best not to remove the wrap until the next day. That wld mean u need to bathe first before massage. I always shower early afternoon. So I like to do massage at 3-4pm that kind of timing. Next morning, i remove wrap n shower n wait for Nadia. Individual preference again. Also, If u r not sure ask Nadia!

Nadia uses massage oil. I can't answer your qn if will seep thru the towel onto your bed sheet... Towels Also got thick n thin. Aiyoh, if u r so worried abt that, place a yoga mat on your bed before you lie on it lah. End of the day, is your own preference.. Wat u prefer.
LC though advised me to clean my nipples now using warm water and clothe, saying will remove dirt. I asked if normal shower action is enough, she said no, as we don't normally specifically clean the nipples during shower, saying I'll be surprised how much dirt there is on the nipples. But have to do it gently, not twisting or squeezing, etc. as can induce labour.

So just FYI above

Heee....so LC does pick up the phone on the TMC helpline
Mummies, dial away....
Hi Joanne, for post natal massage, I'm planning to use the hospital bedspread, absorbent cotton on top, plastic sheet beneath, so liquid/ oil won't seep through. Yoga mat is gd option too but hv to wash after that. This is my 2nd option if first does not work.

For maid, I feel that you really want to be very sure before you let them prepare baby's milk. I've shared before that some maids may add crashed sleeping pills powder into milk
They actually dunno its not good cos practiced in home country

But some may do this on purpose. So need to carefully CCTV the maid to determine if indeed trustable.

Recently I've heard fr more than 1 friends that their maids are not very vigilant in measuring milk powder. Some will use diff spatula cos the original got lost or broken. Again, if allowing maid to prep milk, good to monitor closely.

Indeed many maids are very well trained and disciplined, then no worries for these
Hah... I dun think I dare to try massaging too. Maybe unless I'm already in Week 40!

Btw, thanks for describing the WBB books, Tromso!
Faithfully, every baby's different. Since Vera has FM, the time between feeds will be longer. To establish BM supply, it is recommended to feed/pump every 2h or so.
Indeed Luv, I'm also very frightened of the idea of massaging the breasts... My this gf who said to me can gently massage prior to delivery, coincidentally she has lotsa bm...her colostrum was too much in fact, asking if we wanna try when we visited her at hospital lol... She had to use cabbage on Day 2 of delivery too. I think if I almost reach week 40, I might just try various methods to induce labour

My mum also says for fm, about 2-3 hrs routine.
For my baby, the hospital advise to feed every 3hrs. They will bring the baby to my room every 3hrs. But today I found her pattern, she will drink only every 4hrs. And during latching, 15mnts on one side. After that, she will stop by herself.
Hi baby me, congrats to u. When I am at TMC Vera also drink every 4 hrs. They will send to me for latching then send her bk to top up fm. So nw I go hm Vera also feed every 4 hrs or by demand. I am still figuring out her feeding pattern.
Baby, u did offer the other side to ur gal? She didn't want to suckle or did she fall asleep? If she was alert and didn't want any more, could be that ur supply on one side is sufficient for her now. Congrats! Then pump on the side that she doesn't feed on.
Faithfully, massage ur breasts with a hot towel. Have a hot drink. Try to clear the ducts. If ur breast feels hard, sounds like engorgement but the milk is not coming out. If breast is emptied, shld feel soft and light.

Also try to clean ur nipples and ensure that they're not clogged by dirt etc.
Hi Pierced, earlier you mentioned that you placed warm towel on breasts prior to bf (amongst other things), at hospital ost delivery right? So Im just wondering how you warmed up the towel...using the hot water fr the flask? I'll be bringing steriliser, was wondering if can wet towel and steam in steriliser too...

btw I tried the Rich and Good cake shop Swiss roll, sooo yummy
I tried the kaya, not too sweet and pillowy soft
May consider getting this for colleagues, though will need refrigeration. Thanks for the recommendation
Tromso, I nv wash the yoga may after massage. There is no need to. The milk power tin comes with a scoop leh! The maid is supposed to use that scoop n nothing else! Anyhow, yes need to do reasonable check if the quantity of milk is correct. Previously, the maid will get scolded by me when the quantity was not accurate.
Tromso, hopefully she still will be coping well when we are home tomorrow. Pray hard. Her name is Brielle.

Faithfully, they didn't give fm to my baby at all. Maybe bcos she drink enough. Try to massage your breast every 3 hrs to clear the duck. I'm doing it now before every feeding. So far it's working.

Luv, I give her one side for 15mnts. No longer than that. Then 'force' her to stop n shift her to other side. Of course between shifting she will cry out loud, but it's ok. Then she will start to suck the other side n will stop ard 13-17mnts by herself. No need to 'force' hehe. She will just suckle n not fall asleep.
So every time I will start with different breast first to make it balance. Let's say this time left first, next feeding will be right side.
Hmm, I didn't know about the massaging of breasts before delivery too to induce milk and blocked ducts. Maybe that's why for me at the start, had faced some trouble with no milk.
Maybe will try it like later nearer to delivery date too.

Tromso, mine was at home already. First time didn't prep that. I only learnt from LC 2 days later when checked out and I panicked when Megan kept crying thru out the night, and I had no milk. So when I met LC, she taught me all these.
Maybe u can try it out at the hosp this time round.
Or else, instead of towel, can follow like is it catherine who use hot bottle? Anything warm or hot to stimulate can already.

Ooh, u went down to buy some to try? Nice ya! The Swiss roll Somemore have so many diff flavours, and it's a small roll kind so not too big. We used to buy a few and then as per the lady boss advice, put in freezer to keep and can defrost and eat. So can keep longer.
Dear gals,
Brought Sasha to vet. All tests n x-ray ok, just need more medication. Hopefully she stays ok!!!

Dear Catherine,
Oki, I'd call dr Ong. Heh. N thx for recommending Helen! She's good
n good to hear Chris is doing well, send my regards ya? Thx!

Dear baby,
I'm left with 36hrs to massage my breasts!!! Ahhhh. Lol. Brielle is a nice name!

Dear luv,
Massage breasts ok, but not nipples. 

Dear pierced,
Thx for sharing on how to massage the breasts! I gotta try!!!
Re: post natal massage for Csect mummies, pls check with ur gynae first b4 proceeding. Some gynaes will only recommend massage 2 mths aft delivery

Re: syringe for colostrum. MTBs giving birth in SGH, u do not need to prepare cux the nurses thr will help u collect into the syringe if need be to feed ur bb. If need extra, I believe they ve no issues giving u the syringe.
Hi Sasha, will do. I will whatsapp Chris later.

Faithfully and bb me , u ladies r sooooo lucky. 4 hrs interval is better than my greedy bb. Well done bb brielle and Vera.

Tanny, how's r princess??
Hi Pierced, thanks for the link, looks like can massage breasts closer to week 40 then. I tried a bit yesterday but got cold feet lol...ok will be careful and avoid nipples

Can freeze the rolls, that's great

Good to hear that Chris is doing well, trust that little Clariss is blossoming too
Thanks for keeping us in the loop Catherine. Kimmy oso pops up once in a while in my mind...Bbliss too.

Hazel, the yoga mat not too oily is it, so don't need to wash...
Baby Me, are you taking fenugreek now?
How about you Tanny and Faithfully?

Did you ladies use breastpump in hospital to stimulate bm? Useful?

Baby me, yours was natural birth right? How was the tear down there? Did you sit in salt water? Sorry lotsa questions...TIA!!

Joanne, how are you? Bm started to gain momentum already?
My scan went well
heard bb hb this time n Dr loh said everything looks good... Hopefully, it continues like this from now onwards. He gave me one more week of hl, i don't know if i should go back to work or take one more week of rest.
Sashamama, all the best for ur csect tmr! So excited for u that u r finally seeing ur precious one soon!
Rest early tonight!

Baby me, congratulations on ur new born!

Angelxuan, thanks for the updates on the expo fair. Heehee very informative n helpful. I haven't started buying anything yet :p thought of doing so in Sept. By then abt 7months. Hopefully it's not too late.
Hi Sashamama, glad to hear your sasha is ok. now all the best for your csec tomorow! finally!

For massage, I used a mattress instead previously and layered it with old bedsheets. coz massage oils normally will still leave a slight smell. not too sure if different massage ladies use diff types.
I leave my wrap on for 24 hrs till next massage like hazel. And bathe before her massage.
Remember to get the massage lady to massage the breasts to stimulate milk production. very good!

hi ladies..can some one share with me the list of things we need to buy and the hospital bag packing list? i think i saw it on the thread sometime ago but can't seem to find it.

trying to start organize and buying stuffs cos scare i will be too heavy later and no energy..thanks a lot
