(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Tanny / faithfully,
are you still using the binder? Must use the binder all the time even when you are in bed as it helps you to hold the wound in place and won't jiggle here and there which cause pain. also take the painkillers as prescribed... i can still remember my gynae's words... he said don't try to be a hero, important thing is for u to get well first before you can take care of your baby.

sashamama n miracles, jia you jia you! you will see ur babies very soon!

babypenguin, congrats mummy!
Tanny, like mc said, just latch baby on. Much easier. Can bring a towel or sthg to cover for modesty if u want. Or go to the nursing room on TMC level 3 (right after u come out from lift near pharmacy). In future, if really need to bring EBM out for short while, yes, can put in cooler bag and use warm water to warm it up.

Catherine, yeah, i know Dr Chua's room is next to Dr P's but she seems to be in her room all the time. Whereas I've seen Dr Phyllis walk out of her room quite a number of times liao.
Baby Penguin Congrats! what a birth story but it's all worth it!

Tanny, why dont you just latch on? EBM can be frozen for other times when you need to be away from bb or something. Usually there's nursing room to go latch if you are uncomfortable. Once u master it, can just cover with a wrap and latch on anywhere.

Sashamama and miracle, all the best today!
Thanks! My PD is not at TmC - another private PD referred by my SIL. I hv not introduced bottle/ teats yet. So guess I won't be bring teats. Bring cup or syringe to feed I think. Have not master the technique of bf on my own. Now I use the mybest friend feeding pillow which I like - very good to use.
Catherine, hahah... they'll think i'm some weirdo trying to peek inside her room! LOL. Btw, I realise the crowd on Saturdays at TLC is crazy!! Waiting time very long!
Babyjourney, dr lau? my 1st appt is only this thurs..... shld we request just for it or there is a criteria to be met?
try to latch when you are out if not, bottle feed. try to minimize the transfer of bm when you are outside cos you dunno whether you will contaminate the milk. baby not full month yet, immunity still very low.
chevy..kk will arrange for u to go for bt and oscar scam.. if u opt bt and scan, you need to go down 1-2 wks before the scan to do yr bt so that you can hv the result on the same day.

kk will call u to giv u an appt once yr dr arrange for it.

btw, i am not sure if they arrange for mummy below 35 yrs old.. if u belongs to the young mummy, maybe u wont get one..
Tanny, I hv yet to see bb being fed with cup or syringe outside! Hv u done it b4? If not it will be v messy when the milk overflows fr bb's mouth. Also if u dunno how to do it, bb may get choke! ESP syringe! Nurses dun use syringe generally when bb is so young... Coz easily choke
All these transfer to cup n syringe outside easily contaminate the BM too! U dun hv a clean place to do it and also, ur hands all need to be washed properly before u feed coz the chances of touching the BM during the process is high. New born is v v low in immunity.

End up u may cause more harm to bb instead of feed by bottle
Tanny, where's ur PD? If inside shopping mall, most shld have a nursing room. It'll take practice to gain confidence. Jiayou!

Oh, and think most PD clinics shld have a room or space available for mothers to BF. I've ever fed my gal in a PD's clinic while waiting for her turn.
tanny..i agreed with hazel..baby can't swallow fron cup until like 6mths cos they can't control the fluid movement so young if fed by cup..that's why they need to suck now so that they hv control and wont choke.
Hazel and MC, true what u all say, but it is encouraged to do spoon or cup feeding to avoid nipple confusion. So maybe spoon feeding in very small amts for a start and when bb's older then can progress to cup? Think if cup feeding, the person giving the fluid must be experienced and know how to gauge the intake with each sip.
Tanny, cup feeding can be done for newborn but very very messy, so unless u r familiar it will be a challenge . My nephew was cup feed for 1st week at home & still v difficult w lots of spillage.

BF outside & at home not much difference. Wear a comfy nursing top & bring a nursing cover. No need to be shy, ESP at PD. All the adults there have kids so no issue if u BF in public. Don't worry about positioning & all the technicalities of latching. Bring baby to breast & naturally you both will find a comfy position that works. After a few times, u can latch even while eating

P.s. Don't be shy to stick your head into the nursing cover often or to adjust baby's latch.
Luv, thanks for asking.
I have been sleeping, don't know why always feel very tired, and very lazy to do anything. Didn't really log in as often as before. How have u been feeling lately?

Btw, I hv just pm you.
Thanks for the info, Hazel. Nice to know we can go ward together, bb in tow. That is if normal birth at full term with no complications. Otherwise i think i will cry if they just take bb away.
LuvNhope, This nipple confusion thing is contraversal. If u dun let bb try bottle feeding, wat happen when mummy goes bk to work? Unless mummy is sahm. If not, she wun take the bottle then FYI. She is used to mummy's smell. Bb gets smarter n smarter by day. Now drinks little but soon she will drink alot, r u goIng to use cup or spoon to feed? That will take a long time to feed.
Bottle feeding will eventually be introduced to bb for working mummy. And it cannot be too late coz they get smarter every day! New born just latched on to kick start BM supply. Once that's is established u still need to intro bottle to bb.

Even bottle feeding, some bbs r v fussy! Belle is one of them. Different brand teats and old vs new teats of the same brand she can tell! V hard to change teat size also
Joyfully, normal to feel more tired easily in first tri. Just rest when u can! Think the utrogestan also plays a part in making u sleepy. I have good days and bad days, hahah... Will look at ur PM shortly.

Hazel, agree that it's easier to bottle feed unless your caregiver is comfortable with feeding by cup or spoon. Even then, certainly more leh ceh than bottle feeding. Thankfully my gal took to the bottle teat quite easily and was still able to latch on. Can only hope this bb will also be fine with both bottle and latching on!

Belle is a smart girl! She can tell the difference in the teats! LOL. But if the new teat size makes milk flow at a better rate for her she wouldn't mind right?
Luv, ya it's juz crazy and no place to sit. I normally get an appt b4 9.30am still must wait 1 hr.. Sometimes no choice got a 12 noon appt must wait 2 hrs. Best is fri afternoon I realise I m done in 30 mins. But have to sacriface leave which I dun want. Ask wendy la she sure say dr Chua is v slim
frankly, so far i've not heard of real cases where baby rejects breasts and only want teats. it's more of rejecting teats and want breasts only that i've heard more of. get teats that are very close to the breasts if you are afraid. so far the ppl around me who are bf-ing are using nuk rubber teats.

my girl refuses to upgrade her teat. even at 1 yr old, she still want the 2 hole teat. every time i tried to upgrade it to 3 hole, she'll cry and refuse her milk. only after 18 months then she's willing to accept the 3 hole one and 2 yrs old then the 4 hole one. even with 1 or 2 hole, she still finished her milk within 5-10 min!
Catherine, hahah.. I'll take your word for it that Dr Chua is slim & slender! Yeah, my DH can't always be taking leave to go on weekdays too so bo bian, gotta squeeze with the crowd on Sat.

eskimo, ur gal very 念旧!
Saves u $$ leh actually. Heheh...
Hi Angel, babyjourey
Did you attend WBB class yesterday? I tried to guess who you two are.. haha.. her talk is good.. but a bit fast for me for all those exercises.
How are you and bbs doing? For me, I got a bit of hip pain. May be cos of too much walking during Taka fair or cos of exercise. Btw, were you asked to do test for GD?
Yes I attended the class ytd. So did you manage to guess which is me? Are you wearing a pink n white top with flower print? The exercise was abit fast for me too... hubby practice the massages on me last nite. and I tried to jot down wat I remember at home. :p
I was not asked to do GD yet.
LuvNhope, precisely I changed the teat size coz the flow is faster n she shld be able to drink faster now. No, speed of the milk flow is not impt to her. But the texture of the teats is! The teat gets softer n softer after sterilising. So new teats are not as soft as old teats. I just changed the milk bottles to bigger bottles but I used back the old teats! New teats got to sterilise many times until they r soft before she will accept.
LuvNhope, I hv tried avent, nuk, medela and pigeon bottles n teats! My Fussy belle makes me Spend money! Finally, settled on pigeon.
Hazel, I like Pigeon too! Was introduced to it by a gf. Think I'll continue to use Pigeon. I have Avent bottles too cos my pump is Avent brand but I use Pigeon teats. Heh...
Hi today went to see pd and Vera jaundice was 14.7, I hv to rent the phototherapy light machine hm to light her. Pd say her level is normal but it over TMC standard if 10. Wa is the ok level for a jaundice. I am bf her so I shouldn't eat ginger? I ask pd is there any food I should avoid he say no. I abit confused. Some say dnt eat ginger if ur bb gt jaundice cos it will increase her level. (note that we sun her ever since we discharge). Then doc say can eat.... I was thinking of pump my milk and discard it if I eat ginger so as to prevent me from breast engorgement.

May I know how long will a jaundice last for a baby.
LuvNhope, ya loh.. Nuk rubber teats (yellow in colour) belle wun reject also but need to change after 2-3 wks as the sterilising makes it sticky! So expensive to maintain. Medela teats too soft for her, flow too fast even with S size, she gets choke easily n alot of milk will flow out fr her mouth

Faithfully, western dr does not believe in ginger causing jaundice. No magic formulae for jaundice to go away also. Some bbs can take weeks, even after 1 mth old still hv jaundice. Is basically caused by Toxic in the liver which cannot be flushed out effectively. Pls watch that. If level is too high, is dangerous. So best to ward bb.
In hospital dr can give bb drip to keep her hydrated. Photo light will make her thirsty n if she is still not drinking much milk, she will be dehydrated.
i can change the teat but cannot change the teat size... i've been using avent teats all along. teats must change regularly cos hard to keep the holes clean cos so tiny even with sterilizing.

normally jaundice last a week or two until baby's body is more efficient in getting rid of the toxins.
Hazel, oh, I've heard so many pple use Nuk. Luckily now I know they'll become sticky after sterilising. Eeeks!

eskimo, i find Avent teats rather hard. Wonder how the little one can suck, LOL.
Faithfully, I'm sorry to hear that. What I have read is that (a Chinese book), when jaundice goes above 12, best to not bf. Not sure if same standard for tmc.

Eskimo, my sis loh...her baby doesn't want ti latch on fr start and so bottle feeding all the way. It's an assurance reading that all mummies here can latch on.

Some people says giving Nuk tears is too pampering, I think I shall try normal silicon ones first, hope my baby is easy going type, finger crossed....
Eskimobaby, my parents r the care giver since I got back to work. They only sterilise the 2 bottles once a day! If not coz I gave them 2 bottles, they will tell me 1 is enough! Anyway, I hard care anymore since belle is all well.

I met a Malay lady in KKH. She told me she nv sterilise the bottles for her son!

Last time, our parents time also no sterilising also like that. So, no need to be so particular abt this sterilising thing. For me, the maid does it. So, she will do it after every use.
Now belle put everything she can reach into her mouth! Cannot sterilise the soft toys, books, etc also anyway. The more clean we r, the less strOng is her stOmach., haha

That said, belle already completed the Rotavirus Vacinne. So she has the immunity to severe diarrhoea.
Luv, my niece rejected mummy's nipples fr birth and took to Avant's teats very easier. Looks like no standards for newborns, all depends in Lady Luck...lol...

I saw how WBB does cup feeding, zero spillage!! She doesnt allow lotsa milk to flow into baby's mouth, just very little bit each time, so baby will draw in milk herself and will not chock. I guess many may try cup/ spoon until baby is good with latch on then switch to bottle feeding say 2 mths before starting work.

Baby Penguin, congratulations! I'm awed by your birth story!

Sashamama & Miracle, all the best today!

Heartbeats, yeh I have bought the 3 most bulky items - car seat, stroller and cot. For the car seat, I bought Britax. It can be rear facing & front facing, and when reclined to the max is suitable for infants. Now Taka baby fair has good promo for Britax car seats, do go and take a look.

Coolcool, I was at the class yesterday too. I couldn't guess who you are.. Maybe next week we all can meet before or after class? ;-) I find both her talk & exercises very fast. Have to look back at her book to recall what she taught.

I am terribly exhausted after 3 days of shopping trips - 2 days at Taka & 1 day at Expo. Felt some backache, and yesterday my feet were so swollen that I almost can't squeeze them into my shoes after dinner at my mum's place. But feel very happy with my purchase. Now have to check against my shopping list and see what else i have missed out.
I aren't asked to do GD test.

Hope, haven't heard from you for a while..you also signed up for the same WBB's class right? Did you attend yesterday?
