(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Just checked back my gal's health booklet. Realise her jaundice level was 8.9 on discharge. On her review on Day 5, the level rose to 14.2. But doc said no need to admit yet, just sun her ourselves at home. Think if above 15 then need to admit. Wonder if there's a different benchmark for 1-2 day olds and 5 day olds, or if different PDs have different standards.

Hazel, when you were looking after Belle first 4 mths, you do sterilise the bottles before each feed right? As their immuned system is very low for initial months, sterilizing is very impt I feel, otherwise will be sooo heartache to see baby sick. Good thing your Belle is a strong girl
Hazel. My gal was a bit like Belle when young, refuse to drink from other teats except NUK yellow teats, very costly to maintain. Finally managed to switch her over to pigeon later too.

Some of my friends don't like to latch on as it takes a longer time to feed, so they rather express and feed using bottle from young. For me, I was on leave for a while, so at least I can latch on as and when and slowly switch over to bottle feeding.
Wonder how Sashamama and Miracle are now... Hope to hear their happy announcement soon.

Tromso, yeah, luck plays a part! Hope our babies can latch no without problem. Yeah, I saw how WBB fed Calvin Soh's baby using cup. So pro man!

Hazel, yeah, think in the past, they don't even use bottle cleanser, just rinse with tap water! Heheh... Think we're all so used to modern hygiene standards it's hard to accept anything less. But I've seen an ang moh mummy giving her toddler finger food that dropped onto the carpet/floor, and telling the person she was speaking to in a very casual manner that her kid is strong, will survive. Culture probably plays a part too!
Luv, looks like despite us saying Dr Ang being very kiasu in the forum, does look like she may have a point for giving phototherapy to the very close to level 10 babies. I think also depends on rate of increase when measured in Hosp before discharge.

Ladies, I once asked Dr Loh if need to check my blood sugar. He says the urine test that we do prior to consultation, that is a good indication for protein and sugar. So if pass the urine test, no blood test needs to be done for GD. You may like to reconfirm too during your nxt visit

Wow nice, so many khakis attending same WBB class together

How are you finding your prenatal yoga Angel?
pierced, no offence to ladies who give their babies EBM, but I do think they're missing out on a wonderful and magical bonding experience! Of course, sometimes due to medical or other reasons, baby doesn't latch on then it's unfortunate. EBM is the next best option then.

Tromso, think I was so obsessed with sterilising that i kept sterilising my gal's things till she was nearly 2 years old! LOL. Think I overdid it lah.
Hazel, true about the sterilising part, think if we are too clean, also not too good, esp when bb starts putting things in their mouths.

My mum said mainly is we have to make sure we wash off all the milk clean from bottles coz that's the main reason to breed bacteria. But of course, now our time have steriliser so easy for us to wash and sterilise.
I hv not intro teats to my girl yet. She either latch or drink from syringe (fed by CL during night feeds). I have not tried cup feed yet..Ya the bad thing abt latching is that bb takes v long to feed and always fall asleep and hard to wake again. My bb can suckle for 5 min and sleep, must awake her and let her suckle, like this can stretch up to 20min or more for just one side. Finally take 45min to finish both sides wor. Despite this my PD says not drinking enough - as her weight did not grow after I bring home for 2 days. They say should feed on demand, I do that leh - perhaps she likes to sleep and don't demand much milk..
Luv, ya, I thought to myself, huh then just express and feed, but there's also no bonding. Somemore one still said very troublesome to latch, ebm easier. Think she just wanted an easy way out. I mean of course ebm is ok, but from the start? Not because she's going back to work or some other reasons like rejection, quite sad.

You will be surprised with the Ang moh's culture too. Actually we Asians now seems worried about cleanliness than them! When I travelled and stayed in Europe, they are not that particular with babies than us.
Dear all,

has been a long long time eversince i last visit this forum hehehe

hi hazel, cat, tromso, pierced, bbliss, kimmy, chris how have you been huh?

mi very tired by the night duty after CL left..tanny : congrats and jus to assure u are not alone out there....

yeah sasha : congrats , think you mus have seen your baby now...

yo, Tromso soon it will be your turn right? all ready?

mummies : any tip to prolong a baby's feed huh ?

oh yes, do you all trust those milk powder sells a few dollars cheaply in some medical halls in singapore huh?
Tanny, yup latching takes a while but better to latch outside rather than feed.
My gal fell sick with salmonella when she was 5 months, still dunno what's the cause but I suspected from contaminated frozen ebm that we gave her.
Really hard to tell esp ebm u need can only warm slightly and not boil. So since ur bb still very young, safer to latch on outside.
Tromso, I haven't start yoga yet..hehe..was too obsessed with the baby fairs & shoppings last week! Hubby asks me to practise the exercises taught at WBB's class first and if not sufficient then sign up for prenatal yoga. What do you think har?
no ler, i didnt attend the WBB class.
someone called me from TMC that i might be too early to attend the class (20 / 21weeks). so the lady asked me to re-register sometime around Oct so i still able to remember the steps when i am about to give birth...
Hi sunbelle, nice to hear from u! So who's helping u out now that your CL left already? Time flies!

What u mean by prolonging ur bb's feed?

I used to buy from medical halls too the cheaper fm, think as long as u check that it is from the same country source, should be no problem with getting fm from them.
Their diapers sometimes are also cheaper than outside.
Angel, details scan done last thursady.
everything is normal ( which is good) now my appointment with Dr Loh is once a month

by the way, i am expecting a baby girl :D and she was eating while we having the details scan LOL
Tanny, latching on means u dunno how much bb drinks n if is enough for her weight. Bbs can get top comfortable at the breast n fell asleep n stop drinking. Bottle feeding can hv this problem too. Belle took an hr to feed previously in first 3
Months. But we know how much she needs to drink. Will coaxed until she finished the bottle if milk. At time more than an hr. bb needs to gain weight n they gain v fast. 250g a wk, abt 1 kg a mth. If ur bb is not putting on weight, means she gd not drinking enough n u dunno how much she drinks also. A well fed bb shld hv 7-8 soiled diapers a day.

Sunbelle, as long as the can of fm is fr spore I will buy. Yes, medical shops cane be a few bucks cheaper
pierced, hmm... how is pumping and sterilising and storing EBM more fuss free than latching on? *scratch head* To each her own I guess.
Yeah, think we Asians (or maybe Singaporeans) are more particular abt hygiene with our kids than caucasians!

Hope, congrats on a good detailed scan! How could you tell she was eating? Hahah... My little beanie was waving when I did my scan last Sat.
Luv, I'm still waiting for my appt at O&G.. Lots of ppl today...mostly are ivf couples. Waited for more than an hr.. Hungry...stupid delifrance never replenish their chicken curry puffs
miracle, oh, IVF couples also go to O&G ah? Not just TFC? Baby's fussy and craving for chicken curry puff and nothing else? :p Better have sthg to eat so that u'll have energy for labour!
Sunbelle, how's things? Not starting work yet? Planning to be temp sahm too heee... How's your baby, not sure if you have mentioned her name in forum...

Indeed, will be my turn next. Reading about the amazing birth stories past weeks - Joanne, Faithfully, Tanny, Baby Me, Baby Penguin, then coming up next Sashamama and Miracles, I think I've already taken tranquilizers several time since...lol...nerve wrecking de... I'm just maintaining minimum expectations for now and hope for the best

Hope, congrats on finding out the gender of your baby
Can start looking at pretty little dresses

Just curious, Is it just Angel and BBjourney with baby boys for your batch?
Tromso, first 4 months my mom helped me in the pm where I can rest. So, afternoon feed she does not sterilise every feed also! Unless is ebm which is oily, my mum just rinse the bottle with tap water! Ha! Bbs r not as fragile as what we think. My mom will say that's how she brought all of us up and we r all strong n healthy still.

Latching is defintely gd bonding time. But the issue I have is I dunno how much belle drinks! Feed ebm I know how much She has to finish. So will keep coaxing n waking her up until she finished her milk. That take 1 hr usually. I disliked feeding her then. So imagine I latched her on, drink a while she slept already. Coax her to drink also wun know how much she drinks. Is v stressful when bb dun put on weight! I monitor her weight gain v closely a few days once! To me, putting on weight n growing is more impt than bonding.

Some bbs will drink n sleep only after full. But not all bbs hor!

If ur bb in gain abt 200-250g a wk, high chance she is not drinking enough. 1 wk after birth, she shld gain back the weight she lost
heartbeats, u can consider Concord car seat too. They have a convertible car seat that can be used from infant to toddler, from rear facing to forward facing. My gal's still using it at 5yo!
Hope, wow! Can actually see the mouth so clearly? Wish I could fast forward to that stage, hahah...

Maybe she's saying hello to you and daddy!
Tromso, at first i though i am carrying a boy too as BBjourney and Angel are having a boy; so i have made a poor decision that given a permission to my DH to travel to Melbourne in Sept to buy all BB stuff including bb cloth .... now i am not too sure... hmmmm

BBjourney and Angel are having a boy, Heartbearts is a twin (boy and girl) and i am having a girl ... and i dunno who else is with our batch nie...
Angel, I use prenatal yoga as an excuse to go out heee...I'm also quite slack dragging myself outta the house each time, but after each session, I really felt extremely recharged, like I could take on bull fighting
I also feel more zen too.

The yoga that WBB does is more stretching exercises I feel. At Como, it's that plus a bit of resistence training and cardio, but intensity is maybe 20-30% of normal yoga only, quite slow pace.

I recently found out there is another good prenatal yoga, call Focus Pilates (at Raffles Place). It was featured on tv weeks ago, along with other dragon babies issues. I saw that all the pregnant students practice on Pilates machines. I've done Pilates machines a couple of time prior, felt it softens the impacts very well and very apt for resistence training. If you haven't signed up with Como, can suss this out too

Now into the last phase of 3rd trimester and not doing prenatal yoga anymore, I do feel that my joints and flexibility are getting quite weak. It does get harder to reach for the pillow that fell off the bed or stretch forward to cut my toe nails lol...

If you are unsure about it, maybe can take up 1 class then decide? Underst it's quite a hike from sk. I was originally thinking about doing post natal yoga (new class recently opened at Como) but the thought about Punggol-Orchard greatly deters me too

You take your time to decide ok.
Ladies, My girl is home already. Her jaundice level is 9.0 now. But still need to sunlight her everyday as I feel that she still a bit yellow.

My breast are hard, can't latch her at all. Went to see LC Lilian today. She asked me to put cold cabbage for whole day today n take Danzen tablet. Tomorrow will try to hand express, hopefully gets better.

No choice got to feed her with fm today. I just use bottle to feed her. Hopefully she will not confused later on with nipples.
Oh yes, and I told LC that I used warm towel to compress my breast. She told me shouldn't do that as warm/hot towel will make the milk sink-in deeper n block ducts. She asked me to just use cold cabbage.
Hope, Congrats on knowing your baby is a girl
started buying pretty clothes for her yet?

Tromso, Coolcool is also having a boy. Oh yah and Heartbeats' boy from her LFT. Not sure to count Cockcock in our batch or not?

Coolangel..have you done your detailed scan?
Baby, oops, glad the LC gave u good advice. Maybe she thinks u need to relieve the engorgement first. Hope u'll feel better soon!

The last time i went to ParentCraft for help, they gave hot towel and hot drinks tho. Guess it's really all trial and error to see what works.
Babyjourney, yes. you are right. It's me! wow... you can guess it right.
But I've never seen your photo wor.. But i guess you are one of two ladies WBB said you can't do this post that post during the exercise.

Angle, I also can't guess who you are. You can easily guess me cos my husband is the only one who doesn't look like chinese.

Hope, how many weeks will you be in Oct? I feel a bit heavy already at 25 weeks. It's better if you attend when you are not so late into pregnancy and not so heavy.

Tromso, I am also having a boy.

I bought cot at Taka fair. One big thing settled. Haven't bought stroller yet. Thinking of getting Maclaren techno Xt or combi urban walker. Any feedback?

Oh..btw, BHG also got bb fair. last weekend and next weekend. 20% off on regular priced item from babies' department. 15% off for medala and no discount for philips avent.
Coolcool, you are right i m one of the ladies who cannot do the exercises due to my condition. I only did the breathing, hands n neck exercises. I actually wanted to say Hi to you but i shy... Hahaha... Nvm, we can meet this sunday.
Coolcool, I did not really look around..ESP at other ladies' husbands..haha.. Good that Bbjourney guesses correctly, so we can look for you next week!
Coolcool, I think I can recognize u too if I'm there, cos you use your own pix as profile pix in fb
Where are you originally from?

Gosh, the baby girls tide has indeed turned

Babyjourney, you mentioned you can sit on the floor due to your period surgery. So you manage to get a chair?
I thought cabbage will reduce milk supply, only used as last resort esp trying to establish bm now. Looks like you will have lotsa bm to come Baby Me

Pierced, I think you are approaching full term too right? Do remember to request for GBS test after 35/36 weeks as Dr Loh can 'overlook'....I requested when I saw him at 36 weeks cos he didn't initiate, then he looked at his records saying I've done a culture test in early 2nd trimester (suspected UTI then) and suggested I may not need to do GBS now. Haizzz...so disappointed with his ans cos quite neccessary to do GBS as close to D day as possible to rule out infection which can pass on to baby. In light of this, we can def be more proactive with nice uncle Loh
Althought i m not under Dr Loh but i m wondering does Dr Loh has any rest day since so many gals r under him. Really felt its really tough being a gynae. Ve to be 24hr on standby.
Hope, you don't trust your hubby with baby girls' clothes? heee...I won't too. Can check out the range at Kmart, Target, Mothercare, Myer, etc online now and 'place order' with hubby
Some stores (in uk) allow purchasing online then pick up in person at departmental store, you may like to chk out the Melb ones too.

Miracles, if they are giving u a ward, try to make it after midnight as day charges starts then. But if ala carte price, then doesn't make a diff I guess
Jia you!! Rembr to take chicken essence if you have access to it
pierced..replied yr pm..

trosmo..i am actually aiming the Raffles place yoga too but toobad no clearance from dr tan or else i really like to join..so sian..can only do walking...
Tromso, thanks for informing me abt the charges. Dr Loh also ask me to check wif the hospital when I goin to admit. He say if there is a day charge, then I might as well admit after midnight.

Btw, if there is no 1bedded or premier room available, then husband can't be wif me right? Then how ar? Ask hubby go home & come back next morning?
Bbshower, from what I hear the ladies here describe, and from his clinic's opening hours, yeah, it's a wonder how Dr Loh gets any rest! Superhuman!

Tromso, I was wondering why Hope was worried abt letting her DH buy clothes from Melbourne. Now I understand, hahah...

miracle, you must be so excited right now. Jia you and all the best!

Thanks for sharing Angel, Luv.

Angel, i suppose you bought the Britax convertible range and not the infant one right? Will send my hb to go racquee Taka fair this sat.

Rest of mummies, did you all get convertible car seats instead of infant car seats too?

I am thinking convertible car seat last longer as can use up to older age and bb will not want to rear face after a few months; but infant car seat can double up as baby carrier ... but how realistic is it to lug around bb in it cos with bb, easily above 5 kg? I sure cannot carry! Anyone any views?

Hope, good to hear you have a princess and your scan went well! Was thinking about you too.
