(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

faithfully...i wld go for natural first as it heals faster for the mum...dun worry that you hv no energy to push. with the help of epidural, you will definitely hv strength since u dun need to endure the pain.. if baby is too big, still can use assisted method like vacuum..that's wat happened to me previously.

if i can deliver my twins naturally, i wld...

take care...
Faithfully, I think the best person to advise you whether to do natural delivery or c-sec is your doctor. Although ultimately, it's your choice. Choose the one that you are most comfortable with.

Actually I also wonder if I have energy to push as I am small size. But if my doctor says that I can go for natural, I will do my best!
btw, to add..my boy was 3.68kg at birth which is considered as a big baby but i managed to push him out...so dun worry too much, go with what you are comfortable with..
Angelxuan, no prob, yup bb grow very fast but u still need a few pcs of nb first. Just to share, the Carters one I bought 3 mths it's those side snap short and long sleeves white tops, but when I compared it to the local brands I got Richgi Nb size, it's around the same! So for Carters, might not want to get NB size if poss.

Faithfully, why don't you try natural since ur doc said u can? No fear of not pushing the bb out. There are ways to help nb come out like vacuum etc too. Unless u really have medical reasons for not gg thru natural, why not try it? Healing is much faster than going thru c sec.
Jo03, Thanks for sharing your experiences and what you've gone through. It adds courage to us.
And it's so nice to hear that you are enjoying your mooing process. May ur Csect heals well soon!

Biggly, congrats! I didn't know that you are expecting twins!! :D so happy for you.
I just went for check up 2 days ago @ 18weeks.
And also can't see gender yet :p So got to wait for another month.
Thanks Luv and Angel. No reply fr dr Loh yet but I've asked recep to bug him

Actually will be 37 week in about 2 days time, so hope can cross over successfully. Fingers crossed.

Faithfully, my baby is also very active, I think it's fine. Only if suddenly not active, then need to inform dr. Hope all goes well for you.

Angel, I'll be using the string tie over tops for my baby, easier to dress like you said. I'll be putting on mittens I think cos the finger nails can grow quite fast. Some babies are afraid of heat, so for booties, I'll monitor first. I read that it's normal
for babies to have slightly cold feet, dunno how true. For my niece, she is very afraid of heat, so ever since she's been unswaddled, she hasn't been using blanket, even sleeping in air con room too lol... but good to have everything ready for standbys
Hihi gals,
Been reading thread everyday n learning loads

Anyone still keen to join our secret FB group? PM me ur FB email ya? I'd invite. or else, add me at [email protected]!

Dear j03,
So nice of u to come in n share ur motherhood experience n TTC journey. Keep coming back, we'd love to hear from u!

Dear faithfully,
I think u bb size n weight r good. If its a concern, ur gynae wld hv mentioned so no worries! Guess u're the next to pop! Stay positive!!!

Dear Tromso,
My bb also pretty active n doing hiccups daily. I've listed down all the outstanding stuff to buy, to do, to pack, to ask. Seems like quite some stuff to prepare! Already explained to hubby in case bb wanna come out earlier n stuff r outstanding! Trying to read up loads too. But just too lethargic everyday.
Hi Pierced thanks, I'll check out iherb, looks like many recommends it

Sashamama, my baby hiccups few times a day too, so amusing. Indeed, I keep feeling I've not briefed my hubby enough...getting a bit kan cheong now I think... Hope you'll manage to purchase everythg in time.
Pierced, you are right about Carter's sizes! I compared with the Baby Gap clothes bought locally and Carter's ones ordered online from the US are indeed 1 size smaller. Luckily I haven't bought NB ones! How's checkup today?

Tromso, after getting the advices here, I will get NB tops with tie strings or snaps in front, a mixture of pants with & without covered feet, mittens, booties or socks and a cuffed cap. Hankies, swaddle cloths, towels, wash clothes all haven't buy yet, so going to check them out.
Angel, I recall you are going to get the cellular blanket (with holes) for sleep use, can also consider smaller blanket for stroller (think its called stroller blanket), good for use in shopping centers.

Dr Loh called, saying 'no pain, no need to come in' ok...haaa... He says if really mucous plug came out, no issues, punk or red discharge also no stress if no pain. Can ease my mind now

btw sashamama, I'm also feeling very tired/ lethargic now, it's actually a sudden shift, started 2 days ago. Despite sleeping/ resting in bed whole afternoon and getting 10hrs sleep in the night, I still wake up feeling sleepy. Energy level definitely gone down quite a lot. But good thing is I'm not as hungry now, used to have to snack 3 times betw dinner and bedtime, now only once, phew!! This 30+ weeks journey is indeed very odd...
Tks Joanne for the tip. Yeah weekend coming now!

My fren says must bring or buy or something like a round float to sit cos down there will be pain...

I'm going to my 38 week in few days time. Worrrr! I'm counting down for Baby_me, Baby_penguin, Faithfully and myself plus Tromso. I still dunno how to be scared! I'm gg to try natural without Epi! But shall see how lar, maybe can't tahan will beg for it.
I'm back from check up today! Finally after 1 wk, there's improvement in the weight. Bb gained 400g in a week! S now she's 1.7kg at 32 wks. Phew! Not so bad as last wk. so Dr Loh said to go back in 2 wks time.

Angel, yup, that's why even though buy from US sometimes better to play safe. I keep getting small sizes that my #1 can't wear so I had to buy much bigger sizes.

Tromso, 3rd Tri u get tired easily and gues scoz urs almost reaching end already so feeling tired. Anyway it's good to sleep it off ESP when u r home and not working. When bb comes, u will need all the energy u can get. Sleep will never be the same, serious!

Tanny, hee,, seriously don't need the float. The pain is not that bad for the episiotomy. Few days it will heal already. I was walking around in the hosp when I gave birth.
Pierced, happy to read that your baby has gained weight. Keep up the good work. Jiayou!

Wow so many mummies popping soon. So exciting.

I have not done anything yet. Think i better start spring cleaning and packing to get the spare room ready for baby stuff.
Pierced, good news abt ur baby's weight gain! Are u still on HL in the meantime?

Yeah, agree on the part on sleep never being the same again!! I used to be a relatively heavy sleeper. Ever since I had my girl, I wake at every little noise cos I was naturally conditioned to listen out for her cries. Till now, I remain a much lighter sleeper than b4.
Thanks baby journey and Luv.Dr Loh still joked and said I have got winning formula so carry on! Haha..hopefully this weight gain goes on and she will be a Gd weight when due.

Yup, still on 2 wks HL in the meantime. Thought I had better still continue and not go back to school. Feel really bad about throwing work aside unfinished but think after all, bb is more important now.

Not only slight sleeper plus u never get a full nights rest right. I used to sleep a lot but after bb comes, lack of sleep! Haha
Pierced, good that u're still on HL and can rest. Yup, no more full night's sleep after baby comes! But we willingly do it, don't we?
Pierced, great that your baby is gaining weight well! Continue to eat & rest well!

My friend from the US just whatsapp me that Carter's having free international shipping promotion, today last day! Got me all excited, then I realized that it doesn't ship direct to SG..
luv, guess that's all what Mother's love means. How's ur Ms now? Better or still the same? U still. On mc too rite?

Angel, hee, yup I got their mailer the othe day but when I check, no Singapore. So sad.
Hi hi everyone, just to say so glad to hear all the happy n amazing stories here. Been busy with work whole day n only night time can catch up with reading here. By the time finish reading, going to sleep already haha. Anyway...Jia you to everyone here.

Only plan to take 3 mths ML as can't leave my dept without anyone supervising. Today, boss asked me to cut short my leave some more. Gosh...I only taking 3 mths n not 4 mths. He is willing to pay double my leaves beside getting my mthly salary. I rejected him. I prefer to rest than getting that money. He asked me to consider again. Oh pls la..money can't buy my health my time with my baby.
Sorry, just want to vent off my disappointment
Oops, I also just came back from Dr Loh's clinic. For my case, BB didn't increase in weight since last week. Stuck at 2.7kg at 37 weeks plus.. He put Intrauterine growth restriction as the diagnosis for my MC.. He say if BB weight still the same next week, he will induce her out le..

Pierced Pierce, teach me what is your winning formula to get BB's weight up... i will follow you.. lol
pierced, my MS was getting better a few days back then yesterday and today seem to have returned more. Well, I was a bit worried when MS subsided a bit, hahah.. Guess I shld be happy it's still here! Thankfully still on medical leave. Can't imagine how to survive work.

Baby, yeah, $$ can't buy the precious time with baby! Don't give in to ur boss!
Hi, i would like to ask anyone on Gonal-F injection before. Felt bloated and abdominal cramp on & off.... tire easily too. Any advice pls
My last check up last week at 37wks, baby was 3.1kgs. Dr said baby put on weight too much n asked me why I took durian. In fact I didn't mention to him that I ate durian. He just knew it hehe. This week another check up, hopefully her weight will be controlled.

Tromso, I had white discharge too today, don't have it before. But I thought it's just normal so didn't really bother. Bcos I was told before as long as no pain, no pink/red should be okay. Lucky it's really nothing ....

Dr also told me if we are gng to bf, still need to take multivitamin n fish oil.

LuvNHope...agree with u
Hi Baby me, you also had discharge increase... I was just very surprised by the volume and not watery sort. But back to normal now. You hang in there with work, don't let it get to you.

Baby Penguin, 2.7kg is good weight
Hope your baby will continue to gain weight and come out naturally, no need induce.

Pierced congrats!! What did you eat past 1 week? heee....if 400g per week, will surely hit 3+kg
Tks pierced! Maybe theirs was really painful. Some pple say bring a basin and salt to wash there.. True a not? Works a not?

Baby_me : I think it's good to stay longer with bb. I'm also taking 4 mths plus some annual leave. Wished i can take 6 mths. Some bosses are like dat... Last time my ex boss also say one kind do one kind. Say maternity leave only can take 3 mth and leave the 1 mth to slowly clear. Nobody in our dept takes 4 mth of maternity and ask if u wan to be first one meh. Everyone try to come back by 3 mths to help the dept out. Then she herself go for 6 mth unpaid leave lor.....
Tromso, yes not the watery type. Thought it's just normal discharged till u mentioned might be mucus plug. So blur of me hehe. Lucky not serious.

Tanny, some bosses are like that. I had applied early rest on this coming Monday. Tot will just go to work if nothing happen, bcos I feel much better working than stay at home. At least in office will not feel so bored, can chat with all my colleagues. But I changed my mind after he asked me to cut short my leaves yesterday. I will not be going office anymore on Monday. Yeah...today is my last day. At least I can start to prepare my baby cot and any other preparations

Any of you have install the NB seat in the car? Or will wait till bb born then install?
Baby Me, good reminder, think good time to put NB seat in the car now
We should rest more now since its really closing to D day...if you are bored can borrow books or magazines fr library to read. We can borrow up to 12 books for the month of July

Tanny, you can get dr Loh to order fr tmc the basin and salt water for you. He says will be made available immed after delivery but he said he normally only orders for bad tearing cases, though can put in request if we like. I'll decide on the spot then.
Baby Penguin, Baby Me, are you both seeing dr loh weekly now? Since which week you started weekly visits?

I'm in week 36+ now and nxt visit in 2 weeks' time. Dunno if I should request weekly since if baby's weight not increase for 2 weeks, will need to induce, like Baby Penguin's case...
Hi Tromso, I seeing Dr Loh weekly since 35+ weeks . During that visit he said he don't like my Blood Pressure and wants to monitor weekly.

My tummy is very small like 7th month pregnant like that.. I think smaller than Dr Marianne's one. Yesterday Dr Loh say good mah. Dunno is because bb no space that why no increase in weight.. :$
Cool: yah it's twins...it's really the kind blessings from God...really thankful and hope that I can smoothly deliver a pair of healthy and good babies.....

getting tiring and straining these days....back pain, legs pain, ab pain....dunno if it's age or what...
Baby Penguin, I see. Is your BP higher than 140? Mine is about 120+ normally. Rest more and less salty food

For me, I'll better start watching my diet, afraid baby will get too heavy, this week, dr Loh says 'good weight' initially then changed to 'border-ine heavy' ...

Hi Ron, long time no see, you are still checking this forum

How are things with you?
Baby penguin, I also diagnosed with the same Iugr. But think ur case not so bad coz already 2.7 kg. think if no more growth induce so not so bad.

Dunno winning formula , maybe bb decided to absorb more this wk. I followed the rest here who suggested eating durians, chicken essence every morn. Plus I had avocados, lots of meat for lunch and dinner, ate ice cream, drink mummies milk instead twice a day and fresh milk. I just continued eating, basically, I didn't feel hungry at all.

Tromso, I hope so regarding weight gain, cross fingers. But I'm still going ahead with ur suggestion to see the alternatives too in 2 wks. . No harm since already made Appointment.
Tanny, don't feel there will be a need for salt and water but like tromso said, if really need, can request in hosp for it. I didn't use it either for #1. Normally just make sure u wash every time after pee.
Perhaps different people have different threshold to pain as well so maybe they need the float

Tromso, hee, as long bb is healthy and doing well. Guess should be ok.
Dr Loh will request to see weekly i think if he feels a need to like mine. Mine was weekly so yesterday he was quite happy with the gain in weight so changed back to two weeks.

Baby penguin, haha my tummy is too small too, every visit dr Loh look at my tummy and say why so small? But if he's ok with the size then ok, like mine he said too small.
SereneIck, yup, the IVF/ICSI Support Thread is very active and was a source of great support for many, if not all, of us here.

All the best!
Tromso, it was increasing since the 31+ week to 33+ week to the 35+ week visit. It was around 135/94 then. So Dr Loh say monitor better, if not kenna preeclampsia then no good le. I measure at home okie, at most 120. Must be the rush from work to the evening appointments.

Thanks, pierced. I try to eat more and some durians from today. I am always drinking fresh milk.. will switch to mummies milk from today too. My hubby says now must force feed me like feeding goose for foie gras ...haha...
Hi Luv, I was thinking if sees dr weekly, can monitor if baby is gaining weight on weekly basis. Already 2 ladies here having slight issue with babies stop gaining weight... Anyways I'll stick to my 2 weekly appointment for now. Also hoping not too heavy, dr was saying if continues with current weight gain, may reach 3.7kg at week 40....errr...so nonetheless, I'll beta watch my diet.

Baby Penguin, I see, looks like your BP is sorta borderline, luckily not too bad. Geez...so many things to look out for now getting closer. We'll all try to stay composed meanwhile
Hi Pierced, you mentioned earlier hot drinks before bf may help with let down. Just wondering what sorta hot drinks do you take? How about other ladies?

Can we use hot towel or say, hot water bottle to warm up breasts?
Tromso, wow!! 3.7kg!! That'll be a chubby baby!
Maybe u can share ur concerns with Dr Loh and see what he says?

Tromso, hot towel would work too i think. When I went to TMC ParentCraft b4, they gave hot Milo for the mummies to drink.
Tromso, Hee don't scare urself. Just eat as normal and maybe not those high sugary stuff if u are afraid bb too big.

Re hot drinks, anything can as long hot coz it seems to help in let down. Usually either I take the red date tea or else I make the mother milk tea which has fenugreek inside. Otherwise u can drink other types as well so long it's hot.
Yes, at the beginning, I used hot towels too to put on the breasts. (LC advised me Coz i had blocked ducts that prevented flow of milk coming out. )
after that massage and milk flow is quite good.
After milk flow established, I didn't use the towels but I do still massage.
Dnt use pumping at the beginning as a gauge of how much milk u have. Coz it's totally different from latching. Sometime u don't get as much compared to latching.
If u fear jaundice or bb not drinking enough,use number of wet diapers or nappies as gauge as well as poo. I was very diligent in checking diapers.

Luv, mothermilk tea I got from Iherb as well. Think some sell in the SMH forum as well as in pharmacies but here u buy it's like 9.90 per box.
I now bought another brand Weleda coz I read reviews quite good too. Going to try out both brands.

All these contains fenugreek and some other herbs too. It's organic. Just extra boost for milk.
