(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Joanne, guess hazel's advice already helps. Bm is supposed to be white at the end, only beginning is watery and clearer. Hind milk very important like hazel said, some didn't know and keep changing sides then bb don't get the nutritious and creamy milk at the end.

Luv, good to hear that! So makes ur ms seems worth while going through. Hee

Faithfully, induce doesn't means more painful or longer. Depends on individual. When I had #1, I also had to be it on drip coz my waterbag leak, not much contractions at all. Still natural. Hope the advice from the sisters here can help. But seriously i hear those who go through c sec have a longer recovery time etc. my friend still says her wound hurts inside after a yr or more. Whichever way u decide to give birth, I hope it will be a safe and smooth one.

Bruno, I do have a list of things to get, u want, can email u,

Faithful, I went thru induce fr stage 0! Ie cervix not opened yet. Other than the vagina exam (VE) that is super painful.., the rest was fine coz dr loh gave me epi even before he burst the water bag! well.. Dr Loh said VE is not that bad just that my threshold is super low!! So he just gave me epi when cervix is 3-4cm dilated! He said for me it will take longer for the pain down there after delivery to go away... Coz I super low threshold.. :p

U r worried that cervix may not diliate may end up c section. So u wan to try c section instead.. But r u worried that c section has much more risks to u & bb? Eg Belle has water in her lungs at birth. Dr Loh told me if c section, it will be worse!

Recovery fr c section wound is v individual. But it defintely involves more cut more layer of skin is involved compared to natural delivery. I hv friends who dun need painkillers after that. I hv friends who find simple things like getting out of bed painful..

Personally, I feel c section shld be the last resort.. With epidural, c section or natural delivery, the delivery processes is painless. The only difference is post delivery and the recovery time needed. Also for c section, u cant try for no 2 too soon.. At least 1.5 to 2 yrs on the safe side... If not the wound may burst open when the tummy grows bigger.
Faithfully, I also underwent induction when delivering my gal. No problems with dilating and delivered in abt 7h. You can't predict how your body will react to the induction. Why scare yourself?
Just go along with the flow. The safety of the baby and your own health is more impt than $$, wld u agree?
If u do decide to go for c-sect, do note that in future it'll be harder to opt for natural delivery, tho not impossible. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Don't worry abt what we think. We're just offering suggestions and info for ur consideration.

pierced, yeah, that's my consolation for having bad MS. ;)
faithfully...i also got induce too and my labor was abt 10hrs...no issue with epidural..can watch tv still...i agreed with luv and hazel..recovery is important especially u still hv to look after yr new born. c section shld be last resort or unless yr dr felt u can't do it naturally.

dun stress...think the positive side that you can do wat u alwaysaw in drama, push the baby out...:-D
bruno...quite hard to get CL during CNY..and u need to pay extra if u managed to get one. PEM charged $900 extra during cny period...i think u better start looking for CL.
mc, I emailed PEM and they gave me a list of questions to answer. They've yet to get back to me with their quote. Mind sharing how much they quoted u? Can PM me if u prefer. TIA!
Thk u Hazel n Pierced for ur kind advise on breastmilk..

I latch bb directly at one side for 30mins so shd hv both hine and foremilk given to bbies ba.. But not enough for both..;(

Hi hopefully
How much is ur milk after u take gnc fenugreek? Increase alot? Me thinking of try it out too.. Hope it can work for me..;)

Hi faithfully
I agree with what the rest say.. If u can try natural since bb size not very big then shd try natural.. For my csect, glad bbies r ok when deliver without water in lung etc but my boy play hide n seek with doc Loh.. First he shows his hand, then his leg n doc Loh got to push back.. Then no choice grab him by his head as is better to grad him by buttock but he playful so no choice.. Gal very fast as she at the right position while boy is ontop near my ribs area so i see the anestestic lady push my tummy down with one leg behind the wall supporting her.. So funny but Doc Loh say he stress abit when try deliver my boy...;p and ya, my wound hurt alot on 2nd day after the painkiller wear off.. Is like paralyse below my body n hb got to bring up my leg up to bed as i hv totally no muscle control at bikini line area.. Is gd that i dun hv to suffer so long labour hour but suffer during confinement lor.. Now 2wks n i feel much better but still pain abit inside if i strain on it like laughing... I cant laugh heartily for first few days after deliver.. Super pain.. For twins, i hv to go thru c sect as i dun want to risk first bb out but not 2nd one then end up i hv to go thru both natural n c sect pain so i rather choose c sect n once for both bbies..;) for ur case, check with ur gynea whether u can go thru natural n if yes, then why not go for it?

Hi hazel
C sect cant take chicken for one mth? Thot only 2wks is suffucient?
J03, natural delivery, the old folks said avoid 12 days. C section has to wait even long coz the wound dun heal so fast. Depending on individual again, some took after 2 wks, no issue, some took after 1 month.. still got issue... I hv an ex colleague, took.. End up wound has puss....

I dun hv good skin, so if c section I will avoid chicken at least a month.. Or till I see the wound healed properly.. the tricky part is outside can heal already but internally, it can take up to 6 months....individual recovery is different.
Hi Joanne, for me fenugreek Gives a slow n steady increase. My o/p was from 10 ml per pump from day 3 to abt 120 ml per pump now. According to the salesgirl at GNC, u need to continue taking it till u think u r satisfied with the output. Only then u stop taking it

Hi fatefully, if I had a choice, I won't go for Csect too. I went thru 22 hrs of labour n ended up Csect cux bb hand was in the way. It's true that Csect is more troublesome than natural. N I could not feel the sense of 'satidfaction' when bb was out.
Heartbeats n Luv, dr loh said can do 3D scan already but he did not do for me today. As per Pierced earlier advise, Dr Loh said better not to do too many 3D scan. Since i will be seeing him every 2 weeks, i can do my 3D scan 2 weeks later.

My scan went well today, amino fluid, cervical length n baby is ok. Now count down to my next appt again. Hehehe

Luv, glad to know your baby is growing well. So the other sac was absorbed? All MS is worth it, hv 辛苦 but without MS will worry too. Hahahah... Nvm u will get better once u cross 2nd trim. Jiayou!
I just email to Dr. M and she say I hv to check my cervix whether it flavorable to be induce. I thou early induce just induce why hv to see my cervix??
Hi ladies,
My bb did not gain any weight since the last appt 2 weeks ago... Dr Loh wrote IUGR on the admission form. Did ctg & everything ok... No problem wif placenta,amniotic fluid & blood flow to bb.
This coming tues dr loh will discuss with us the best way to deliver bb.. Either induce or c-sect. Dunno if bb can gain some weight by this tues anot.
Fatefully, induce fr stage zero can take a few hrs or even days! Hospital is an ex hotel.. Can stay a Few Days n wait for cerviz To dilate to 10cm meh.... That's why dr Loh did 2 VEs to force my cervix to open abit first. Induce starts fr tablet insert in vagina. After he forced my cervix to open 2cm then he put in the tablet. For some, cervix starts to dilate.. N labour will start.. For me, it was just cramps.. 8 hrs later my cervix dilated to abt 4cm then dr Loh burst the water bag.. That's where contractions start for me.. But no pain as on epi already. Slowly waited n 7 hrs later, I was fully dilated to 10cm n delivered belle.

So, I guess dr M wan to check if your cervix condition first before she decides when she wan to induce.
Babyjourney thanks for sharing! 2 weeks later would be around 26 weeks? Just nice not too small, not too big. Cos later in the 3rd tri when bb gets too big also hard to 3D scan if not enough space. Good to hear your check up went well today. Dr Loh dont measure the head circum, abdomen circum etc to get est fetal weight right? I am thinking when to switch over from KKH ADC back to just routine visits with him.

Faithfully i think Dr M wants to exercise due diligence. She must make sure your cervix is ripe etc before induction. Like what Hazel say, initial dilation can take weeks, the first few cm can be very slow. Only when dilated 4 cm and more then dilation to 10 cm will speed up. So maybe Dr M also want to time when you should be sent in for induction. Dont worry ya, let her check and you can also have more peace of mind going thru the induction.
Miracle, how many wks r u?

My induce was unplanned. If dr Loh nv come bk to SG in time, dr Tham wld hv sent me home after 1 night stay coz I hv yet to start dilating though cervix was soft. Dr Loh knows I was worried something may Happen to my bb if he did not take her out coz I was so scared fr my first loss.. He knew I can't take it if I were to deliver another dead bb..

Hub actually told dr Loh to do c section Instead of inducing.. But dr Loh said c section is last resort. I m glad he insisted. If not belle's condition will be worse n I will be in too much pain to visit her in NICU.
Heartbeats, i did ask Dr Loh what is my bb's weight today, he told me around 700g. And i did not know when he measure. Hehehe... Think i am too happy to see my baby that i did not notice when he did the measurement. Heheheh
As for 3d scan, think u can request on your next appt.
Hi hazel
Thk u for yr advise.. Ya, true tt it depends on individual but if dun take chicken, alot of nutritious confinement food cant take..;( hope i can take chicken well after 2wks.

Hi hopeful
May i know when u start to take the pills after ur delivery? Also, after take for how many days then u see ur milk supply start to increase?? Lastly, may i know the exact name of this medicine so tt can asks hb to get for me the correct one at gnc?? Thk u very much..

Hi luvnhope
Congrat for gd growth in bb.. Very happy to see bb at every scan hor.. After delivery, i cant wait to see them every moment..;) hence, i dun mind the lack of sleep at midnight as i just want to see them..;)
Miracle, can deliver already. Bb is on the small side. But nothing to worry, can always fatten after bb is born! Most impt is healthy.
J03, why cannot eat chicken, alot of nutritious food cannot take? Eg vingear pig trotters, v nuritious and fattening too! Can give u thicker n more milk! Even herbs,, such as cordcyepts, dang gui, etc, can cook with pork. Taste v yummy too. Actually, no good to take too much chicken under normal circumstances also ESP women coz chickens are high in hormones.

Fish r nuritious too!
Joanne, it's called fenugreek at GNC. Actually that's the name for many other brands I've checked. I'm planning to start taking fr Day 1 D Day, hopefully will help. Try the vinegar pig trotter like Hazel says, may bring in more milk
Has massaging and taking hot drinks help?

My sister had c section, took chicken throughout her confinement and had no issues. I guess it really depends on individual. I think I may just avoid chicken for 1st week.

So much discussions about delivery past days, sending my head in a spin now heee...c section and induction, sounds like nightmares
hope my baby will continue to put on weight come my nxt dr visit, didn't know it's so common to stop gaining weight, happening to 3 outta 7 of us delivery in coming weeks....hmm...hope you gals will get to have a peace of mind very soon.

My ms was quite bad 2 days ago, couldn't get outta the house/ bed sigh....but luckily became manageable yesterday. Praying hard will be normal today.

Miracles, hang in there, your baby will come out fine. My niece came out 2.2kg, everythg ok, no jaundice or water in lungs, and then started gaining go weight
You can do it too!!

Bbjourney, good to hear that your baby is growing well
It's gd that dr Loh is prudent with 3D scan. For my sis, she had 3D scan during her week 20 scan at kkh then (although didn't request for it), perhaps different protocol but baby was still quite tiny then. Should be cuter during week 26 onwards for your case
I have a burning question ladies...As I'll be getting my confinement meals catered for, which includes herbal soups for lunch and dinner, been pondering if I should still make own herbal soup?

The thing is, I'll be buying packaged red dates tea (all ingredients packed in daily portions for brewing) and was advised I should also get their herbal soup pack (also packed in daily portions).

Question is, since I'll already have herbal soups from catered food, do I still need additional self-brewed soup? Just wondering if the catered soup is the diluted sort, so I should go ahead and make my own too.... Or will it be too much Bu?

Thanks for your advice.
Thanks Bbjourney, Joyfully, heartbeats & Jo3! Yeah, it's a joy and relief, cos been hearing so many scares happening to other MTBs. Can only hope everything keeps going well!

Faithfully, Dr M is being responsible to want to do a cervix check b4 inducing so that she can make an informed decision and won't go into the situation blindly. Have faith and trust in her.

Regarding confinement food, I guess I'm one of the picky ones who don't eat pig trotters, LOL.

Miracle, perhaps baby will start gaining weight b4 ur next scan!
Even if baby has to come out, it shld be safe since full-term already. Dun worry!

Tromso, not sure if it'll be too bu, but if u want peace of mind, can always buy as standby?
Hi Joanne, replied ur pm le. I started fenugreek on day 5 till now. It's not really a miracle pill for me cux the increase is gradual n not overnight.
N there r some other food which works for me to give me a 1 time boost on the ss, but some of these r not suitable during confinement. Let me know if u want to know. I will pm u.

On chicken, l had it 2 wks aft my Csect. No issues. Had been told to avoid chicken due to hormones issue n not so much for recovery. N even if it's natural birth, TCM also advise not to eat chicken for 1st 2 wks
Glad your scan went well

My next scan on Fri n i hope everything will go well too

I have a passport photo 3D scan of my girl at 30+ weeks. Very clear n chubby kekeke I'm sure you will enjoy your 3D scan

No harm getting more. Can still continue to drink after confinement.
does kk do 3D scan?

miracle happens...baby over 2kg is fine..no need stay nicu...moreover, yrs is full term liao...dun worry
Oh, bbjourney, forgot to add, the empty sac was still there, not reabsorbed yet. Doc says it'll prob just be squished to one side as the baby grows. Hmm...

Eskimo, I'm sure u're eagerly waiting for ur scan!
miracle happens, think ur case same as mine. I trying to follow your suggestions to eat more of whatever. But anyway Dr Loh says bb small side but as long healthy ok,
I aiming to also go pass 2 over kg, hopefully can reach there!

Joanne, yup Fenugreek. it's actually a herb. Any other brands also the same. even the mother's milk tea i drink previously also the same. Easiest and most convenient to get is from GNC here.
But like hopeful said, works for individual. it's not an immediate major increase, but it does helps. and it's most convenient as most LC will recommend.

Tromso, can get more, like eskimo baby said, can continue to drink after confinement.
Seriously what my mum and aunties said during my previous confinement, during this period, you can eat all sorts of heaty and bu foods, and you will not get over heaty. that's the so called privilege after giving birth.
True enough, i had lots of bu food but ok, and i eat ginger, etc wont get sore throat. but if normal days, i will get sore throat,
depends on the type of herbal soups they pack too, if it's those with red dates, dang shen, those are not so bu as in heaty.

And if you bf, better to drink more soups. I'm used to drinking soups everyday, even after confinement.
Thanks eskimo, Luv and Pierced. Alright then I'll bu all the way

Pierced, I'll be getting 2 diff packs daily, 1 for red dates dangsheng etc drink, other is for brewing soup, I think latter is the Bu or heaty sort. Actually been having ulcers for past 2-3 days despite coconut drink
My first heaty moment throughout entire pregnancy, indeed, closer to D day, body gets heaty.

Don't worry, if can gain 400g in 1 week, baby will sure catch up very soon. Continue doing what you are doing
Thanks ladies... Feel much better now. Start eating durians yesterday..dunno is it possible for bb to gain at least 100g in just 3 days.
Anyway, watever dr Loh's decision is, I'm prepared for it..though induced also quite scary
Hi jo, replied ir emai le.

Hi Tromso, will pm u. Cux these foods r not really 'main stream' bm food I dun dare post here in case some sisters start to 'attack' me. They do work for me. But m not sure if it works for other pple...
JoT, it's common to lose weight in 1st tri. I've lost abt 2kg too. 10 kg does sound like a lot tho. What does Dr Loh say? Most imptly, u must stay hydrated. If u really can't keep any fluid down, may need to consider going on drip? Take care!
Miracle, on the contrary, I found it less scary with induction, hahah... Cos u can prepare b4hand n know that it's happening that day. Whereas natural labour can happen anytime, anywhere, scarier for me!
Luv - I know but quite worried with the huge loss. Just now went out for a while and was so breathless.... Am thinking whether I should go to KK 24 hrs later...
Hopeful, I m curious with the food pls sharevwith me.

Miracle, u want to try my method ....my gal gain 800g in 2 weeks... It scare my gynae and us.... Until the last 2 weeks b4 I induce her I din eat ant carboh again scare my gynae nurse until I confess I din eat carboh

Miracle and faithfully, I gave birth via induce. Mine only dilate 1.5-2cm for 2 days still no action despite my relief gynae think I will give birth soon. My cervix was soft so suitable for induce. I dun remember got tablet. Only remember got drip. Gynae burst water bag at 8.30am, by 2pm I was 9cm dilated. It could b earlier if I had taken epi earlier. Kinda of regret not taking epi earlier but also gd cos my gynae had 2 deliveries b4 mine on that day.
if you don't feel right do go to the 24 hours clinic. When i went to see Dr Loh, he wanted me to go on drip but after looking at my tongue, he said still ok but if i really feel dehydrated ask me go kkh 24h clinic and ask for the hydration package. once i was taken off duphaston n put on inserts, my ms seems better with less vomiting even though the nausea feeling is always there n appetite also still not so good.
Jo3, yeah, follow ur gut feel and go to KK 24h to seek help. Even if turns out to be false alarm, at least u'll have better peace of mind. And I'm sure they can give u something to rehydrate u.

Are u taking Vitamin B Complex? I just started taking. Seems to help so far. *fingers crossed*
