(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

I tot I posted but can't find. Am i still supposed to eat fish oil and multi vit (blue bottle) in my week 37 now? I finished my multi vit n only eating fish oil now.. So got to eat what until when? Dr Loh like nvr prescribe anymore? Stopping soon is it? Or when bf also need to eat?

Thanks Babyjourney, Tromso, Angel, Pierced. Do you gals take fruit juice daily or eat fruits daily?

Tromso, thanks for the information! Not overload at all! Very grateful for your sharing! But we cannot take pork liver to boost iron right?

Tanny, maybe you gonna pop soon so he has not prescribed you more?

Blurxuan, you suspecting gal makes you sleep less comfortably? Mine is the other way. My boy has always been the more active one since week 10 scan. Last night my hb placed his hand on my boy's spot, he kicked it off! Hb got a shock! I am also having difficulty sleeping well but try lor. I will wake a few times at night and some parts of body will feel numb.

Ladies, can pre-eclampsia be brought on by stress? Read conflicting articles about it online. I feel stressful at work even though i am telecommuting. Now reconsidering my earlier desire to quit.
heartbeats, u don't have pre-eclampsia right? Dun scare urself!
Of course, it's best to stay stress-free no matter what. If need be, consider taking NPL?
Luv, i dont have but recently been feeling heart races when stressed. I scared that will lead to high blood pressure lor. Dont think can take NPL cos as it is, when i want to quit, my boss already tried to dissuade me cos shorthanded.
heartbeats, ur boss has his/her duty and obligations to manage manpower. That's why he/she tried to dissuade u. But if u really think u can't handle the stress, and if not working can make u feel more at ease, then gotta make that big decision and see if u and DH are comfortable even if company doesn't approve NPL and u have to quit. Follow ur heart and do what u're comfortable with. Sthg that u won't regret. Jiayou!!
Heard b4 that those expecting boys may get more hairy on the belly etc or be more prone to acne. Is it true for those mummies expecting boys?
did i hear that twins need more dosage of vits? hmm...I seem to be taking 1 pill each a day..maybe i should ask my gynae the next round too....

btw it seems that some of you are able to scan the gender very early...I went to see the gynae 2 weeks ago at about 16th week...still can't see...the two of them kept moving around....hope my detailed scan 2 weeks later will reveal the mystery....I also haven't felt any movement yet...maybe I'm too blur to notice....will be exciting to feel something...
Heartbeats, try not to take too much liver, high in vit A, not ideal. Can try other food source. If you feel lightheaded a lot and looks pale, can ask dr to check if you are lacking iron but could be ms too... Iron pills can cause constipation, so best to absorb fr food source.

Tanny, dr Loh will normally ask if I still have sufficient supplements during each visit. So my thoughts are that can continue his multi vits and dha all the way. Yesterday I asked abt postnatal supplements, I was told:

- Calcium pills
- Iron

I think multivitamins is optional. I'm hoping to just take mummies milk powder instead of calcium and iron pills cos latter can cause constipation in both mummy and baby
I checked earlier, 2 glasses of mummies milk prowder provides enough calcium and iron for breastfeeding mummy. Will double confirm with dr Loh again nxt time.

btw my next appointment is also in 2 weeks' time, same as yours. Seeing that he's forgotten to top up your multivitamins and stretching our appointments 1 week further apart than normal, feels like he is not keen to Ka-Ching!! Or he already Ka-Ching enough...lol... So have to depend on ourselves to monitor baby daily movements now.
Hi Heartbeats, I take fruits daily, also take brans in my oatmeal to increase fiber in my diet. Yourself?

I think my ms is back...getting a bit worse each day, felt a bit like puking in middle of night yesterday, so got up to take milo and immed stomach settled down. Also experienced some light headedness after lunch yesterday, just like first trimester
Only consolation is the active baby inside...gosh, hope breathlessness don't come knocking too
Tromso, a few more weeks and your pains would have been so worth it. Hang in there!

Ladies with Dr Loh, did u all start on multivits and fish oil supplements only in 2nd tri? Or start in 1st tri?
Tromso, seems very common to have MS coming back in 3rd tri! Hang in there, you are almost there! I am taking fresh orange juice almost daily but heard that too much orange juice can cause miscarriages? Now i abit scared lor.

Luv, i also started on Dr Loh's multivits in 2nd tri. 1st tri usually he dont give cos bb cant absorb yet and we are still fighting with MS.
Coolcool, I bought it for $656.10 after 10% discount. Love the features and easy operation!

Heartbeats, in my trimester 1, I craved for and drank orange juice almost every day. Did ask doctor before if orange juice is too liang...but no medical evidence to indicate so, isn't it? Just drink in moderation. Now, I take a variety of fruits rather than just fruit juice. Read that it's better to take fruits as a whole rather than just the juice so that you don't miss out the fiber.

If highly stressed, it's possible that blood pressure will be high. That's what happened to me for my first pregnancy. High blood pressure alone is definitely not good for preggers. Suggest that you speak to your boss again and let him/her know your concerns/conditions. Discuss options like NPL, part-time, work from home, start ML early?

Luv, I started on multi vits and fish oil from trimester 2 (after 12 weeks i.e., start of 13th week). I do noticed that my tummy is a little bit more hairy, longer but luckily fine ones!

Tromso, oh dear..MS is terrible! Sounds like you can't have your stomach empty, may help to have some light snacks between meals and before bed time. I also experienced slight light headedness this morning when I woke up and after lunch..but this happens only once in a blue moon for me.

Recently I find that I can't really stand brushing my teeth with Colgate in the morning. Always have to do it quick..quite a few sisters like Cockcock and Luv also experienced this right? Is brushing teeth/colgate a form of trigger for MS? Strange har this affects me in trimester 2..

Biggly, should be able to reveal gender during detailed scan. You will feel your babies' movement very soon! Nowadays, my boy kicks me so hard that I can't have a peaceful nap & sleep! Just now, he woke me up again from my long afternoon nap to cook rice for dinner! Lolx!
hmm Heartbeats, I've not heard that too much orange juice is not good
Only that during breastfeeding, good to take citrus fruits/ drinks in moderation otherwise may cause wind in babies.

Haizz...getting ms is like being thrown into an abyss...I don't dare to get off the bed, lying in bed whole day now. Some people don't get ms in 3rd trimester leh... maybe I should just count my blessings as it's only beginning to hit now rather than much earlier. Hateful ms...
Angel, yeah, brushing teeth triggers MS. Luckily it's seemed to become less severe these few days. Strange that it hits you in Tri 2.
Thanks Angel, I'm eating on and off now, it definitely helps
But recently after food, I'm starting to feel unwell again. Yesterday at Kiddy P after dinner, I had to squat down for a while, just don't feel too good. 1st trimester déjà vu... but i guess, this too shall pass...

Geez so many of you have reactions to Colgate, shower foams, etc. Maybe need to stay away from anything that has fragrance in them. For me, Colgate is gd, minty smell helps.
Angel, I noticed yesterday that my tummy seemed to have grown hairier, so I was wondering if it could be a boy, LOL... but there're other ladies who experience the same thing when carrying girls it seems. So I'm also not sure, tho it seems to make sense that boys' testosterone makes us hairier. Hahah...
congrats MC on good report for your camden scan! you can now rest your mind and focus on the happy things for your little ones

welcome Hope and many congrats! wish you a smooth 9 mths ahead!

there was some discussion on MS? mine like come back again... it was esp bad on mon.. i woke up 2x at night to puke (i think cld be due to heartburn).. the next morning after breakfast also like that.. went to office also puke a few times, but mainly acidic liquid.. just now i puke again..

actually i vvvv unhygenic.. i darent brush teeth at night before bed coz i will puke out.. i just rinse my mouth.. recent weeks were ok and i can brush my teeth.. these few days like worsen.. my pain in my right hip bone also making it v diff for me to walk properly now... jia lat! my fren said, the worse is yet to be...
Angel: ur boy so cute...know when you need to feed him....

This pregnancy is really insightful for me...so many things to experience and learn...
Luv, hee..i read that the high progesterone in our body during pregnancy causes less hair fall and hence we tend to have fuller hair. At one point when i noticed that my tummy seems more hairy, i also thought maybe i'm having a boy..but not sure if it's really so or just the effect of progesterone. I think that a mum's feeling of what her baby's gender is can be quite accurate. I felt that mine is a boy all along and it really turned out to be true for me. :p

Biggly, haha..could be that around this time (week 23), baby is bigger and his movements are more coordinated, so i feel him more. Me too, many new experiences and learnings.

Mummies, kindly advise me on my simple queries below:
- Do new borns need to wear socks/booties? If yes, how many pairs should I prepare? How about cuffed caps?
- Do new borns need bibs too? I though that bids are more useful during teething period yah?
- For new born clothes, is it better to get those with snaps or buttons in front or are those one-piece with expandable shoulders perfectly fine? I'm just concern about managing baby's soft neck for over the head dressing.
Yest I went for my last checkup. My bb is around 2.7/2.8kg (est wgt cos bb spine is facing up cannot scan well the bb tummy). It seem that she didn't grow much, previously was around 2.8kg too. But doc say my water level is gd & bb heart beat is gd. I am just worry why bb not growing much. Was it becos I control my diet due to my GD? Is the bb wgt ideal? I am expecting to go csec on 17/07 by that time I am in my 38 wk+. Is it ok for bb to be delivery? I thou bb might hit 3kg+ cos I hv GD I thou she will be big. Nowadays I am starting to worry, maybe I too free at home or maybe my hormones... I will cry for no reason. Even nw I can't sleep much... I will wake up at 3-4am then I am wide awake.

I not yet mummy but i share what i was told ok?

socks/booties - yes i will prepare some for nightwear in aircon room with us esp if i dont get those long pants with covered soles kind for bb. Also good for bb to wear if going out to see doc or shopping malls as these places can be cold for bb. I will be buying 7 pairs, anyway very cheap and cute. What is cuffed cap?

bibs - i havent decide but even if no bibs, we need put hanky below bb chin when feeding and burping cos they may spill milk from their mouth, esp when burping.

new born clothes - i am getting mostly button front ones for home wear for a start as easier to dress bb and like you say dont have to loop over bb head and irritate them. But will also get any kind for outgoing wear since wont be often.
Faithfully, i think you are too stressed on yourself. You say her position cant scan well then maybe she is more than 2.7/2.8 so maybe not that she hasnt grow. Also, 2.7/2.8 is good weight, if birth now no problems discharging from hospital right. If you really worried, eat more nutritious food these 2 weeks. Dont stress till cry or lose sleep, its not a good sign for your mental health and you have even more to cope with when bb born. Try to take things easy and cheer up ok? Bb can feel your moods also.
Hi faithfully
Congrat tt next will be ur turn..;) if u go by c sect, no issue of bb is small or big..;)

Hi Bibly
No need to double ur vit or dha dosage even if u having twins.. I take one each time only too..

Hi Tanny
Was it u who asks abt post pregnancy pills? Doc Loh didnt prescribe me any.. He just says if still hv DHA, can continue take since still doing breastfeeding.. No need waste the pills.. No calcium pills too..

Hi hazel
I request for some pills for more bm.. Doc Loh prescribe me Lactaqueek and domperidone instead of the F******** pills tt u gals has been toking.. Did u take what i took above or the other herbs thingy? Just curious as my milk supply no increase alot too...

Hi Angel
Yes, new born wear booties as is cold at night if there is wind or day time too.. No need sock unless u going out with bb gai gai.. Nb no need bids since no eating solid yet.. We use handkerchief mainly.. For nb clothes, after my elder boy experience, i notice front button or string tie shirt is easier or faster to let bbies wear since they dun like to be naked.. Romper is too diffcult to wear so no need get too many unless going out..

Hi all
Hv been busy mooing everyday but is a gd experience.. I dun mind to wakeup middle of night daily to mooing my bbies.. Sometimes they hv to que up as i notice not they wake up around same timing..;) glad i hv sleep alot during my 3wk HL before i deliver them so still feel ok though has to wakeup at least one and a half hr to bf both everynight.. Sometime my gal cant waut then cl will make fm for her first while i bf my two boobs to my boy.. Not sure why last time i dun like bf, maybe bec i want sleep n boy is too heavy to carry then.. I enjoy my current experience to hug them n look at them.. But will rest more in day time so can hv energy at night to moo.. Last wk still feel ok but this wk start feel tired in day time.. So those who gonna pop.. Better sleep more to get more energy, it will sure helps..;) i feel happy everyday to just look at them n moo them though they cant play much now except sleep n eat but experience is wonderful as not easy to hv them.. 8 yrs of ttc, go to many famous gynea fr Doc Peter Chew, Doc lc foong, doc Chris chong, doc loh (and other gynea), go to eu yan sang at paragon, doc zou, doc ban choon chan etc for tcm.. Went thru few years of trying natural, one time Iui, 3 times of Soiui, one time of ivf and one time of fet.. Been thru at least 3-4times of mc (miscarriage) and spend everyday feeling stress for my current pregnancy worry abt mc n early preterm, then hv to visit Tanny teacher at bras basah to get a piece of mind, and oscar n detail scan show my boy dun hv nose bridge worry me more.. and finally give birth to them at around 36wks., thk god that they dun hv to spend a single day in nicu or special care n get discharge together with me on same day., my boy nose bridge is there too so the scan is not so accurate.. Am glad didnt go thru the amino test then as i dun want to take anymore risk.. I cry very happily when hear my elder girl first cry as i finally deliver my 2nd n 3rd bbies via c sect with half body awake.. Was a wonderful experience.. Till today, i pinch myself to know tt i am not dreaming.. I dare to buy more bbies stuff now unlike earlier, i scare to buy any bb stuffs even till 3rd trimester since heard of mc case at 3rd trimester too due to cord or other unknown reason *touchwood*.. My previous few early 1st trimester mc has teach me never take things for granted and do numerous Miniconfinement after mc without bb to bring home really hurts me alot.. Lucky hv great hb, son n my mum plus mil supports to make this pregnancy a happy n enjoyable one.. Think i will miss bbies kick n miss hb n son who took great care of me during this pregnancy experience since i will close factory now after having 3kids.. I dun mind to hv more since i love kids but age for hb n me are catching up.. Till today, i am very happy whenever seeing my bbies n dun mind sacrifice any sleep for them.. 8yrs of journey ttcing.. Not too long nor too short but i no regret.. N glad tt i no give up.. Trust me gals, u will be very happy to give birth to them n hug them in ur arms when ur day come.. All our pain will sure be worthwhile.. Sorry for the long post but just want to share out with all on my journey.. At least now i can divert my attention on how to cook gd food for them than weeky accupuncture, eat raw egg whites, etc.. I cant wait for my confinement n wound to recover fully now so tt i can take care of them myself..;) my only wish now is 3 of my precious to grow up healthily n happily till old.. Jiayou gals, the end path after deliver ur bb will be sweet since is not so easy for all of us to hv them.. ;)
Jo: I love ur post...very very inspiring...didn't know you went thru so so much...my journey seems like a straight and short road compared to ur treacherous and miles-long one...salutes to u!!
Joanne..u are a strong gal...glad that everything is working out fine for you.. i am praying that my babies will be healthy more so after the Oscar saga...
Faithfully, my gal was born at 2.78kg and she was one day short of 40weeks!! So ur baby is of a good weight already considering you're only 37wks+ right? Dun give urself too much stress okie?

Jo3, salute u for your perseverance and determination. You deserve happiness with ur twins.
Yes, BFg is a wonderful experience tho it's tiring. Enjoy it while u can!!

mc, ur babies will be fine too.

Angel, seems like heartbeats and Jo3 have answered ur Qs well.
Joanne, u are such a strong mummy and so are the rest. I hope I can bf my bb and bb is healthy. I am more worry abt my bb health then myself.
J03 and heartbeats, thanks for your replies! Heartbeats, cuffed cap is actually like a beanie, the one i saw has a knot on top which I think is adjustable.

J03, your story is very touching and I can fully relate to. Feel so happy for you & your family!

Faithfully, my friend had a c-sec at 38 weeks and before that her baby is also not gaining weight well in the last few weeks. However, everything else is ok and her baby is born at 2.5kg and healthy. Thus, your baby's weight is good! Don't worry, be happy and enjoy the final freedom before baby's arrival! According to my friend, her gynae told her that c-sec is normally arranged at 38 or 38+ weeks as (1) baby is considered full term at 37 weeks and (2) if arranged too late, might become natural delivery before c-sec date.
J03, lactaqueek contains fenugreek leh n other vitamins! Yes I was taking that too and domperidone. Correct, milk supply nv increase much coz dr loh's dosage for these 2 supplements are low. Look at the lactaqueek box, it tells u wat it contains n the max dosage we can take. But dr Loh nv tell me to take some much.. Same for domperidone, can increase dosage. Well, I just stick to the dosage dr Loh precribed n milk supple miserable... U can write to him n ask feedback to him n asked if u can increase the dosage n frequency of both supplement. I think he is concerned over engorgement!
Hi Faithfully, stay positive for your BB
You are reaching the big day soon.. 5 days more to go. Jia you! I also have problem sleeping lately.. Suddenly feel very pek chek and don't feel like sleeping anymore. So I get myself to fall asleep by watching Korean Drama on Starhub channels. It works for me everytime and I will usually fall asleep on the sofa after a while..

J03, I am so inspired by your sharing.. Hope all of us can see our little ones soon.. Jia you everyone!
Faithfully, when bb is ready she will stop gaining weight or gain v little. Belle stops gaining much weight at 34wks. She was born at 36w, 2.735kg
Faithfully, ur baby's weight is good to be born. Some babies don't reach 3 kg. what matters most is that the baby is healthy like what Dr Loh told me as my bb is still small.

Angel, I did not get bibs yet coz u don't need them yet. What u need like is small towels or hankies to burp them or clean them up.

I didn't get any cuff hats too from #1 experience since I didn't use it for her. U will be swaddling bb mostly in the wraps or blankets when u bring bb out so actually quite warm already. My gal was born in the colder months of dec and I didn't use it.

Mitens and booties definitely to wear for the 1st month plus , mittens mainly also to protect their faces coz their nails are actually quite long and they might scratch their faces. Booties to keep feet warm but if u have long pants with covered feet then no need.
Better to get tops with front openings with strings or snap fronts. I got some from Carters snap fronts and some locally tie string kinds. Faster and easier to wear for them.

Joanne, I love your post. Really inspiring for what you have gone through. So happy for you.
Hi Joanne, very touched by your 8 yrs ttc journey and your perservarance. Thanks for reminding us that nothing is impossible if we are equipped with strong will powder

Re Fenugreek, I just queried at GNC, 1 tablet is 610mg and can take up to 6 tablets a day (although packaging says 1 a day, that's for non bf consumers). Was advised to start 2-3 a day then can gradually increase to 6 daily if required. Do you know what's dr Loh's dosage like?

When I asked at reception, I was told, on top of multivitamin and dha, should take calcium pills and iron pills. I'm actually unsure about the last 2 supplements since I prefer mummies milk powder, has enough iron and calcium in 2 glasses and has other vit and minerals in it too. I googled that if take dr Loh's calcium pills plus 2 glasses of mummies milk, will definitely overdose on calcium, ie consuming 2500mg calcium a day at least, gosh!! Thanks for answering my query.
Joanne, have you tried expressing in the morning? I read that we have most bm in the morning and can express, like 30-90ml twice in the morning (start fr 30ml first). Then latch on baby after expressing as bm will increase after expressing. For the expressed bm, can give to babies at eveningtime and/ or just before bedtime, say 11pm as supplements to bm.

Latching on coupled with expressing, bm should increase, ''theoretically''....
sometimes when you are too tired, your body can't produce enough milk also, so try to rest as much as you can. drink more fluids. I find that the papaya fish soup cooked during confinement helps with increasing milk. Also, with c-section, milk seems to come slower for some mummies too.
Tromso, I took gnc fenugreek too last time and the Lc also told me to take 6 per day as I wasn't having a lot in the beginning.
This time I ordered another brand Nature's way fenugreek to stand by as I find gnc is too expensive and overpriced here. I used to order from overseas from sprees. After all the contents are the same.
Also I do drink the Mothers milk tea bags. Actually this has also fenugreek inside. But it's hot so helps in let down.

I didn't take calcium pills either previously. Just drank milk. Iron also didn't. Guess if our diet has the food inside, shouldn't need to coz I ate liver, green vegs etc during confinement etc

Joanne, besides taking fenugreek, drink something hot before u latch on or express. Helps in getting The flow going. Plus I do a little massage around the breast while bb was latching on. These were taught to me by the LC last time. Hope it helps.
Oh i see Angel. Yup then i will get 1 cuffed cap.

Joanne, thanks for your sharing, an inspiration to many indeed! I feel so touched reading but also scared, like you, i am apprehensive, scared things will go wrong thats why till now havent even shop for bb. Plan to do so in 3rd tri but also wonder if i can shop at ease, maybe will just get bare necessities.
Thanks Pierced, alright I'll look for Nature's Way. Was also looking at the fenugreek at Unity, about same price as GNC $29 for 100 capsules, 610mg each.

Ladies, can I check with you. I just discovered that my panty liner is unusually wet, actually slightly thick and sticky clear discharge (nvr this much before). Is this the precursor to labour? I googled and says amniotic fluid is odourless, my discharge is odourless too....
Tromso, let me know if u want or cant find otherwise normally I order from Iherb online and it's way cheaper.

Hmm amniotic fluid not sticky It just like water and odourless
So it could be the mucous plug but still ok if so long no blood. . If u unsure, can maybe check it out with dr Loh
Thanks Heartbeats and Joanne. I've just emailed Dr Loh to clarify. There is no pink or red in the discharge, so maybe it's mucous plug. Just googled and read that if really is mucous plug, may continue to come out for next few days and may not trigger labour until days or weeks later. Nonetheless I'll wait for Dr Loh's reply or I'll go down to his clinic later.

Sigh...I think my baby is quite heavy, 2.9kg now, maybe the downwards pressure is too much. Will have to try bedrest more.

Pierced thanks for the offer. I'm too lazy to do much now, I may just buy the fenugreek off the shelves.
Tromso, hope u get a reply from him soon. I'm at his clinic now.
my weekly check. Hee

Yup perhaps u can jus buy and try off the shelves first. If u really need can always buy online later. I like buying f Iherb. Free shipping tO ur doorstep and it's fast. Who knows maybe u dont really need it?
Hi mummy/mtb,

Thanks for ur advice. Since now I am nesting at home doing nothing and even if I wa to do something/go out neighbourhood to shop, I also dnt hv much energy to do so. If I take a nap in the afternoon, then at nite I cant sleep. So everyday I surf net until I feel like puking.

Btw, is bb normally very active when the date is near? I read from some web it say bb usually sleep 90% but mine is like keep moving and stretching... Even hiccup too.

My doc say for the size of my bb I can actually try natural but I am afraid I cant push the bb out, then it will be waste of $ if in the end I hv to go Csec since I plan to hv Csec already. I have actually book for Csec but I am still thinking whether to try natural. Is it silly to have a csec when the bb is not on the big side?

Thanks Pierced! Yesterday, I was just going through the collections of baby clothes that I bought and realized that I haven't bought much new born sizes, and no mittens, booties, socks, cap etc. So far, bought 3 months up as people keep telling me baby grows very fast. But I feel that I should at least buy a few pieces of NB sizes and accessories selectively. Was also looking at Carter's website. ;-)

I think the change of season sale is coming soon in the west..if so there will be big clearance sales of summer wear. That's the case in the UK. I had a WOW experience shopping in London during their end of summer sale (Boxing day sale was crazy too)! Believe it's also the same in the US? Been to the US a few times but never during their sales...still things are much cheaper compared to here.
