(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

mc, what matters most is ur babies are fine!
You can rest easy for now and enjoy the rest of ur pregnancy!

Abt OSCAR, oic, thanks! Forgot how it was liao, hahah...

Blur xuan, relax... Talk to bb or u could feel whether it's boy or gal. My feeling was v strong and my gal was not shy at week 10 I knew. Whereas my fren bb only showed his gender at the detailed scan.

Joanne, I saw dr ong last week and he told me u and yr bb r discharged. I know nothing about the jab... Dr ong say what I do what lor haha.... I trust him. Tromso, see we must bang table on dr ong clinic to ask for discount!! I m seeing him in 8 aug. I sure suan him again guess by then u have given birth pls tell him too. Haha dr ong still joked with me last week he should have a special chat room for ivf bb and mummies. I told him there is already and he was surprised!

Huh none of u gg down? Me have to wait for my hubby to come home then I can go for the sales. Joanne the wet wipes come with the liquid cleanser. Forgot the price. I m gg for the toys and clothes not so much on the wet wipes.
blur_xuan, we know from our Oscar scan, mine 80% girl, MC 85% LFT... since you don't need to do that scan, next month detailed scan you will know... I believe yours might also be LFT.
MC, congrats on the scan result and LFT. You were scan by the Indian lady from KKH? I was scanned by her too. She also told me cant tell the gender
i think she's rushing to go for lunch so maybe in a hurry? I saw a lady with a boy, is that you?

Tromso, the garden festive should go. Went once when they opened for a few days in the beginning of the year. Very nice display. Good to take photos
Juvi, I settled for Britax Royale convertible car seat ($100 discount, about 20%) and Combi Miracle Turn Premier (10% discount). According to the sales staff, that's the best offer she has seen from Combi and prices will only increase. I really don't know how much truth is in her words but we like the 2 items and are ok with the prices, so decided not to look further.

MC, happy for you on your good scan result & congrats on your LFT!

Hope, Congratulations and welcome!

Now we have 2 ladies here with the same nick, "Hope". This is an auspicious nick yah!
Oscar scan is not meant to scan for gender. So regardless who scan, they wun chek for gender. Also, it is too early to scan m confirm gender at so early stage. Even the gynae wun scan for gender now unless he accidentally see the gender by chance.
Any ladies thinking of sending their babies to infant care? I'm deliberating whether to cos next year my parents' block will be under upgrading, scared a lot of dust and dirt so may not be able to put baby there...

Catherine, how has infant care been for u? U're happy with the service right? Genius Hive only has one centre?
Luv - r u taking utrosgen now? Can I know what is your dosage per day? I am taking 2 in am and 2 in pm. Still having bad ms now don't know is it due to the high progesterone level
Kiki gal, yes, I love the Singapore Gardens Festival, will normally visit it when it's here, very inspiring and dream-like

But now I'm a bit concerned its getting quite close to delivery and walking too long a stretch. Plan was to go see the Cloud Forest conservatory at Gardens by the Bay but after I described my conditions to my mummy gf, she advised against it. Cos it's about a 2.5 hrs walk and I do get waves of ribcage pain daily, back oso gets quite stiff if I don't get to rest after 1 hr ish walk. I was jokingly saying to gf I don't want to be the first mummy to delivery in the conservatory, although its nicely air con at 24 degrees and amongst the greens lol... bad timing really

Will you be visiting these? I suspect the 2 conservatories will be far more spectacular than Garden Fes. There's a 32m waterfall in 1 of them - Cloud Forest
And featuring plants found at 2,000m altitude

I checked out the parking, killer rates lol
Hi JoT, yup, still taking. I'm taking 3 a day. But I've rearranged to one in the afternoon and 2 at night before sleeping. I also have Crinone insert twice a day. Waiting to wean off the meds!! My MS is actually getting a little better. I'm trying to stay positive and not scare myself, hahah...

Well, the doc did confirm that all these prog support makes the pregnancy stronger and therefore amplifies the MS. Well, gotta do it still for the sake of baby.

Are you into your 2nd tri already? Prob can stop near or when u enter 2nd tri?
Catherine, when time comes, I'll emphasize to Dr Ong I'm 1 of the mummies in the ivf forum...don't think he'll really give us special rates but I guess at least he'll be aware that we do compare and discuss heee....
JoT, did u ask for anti-vomit meds from ur doc? Can try, altho it usually makes one sleepy. If u're really not well, take HL or MC to rest at home? If really severe, like u can't keep anything down, maybe better to go to hospital and see whether need to be put on drip? Dehydration is dangerous. Take care!!
kiki gal...yap..i brought my son along with me tat day...shld be me gua...whr r u sitting that day? i really think that Indian lady is rushing...i was hoping to get the Chinese lady tat day but too bad..
Luv - I am now 11 weeks. Supposed to stop the med after week 12. But I really very Sian ....

Mc - did u do bt during Oscar? I supposed to go for Oscar on 23/7 but without the bt as I heard it is not accurate for twins. As I am already 39 this year, I might not get good result from Oscar too. Am thinking now whether I should just drop the Oscar test and go straight to Camden instead.....
Tromso, I'm thinking of going since it opened. But scared of the crowd. Also wanted to bring fur kids along but conservatories cannot bring fur kids. So need to go 2 separate weekends.

Besides, the killer parking fees, the conservatories also need to pay.

Think maybe you shld wait till aft your confinement then bring your bb there? Nice and cool. And can enjoy better without worrying
MC, I was sitting at the long sofa near the payment counter. You came out ard 12 plus? If so, she rushing cos after you left, she need to scan me cos bb not cooperative that day and it's almost their lunch time. She couldn't get my bb NT measurement and needed her colleague to come help out. But overall the experience is still good
Tromso : r u talking abt the gardens by the bay? I went last sun from abt 9 to 11am, paid abt $3 plus for parking then went to marina barage till about 12 plus. Ask my hubby to take foto of my preggy shape for remembrance. My nephew said ah kim look like giant! Hahhaa. This sat/ sun, planning to pay to see the domes. Did anyone go and see the gardens festival at Suntec? Think I wanna go while still can walk..
Mc, sometimes dun need to worry.... Congrats

Tromso, dun b bad to go. My parents went last sat. Both walk until leg aching. Go when U want to lose weight. Btw I did tell dr ong we discuss and compare rates. I even Say his rates r affordable.

Luv, yup genius hive only 1 centre. I like gg there during lunch time. Kids who dun know me will run to me tell me what they r eating, show me their handicraft, tell me they have party later, say hi to me and intro themselves to me. Sometimes my 5 mins visit will end up like 30 mins cos these kids will want to talk to me. I m ok with it seeing them So lively and happy I m feel so relaxed.... My gal nannies r v kan cheong. They stress me for no reason like tell me my gal got rash ask me rush down then speak to principal she say ok. I like the principal and teachers. All v friendly. Nannies wise I m trying to break the ice so far 3 nannies r nice to me. Still got 2 more to work on. Where r u intending to put yr bb? Better register fast. I did mine at week 10 leh...
Kiki, looks like there's quite a few ponds and grassy fields, I think the fur kids will love it
I couldn't help but wonder if these will be the next picnic grounds for the construction workers and maids...since its free...heh...

Tanny, parking is $1.50 first hour, then $3 subs 1 hr. You managed to complete 1 conservatory within 2 hrs? That's good speed

I'm hoping there'll be free outdoor performances in the future, SSO, movies, etc., just like at the Botanic Gardens
Catherine, still racking my brains to see if got any other solution other than infant care. Wld feel more comfortable with my own family member taking care. My gal's CC has infant care at another branch but too far away and seems very ex! Gotta keep thinking...
Oh, news just reported a lady was attacked by a wild dog while strolling along the Marina Bay area. Ladies be careful if u plan to visit the area!
MC, so happy for you to hear of ur Camden scan result and the great possibility of LFT. All is well!! Jiayou.

Welcome Hope!
enjoy ur 9months
kiki gal..yap i came out ard 12 plus...are u the thin gal in white?this is wat i can rem...i tot u r gone liao since yr appt is much earlier than mine.

luv..i did Oscar in kk then go to camden for 2nd opinion.

Joanne, i did bt 2 wks prior Oscar as bt results takes time. my suggestion is still go for oscar at kk as it is much cheaper. your reading might be ok...no need spent too much first.

Met dr tan jus now and he say camden report cannot substitute oscar report, its jus another form of assurance. he is quite funny..told me that my oscar risk is at 0.4% so if he tells me to take out 10k to buy toto and hv a 0.4% chance of striking, will i do it or not...lol

anyway, dr tan also advise no amniocentesis due to the high risk..so will jus go for the heart test and detailed scan..
luv...utrogestan will amplifies ms? omg...dr tan jus prescribed me with another 2 mths supplies of utrogestan...ughhh...when can my ms be gone like tat..
mc, that's what the doc said. But u're in 2nd tri right? MS should ease up soon bah. But maybe also cos you are having twins, that's why MS is stronger. Hang in there!
Hi Mc
No... Not enough bm for two.. Have to mix bm and fm...

Hi catherine
Oh.. U asks him abt me? Thot he got too many bbies & wun know who u refering to...;) too bad i cant go out yet to chiong for sales...

Congrat to Hope...
Joanne. Dr ong remembers!! I told him yr gynae is dr loh and he ask me the twins is it... Probably u r the handful of dr loh patient that he has. For me my gynae uses him for most of his patient he will not remember me la... He only remembers my gal for her big eyes.

Anyone at robinsons sales? My colleague is there and told me lousy. I m now at tangs. Really argh!!
Hi pierced
No no no.. U mistaken.. Not bbies face on cake.. Is bbies photos on the chocolate bar packaging..

Hi Catherine
So u choose 5 in one or 6 in one injection? Fr Doc Ong remarks, i feel he encourage us to take the 5 in one injection.. Hmm..

Hi Tromso
Any thots on the injection? Thk u..
Hi Joanne, I've not heard that 5-in-1 will less lightly to cause fever compared to 6-in-1. Technically, if I'm not wrong, incl Hep B, needs 2 fewer jabs for 6-in-1, so we are aiming for this too. Do you know if choosing 5-in-1, means have to go clinic additional 2 times for the separate Hep B or it's taken same day as the 5-in-1 jab?

So far people around me seems to hv chosen 6-in-1 cos fewer jabs.

Also to check with you, what supplements did you get from dr Loh for post delivery?
Hi Catherine, just wondering what supplements your gynae prescribed you for post delivery?

I had a look at Dr Loh's post delivery calcium supplement, content is quite high, about 1,400mg which probably means no need to take mummies formula milk anymore. But I would really love to get the additional vit and minerals in mummies formula milk, so just sussing out what the mummies are taking as supplements.
MC, congrats on the good camden report!

Hopeful, congrats and welcome!

Babyjourney, Angel, what prenatal supplements Dr Loh gave you? Is it the small bottle vit and boxes of fish oil (Prolacta DHA)? I am wondering if thats sufficient. Scared my diet also not enuff.
Heartbeats, yes Dr Loh gave me e small bottle of prenatal vits (small blue bottle) n prolacta w DHA (in box). U seeing Dr Loh this week right? You can double check w him if it is sufficient.
Hi Heartbeats, what I find is, according to the recommended daily intake for preggers, the DHA that dr Loh prescribes is enough. What I've done since the start of 3rd trimester is, I've up my DHA cos by then, dr Loh's dosage became minimal requirement, as the DHA we need is highest in 3rd trimester but it's perfectly fine too to take same dosage fr Dr Loh's as we get DHA fr other food sources too

As for the multivitamins, dr Loh's seems fine just that I find that iron is slightly lacking (compared with recommended daily intake for preggers) so I try to take more red meat. Unfortunately, there is no protein in the multivitamins if I'm not wrong and since we need abt 50-70g daily, can consider eating more chicken, eggs, beans, etc. For me, since my appetite isn't too great, I'm taking an organic plant protein powder.

Iron and proteins are both very important components for healthy growth of our babies (amongst other things), so it's good to include them in our diet

Recently, zinc has been getting more focus for pregnancy health, RDI 11mg. I think dr Loh's multivitamins doesn't has much of zinc, so I take walnuts daily since preg.

Sorry for the info overload. Hope this helps
Hi Catherine and Joanne (and other mummies taking post natal supplements), appreciate if you could share what your gynae prescribes


if you are taking mummies formula milk at the same time.

Heartbeats, I am also prescribed with a small bottle of prenatal vits (mine is small white bottle as the blue bottle was oos) and prolacta w DHA (a pack of 2 boxes).
tromso, interesting info regarding the prenatal supp.

my gal took the 5 in 1 jab last time from KK. I also forgot the reasons behind either 5 or 6.

heartbeats, think most will have the same supplements from Dr loh unless he feels u need more. my is also the prenatal (small white bottle) and prolacta.
